Let’s Do the Spacetime Warp Again
Most scientists will tell you that
wavefunctions, universal or otherwise, do not really exist, except on paper.
But it may be that wavefunctions really exist and are akin to the “mind of
God”. If the wavefunction is consciousness and our personal wavefunction is
connected with it in a constrained or limited fashion, too much information
appears as noise. But the connection suggests a relationship between
intelligence and spacetime.
Can we be scientifically conservative and
metaphysically bold, simultaneously? It means walking the narrow edge of
Occam’s Razor. Often metaphysical ideas are metaphorical and burden us with
false assumptions and irrational quantum leaps of logic. It is not that our
subject should be rational and linear, but these arguments are constructed such
that if you believe this underlying premise, it is assumed certain outcomes
result. At best this is the old mechanistic model of causal or classical
physics, not the counterintuitive quantum world.
The interactive field (psychodynamic field)
present in healing situations can be amplified intentionally through
therapeutic entrainment, or resonant feedback playing off the unified field
(universal field).
discovered an abstract pattern hidden beneath the surface of atomic matter that
determines its behavior in a noncausal way. Jung argued certain patterns are
linked in nonmechanical ways forming a causeless but meaningful order mirrored
in mind and matter.
the best paranormal image, which is like a
classic M.I.B! The guy has an alien on his collar or ear, there’s a wolf image
on the brim of his hat, and there’s some other stuff I can’t quite make out. So
far, everytime I get the wolf image, a big earthquake follows. This was received
a couple of weeks before a big Asian quake last Spring. As usual, I don’t get a
tie-in or location.”
Higher-level organizations in the brain have
been shown to exhibit their own characteristic shapes; but they are not
structured shapes, they are organizational shapes, space-time shapes,
algorithms bearing in them the potential of family of spatio-temporal shapes. These algorithm structures are inherent in
the brain and are part of its normal growth--they are inherently programmed
entities. They are essentially
archetypal response patterns. For example, distinct characteristic
evoked-potential shapes and sequences are obtained for changes in color. Changes in intensity of a single color
produce very simple response shapes.
There is evidence for different data processing for intensity and
color. Light and darkness show no
evidence of being opposites or different values of the same variable. They are
rather the result of stimulating and also inhibiting different receptors, a
2-channel process. In no way, may they
be viewed as positive and negative.
Each has its own individual character. White appears as the result of the mutual
inhibition of color. At this fundamental
level, results clearly imply an inherent form of organization and not a random
learning of nerve nets. According to Manfred Clynes, it is clear that every
stimulus form corresponds to a particular space-time shape in the brain in
terms of the electrical activity. These
space-time shapes are evidence of relationships between the external world and
its representation in the brain. Thus,
different representations are spatio-temporal “keys.” This has tremendous implications for
experiential or process-oriented therapy.
Replication and amplification of Clynes
experiments could shed great light on the transformations reflected in
endogenous evoked potentials. In general, psychologic thresholds seem to
parallel physiologyic threshold observations as determined by evoked
potentials. Often evoked potentials
forms can even be observed below psychologic threshold levels--at “subliminal”
levels. Clynes asserts that all the
perceptual characteristics of sound, for example, have their counterparts in
the coding of evoked-potential shapes -- in brain space-time. Again, the implications for experiential
therapy and bioengineering are numerous.
Known effects of geomagnetic pulsation
include synesthesia, anomalous cognition and [lucid] dreams, psi events, and
paranormal phenomena as well as heart attack, depression and suicidal
Can ambient magnetic fields lead to
disregulation of the mindbody creating magnetic hallucinations? Is our sanity
at risk as the Earth’s field fluctuates more and more? Is Earth driving us
Consciousness Studies supports a view where
nonlocality and intentionality transcend the bounds of normal space and time.
In other words, space and time are no impediment to instantaneous communication
at the most fundamental levels. BUT WE HAVE TO BE RECEPTIVELY TUNED TO THE
We can direct our intentionality toward
opening channels of communication with the future, and future generations.
SPIRITCOMM experiments are a logical extension of current scientific knowledge.
More systematic trials at this type of signal transfer through randomness might
reveal an unexpected glimpse of the near and far future, and what it wants and
expects of us.
