OSCILLONS - Wave Particles: Oscillons,
Cymatics, Belousov-
Zhabotinsky Reaction - a spatio-temporal chemical oscillator
“The body is to space what consciousness is to time. The world is to the body
what the unconscious is to consciousness.“ – JS
Space = geometry, time = algebra…but then space/geometry is to time/algebra
what measurement (quanta) is to the trans-measurable (qualia).
From waves to particles : The Oscillon. ...despite continous research
since 1996, oscillons seem to have totally escaped the attention of mainstream
particle physicists as a model or direction of pursuit." These patterns
are in fact the same phenomena observed on the chladni plates discussed
earlier. At lower frequencies however, a new phenomena has been observed, that
of localized structures called "oscillons". "...just as with
electrical charges, when it comes to oscillons opposites attract."
"...As long as their centers are within 1.4 diameters of each other,
oscillons of opposite phase (one at its peak height and one at its shallowest
depth) can enter into a dipole state to form a sort of molecule. This
peak-crater pair binding may lead to more complex molecules and even long
chains of oscillons which, under the right conditions, can grow into extended
patterns. Current theories give us no definite answer as to how and why the
oscillons form and interact, but such localized structures may exist in other
dissipative systems (systems which steadily exchange energy), and not just in
granular materials." "Oscillons are a soliton-like phenomenon
emerging from batches of vibrated particles."
" They've shown a coupling effect where smaller oscillons join into larger
ones via waves of attraction. These waves of attraction or repulsion between
them propagate through vacuum and seem to be driven by a force whose aim is to
complete a defined pattern. Schroedinger-wavelike phenomena ensue also."
"Oscillons are very stable and long lived, some having been observed to
last for millions of cycles." " Because these structures attract or
repel each other in vacuum as well as in air, depending on their relatives
phases, they appear to act as charged particles. This is clear evidence that
two neighbouring standing waves show the property of charge attraction &
repulsion. " "One of the neatest aspects is that the models predict
'mass' for the fundamental oscillons. I know of no modern physics theory that
can claim this. All other theories assume fundamental particle masses as given
constants. So, again, the 3D standing wave theory is fully compatible with the
soliton mass predictions, because it defines the mass property as a property of
space structure and not as a built in constant of particles.
Chapter 9 Patterns far from threshold
Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Systems
of Belousov Zhabotinsky Reaction with MPI
Belousov- Zhabotinsky Reaction - a spatio-temporal chemical oscillator
The Belousov-Zhabotinsky
reaction is a spatio-temporal chemical oscillator. In 1951 the Russian
scientist Boris P. Belousov discovered that if citric acid, acidified
bromate and a ceric salt were mixed together the resulting solution
oscillated periodically between yellow and clear. He had discovered
a chemical oscillator. The scientific community was united in believing
this to be impossible. Some years later
another Russian biophysicist, Anatol M.
Zhabotinsky ... refined the reaction, replacing citric acid with malonic
acid and discovering that when a thin, homogenous layer of the solution is
left undisturbed, fascinating geometric patterns such as concentric circles and
Archemedian spirals propagate across the medium. Therefore, the reaction
oscillates both in space and time, a so-called spatio-temporal oscillator.
— The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction
This cellular automaton provides an illustration of order
emerging "spontaneously" from chaos. Starting from an array whose
cells are in randomly assigned states, patterns eventually emerge. In other
words, non-randomness emerges from randomness. This has significance for the
question of whether complicated biological organisms can emerge from simpler
ones as a result of chance occurrences (such as genetic mutations). Before
drawing such a conclusion, however, we should note that in this cellular
automaton pattern emerges from chaos only if the parameters governing the
evolution of the system have values within a certain fairly narrow range.
q = 200, k1 = 2, k2 = 3 and g = 70
produce spiral patterns, but spirals do not emerge for most other sets of
A plausible account can be given (see William
F. Loomis, Four Billion Years: An Essay on the Evolution of Genes and
Organisms) of how living systems might have developed on Earth four billion
years ago (starting from only a primordial soup of fairly simple molecules).
But this process could have occurred only if the laws of physics, chemistry and
thermodynamics (and physical constants) are such as they are (and presumably
were then). So the fundamental question is: Why are these laws as they are?
No-one has a good answer to this question, in the sense of being able to
provide reasons (other than that these laws had to be as they are in order for
life to develop and thus so that this question could be asked). It may be that
our universe is simply one of many possible universes (perhaps an unlimited
number of them) which have come into existence at one "time" or
another, each with slightly different laws and constants, almost all of those
universes being barren, but that ours is one of the very rare ones in which the
laws and constants are such that life can emerge. Contrary to Einstein's view,
God may in fact play dice with the universe, or rather, in the game of all possible
In 1991, when Gontar ran these equations on
his little old PC (a 386, no doubt), he found solutions that were clearly
analogous to real-world chemical reactions. In particular, his model
successfully demonstrated the spiral wave propagation that is characteristic of
the famous Belousov-Zhabotinsky
Simulating Belousov-Zhabotinsky
Reactions in Pixel Bender
Earlier this year, I wrote a Belousov-Zhabotinsky simulation in
ActionScript. Although very pretty, this sort of code is fairly slow
in AS and deserved to be ported to Pixel Bender. So last night, I downloaded the
Pixel Bender Toolkit and set about writing my first ever Pixel Bender shader.
The BZ reaction code I used was originally written for Processing by
Alasdair Turner and is pretty simple -
consisting of three lines of code to determine the values for each pixel in
three 'channels' which refer to the three chemicals in the reaction.
Rather than manually looping over each pixel as the AS (and Processing) code,
Pixel Bender has an evaluatePixel() method with is invoked for each pixel in
parallel (or as parallel as possible). I sample each surrounding pixel using
and average those values using a box blur. Finally, I set the output pixel
based on the BZ algorithm.
The output is far nippier that the AS version and, because Pixel Bender filters
execute on the GPU, the UI is far more responsive. I've added some
quick-and-dirty drawing tools: the swatches in the left hand toolbar allow the
user to select a colour draw on the screen.
I've included my Pixel Bender Kernel along with the compiled filter under the
assets directory in the source code.
The application lives here
and the source code is available here.
In the "Computer Recreations"
section of the August 1988 issue of Scientific American Professor
A. K. Dewdney presented a cellular automaton whose behavior
appears similar to the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. Prof. Dewdney presented
the automaton using the metaphor of infection passing from cell to cell. Cells
could be in any of n+1 states, where a cell in state 0 was
"healthy", a cell in state n was "ill" and
a cell in any intermediate state was "infected". The rules to be
applied to a cell, in order to determine its state in the next generation,
are given on the Algorithms page.
A slightly modified version of those rules is
implemented in this Five Cellular Automata software. They are stated here.
A Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction', or
BZ reaction, is one of a class of reactions that serve as a
classical example of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, resulting in the
establishment of a nonlinear
chemical oscillator. The
only common element in these oscillators is the inclusion of bromine and an
acid. The reactions are important to theoretical chemistry in that they show
that chemical reactions do not have to be dominated by equilibrium thermodynamic behavior. These reactions are far
from equilibrium and remain so for a significant length of time and evolve chaotically. In this sense,
they provide an interesting chemical model of nonequilibrium biological
phenomena, and the mathematical models of the BZ reactions themselves are of
theoretical interest and simulations.[1]
Plot of the electrode
potential of a BZ reaction, using silver electrodes against an Ag/AgNO3
An essential aspect of the BZ reaction is its
so called "excitability"; under the influence of stimuli, patterns
develop in what would otherwise be a perfectly quiescent medium. Some clock
reactions such as Briggs–Rauscher
and BZ using the tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) chloride as
catalyst can be excited into self-organising activity
through the influence of light.
These reactions, if carried out in petri dishes, result in the
formation first of colored spots. These spots grow into a series of expanding
concentric rings or perhaps expanding spirals similar to the patterns generated
by a cyclic
cellular automaton. The colors disappear if the dishes are shaken,
and then reappear. The waves continue until the reagents are consumed. The
reaction can also be performed in a beaker
using a magnetic
Andrew Adamatzky,[5] a computer
scientist in the University of the West of England, reported on liquid logic
gates using the BZ reaction.[6]
Strikingly similar oscillatory spiral
patterns appear elsewhere in nature, at very different spatial and temporal
scales, for example the growth pattern of Dictyostelium
discoideum, a soil-dwelling amoeba colony.[7] In the BZ
reaction, the size of the interacting elements is molecular and the time scale
of the reaction is minutes. In the case of the soil amoeba, the size of the
elements is typical of single-celled organisms and the times involved are on
the order of days to years.
Investigators are also exploring the creation
of a "wet computer", using self-creating "cells" and other
techniques to mimic certain properties of neurons.[8]
The mechanism for this reaction is very
complex and is thought to involve around 18 different steps which have been the
subject of a number of research papers.[9][10]
In a way similar to the Briggs–Rauscher
reaction, two key processes (both of which are auto-catalytic) occur;
process A generates molecular bromine, giving the red colour, and process B
consumes the bromine to give bromide ions.[11]
One of the most common variations on this
reaction uses malonic
acid (CH2(CO2H)2) as the acid and potassium bromate (KBrO3)
as the source of bromine. The overall equation is:[11]
+ 4BrO−
3 → 4Br− + 9CO2 + 6H2O
Many variants of the reaction exist. The only
key chemical is the bromate oxidizer. The catalyst ion is most often cerium,
but it can be also manganese, or complexes of iron, ruthenium, cobalt, copper,
chromium, silver, nickel and osmium. Many different reductants can be used.
(Zhabotinsky, 1964b; Field and Burger, 1985)[12]
Many different patterns can be observed when
the reaction is run in a microemulsion.
Learn more at
Familiar ExamplePattern ObservedReaction ReactionComplex SpiralClassical ExampleNonlinear SystemsSpiral WavesPattern FormationReaction Diffusion
"Autocatalytic systems, which abound in
chemistry and biology, are examples of nonlinear systems. The most familiar
example of this type of behaviour is the complex spiral pattern observed in the
BZ (Belousov-Zhabotinsky) reaction...Reaction-diffusion processes have been
proposed as a mechanism for pattern formation in animals (e.g. tiger
I performed this reaction as an assignment after it was
referenced in Ilya Prigogine's book "The End of Certainty" as an
example of ...
The famous Belousov Zhabotinsky chemical reaction in a
petri dish. The action is speeded up 8 x from real life. Pacemaker ...
Student made Documentary on the BZ reaction and its history.
Physical Chemistry II, University of Minnesota - Morris Produced by ...
In the 1950s, Russian chemist Boris Belousov reported a bizarre reaction.
A reaction that oscillates between two states. Could it ...
Carried out as a part of my extended project on oscillating reactions.
Spreading depression, the most likely cause of migraine aura and pain,
propagates at the unique speed of 3 millimeters a minute.
You can see that a pair of spiral waves emerge as a result of
perturbation. The regimes having higher oscillation frequency (that is ...
reaction; spiral pattern (5x speed) The movie was taken through a 460 nm bandpass
filter. For more details: ...
The Belousov Zhabotinsky chemical reaction in a petri
dish. This is a beautiful example of self organization.
6ml 0.5M potassium bromate, KBrO3 0.6ml 6M sulfuric acid, H2SO4 1ml 0.5M
potassium bromide, KBr 2.5ml 0.5M malonic acid ...
Reaction in Houdini! See http://flexmonkey.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Belousov–Zhabotinsky
for more ...
The beautiful Belousov Zhabotinsky Reaction. This is a classical
example of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, resulting in the ...
Sodium bromate, sodium bromide, propanedioic acid and sulphuric acid
with ferroin as an indicator (of oxidation and reduction) ...
This video is part of a project that investigated chemical clocks. It
was executed at KHL in Leuven, Belgium.
The beautiful Belousov Zhabotinsky Reaction. This is a classical
example of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, resulting in the ...
Belousov - Zhabotinsky
oscillating reaction in time is introduced by means of a practical
experiment which is also explained ...
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microscope image of a maggot.
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in the realm of the another cosmic bird: the constellation Cygnus, the swan.
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garlic The structure of garlic could be mistaken for exquisite coloured glass.
When a tiny stem section is stained with toluidine blue, a dye that builds up
in the acidic parts of tissue, nucleic acids show up in blue. The dark spot is
a bundle of vascular tissue that carries nutrients and fluids up the stem. The
full image is a composite of 55 shots.
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view of the rugged, icy mountains and flat ice plains extending to Pluto’s
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Dec. 15th, 2014, the northern lights were "massive " and
"fast-moving" according to photographer Chad Blakley
(lightsoverlapland.com). He captured imagery from 3 different locations in
Abisko National Park.
distinctive blue bubble appearing to encircle WR 31a is a Wolf–Rayet nebula —
an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other gases. Created when
speedy stellar winds interact with the outer layers of hydrogen ejected by
Wolf–Rayet stars, these nebulae are frequently ring-shaped or spherical.
more at en.wikipedia.org
- Species in this genus have developed webbed swimming structures at the front
and back of their bodies which enable them to swim up off the surface of the
sea floor and to journey as much as 1000m up into the water column. When
Oceaneering ROV pilots saw and photographed the creature at 2500m depth they
named it “The Headless Chicken Fish.”
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rare cloud formation called a mammatus, where clouds take on a bubble-like
shape, appeared in the skies above Regina, Saskatchewan in Canada following a
thunderstorm on June 26 [2012 ?], Photo courtesy of Preston Smoke/CBC.CA
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(bluish) and glandular cells (yellow), in between the stomata are visible.
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electron micrograph of part of a thale cress flower, showing the male and
female reproductive organs. The female part of the flower, the pistil (the blue
feathery structure on an olive green stalk), is at the centre of the image and
contains egg cells (ovules) housed in an ovary. It is surrounded by the male
parts, the stamens, which have their anthers coloured light green and their
filaments brown. Photography by Stefan Eberhard
liliputien king ring - Diatom photo courtesy of Fabrice GASLAIN
S GalileoNasa
colorized image of Jupiter's moon Europa is a product of clear-filter grayscale
data from one orbit of NASA's Galileo spacecraft, combined with
lower-resolution color data taken on a different orbit. The blue-white terrains
indicate relatively pure water ice, whereas the reddish areas contain water ice
mixed with hydrated salts, potentially magnesium sulfate or sulfuric acid.
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by scientists Sung Hoon Kang, Boaz Pokroy and Joanna Aizenberg, from the
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the photograph offers an
astonishing view of something we take for granted every day: plastic. The
image, captured with a high-powered electron microscope camera, shows
microscopic plastic fibers that measure just 250 nanometers in diameter
(1/500th of a human hair) as they wrap around a plastic green sphere. The image
won first prize at the International Science…
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ImageDr IgorJanelia
Fresh Water Algae (Desmids) - Magnified 400X
more at sciencephotolibrary.tumblr.com
GschmeissnerScanning Electron MicrographMicrograph
marrow, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). This freeze-fracture has
revealed the cavity (lumen) of a large venous sinus (pink), which contains
mature blood cells (red), and developing white blood cells (blue). Either side
of the sinus are the haemopoetic foci of the marrow (green). Magnification:
x3000 when printed at 10 centimetres across | Steve Gschmeissner
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Radiolarian Beauty The shells of radiolarians rank among some of the treasures
of the ocean, with their intricate, gorgeous geometry. The shells are made of
silica, which protects the single-celled animals as they drift as zooplankton
in the ocean. This image, taken at 120x zoom, was an honorable mention in the
2012 Nikon Small World photomicrography competition.
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Nature MicroscopicProboscis
S InnovationMagnified
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Scans of Produce are Completely Amazing | I Fucking Love Science
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This image shows very good resolution at very low KV ( only 1100Volts )on
uncoated sample of pollen, taken from the Feverfew plant. This plant has
Medicinal uses in the treatment of headaches. Courtesy of David McCarthy Image
Details Instrument used: Quanta Family Magnification: 8,000 Horizontal Field
Width: 32.0um Vacuum: 90Pa Voltage: 1.1KV Spot: 2.5 Working Distance: 8.7
Detector: LFD
more at takequickbreak.com
Space PicturesUniverse
: “NASA Moon Dust Probe Begins Lunar Science Mission” plus “Space Art” Pictures
you Must See! | Take a Quick Break
Learn more at adventure.howstuffworks.com
Everest is so tall that it interferes with the clouds that pass by. Here a
lenticular cloud forms above its peak. #science #nature
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nymph - tail "feathers"
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ImageScanning Electron MicrographHind
First Gear Discovered in Nature by William Herkewitz, popular mechanics: The
issus nymph, a tiny planthopper (less than 0.1" long), notable for its
ability to jump up to 8mph has been shown to have biological gears which lock
the legs together, synchronizing their movements...Photo credit: Malcolm
Burrows #Insects #Biomechanics #Issus
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Mold going from Plasmodium to Sporulation!
Learn more at bbzblogtestdrive.blogspot.com
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of a honeybee
Spider (Maratus volans) by Bio-Morphosis via giphy: 'The brilliant coloring is
not just for decoration but also to attract females. The peacock spider has
earned its name when he courts with his mate through dancing. Like a peacock,
he raises his two magnificently coloured flaps and dances for the female.'
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is part of a gorgeous gallery of microscopic pollen images. "This image
shows Forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) pollen grains emerging from an anther.
These represent the smallest pollen worldwide."
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microscope images of diatoms by Dr Paul Hargreaves and Faye Darling - Telegraph
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2522) is the bright beacon shining near the middle of the image. It creates
extreme solar winds of ionized gas, which over time, sculpted the material into
the enormous sphere that we see here. At present time, the spherical nebula
surrounding the star is some 6 light-years wide. What’s more, it is expanding
at nearly 4 million miles per an hour (7million km/hr).
mushroom-shaped cloud of birds over Shapwick Heath, Somerset, England, February
2011 More starlings....
Learn more at blogs.smithsonianmag.com
Facts Really
Giant Fossil Fungi! Click image to read cool Smithsonian article!
Learn more at universetoday.com
2-billion-year-old rock found in the Sahara desert has been identified as a
meteorite from Mars’ crust, and it contains ten times more water than any other
Martian meteorite found on Earth. It also contains organic carbon. Credit: NASA
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spore capsule
more at digitaljournal.com
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robs the brain of empathy" Interesting article
Learn more at
ResearchNoctiluca Bioluminescence
scintillans is a large, non-photosynthetic marine Dinoflagellate that is
bioluminescent and causes the sea to glow. It has a thick adhesive tentacle for
food capture. Wim van Egmond
And ScienceScience
And NatureScience
Ence Fi EnceHand
goes psychedelic with the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction
of chemical activity in BZ reaction
Learn more at beilstein-institut.de
systems, which abound in chemistry and biology, are examples of nonlinear systems.
The most familiar example of this type of behaviour is the complex spiral
pattern observed in the BZ (Belousov-Zhabotinsky) reaction...Reaction-diffusion
processes have been proposed as a mechanism for pattern formation in animals
(e.g. tiger stripes)..."
Learn more at kingcreative.tumblr.com
Learn more at reneebeckmft.com
NASA access? Here’s an image!
more at sciencephoto.com
fibre, SEM
S ArtBrown
on Window - looks like frozen foliage.
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Fresh water rotifer feeding among debris (200x), Darkfield. / Harold
TaylorKensworth, UK.
hair cells. (adorable!)
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view of insect eggs
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Carla Stehr and Kyle Frischkorn, Northwest Fisheries Science Center | The
bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus adhere to chitin expressed by diatoms (the
discs you see) in this scanning electron micrograph
Learn more at fishmousestitches.blogspot.com
Stitch Patterns
from the website, "I guess the community of nerdy, cross-stitching
geologists is a small one indeed." Hells yes it is. I'm totally doing this
over the summer.
Learn more at scientificamerican.com
LITTLE SCORPION": The dragonlike form visible in this image is actually
the fruit of a prickly scorpion's–tail plant, Scorpiurus muricatus . The
photo—taken using a stereomicroscope with illumination in a dark field—received
first place in the category "Scientific Microphotography." ...
Learn more at wunderkammer.ki.se
for nerve cells. Check out that beautiful synapse.
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south pole of Mars. Click to enaresenate. Photo by ESA / G. Neukum (Freie
Universitaet, Berlin) / Bill Dunford
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& MRI of Python and Rat: Using a combination of computer tomography (CT)
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scientists Kasper Hansen and Henrik
Lauridsen of Aarhus University in Denmark were able to visualize the entire
internal organ structures and vascular systems (aka "guts") of a
Burmese Python digesting a rat.
http://terriermandotcom.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html #CT #MRI #Python
Moon Phobos Eclipses the Sun, as Seen by Curiosity
by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
tornado: A rare close-up of a tornado from within 150 feet. The twister sucks
up dirt as it churns across a rural landscape in western Kansas on May 8, 2008.
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Venusian annular eclipse with an extraordinarily large ring of fire"! NASA
Droplets of oleic acid spread across a thin
film of glycerol on a silicon wafer
version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Pixel Bender Simulation of
Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction
Simon Gladman |
http://flexmonkey.blogspot.com/ | October 2011
Based on code by Alasdair Turner
id="colorsGroup" />
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
import spark.filters.ShaderFilter;
private var BelousovKernel:Class;
[Bindable]private var reactionAlpha
: Number = 1;
[Bindable]private var reactionBeta :
Number = 1;
[Bindable]private var reactionGamma
: Number = 1;
private var shader:Shader = new
Shader(new BelousovKernel() as ByteArray);
protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
var bitmapData : BitmapData =
new BitmapData(30, 30);
this.addEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, resizeHandler);
private function setup() : void
var bitmapData : BitmapData =
new BitmapData(imageControl.width, imageControl.height);
250, 6 , Math.random(), true, true);
imageControl.source =
private function
resizeHandler(event : ResizeEvent) : void
private function
enterFrameHandler(event : Event) : void
shader.data["src"].input = imageControl.bitmapData;
shader.data["reactionAlpha"].value = [ reactionAlpha ];
= [ reactionBeta ];
shader.data["reactionGamma"].value = [ reactionGamma ];
var shaderJob : ShaderJob = new
ShaderJob(shader, imageControl.source, imageControl.width,
protected function
if (event.buttonDown)
protected function
private function drawBox(x : int, y
: int) : void
var rect : Rectangle = new
Rectangle(x - 20, y - 20, 40, 40);
BitmapData(imageControl.source).fillRect(rect, colorsGroup.selectedValue
as uint);
<s:Image top="0"
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top="50" bottom="50" width="50">
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color="0x000055" alpha="0.75" />
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height="100%" verticalAlign="middle"
cornerRadius="5" width="30" height="30"
backgroundColor="0xAA0000" borderStyle="solid"
borderWeight="2" borderColor="0xFFFFFF">
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0xFFAA0000 }" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="2"
group="{ colorsGroup }"/>
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backgroundColor="0x00AA00" borderStyle="solid"
borderWeight="2" borderColor="0xFFFFFF">
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0xFF00AA00 }" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="2"
group="{ colorsGroup }"/>
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width="30" height="30" backgroundColor="0x0000AA"
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0xFF000000 }" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="2"
group="{ colorsGroup }" selected="true"/>
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borderWeight="2" borderColor="0xFFFFFF">
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0xFFFFFFFF }" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="2"
group="{ colorsGroup }" />
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horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"
horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10">
fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" text="Pixel
Bender Simulation of Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction"
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fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" text="Simon
Gladman | http://flexmonkey.blogspot.com/ | October 2011"
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Beta" color="0xFFFFFF" fontWeight="bold"
fontStyle="italic" />
width="100%" minimum="0" maximum="2"
stepSize="0.01" value="@{reactionBeta}"
<s:Label text="Reaction
Gamma" color="0xFFFFFF" fontWeight="bold"
fontStyle="italic" />
width="100%" minimum="0" maximum="2"
stepSize="0.01" value="@{reactionGamma}"
has a lot of - a lot of - a lot of writing just about the
game "Life". Most recently was a wonderful
article Life on the
Lobachevsky plane . But "Life" game is
a special case t. N. cellular automata.
are many other cellular automata is not similar to the game "Life",
but nevertheless very interesting. About some of them want to
talk here.
begin with, consider the number of cells in which, except one, are zero:
... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
the following rule, replace the number in the cell on the amount of numbers and
the left neighbor. We obtain the following
series of conditions:
... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
... 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
... 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 ...
... 0 1 3 3 1 0 0 0 ...
... 0 1 4 6 4 1 0 0 ...
... 0 1 5 10 10 5 1 0 ...
... 0 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 ...
is not difficult to see that this - Pascal's triangle. And
now, instead of the usual addition we will use modulo two. It is
well known (and even recently commented in habrastate Sierpinski
Triangle, and Pascal's triangle ), what happens discrete analogue of the Sierpinski triangle:
... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
... 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
... 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
... 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ...
... 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...
... 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 ...
