6 deg Pisces

This degree tends to confer physical sturdiness and proportionate lust or lusts. The craving for money is not the least of them. Whether he is compelled to hoard by a niggardly greed, or is driven to amass money by a reckless personal ambition aiming only at his own success, or in order to restore the level of his father’s family up to the splendor of its gifts or its renown, the native seems to act on the firm conviction that one single lucky stroke —on the green carpet, at the races, or at the exchange —would manage to solve once and for all the twofold problem of food and the family’s gilt edge. Yielding to this temptation would mean his final undoing.

The career of arms (not of the sea) seems to be the thing for him; a good marksman, an impenetrable character, a combative or downright aggressive person, a commanding figure, he has all the makings of a successful soldier or airman. And his power of concentration will fit him for different careers as well, according to the rest of the astrological data.

He is certain to set his aim high, and likely to attain it too, if he is as careful as he is ambitious.

6-7 deg Pisces

Symbol: The guardian of the Threshold.

A hard trial to face; a frightful obstacle to overcome. In an otherwise irrelevant horoscope this degree will make the native into an usher, a doorkeeper, or, at best, a chamberlain. Where no other influences are at play, the native will be very keen on his own comfort and leisure, and this will make him dodge the obstacle mentioned above.


But little as the nativity swerves from the trodden path, here are the greatest chances of evil or good ever accessible to human beings, both of them in a mystical sense, with a deep religious feeling, or at least with a formal respect for rituals and ceremonies.


Where good factors concur, the way to saintliness is open to the native, or he can receive the highest initiation. He may become a church dignitary, or a valiant scientist, a profound thinker or even a remarkable artist, but always on the plane of universal ideas.


A humble, but not bad, nativity, may bestow a lower degree in the ecclesiastical heirarchy. (as a convent’s guardian) or a low one (a lay brother, a sexton, or the like). On the other hand, a noble but rebellious theme will produce that amount of anticlericalism that marks many a sincere follower of the church, or will lead the native so far as to oppose the church on behalf of a religious, or nearly religious, ideal striving to be more universal than Catholicism and to be worshipped more faithfully than Islam.


The concourse of evil components will lead to black magic, the practice of Satanism, possession or obsession, or in a humbler way, to witchcraft, shamanism, necromancy (so-called spiritualism) practiced as a ritual, etc.


The absolute absence of any spiritual component will lead to Goddess Reason’s abstract worship in a more developed native, to non-initiatory freemasonry in an indifferent subject, and to sectarian partisanship in a poor devil.


In the field of affairs, of ordinary administration or even of everyday life, this influence will lead to heaping mistakes on mistakes. The native will have to pay more attention and to curb his absent-mindedness. Yet this is a remarkable mind with an uncommon steadiness in study.


ASCENDANT        asc, tau, 29, 48, 43

Active 4:30 to 6:30 PM

29 deg Taurus

Symbol: A woman leading a beast of burden by its halter

The female native will find it perfectly normal to order and bully the husband around. Should other features bear out a hard and domineering temper, with an outer display of bluster, we should have a regular Xanthippe, who will not see anything in her husband but a burden-bearing and brooding animal, of course, exclusively reserved, to herself, and at the limit will martyrize him systematically and go so far as to drive him to murder her, unless he has a Socrates’ endurance.

Things are worse in a male horoscope. The other components ought, however, to be carefully weighed, and it has to be decided whether the omen refer to his (lawful or unlawful) mate, or to himself. In the former case, the man, of course, is the victim. Should contrary features of overbearingness be at hand, which could not possibly regard others, he is then certainly himself the tyrant looking at his dependents as pack mules, ignoring their human dignity, or taking a great delight in trampling upon it. The one hypothesis does not altogether exclude the other.

Whether a woman or a man, the native would assuredly be in for a great many unforeseen events. He may well be cowardly as all real bullies are; but he is unlikely to have true foresight. Someone may thrash him within an inch of his life, or even shoot him as a dog. Vulgarity and bigotry usually complete the picture of such a character.


MID HEAVEN        cap, 25, 41, 40

Active 4:30 to 6:30 PM


25 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A fair lady riding and holding a gerfalcon on her fist.

The native reaps where others have sown. An unquestionably gentle and demonstrative but fickle and shallow person, given over to fun and enjoyment, and fond of frills and frolics, the native will be but an amateur in everything; yet, barring a sudden accident, she will have luck on her side.

Unless, as I said above, a sudden accident hits her; the position of Uranus in the pattern has to be considered.