Time has got nothing to do with it. Neither
does spatial displacement, as the Earth is always hurtling through a different
space-time coordinate in every moment of existence.
Recent evidence suggests that noise actually
aids the transmission of a signal. A small amount of feedback enhances the
voices, but too much just wipes them out. Random fluctuations actually enhance
wave propagation. They can boost a weak signal to detectable levels through the
phenomenon of stochastic resonance. Increasing amplitude creates qualitative
changes. Positive feedback leads to resonance of random and periodic stimuli.
Psi & GMF
Paranormal experiences (sensed presence, time
distortion, information acquisition, death crisis, eccentric thinking) can be
"induced" by a variety of fields. They are associated with
geomagnetic activity or lack of it and neuronal activity of the temporal lobes.
Sources of stimuli range from chaotic activity to field effects. Paranormal
beliefs are related to paranormal experiences, often substituting for
traditional religious beliefs.
We live in a dense soup of natural and artificial
magnetic fields induced by electric charges moving through electric fields.
Each event we experience as humans is centered in its own electromagnetic
field. Psi phenomena [healing, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, remote
viewing, psychokinesis, poltergeists, hauntings] are complex field effects.
Research suggests lower geomagnetic activity
correlates with increased psi activity such as telepathy and anomalous dreams.
Conversely, magnetically stormy days correlate with violent crime, bereavement
hallucinations, (sleep) paralysis episodes, psychokinesis and poltergeist
This nonlocal field may be enhanced or
disrupted by a variety of environmental conditions. Bursts of creativity in all
cultural forms flourish in years of highest solar activity. The same covariance
was found between hallucinations and magnetic disturbances.
Rhythmically changing electric, magnetic and
electromagnetic fields are ubiquitous in our environment. Persinger links GMF
field disturbances with the onset of a variety of disorders, including heart
attacks, increased blood pressure, seizures and strokes. Also, decreases in
nocturnal melatonin, enhanced anxiety, heart rate, sleep disturbance,
psychiatric admissions, light sensitivity, SIDS, depression, suicide and sudden
He also showed electromagnetic fields can
trigger mini-seizures. Abnormalities in the temporal lobes (TLE) caused by
genetics, injury, or infections can lead to amplification of
"spiritual" characteristics in the personality. Some people are predisposed
to psychism, mystical visions, or religious zeal. “Seekers” report intensely
personal, even idiosyncratic relationship with gods or demons, aliens or nature
spirits. Are we hardwired for religious beliefs? Or do some of us just have
more magnetite in our bodies?
When you stress and alter the rate of flow of
time, you also affect all those time-present things such as inertia of an
object, mass of the object, its angular momentum, clock rates, etc. You directly engineer local general
relativity, and electromagnetically curve local spacetime (Bearden, 1992). This
means that the second law of thermodynamics is not a mystical, irrevocable law
of nature at all; entropy can be directly changed into negentropy, and
negentropy can be amplified (with phase conjugate mirrors).
ELECTROMAGNETICS Mathematician Whittaker
showed that a scalar EM potential is comprised of bidirectional EM wave pairs,
where the pairs are harmonics and phase-locked together. In each coupled wave/antiwave pair, a true
forward-time EM wave is coupled to a time-reversal of itself, its phase
conjugate replica antiwave. The two
waves are spatially in phase, but temporally they are 180 degrees out of phase.
That combined energy thus stresses the “time dimension,” and in fact alters the
local rate of flow of time itself. Since
all the wave/antiwave sets are phase-locked, this potential in the local
spacetime form a spacetime lattice, perfectly organized both spatially and
temporally. This lattice is refered to
by Buckminster Fuller in his Synergetics books as the Isotropic Vector Matrix,
an omnidirectional, tetrahedrally omnitriangulated system. What is happening in
the Whittaker spacetime lattice, with respect to the photon coupling and
decoupling, is that energy is oscillating back and forth between expression as
EM energy/order (photons decoupled) and expression as gravitational
energy/order (photons coupled). Spin 2 statistical gravitons represent or
produce a flat local spacetime, since the lattice has no suplus or shortage of
either photons or antiphotons.
magnetic signals play an important role in
managing states of consciousness. Specific magnetic waveforms can carry the
same information content as the EEG.