... 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
a precise definition of cellular automata here does not make sense, but it is
useful to note the following properties of cellular automata: parallelism,
locality, homogeneity. Parallelism means that update
of all cells occur independently. By locality it means that the
new state of a cell depends on the old state of the cell and its surroundings.
uniformity means that all cells are updated by one and the same rules.
order not to communicate with the endless nets we consider cellular automata in
the final quadrangular grid, and there were no problems with boundaries
zavernёm grid into a torus. Two cells are inscribed the
names of the neighborhood: it's Moore's neighborhood - neighbors are all
eight surrounding cells, and the von Neumann neighborhood - neighbors
are just the next cell to the left, right, top and bottom. To
avoid ambiguity, other than a verbal description rules of transformation state
of the cell, it will also give the realization function
int transformCell( int northWestCell, int northCell, int northEastCell, int westCell, int centerCell, int eastCell, int southWestCell, int southCell, int southEastCell);
, int transformCell( int northWestCell, int northCell, int northEastCell, int westCell, int centerCell, int eastCell, int southWestCell, int southCell, int southEastCell);
, int transformCell( int northWestCell, int northCell, int northEastCell, int westCell, int centerCell, int eastCell, int southWestCell, int southCell, int southEastCell);
let the cells can be in two states 0 - dead, and 1 - alive.
the following rule: the cell becomes alive if at least one of its neighbors
live; cell, once becoming a lively, always remains alive.
the case of Moore's neighborhood function body transformCell()
int sum = northWestCell + northCell + northEastCell + westCell + eastCell + southWestCell + southCell + southEastCell;
if (sum >
0) {
1; }
else {
return centerCell; }
+ int sum = northWestCell + northCell + northEastCell + westCell + eastCell + southWestCell + southCell + southEastCell;
if (sum >
0) {
1; }
else {
return centerCell; }
the field is initially filled with zeros, then the living cells does not
appear, but if one of the cells to make a living, then this "embryo"
there waxing square of living cells, which eventually will fill the field.
this region of the living cells increased with the highest possible speed -
speed of light.
change the rules above: instead of the terms "at least one of the neighbors
living", consider the condition "exactly one of the neighbors live."
int sum = northWestCell + northCell + northEastCell + westCell + eastCell + southWestCell + southCell + southEastCell;
if (sum ==
1) {
1; }
else {
return centerCell; }
+ int sum = northWestCell + northCell + northEastCell + westCell + eastCell + southWestCell + southCell + southEastCell;
if (sum ==
1) {
1; }
else {
return centerCell; }
resulting structure of a single cell will firstly, more rarefied, and, secondly,
will be obvious fractal character.
can instead consider the neighborhood Moore neighborhood von Neumann:
int sum = northCell + westCell + eastCell + southCell;
if (sum ==
1) {
1; }
else {
return centerCell; }
+ southCell; int sum = northCell + westCell + eastCell + southCell;
if (sum ==
1) {
1; }
else {
return centerCell; }
cellular automata were invented by David Griffith. The
cell may be in the n states, which we shall enumerate the numbers 0, 1,
..., n - 1. Let us say that the following condition is m k
of state, if m + 1 = k (mod n). Cell
proceeds from state m to the next state k, if only one
neighboring cell has a state k. For example, in the case of
von Neumann neighborhood transformation can be written as follows:
int nextState = (centerCell +
1) % statesNumber;
if (northCell == nextState || westCell == nextState || eastCell == nextState || southCell == nextState) {
return nextState; }
else {
return centerCell; }
the same time, if you start with a random fields, there may be three different
stages. The first stage - the random field. Then
begin to appear colored areas that will absorb the area, filled randomly.
blocks will be "waves" to change its color. Then
there are the spiral, which is also called demons. Finally,
in a third step, the field will be absorbed demons.
might also consider a one-dimensional cyclic cellular automaton:
int transformCell(int leftCell, int centerCell, int rightCell) {
int nextState = (centerCell +
1) % statesNumber;
if (nextState == leftCell || nextState == rightCell) {
return nextState; }
else {
return centerCell; } }
, int rightCell) { int transformCell(int leftCell, int centerCell, int rightCell) {
int nextState = (centerCell +
1) % statesNumber;
if (nextState == leftCell || nextState == rightCell) {
return nextState; }
else {
return centerCell; } }
rightCell) { int transformCell(int leftCell, int centerCell, int rightCell) {
int nextState = (centerCell +
1) % statesNumber;
if (nextState == leftCell || nextState == rightCell) {
return nextState; }
else {
return centerCell; } }
it is interesting to know more details, I recommend to start with Wikipedia the Cyclic
cellular automaton .
the cell can again be in the states 0, 1, ..., n - 1.
a rule consists of three parts.
Health. If the cell is in state 0 (m.
E. Is healthy), it is ill if several of its neighbors sick (m. E. They are in a
non-zero state).
Recovery. If the cell is in the state n
- 1, then it samovylechivaetsya and proceeds to state 0.
Disease. Otherwise, the state of a
cell is calculated as the average states of neighboring cells, plus a constant.
the resulting number is greater than n - 1, the new state will be n -
int sum = northWestCell + northCell + northEastCell + westCell + eastCell + southWestCell + southCell + southEastCell;
if (centerCell ==
0) {
if (sum <
5) {
0; }
if (sum <
100) {
2; }
else {
3; } }
if (centerCell == statesNumber -
1) {
0; }
else {
return Math.min(sum /
8 +
5, statesNumber -
1); }
+ int sum = northWestCell + northCell + northEastCell + westCell + eastCell + southWestCell + southCell + southEastCell;
if (centerCell ==
0) {
if (sum <
5) {
0; }
if (sum <
100) {
2; }
else {
3; } }
if (centerCell == statesNumber -
1) {
0; }
else {
return Math.min(sum /
8 +
5, statesNumber -
1); }
is noted that the thus obtained wavelike processes, reminiscent of the reaction
of Belousov -
Zhabotinsky .
rule (as well as previous) I found in Cellab the
Manual . Each cell is at 0, 1, 2 or 4.
The rule is as follows:
if (centerCell ==
0) {
2 * ((northWestCell %
2) ^ (northEastCell %
2)) + northCell %
2; }
if (centerCell ==
1) {
2 * ((northWestCell %
2) ^ (southWestCell %
2)) + westCell %
2; }
if (centerCell ==
2) {
2 * ((southWestCell %
2) ^ (southEastCell %
2)) + southCell %
2; }
else {
2 * ((southEastCell %
2) ^ (northEastCell %
2)) + eastCell %
2; }
you start with a randomly filled with field, then a two crashed into each other
"flow": vertical and horizontal. After
a while one of the "flow" begins to dominate. And
in the end only one remains.
is a small part of the cellular automata about which I wanted to tell, but I
have to stop that article does not become too large. For
those interested I will give a few links:
T. Toffoli and N. Margolus, machines cellular automata, M., Mir, 1991.
M. Schroeder, Fractals, chaos, power laws. Thumbnails
of an infinite paradise, Izhevsk, RHD, 2001, pp. 469--490.
R. Rucker, J. Walker Cellab
Manual .
more links
""When you get AM or FM stations that simply are not possible - I used
an in house low power transmitter in a dept store in upper michigan - range
less than 1/4 mile, you are in the "sweet spot" as they say. At
that point I usually hear someone call my name very loud. Ocie has witnessed
these things too. Technology is improving very rapidly."
he has repeatedly emphasized hearing one's name
Thanks Iona, this is from your friend Ken? Sweet Spots I can find,
have the know how and tech for that, even the ones that vary spatially and
temporarlly and it makes sense that he would tap into such, did he notice
characteristics, qualities however for sweet spots that worked for him?
I.e. <does he know> was there the same mag field charge in gauss
for local top soil within a given range, guessing there was? Can he
say any more about the lower power transmitter? Specs, modifications?
The 'name' being heard, phenomenon, def corresponds to similiar re-occuring
experiential artifacts in our SOS group - so thats significant to me as well,
thanks heaps my Cosmic Queen! 😉
at one point they were using old car radios from junkyards
thats good to know! any idea how old? like from 70's ?
even older
Was lucky to get this much out of him; he can be obtuse.
plot thickens, making more sense... used to be stoires circulating on keelynet
and vanguard about old tube based radios, still working that in mthe 80s were
picking up bizarre signals they shouldnt have been, for example, if I
recall correctly some of the stories were that when the really old
radios, some may have been cat whisker style even, were used in m80s, under
certain conditions, signals could be picked up backwards in time, old shows
like 'the Lucy' show etc....
really appreciate the feedback!
On zeners, they act as voltage regulators. You hook them directly to
battery backwards from normal polarity. The spilled voltage is always
white noise (radio noise) it's not superpowerfull but you can hear it
whooshing in nearby AM radio.
if i recall they may have used old Ford Falcon radio - but that may or maynot
matter. He just uses what he gets his hands on
True that, in the past, controlled damage to semiconductors was needed to make
them work. All that is well known and understood. It isnt necessary now
(usually) The MRF (motorola) microwave, small signal transistors are just
super high quality and are PHENOMENAL at FM radio freqs and lower which is
where they have highest gain and lowest noise
he says
so is he saying that the old zener isnt needed? I could use the newer
seemed to be - you just have to experiment like he did... tweak it your way
but he was never using any freq input to his brain
there was another linkon your site, not this one ; http://ionamiller.weebly.com/spirit-comm.html
Spirit Comm
Frank Sumption wrote (3/07): “ I did just a little video testing using my
random tuning technique to tune a small portable TV.I could voltage tune it
from an external source, the random voltage...
it was a different one, similiar but not same, on link im looking for, article
discusses how some of the diods or parts would blow out due to high freq
non-linear processing ceilings being breached, esp in connection with
persons communications with radio hobbyists in the future, article said,
that in future it was a common hobby style past time, to use these weird radio
devices to troll through the past, do you recall that link, if so can you
send? also Ken mentions back and tunnel diodes, does he mean b oth were zener?
just functioning as back and tunnel?
maybe in Lindenwood
23rd C. Time Travel
by Iona Miller, © 2012
i dont think thats it, is there a page dedicated to 'Radical EVP' other than
the spook radio link you sent, in the article it talked about diodes or
transistors that had a high blow out rate, they had to keep replacing them as
they oscillated to resonant capacity and would rupture
showed him ur pg of the day and all he said is -
very nice. I dont have any problem with it. If you want to get high
that will do it. White noise whether sonic or RF kills pain and
anxiety. The notion that there are special frequencies is overdone in
these things. When the atmosphere is still almost everyone can hear the
milky way once its pointed out to them - as long as they can see it at the same
time. Lots of activity out there that probably isnt just white
noise. Best and cheapest white noise generator is 24 inch window fan.
link, closer we are getting hotter but thats no it, have seen and read all
these recent links sent before.... the article is the same one talks about how
he made contact with people in future who were hobbyists..... who were scanning
with radios back in time
you mentioned a program of mine to him, but not sure what you were referring
that's all there ever was - http://evp2007.50megs.com/whats_new_5.html
Spirit Comm
“Kt” keeps himself a clear channel by avoiding all extraneous TV and films; he
is a pop culture “virgin.” Tuning up his gear during the “magic window,”
futurist, “kt” reports that by 2157 there has been a successful non-bloody
social revolution.
the link you ran today in the news email
hes right about white noise , generally, but hes not right abt frq nature....
very specifc frqs have very specific effects esp ones from stars, simple
example see ;
O NEVER suggest he is wrong to him - it's excommo time, if so
this is it, no more forthcoming on it
crap.... i thought it was an article you wrote.... maybe I found it
elsewhere.... bummer! ok thanks for heads up my friend!
IT! It was at this link, section of text Im interested is shown below, so
reference was to transistors (not zener diode?) Also he mentions they are
'special' -
what is 'special' about them? And that they get cooked, whats cooking
them, feedback
loops? If no em-waves, what kind of waves, transverse? He said
saome present day components are modifiable, what re those components and how
are they modified?
He says design rules are completely different, what are the design rules?
He says
transistors are high gain, low noise up to 8 ghz are key but its hard to use
them with
out burn out, whats causing them to burn out and also, these transistors are
not likely the
zeners he mentioned previously so mus t be different kind of part, so what are
how does one get them?
See text below ;
…its a group of nonscientist nerdish types in the year 2157 in northern new
mexico, near where santa fe used to be (!?) they are into an unbelievably
haunting kind of avant garde high-brow music that uses struck string keyboard
instruments and rotary organs (Whiter Shade of Pale, Procul Harum) they call
themselves "Mighty Wurlitzer"
I recorded some of the dysrhythmic, 23 note scale music as best I could. its
scary, haunting, plaintive. vocals come in on gradual build up and speed up ,
the music is unlike anything iever heard. There are dozens of realms and dozens
of fakers too. Most people ecounter idle troublemakers with plenty of spare
time, because they are most inclined to be talkative.
"Surges of energy come through and cook the special transistors.
Fortunately, I have a lot of them left. "
In the last week i have learned more than i ever wanted to know about the year
2157 everybody uses non-em waves. some present day components are modifiable.
design rules are completely different; high gain low noise junction transistors
usable to 8 ghz are the key thing. very hard to use them with out burn up
--- On
Mon, 2/6/17, Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> To: "Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> Received: Monday, February 6, 2017, 3:14 PM
> more links
> http://evp2007.50megs.com/
> http://ionamiller.weebly.com/23rd-c-time-travel.html
> 12:39PM
> ""When you get AM or FM stations that simply are not
> possible - I used an in house low power transmitter in a
> dept store in upper michigan - range less than 1/4 mile, you
> are in the "sweet spot" as they say. At that point I
> usually hear someone call my name very loud. Ocie has
> witnessed these things too. Technology is improving very
> rapidly."
> he has repeatedly emphasized hearing one's name
> Thanks Iona, this is from your friend Ken? Sweet
> Spots I can find, have the know how and tech for that, even
> the ones that vary spatially and temporarlly and it makes
> sense that he would tap into such, did he notice
> characteristics, qualities however for sweet spots that
> worked for him? I.e. <does he know> was
> there the same mag field charge in gauss for local top soil
> within a given range, guessing there was? Can he
> say any more about the lower power transmitter? Specs,
> modifications?
> The 'name' being heard, phenomenon, def corresponds to
> similiar re-occuring experiential artifacts in our SOS group
> - so thats significant to me as well, thanks heaps my Cosmic
> Queen! 😉
> at one point they were using old car radios from junkyards
> seriously?
> thats good to know! any idea how old? like from
> 70's ?
> even older
> Was lucky to get this much out of him; he can be obtuse.
> plot thickens, making more sense... used to be stoires
> circulating on keelynet and vanguard about old tube based
> radios, still working that in mthe 80s were picking up
> bizarre signals they shouldnt have been, for example,
> if I recall correctly some of the stories were that
> when the really old radios, some may have been cat whisker
> style even, were used in m80s, under certain conditions,
> signals could be picked up backwards in time, old shows like
> 'the Lucy' show etc....
> really appreciate the feedback!
> On zeners, they act as voltage regulators. You hook
> them directly to battery backwards from normal
> polarity. The spilled voltage is always white noise
> (radio noise) it's not superpowerfull but you can hear
> it whooshing in nearby AM radio.
> if i recall they may have used old Ford Falcon radio - but
> that may or maynot matter. He just uses what he gets his
> hands on
> True that, in the past, controlled damage to semiconductors
> was needed to make them work. All that is well known
> and understood. It isnt necessary now (usually) The
> MRF (motorola) microwave, small signal transistors are just
> super high quality and are PHENOMENAL at FM radio freqs and
> lower which is where they have highest gain and lowest
> noise
> he says
> so is he saying that the old zener isnt needed? I
> could use the newer transistors?
> seemed to be - you just have to experiment like he did...
> tweak it your way
> but he was never using any freq input to his brain
> there was another linkon your site, not this one ; http://ionamiller.weebly.com/spirit-comm.html
> Spirit Comm
> Frank Sumption wrote (3/07): “ I did just a little video
> testing using my random tuning technique to tune a small
> portable TV.I could voltage tune it from an external source,
> the random voltage...
> ionamiller.weebly.com
> it was a different one, similiar but not same, on link im
> looking for, article discusses how some of the diods or
> parts would blow out due to high freq non-linear processing
> ceilings being breached, esp in connection with
> persons communications with radio hobbyists in the
> future, article said, that in future it was a common hobby
> style past time, to use these weird radio devices to troll
> through the past, do you recall that link, if so can you
> send? also Ken mentions back and tunnel diodes, does
> he mean b oth were zener? just functioning as back and
> tunnel?
> maybe in Lindenwood
> http://ionamiller.weebly.com/23rd-c-time-travel.html
> 23rd C. Time Travel
> by Iona Miller, © 2012
> ionamiller.weebly.com
> 2:58PM
> i dont think thats it, is there a page dedicated to 'Radical
> EVP' other than the spook radio link you sent, in the
> article it talked about diodes or transistors that had a
> high blow out rate, they had to keep replacing them as they
> oscillated to resonant capacity and would rupture
> http://evp2007.50megs.com/
> showed him ur pg of the day and all he said is -
> very nice. I dont have any problem with it. If
> you want to get high that will do it. White noise
> whether sonic or RF kills pain and anxiety. The notion
> that there are special frequencies is overdone in these
> things. When the atmosphere is still almost everyone
> can hear the milky way once its pointed out to them - as
> long as they can see it at the same time. Lots of
> activity out there that probably isnt just white
> noise. Best and cheapest white noise generator is 24
> inch window fan.
> link, closer we are getting hotter but thats no it, have
> seen and read all these recent links sent before.... the
> article is the same one talks about how he made contact with
> people in future who were hobbyists..... who were scanning
> with radios back in time
> you mentioned a program of mine to him, but not sure what
> you were referring to?
> that's all there ever was - http://evp2007.50megs.com/whats_new_5.html
> Spirit Comm
> “Kt” keeps himself a clear channel by avoiding all
> extraneous TV and films; he is a pop culture “virgin.”
> Tuning up his gear during the “magic window,” futurist,
> “kt” reports that by 2157 there has been a successful
> non-bloody social revolution.
> evp2007.50megs.com
> the link you ran today in the news email
> hes right about white noise , generally, but hes not right
> abt frq nature.... very specifc frqs have very specific
> effects esp ones from stars, simple example see ;
> O NEVER suggest he is wrong to him - it's excommo time, if
> so
> this is it, no more forthcoming on it
> http://soundofstars.org/sosfreqkat_files/image058.jpg
> crap.... i thought it was an article you wrote.... maybe I
> found it elsewhere.... bummer! ok thanks for heads up
> my friend!
> --------------------------------------------
> On Sun, 2/5/17, Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> To: doc_starz@yahoo.com
> Received: Sunday, February 5, 2017, 11:35 PM
> http://idcdevices.com/idc-para-view.php
> http://itcvoices.org/vfl-video-feedback-looping-box-matt-payne/#
> https://www.facebook.com/jaywprather/about?lst=100000694853218%3A100000704065226%3A1486362547
> zener diode, germanium
> a white noise RF generator was used be tween input and out
> put which were positioned about 10 ft apart (simple zener
> diode hooked to battery) some people mentioned good
> results
> from that.
> http://ionamiller.weebly.com/spirit-comm.html
> http://www.thescoleexperiment.com/trans-dimensional-communication-experiments.html
> https://www.youtube.com/user/dreamhillresearch/videos
> https://www.youtube.com/user/dreamhillresearch/videos
> ===============
> IONA says she cannot find out what kind of zener diode, no
> info available on specs, so
> we dont know the voltage, amperage, etc....
> 1305 Vista Drive
> Grants Pass, OR 97527
> iona_m@yahoo.com
> Just plugged your blog sites as a quick thankyou to both
> our
> yahoo and fb groups....
> had a question about one of your articles, do you recall
> the
> one about the dude who was using a special mod radio to
> transceive messages outside of local time?
> oh, you mean my spook Ken
> Frank is dead now - http://ionamiller.weebly.com/spirit-comm.html
> Spirit Comm
> Frank Sumption wrote (3/07): “ I did just a little video
> testing using my random tuning technique to tune a small
> portable TV.I could voltage tune it from an external
> source,
> the random voltage...
> ionamiller.weebly.com
> yeah... I think thats the guy... he mentioned that an
> important part was needed, cant recall what it was,
> transistor of somekind? but it had a really high
> charge ceiling and would still burn out often... any w ay
> you can find out what that part was specifically? I.e.
> model, part no# brand, etc... and how much, where to
> get?
> for a frankenbox or ken's spirit comm? Frank, no
> ken sent me his set up -
> why?
> it was the device where they were abloe to communicate
> with
> hobbyists from a future time line
> s Ken or whoever had a device set up where he claimed he
> got
> intermittent messages from people a few hundred years in
> the
> future, but to make his deivce work he had to have a
> special part, he described its characterisitcs what it was
> made from and how why it could carry such a high charge
> load
> but the part name, make e tc was never mentioned, could
> you
> find out what it was?
> oh yeah, the thorium brick cars 😉
> i can ask
> Id really appreciate that, thanks, just want to know what
> the s pecific part was, how to get, how much
> if i recall correctly he said they had some kind of
> non-linear processing feature, does that ring a bell?
> it's like that mythical soviet amp tube 😉
> ;)
> it's ken for sure - but he has darpa access, and is not
> doing this anymore to my knowledge. so , we'll see what he
> says.
> he's not congenial.
> you mean a nixie tube?
> ;)
> I meant 'everybody's got one' the holy grail
> mything link
> if hes ied into d**pa can you not mention my name, maybe
> just say your curious as to what it was and then pass me
> the
> info?
> he's not into any of it - he's on the correct side and
> long
> retired.
> you would be no person of interest, where he collecting
> any,
> which he isn't
> ok, thx Iona... if you can find out let me know.... your
> the
> best! 🙂
> your familiar with Ernetti?
> no
> ever hear of this ; http://soundofstars.org/time_files/image131.jpg
> youve heard of the chr*n*vis*r ?
> * = o
> oh yeah
> one sec
> i have an ans but not the one you want, and i won't press
> http://www.thescoleexperiment.com/trans-dimensional-communication-experiments.html
> Trans-Dimensional Communication Experiments
> The Scole Experimental Group had been conducting regular,
> twice-weekly, experiments using electronic equipment, to
> try
> to open communication 'links' with other dimensions of
> existence. This was named...
> thescoleexperiment.com
> canyou explain? why not the answer I 'want' ?
> how about a zener diode?
> oh... germanium... t hat makes sense.... altho I
> thought there might be another element in it
> thatws ounds familiar I think, is that the name of the
> aprt?
> a white noise RF generator was used be tween input and out
> put which were positioned about 10 ft apart (simple zener
> diode hooked to battery) some people mentioned good
> results
> from that.
> it was a diode come to think of it, the part mentioned
> can you find out what voltage, amperage any other specs,
> there are many diff types of zener diodes?
> he means just the standard zener voltage regulator right?
> but what amp, voltage, etc?
> unlikely
> do you like marcel vogel stuff?
> when you say unlikely how do you mean?
> you mean he wont tell us what the amp, voltage specs were?
> I mean I am unlikely to extract that info from him.
> vogel was a great scientist
> crap
> so many zener diods types
> do you know my friend Dan Willis who worked with him?
> Dan lives here
> he never mentioned using bismuth based components did
> he?
> if not , go do so
> no bismuth
> https://www.facebook.com/DisclosureWitness
> Dan Willis
> sorry, what do you want me to do? no I dont think I
> know Dan Willis, you want me to connect with him?
> stuff I want to tell you, show you but cant do it on
> here..... not even sure how to do it securely at this
> point.. however, one sec.....
> yes, over his marcel vogel story
> I know
> https://protonmail.com/
> Secure email: ProtonMail is free encrypted email.
> ProtonMail is the world's largest secure email service,
> developed by CERN and MIT scientists. We are open source
> and
> protected by Swiss privacy law
> protonmail.com
> will contact him, am going to send you something, its not
> exactly what I want t o show you but related.... hold on
> theother spooks called and told me to get on it, but I
> haven't done so yet. It is Swiss - CERN
> also, can you send me original link from mankind research
> where he talks about diode again, just whip it off to me
> here if you can?
> oh. best result was simple super regenerative receiver
> with MRF 901 or better high gain microwave receiver.
> power supply 1.5 volt, a single aa,c, or d battery. 1
> megohm bias rheostat. no coils or capacitors. large 12v
> power supply transformer hooked up backward for output
> which
> can be several ways including magnetic phone pickup NEAR
> t-former, or crystal earphone. inductances and
> capacitances are by moving wires carefully with broomstick
> or nonconducting rod or just by shifting water around in
> your body. Thats enoughto start.
> Vogel was invovled with CERN somehow? he died a
> while back tho? Will Willis divulge his sgtory to me?
> i'm not linking vogel and cern -- cern gives free
> encrypted
> account, that's all
> listen to Dan's vids - am sure he discussed it.