DESCENDANT     sco, 29, 48, 43

Active 4:30 to 6:30 PM

29 deg Scorpio

Symbol: An elderly man, draped in the regalia of old universities, sits at a table, a book unfolded before him. On the wall behind, hunting trophies.

Fondness for learning, aptitude for arts, and scientific gifts. A creative and original mind that can reach the height of genius, if the other stars bear this out.

Inner nobility and humane feelings.

A sedentary life on work days, sport in the open on holidays; fondness for hunting, success in shooting at stool pigeons.

On the whole, good luck, even a very good one, if it did not keep the native waiting too long.


IMUM COELI         can, 25, 41, 40

Active 4:30 to 6:30 PM

25 deg Cancer

Symbol: A wild horse

The strongest man is the one who stands most alone. Ibsen, An Enemy of the People

A high-spirited being, full of noble purposes and setting his aims high, cherishing freedom above all earthly things and driving this love so far as to stray away from his kind into silence and seclusion. If other stars help, this will not prevent his doing great works likely to exert a deep influence on his neighbors and to leave a mark in history. The secret of his success is his unshakable self-confidence supported by a fiery will.

Under less favorable influences his daring may become a reckless love of adventure, his zest for work wild and fickle fanaticism, his lofty aspirations selfish ambitions.

Travel will play some role in his life. Concurrent emergence of suitable factors might make him into a pioneer.




28 deg Scorpio

A faith ready to stand any test is the keynote of this degree, where the word faith may be taken to mean anything within the limits of the meaning conveyed by such an extensive word. In a good sense, this will be faithfulness to a religious ideal, apt to create perfect human relations. Were it bad faith, this would turn into lasting grudges and ill-will, or Mito treacherousness in trade; viz., cheating; and it may bring about an accomplice’s solidarity and a tendency to stick together in crime.

Certain virtues, however, are sure to be there: scrupulousness, reserve, earnestness and firmness in purpose, consequence in one’s views.

Whether honest or dishonest, the native, is of an austerity bordering on prudery; he will appear sometimes priggish but always will make a thoroughly spiritual impression. Therefore his trespasses are so much more dangerous, and his crimes so much more intentional.



How to use the above table:


Note the days, dates and times listed, 


Adjust the times displayed to your timezone in relation To the default display of MST time.


Understand that these time windows serve as “triggers”, tipping points, pressure releases,

fractures, etc… change is imminent – possibly explosive ones.  These triggers often

facilitate the energy release, state transition for planetary aspects (often hard ones).


Once you have noted the correct times of the Danger Time Windows, review the degrees the

planets and moon are on as these will give you insight into the probable details of how these

energies will manifest in the real world as the types of people that will show up, their character,

the type of events and circumstances likely occurring.  Daily examples will often be posted below showing the challenges and warnings for the times indicated.  This page will be often updated, but not always.  Descriptions of the planets on degrees will be shown in the “Daily Alerts” section shown below.


IMPORTANT!  All planets do not move at the same speed.  The moon and Mercury move the fastest in the sky while most of the other planets move much slower.  We pay special attention

To the movements of the moon and Mercury therefore to forecast probable short term changes through out our day.  This can be very helpful for choosing the right timing of events

and circumstances and can easily make the difference between success or failure in ventures we engage in.  We also pay attention to points in the sky ( these are not physical bodies).  These points in the sky change every two hours.  Normally, astrologers use these points in natal charts as fixed

referenced points for qualities of character ingrained into the birth chart.  I contend however that

these points reveal important information about whats generally happening in the environment, trend wise for most people.


Ascendant                Current Social Masks being worn, Natural unconscious reactions to



IC                                    Secret Self, unconscious impulses, environmental conditioning


Mid Heaven                  Public Persona, how society sees you


Descendant                 The “other” seen on the horizon, the mirror, the partner (friend, enemy,




Ascendants ( Also MC, IC & DESC ) change in two-hour intervals, with the entire zodiac being represented in one 24-hour day; that said, you chose to enter this world during one of those two-hour periods. The rising sign at the moment of your birth is the one you will embody not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. “…the sign that was rising over the Eastern horizon at your time of birth. Your rising sign is a very important part of your astrological personality profile. It illustrates your outward self: a social mask of sorts…”

Your Ascendant is often considered to be that by which other people understand us; when meeting others, they will see you through the lens of your Ascendant, rather than your sun sign. Our Ascendants show our natural, knee-jerk reaction to new people and situations.