These waveforms can actively kindle and entrain areas of the brain in a
rhythmic feedback cycle, creating a structure that can completely dominate the
person’s experience.
psychotherapeutic setting induces a critical
oneiric, or dream-inducing state, in which fractal time patterns of phasic
events similar to those existing during fetal rapid eye movement (REM) or
Active sleep are recreated in the adult.
This dynamically destabilizes the functional connectivity of the
brainstem and its habitual interactions with the bihemispheric temporal lobe
structures such as the amygdala, creating a functional state of plasticity in
these areas which facilitates the reintegration of traumatic memories.
Psychopathological interhemispheric dynamics are altered, dissipating old
behavioral attitudes and patterns.
This psychotherapeutic oneiric state is
similar to the complex behavioral states of REM sleep and attentional orienting
in that they all share the signature of the self-organized critical state.
Observed similarities between the neurophysiology of the REM state and that
induced by selective psychedelic drugs such as LSD or psilocybin further
substantiate this hypothesis. The dream-like
quality of these journeys and the emergence of discrete states of consciousness
(d-SOC) exhibiting particular imagery is reported by LSD-researchers (Tart,
1969, and Grof, 1988).
Geomagnetic storms are the magnetic changes
produced by ionospheric storms, and are thus associated with conditions capable
of changing the SR signals. However, although such storms can produce these
changes, measurement of these parameters cannot give any indication of whether
the resonance signals have changed to a value outside their normal range or
not. Since the undisturbed state of the ionosphere corresponds to the normal SR
patterns, then ionospheric disturbances are likely to produce abnormal
patterns, but will not necessarily do so in all cases. If biological response
is linked to Schumann's resonance signals, this will reduce any apparent link
with geomagnetic or ionospheric data.
Trying to determine the relationships between
geophysical and biological conditions can become extremely complex. The
frequencies of the SR signals change with ionospheric conditions. These
conditions change diurnally, seasonally and with variations in solar activity,
which, in turn, varies with the 11-year sunspot cycle and also with the
27-29-day lunar cycle, mainly during sunspot minimum periods. Lunar tidal
changes in the height and thickness of the layers could also sometimes affect
the cavity dimensions and hence the Schumann's frequencies. So can powerful ELF
signals from HAARP.
It should be borne in mind that if some
signal conditions are harmful, then other conditions might be beneficial. This
means that if, for example, seasonal and tidal conditions have resulted in the
signals being in a biologically disturbing state, then the advent of a solar
flare could result in changes in the signals, bringing them into a biologically
beneficial state. The converse could also occur.
If we are sensitive to ELF signals, then when
these factors are considered we would expect to get confusion if we try to link
any effect with geophysical changes. For instance, there could be incidences of
classic states of "lunacy" in some years if damaging signals
coincided with full moons, then in other years the observations and analyses
would show that the effects were not lunar.
An analysis of the correlation between the
incidence of ionospheric disturbance and rate of admission to Heathcote
Hospital (Perth, Western Australia) for about a three-year total indicated that
when a disturbance occurred then the admission rate changed. The probability of
the association being random was of the order of 2000:1 against. However, the
fact that sometimes the rate went up and sometimes down showed that ionospheric
storms changed the rate of incidence of mental disturbance in a way that is consistent
with that change being dependent on the actual causes being linked to
variations in the Schumann's resonance signals. At that point, Hainsworth
decided to concentrate on trying to get some observational work going on
measuring the SR signals.
Hainsworth's set-up used a 2,000-turn,
1-metre-square antenna, and another of 1/3-metre square, plus amplifiers to
handle signals from 0 to 30 Hz. His amplified Schumann's signals were analysed
in a laboratory. On one occasion the signal dropped to zero amplitude when a
solar flare occurred, and did not start recovering for about an hour and a half
afterwards. It was originally just under 7 Hz and came back at only just over 6
Hz. His next step would have been to develop a wave analyser to try to pick out
individual signals. But the failing health of both himself and his wife
prevented this.
The value of proceeding with his seminal work
has now increased many-fold due to the threat from the proposed US Missile
Defense Shield. This is the offspring of the United States' HAARP program in
Alaska, whose raison d'être, or mission statement, allegedly dealing with
national security, is vague if not purposefully misleading.