> dan has a vid, onyoutube?
> lots, I imagine
> is there any other way to find out specs on diode?
> knowing its a zener helps but specs are pretty important,
> also if there is a special batch number, you know like a
> make model year, a lot of times when these anomalous
> effects
> are ntoiced they dont appear in the standard parts, often
> they are associated with a certain batch made at
> acertain time, you know like maybe t hey were released for
> a
> year and a hafl and had a sort of 'flaw' and then they
> 'fixed; the flaw after..... if you have any w ay to hunt
> dowqn the mparticulars that would be great otherwise it
> oculd be really tough to narrow it down
> lots of vogel https://www.youtube.com/user/dreamhillresearch/videos
> Dan Willis
> youtube.com
> Also, check this out ;
> wait a sec... is Dan the guy who runs Dreamhill?
> I know the dreamhill materials.... reviewed all that
> stuff many times thoroughly over last number of yearws....
> I dunno - they live in a dome on a mtn
> he's a Disclosure guy
> I cannot get the specs -- no one would recall a lot number
> after decades.
> ok, well, if you recommend I will def check it out, was
> watching your peterson vid on psychopathology, really
> great vid.... but will check dan out too
> see the following ;
> Ok, so the following is an example from one of our members
> of an
> anomaly that reoccurs in this form and similiar, I am
> conivnced it is
> NOT simply a form of 'Pareidolia', but cant explain
> why I think that here.... read the below and see
> related links.... also, I need to point out
> that Shawn was using only our public released versions and
> experienced this.... note, ALL of the tracks we have
> released to date
> publicly, that have often elicted profound effects are
> about
> 80%
> weaker than they could / should be - I did that
> intentionally, by design,
> have never released publicly frequency tracks past that
> potency....
> note the stuff he says about the 'voices' ;
> Shawn Van Wyk
> “Strange phenomena: I listened to Hyperspace evolver
> extensively the last few days and something strange
> happened, one of the times I was listening to it I could
> distinctly hear it break up in like a distorted manner and
> could swear I heard a faint voice in a high pitch, Im not
> talking like EVP or anything like that, this was real, it
> actually made me stop what I was doing and focus on it
> intently, but it was brief, maybe 15 seconds if it even
> was
> that long but I had the distinct feeling that an attempt
> to
> communicate with me somehow was made...
> I have been listening to these frequencies for ages now
> and
> I know they come from the highest intentions and produce
> pure energies when played. I believe that maybe since I
> have
> been listening to the Financial vitality frequencies for
> so
> long that my body got used to them somehow and when I
> switched my listening regime to my playlist of : 1.
> Psychic
> Shield, 2. Hyperspace Evolver, 3. Telapathyzer Medium, my
> body reacted really freshly to these, I think the
> phenomena
> occurred the second time the playlist looped and got about
> 2
> mins into Hyperspace, it was extremely stimulating, there
> is
> this inner bubbling sound that I never really heard before
> and every time I heard it it was like I could FEEL the
> bubbling inside my head, it was no imagination because i
> could distinctly feel when the bubbling started and
> stopped,
> the bubbling frequency effect was not coming and going
> randomly and when I listened to it like the 3rd or 4th
> time
> that is when it sounded like a distant crackling (imagine
> old tinny intercom sound) and then some high pitched
> speech,
> but it sounded alien to me and im no alien nut or ufo
> expert
> or anything but this felt extraterrestrial or
> inter-dimensional, or paranormal or whatever lable you
> want
> to give it.
> I feel this series of frequencies have triggered a
> possibly
> linked third eye experience, I have been practicing some
> kundalini meditation and third eye exercises the last
> month
> or so, it could be related, I don't know, but it was REAL.
> Amazing how much my hearing has improved, maybe I am
> imagining it but music sounds so much more louder lately,
> like when I play music on my earphones it sounds like
> really
> loud but frequencies can be listened to seemingly louder
> even though some of them sound shriller.”
> http://soundofstars.org/bluemantales.htm
> http://www.soundofstars.org/comments.htm#blue
> http://www.soundofstars.org/comments.htm#more
> yeah, that shrink and his daughter are clinically
> depressed,
> intergenerationally
> bummer, ok no way to get the specs.... he did those
> experiments decades ago then.... so a long time has
> passed,
> no notes or he wont give more info out Im guessing
> if you read the content I sent I think you might get an
> idea
> as to why I want to get my hands on those parts.....
> be back in about 5 mins,
> can you send mankin research a rticle link that mentions
> the
> diode to me again?
> My approach is always psychological. I may take it
> mythically or imaginally, or metaphorically, but never
> literally.
> sense of presence is parietal.
> I find such reports typical, usually not including
> resonance
> phenomena. In other words, such reports arise in many
> situations.
> http://ionamiller.weebly.com/spirit-comm.html
> Spirit Comm
> Frank Sumption wrote (3/07): “ I did just a little video
> testing using my random tuning technique to tune a small
> portable TV.I could voltage tune it from an external
> source,
> the random voltage...
> ionamiller.weebly.com
> yeah Im aware of all that.... appreciate where you are
> coming from, I cant say much more about this at the
> moment.... if you ever find out more about the specs, can
> you let me know?
> much thanks for the link dear lady!
> your sure his setup had no parts incorporating bismuth at
> all?
> no but I do not recall he evermentioned that or it would
> be
> part of my story
> it's a black box - on some level it doesn't matter what is
> in there -- you know what I mean.
> I understand what you mean, but I think weve had different
> types of experiences... in mine sometimes the contents
> made
> a huge difference, at least in so far as results and such
> went.... honestly grateful for everything you shared Iona,
> you are a gem to me!
> tough to isolate those variables. Ciao
> did you ever see the movie they made out of a 'wrinkle in
> time' ?
> yeah - daughter read it in the 70s 😉
> i know its a cheazy version, dont know if you ever read
> the
> book, but I bet youd give these good ladies a run for
> their
> money!
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5J5f7MGvYs
> A Wrinkle in Time - Meg's Duty
> Meg realizes and accepts her responsibility to go back to
> Camazotz and save Charles Wallace from the clutches of IT.
> youtube.com
> ...awkward Canadian compliment! 😉
> midnight here, freezing outside, 30 below, have to take
> garbage out to street, gonna have a smoke, thanks again
> Iona!
> I'm more like the Dr. Caligari cult film -- not the old
> old
> one
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyATCim_vKk
> d c
> d c 1989 http://houseofselfindulgence.blogspot.com/2008/08/dr-caligari-stephen-sayadian-1989.html
> youtube.com
> hey this looks trippy! dont
On Sun, 2/5/17, Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com> wrote:
To: doc_starz@yahoo.com
Received: Sunday, February 5, 2017, 11:35 PM
zener diode, germanium
a white noise RF generator was used be tween input and out
put which were positioned about 10 ft apart (simple zener
diode hooked to battery) some people mentioned good results
from that.
IONA says she cannot find out what kind of zener diode, no
info available on specs, so
we dont know the voltage, amperage, etc....
1305 Vista Drive
Grants Pass, OR 97527
Just plugged your blog sites as a quick thankyou to both our
yahoo and fb groups....
had a question about one of your articles, do you recall the
one about the dude who was using a special mod radio to
transceive messages outside of local time?
oh, you mean my spook Ken
Frank is dead now - http://ionamiller.weebly.com/spirit-comm.html
Spirit Comm
Frank Sumption wrote (3/07): “ I did just a little video
testing using my random tuning technique to tune a small
portable TV.I could voltage tune it from an external source,
the random voltage...
yeah... I think thats the guy... he mentioned that an
important part was needed, cant recall what it was,
transistor of somekind? but it had a really high
charge ceiling and would still burn out often... any w ay
you can find out what that part was specifically? I.e.
model, part no# brand, etc... and how much, where to
for a frankenbox or ken's spirit comm? Frank, no
ken sent me his set up -
it was the device where they were abloe to communicate with
hobbyists from a future time line
s Ken or whoever had a device set up where he claimed he got
intermittent messages from people a few hundred years in the
future, but to make his deivce work he had to have a
special part, he described its characterisitcs what it was
made from and how why it could carry such a high charge load
but the part name, make e tc was never mentioned, could you
find out what it was?
oh yeah, the thorium brick cars 😉
i can ask
Id really appreciate that, thanks, just want to know what
the s pecific part was, how to get, how much
if i recall correctly he said they had some kind of
non-linear processing feature, does that ring a bell?
it's like that mythical soviet amp tube 😉
it's ken for sure - but he has darpa access, and is not
doing this anymore to my knowledge. so , we'll see what he
he's not congenial.
you mean a nixie tube?
I meant 'everybody's got one' the holy grail
mything link
if hes ied into d**pa can you not mention my name, maybe
just say your curious as to what it was and then pass me the
he's not into any of it - he's on the correct side and long
you would be no person of interest, where he collecting any,
which he isn't
ok, thx Iona... if you can find out let me know.... your the
best! 🙂
your familiar with Ernetti?
ever hear of this ; http://soundofstars.org/time_files/image131.jpg
youve heard of the chr*n*vis*r ?
* = o
oh yeah
one sec
i have an ans but not the one you want, and i won't press
Trans-Dimensional Communication Experiments
The Scole Experimental Group had been conducting regular,
twice-weekly, experiments using electronic equipment, to try
to open communication 'links' with other dimensions of
existence. This was named...
canyou explain? why not the answer I 'want' ?
how about a zener diode?
oh... germanium... t hat makes sense.... altho I
thought there might be another element in it
thatws ounds familiar I think, is that the name of the
a white noise RF generator was used be tween input and out
put which were positioned about 10 ft apart (simple zener
diode hooked to battery) some people mentioned good results
from that.
it was a diode come to think of it, the part mentioned
can you find out what voltage, amperage any other specs,
there are many diff types of zener diodes?
he means just the standard zener voltage regulator right?
but what amp, voltage, etc?
do you like marcel vogel stuff?
when you say unlikely how do you mean?
you mean he wont tell us what the amp, voltage specs were?
I mean I am unlikely to extract that info from him.
vogel was a great scientist
so many zener diods types
do you know my friend Dan Willis who worked with him?
Dan lives here
he never mentioned using bismuth based components did
if not , go do so
no bismuth
Dan Willis
sorry, what do you want me to do? no I dont think I
know Dan Willis, you want me to connect with him?
stuff I want to tell you, show you but cant do it on
here..... not even sure how to do it securely at this
point.. however, one sec.....
yes, over his marcel vogel story
I know
Secure email: ProtonMail is free encrypted email.
ProtonMail is the world's largest secure email service,
developed by CERN and MIT scientists. We are open source and
protected by Swiss privacy law
will contact him, am going to send you something, its not
exactly what I want t o show you but related.... hold on
theother spooks called and told me to get on it, but I
haven't done so yet. It is Swiss - CERN
also, can you send me original link from mankind research
where he talks about diode again, just whip it off to me
here if you can?
oh. best result was simple super regenerative receiver
with MRF 901 or better high gain microwave receiver.
power supply 1.5 volt, a single aa,c, or d battery. 1
megohm bias rheostat. no coils or capacitors. large 12v
power supply transformer hooked up backward for output which
can be several ways including magnetic phone pickup NEAR
t-former, or crystal earphone. inductances and
capacitances are by moving wires carefully with broomstick
or nonconducting rod or just by shifting water around in
your body. Thats enoughto start.
Vogel was invovled with CERN somehow? he died a
while back tho? Will Willis divulge his sgtory to me?
i'm not linking vogel and cern -- cern gives free encrypted
account, that's all
listen to Dan's vids - am sure he discussed it.
dan has a vid, onyoutube?
lots, I imagine
is there any other way to find out specs on diode?
knowing its a zener helps but specs are pretty important,
also if there is a special batch number, you know like a
make model year, a lot of times when these anomalous effects
are ntoiced they dont appear in the standard parts, often
they are associated with a certain batch made at
acertain time, you know like maybe t hey were released for a
year and a hafl and had a sort of 'flaw' and then they
'fixed; the flaw after..... if you have any w ay to hunt
dowqn the mparticulars that would be great otherwise it
oculd be really tough to narrow it down
lots of vogel https://www.youtube.com/user/dreamhillresearch/videos
Dan Willis
Also, check this out ;
wait a sec... is Dan the guy who runs Dreamhill?
I know the dreamhill materials.... reviewed all that
stuff many times thoroughly over last number of yearws....
I dunno - they live in a dome on a mtn
he's a Disclosure guy
I cannot get the specs -- no one would recall a lot number
after decades.
ok, well, if you recommend I will def check it out, was
watching your peterson vid on psychopathology, really
great vid.... but will check dan out too
see the following ;
Ok, so the following is an example from one of our members
of an
anomaly that reoccurs in this form and similiar, I am
conivnced it is
NOT simply a form of 'Pareidolia', but cant explain
why I think that here.... read the below and see
related links.... also, I need to point out
that Shawn was using only our public released versions and
experienced this.... note, ALL of the tracks we have
released to date
publicly, that have often elicted profound effects are about
weaker than they could / should be - I did that
intentionally, by design,
have never released publicly frequency tracks past that
note the stuff he says about the 'voices' ;
Shawn Van Wyk
“Strange phenomena: I listened to Hyperspace evolver
extensively the last few days and something strange
happened, one of the times I was listening to it I could
distinctly hear it break up in like a distorted manner and
could swear I heard a faint voice in a high pitch, Im not
talking like EVP or anything like that, this was real, it
actually made me stop what I was doing and focus on it
intently, but it was brief, maybe 15 seconds if it even was
that long but I had the distinct feeling that an attempt to
communicate with me somehow was made...
I have been listening to these frequencies for ages now and
I know they come from the highest intentions and produce
pure energies when played. I believe that maybe since I have
been listening to the Financial vitality frequencies for so
long that my body got used to them somehow and when I
switched my listening regime to my playlist of : 1. Psychic
Shield, 2. Hyperspace Evolver, 3. Telapathyzer Medium, my
body reacted really freshly to these, I think the phenomena
occurred the second time the playlist looped and got about 2
mins into Hyperspace, it was extremely stimulating, there is
this inner bubbling sound that I never really heard before
and every time I heard it it was like I could FEEL the
bubbling inside my head, it was no imagination because i
could distinctly feel when the bubbling started and stopped,
the bubbling frequency effect was not coming and going
randomly and when I listened to it like the 3rd or 4th time
that is when it sounded like a distant crackling (imagine
old tinny intercom sound) and then some high pitched speech,
but it sounded alien to me and im no alien nut or ufo expert
or anything but this felt extraterrestrial or
inter-dimensional, or paranormal or whatever lable you want
to give it.
I feel this series of frequencies have triggered a possibly
linked third eye experience, I have been practicing some
kundalini meditation and third eye exercises the last month
or so, it could be related, I don't know, but it was REAL.
Amazing how much my hearing has improved, maybe I am
imagining it but music sounds so much more louder lately,
like when I play music on my earphones it sounds like really
loud but frequencies can be listened to seemingly louder
even though some of them sound shriller.”
yeah, that shrink and his daughter are clinically depressed,
bummer, ok no way to get the specs.... he did those
experiments decades ago then.... so a long time has passed,
no notes or he wont give more info out Im guessing
if you read the content I sent I think you might get an idea
as to why I want to get my hands on those parts.....
be back in about 5 mins,
can you send mankin research a rticle link that mentions the
diode to me again?
My approach is always psychological. I may take it
mythically or imaginally, or metaphorically, but never
sense of presence is parietal.
I find such reports typical, usually not including resonance
phenomena. In other words, such reports arise in many
Spirit Comm
Frank Sumption wrote (3/07): “ I did just a little video
testing using my random tuning technique to tune a small
portable TV.I could voltage tune it from an external source,
the random voltage...
yeah Im aware of all that.... appreciate where you are
coming from, I cant say much more about this at the
moment.... if you ever find out more about the specs, can
you let me know?
much thanks for the link dear lady!
your sure his setup had no parts incorporating bismuth at
no but I do not recall he evermentioned that or it would be
part of my story
it's a black box - on some level it doesn't matter what is
in there -- you know what I mean.
I understand what you mean, but I think weve had different
types of experiences... in mine sometimes the contents made
a huge difference, at least in so far as results and such
went.... honestly grateful for everything you shared Iona,
you are a gem to me!
tough to isolate those variables. Ciao
did you ever see the movie they made out of a 'wrinkle in
time' ?
yeah - daughter read it in the 70s 😉
i know its a cheazy version, dont know if you ever read the
book, but I bet youd give these good ladies a run for their
A Wrinkle in Time - Meg's Duty
Meg realizes and accepts her responsibility to go back to
Camazotz and save Charles Wallace from the clutches of IT.
...awkward Canadian compliment! 😉
midnight here, freezing outside, 30 below, have to take
garbage out to street, gonna have a smoke, thanks again
I'm more like the Dr. Caligari cult film -- not the old old
d c
d c 1989 http://houseofselfindulgence.blogspot.com/2008/08/dr-caligari-stephen-sayadian-1989.html
hey this looks trippy! don’t
[ S.O.S. : --> ] Consciousness Exploration
& Research
February 5, 2017 9:51 PM
Stars doc_starz@yahoo.com [sound_of_stars]"
"Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
Exploration & Research
Thanks to member Iona Miller for sharing these and getting me to revisit these
sites! I had come across these journals and similiar such as the Huping Hu main
site a few years ago, have posted some of there stuff at times to our group...
but have not been following them much as of late, just havent had the time -
but thanks to our friend and member Iona, its been brought mack to our
attention. For those of you who are inclined and interested you may find the
following to
be really worth while! Also, you may appreciate checking out Ionas sites online
directly Iona is a well known researcher / journalist who blogs on many
interesting subjects, ser her links at the end of this email.
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published Volume 8
Issue 1 entitled "Models of Consciousness & Modulation of DNA Life
Cycles" at http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/issue/view/75 . We invite you to
visit our journal website to review articles and items of interest. Thank you.
JCER Editors
QuantumDream, Inc.
More on Kozyrev ;
On Thu, 2/2/17, Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com> wrote:
Subject: Nature of Time - Kozyrev etc.
To: sound_of_stars@yahoogroups.com, "Doc Stars"
Received: Thursday, February 2, 2017, 11:35 AM
"Time is a form of energy. It is to
time's properties that we should look in order to find the
source that maintains the phenomenon of life in the world."
Revisiting Psychokinesis: Time, Ether, and Kozyrev
experimental data for measurement of the density of time in
different places of the planet. It was claimed the density
of time can be changed: near any Cause it is more rare and
near any Effect it is more dense. N.Kozyrev wrote about
possibility to use the physical properties of time for
biological kind of telecommunication. i.e. for telepathy.
This telecommunication can not screened and it is instant.
In this paper it was proposed to screen the time by means of
certain process, in other words: it is possible to create in
some local area the compensation of the natural time flow by
corresponding physical process.
scientists cited advancing unique time theories are the
Russians L.S. Shikhobalov, Albert Veinik (from whom he
obtained the term “chronon” to describe the quantum unit
of time), American astronomer William Tifft (who professed
the notion that redshifts of stars and galaxies might
actually be due to a quantum temporal effect and not caused
by recession speed), the Soviet-Italian Robert Bartini, and
the Italian school proposing complex Minkowski space-time
coordinates or six real dimensional coordinate
systems(incorporating 3 time dimensions): E. Cole, Demers,
Mignani, Recami, Dattoli, Vysin and Pappas.
Malet characterized true time as “stroboscopic”, a
series of moments of observation intersected by times of
non-observations. In this so-called doubling theory, a
particle in its horizon is always a horizon of particles
like Russian dolls nesting inside each other(horizon = two
particles twice as small). Time dilation occurs at the exact
point where a particle crosses a curved line and another
crosses a straight line. In this sense, a horizon is an
observation boundary and the interactions demarcate time
flow deviations. Similarly, the result of an interaction can
be anticipated as doubling time elapses more quickly than
time on the scale in question.
Therefore, the exchanges of interactions would correspond to
time accelerations and decelerations, precisely concurring
with Kozyrev’s observations. This is the consequence of
the doubling generating possible exchanges of trajectories
(and therefore information) between internal particles
(accelerated time) and external particles (decelerated
time). The internal horizons, which he called “temporal
openings”, are defined by stroboscopic observations.
Julien then extrapolates from Malet’s theory that, as
accelerated time (that which reaches a point more quickly)
exists side by side with the observer’s real time, it
would be legitimate to argue that the future is visible
(premonition/precognition) in the present. Accordingly, he
claims that intuition finds its roots in the future, where
time is accelerated, and usually guides us in our
when they are exposed to emotionally charged stimuli,
exhibit distorted time judgments. In this so-called
time-emotion paradox (Droit-Volet & Gil, 2009),
even though individuals possess a sophisticated
mechanism for processing time accurately, their
time judgments are biased by the perception of
emotional stimuli.
1952, head of the Soviet secret police organization Lavrenty Beria initiated a
case against researchers participating in the experiments, as a result of which
18 professors were executed by shooting and 59 candidates and doctors of
physical sciences were sent to camps. The Institute recommenced its activity
under Khruschev. But an experimental stand with eight leading researchers
disappeared in 1961, and buildings close to the one where experiments were
conducted were ruined.
--- On Fri, 8/30/13, Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Fw: Alien Voices - EVP - ITC - Instrumental Transcommunication
> To: "doc_starz@yahoo.com" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> Received: Friday, August 30, 2013, 11:31 PM
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKXcl1aWtf8
> good questions--evidently some entities can be interrogated,
> but have a robotic quality similar to autism since they
> don't apparently either have, or are connected to, their
> higher parts as most people in the ordinary range are by the
> higher harmonics in their voices, as Tomatis' work tends
> to show, and as amplified also by Manfred Clynes' work
> re essentic signatures and their sonification. So normally
> we are hearing the mental circuits still reverberating in
> the plenum, phantom-leaf style, left by the deceased as an
> organized sensitivity plenum impression, pulsing phase
> locked feedback and forward loops of trapped BEC potentials
> modulated only 3 or even less levels deep. When questioned,
> these can only produce pre-canned answers devoid of any real
> originality or objectivity at an
> autistic or even animal level. (4 mod-levels or more
> probably would sound like originality.) You might write Bill
> Donavan re his recent EVP experiences at
> williamdonavan@windstream.net. As for Oates, work, yes
> he's onto something of magnitude, when the technique is
> well handled. It turns on the understanding of time
> proceeding forwards and backwards simultaneously, a
> situation our brain decussation seems designed to help
> integrate.--M
> > hmmm
> >
> > thats interesting... I never knew what to think of his
> work, I reviewed it quickly some time ago and moved on...
> not that I dismiss EVP phenomena right out of hand, just
> couldnt figure out how to get anything practically useful
> out of it. This is weirdly reminiscent to the aussie
> who was marketing'ReverseSpeech'... wonder if
> he's still doing that.
> >
> > So, whats your take on all this, you think this
> phenomena is real then? If it is, what do you think it
> may be... and what sort of utility may be extracted from
> it?
> >
> > I thought that most of his stuff resulted in
> nonsensible colloquialisms or the kinds of phrases you'd
> expect if you were having a conversation with someone who
> had severe autism or something.... even if its relatively
> clear enough to make out word wise... is it nonsense or
> actually meaningful information?
> >
> > --- On Fri, 7/10/09, Michael Heleus
> <mheleus1@cox.net> wrote:
> >
> >
> > From: Michael Heleus
> <mheleus1@cox.net>
> > Subject: Re: BINGO - Got it!
> > To: "Doc Stars"
> <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> > Received: Friday, July 10,
> 2009, 8:58 PM
> >
> > Sure, Raudive's s/n ratio
> was poor, and just speeding or slowing the playback and
> simple filters were about all the tech he had to help--now,
> anyone
> with compression/pattern recognition software coming with a
> mac o/s can crank up mic sensitivity to get very distinct
> high n/s ratio voices. A friend, Bill Donavan, recently was
> videotaping a wrestling match, and when they were out of the
> room, and only his two colleagues present, he had to up the
> gain on his mic, noticed a sound like running water beyond
> the silence levels, and further gain with pattern
> recognition filtering gave very intelligible voices--one was
> saying, evidently in reference to his colleagues by the mic
> 'who are these people?'
> >
> >
> >> Im not so sure I would have
> connected these two so easily, the filter constant and
> Raudives work... didnt Raudiv find mostly gibberish?
> >>
> >> --- On Fri, 7/10/09,
> Michael Heleus <mheleus1@cox.net> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> From: Michael Heleus
> <mheleus1@cox.net>
> >>
> Subject: Re: BINGO - Got it!
