All our audio tracks have different unique soundscapes which literally represent different positive internal states.  In this video you can visually see via cymatics what some of these energy fields actually look like.  When you purchase any of our tracks you get audio files that can be played as sound ( no visual videos included ) or as silent varying magnetic fields - which means you can play the tracks silently, portably and they will still work.  To use the tracks on silent mode use one of the low cost silent emitter devices 
( not included ) .

Direct Emotional Response from your audience

Amplify Specific Emotions for your Audience

Hundreds of 'Body-Mind' States 
to choose from

  • FUN


  • TRIPPY &

    These SOUND CLIPS can be used to influence emotional states and are suitable for film production and networks like Netflix, Amazon Prime, VH1, etc.   Social Influencers can also provide these clips to their followers. These audio clips are also great choices for gaming, virtual reality and media production companies that want that extra leverage when driving emotional states for experiencers.  These audio clips work well on their own but also embed and layer well with other soundscapes while retaining their psycho-active effectiveness. These audios are available mainly in mp3 format and tend to be 5 to 10 minutes in length.  These audios work well when a clip is looped on its own or with a few others for playback.

    These are patterns of emotion, mind and behaviour that resonant entrainment causes to "switch" the desired state "on".  You can either use these as audible sound tracks that you "loop" like an acoustic stroboscope OR you can play them quietly and soundless as a varying magnetic field ( similiar to PEMF ).


    Powerful energetic states to optimize your body & mind.

    These are patterns of emotion, mind and behaviour that resonant entrainment causes to "switch" the desired state "on". You can either use these as audible sound tracks that you "loop" like an acoustic stroboscope OR you can play them quietly and soundless as a varying magnetic field ( similiar to PEMF ).

    A personal body mind entrainment technology far superior to any other products out there. This far surpasses binaural beats, isochronic tones, meditation music, etc!


    People all over the world have used our frequencies since 2007.  Our users come from all walks of life, professions, demographics.  Check out what some of them experienced!



    Open to negotiating arrangements.   Have an idea or request?   Just ask me and describe your interests and  I will do my best to accommodate you.   I have pre-existing relationship templates that you can review and see if any of these fit your situation.


    When you purchase your first frequency collection you will get access to resources to support you in your journey which will include ;

    Training materials for best usage practices  from our senior developer, Donald Adams.

    We've compiled easy to use and understand training materials to help you start using our technology effectively and fast.

    Silent delivery options in case you want to use our frequencies covertly, like when you go shopping or take a walk in the park!

    We will provide you with information on options to broadcast your frequencies silently through the air so you get the benefits without anyone knowing what you are actually doing!

    Access amazing stories from our users from all walks of life!

    Most of our users become long time fans of our work and we've collected thousands of fascinating stories from celebrities, professionals, students, house wives and every day working people.


    Thousands of people from all walks of life all over the planet use this technology - there is nothing else like this anywhere. No other modality produces the kind of phenomenon and very noticeable effects as these frequencies!

    Donald Adams has designed hundreds of acoustic frequencies that induce fast internal states of positive change for thousands of users. His frequencies can be easily downloaded online and played on any sound system or emitted via our unique silent delivery tools and methods. Donald speaks at various tradeshows and exhibits about his ongoing work and research. Donald has over 20 years of experience and study in alternative health and wellness technology. He has been one of the youngest independent contractors to work as an onsite consultant for fortune 500 companies like Microsoft hq and Koch International as well as government organizations such as the Canadian, Alberta Energy and Research Department. Donalds academic background and expertise is mainly in computing sciences. Quality of life and self improvement is supported by the mp3 frequency tracks.

     "Out of the many thousands of reports from users - most feedback is related to a very noticeable positive change in the body and mind.  Not just a subtle change but a really distinctive emotional, mental, physical improvement.  We also get some REALLY FAR OUT kinds of reports from users - exciting and exotic." 


    From: Kathy S
    I could first feel a tingling in the top of my head, kind of like chill bumps but only in one location on my head. I was aware that my heart was pounding.  I also felt a low level buzz towards the base of my skull
    I was experiencing something I had never felt before. I felt the same tingling on the top of my head as with the previous file, but this time it felt like it the top of my head (again I don't have the words to really described what I felt). …. I had this feeling that someone was standing in the doorway of my room.  That feeling - a dream, hallucination or whatever - was wild!
    this defies my logical way of thinking.
    Kathy N
    Seminole, FL
    From: "holly d
    I started listening to the mp3 version standing, but within a minute or two the otherwordly sound of it reached me inside and I HAD to lie down.  I was trying to 'pay attention' to the effects, but found myself feeling like I was going through a worm-hole in outer space or going into a deep water space under the ocean somewhere.  I dozed off or went 'out there' for a few minutes.  But about 6-7 minutes in my eyes suddenly flipped open and I felt refreshed.
    Now I am noticing a tingling and light feeling at the sides of my neck and my shoulders. Kudos!
    These are great.
    From: "Naia C."
    What a shift!
    felt quite spaced out for the next few hours.
    The first morning as I drifted to awakening I could see a pattern in my minds eye like a wormhole that I thought was related to the frequencies. I'm seeing more blue orbs in my visual field  throughout the day and on and off a wave of heat comes over me.
    Thanks Doc!!  Looking forward to your explanation!
    From: ntaroiu <lsirca@ >
    the first thing I experienced was this spark at the top of my head which then was followed by a shiver up my spine or was it down? and then I felt this very calm,blissful feeling which made me so happy I started giggling,lol.
    I could see these lights strobing in the dark and these images were playing in front of my eyes very quickly and then I fell asleep.
    everything seemed very bright,colorful and effeverscent and I couldn't stop drinking it all in as if it was the first time I've seen the outside world.Very interesting indeed!
    From: Kat K
    I listened to this laying down, eyes closed, headphones and a medium loud volume.
    I had the distinct impression I could and was reaching through the fabric of time (a very wide web, cosmic fabric), could grasp what I wanted (imagine your arm reaching through a hole in a diaphanous fabric matrix) and bring it back to me.
    This field appeared very organized and very intelligent….
    Thank you, Don, as always - you pioneering, auric star sherpa!

    About the Developer

    Donald Adams is a scientific researcher investigating the shapes of thought and emotion, converting these to frequencies delivered as either acoustic or ( SILENT ) varying magnetic fields for health and wellness.

    Donald presents his unique tools, methods and findings to a global audience, with over 7000 youtube subscribers and a number of online forums serving an international audience.

    He has designed hundreds of acoustic frequencies that induce fast internal states of positive change for thousands of users.  His frequencies can be easily downloaded online and played on any sound system or emitted via our unique silent delivery tools and methods.

     Donald speaks at various tradeshows and exhibits about his ongoing work and research.

     Donald has over 20 years of experience and study in alternative health and wellness technology.  He has been one of the youngest independent contractors to work as an onsite consultant for Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft HQ and Koch International as well as government organizations such as the Canadian, Alberta Energy and Research Department.  Donalds academic background and expertise is mainly in computing sciences.

     Quality of life and self improvement is supported by the MP3 frequency tracks developed