Hainsworth posed a series of questions, all
of which are answered with a resounding "yes". This should lead us in
the direction of extreme caution towards introducing new EM or ELF sources and
ionospheric changes in our environment. He presented his data in two papers
(referenced at the end of this article and posted on the website
http://www.nwbotanicals.org). His questions are as follows:
1. Does the human biological system contain,
use or generate any forms of electrical signal?
2. Does it respond to any of these signals?
3. Does it respond to audible signals at
these frequencies?
4. Does it respond to optical signals at
these frequencies?
5. Do human signals change with psychological
or mental states, such as stress or problem solving?
6. Does the human system respond to any very,
very low-power electromagnetic signals?
Brain waves have only been studied since
about the mid-1920s, and the signal form that is apparently most widely known
and identified is the alpha rhythm. The frequency of this signal varies from
individual to individual, but it lies between about 7-8 Hz and 12 Hz, with an
average value of 10.5 Hz. Theta and beta rhythm signals also occur, and are
identifiable by EEG below the 8 Hz and above the 12 Hz frequencies. Since the
discovery and measurement of these signals, a great deal of effort has been
devoted to trying to work out how they originated in the first place and what
determines their frequencies of operation.
In the early to mid-1950s, Schumann (a
geophysicist almost certainly uninterested in neurology) suggested that
electromagnetic signals might circulate at extremely low frequencies in the
electrically resonant cavity between the Earth and the ionosphere. He was
right. The signals came to be called "Schumann's resonances". One
major component was originally predicated at a frequency of about 10 Hz. In
1959 it was measured to be slightly different. Meanwhile, the military co-opted
the discovery for using ELF signals for submarine communications.
In fact, the first mode of these circulating
signals has an average value of 7.8 Hz, with a typical diurnal range of from
7.2 to 8.8 Hz, and the second mode has an average value of 14.1 Hz and a range
of from 13.2 to 15.8 Hz. These match the brain-wave theta rhythm and beta
rhythm nicely. The blank range between the two modes is a very reasonable match
with the normal frequency range of the human alpha rhythm, between 8 to 12 Hz
or cycles.
Additionally, it was found that there is
minimum (zero) power circulating in the Earth/ionosphere cavity at 10.4
Hz--which is virtually an exact match for the average value of the alpha
rhythm. Hainsworth points out that the existence of these natural signals and
the close relationship of their frequencies of oscillation were facts unknown
to senior neurologists and mental health specialists as late as 1975.
Spacetime for scientific philosopher Fuller
526.01 There is no universal space or static
space in Universe. The word space is conceptually meaningless except in
reference to intervals between high-frequency events momentarily
"constellar" in specific local systems. There is no shape of Universe.
There is only omnidirectional, nonconceptual "out" and the
specifically directioned, conceptual "in." We have time relationships
but not static-space relationships.
Time and space are simply functions of
velocity. You can examine the time increment or the space increment separately,
but they are never independent of one another. Space is the absence of events,
metaphysically. Space is the absence of energy events, physically. Space is the
antithesis of solid. Both are misnomers. Solid (or mass) refers to locals of
too high an event frequency for our physical members to penetrate or
conceivably tune in. Space refers to locals of an event frequency per volume
too low for our apprehending equipment to tune in. Space is all the observer's
untuned-in information. Space is finite as a complementary of finite Scenario
Universe. As a co- occurrent, complementary function of finite but
non-unitarily-conceptual and non- unitarily-tune-in-able Scenario Universe,
space is finite. Space does not have definable properties. Only systems have
definable characteristics. The cognitive awareness of space derives from
definition of system characteristics whose topological interrelationships
inherently and coherently divide Universe into insideness microcosmic space and
outsideness macrocosmic space. Systems have 32 topological characteristics
Space is the integral of all the frequencies that are too low for
tune-in-ability. Space is the aggregate of all the vector equilibrium nulls of
all magnitudes and frequencies of all isotropic vector matrixes always
potentially articulatable in all directions from any point of origin. Space is
never linear. Physics finds that Universe has no solid things surrounded by,
and interspersed with, space. Life is an inventory of tuning-ins and tuning-outs
of experience. Birth is the first tuning in; death may not be the last. Systems
divide all of Universe. Thought divides all of Universe. Thought is inherently
systemic__whose inherency always has its coherency of space. Only systems can
communicate space. Space is systems-defined-and-deferred awareness of
potentially tunable otherness.