> >> To:
> "Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> >>
> Received: Friday, July 10, 2009, 11:46 AM
> >>
> >>
> Yes, I meant Konstantin Raudive--sorry about that
> >>
> misspelling w/o the final e--M
> >>
> >> The
> train of correlations grabs the attention,
> >> but
> so does the fact that the source number is
> >>
> dependent on a set of image distortion
> >>
> parameters--quarter wavelength does sound a
> bit
> >>
> cubic, and s/n ratio = 10 does string you on a
> >>
> bit, but can we then bite on the whole bit?
> >>
> better not--bitter disappointment, since once
> >>
> again the conventional agreement word/number
> >>
> world doesn't align with the deeper abstract
> >>
> reality, in this case involving the phase
> >>
> conjugation of the 30 birds fn. It might be
> >>
> possible thus to get higher entity transmission
> >>
> using the .9+ compression system for
> signal
> >>
> >>
> recognition in a Raudiv effect context, given the
> >>
> original arbitrary constraints stand up. M
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >Old story... you want something done, roll up
> >>
> >your sleeves and do it yourself instead of
> >>
> >asking crusty old atmospheric academics...
> >>
> >
> >>
> >Ok, so here it is - wanted to share since you
> >>
> >run stuff past me all the time...
> >>
> >
> >>
> >So ; 1.090537599
> >>
> >
> >>
> >Is an inverse noise filter
> >>
> >
> >>
> >1 / 1.090537599 = 0.916978929
> >>
> >
> >>
> >Check it ;
> >>
> >
> >>
> >http://spie.org/x648.html?product_id=364126
> >>
> >
> >>
> >But the REALLY interesting part is this ;
> >>
> >
> >>
> >0.916978929 / 0.0340793
> >>
> >
> >>
> >Equals, guess what?
> >>
> >
> >>
> >26.90721139
> >>
> >
> >>
> >or... 3^3
> >>
> >
> >>
> >A what? A cube!
> >>
> >
> >>
> >Recall our previous convos on universe being nested
> teseracts et al?
> >>
> >
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: Doc Stars
> <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> To:
> "sound_of_stars@yahoogroups.com"
> <sound_of_stars@yahoogroups.com>
> Cc:
> "soundofstars@groups.facebook.com"
> <soundofstars@groups.facebook.com>
> Sent:
> Tuesday, July 24, 2012 6:46:44 PM
> Subject: Re:
> Alien Voices - EVP - ITC - Instrumental Transcommunication
> Alien Voices - EVP - ITC - Instrumental
> Transcommunication
> Instrumental Transcommunication
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKXcl1aWtf8
> Although we are far from grasping the full complexities of
> the phenomenon as yet, the so-called "voices from
> beyond", are easily distinguishable from terrestial
> human voices. They speak in an unmistakable rhythm and
> usually employ several languages in a single sentence; the
> sentence construction obeys rules that differ radically from
> those of ordinary speech and, although the voices seem to
> speak in the same way as we do, the anatomy of their
> "speech-apparatus" must be different from our
> own.
> Apart from their paranormal characteristics, the voices that
> manifest on tape show great
> similarities to those produced by ordinary human speech
> organs. It is possible that they may use already existing
> human voice material. They are softer, (those in Class B or
> C generally only a whisper) but they do seem to be produced
> through some kind of speech-apparatus.
> I will summarise briefly the characteristics I have
> mentioned in this section:
> http://soundofstars.org/disclosurepart1.htm
> From: Doc Stars
> <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Alien Voices - EVP - ITC - Instrumental
> Transcommunication
> To: "sound_of_stars@yahoogroups.com"
> <sound_of_stars@yahoogroups.com>
> Cc: "soundofstars@groups.facebook.com"
> <soundofstars@groups.facebook.com>
> Received: Thursday, January 5, 2012, 12:48 PM
> Alien Face on Off TV
> http://www.anomalies-unlimited.com/TV_Alien.html
> on 23 Dec 89 a lady named Renee photographed her daughter on
> a hobbyhorse next to a 19-inch
> TV. She saw nothing unusual; but, when she got the picture
> back
> there was a full-screen head of an alien on the TV. The TV
> was not
> on. This appears to be a case of instrumented
> transcommunication
> (ITC), a phenomenon studied by several groups in various
> countries
> and written about recently in The Quarterly Review of the
> Institute
> of Noetic Sciences [5]. This is alien technology. Both
> images look
> like they could be the same alien species. The lighting on
> each
> picture emphasizes a circular area on the
> side of the head above
> the area where we have ears. Perhaps this circular area is
> an organ
> associated with the direct projection of thought. It makes
> me
> wonder. These images seem to be influencing our thoughts. I
> wonder
> it they could be a part of a joint human-alien program to do
> so.
> http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/51230/KGB_Abduction_Files_1_9/
> http://www.nationalufocenter.com/artman/publish/article_26.php
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtogfPqkh1M
> http://www.google.ca/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=522&q=amoco+alien+photo&gbv=2&oq=amoco+alien+photo&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=2182l5491l0l6023l17l16l0l8l8l0l316l1437l1.5.1.1l8l0#hl=en&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=instrumented+transcommunication&pbx=1&oq=instrumented+transcommunication&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=371127l371127l0l373545l1l1l0l0l0l0l283l283l2-1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=5f5962922b47c19c&biw=1024&bih=522
> http://www.worlditc.org/h_08_schreiber_0.htm
> http://heyfreqs.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/
> Breakthrough
Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead
Raudive Ph.D.
- The
hypothesis of the unconscious
- The
theory of relativity
- How
the voices are heard
- Listening
to the voices
1. Microphone
2. Radio
3. Radio-microphone
4. Frequency-transmitter
5. Diode
The experiments described in this book are,
in some respects, a hazardous venture; but then, we always have to accept
hazards whenever we venture onto paths as yet undiscovered and untrodden, and
the adventurous spirit of the explorer is coupled with deep humility before new
truths and realisations.
Our human existence is orientated one-sidedly
along limited, measurable and calculable lines. The evidence of voices of
mysterious origin set out in this book, challenges us to alter our thinking
habits and to let them range freely on unfettered cosmlc energies, and on
spirit-beings, such as we ourselves one day may become.
It certainly sounds fantastic to assert that
we have made contact with spirit-beings, i.e. the dead, through tape
recordings. Today, however, when more or less adequate technical devices are at
our disposal, it is possible to test the facts by experiment and to lift them
out of the realm of the fantastic. Tape-recorder, radio and microphone give us
facts in an entirely impersonal way and their objectivity cannot be challenged.
The present stage of the investigation
reveals this contact as, so far, only the delicate, fleeting pulse of a new
reality, no more than vaguely discernible as yet, because of our lack of
experience and the inadequacy of our technical aids. Nevertheless, the voices
here described can open up new spiritual vilitas, irrespective of how we
explain, interpret and understand them.
Man has an inherent, stubborn characteristic:
the wish to fathom his own destiny--within himself and concerning himself. We
die whilst we live, for our concepts of life and death conceal the future that
awaits us.
From the fragments we hear in the
voice-experiments I have made, we can perhaps form some ideas about this
problem. My research has led me to the personal conclusion that apart from the
biological-psychica1 level on which we human beings here exist, there is a
second level: that of the psychical-spiritual being, whose potentialities are
only released after death. This psychical-spiritual being tries to build a
bridge between its world and that of our earthly form of life, and it
endeavours on its own initiative to make contact in order to guide those on
earth into a new reality.
Only someone who himself ventures to plumb
these inaccessible layers of human existence, where we discern neither
beginning nor end, only a forward compulsion of ourselves and our lives, can
assess the true position. It is quite possible that one day results will emerge
from the voice-experiments that will have a bearing on the highest, indeed the
ultimate goal man has sought throughout the ages and is still seeking--the
answer to the question: who am I and where am I going? Death might then be seen
as no more than a metamorphosis from one state of development to another.
This thought, as well as the attempt to
contact those in the so-called next world, is nothing new. From time immemorial
man's mind has been preoccupied with the idea of a hereafter and has tried to
gain visual or acoustic impressions of it. We only have to remember the ancient
Indian and Creek, and the early Christian religious experiences. Similar
attempted realisations have also been experienced through Spiritualism,
Occultism and Anthroposophy.
The present investigation takes a different
course: it is based on acoustics and leads to empirically provable reality with
a factual background that can open new perspectives for the study of
psychology.. We are trying to gain some insight into this as yet unknown
reality, and such insight not only changes our ideas and gives new direction to
the activities of our psyche, but points to undreamed-of powers reigning within
us and over us.
Those oriented towards natural science
believe that such problems can be solved by empirical means. This book is the
record of an attempt to do so.
I believe the solution to the problem lies in
two directions:
(A) New insight into the domination of the
unconscious (or subconscious).
(B) New aspects of the theory of relativity
(our relativeness, not Einstein's theory), which gains considerable impetus
through the voice-phenomenon.
(A) The hypothesis of the unconscious
The existence of the voices is established
through the sense of hearing; methodic repetition then makes deciphering and
!checking possible. The voice-phenomenon is autonomous, as far as the listener
is concerned, for it manifests on tape recordings through radio or microphone.
Anybody can study it and, by fulfilling certain preconditions, take up contact
with it.
During experiments with the voices no
spontaneous instances were observed. The phenomenon always manifests steadily
and adheres strictly to its characteristics. Consequently the voices can be
distinguished from noises emanating from different sources in the atmosphere.
These constantly repeated, unmistakable features are a safeguard against
psycho-acoustic deception and freakish radio sounds, habitually used by a
priori skeptics as an explanation of their own negative attitude. As the
voice-phenomenon is of an empirical nature, the suspicion of trickery, fraud,
or self-deception, constantly levelled against parapsychological
manifestations, falls away automatically, for the voice-phenomenon can be
examined with scientific accuracy.
It is a well-known fact that man has the
innate ability to act upon matter without physical action. This psychic faculty
is known as telekinesis. Rhine and his successors are of the opinion that
subconscious psychic forces stand as basic factors behind parapsychological
phenomena. This view gave rise to the belief that our subconscious mind is just
as autonomous as our conscious one, that these two layers of our mind can act independently
of one another and that the various problems of parapsychology are subordinate
to the function of the "unconscious". Accordingly, we should equally
look for the key to the voice-phenomenon in the realm of the unconscious. This
belief ranks amongst the most ingenious rationalistic hypotheses and belongs
almost to a tendency to explain man himself.
Professor Hans Bender, who has advocated this
hypothesis for thirty years, wrote in his paper "Zum Problem der
Aussersinnlichen Wahrnehmung" (The Problem of Extra-Sensory Perception,
1936; pages 34 to 35): "The tendency towards a personality synthesis of
dissociated psychic content can often be observed in automatic writing or
spelling of quite normal persons. Usually the impulse to create such personifications
comes from environmental suggestions, from a casual stimulus picked up as
crystallisation-nucleus for the most fantastic images. In Spiritualistic
séances such images of personalities often present themselves as incarnations
of the dead and try to give evidence of their identity. In rare cases they
produce an astonishing abundance of verifiable data which the medium could not
have obtained by normal sensory means."
Thirty years later Professor Bender tries to
interpret Spiritualistic phenomena as aspects of pathology in his
"Mediumistische Psychosen" (Mediumistic Psychoses; Parapsychology,
1966, Pages 574 to 604). He describes Spiritualistic practices as
"psycho-mechanic automatism" and explains them by means of what he
calls "overflow pipes of the unconscious": the belief that
Spiritualists are in touch with the "world beyond" is erroneous, he
asserts, for the Spiritualistic supposition that other-worldly intelligences,
"spirits", appear before us stems from the personification-tendency
of the unconscious and these phenomena are encouraged by paranormally gifted
automatists; alleged contact with the dead therefore has to be classified as a
pathological phenomenon. "Many find solace and hope in the conviction that
contact with the dead is possible, and they can defend their conviction by
pointing to documents of some literary value containing such 'messages from the
beyond' " (page 576). In a nutshell: Professor Bender's own observations,
as well as existing literature on psychiatry, have prompted him to regard
Spiritualistic practices as "mediumistic psychoses".
Professor Bender's term for functions
provoked by such subconscious reactions is "psychic automatism", and
he distinguishes between a mechanical and a sensory form. The mechanical
function manifests through subconscious processes of movement such as automatic
writing, table-tilting, knocking, etc.; the sensory form through visions,
voices, or haptic illusory experiences. His classic example is the shell, which
acts as stimulus for acoustic pseudo-hallucinations. He regards acoustic
hallucinations as rare occurrences in Spiritualistic practices. Acoustic
voices, heard by Spiritualists or mystics alike, he describes as illusory
acoustic perception.. He explains it all as a "clever deception of the
unconscious, which uses the normally incorruptible senses the moment the
critical ratio of the patient is no longer convinced by former procedures--a
sign of the strange split in the personalities of such Spiritualistic
adepts" (page 584).
Professor Bender thus dismisses the
Spiritualist's hypothesis as pathological and so precludes any possibility of
discussion. Spiritualists are, in his opinion, pathological cases in need of
psychiatric treatment. He illustrates this belief with examples of his own observations
from which he concludes: "Once more the affective shock becomes evident,
induced by the misunderstood experience of the beyond and the functional
dependence of the voices on the progressive development of complexes made
autonomous through night-long experimenting with the pendulum" (page 599).
Clearly his view is that the Spiritualist
hypothesis is a kind of psychic sickness which he tries to explain by what he
calls "psychic automatism", and he regrets that most psychologists
dismiss the idea.. His treatise ends with the following statement: ''The
superstitious attitudes built on misunderstood communication with 'spirit-beings'
are widespread and carry, as case histories show, the seeds of mental
One may deduce from Professor Bender's paper
and the literature he quotes that in him we are faced with an exponent of the
psychiatric school who interprets all paranormal phenomena as pathological
symptoms and thereby questions their objective existence. (Note: After
this book was written, Professor Bender became interested in the author's
research and participated in experiments.)
But the paranormal phenomena connected with
materialization mediums, clairvoyants and so-called miracle cures cannot be
explained by psychic automatism. The difficulties involved in getting to the
bottom of a paranormal phenomenon cannot be taken as evidence against its
existence or its importance. It may seem well-nigh impossible to interpret such
phenomena by hypothetical assumption, but parapsychology exists expressly to
concern itself with the supernormal and in most cases this does not permit a
rational supposition. It is quite unimportant whether something is supposed to
happen or not; the fact that something that cannot be explained by rational
means is definitely happening is sufficient reason for Parapsychological
research and examination. The materialistic attitude of science fails in this
respect, because it tries to argue away anything that is not supposed to exist
and does not fit in with the traditionally accepted view of life. It is the
problem of life after death that really contains the essence of our existence,
and since time out of mind man has probed this central question.
One of the mysteries of the human soul on
which the voice phenomenon can shed new light is the question of the
unconscious which, since Sigmund Freud's teachings, has become almost an
obsession of the human intellect. The unconscious can be explained as
scientific fiction, a construction of the conscious mind, but in order to
demonstrate this, I shall have to go more deeply into the matter.
Parapsychological research presupposes the
existence of the soul. "The soul is the greatest of all cosmic
miracles," said C. G. Jung. The question is: can one explain this miracle
through one's own self? Does it perish with death, or can this soul hope to
exist beyond the grave? We know that materialistic thought denies life after
death and disposes of any transcendental expression of our soul by declaring it
to be a pathological creation of our unconscious. The theory of the unconscious
originated amongst such romantics of psychology as Carl Gustav Carus,
1789-1869, and the philosopher Eduard von Hartmann, 1842-1906, who became known
as the "philosopher of the subconscious".
Well, many things start in the heads of
philosophers and poets! Sigmund Freud took up the idea, developed the theory of
the unconscious and turned it into a kind of scientific dogma. C. G. Jung and,
particularly, Gustav Richard Heyer were very much aware of this. "The
unconscious has become a hodgepodge of all the psychic happenings that cannot
be understood by simply applying the principles of ordinary, everyday
psychology of the conscious mind, says Heyer in his lecture Tiefenpsychologie
als Grenzwissenschaft (Psychology of the Subconscious—a Borderline Science),
addressing the audience at the second Lindau Psychotherapy Week, 1951. The
concept "the unconscious" (or subconscious) has only a relative
meaning in connection with scientific truth and therefore cannot claim to be
This concept of the unconscious can, in my
opinion, be likened to that of the "ether" in physics. Compared with
other sciences, psychology, and parapsychology in particular, is of quite
recent date; but physical science too has only developed gradually and was
nourished for a long time by fictitious beliefs. Right into the twentieth
century scientists believed in the existence of "ether", and even
such a progressive and forward-looking physical scientist as Sir Oliver Lodge
was convinced of its reality. Not until the beginning of the twentieth century
did the physicist Max Planck dispose of this fictitious substance. He spoke of
light quantums and photons and finally came to the conclusion that space was
conditioned by electromagnetic radiation.
Prior to Planck, "ether" was made
to explain something that could not be understood. Earlier physicists had tried
to portray the whole of nature in mechanistic terms. Planck's conception of the
world, however, was not a mechanistic one; on the contrary, it seemed
impossible to connect it with any kind of mechanistic view of life. Mainly for
this reason Planck was at first rejected and ridiculed, but his teaching
triumphed and developed into one of the great principles of modern physics--the
quantum theory. This was the end of the mechanistic era in physics, and an
entirely new phase began.
One can take the "unconscious" of
parapsychology as a parallel and rate it as mechanistic-automatic fiction which
calls for revision. We cannot explain man through man himself.
The psychologists of the nineteenth century
were apt to assume that their knowledge penetrated the whole of creation, and
their dogmas on the nature of man were built up on that basis. Even today the
unconscious is thought to be "something like a colossal labyrinth".
Nobody, however, asks how this unconscious is sustained. The hypothesis of the
unconscious can be regarded as a psychological illusion for the following
The apparently acceptable supposition of an
"unconscious" fails immediately when we are faced with a new reality,
namely post-mortal life. We come back, straightaway, to the cardinal question
whether the unconscious, on whose efficiency our inner life is supposed to
depend, really exists or whether it is no more than a figment of our imagination.
We must always remember that the reality of the unconscious is only a
hypothesis, introduced into science by the psychologists. These psychologists,
who imagined that everything could be explained in mechanistic terms, concluded
that all the activities of our psyche could also be interpreted by some
mechanical means; but this intangible "something" is a supposition, a
fabrication, an intensely private thing within the conscious inner realm.
To interpret the voices as products of the
unconscious however is out of the question, as the phenomenon is of an
objective, physical-acoustic nature.
Psychology uses the term "the
unconscious", but admits that it knows nothing about it. C. G. Jung gives
a hint in this context: "... psychology can know nothing about the
substance of the psyche, because it cannot realise anything except through the
psyche. One can therefore neither deny nor confirm the validity of such terms
as Mana, Daemon, or God; but one can note that the feeling of unfamiliarity,
which is connected with the experience of the objective, is authentic."
What we wish to express in the term the
"unconscious", we can equally express as "Mana",
"God" or "Daemon". C. G. Jung finds these expressions much
more qualifying than "the unconscious". In his memoirs (page 339 of
the German original) he says: "... for the unconscious is banal and
therefore nearer to reality".
The reason why the theory of the unconscious
is questionable, is that it seeks to explain man through man himself;
consequently paranormal phenomena would be automatically reduced to something
emanating from man himself. This opinion negates the independence of paranormal
phenomena and dissolves in the end into conscious and subconscious
subjectivism. We know nothing of that which moves and guides us, nothing of the
sources of our paranormal faculties.
The essence of the voices can be gleaned from
their acoustically perceptible appearance and from insight into the meaning of
their utterances, rather than through psychological knowledge or psycho-philosophical
theories. The voices make their objectively valid statements independently of
our attempts at interpretation; they are an acoustic fact and need no special
theories to confirm them.
(B) The theory of relativity (or
relativeness… not Einstein's theory)
The hypothesis of the unconscious can be
confronted by that of an "anti-world", which is based on the theory
of relativity. There is no "thing as such", there is no "man as
such," either. The phenomenon "man" exists, with his conscious
and unconscious faculties, as a unit; but he is dependent on a host of
relationships that mark him as "man". He can only then regard himself
existent as "man" when both the world and its counterpart--the higher
world--are in existence and he, as "man", has a relationship to both
these worlds.
Starting from the same premise we see, for
instance, that the unconscious can only prove its existence in relationship to
a higher consciousness. A world establishes its reality by its relationship to
an anti-world; and the anti-world is a condition for the relative existence of
the world and of all that is portrayed as reality in man.
This assumption fits in with the hypothesis
of "spirits": a spirit-world must exist in order to proclaim the
earthly, human world. This hypothesis can be shored up, or demolished by
experiments. It is by no means based on mere dogmas of faith, but on the theory
of relativity. The key-note of our world is interaction, and man stands at its
centre; he is not an exception to the rule, but the result of a great universal
"teamwork". This is the reason why it is so difficult to understand
man's earthly existence and his higher existence in isolation from each other,
or to bring both under a common denominator. Nothing can be explained from the
purely human point of view alone.
The voice-phenomenon calls for consideration
of both these hypotheses, that of the unconscious and that of relativity.
The unconscious presents parapsychology with
a dire dilemma: the problem concerns the belief in a "dark side" of
our psyche on the one hand, and the principle of consciousness on the other.
Can a way of reconciling the two be found? Is there something constant within
us--without consciousness?
Philosophical thought and physical science
have led us to the realisation that no object can be more than the sum total of
its attributes, and these attributes exist only in our consciousness.
Accordingly, our world is a construction of the conscious, composed of symbols
shaped by the human senses. The philosopher Berkeley, who believed in
"categories of the spirit", held that components forming the
structure of the world itself have no substance without the conscious, and
reasoned that existence itself would be impossible, unless it existed in the
consciousness of an eternal spirit.
This realisation calls for the existence of a
higher consciousness, which alone can give us an understanding of human
consciousness. We comprehend that man stands in relation to a higher existence,
and that this justifies his own "being".
Asserting that man can be explained through
man himself must logically lead one to the conclusion that he needs no other
reality outside himself. If, however, man assumes that he himself is the
explanation of all extrasensory phenomena, then his existence loses all
meaning; such an "explanation" is but a subjective feeling used to
express the supernormal part of our psyche. In other words, instead of
providing an explanation, man, in his subjectivism, simply rotates around
It is interesting to note in this context
that the most eminent physicists of our times, Einstein and Planck, followed
this train of thought consistently when they pointed out that even time and
space are just frames into which we fit our observations and are as inseparable
from consciousness as are our conceptions of colour, shape, or size. In the
opinion of these two physical scientists, space simply serves to bring order
into the range of objects we perceive, and time has no independent existence
outside the order of events by which we measure it. This basic realisation
explodes our so-called reality and shows us how circumscribed our senses really
are. The human eye is sensitive only to the limited range of colours between
red and violet, and the difference of a few ten-thousandths of a millimeter in
wave-length signifies the difference between the visible and the invisible.
The same applies to our ear, which can hear
only a small fraction of the field of frequency. Our sense of hearing cannot
discern electromagnetic waves; they must first be converted into- sound-waves
by electronic apparatus. The sound-picture of the world received by the human
ear is incomplete and attenuated. How much more would our world mean to us if
our sense of hearing were a hundred or even ten times sharper, if our eyes were
receptive to X-rays, or the gamma-rays of radium!
Realising that in fact all our knowledge of
the universe rests on fragmentary impressions of our senses, we must assume
that we shall never fully appreciate the true reality of the cosmic structure.
The voice-phenomenon, however, opens up new
paths for parapsychologists to explore and points to an underlying objective
reality, which hitherto lived only as an assumption or a belief in our
imagination.. This reality is the continued existence of our soul after death.
To solve the puzzle of the human soul without
taking life after death into consideration, seems to become increasingly
difficult.. The voice-phenomenon unmistakably indicates a higher reality of the
soul, an "overself", that by some mysterious means can send us
messages. Thanks to electronic apparatus it is possible to verify this
existence after death objectively; through this objective knowledge we can
heighten our perception of the universe and can be helped to understand many
psychic phenomena which hitherto were shrouded in mystery.
If the physical scientists with their
equations have been able to penetrate deeper into the invisible and inaudible
secrets of the universe, than have the psychologists and parapsychologists into
the secrets of the soul, it is because the psychologists have been
philosophising about themselves without any means of explanation of the psyche
other than through the psyche. For this reason the psychology of the past could
produce no objective interpretation of psychic phenomena and simply drowned in
The voice-phenomenon shows acoustically
perceptible, objective manifestations that lead us, by inference, to what may
be at least a true hypothetical reality. One must, of course, take into
consideration that extra-sensory phenomena can hardly be probed by the research
methods of physical science. Further difficulties arise in research into the
voice-phenomenon, because we have no idea of the substance in which our soul
exists after death.
The American parapsychologist Rhine indicates
in his book, The Reach of the Mind, that man possesses, in addition to his
normal consciousness, an "inner window" that is breached time and
again by experiences of extrasensory perception. Rhine compares the impact of
this parapsychological fact with that of nuclear physics, while Professor
Bender has now expressed the opinion in a talk, recorded on tape, that the
voice-phenomenon is equal to nuclear physics in importance.