“…signifies the individual environment and conditioning that a person receives during their upbringing


“…the ascendant is also concerned with how a person has learned to present themselves to the world, especially in public and in impersonal situations. To astrologers, in some circumstances, it can function as a shield or mask to guard a person's real nature - in other words the 'defense mechanism' every person has to cope with unfamiliar or uncomfortable situations. Astrologers believe the ascendant also has a strong bearing on a person's physical appearance and overall health.”


IC – IMUM COELI : Fourth House/IC: The fourth house represents your home and family, and the environment into which you were born (and which shaped you as a young child). The line that creates the cusp of the fourth house is also the IC (imum coeli), which is the lowest point of the horoscope; it is fitting that the IC describes our roots. The IC is directly opposite the Midheaven (MC) in the tenth house. Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, governs the fourth house in the natural zodiac.


The Imum Coeli is said to refer to our roots and also to the least conscious part of ourselves. It symbolizes foundations, beginnings in life, what may have been experienced through parental inheritance and homeland influences, need for security and relationships with the home and family life.  In many cases the IC refers to a parent — traditionally, the father. Modern astrologers may use the IC as a significator for the mother, or for both parents. There is no consensus in modern usage for which parent is best represented by the IC.  Imum Coeli, which is the lowest point of your chart, the dark of the night. This represents where you came from, your upbringing, who you are deep inside and where you go to retreat into yourself. What makes you feel like a little kid again and brings you inner security. This is the point in the chart that is hardest to read. It’s where you keep things cooped up inside and show only a select few. Any planets in conjunction to this point will be extremely private and hard to read by others as they are the deepest part of your being. Connecting with these planets is important for the native in order to truly understand themselves.

The IC, or Nadir, is the point where we meet the deepest part of ourselves. The IC is typically described as representing our family history and psychological roots. The ancient Greeks considered the IC to be the home of the underworld and in psychological astrology the IC usually represents the nurturing parent – typically the mother, but not always. Sometimes the IC represents the grandmother if the parents were absent, and the father can also be present there if he was the parent that did the nurturing in the home.

From a transformational perspective, the Imum Coeli is the midnight of the soul. It shows the psychological legacy from our parents and ancestors that submerges in the unconscious until activated, usually by transit of a planet to that point. This is the point at which we enter the underworld of our own internal psyche, turning inward to meet the essence of who we are in this lifetime.

There is a certain amount of karma and destiny inherent in the cardinal points or “angles” (ascendant/descendant, Midheaven/Nadir) and transits to angles are usually life-changing events. The nadir is where we turn inward for self-examination, where we settle with ourselves and become aware of what lies within us. Our hidden fears, desires, dreams, parts of ourselves that have become lost – all lie at the IC waiting to be discovered. Until we are able to embrace and reclaim these parts of ourselves we cannot manifest our highest aspirations as shown by the Midheaven. Therefore, the IC is really the foundation of the personality and of the chart and the key to unlocking our personal evolution.

DESCENDANTDESC - we discriminate between who we want to connect with and who we don’t. We discover connections between us and those we want to get close to. This is where we are drawn to others, for known or unknown reasons, and we reach out to them to learn more about ourselves. This holds the descendant. It’s where we project our own desires. We are a magnet for the descendant, and we send all that we deny in ourselves, as well as all that we graciously accept- allowing the universe to send us others who fit these needs or show us what we need to see. The 7th is intimate conversation with another human being. We will get what we need, not necessarily what we want, with the 7th….refers to partners or relationships. The descendant is ruled by the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra, and its ruler planet, Venus. The sign the seventh house is in is, for astrologers, the sign of people you are the most attracted by, you easily get along well with and you are most likely to start a love relationship with, if backed up by other zodiacal aspects. Seventh House/Descendant: This is the house of marriage and relationships between others. All contracts, partnerships, relationships, and marriages are governed by the seventh house. The line that forms the cusp of the seventh house is the Descendant; it is the sign (opposite your Ascendant) that was in the West at the time of your birth. Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, governs the seventh house in the natural zodiac.  As the seventh is the first of the social houses, the Descendant marks the beginning point of outward expression. It is here that we enter the realm of relationship. This is the place in the chart that describes our experience of others - how we deal with interpersonal relationships and how we develop our understanding of and connection with other people. The natural ruler of this house is Libra - a sign that is essentially concerned with creating balance, and as such it brings lessons regarding the integration of opposites. This being so, even though the Descendant might be said to relate to our ideal self, it is important to remember that this position can reveal either collaboration and alliance or competitiveness and conflict within our close associations.