Fuller considered humanity a micro Universe;
unfolding eventuation is physically irreversible yet eternally integrated with
Universe. Our experience of time is relative to our mesocosmic size:
Local variability within total order
synergetically explains and defines the experience ``time," which is
relative size experience. The magnitude of the event characteristics is always
accounted in respect to other time cycles of experiences. The cosmically
permitted and experientially accommodated actuality of the individual's unique
variety of sensorially differentiated local in time-space experiences also
accommodates the experienceability in pure principle of individually unique
physical life in concert with the only metaphysically operative, cosmically
liaisoned, weightless, abstractly conceptual mind, by means of all of which
physically and metaphysically coordinate experienceable principles it is
experimentally discoverable how genetic programming accomplishes the
``instinctive" conditioning of subconscious, brain-monitored, relative
pulsation aberration and transformation controls, which are all reliably
referenced entirely subconsciously to the eternally undisturbed, cosmic-coordination
regularities unbeknownst to the individual biological organism
"experience." The only instantaneity is eternity. All temporal
(temporary) equilibrium life- time-space phenomena are sequential,
complementary, and orderly disequilibrious intertransformations of
space-nothingness to time-somethingness, and vice versa. Both space
realizations and time realizations are always of orderly asymmetric degrees of
discrete magnitudes. Physics thought it had found only two kinds of
acceleration: linear and angular. Accelerations are all angular, however, as we
have already discovered. But physics has not been able to coordinate its
mathematical models with the omnidirectional complexity of the angular
acceleration, so it has used only the linear, three-dimensional, XYZ,
tic-tac-toe grid in measuring and analyzing its experiments. Trying to analyze
the angular accelerations exclusively with straight lines, 90-degree central
angles, and no chords involves pi and other irrational constants to correct its
computations, deprived as they are of conceptual models.
Microvibrations consist of oscillations in
the frequency range of 7 to 13 Hz, which can be observed on the surface of the
body during complete muscle relaxation. Not surprisingly, when astronauts began
going into space, the absence of Earth rhythms sent their bodies out of kilter.
Therefore, all missions include a generator that simulates SR frequencies for
Physiological coherence encompasses
entrainment, resonance, and synchronization, which are all distinct but related
physiological phenomena associated with more ordered and harmonious
interactions among the body's systems.
From an energy medicine perspective, the
heart is the most powerful electromagnetic organ serving important regulatory
functions. An ongoing dialogue takes place between heart and brain. The heart’s
EM field extends 12 to15 feet beyond the body, 50 times more powerful than the
brain’s EEG signals.
The heart is our most powerful organ.
The heart responds directly to the
The heart is the conductor of the energy of
the body’s cells.
The heart is a dynamic system.
The heart is the body’s primary organizing
The heart resonates with information-containing
The heart is the body system’s core.
The heart speaks and sends information.
All hearts exchange information with all
other hearts and brains. (Pearsall)
Every cell in the body is linked by
electromagnetic contact with the toroidal-shaped magnetic field of the heart,
mirroring the relationship of Earth with its organisms. Heart rate mediates
stress response and balance of the relaxation response. The connective tissue
matrix, with it semiconducting and liquid crystal holographic structure,
resonates with these field changes.
Cells are fractals embedded in a holographic
energetic matrix that extends beyond the skin boundary. The body is an
energetic event, a self-organizing electromagnetically unified matrix. The
living matrix continuum or tissue tensegrity matrix reaches inside each and
every cell, all systematically interconnected parts of the body, even more so
than the nervous system.
“Contrary to prevailing neuron doctrine, the
glial substrate and other perineural structures of the central nervous system,
through their sensitivity to extremely low levels of electric currents and
magnetic fields, may directly control brain functions. The neuronal brain is
not only supported by, but modulated by, the glial brain. (Becker)
Electromagnetism has effects on the
"integration of brain function" in consciousness. Becker hypothesizes
that DC and low-frequency extraneuronal electric currents generated in, or
transmitted by, the glial components of the brain and may be the basis of
perceptual awareness.”