The working hypothesis of the unconscious and
of relativism could complement each other in a significant way if researchers
acknowledged the fact that all we commonly call "real" represents
only a fraction of true reality. The voice-phenomenon establishes a relation to
an extra-real or anti-real world of manifestations.
C. G. Jung followed the same trend of thought
in his theories: "Our psyche is of a cosmic design and what happens on a
large scale also takes place in the smallest and most subjective way in our
soul. That is why the God-image is always a projection of the inner experience
of a mighty vis-a-vis."
The physicist Werner Heisenberg equally
rejects the dividing of the world into subject and object, inner and outer
world, body and soul, in his conception of the nature of modern physics.
"In natural science," he states, "the object of research is no
longer nature itself, but nature subjected to man's questioning." Das
Naturbild, page 18; (The Image of Nature). The theme is no more just an
"image of nature" as such, but an "image of our relationship to
nature" page 21). Descartes' division of the world into "res-cogitans"
and "res-extensa" is therefore no longer valid for modern natural
science. Man is an interaction of sensory and extrasensory worlds, and the
animistic view of life will have to be abandoned, for its image of man relates
to sensory man only.
As an object can be explained only in
relation to something else; so man stands in relation to a higher, spiritual,
sovereign being that does not perish with death.
Meticulous analysis of the voice-phenomenon
confirms the fact that it cannot be interpreted in animistic terms. It
manifests in collaboration with our psyche (anima), but confronts us as an
independent acoustic manifestation, exhibiting its specific, individual
existence. The tangible results of this new discovery encourage the assumption
that the voices can be defined as extrasensory entities. Appearing as
independent manifestations, they can be determined by a host of basic features.
We can experience the occurrence as an acoustic phenomenon and draw rich
material for research from its content.
In searching for clarity concerning the
ultimate questions of our existence we search for the most precious gift of
all--the certainty of our soul's survival. This is perhaps the main problem
parapsychology, in its attempt to define life after death empirically, has to
solve. In the same measure that we attain clarity on the ultimate questions
concerning our soul, shall we also find meaning and aim for our earthly
It is my opinion that the voice-phenomenon
produces facts by means of which we can break through the habitual confines of
our existence and make contact with the "opposite world" that can be
regarded as the center of our life after death. We step into a new dimension,
and that means freedom from the fetters of time, space and physical preconceptions.
We enter into transcendental reality.
One thing is clear--the path that leads to
this truth will be long and arduous, for many preconceived ideas and thinking
habits will have to be brushed aside. Those who do not shy away from all these
difficulties however will feel enriched, and empowered to guide their lives
towards a higher destiny.
Towards the end of 1964 a book appeared in
Stockholm under the title Roesterna fran Rymden (Voices from Space). The
author's name was Friedrich Juergenson.
All my life I have been preoccupied with
parapsychological problems, especially with those concerning death and life
after death.. These problems play a part in all my books and particularly in
Der Chaosmensch und seine Ueberwindung (Chaos-Man and his Conquest). Whilst
studying in England I had come into close contact with men like G.N.M. Tyrrell
and William Oliver Stevens, who were then working intensively on various
parapsychological problems. After the war I lived in Sweden and I am closely
connected with those interested in parapsychological research in that country.
Juergenson's name struck me as that of an outsider.
Reading Juergenson's book carefully several
times gave me a very definite impression of the author as a highly sensitive
and susceptible man. Many of his ideas seemed to me to have been formed by a
vivid imagination; the kind that could conjure up pictures in an empty room or
voices out of the stillness. Later in his book, however, he came to develop a
fascinating theme: he maintained that with the help of tape-recorder,
microphone and radio he was able to hear voices on tape which he called
"voices from space"; that these voices did not belong to any other "physical"
world, but to a world in contrast to ours, a spiritual world; that the voices
were those of the dead. Juergenson gives a detailed account of this in a book
called Sprechfunk mit Verstorbenen (Radio-Link urith the Dead), 1967. He heard
not only the voices of near relatives or friends, but also those of historical
personages of the recent past, such as Hitler, Goering, Felix Kersten, the
Yoga-author Boris Sacharow, the controversial Chessman etc. Juergenson mentions
a great number of such voices--all recorded on tape in the course of several
Almost every page of the book confronted me
with unanswered questions; no practical hints were given, and so I contacted
the author in April 1965 and asked him to demonstrate some of his tapes to a
small private audience.
I felt an immediate empathy towards Friedrich
Juergenson: all that he told me had a ring of sincerity and deep emotional
Apart from myself, three people were present
at the demonstration: Dr. Zenta Maurina, G.Sch. (a teacher) and Mrs. M.
Juergenson. Juergenson went straight to the point and let us listen to a
selection of his recordings. Against a background of ordinary tape noises,
voices were audible; we could hear them, but our unpractised ears had great
difficulty in identifying or comprehending them. They had to be repeated
several times before our sense of hearing could gear itself to the unusually
quick rhythm..
At the first recording Juergenson made in our
presence, through microphone, voices appeared that could not possibly have come
from any of the people in the room. Dr. Maurina, for instance, remarked that
she was under the impression that the inhabitants of the beyond were living a
happy, carefree life. A voice answered: "Nonsense!" This word was
distinctly audible and easily identified by all of us when we listened to the
tape being played back, and there were other voices that could not be
determined quite so unequivocally.
The phenomenon began to grip my attention and
awakened all my explorer's instincts. After looking into several hypotheses and
theories, I studied the phenomenon as a function of the unconscious; then again
I tried to explain voices obtained through radio as coincidental sound-freaks
from transmitting stations.
My searching and reflecting involved me more
and more in Juergenson's discovery, and in June 1965 I decided to do some
research with Juergenson on his estate, Nysund, in order to gain some personal
Renewed contact with Juergenson and deeper
insight into his personality and his life's history confirmed my view that this
man was utterly sincere; that he was completely immersed in the mystery of this
phenomenon and firmly convinced that he was dealing with a world beyond--a
world into which we merge after death and where we continue our activities in a
transcendental existence. Faith and intuition can never harm a cause; for my
part, I endeavoured to understand the phenomenon in its factual sense.
In the beginning our recordings produced
unclear, hardly discernible voices; not before 10th June at 9.30 p.m., did we
achieve good results. This successful recording was made through radio. I have
played it over to many people since, and all have heard and understood the
voices it contains. First a voice calls: "Friedrich,
Friedrich!"---then a woman's voice says softly "Heute pa nakti"
(German and Latvian: "Tonight") followed by a woman's voice asking
"Kennt ihr Margaret, Konstantin?" (German: "Do you know Margaret,
Konstantin?"); the voice continues in a singing tone: "Vi talu!
Runa!" (Latvian: "We are far away! Speak!"). The fragment closes
with a female voice: "Va a dormir! Margarete!" (French: "Go to
sleep! Margarete!").
These words made a deep impression on me, as
Margarete Petrautzki had died recently, and her illness and death had greatly
affected me. This coincidence gave me much food for thought, and I resolved to
investigate the phenomenon by myself; to isolate it, if possible, from
Juergenson's personality as medium and to make it "independent". Was
the phenomenon really universal and free from all subjective influence? In that
case it should be able to manifest itself on tape quite independently,
regardless of persons, time, or space. Should this prove to be so, one would
have to reckon with an objective existence of the phenomenon. If I were able to
succeed in becoming aware of tile phenomenon through my own individual
research, I would try to understand its working and penetrate its meaning.
So I started my own experiments in June 1965.
In the course of five years I have made so many observations and gained so much
experience that my main task now lies in sifting the enormous amount of
voice-material collected on my tapes; in crystallising the essential criteria
common to all possible forms of manifestations heard, and in discarding all
details not essential to a thorough comprehension of the phenomenon.
"Realisation of the character of
something seen or heard is the adding of a specific impression to an overall
meaning one already knows", says A. F. Marfeld in his book on
electrotechnics and electronics..
It is very difficult to trace the
voice-phenomenon back to an already known denominator. First of all one has to
grasp the nature of the manifestation, determine the pitch of the voices and
understand the language they use; as the phenomenon is of a physical nature,
all these problems are still this side of the "cloud of unknowing".
How the voices create electromagnetic fields on the tape remains for the moment
an unsolved riddle; but experimental work is bringing us nearer to the root of
the problem.
To begin with I wanted to find out whether
the phenomenon happened independently of outer influences. I started with
recordings through microphone. Despite my most strenuous efforts I heard
nothing but the words I had spoken myself and the rushing sound of the tape
whenever I played a recording back. After three months of practice, at last I
heard a male voice. In answer to my observation that the inhabitants of the
beyond, just like earthly humans, probably have to contend with certain
limitations, the voice said in Latvian: "Pareizi ta bus" ("That
is right"). The voice keeps a definite, steady rhythm :
"Pa- rei- zi- ta bus"
I must stress here that although this was the
first voice I heard, it was by no means the first to have imprinted itself on
tape during my experiments. Later on, after repeated and careful listening-in,
I could detect many voices I had not noticed in the beginning.
Psycho-acoustic experts assume that the human
ear can distinguish approximately 400,000 different sounds and therefore it
always recognises the difference between two sounds presented one after the
other; but this is only a theoretical assumption. Research shows that most
people are unable to distinguish more than seven levels of sound-volume and
seven levels of pitch. During various listening-in tests, we made the
interesting discovery that, to start with, the human ear either does not pick
up the voices at all or distinguishes them only very slowly and vaguely. The
ear must attune itself for quite a period before it can start to hear the
phonemes. (A phoneme is the smallest unit of speech-sound that can be
distinguished from another.)
All of us, with the exception of those who
have a specially trained sense of hearing, hear only very superficially; but
the sense of hearing is of the highest importance when it comes to discerning
the voices. Musically trained people were able to follow the voices with much
less trouble than others during tests. Professor Atis Teichmanis, of the
College of Music in Freiburg (Breisgau, Germany), noticed immediately when
listening-in that the voices differ in pitch and sound-volume from ordinary
human voices. Despite his particularly acute sense of hearing, however, he
could differentiate and understand the voices only with difficulty at
first--because of the unaccustomed rhythm, pitch, intensity and strange mode of
expression used, which make these voices sound so different from earthly human
ones. After a time of diligent practice, when the ear has become attuned, we
can find in these very deviations from the accustomed the clues to help us
determine the structure of the voices. Voices may vary in sound-volume from
whispering to fortissimo; their timbre is usually well defined.
Over four hundred people have taken part in
listening-in tests, which have shown that each participant could become aware
of the voices through the sense of hearing and could understand the speech
content. At first, most people had difficulties, depended often only on feeling
and guessing, and heard only vague noises; after a period of practice, however,
the noises emerged as definite sound-shapes and meaningful sentences.
Audibility of the voices, therefore, depends on practice, ability of the ear to
distinguish, and the extent of undivided attention given whilst listening. The
ear is the best voice-analyser (apart from electrical measuring-techniques
which allow us to measure the minutest time-differences); it is a masterpiece
of nature, "for in the nerve-fibres, various electronic processes are
connected in series, each of which lasts roughly 100 micro-seconds. With such
slow-working elements as building-material, the electronics engineer could
achieve such accuracy only with the greatest difficulty." A. F. Marfeld,
Electrotechnik und Elektronik (Electrotechnics and Electronics)-Safari-Verlag,
Berlin, 1965. p.725.
It is necessary to stress that the
verification of the voices depends on repetition, and the ear cannot hear the
voices without technical aids. Tape-recorder and microphone are as essential
for the investigator of the voice-phenomenon as microscope and telescope are
for the natural scientist and the astronomer.
When we have detected a voice on tape we
still have to identify and understand it. We start by determining what language
it uses, and whilst the ear will not quickly differentiate unknown foreign
languages, it can adapt itself to the mother-tongue or languages that are
familiar to it much more easily. The voices are characterised by an
unmistakable, polyglot speech.
After having determined the language(s), we try
to grasp content and meaning. Only when we have analysed the sentence in this
way and found that it is composed of several languages and that the words add
up to a sensible content, can we claim that the voice is paranormal. The
extrasensory character of the voice phenomenon can only be determined by
comparing its mode of expression with the rules and regulations of ordinary
human speech. Everyday life, and speech in particular, is full of complicated
noises composed of a multitude of varied frequency components. When such a
noise spreads through the air one can treat each component separately, for the
sound waves travel through the atmosphere without influencing each other. It is
quite easy to determine, when listening to a tape, that the voices are in no
way influenced by any other sources of human noise.
I would like to repeat here that the decisive
factor in studying the voice-phenomenon is not the theoretical interpretation,
not the philosophising, but the empirical result, arrived at through
experiment, that can be verified under test conditions. The fact that the
voices are audible to our ear and we can understand that speech, confirms that
they exist physically and independently from us, and the experiments prove that
the voices can be heard by anybody with a fair sense of hearing, regardless of
his or her personal views, sympathy or antipathy. The voices are objective
entities that can be verified and examined under psycho-acoustic, physical conditions.
This concurrence of psycho-acoustic and paranormal data can hardly be brushed
aside as mere coincidence; the voices must therefore be deemed to stem from a
different plane of existence than our own.
The main difficulty for effective research
lies in the "listening-in" process. Because the ear has only a very
limited range of frequency, and the language of the voices is tuned to more
rapid frequencies than human speech, I have found that it takes at least three
months for the ear to adjust itself to the difference: to begin with, though it
may hear speech-like noises, it cannot differentiate the words--let alone
understand what they mean. Of course, sharpness of hearing can differ widely
from person to person: listening-in tests have shown that children and people
with a musically trained ear have least difficulty in following the voices;
military-trained radio operators achieve a high degree of accuracy, and for
some unknown reason specialists of internal diseases and Catholic priests also
seem to be able to discern the voices with relative success.
To augment audibility, I have evolved the
following method:
When a sentence that can be understood has
been located, this section of the original tape is re-recorded on to another
tape and this process is repeated at least five times. It is a procedure that
makes it easier to analyse the voices phoneme by phoneme, and statements can be
verified with greater certainty. It is for this reason that a recording of, for
instance, ten minutes, may take ten hours to analyse and verify.
The concrete results of this new method of
research give substance to the assertion that the voices can be defined as
belonging to transcendental beings. They appear as independent acoustic shapes
that can be determined by a number of basic, characteristic features. This
means that we can recognise the phenomenon in its acoustic manifestation.
Results vary considerably according to the
method of recording used.
The process of making recordings through
microphone for the investigation of the voice-phenomenon is approximately the
same as for ordinary tape-recording.' Speed can be adjusted to 3-3/4 i.p.s. or
7-1/2 i.p.s. Friedrich Juergenson considers that a speed of 7-1/2 i.p.s. is
probably more suited to the fastspeaking voices; but my own experiments show
that 3-3/4 i.p.s. gives equally satisfactory results and quite often the voices
appear to be even clearer at that speed.
When the tape-recorder has been switched to
"recording", the person in charge of the session might begin, for
instance, by simply giving the date: "Today is the ..." Unless the
experimenter is alone, he can then give the names of participants. Should the
investigator be by himself he might say perhaps: "Hello, hello, here is
X.X.--- I should be very happy to know that the unseen friends are here and are
manifesting through the tape." He can follow this up by calling the names
of dead friends and acquaintances; he should feel free to say whatever he
likes, to ask questions, to explain or to specify what he wishes to know. If,
on the other hand, the recording is being made in the presence ·of several
people, the conversation should be kept on general lines so that each
participant can contribute whatever he or she wants to express. Recording
sessions should not exceed ten to fifteen minutes, because, as I have
explained, examination of voices received may take several hours.
I have found microphone-voices to be very
soft, quick as lightning, and only too often drowned or made unintelligibie by
voices of people taking part in the experiment. I therefore advise participants
to speak slowly, quietly, and to take time to pause; afterwards, when the tape
is being played back, to pinpoint every hint of a voice precisely and to repeat
that section, so that the utterance becomes audible, the contest clear and
unequivocally verifiable and identifiable to the human ear.
Equally important is that participants should
refrain from making noises, such as, for instance, murmurs of assent or
dissent. Sincerity and honesty of purpose are, of course, essential. How the
manifestations are explained or interpreted by those present is not important
at this stage; it is most important that we should hear the voices and
essentially comprehend them, in their various aspects of rhythm, language,
content, etc.
Sincerity and honesty do not rule out logical
thinking and criticism, but an atmosphere of harmony and discipline should
prevail.. Idle gossip during recordings is to be avoided.
The microphone voices fall into three classes
of audibility:
Class "A" voices can be heard and
identified by anyone with normal hearing and knowledge of the language spoken;
no special training of the ear is needed to detect them.
There are several hundred microphone-voices
amongst my recordings that fall into this group. It is easy to make tape copies
of "A" voices, and they can be repeated as often as desired. Thus, I
have analysed roughly 25,000 voices according to speech content, language and rhythm.
By this method of repetition, the acoustic reality of the voices can be
established beyond doubt, and hallucinations of the ear are excluded.
Class "B" voices speak more rapidly
and more softly, but are still quite plainly audible to a trained and attentive
ear. The ability to differentiate increases with practice, but this is a slow
and wearisome process. For this reason it is difficult to use non-regular
participants for experimental purposes with class "B" voices.
Class "C" consists of the most
interesting voices; voices that give us a great deal of information and much
paranormal data. Unfortunately, these can be heard only in fragments, even by a
trained ear, but with improved technical aids, it may eventually become
possible to hear and demonstrate these voices, which lie beyond our range of
hearing, without trouble. This grading and my comments are but a rough guide in
the present stage of our approach to the psycho-acoustic aspect of the
The problems pertaining to the recording of
voices through radio are complex. In recording, as well as in listening to the
results, the sense of hearing is of vital importance. Friedrich Juergenson
maintains in his book Voices from Space that no radio-voice recordings can be
made without a "mediator". This "mediator voice" is that of
a woman (in his case "Lena"), telling one which transmitting station,
wavelength, and hour of day or night to choose for a recording. I was able to
hear Juergenson's mysterious "mediator" on one of his tapes. She
asked him to wait for the recording till 9 p.m.; hints about people and events
also came through in her strangely hissing voice.
I had to wait six months before such a
mediator appeared on my tapes. It was at the end of 1965 when at last I heard a
voice reply to my query as to who my mediator might be; it said
"Spidola" (a Latvian name), spoken in Class "B" audibility.
A male voice added in Latvian: "Mes dzirdejam. Latviesi tev
palidzes." ("We have heard. The Latvians. will help you.")
At the next radio-voice recording--it was the
first one I made by this method--I heard a female voice indicating a quite
unknown transmitting station. "Sak' Peter!" (Latvian: "Tell
Peter!"), it said. Further evidence on tape confirmed that someone called
Spidola really did assist in radio-voice recordings, and that the
voice-entities appear to have several transmitting stations of their own.
If one is relying on the help of the
"mediator", one glides slowly from one end of the wavelength-scale to
the other and listens carefully for a voice that will hiss "Now", or
"Make recording!", or some such hint. At that precise moment one
switches on the tape-recorder (which is connected to the radio) and starts the
recording, regardless of music or speech being transmitted on that particular
wavelength, or of any other noises. Afterwards, when the tape is being played
back, all extraneous noises resulting from radio transmissions have to be
carefully eliminated, so that possible "voices" (always distinctly
marked by their unmistakable rhythm, language-mixture, and frequent habit of
addressing the experimenters) may be discerned. I will come back to these
special features later, when we examine speech-content.
Further experiments proved, however, that
successful radio recordings could be achieved even without the help of Spidola.
One chooses transmitter waves that meet and produce a typical
"rushing" sound (or 'white noise'). In this way one can make
recordings without interference from radio programmes; but only afterwards,
when the tape is being played back, can one hear how the voices stand out
against the background of any incidental fragments of radio-transmissions. Once
again they are recognisable by their paranormal features. They may address the
experimenter and give him hints; or persons we know may give their names, tell
us something, warn us or plead with us. But whether the voices are microphone,
radio, or other methods of recording, they always keep the same rhythm, the
same peculiarities of speech, and often say things that relate to extrasensory
The presence of Spidola, the mediator, is
confirmed on many of my recordings. Sometimes she gives quite definite advice;
sometimes other voices rebuke her, or try to make her appear unimportant, even
Radio-voices too can be grouped into three
grades of audibility; but they differ from microphone-voices in that their
pronunciation is clearer and their messages are longer and have more meaning.
The voices themselves tend to clamour again
and again for radio-recordings. I have some extremely good examples of this on
tape. We know that radio waves penetrate the human body without being
registered by the sense-organs. Electromagnetic fields within us continually
make music or speeches --and perhaps these voices from "beyond" also
cry out for contact within us and we fail to hear them. Many things are
inaudible to our unaided ears, but a sensitive radio or microphone receives
these subtle vibrations and creates electromagnetic fields on tape which are
transformed into soundwaves and made audible. Perhaps these "voices from
space" seem strange to us only because they are excluded from our
ordinary, everyday powers of perception, but I have the impression that they
are always present and through microphone or radio, can give us enormously
varied information.
So we see the voice-phenomenon is closely
linked to radio waves that come from afar, penetrate everything and create
electromagnetic fields within the so-called physical world, and we can regard
the tape-recorder as an intermediary between electronic waves and sound-waves;
only with the help of a tape-recorder can we hear what the electronic world
tells us through the medium of sound-waves.
(3) Radio-Microphone Recording
Quite by chance I discovered a method of
combining radio and microphone recordings. One day, whilst I was playing back a
recording, I noticed changes on the tape. A voice incessantly demanded
"signals". Suppressing my astonishment I followed this strange
recording to the end. When the tape had run through I fixed a fresh one, as I
intended to make a radio-voice recording, but I forgot to adjust the
tape-recorder, so that in effect the recording was made through microphone
while the radio connection remained in operation. On playing the tape back I
discovered several voices; by mistake, so to speak, I had stumbled upon a
method which opened up quite new possibilities of registering conversation. By
this method the voices can enter into discussions and answer questions,
Listening, as the tape is being played back, we hear our own queries, and
conversations between participants, to which quite exceptionally meaningful
answers and comments are received. Once again I noticed the characteristic
peculiarities of the phenomenon, which remained exactly the same as in the
other recording methods. Sentences are compressed, the meaning is usually
obscure, and in all languages used grammatical rules are ignored; for instance,
the German word "binde" ("bind") becomes "bindu",
a combination of "bind" and "du", the German word for
"thou". Neologisms are particularly remarkable: our apparatus is
called ''Dezentraten"--"decentrators".
My question as to how it had been known that
I was playing back a tape was answered by a woman's voice: "Wir waren in
deinem Zimmer." German: "We were in your room." Sentences in
Latvian and Russian followed, for example: "Izradas tads nevizigs,
nebo!"--literally, "It becomes apparent that he is negligent, oh
Heaven!" but as we might say "Heavens, he's obviously been careless!"
The next sentence is striking: "Jundahl kan ga sjalv,--oh veca pott! Bindu
han an de(m) mort-bed!" The sentence is composed of five languages:
Jundahl--a name; kan ga sjalv-Swedish: veca--Latvian; pott-North German dialect
or Swedish; bindu--modified German; ban--Swedish; an de(m) --German;
mort--latin or one of the Romance languages; bed--English. In English the
sentence would run: "Jundahl can walk by himself, the old pot. Tie him to
the death-bed."
In this context yet another sentence became
audible: "Lido ernst nach ziami auf Konstant! Konstantin, Alex." This
is a mixture of Latvian and German words: lido--Latvian: flying; ernst-German=
serious; nach--German: to; ziami-Latvian: earth; auf-German: on (or: to); can
be understood in English as: "Fly in earnest to earth to Konstant!
Konstantin, Alex!"
The method of recording is virtually the same
as in radio recordings, except that the tape-recorder remains switched to
"microphone"; the microphone itself is placed very close to the
radio. It is best to tune the radio--set to a wavelength that gives only the
"rushing" sound, so that no noises from radio stations can be heard
and even the "rushing" sound is hardly audible. There is, of course,
always a chance that earthly transmitting stations may intervene, but, as
stressed before, the voice phenomenon has its own distinctive features which
rule out any danger of confusion. With me the voices use mostly Latvian, and as
the Latvian language is very rarely heard on radio, one may safely regard
messages spoken in Latvian as being of the same paranormal origin as those
spoken in various languages.
Radio-microphone-recordings, where voices can
take up points of discussion and answer questions, produce excellent evidence
of the voices' independence and their partnership with us, and the results like
the others, can be grouped into A, B and C grades of audibility.
Since April 1968, two new recording methods
have been developed in cooperation with Physics Professor Alex Schneider of
(4) Frequency-Transmitter Recording
This method excludes freak noises from radio
and microphone only carrier-frequencies operate and these are used by the
voice-entities. The voices thus recorded show the same traits as those of other
recording methods. Their statements are often slightly overlaid by
sinus-frequencies, but their audibility is good and they are free from other interferences.