The Descendant sign illustrates distinctive qualities regarding the impulse for liaison - our general attitude to those we are in close contact with, what we seek from them, what we give to them and how we relate to and respond to them. Not only does this point describe who you are drawn to and get along with, it also shows the way you endeavour to work harmoniously with others and how you interact with them both on a personal level and in business. The manner in which you deal with controversy, compromise and issues of equality are shown here too as are traits that may be precarious in an adversary.

By definition, the Descendant is the opposite point to the Ascendant and from this we can infer that our sense of identity is influenced by the relationships we attract into our lives. The sign on this point can represent a quality you like in yourself or one you feel is lacking and so seek in others in order to compliment your own life path and to experience a sense of completeness. Thus, it is perhaps true to say that the particular qualities and attributes we seek - and admire - in a partner, are the very qualities we perhaps need to develop and consciously work towards and acquire within ourselves.

"Used to its highest potential the Descendant can show the way to harmony, peace, equanimity and accord."

As the cuspal point of the seventh house, the Descendant advises about important people in the life. It governs committed relationships, hence business and personal partnerships, associations with lawyers, mediators and consultants come under its rulership as does marriage, close one-to-one links and long-term associations. It is also said to rule open enemies - rivals, opponents and competitors - it is after all the counterbalance to the Ascendant, the house of self. Furthermore, it reveals your needs as regards relationship and how they may be fulfilled, as well as what you want from the other person and the response you give in return.

The element of the Descendant sign gives valuable information as to attributes we find desirable in a partner as well as elements within our own nature we do not want to own. A fire sign at this point of the chart suggests a need for energy, enthusiasm and inspiration within close links or it can give rise to an impetuous, confrontational or argumentative attitude to others. An earth sign implies a need for practicality, stoicism and usefulness or it can be intractable, disapproving and controlling. An air sign can occasion a need for feedback, objectivity and a good flow of ideas or it can induce a restless, overly compromising or indifferent approach. A water sign intimates a need for nurturance, care and support or there could be a somewhat smothering, jealous or impractical stance towards other people.


MC – Mid Heaven, Medium Coeli - The reason it is important is because it is the very top of your chart- the highest point- taking on the symbolism of reaching your highest aspirations and goals.

Your Midheaven is where you intend to go. It is how you want to be seen, what you strive to become, and how society sees you as a whole. It’s your public persona. This is the area that gives you enjoyment, and a career that revolves around the sign, planets, and/or aspects of your Midheaven will make you feel alive. This is also your reputation- on a grander scale. Your goals are mostly centered around the energy of your Midheaven because it’s where you strive to end up and what you’re willing to put your time and effort into.

Planets that are in conjunction to your Midheaven are extremely important and will play a key role in your destiny, for the Medium Coeli rules your mark on this earth and what you leave behind. Any other major planet aspects will affect it as well, but a conjunction is the strongest indicator of influence.

The Midheaven is exactly opposite your Imum Coeli. Your Midheaven must satisfy your Imum Coeli- so even though they are in opposition, it’s important for them to learn to get along with each other. It’s the key to inner happiness and happiness in the community.



AT LONGITUDE OF 113 degrees AND LATITUDE OF 53 degrees,

SO ADJUST THIS TABLE FOR YOUR TIME ZONE and local space coordinates for correct time/space to track this phenomena!













The Moon Phase Calculator was originally developed for parents of autistic children.  For an unknown reason, many children with autism have abnormal reactions during the selective lunar periods.  Following is a report that collaborates this observation.


Data on five aggressive and/or violent human behaviors were examined by computer to determine whether a relationship exists between the lunar synodic cycle and human aggression. Homicides, suicides, fatal traffic accidents, aggravated assaults and psychiatric emergency room visits occurring in Dade County, Florida all show lunar periodicities. Homicides and aggravated assaults demonstrate statistically significant clustering of cases around full moon. Psychiatric emergency room visits cluster around first quarter and shows a significantly decreased frequency around new and full moon. The suicide curve shows correlations with both aggravated assaults and fatal traffic accidents, suggesting a self-destructive component for each of these behaviors. The existence of a biological rhythm of human aggression which resonates with the lunar synodic cycle is postulated.

J Clin Psychiatry. 1978 May;39(5):385-92.





Individual and collective human consciousness AND the weather, tend to go screwy, chaotic at certain times.  This can affect the mind, body, emotions, and relations with others badly.  Damage to self and others can occur during these times.  Energy loss and dissipation occurs, foggy thinking, accidents, injury, argument, irrational behavior, malicious actions, poor choices and decisions.


