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say seeing is believing, but sometimes in a rare, miraculous moment…sometimes HEARING is…
what you are about to experience is literally NOT of this world… but a
back from the beyond, especially… just for you! Following
below on this page are amazing samples of
this nineteen track series and
all the information you need to begin your journey now!
Perhaps its best to
consider and understand, that literally everything that exists is comprised
of and can actually be defined at a fundamental level AS vibration. Energy in specific motional, formative expression through time and space. This means that so to must Salvia
Divinorum, express itself as very specific energetic frequency profile. A significant, actual,
real world part of this profile has LITERALLY been concretely captured here, using proprietary technology,
developed in private seclusion over the course of many, many years by one
lone scientific researcher. That
researcher, is I, Donald Adams. I
don’t expect you to simply take my word for this. Instead I’m simply going to astound you
directly and let you come to your own good conclusions. Here on this page, you’ll have the
opportunity to experience and witness this phenomena first hand via samples
of this exotic audio technology, AND you’ll
be able to review an enormous amount of reports, testimonials and
feedback from users of this frequency technology. You can find on this page
a full version ten minute frequency which is one of the nineteen tracks in
the collection. This single version
should be quite powerful enough for you to experiment with to get a very good
idea of the potency of the entire collection.
We ask in turn that you report your own experimental results to our
dedicated Salvia Frequency forum. For
your convenience and enjoyment we also include a number of 30 second segments from various other
tracks in the collection so you can get an idea and feel for what the rest of
the collection is like The thirty second clips alone at the start of your
journey here should be sufficient for you to get a mild, but very
noticeable good ‘primer’ buzz. In fact
you probably felt odd sensations occurring fairly quickly on just the
first 30 second clip. Hang on the ride
is about to pick up! There are a
number of different audio samples you’ll get to enjoy soon in our journey
here together. Each 30 second segment
taken from various 10 minute tracks from the Salvia series is packed with
special unique coding, no track is identical to the other and each individual
track contains an entire psychedelic landscape within it. To be able to properly experience the full
effects of any one track you’d have to listen to the entire track using a
simple procedure – so 30 seconds is not going to ‘get you there’ ….but prepare
to have your mind happily blown with the audio samples and the amazing
accounts of users. Each of the 19
tracks is 10 minutes or longer, and a special but simple procedure used while
listening is required to induce dramatic and phenomenal effects. First, lets take a look at
what users of Salvia Divinorum often report as effects experienced on their
psychedelic journeys; Effects of Salvia Divinorum often Reported by Users ·
Laughing Uncontrollably ·
Memories of the Past, i.e. being in
places from childhood ·
Curious sensations of movement,
being twisted or pulled by unseen forces ·
Seeing Visions of membranes, films,
doorways ·
Seeing various two-dimensional
surfaces ·
Merging into or becoming certain
objects (such as a wall, a sofa, a wheel) ·
Experiencing the overlapping of
realities ·
Perceiving the ‘self’ as being in
many locations at once ·
Travelling through Time and Space ·
Traveling to other dimensions,
universes, parallel worlds, alternate realities ·
Meeting mystical beings, animals,
angelic entities, God, Aliens ·
Seeing right through walls ·
Feeling increased sexual awareness ·
Vastly Increased insight, self
realizations and making discoveries ·
Experiencing the improvement of mood ·
Great Calmness ·
A sense of increased connection with
nature, the earth, the universe ·
Feeling like one is floating out of
the body ·
(OOBE) Out of body experiences and
sensations ·
Experiencing Lucid Dreaming ·
An increase of self-confidence and
self awareness and realization By clicking and reviewing
the above link these answers and more are addressed thoroughly and in great
detail. This however, is really one of the most important questions most
people have. The answer is “ NO “, they won’t do that,
but I’m very confident you’ll see this as a miraculous and positive
benefit. Here’s why; you can have a
‘bad trip’ on Salvia Divinorum ( the physical drug from the actual plant)
sometimes, AND for most people the actual trip tends to only last ten minutes
at its peak. The Salvia frequencies
have been specially filtered to allow only the beneficial aspects of the drug
experience to reach you, AND the experience can last for hours and
hours!!! Over the last few years I
have successfully modeled a number of psycho-active substances. These emulations have proven to be very
successful and you can read the reviews of these by our members in our groups
archives. We’ve often found that for
most users the overall experiences tend to be the same or similar, but some
people are ‘wired differently’ inside and that often allows for variance in
the details of the experience. For a
very small percent of users the effects may be very mild to barely
noticeable. If used properly however,
following simple instructions, most users are very very pleased with the
results they get from our substance emulations! Interestingly, another phenomenon also
plays out often with users, they find that their own response to a frequency
can change dramatically over time. We
believe the reason for this is related to the internal make up of the
listener and the affect of background natural cycles on their own physiology,
most notably is moon phase and the position of the moon in the synodic
cycle. This means you may listen to
one track during the new moon and then later listen to the same track during
the full moon and your experience can be very different! OK! I’M EXCITED
NOW! How do I listen to the Samples? Following are samples for
you to enjoy. Simply click on each of
the below tracks and listen. Each sample is a thirty
second clip, taken from various tracks in the nineteen part series;
WOW! The samples
have to purchase anything to begin experimentation with FULL VERSIONS? No. You don’t have to purchase anything at
all. Right from the start, over three
years ago, our commitment was first and foremost to authentically serve the
greatest good of humanity in the best way we knew how. It is important to us that everyone has a
chance to experience and experiment with this technology. As part of our commitment we are offering a
full version track here from this collection so that all have this
opportunity. We do ask however, that you make an effort to share with our
online Yahoo community your experimental observations, this way you still
contribute in an energy exchange and you help and support others by sharing
your experiences. For those who wish
to enjoy the ENTIRE collection (and each track tends to give a very different
trip and set of sensations) and support our ongoing research and development
you may of course purchase this. Here is your FREE FULL VERSION
Frequency Track for you to download. For
PC users you can right click with your
mouse on the link and then save it to your Desktop. If you just click on the link, it may open
up an Internet browser window and start playing the track immediately; ( SCROLL DOWN ON THIS PAGE, (Locate Link), FOR MORE INFORMATION ON USAGE AND INSTRUCTIONS. )
Salvia Divinorum Frequency Collection? SIMPLY CLICK “BUY NOW” BUY
FOR YOUR DOWNLOAD ACCESS LINKS TO BE EMAILED TO YOU. Check your inbox or trash box for an email from ‘Tradebit’,
this includes your pin code for access and links.