Up to several hundred voices recorded in this fashion have been definitely
verified by Professor Schneider and other collaborators.
In this highly interesting method, the
recording is made directly from the room on to the tape. For various reasons it
is a complicated process. The length of the aerial (6-8 cm.) has to be exactly
adjusted, and vibrations sent out by the voices are received by this aerial. In
quality the voices thus received come nearest to those of ordinary human ones,
although we find exactly the same peculiarities as before. When this last
method has been further developed and perfected, we shall be able to regard it
as a direct contact, in every sense of the word, with the unseen entities.
Results of diode-recordings can be heard without great difliculty even by an
untrained and unprepared ear. One has the impression that the voices speak
directly onto the tape; they have a spaceless quality, an immediate impact, and
their diction is remarkably clear; they are instantly received and can be heard
without atmospheric interferences. These recordings have to be made with the
tape-recorder turned to highest sound-volume. (The copying too has to be done
with both machines turned to maximum. Other recordings, whether by radio or
microphone, would produce ear-splitting noises at that volume.)
For more information about these latest two
methods, see Professor Schneider's technical commentary in the appendix of the
original book.
Although we are far from grasping the full
complexities of the phenomenon as yet, the so-called "voices from
beyond", are easily distinguishable from terrestial human voices. They
speak in an unmistakable rhythm and usually employ several languages in a
single sentence; the sentence construction obeys rules that differ radically
from those of ordinary speech and, although the voices seem to speak in the
same way as we do, the anatomy of their "speech-apparatus" must be
different from our own.
Examination of our human speech-mechanism has
shown that the whole process of "speaking" is a very complicated one;
vocal chords, glottis and lungs all play their part. In producing the sound of
a voice, the vocal chords are brought together by a system of rotatory
cartilages and a complicated interaction of small muscles; air, being pressed
out of the lungs, causes the vocal chords to vibrate, and size and tension of
the chords determine the frequency of this vibration. The movement of the vocal
chords, influences the stream of air and this, in turn, sets off the
resonance-frequencies in the oral cavity. The timbre of a voice depends largely
on the shape of the mouth. Voices are usually unique and everybody possesses,
so to speak, his or her own voice, distinguished by its special, unmistakable
Apart from their paranormal characteristics,
the voices that manifest on tape show great similarities to those produced by
ordinary human speech organs. It is possible that they may use already existing
human voice material. They are softer, (those in Class B or C generally only a
whisper) but they do seem to be produced through some kind of speech-apparatus.
Differentiations in their speech pattern also
seem to indicate that in some unexplained way, the voices use the same sources
from which we terrestial humans build our speech. They use continuous and
fragmentary sounds just as we do. The continuous sounds are characteristically
drawn out, whilst the fragmentary ones break off abruptly. One can also
distinguish vocal and non-vocal sounds, according to whether vocal chords have
been in action to produce them or not.
The words made audible on tape are generally
pronounced in an unmistakably uniform way, regardless of the language used.
Identification of the voices is, nevertheless, often a remarkably difficult
task. One may, whilst listening-in, discern the resonance and frequency of
voices--one hears the sounds, but the sense of hearing has the utmost
difficulty in recognising them as words; only after intensive and concentrated
listening does a tangible word emerge. Some of my collaborators often heard
definite resonance-frequencies over quite a period of time, without being able
to grasp what they contained. These difficulties pertain particularly of course
to the whispering Class C voices. It is interesting to note that troubles arise
not only on the side of the listener, but also on the side of the speakers--the
voice-entities. I have examples on my tape which demonstrate how a voice tries
to form words out of torn vibrations that sound like the humming of a
It is impossible to explain the language of
the voices by saying that it is formed through the language of the experimenter
himself. The voices speak their own language--a kind of Esperanto, a single
sentence often comprising a number of languages and cut down to the barest
essentials. For instance, the experimenter calls upon his deceased
collaborator, Professor Frei, to state his name clearly and unequivocally from
"the other side". A voice answers distinctly: "Frei! Du sova,
willst nicht glaube!" (Swedish and German: "You sleep, you will not
believe!"). Here we have the curtailed polyglot mode of expression
repeated consistently in all the recordings that have produced voice-texts, up
to the present time over 72,000.. It is this particular
voice-phenomenon-language, differing fundamentally from terrestial human
languages, by which the entities can be distinguished from ordinary human
The voice-phenomenon-language must, of
course, strike us as highly complicated and on first encounter, without comment
given or some knowledge of the situation, it seems confusing, even senseless.
In many cases, however, each word has a wider, symbolic meaning, given to it in
such a way that the individual experimenter may recognise the voice-entity
behind it; in a few instances I have added comments, but in general I have
quite intentionally avoided interpretation, as I wanted to stress the factual
character of the phenomenon rather than its deeper meaning. The
voice-phenomenon must be allowed to speak to the reader directly. Facts are the
servants of truth; to understand the new reality in the form presented to us by
the voice phenomenon, we need a certain amount of preparation and much more
knowledge relating to the possibility of a higher existence.
Let us ask ourselves briefly an important
question: does a thought consist of words? The answer is: no. Thoughts consist
of psychic particles that stand in the same relation to reality as words. As we
all know, there are many forms of language: the language of the battlefield,
the language of reports, the language of everyday life, an ex-cathedra-language,
and so forth. This means that to think of a language form is to think of a form
of life.
I will give some examples of the
voice-phenomenon language portraying a form of reality we have not yet learned
to understand:
"Eine no Tote," German and English:
"One who is not dead." We find here a rigorous shortening of the
sentence construction.
"Rant te pustjak," Latvian and
Russian: "Rant does not have any importance here." This we may
understand to mean that values are different in the spiritual world; even Rant
does not have any special importance there.
Another example: I address the Russian poet
Majakowskij and complain about the difficulties in dealing with certain human
beings.. Quick as lightning a voice answers briefly: "Majakowskij! Konstantin,
pluj!" Russian: " Majakowskij! Konstantin, spit on it!" meaning
that I should not bother about what people say, but get on with what I think is
These short sentences are rich in meaning.
Briefness takes many forms.
One more example: "Nedoma zirgi;"
Latvian: "Horses don't think." One might complete the sentence by
adding: "... because they do not possess the mental ability." Here it
seems I am told that I cannot expect too much from people who lack certain
mental or spiritual qualities.
Naturally, intimate knowledge of the
particular language helps. The Latvian sentence: "Koste, Slankis,
sapulci--vaciete", for instance, literally translated: "Koste,
Slankis, the gathering --the German", can only be properly understood by
those who know the Latvian language well. A full translation of this truncated
sentence would read: "Koste, here is Slankis. The gathering (or meeting)
is being conducted by the German woman."
Sometimes pronouncements are kept strictly to
the point and refer to current situations on our side, or on theirs. Once,
reporters of the newspaper Bild am Sonntag (Sunday Pictorial) visited me,
remaining in the studio almost the whole night. Dr. Zenta Maurina, whose
night's rest had been disturbed, was somewhat upset. A voice summed up the
situation in three words: "Du zornig, Maurina." German: "You
angry, Maurina."
Complicated thought processes may be
expressed in very short sentences. For example, the experimenter asked in the
course of a recording session whether the voice entities could tell him
something about Dr. X. The answer came: "Ko, dativo bes." This is
Spanish and Russian and means: "Ko (Konstantin,), dative-devil." In
the light of the given situation, this means that Dr. X. in his capacity of
examiner of the voice-phenomenon, can be taken as the "devil's
advocate". However, only if one remembers the scholastic tradition of
discussion in the Middle Ages--from which the expression "advocatus
diaboli" stems--in which the "dative" played an especially
important role, and the fact that it is still quite common for philologists
analysing Greek and Latin texts to argue for hours, does the meaning become
On the other hand, there are quite
straightforward utterances needing no explanation, for example:
"Konstantin, tev netic, Munthe." Latvian: "Konstantin, one does
not believe you, Munthe." Or, again, "Bedenke, ich bin!" German:
"Imagine, I am!"
This last clear pronouncement was made by
Margarete Petrautzki who, in the last days of her life, had maintained that she
could not envisage an existence after death. During one of his recording
sessions, the experimenter asked her how she felt "over there", and
the answer--"Imagine, I am!"-was spoken in a happily astonished tone
of voice.
I will summarise briefly the characteristics
I have mentioned in this section:
1. The voice-entities speak very rapidly, in
a mixture of languages, sometimes as many as five or six in one sentence.
2. They speak in a definite rhythm, which
seems to be forced upon them by the means of communication they employ.
3. The rhythmic mode of speeech imposes a
shortened, telegram-style phrase or sentence.
4. Presumably arising from these restrictions,
grammatical rules are frequently abandoned and neologisms abound.
These characteristic features of the language
of the voices and their speech content, are the outstanding paranormal aspects
of the phenomenon and the guide-lines to further research, and in my opinion
this is, at least for the time being, the best approach in our endeavours to
get closer to its essence.
One may look at the problem of reproducing
the voices from various points of view. Results depend on the sense of hearing
as well as on mechanical and electronic aids.
The psycho-acoustic aspect plays a major part
in listening to the recordings, for the sound encounters many pitfalls on its
complicated route between ear and brain, and one tends to hear what one wants
or expects to hear. The radio's humming may be transformed into words, and a
blurred shout may sound like a name, but these errors can be eliminated in
time, because everything recorded on tape can be repeated until the ear is
sufficiently well-trained to make sharp, accurate distinctions.
One must admit, however, that emotions
welling up whilst listening to the voices can be of a highly personal nature,
and this may be due to the communication of extremely subtle sensations. The
voices transmit--as we shall later learn from speech-contents--a vast range of
feelings, emotions, passions, thoughts and wishes that are deeply embedded in
the human psyche and awaken within us a transcendental sensibility. It would be
naive to presume that such complex interrelations could be explained through
simple physical formulae. Each individual may react quite differently when
listening to the voices, according to his or her thinking-habits or ethical and
religious concepts. Whilst listening-in one should try, as far as is possible,
not to be emotionally affected by what one hears and to keep one's feelings,
thoughts and wishes well under control.
Gradually, the ear adapts itself to the
voices and their various individual characteristics. We realise that each one
has its own typical voice-quality, and these qualities help us greatly when it
comes to identifting individual voices. With practice it becomes possible to
guess at the type of personality hidden behind a particular voice.
As recordings vary a great deal in quality
and the experimenters are still unsure of their ground, many voices reach us
only in a heavily distorted form. A voice may lose its characteristic quality
through the recording process. Radio-recordings are particularly prone to such
distortions, caused mainly by music, speech or insufficiently strong
transmitting beams, and in such cases it is impossible to recognise the voice
either by its timbre or its speech-content. The problem we have to deal with
here is the technical one of how to improve recording methods in such a way as
to perfect the audibility of a voice and retain its original timbre. The
technical aids currently at our disposal allow no more than a partial, often
faulty, reproduction of the voices, although quality has been substantially
improved by the diode method of recording, and the repeated copying of the audible
voices on tape is a further improvement, as it helps the ear to distinguish
words phoneme by phoneme (smallest sound-unit). A voice thus recorded can be
measured by technical apparatus in the same way as a human voice.
back to contents
to introduction
- How Interference Patterns Govern Behaviour
- Magic of Global Scaling Theory - Update on Hartmut
Muellers Status
- Nature of Time ; Exotics from Kozyrev & Muellers
- Oscillons in Nature and their Relation to the Psyche
- How Astrology demonstrates Gravitic Effects on
- How Forecasting Events as Evoked Potentials Can be
Mapped and Charted
- Markers of Sociopathy in the Astro Natal Chart
EXCERPTS : "... people who believe in God tend to
have a 'thicker' sections of brain tissue than other people. The researchers think that this thickening
could also help to stave off depression.
Firing magnetic pulses at the brain could reduce how religious or spiritual
a person feels, a study has claimed.
- How Interference Patterns Govern Behaviour
Magnetic Fields Can Control Heat and Sound
Spacetime is frequency conscious. See Links below ;
There was a full page in the New York Times devoted
exclusively about Fitzpatrick's First Book on June 18th 1967.
Out of phase resonances are constantly producing space or
a repelling force between themselves while in phase resonances produce no space
between themselves or an attractive force between themselves.
Gravity, for instance, then becomes a bi-polar force
similar to magnetism with the spinning stars all repelling each other similar
to the spinning electrons that repel themselves ONLY when free as the stars.
A geodesic, in general relativity, then becomes a
force-balanced path where an AVERAGE BALANCE of in phase to out of phase
resonances is strictly maintained. You,
for instance, are then attracted to this earth because while traveling on this
geodesic, with this earth, there are more in phase resonances, than average,
between you and the earth while there are more out of phase resonances, than
average, between you and the surrounding universe. This, by the way, brings
Mach's principle into gravitational as well as inertial situations.
This shows, btw, that attractive forces are NEVER
possible when spinning entities are totally FREE. . Attractive forces are only
possible between entities when things are "locked" like you are to
the earth or in magnetism or sigma and pi bonding when electrons are
"locked" on certain orbitals where an above average of in phase
resonances can be generated between those entities. The spinning stars (and totally free
electrons too) then repel themselves because of all the out of phase resonances
being generated between them .
Total in phase resonances MUST equal total out of phase
resonances. -or- The total of ALL the individual GRAVITATIONAL attractive
forces holding each star together MUST equal ALL the opposite repelling forces
keeping all the stars apart (Einstein's cosmological constant - that Saul
Perlmutter has proven exists).
Oldfield Spots "Dark Entities"
In the course of his research, he may have discovered a
new form of complex energy on Earth. While PIP-scanning various crystals, Harry
discovered that about 10 per cent of them have undulating within, on or about
them a previously unreported entity with its own aura. It looks like a slug!
The first one he discovered "disappeared" back into the crystal,
seemingly when it realized it was being observed, and the PIP computer crashed
with the message "unidentified instruction". Oldfield states that
other researchers have independently confirmed the same phenomenon.
Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:54 PM Mark as Unread
"Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
Full Headers Printable View
"...patterns of our experience are expressed in the
brain in the form of standing waves. In other words, the operational principle
of the brain is more like a musical instrument than a computer, and the
"input" to that instrument is the same as the input to a musical
instrument, i.e. it is like the damping of fingers on strings or over holes
that control the pattern of resonance in the instrument, and the
"output" is both a musical tone, and a spatial standing wave pattern
in the body of the instrument.""
Emotions as 4D Character of Music Experience
Spacetime surfaces correlate to quantum states and
quantum jumps:
Spacetime surfaces are counterparts states of physical
Replacing physical states with events sheds light on
standardized temporal patterns of living organisms, such as morphogenesis.
Dissonance represents local reduction of negentropy.
Space-time surfaces are restricted inside a geometric
"...the geometric shape of cycle could correspond to physical properties of
Pythagoras, Music, Sacred Geometry and Genetic Code
Matti Pitkanen
Your Emotional State Changes How You See, Hear, and Taste
Basically your brain is a big jumble of systems — you
can't change one without affecting another.
"..what you’re feeling is definitely changing what
you’re seeing.
When you’re feeling tired or sad, for example, hills actually
look steeper."
Why Physicists Are Saying Consciousness Is A State Of
Matter, Like a Solid, A Liquid Or A Gas
The Doctrine of Signatures is profound ancient wisdom
that is purposely being suppressed. It states that certain fruits and
vegetables have a perfect pattern that mirror a body organ, and that this
pattern acts as a signal or sign as to that fruit or vegetable's benefit to us.
Modern science confirms that the ancient "Doctrine of Signatures" is
astoundingly accurate. Why does this vital knowledge remain hidden?
The healing and nourishing properties of any fruit or
vegetable reflected in, and ultimately revealed by, that fruit or vegetables'
outer physical shape, form, or "signature" in relation to the human
make sure to watch my video on REGENERATING TISSUE AND
Essentially, materialism is a ‘belief’ that reality and
everything in it, including ‘consciousness’, can be reduced to matter, yet this
is an unproven and dogmatic philosophy. Furthermore, it’s actually a
metaphysical argument as it ‘attempts’ to explain the core truth of existence.
Ironically, much of the dogma that makes up this charade has been reinforced by
many so-called skeptics who don’t actually investigate the evidence
objectively, something that sites like Skeptical about Skeptics have made
embarrassingly clear.
“Studies have shown that conscious mental activity can
causally influence behavior and that the explanatory and predictive value of
agentic factors (e.g., beliefs, goals, desires, and expectations) is very high.
Moreover, research in psychoneuroimmunology indicates that our thoughts and
emotions can markedly affect the activity of the physiological systems (e.g.,
immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular) connected to the brain. In other
respects, neuroimaging studies of emotional self-regulation, psychotherapy, and
the placebo effect demonstrate that mental events significantly influence the
activity of the brain”
PLANETS & METALS : Capillary Dynamolysis
Friday, January 27, 2017 8:22 PM Mark as Unread
"Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
sound_of_stars@yahoogroups.com "Doc Stars"
donsadam@telusplanet.net bonniejadams@hotmail.com
Full Headers Printable View
has been an ongoing interest of our "Sound of
Stars" groups, the last
number of years - there is no question in our minds that
this phenomenon is real and also that there are significant connections
between this and other anomalous behaviours in natural
Some links which may be of interest in relation to this ;
Capillary Dynamolysis
Visualisation methods for planetary and etheric formative
Chladni Plate
Frequencies & Arabic Parts
Lilly Kolisko trained as a nurse and then came to
dedicate herself to scientific work within the anthroposophical movement
pioneered by Rudolf Steiner, at Stuttgart. She did important work on the effect
of homeopathic highly-diluted solutions, and also on how lunar cycles were
important in agriculture. In 1926, a year after Steiner's death, she first witnessed
'the working of the stars on Earthly substance' as she later called it. She was
rising solutions of silver, iron and lead in filterpapers, during a conjunction
of Saturn and the Sun. The normal pattern changed:
'An invisible hand had blotted out the working of the
lead in my solution. The Sun had stood before the planet Saturn and here below
on Earth the lead could not manifest its activity. When the Stars speak man
must stand still in silent awe.'
Such a phenomenon can only be explained, with traditional
alchemical logic. Gold is the Sun-metal. This doesn't mean that the Sun
contains gold. It means that the essential being of gold is solar. A
wedding-ring has to be gold, because other metals wouldn't have the
heart-significance and also the sense of permanence that the sun-metal has. You
may know that silver is shiny and used for films and photos. This is because
its lunar-nature is sensitive, receptive and impressionable. But, you may
object, that's astrology. Yes, it is: the Moon is connected with dreams and
fantasy as in the phrase, 'just mooning around' So silver has these qualities.
All chemistry using silver has to be done in darkness because of its lunar
nature. That is something to reflect upon...
Donald Adams About the heart related perception of time
and space, the following may be of interest. Scientific studies show the
paramaters of heart related precognition in group experiments - finding the
time dimension to average out at around 6 seconds prior to the event. As you
know, we can derive the spatial dimensions from these metrics. See ;
Like • Reply • 1 • January 1 at 12:08pm
Donald Adams Frequency = 1 / time
Precognition Explained: Science Shows How Our Body Reacts
To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen
Heartmath Institute conducted an experiment where images
were randomly shown on a screen at 10 second intervals, which created an
emotional and physiological response that could be measured in the heart beat
of the observing participants. The physiological response was observed to be
triggered up to 6 seconds before the image was shown on the screen. These
experiments indicate that the human body can actually detect randomly delivered
stimuli that occur 1-10 seconds in advance. In other words, the human body
seems to know of an event, and reacts to an event that has yet to occur. What
occurs in the human body before these events are physiological changes that are
measured regarding the cardiopulmonary, the skin, and the nervous system. (1)
Nonlocal Intuition
There is compelling evidence to suggest the physical
heart is coupled to a field of information not bound by the classical limits of
time and space.[243, 244] This evidence comes from a rigorous experimental
study that demonstrated the heart receives and processes information about a
future event before the event actually happens.[243, 244]
.... found that not only did both the brain and heart
receive the pre-stimulus information some 4 to 5 seconds before a future
emotional picture was randomly selected by the computer, the heart actually
received this information about 1.5 seconds before the brain received it
(Figure 7.3).[244]...the heart received the intuitive information about 1.3
seconds before the brain. Heartbeat-evoked potential analysis confirmed that a
different afferent signal was sent by the heart to the brain during this
Full-Moon Effect on Amplifying Intuition
On average, we detected a significant pre-stimulus
response starting around 18 seconds before participants knew the future
outcome. Interestingly, there was not a strong overall relationship between the
pre-stimulus responses and the amount of money the participants won or lost. We
also found a significant difference in both pre-stimulus periods during the
fullmoon phase, when they also won more money, but not in the new-moon phase
(Figure 7.6). Overall, the findings also suggest that if participants had been
able to become more attuned to their internal cardiac related pre-stimulus
responses, they would have performed much better on the betting choices they
Stillness in the Storm
Over the past few decades a significant and noteworthy
amount of scientific research has emerged contributing to…
sitsshow.blogspot.com|By Justin Deschamps
Like • Reply • Remove Preview • 2 • January 1 at 12:09pm
Donald Adams The Heart Has Its Own ‘Brain’ &
The heart generates the body’s most powerful and most
extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field. Compared to the electromagnetic field
produced by the brain, the electrical component of the heart’s field is about
60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in the body. The
magnetic component is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain’s
magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with
sensitive magnetometers.
Experiments conducted at the Institute of HeartMath have
found remarkable evidence that the heart’s electromagnetic field can transmit
information between people. We have been able to measure an exchange of heart
energy between individuals up to 5 feet apart. We have also found that one
person’s brain waves can actually synchronize to another person’s heart.
Furthermore, when an individual is generating a coherent heart rhythm,
synchronization between that person’s brain waves and another person’s
heartbeat is more likely to occur. These findings have intriguing implications,
suggesting that individuals in a psychophysiologically coherent state become
more aware of the information encoded in the heart fields of those around them.
....both the heart and brain receive and respond to
information about a future event before the event actually happens. Even more
surprising was our finding that the heart appears to receive this “intuitive”
information before the brain. This suggests that the heart’s field may be
linked to a more subtle energetic field that contains information on objects
and events remote in space or ahead in time. Called by Karl Pribram and others
the “spectral domain,” this is a fundamental order of potential energy that
enfolds space and time, and is thought to be the basis for our consciousness of
“the whole.”
Social Fields
In the same way that the heart generates energy in the
body, we propose that the social collective is the activator and regulator of
the energy in social systems.
A body of groundbreaking work shows how the field of
socioemotional interaction between a mother and her infant is essential to
brain development, the emergence of consciousness, and the formation of a
healthy self-concept. These interactions are organized along two relational
dimensions—stimulation of the baby’s emotions, and regulation of shared
emotional energy. Together they form a socioemotional field through which
enormous quantities of psychobiological and psychosocial information are
exchanged. Coherent organization of the mother-child relations that make up
this field is critical. This occurs when interactions are charged, most
importantly, with positive emotions (love, joy, happiness, excitement,
appreciation, etc.), and are patterned as highly synchronized, reciprocal
exchanges between these two individuals. These patterns are imprinted in the
child’s brain and thus influence psychosocial function throughout life. (See
Allan Schore, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self.)
The African Bushmen communicate in a similar way. As
anthropologist Bradford Keeney discovered, the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert
believe that all living creatures are connected by a silver stream of energy
that extends from one belly button to another. The Bushmen use these horizontal
“lines” like telephone wires to send and receive telepathic messages.[2]
The Australian aboriginals believe it is their miwi that
makes it possible for them to see or hear at a distance. Miwi, a Ngarrindjeri
word that translates as “soul” or “instinct,” is located in the pit of the
stomach. Passed from parent to child, the miwi is present in everyone; but it
is particularly strong in their medicine men, who use it to cast out illness
and visit the spirits of the dead. A strong miwi also makes it possible to see
visions and predict future events.[3]
The Japanese also rely on the solar plexus area for
instinctive, nonverbal information. A Japanese businessman will often use
haragei, or “belly talk,” to size up a potential partner or business proposal.