Electromagnetic fields or relatively weak
power levels can affect intercellular communication. Bio-amplification is
apparently why radio signals of very low average power (mw) can produce audio
effects, and is difficult to detect. [Electromagnetic Interaction with
Biological Systems, ed. Dr. James C. Lin, Univ. of Illinois, 1989, Plenum
Press, NY]
Imposed weak low frequency fields (and radio
frequency fields) that are many orders of magnitude weaker in the pericellular
fluid (fluid between adjacent cells) than the membrane potential gradient
(voltage across the membrane) can modulate the action of hormones, antibody
neurotransmitters and cancer-promoting molecules at their cell surface receptor
These ELF sensitivities appear to involve
non-equilibrium and highly cooperative processes that mediate a major
amplification of initial weak triggers associated with the binding of these
molecules (specific cell surface receptor sites). Membrane amplification is
inherent in this trans-membrane signaling sequence.
Initial stimuli associated with weak
perpendicular EM fields and with binding of stimulating molecules at their
membrane receptor sites elicit a highly cooperative modification of Ca++
binding to glycoproteins along the membrane.
A longitudinal spread is consistent with the
direction of extracellular current flow associated with physiological activity
and imposed EM fields. This cooperative modification of surface Ca++ binding is
an amplifying stage. By imposing RF fields, there is a far greater increase in
Ca++ efflux than is accounted for in the events of receptor-ligand binding.
from imposing RF fields.
Enzymes are protein molecules that function
as catalysts, initiating and enhancing chemical reactions that would not
otherwise occur at tissue temperatures. This ability resides in the pattern of
electrical charges on the molecular surface.
Activation of these enzymes and the reactions
in which they participate involve energies millions of times greater than in
the cell surface, triggering events initiated by the EM fields, emphasizing the
membrane amplification inherent in this trans-membrane signaling sequence.
Frey and Messenger confirmed that a microwave
pulse with a slow rise time was ineffectual in producing an auditory response.
Only if the rise time is short, resulting in effect in a square wave with
respect to the leading edge of the envelope of radiated radio-frequency energy,
does the auditory response occur. This is why we don't "hear"
ordinary radio and TV signals.
The significance of "Embryonic
Holography" now becomes more understandable.
For example, the specific frequency bands
(0.3-3.0 Hz) are so flat as to appear almost 2-dimensional to most biological
processes on a semi-quantum mechanical level. This means that these frequencies
can be seen as "scalar" in their possible interaction with specific
brain processes.
Anti-gravity is not negative gravity but loss
of mass and may be the first differentiation from time.Slowing, decaying time
creates matter which is exploding outward, as is space-time. The outward push
is antigravity/slightly degraded time.We will discover antigravity and time
travel together as they would be mostly identical. Solitons, solitary light
waves or bell-shaped pulses, can cross each other without interference.Solitons
are solutions to nonlinear wave equations. Nonlinearity compensates for
dispersion propagating a stable wave of constant velocity and shape.A quantum
soliton cannot be localized in space all the time. There are no superpositions
possible, however.
Solitons evolve from quasiparticles to pure
gravitational waves.Gravitational holography claims the cosmological constant
is stable against divergent quantum corrections.In an expanding universe,
holographic quantum contributions to the stress-energy tensor order most of the
energy density of the dominant matter component (Thomas, 2002).The soliton
structure as an ultrastable nondispersive wave train is clear:Discrete
solitons, individual packets of light energy, form in light-induced photonic
A quantum soliton is a sphere- or disk-shaped
wave that does not spread out as it travels. Research shows it is possible to
contain a microscale lightwave interference pattern as a soliton necklace -- a
standing wave of light arranged as a ring of bright spots. Multidimensional
spatiotemporal solitons are called “light bullets.”
The foundations of fields overlap and
reverberate in a holographic frequency domain. Matter is induced by resonant
holographic resolution.In holography, three-dimensional illusion results from a
dense network of interference patterns. These patterns reflect the wave
character of light. A small piece of the hologram can be used to reconstruct
the whole three-dimensional image, but the resolution can be fuzzy.
If the piece of the hologram is too small,
the three-dimensional illusion disappears back into nodes of wavefunctions. Any
3+1 dimensional entity must be greater than the cosmic acceleration, or it will
be overtaken and obliterated by the 2+1 holographic field.Thus, events occur
not only in time but also with the aid of time, which is an active component of
the space and Universe.The concept of the directivity of time or its pattern
can be introduced into the mechanics of elementary processes.