I’d like to know more about the actual plant
Salvia Divinorum ( INFORMATIONAL LINKS ) Following are links for
your convenience, covering various topics on Salvia Divinorum, including
basic information, history, usage and related information. Text associated with the links are excerpts
from these sites and full credit to each is given; What is Salvia Divinorum? “Salvia Divinorum is a
powerful herb that produces psychedelic qualities upon consumption. The
effects of Salvia Divinorum are described as mind-altering experiences
that vary depending on the strength of extract used. Legal in most of the
U.S., Salvia Divinorum is a great way to experience altered states
of reality that often provide euphoric journeys that one could not
explore otherwise. Salvia Divorium is safe;
As an herb, there is no known risk of addiction and no known long-term side
effects. The Salvia Divinorum plant
& leaf has a long tradition of use as an entheogen by Mazatec shamans,
who use it to facilitate visions during spiritual sessions. Salvinorin A is the only naturally
occurring substance known to induce a visionary state this way. “ Good General Description Effects Described Largest Retailer of the Substance in the UK Enhancing Perception Through Magik Plants Salvia Divinorum: Exploring New Dimensions Salvia Divinorum: source of the most
amazing and mind-blowing dimension/perception shifts... Questions and Answers Smoke Salvia Divinorum: 10 trippin' ideas “SALVIA DIVINORUM - Conscious Journey Into The Dream SALVIA
DIVINORUM will take you to the Oniric World where you'll live unbelievably
real and magical things. If you are a
person seeking spiritual growth, willing to explore different plains of
existence and maybe even contact with other beings it is worth a
Divinorum is not addictive, it is truly impossible to abuse and the risk of
permanent damage is none (as far as the known reports go), but it is
extremely important to get to know the plant and its effects to decide
whether this is the right experience for you and to prepare appropiately. “ Salvia Divinorum Effects, Photo of plant, history Salvinorin A is the main active substance in Salvia Divinorum. “It is the most potent
natural psychoactive known (based on the quantity of the substance necessary
to reach breakthrough effects)... it is even compared with LSD, although it's
effects are in no way similar to those of any other substance such as mescalin,
psylocibyn and LS…” EFFECTS OF SALVIA DIVINORUM: INTO MULTI-DIMENSIONS “Some important tips to prepare before the
experience and to keep in mind while on it: BE PREPARED BE READY BE OPEN ...EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED... Is
it an alternate reality we suddenly get to? Maybe
we are just able to perceive things in this reality that we normally can't
see... What
if we are just deeply experiencing our own psyche reflected upon us, making
us able to see ourselves in ways unthinkable in a sober state of
perception... -
There's a big chance that you will be meeting entities: their nature varies
from experience to experience and also from person to person; don't be
surprised to find gnomes, aliens, humanoids or a great, mysterious female
presence (this last one is very common... the Mazatecs regard her as the
Virgin Mary's spirit, hence it's name: Ska Pastora) -
Let go... whatever happens don't resist. It will only make the experience
frightening and difficult. Appreciate everything you experience as something
you can learn from, if you find yourself struggling with it or overwhelmed,
remember that you'll be back to normal in just a few minutes and focus on your
breathing -
That above could be difficult to remember while on the effects of Salvia
Divinorum, that's one important reason to have a sober sitter next to you:
they can always offer reassurance and remind us that we just smoked Salvia,
to let go, and hang on for a few minutes until effects subside. “ Is Salvia a Miracle Drug? “Some
researchers argue against criminalizing the psychedelic, saying that it could
help treat various ailments, including cancer, HIV, and addiction.” |