The word haragei derives from hara, translated as “belly” or “guts,” andgei,
which translates as “the art of.” Many older Japanese take pride in depending
on “the art of the belly” when making important business decisions. A business
deal will often be called off if the haragei is not harmonious. In Japan, young
businessmen are told that “in their twenties, they must improve their minds,
but in their thirties they must develop their hara.”[4]
In our culture, the term gut feeling is the most common way
to explain our instinctive feelings about a person or situation. We say, “I
trusted my gut in making that decision” or, “My gut told me not to trust this
or that person.” This term has long been used in the business and
law-enforcement communities. Businessmen use the term gut hunch to describe
their instinctive reactions to an idea or proposal, while police detectives
refer to their “blue sense” as a way to describe their gut feelings about a
In 2004, parapsychologists Dean Radin and Marilyn Schlitz
conducted an experiment at the Institute of Noetic Sciences with twenty-six
couples to determine if the gut response of one person could be felt by
another. One person, designated as the sender, was shown a series of images
designed to evoke “positive, negative, calming, or neutral emotions.” In
another room, the reaction of the receiver was monitored by electrodes placed
on the heart, skin, and stomach muscles. The experimenters found that the
stronger emotions—both positive and negative—did produce measurable responses
in the receiver and concluded that the gut has a “belly brain” with a
“perception intelligence” of its own.[5]
The existence of a belly brain has also been backed up by
medical research. It was first documented by the nineteenth-century German
neurologist Leopold Auerbach and later rediscovered by Dr. Michael Gershon, a
professor at Columbia University who wrote a book in the 1990s called The
Second Brain. This second brain is made up of billions of nerve cells in the
digestive tract. Some medical researchers now believe that the belly brain may
be the source of the unconscious gut reactions that are later communicated to
the main brain.[6]
The Heart Has Its Own ‘Brain’ & Consciousness
the-open-mind.com|By Guest Contributor
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On Wed, 1/25/17, Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
Subject: A NATURAL mechanism for astrology
To: sound_of_stars@yahoogroups.com, "Doc Stars"
Cc: donsadam@telusplanet.net, bonniejadams@hotmail.com
Received: Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 4:03 PM
A mechanism for astrology : "When we
want to predict the next high tide we don't set up a
and interpret the symbolism. We simply note that the tide
will come in when the Moon is overhead and go out when it
passes on. What the Moon means is irrelevant. Likewise
the seasons. We don't have to ask what the Sun means. We
need only know that we get more solar radiation in summer
than in winter.
With organic correspondences, in contrast, material
don't determine the specific nature of the regularity. As
the Moon passes overhead the tide comes in and the
shell opens, but gravity doesn't physically open the
oyster's shell the way it raises the waters. Instead, the
oyster uses the Moon's pull as a signal to tell it when
open itself. That's the implication of an experiment
performed by biologist Frank A. Brown, Jr., in which he
brought oysters from the east coast to Evanston,
where they soon began opening their shells at what would
have been high tide if there had been a seashore there.
has been able to use the planets as templates for the
evolution of functional systems whose timing corresponds
planetary periods but whose content, the recurrent
or behavior, is determined by evolution, not by the
symbolic meanings or material effects.
The oyster's program directly causes it to do appropriate
things at appropriate times, whereas ours accomplishes
subtle ends with motivations rather than automatic
processes. Motivation is the psychological equivalent of
force in physics. It's what gets things done. Both
motivation and automatic processes get things done that
to get done for the organism to exist and move through
but the former allows for a vastly more complex
of behaviors and the necessity of choice. It doesn't
determine a specific outcome but requires that the
create a response to satisfy a felt need, with the need,
the response, being predetermined (although we can of
note which responses are common and/or apparently
or negative).
Thus we can explain astrology if we consider it to be
motivational rhythms. If the question is, what causes
to come into being in the first place, the mechanism is
biological evolution. If the question is, why do the
or motives comprising a given correspondence pattern keep
occurring on schedule, the mechanism is the inherited
genetic program and associated neurobiological processes
that trigger activities or needs. If the question is, by
what means does the organismic clock use a planet to
itself or otherwise stay "on time", the
mechanism is the
material interaction between the two, including the
biochemical means by which the organism is able to use
interaction for its own "purposes".
Size and emotion or depth and emotion? Evidence, using
Matryoshka (Russian) dolls, of children using physical depth as a proxy for
emotional charge
Abstract : Background
The size and emotion effect is the tendency for children
to draw people and other objects with a positive emotional charge larger than
those with a negative or neutral charge. Here we explored the novel idea that
drawing size might be acting as a proxy for depth (proximity).
Fractals in the Nervous System: Conceptual Implications
for Theoretical Neuroscience
Power-law scaling and other manifestations of fractal and
self-similar patterns in space and/or time can be identified at all levels of
neural organization. With few exceptions, these observations remained largely
islands in the otherwise rapidly advancing theoretical Neuroscience with
different priorities. However, recent advances in methodology of measurement of
fractal connectivity at higher levels of brain organization have led to a
proliferation of new data. This now calls for integrating fractality with other
insights into brain organization and complexity, notably in the light of the
substantial evidence for the brain being a complex system in a regime of
criticality, as understood in statistical physics (Chialvo, 2004; Chialvo et
al., 2008; Kitzbichler et al., 2009; Fraiman et al., 2009; Werner, 2007b,
2009a,b). Like in other physiological systems manifesting fractal patterns (see
for instance: Bassingthwaighte et al., 1994; West and Deering, 1995; Iannacone
and Khokha, 1995; West, 2006) the question of ubiquity of power-law scaling
needs to be addressed in relation to other features of brain organization.
Similarly, is there a relation between fractal organization and the propensity
for phase transitions of critical systems? Is there a bridge between coarse
graining (including renormalization group transformation) and fractality? And,
most importantly, can fractal properties be viewed as playing a role for the
functional integration among different levels of neuronal organization as
Andersen (2000) suggests in an article entitled “From Molecules to
Mindfulness”. Generalizing from a comprehensive theory of organization and
interactions at the molecular level, Agnati et al. (2004, 2009) view the
Central Nervous System as a nested network at all levels of organization, in
the image of the Russian Matryoshka dolls: self-similar structures being
embedded within one another. The authors elaborated this theory in great
detail, with a “Fractal (self-similarity) Logic” operating on a set of
identical rules which would govern the relation between successive levels of
the nested system.
Although primarily concerned with chaotic dynamics in the
Nervous System, King (1991) foresaw in an extensive review that “….fractal
dynamics may be of functional utility in central nervous system cognitive
processes”. Gisiger's (2001) comprehensive overview of scale invariance in
Biology provides the background of this review, as do the insights gained in
Physics through the work of Wilson (1979) and Kadanoff (1990), among many
others. In addition, Turcotte (1999) discussed at great length the relation
between aspects of self-organized criticality and fractal scaling from the
points of view of “avalanche” behavior and systematic properties of correlation
length, specifically directing attention to inverse cascade and
site-percolation models of the well-known forest fire paradigm. While none of
the issues discussed in the following will receive a definitive answer, I will
aim at an explicit formulation of the network of interrelated factors that
constitute the territory in which new perspectives and potential solutions may
W.C. Gough and R.L. Shacklett
Symbols are defined as "meaningful" patterns
for an individual experiencing them. Since they are patterns that are
experienced and expressed in our physical world, they occur in space-time. In
agreement with Drs. Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli, we have defined the orderings
beyond space-time as archetypes or archetypal patterns, i.e., formless forms.
The linkage in our physical world via which we access and express archetypal
information are symbols. This process creates the dynamism of the whole. The
patterns of our bodies including our DNA and the patterns in our brains are
part of the feedback access/receive process. If an individual's symbol systems
can not express or communicate an experience of the realms of mind and spirit,
i.e., the spaceless and timeless realms of archetypal patterns, then the
experience is considered ineffable (and sometimes referred to as
We contend that our scientific symbol system known as
mathematics, when it is applied to the higher dimensional symmetry spaces, is
in fact mapping characteristics of the archetypal order beyond space-time.
Thus, the abstract spaces of mathematical physics are not really
"abstract" but correspond to a reality that we can experience via
mind and spirit. A key goal of our model is to demonstrate that a mathematical,
and hence symbolic, basis already exists in mainstream physics for unfolding
the physical world of space-time from this "reality" beyond
W.C. Gough & R.L. Shacklett
William C. Gough and Robert L. Shacklett
what characteristic of a living system appears most
closely related to magnetism? The answer is its informational aspect, i.e., a
living system's ability to make choices. This answer forces the next obvious
question: what does choice have to do with magnetism? The question of choice
(or free will) is one of the fundamental issues in the nature of consciousness
that many scientists and philosophers have struggled with. Our model may be
able to shed some light on this age-old problem. Consider the following
sequence of arguments:
1. Choice can be reduced to a binary, left-right or
yes-no type of process. A binary process is familiar to us; it is the basis for
the information in our computers and music on our CD's. In the physical world,
the smallest possible increment of binary change is Planck's quantum of action,
and this amount of change (or larger) can be brought about through an
alteration of the constraints that determine the energy flow for a particular
process. That is, a choice modifies a least action path in an organism.
2. Therefore, a physical or chemical process is altered
when a choice is made. The more immediate consequences of choice are changes in
the quantum states of atoms and molecules which then influence their chemistry.
Tiny currents arising from the dynamics of electron spin and orbital motion
exert magnetic forces on each other and are also influenced by external
magnetic fields. Because of their quantum structure, some molecular systems can
be flipped into different spin states by extremely small magnetic disturbances
(Fano & Fano, 1959). A change in the spin "direction" represents
a means for encoding information into the physical system.
3. So now the question becomes, how do such magnetic
changes couple in from the mental realm? Dirac's quantum theory of the electron
shows that magnetism (specifically, the "vector potential") affects
the phase of the electron's quantum wave function. Under certain conditions
this phase alteration can affect the electron's location and thus the atomic
and molecular structures of which it is a part. The twistor formulation
provides for a "fiber connection" between the particle and higher
dimensional abstract spaces (Gough & Shacklett, 1993d). Our model views
these mathematical abstract spaces as symbolic representations of the knowledge
realm beyond space-time. Since the knowledge realm includes the mind or mental
realm, we can connect these abstract spaces ultimately to conscious thought
To summarize: human choice (a conscious act in the mental
realm) alters the constraints on chemical processes in the physical realm. The
informational content of the system is changed. The diagram below, based upon
our model, shows the intermediate steps.
Fiber bundles
Twister space
Penrose transform
EM field
PHYSICAL REALM (behavior change)
We propose that intention is focussed choice, i.e.,
intention uses the same mechanisms involved in choice except they are amplified
quantitatively. Figure 4 illustrates how the process of altering constraints
Quantum theory imposes a lower limit on
"choice" by "quantizing" action (Young, 1976). Therefore,
if choice cannot be broken down into smaller units, the quantum of action may
represent some kind of fundamental act of consciousness comparable to a basic
"left-right" or "yes-no" decision. Support for such a
position comes from the work and experiments of Dr. L. Mandel at the University
of Rochester. Mandel describes experiments in which the result (a light beam
interference effect) is influenced by the possibility that the experimentalist
could take actions, even if he doesn't take these actions (Mandel, 1991). Thus,
these data indicate that mental acts can influence future events. This research
challenges the prevalent view of physics in which events are based on what is
rather that what could be.
The feedback signals can be observed as symptom of stress
in an individual, society, and nature. Such stress manifests as dis-ease in
individuals and as "evil" for the overall society. The principle
cause behind such stress resides in our belief systems -- the constraints that
operate upon our thoughts and hence upon our free will choices. Choices that
are contributing to the creation of physical reality. The cure is to restore
balance with the larger whole -- a whole that encompasses more than the
physical realm. The medicine required, as many of the ancient wisdoms have
taught, is sincere love and compassion.
The Higher You Are, the Faster You Age
Posted by keelynet on October 9, 2010
Physicists used extremely accurate atomic clocks to
calculate how time flows more slowly the closer someone is to Earth. The
researchers found that even a height difference of around 1 foot (33
centimeters) causes a measurable change in the passing of time.
For example, if one twin spent 79 years living at an
altitude 1 foot higher than her sister, the first twin would end up
approximately 90 billionths of a second older, the researchers found.
For example, if one twin spent 79 years living at an
altitude 1 foot higher than her sister, the first twin would end up
approximately 90 billionths of a second older, the researchers found.
The scientists measured this by using super-sensitive
clocks, each made of a single charged aluminum atom that vibrates between two
energy levels over a million billion times per second. They placed one clock at
a higher elevation in the lab than the other, and found, just as Einstein
predicted, that the higher clock ran slightly faster than the lower clock.
“You need to have really high accuracy to be able to tell
the difference that a small height change is going to make on the tick rate of
your clocks,” said study leader James Chin-Wen Chou of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology.
“So I would say that although our clocks can clearly see
it, people won’t feel any difference.” This so-called “time-dilation” effect is
a consequence of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which posits that the
gravity of a massive body – such as the Earth – warps the space-time around it,
causing the flow of time to speed up or slow down depending on its distance
from the mass.
(Time is theorized to slow down the closer one gets to
the massive body.)
Although we have discussed gyroscopes, pendulums and
torsion beam balances so far, Kozyrev also discovered non-mechanical detectors
that could pick up the energy of the “time flow.” What we mean by “non-mechanical”
is that torsion waves could be detected without the moving parts normally
required, which involved two different forms of mechanical vibration or motion,
such as in the gyroscope, torsion balance and pendulum. Some of these
non-mechanical detectors can demonstrate quite substantial changes in the
presence of torsion fields, and in the case of tungsten and quartz, the effects
of torsion fields on the material can be irreversible. All of the following
will show changes in the presence of torsion-wave energy:
- the conductiveness of electronic resistors, especially
those made from tungsten metal
- the mercury level in thermometers
- the vibrational frequencies of quartz crystal
- the electric potentials of thermocouples
- the viscosity of water
- the amount of electronic work that can be performed in
a photoelectric cell
- the reaction rates of chemical compounds (such as the
Belousov-Zhabotinsky effect)
- the growth parameters of bacteria and plants
A highly-detailed summary of Kozyrev’s work, including
the exact graphs, detailed statistics, analyses and descriptions of all the
above detectors, can be found in “A Substantial Interpretation of N.A.
Kozyrev’s Conception of Time,” by A.P. Levich, 1996.
Sheila Ostrander and Lyn Schroeder, in their book Psychic
discoveries behind the Iron Curtain revealing the ongo- ing research on
astrology in Soviet Russia, says: The parapsychologists in Russia believe that
“a human being is a pulsating field dynamically interacting with all other
fields like a note reasoning with all the other notes swirling in symphony”.
Edward Naumov also of Soviet Russia observes that “the
solar activity at the time of birth also affects an indi- vidual. A good
receiver (listener) is born when the Sun is qui- et and a good sender (Adviser)
is born when the Sun is ac- tive”.
Dr Chijevsky has found the “correlation between the cy-
cles of Sunspot activities and epidemics on earth including the invasion of
locusts and rodents and perhaps even in migration of people.”
Dear Doc Stars,
Thought this might interest you.
What Gravitational Waves Sound Like: New Audio of Black
Holes Colliding Confirms Predictions Einstein Made 100 Years Ago
What is Global Scaling:
All physical measurements that have ever been detected
indicate that all processes and conditions in the universe such as time,
length, mass, frequency, temperature are determined by a standing global
background wave. Only what it allows has a long-term existence; Which is
enduring, is clearly defined by them.
The wave is reflected at the smallest and largest mass
absorptions in the universe. Their structure is fractal, being logarithmic,
hyperbolic, periodic, harmonic, and scale invariant.
For several years now, a finding from basic physical
research with the name " Global Scaling " has found its way
into the fields of application of science and technology. This finding is based
on the highly stable self- oscillations of the PROTONs , which make up 99%
of the mass of our universe. An insight, supported by a large number of
documents from nature and technology, creates a new fundamental linkage of the
natural sciences and offers a highly efficient optimization process for
technology developments and processes.
It is shown that dewaxing processes - in nature - are
subject to the vibrational rhythms of the protons. Further research shows that
this also applies to all technical processes.
The harmonic pattern of the protons can be found in all
scales and all physical quantities. It acts as a kind of melody, which
determines the rhythm of developmental processes and the formation of matter.
This creates a new fundamental link between the natural sciences.
The results of Russian researchers, who were brought
together in cooperation with several thousand employees over a period of 20
years, are summarized in a new theory, global scaling.
After the Western physicists failed to create the
"world formula" after Einstein's Weltbild, the string theory, the
superstring theory and the membrane theory were not able to make the reality
dubious free mathematically in To describe the basic physical areas, global
scaling opens up new horizons.
Global scaling has the greatest scientific potential to
replace all existing models from the co-operation of the largest and even the
smallest things as a basis for modern new physics and to force the long-term
paradigm shift in all natural sciences.
• Prof. Dr. Hartmut Müller - The Consciousness Revolution
in Physics
• Prof. Dr. Vladimir. A. Zagriadski - Cosmic Energy &
Information in Diagnostics
• Alexandr I. Kutmin - On the Cosmogenetics of Man
• Prof. Dr. Alexander. V. Trofimov - The Cosmology of
Life and Intellect
• Prof. Dr. Fritz Albert Popp - Coherence as the basic
principle of biopysical information processes
• Ph. D. James L. Oschman - Quantum Resonance, Global
Scaling & Frequency Based Medicine
• Dr. Viktor Zyganow - Nonlinear system analysis in
• Prof. Markus Schmieke - Global Scaling 5000 years ago
in the Vedic cosmology
• Dr. Olga I. Koekina - Virtual brain as a result of the
mutual bias
• Dr. Dimitriy Pavlov - The Secret of Giza and the
Genesis of Human Civilization
• Prof. Dr. Hartmut Müller - Global Scaling Communication
- The first contact
• Ph.D. Peter Bancel - The Global Consciousness Project
• Prof. Dr. Hartmut Müller & Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang
Granig - Quantum Resonance - The Information Spool of the Universe
• Ph.D. James J. Hurtak - Consciousness & Quantum
Bonus video
• Andreas Beutel - The Natural Order in the Universe -
Exopolitk Activation Meeting Sept. 2008 (XviD / 1:04:36)
Bonus Documents
• 33 PDFs from various Global Scaling areas
• Global Scaling in Random Processes (4 PDFs)
• The fractal of the prime factor distribution (PDF +
Bonus software
• Global Scaling Calculator GSC 3000 Enterprise v2.0.1.6
+ Keygen
• Global Scaling Communication GSCOM (source code)
• Global Scaling Pocket Calculator v1.1 (EXE)
• Global-Scaling Excel Calculator (XLS)
• The signature of the spheres v1.1 Demo (EXE)
'Bio-Informative Technology'
The eternal fountain - Russians make organs and teeth
Was the fountain actually discovered here?
Thanks to the research work of the Russian scientists
Arcady Petrov and Igor Arepjev, who worked in the beginnings of the research
center in "Noosfera / Russia", subsequently in the research project
"SIGOR", and based on the work and findings of the Academy member
Grigorij Petrowitsch Grabovoj, Methodology that allows to restore health even
when the diagnosis is completely hopeless and to regenerate the organs and
cells of humans.
The training on this knowledge takes place in the
Research Academy Arcady Petrov and offers the first step on the infinite ladder
of the 'New Knowledge' to the harmonious, happy, flowering and eternal
existence of mankind - the eternal fountain. This is what is written in the
The three-stage training offers in the first stage the
possibility to adapt the transition from bioenergetic technologies to
bioinformative technologies.
The second stage of the educational world view of the
teachings of Arkady Pertov "On the creation of the harmonious and creative
The author of the book "The Creation of the
World", as well as his scientific and methodical work "Tree of
Life", as well as others of his works on man's path, which give us the
possibility to see the physical and spiritual life Mental being of man.
The third stage of the training practical exercises on
the basis of bioinformative methodology "tree of life" and influence
on health.
Extracts from the website of licht.ener-gie.de
The human being is surrounded by an information field in
which the construction plan of the body is contained in its "original
Mental blockages interfere with this field and the
consequences are also disturbances at the organic level. The blockage causes a
separation between the plan and the organ. If this blockage is lifted, the
organ is arranged again according to the blueprint.
Unblocking is achieved by special visualization
techniques with the knowledge of the structure of the information field.
Hans-Joachim König, Agatha Pikulski and Dmitri Rogov have
translated and taught the practical parts from the books of Arcadij Petrov.
For a more detailed description click here >>
GENESIS II - International Global Scaling Symposium on
21./22. June 2008 in Munich
Top-class scientists provide insights into the ongoing
research of Global Scaling.
If the quantum revolution at the beginning of the
twentieth century forced physics to respect the observer, the physics of the
21st century already comes to the conclusion that intelligence is a fundamental
property of all matter. In this way modern science makes consciousness the
center of the universe. In the course of its development, objective science has
banished the center of the universe into increasingly unattainable regions -
from the earth to the sun, from the solar system into the core of the galaxy,
from the Milky Way to the Great Attractor,
According to the same procedure, consciousness was also
banished from cosmology. Intelligent forms of life are not sought on the earth,
nor in the solar system. Optimists are looking for them at the other end of our
galaxy. The universe is not a relativistic balloon or a quantum-physical soap
bubble. The center of the universe is not located either in the core of any
galaxy or in the area of the Great Attractor. It is not out there, but
inside, in matter, in the atom. And in every atom. It is not about the place,
it is about standards. Man produces not only technology, but also nature. We
build not only aircraft and ships, but also create new particles and universes.
We have not really understood this yet. Nor are we aware of the responsibility
arising from this. We are about to develop into one of the most influential
spiritual components of the universe.
Where is consciousness localized? In the head, in the
brain, in the neuron or already in the DNA? Consciousness is not localizable,
similar to the position and time coordinates of a particle whose energetic
status is known. Consciousness is not a local, but a global, cosmic phenomenon.
Physical processes can be mentally manipulated, even over
long distances. There is nothing "purely physical", physics has
negated itself. The once materialist science discovers the mind as a genotype
of matter. "How does consciousness interact with matter?" Is the
basic question of being for the scientist of modernity.
Can communication be transmitted over distance without
the need for electromagnetic radiation "travelling" to carry the
message? Hartmut Mueller of the Institute for Space-Energy-Research in
Wolfratsthausen [sic], Germany, says it can.
Mueller has developed a theory of global scaling, which
states that matter and energy organize in accordance with principles of scale.
The "nodes" or preferred points of concentration, may be distant in
linear space, but adjacent in "logarithimic [sic] space", allowing
for instant connectivity over distances that are difficult to bridge with
today's radio technologies.
First experiments have been successful. This is a future
technology worth watching out for - it could well revolutionize communications
(and more) in the coming decades.
With the aid of the so called Mueller fractal it is
possible to find comprehensive views and conclusions about
* Mass distribution of the universe
* cause of forces like gravitation, electromagnetism,
* the essence of time,
* preferred and avoided dimension ranges of nature for
example for lengths, frequencies, temperatures, etc.,
* distribution of prime numbers
* interaction with DNA
The basic assumption of the theory appears very simple.
In opposite to the - usually in science used - linear scales for many different
physical properties, the theory of Global-Scaling assumes, that the natural
scale is not linear but in first approximation logarithmic and in second
approximations fractal and hyperbolic.
The existence of a standing density wave in logarithmic
space - for the first time in the history of physics - explains the origin of
gravitation. The global flow of matter in direction of the node points of the
standing density wave is the reason for the physical phenomenon of
gravitational attraction. Thus, particles, atoms,molecules, celestial bodies,
etc. - the scales/measures of which stabilise in the node points of the
standing pressure wave - become gravitational attractors. In physical reality,
therefore, the standing density wave in logarithmic space of scales also
manifests as a global standing gravitational wave. In consequence, the exact
identity of value for inert and gravitational masses of physical bodies (as it
is claimed by physics today), independent of the body's density or material,
can occur only in the exact node points of the global standing density wave. So
far, systematic measurements to verify this postulate of Global-Scaling-Theory
have not been carried out.
Leonard Euler (1748) had already shown that irrational
and transcendental numbers can be uniquely represented as continued fractions
in which all elements (numerators and denominators) will be natural numbers. In
1928 Khintchine succeeded to provide the general proof. In the theory of
numbers this means that all numbers can be constructed from natural numbers;
the universal principle of construction being the continued fraction. All
natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... in turn are constructed from prime numbers,
these being natural numbers which cannot be further divided without remainder,
such as 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 23, 29, 31, ... (traditionally 1 isn't
classed as a prime number although it fulfils all criteria). The distribution
of prime numbers on the number line is so irregular that so far no formula was
found which would perfectly describe their distribution. Only the Theory of
Global Scaling was able to solve this mystery:
The distribution of numbers is indeed very irregular -
but only on the linear number line. On the logarithmic number line, large gaps
of prime numbers recur in regular intervals. Gauss (1795) had already noticed
this. Thus, the set pi(n) of prime numbers up to the number n can be
approximated by the simple formula pi(n) = n / ln n. The reason for this
phenomenon is the existence of a standing density wave on the logarithmic number
line, the node points of this density wave acting as number attractors. This is
where prime numbers will accumulate‚ and form composite numbers, i.e.
non-primes, such as the 7 non-primes from 401 to 409.
Hence a "prime number gap" will occur in this
place. Precisely where non-primes (i.e. prime clusters) arise on the
logarithmic number line, there it is that matter concentrates on the
logarithmic line of measures. This isn't magic, it is simply a consequence of
the fact that scales are logarithms, i.e. "just" numbers.