Generally, a good overall description that fits this can be seen by the same description we see for ‘moon void of course’ periods, although the red table above does not describe ‘moon void of course’ events they are very similar in nature.  Go to this link ;


During red zone alert times, it is recommended that you withdraw from the human collective, do NOT travel if you can help it, take no important actions, make no important decisions, rest, relax, mediate, be still.





What I have discovered is that when “bad things” are happening or have

The potential to, especially when major astrological transits or aspects

Are happening, the actual manifestation of negative events are pushed through

Certain time windows that can be easily forecast in advance, these time

Windows can be explicitly revealed by lunar position.  When you know

WHEN the bad stuf will happen you can prepare in advance and increase your

Probability of REDUCING the danger, injury, or stress!


Find out what the EXACT hours are when the worst of these energies strike! 

When you know in advance what sort of trouble is on the way at least you can

prepare your self emotionally, mentally and physically and you have a far better

chance at taking effective precautions to safe guard those you love, yourself

and your own interests!  Consult the table below to determine what are the

most dangerous times, right down to the specific minute!  Note this table is

rendered in MST time, so adjust times for your local time accordingly.













For protection against negative energies using our frequencies we absolutely

Recommend our “Dispell Darkness” series.  This is an essential “must have”

Collection to help you get through these times!



Hyper-dimensional entities


Dark Cupid relationships


"The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics."


— Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)



“Mankind is not a circle with a single center but an ellipse with two focal points of which facts

are one and ideas are the other.”


--Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

















The naturopathic doctor said, "one of your health issues is related to trust, it impacts your body directly" The patient said, "How so?". The doctor continued, "You give your trust to those who dont deserve it or have properly earned it, and you withhold your trust to those who are worthy of it"


The patient asked, "How can I tell the difference between the two?"


The doctor said, "thats easy - those people who seem eager to have your trust but who are predators that simply want to use you for their own ends, will become impatient, moody, aggressive, pushy or may try to seduce or pursuade you in some way - in short they put inappropriate pressure on you to do, say something or give them something in a period of time where you havent yet had the appropriate chance to fully assess their real intentions. If you insist on having an appropriate amount of time to truly evaluate them and to make a proper decision, and if you resist the inappropriate pressure they put on you then they will simply leave as they will figure out that they may have a faster easier psychic meal elsewhere from some other potential victim with less discernment, some one more foolish than you, they may try to overtly betray what ever confidence they had with you just prior to their exit, or they may suddenly switch from their "nice guy, nice girl" persona they were using to try to manipulate you with all along, and when that mask falls they may present you with their true face, one that is grotesque with the distortion of inner selfishness, bitterness, biting acid, sharp and warped grimaces formed from seeking personal power and materialism at all costs. They may say and do mean things to you for no good reason as they are about to exit, a reflection of their internal poverty of character and lack of inner goodness and happy natural innocence. They do all this not because you are bad and you deserve to be punished. They do this for reasons such as ; they hate themselves on some level and they are unable and unwilling to consistently commit to their own consistent
healthy growth and self actualization, their inner nature is torn by chaotic selfish impulses, desires and they are unable to love themselves in a balanced way.

So if they cannot consistently commit to themselves, do not love themselves, do not treat themselves properly - how could you expect them to honestly offer any of these healthy relational virtues to you? I f they claim they will, it is nothing but a smoke screen and charade, and usually they know this full well.


The patient asked, "how can I tell the good people then, the ones that wont hurt or use me and who are really worth while for me to open up to an trust?"


The doctor replied, "that is also easy!"


"What you look for, is their consistency over time."


"People worthy of your trust are committed to themselves, they do not flake out, they are reliable in speech and action over time, they demonstrate repeatedly that you can count on them to do what they say and promise, they love and care for themselves, they take personal responsibility for their own needs and desires, they are not governed by every whim, impulse and desire. They will not pressure you into making important decisions, including ones related to how much you should trust them in some area of life, to them its generally ok for you to take as long as you need to choose how much you trust them because they are only IN the relating to you for sheer sake of the value of the relating and the best fulfillment thereof, they are not seeking to use or manipulate you in some way, or to selfish use some part of you or their relationship with you to simply fill some void in their lives. They wont lie to you for personal gain, they wont be dishonest to you if it provides them with some form of entertainment or fleeting imagined short lived dark pleasure.
In short the ones you cant trust will leave in a shorter period of time when they sense they cant easily get what they want from you and they will go elsewhere for their vampiric meal, the ones you can trust will love and accept you just for who are and because that is what they value its ok for you to take all the time in the world and they will be fine and happy with that - and these are the ones you can trust who will be your best of friends ion what ever area of life they arrive in"
















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