The central point of the Global Scaling Theory is the
Fundamental Fractal, which is derived from the mathematical description of a
proton resonance eigenfrequency system. The representation of the natural
oscillation spectrum of the vacuum compression wave and the interaction with
the phase-shifted reflection wave requires a corresponding graphic aid for a
quicker understanding and for the daily work. This unique compact tool, which
we have called FractalDesigner, we would like to provide free of charge to
those interested in Global Scaling theory.
Stim Psy Activity via Resonance : Audio/Video Signals
Skin Transmitter, based on HMC
Monday, February 29, 2016 6:25 PM Mark as Unread
"Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
Full Headers Printable View
"... stimulation of psi-activity by resonant
external radiation, should influence on colors and character of Kirlian picture
even from distant untreated by skin-transmitter points of skin."
Audio/Video Signals Skin Transmitter, based on HMC
We propose the idea of new device, where the laser beam
with cavitational fluctuations
frequency and ultraweak intensity will be modulated by
acoustic and/or video signals. The
modulated output optic signals will be transmitted from
laser to the nerve nodes of skin, using
wave-guides. It is supposed that the nerve impulses,
stimulated by modulated laser beam, can
propagate via complex axon-synapse system to brain
centers, responsible for perception and
processing of audio and video information. The long-term
memorizing process also can be
stimulated effectively by Skin Transmitter.
The direct and feedback reaction between brain centers,
responsible for audio and video
information processing and certain nerve nodes on skin is
predictable. The coherent
electromagnetic radiation of these nodes, including the
acupuncture one can be responsible for
so-called aura.
Study Proves Extrasensory Mind-to-Mind Interaction at a
Tuesday, July 5, 2016 1:54 PM Mark as Unread
"Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
Full Headers Printable View
"...human brains can indeed ‘talk’ directly to one
another, even from thousands of miles away....extrasensory mind-to mind
interaction can happen over great distances by leveraging different pathways in
the mind....information can be successfully transmitted between two intact
human brains from distances over 5000 miles apart.
....Although EEG patterns had to be translated from
binary code, the greetings ‘hola’ and ‘ciao’ were translated successfully and
emailed as confirmation back to the sender in India from France. When the
messages were sent, the subjects experienced brain stimulation as phosphenes,
which are flashes of light, which occur in peripheral vision as a sort of morse
code – as a sequence.
This corroborates findings that people know when a loved
one has died even when they are thousands of miles away, and other strange
phenomenon that seem to exist out of the time/space barriers we have accepted
as limitations for person-to-person communication.
.....successfully transmitted the words “hola” and “ciao”
in a computer-mediated brain-to-brain transmission from a location in India to
a location in France using internet-linked electroencephalogram (EEG) and
robot-assisted and image-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
Scientists Create a Mind-Reading System That Projects
Your Thoughts on a Screen
"...The researchers showed these reconstructed
images to a different group of participants and asked them some general
questions aimed to describe the faces, such as “Is this male or female?” “Is
this person happy or sad?” etc. To the large extent, the responses were
correct, which means thatthe AI did manage to capture the basic facial
ICHING and Fields of Rectangular Wave Guides
Wednesday, July 20, 2016 12:27 PM Mark as Unread
"Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
"Doc Stars" <doc_starz@yahoo.com>
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Fields of Rectangular Wave Guides
"...divinational consultation of the IChing about a
thing can be likened to searching a thing’s DNA to discover the segment of
genetics currently running. The most accurate reading could include divining
and acounting for the change state of the macrocosm around the thing too.
Because the lines of a hexagram have direction and
because the steps of Creation are known, the TaoTeChing ch. 14 provides the
means to “trace back” into the past by trailing the thread of Tao. (Lau, D.C.,
Tao Te Ching, London: Penguin Books, c. 1963, p. 18.) Encoded in the a hexagram
are the future and the past. In the IChing’s cosmology, the harmony of step 3
results in the creation of proto-forces symbolized by the trigrams and composed
of intermixes of yin and yang. Each trigram is drawn as a stack of three lines
of either yin or yang. The trigram qian 乾
(creative) and kun 坤(receptive) are the most basic complementary forces,
qian containing lines of pure yang and kun with lines of pure yin. The other
trigram pairs are: gen 艮 (mountain) and dui 兌 (lake), zhen 震
(thunder) and sun 巽 (wind), kan 坎 (water) and li 離 (fire).
Stacking the trigrams in pairs in all combinations can produce the 64
hexagrams. By reading a randomly-cast hexagram as its constituent trigrams, it
is possible to reckon the past and know the future.
[T]he eight trigrams combine with each other in such a way that, to
reckon the past, one follows the order of their progress, and, to know the
future, one works backward through them. {With the combination of the eight
trigrams, all the principles involved with change and transformation are
complete. In regard to the past, one gets to know it by going with the flow [up
to the present], and, in regard to the future, one reckons it by working
backward [to the present].} Therefore, the Changes allow us to work backward
[from the future] and reckon forward [from the past].
Quoting “Explaining The
Trigrams” and Wang Bi’s commentary in
Lynn, Classic Of The Way And Virtue, p. 121.
In classical Taoism, the cosmic DNA in
the universe and in things within do not absolutely determine the future,
because the patterns from the cosmic mother can change the current order and
introduce overwhelming forces that usurp destinies. In the TaoTeChing ch. 25,
the elements of Creation arrange themselves into expanding macrocosms (man
-> earth -> heaven -> Tao), the correlative universe. Impulses and
patterns from the cosmic mother propagate down the hierarchy through the
phenomenon of resonance. Each thing in the universe in a state of “inaction” (無爲
wu wei) moves in harmony with the patterns. The IChing does have a hexagram
that evokes wu-wei: 31 – 咸 or
Xian, which translates as Reciprocity or Sensitivity.
Xian is at the heart of the principle
of gan-ying (感應, stimulus-response or resonance). Wu-wei is
mystical guided action without the intrusion of intention or consciousness, and
gan-ying is related to the practice of wu-wei. The character 應 (ying,
respond) appears in the ChuangTzu ch. 7 and and LiehTzu ch. 4, in stories about
the empathic mirror with which a person “responds” to the outside
world. Like wu-wei, it is apontaneous action without conscious intention, but
gan-ying responds to the outside world by reflecting the outside world or
microcosm follows macrocosm.
"...events unfold as patterns.
Even physical laws manifest as repeating patterns. A repeating pattern is like a physical
law.... the sage scrutinises, not the fact of survival or ruin, but its
an echo represents a sonic energy field
and shadow a darkness field. Words have continue their emotive force in the
echo. Conduct is social interaction.
"If your words are beautiful or
ugly, so is their echo; if your person is tall or short, so is its shadow.
Reputation is the echo, conduct is the shadow. "
LiehTzu ch. 8; Graham, The Book Of Lieh Tzu, p. 159.
"Chi has mimetic qualities. The
essence of past events persist in chi waves and recreates the past as repeating
patterns when interacting with chi fields along the path of propagation. The
future is the past in the guise of oncoming future. Therefore, chi energy can
preserve the past and generate the future. Chi with emotive essences is like a
pheromone, going from person to person, exciting the same emotion in each
person. People respond to chi empathically. The TaoTeChing and the ChuangTzu
call the empathic response a mirroring of externalities. "
emotive chi, “experience” is the empathic
absorption of the chemical and pheromonal messages in emotive chi, capable of
triggering the identical emotion in the person receiving it. The term “verification” means the
community’s response to
emotive chi, intensifying the hidden message in the chi into visibility. (See
Metaphysical Third Eye: A Beginning Class.)
"...the more the foreseen details
of coincidence pile up, the more definite is the existence of foreknowledge.” Intensive
synchronicity repeatedly asserts itself over time. Jung refers to intensive
synchronicity as a “piling up” of coincidences,
impressive because of the high order of repetition, so “the greater
number of terms in such a series, or the more unusual its character, the more
improbable it becomes”. the TTC warns that time synchronicities
interpreted as prognistication may mislead and present a false reality. The “flowery” motif suggests
high repetition of coincidences as the petals around a flower. Their beauty
links past, present and future in a strange pattern extending like a thread
through time. "
Geometrical Psychology, or, The Science
of Representation
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 12:25 AM Mark
as Unread
"Doc Stars"
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New Zealander Benjamin Betts set out to
do in the 19th century with his unusual diagrams of consciousness, collected in
the 1887 tome Geometrical Psychology, or, The Science of Representation
why math of my frequencies work
Friday, July 29, 2016 8:18 PM Mark as
"Doc Stars"
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- Magic of Global Scaling
Theory - Update on Hartmut Muellers Status
regards from Hartmut
Thursday, February 2, 2017
3:09 AM Mark as Unread
"Global Scaling"
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Dear Donald (Doc Stars),
Thank you so much for your
warm supporting letter Frank forwared to me!
On your Website I found a
lot of interesting things, thank you.
Right now I'm not ready to
give an interview, but may be in future.
In a few weeks goes online
our new Global Scaling Website.
I wish you all the best
under the sky of stars!
Warmest regards,
Hartmut Muller
May the Light always be
with you!
Scaling of body masses and
orbital periods in the moon systems of Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus
Scaling of body masses and
orbital periods in the Solar system
New scaling model of
particle mass generating
Paper: On the Dependence
of a Local Time Effect on Spatial Direction, V. A. Panchelyuga and S. E.
Shnoll, Progress in Physics 3 (2007) 51 – 54:
Body mass distribution in
the Solar system continues scaling law of mass distribution of fundamental
Fractals on the number set
and resonance
The cosmophysical origin
of random processes
- Nature of Time ; Exotics
from Kozyrev & Muellers Group
- Oscillons in Nature and
their Relation to the Psyche
"oscillons, clumps of
waves that are localized in space but oscillate in time and do not disperse.
[ S.O.S. : --> ] Anti
Gravity, Pyramid Power, Hyper Space Jumping, Conversation with Joe Parr
Tuesday, September 18,
2012 5:13 PM Mark as Unread
"Doc Stars"
Full Headers Printable
Anti Gravity, Pyramid
Power, Hyper Space Jumping, Conversation with Joe Parr
Partial excerpts from a
message thread many years ago, with Joe Parr ;
( the full dialogue is
available directly from me)
Joe ;
> Received: Saturday,
November 18, 2006, 7:52 PM
>Nobody has produced a
formula to
> locate the X-Y
> of the spiral and
NASA only had a computer (at the
> time)that would give
me a spiral
> on paper that was
good for more than 1 year.
> Useful periods are
specific times that you can count on a
> hyperspace jump. For
> After the machine was
reset to zero by moving it's
> magnets for a few
hours, then I could
> count on a jump in 17
hours, 170, 580, 1160 and 2230 hours.
> Knowing this fact
> can be tailored and
results predicted.
> The experiment was
> and I have been cast
back into limbo with no more magic
> than any old fart!
> To make sure I don't
continue my research here an
> energy field (similar
to that around
> Cheops) has settled
over my Home and altered science inside
> it! The Web site,
> research has it
listed. Though I have studied it, I
> can't get rid of it!
More on Joe Parr and
related ;
> Joe Parr
Received: Saturday, May
15, 2010, 12:14 PM
The ships Sereda points
out.... cant help but wonder if the square notch is a transformer, transducer
used by the craft to 'ride the rail' of cubic gravity fields similiar to a high
speed Japanese bullet mono-rail train
Recall that Davidson and
Parr claimed temporal conduits existed that these ships rode ;
"spokes" radiating out from stars, travelling great distances and
intersecting planets, conduits that opened at specific times and are
measurable, similiar to Hutchisons effects, their device jumped a great distance from the table and smashed
itself to bits, Ive talked directly with Joe at length via email in the past,
am certain he is legitimate, albeit very eccentric (but a nice guy).
Sereda talks about the
dropa stones and the big crafts square notches...
If Earth Matrix guy is
correct about reciprocity of light / gravity
and IF gravity is cubic
and light is spherical..this goes a good distance to explaining the circular
pulse pattern AND the square notch
I have a feeling that many
of these craft we call UFOS, are NOT moving in the traditional sense, even
though they look like they are zipping at impossible speeds AND making
impossible turns, I think what many of them are doing, is actually moving us
and our local space time AROUND them, while their craft is pretty much
stationery, when they make a 90 degree turn, all they have really done is
turned a dial and shifted our space time relative to them at that angle, and
their craft, when it does this, is not actually 'fully' here... I think when
they crash whats going on is they have phased or tuned in to much to this
reality and they have gotten sucked here and lost their resonant connection to
where they were so they crash, which is why Radar systems made them crash
supposedly in the 50's, it interuppted their connection signal.... I recall
hearing a Lazarr account or similiar about a craft they found that was very
hard extremely light material, but
seemed almost organic and
smooth to the touch, the entire interior was virtually without instrumentation
and looked molded from one piece... had curious dielectirc properties, as
though the entire craft was a resonant cavity, like it was one big energy
transducer...made for tuning in and out.... if you think about it... if these
craft are really more an antenna than a space ship, it means they are able to
travel through space the same way we flip through TV channels with a remote
We already know that if we
resonate mass with a high RF emission via Tesla coils we can get that lead ball
to float
What if we could derive,
represent, transmit and resonate a mass literally with the frequency profile of
a physical position in space, spatial coordinates?
Anode and Cathode
Here and There
We represent the 'here'
via a zenneck surface wave frequency membrane...
We then tune or change
this membrane so that the 'here' frequency is transposed to the 'there'
frequency map, and givn enough coherence, amplitude, structural integrity...
the mass literally either physically moves there, OR
The device remains
stationary BUT begins to 'pick up' another reality phase space and the device
begins to fade from 'here' and begins to fade in to 'there'
But here's the million
dollar question ;
How do you 'map a
position' in space-time?
Well, I'd bet just about
anything that you do it as a composite of essential vectors and one of the
primaries I'm certain is the magnetic field frequency.
Here I believe is some
pointers towards why ;
"In 1952, German
physicist named W. O. Schumann, playing around with math as physicists are
prone to do, postulated that the earth - being a good conductor - was
surrounded by a good dielectric called air.. And around this is another layer
of a good conductor know as the ionosphere, the Heaviside Layer, and that this
constitutes a potentially resonant system. That means that any energy trapped
in this earth-ionosphere cavity - like lightning storms, etc., - will cause it
to ring like a bell. But the surprise was that this signal frequency was the
identical spectrum of human brain waves. It had to be of irresistible interest
to me to build an apparatus which would measure the earth's brain wave, and at
the same time measure the Witch Doctor's brain waves, and see if there was a
correlation - which we did.
This publication, which is
the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Division of Radio
Propagation, (p3, Vol. #66, May-June 1962); tells of one of the early efforts
where a government study, granted to Drs. Koch and Pitchum at the University of
Rhode Island, had made recordings of the earth's brain wave; and those of you
who know anything about Encephalography could almost diagnose the patient by
these little squiggles. They look identical to human brain waves! (See figure
...Now, what I'd like to
point out to you is that in this very narrow frequency spectrum corresponding
to the Alpha-Theta border of brainwaves, you can change the excitation
frequency by a fraction of a Hertz, and have an entirely different reaction.
Now this was a big surprise. This is the thing that was not anticipated any
more than the little germs were before Von Leeuwenhoek and Pasteur. ...When you
strip off the E wave by shielding, by natural attenuation, you still have that
H wave left; and that is the one against which you cannot shield. It goes right
through you, everything else and can trip certain neurons in your head. ...Now,
an interesting thing developed. A. S. Pressman, Dept of Physics, Moscow
University, did this open literature survey of the work on magnetics and life a
number of years ago. Then suddenly most of these references - or rather the
critical ones in Soviet literature - went underground. .....previously....182
references in
the open literature - to
the effects of extremely low frequency electro-static and electro-magnetic
fields on human performance, mood, etc. .....these had been sliced out of the
text with a razor blade! .....certain molecules in the brain, with dielectric
constants of over 140,000 and other inductive capacitor parameters, act as long
chain, semi-liquid crystal dipoles that are extremely sensitive to coherent
frequencies..... "
Check out the very very
simple apparent bio sensors in the parts from the Roswell Craft ;
Following are some notes,
links, etc I find of relative interest for the above... likely you are already
well aware of all of these but if not, I trust you will enjoy these!
See figure 76
See figure 5 ;
Compare this against ;
"oscillons, clumps of
waves that are localized in space but oscillate in time and do not disperse.
See ' IMAGE I " at ;
Review ;
Hydrodynamic Analogies to
Electricity and Magnetism
by George Forbes, Paris,
August 15, 1881
then Driven Cavity Flow, #
800 by 600 at ;
Specifically watch the
videos, especially ;
and ;
See also ;
The relationship between
sun and planets has certain points in common with that of the anode and cathode
in an X-ray tube, the planet being the cathode and the sun the anode. In each
case there is a more or less complete vacuum between the two. If, therefore,
the sun and planets were at a difference of potential sufficiently great, the
sun would be bombarded with electrons across the interplanetary spaces just as
is the anode or anti-cathode, in an X-ray tube. In this process the anode is
rendered incandescent.
From: Doc Stars
Subject: Frequency
Transposition as Teleportation Function & Cubic Gravity Notes
To: "Michael
Heleus" <mheleus1@cox.net>
Cc: doc_starz@yahoo.com
Received: Saturday, May
15, 2010, 12:14 PM
The ships Sereda points
out.... cant help but wonder if the square notch is a transformer, transducer
used by the craft to 'ride the rail' of cubic gravity fields similiar to a high
speed Japanese bullet mono-rail train
Recall that Davidson and
Parr claimed temporal conduits existed that these ships rode ;
"spokes" radiating out from stars, travelling great distances and
intersecting planets, conduits that opened at specific times and are
measurable, similiar to Hutchisons effects, their device jumped a great distance from the table and smashed
itself to bits, Ive talked directly with Joe at length via email in the past,
am certain he is legitimate, albeit very eccentric (but a nice guy).
Sereda talks about the
dropa stones and the big crafts square notches...
If Earth Matrix guy is
correct about reciprocity of light / gravity
and IF gravity is cubic
and light is spherical..this goes a good distance to explaining the circular
pulse pattern AND the square notch
I have a feeling that many
of these craft we call UFOS, are NOT moving in the traditional sense, even
though they look like they are zipping at impossible speeds AND making impossible
turns, I think what many of them are doing, is actually moving us and our local
space time AROUND them, while their craft is pretty much stationery, when they
make a 90 degree turn, all they have really done is turned a dial and shifted
our space time relative to them at that angle, and their craft, when it does
this, is not actually 'fully' here... I think when they crash whats going on is
they have phased or tuned in to much to this reality and they have gotten
sucked here and lost their resonant connection to where they were so they
crash, which is why Radar systems made them crash supposedly in the 50's, it
interuppted their connection signal.... I recall hearing a Lazarr account or
similiar about a craft they found that was very hard extremely light material,
seemed almost organic and
smooth to the touch, the entire interior was virtually without instrumentation
and looked molded from one piece... had curious dielectirc properties, as
though the entire craft was a resonant cavity, like it was one big energy
transducer...made for tuning in and out.... if you think about it... if these
craft are really more an antenna than a space ship, it means they are able to
travel through space the same way we flip through TV channels with a remote
We already know that if we
resonate mass with a high RF emission via Tesla coils we can get that lead ball
to float
What if we could derive,
represent, transmit and resonate a mass literally with the frequency profile of
a physical position in space, spatial coordinates?
Anode and Cathode
Here and There
We represent the 'here'
via a zenneck surface wave frequency membrane...
We then tune or change
this membrane so that the 'here' frequency is transposed to the 'there'
frequency map, and givn enough coherence, amplitude, structural integrity...
the mass literally either physically moves there, OR
The device remains
stationary BUT begins to 'pick up' another reality phase space and the device
begins to fade from 'here' and begins to fade in to 'there'
But here's the million
dollar question ;
How do you 'map a
position' in space-time?
Well, I'd bet just about
anything that you do it as a composite of essential vectors and one of the
primaries I'm certain is the magnetic field frequency.
Here I believe is some
pointers towards why ;
"In 1952, German
physicist named W. O. Schumann, playing around with math as physicists are
prone to do, postulated that the earth - being a good conductor - was
surrounded by a good dielectric called air.. And around this is another layer
of a good conductor know as the ionosphere, the Heaviside Layer, and that this
constitutes a potentially resonant system. That means that any energy trapped
in this earth-ionosphere cavity - like lightning storms, etc., - will cause it
to ring like a bell. But the surprise was that this signal frequency was the
identical spectrum of human brain waves. It had to be of irresistible interest
to me to build an apparatus which would measure the earth's brain wave, and at
the same time measure the Witch Doctor's brain waves, and see if there was a
correlation - which we did.
This publication, which is
the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Division of Radio
Propagation, (p3, Vol. #66, May-June 1962); tells of one of the early efforts
where a government study, granted to Drs. Koch and Pitchum at the University of
Rhode Island, had made recordings of the earth's brain wave; and those of you
who know anything about Encephalography could almost diagnose the patient by
these little squiggles. They look identical to human brain waves! (See figure
...Now, what I'd like to
point out to you is that in this very narrow frequency spectrum corresponding
to the Alpha-Theta border of brainwaves, you can change the excitation
frequency by a fraction of a Hertz, and have an entirely different reaction.
Now this was a big surprise. This is the thing that was not anticipated any
more than the little germs were before Von Leeuwenhoek and Pasteur. ...When you
strip off the E wave by shielding, by natural attenuation, you still have that
H wave left; and that is the one against which you cannot shield. It goes right
through you, everything else and can trip certain neurons in your head. ...Now,
an interesting thing developed. A. S. Pressman, Dept of Physics, Moscow
University, did this open literature survey of the work on magnetics and life a
number of years ago. Then suddenly most of these references - or rather the
critical ones in Soviet literature - went underground. .....previously....182
references in
the open literature - to
the effects of extremely low frequency electro-static and electro-magnetic
fields on human performance, mood, etc. .....these had been sliced out of the
text with a razor blade! .....certain molecules in the brain, with dielectric
constants of over 140,000 and other inductive capacitor parameters, act as long
chain, semi-liquid crystal dipoles that are extremely sensitive to coherent
frequencies..... "
Check out the very very
simple apparent bio sensors in the parts from the Roswell Craft ;
Following are some notes,
links, etc I find of relative interest for the above... likely you are already
well aware of all of these but if not, I trust you will enjoy these!
See figure 76
See figure 5 ;
Compare this against ;
"oscillons, clumps of
waves that are localized in space but oscillate in time and do not disperse.
See ' IMAGE I " at ;
Review ;
Hydrodynamic Analogies to
Electricity and Magnetism
by George Forbes, Paris,
August 15, 1881
then Driven Cavity Flow, #
800 by 600 at ;
Specifically watch the
videos, especially ;
and ;
See also ;
The relationship between
sun and planets has certain points in common with that of the anode and cathode
in an X-ray tube, the planet being the cathode and the sun the anode. In each
case there is a more or less complete vacuum between the two. If, therefore,
the sun and planets were at a difference of potential sufficiently great, the
sun would be bombarded with electrons across the interplanetary spaces just as
is the anode or anti-cathode, in an X-ray tube. In this process the anode is
rendered incandescent.
- How Astrology
demonstrates Gravitic Effects on Consciousness
Data scientists find
connections between birth month and health
- How Forecasting Events
as Evoked Potentials Can be Mapped and Charted
"My own ‘model’ is
that consciousness or mind is the source or seat of a non-local, active
information field (this is not a standard, well defined physical
construct). Such fields interact,
usually with random phase relationship and no detectable product. When some or many consciousness (information)
fields are driven in common, or for whatever reason become coherent and
resonant, they interact in phase, and create a new, highly structured
information field… that becomes the source of the effects we measure. "
Time on the Brain: How You
Are Always Living In the Past, and Other Quirks of Perception
Evidence Group
Consciousness May Have a Physical Effect on the World
- Markers of Sociopathy in
the Astro NTal Chart
Natal Chart
Hi Doc! I just adore you. You are so thorough! I love all this kind of
info. Some may be over my head, I am an
artist so my mind works a little different but if I can understand it i will
find it fascinating. I worry sometimes
because my mind wants to invest all kinds of stuff, it won't get enough, which
is great but then I live alone, so when someone comes by or online or whatever,
I have to empty the brain sometimes, so people get an earful. I'm working on that too. LOL I'm noticing my filters have been down for
some time now and people don't know how to take me. I have an anger edge to my voice, because I'm
fucking angry!! LOL but working on that
too. I love the info on the machine!!
wow how interesting it must be to have such an instrument to mess with like
that. To play out the outcome and see if
it works. Amazing!! I see what you mean,
its best to know the ins and outs before asking questions like, when will the
world end, in case its wrong. hahaha You know Doc, you were one of my first
friends here online and you are so smart and always talked way over my head but
I stayed around. I bought your
frequencies, not always using them, but just wanting to support you. Its not that I don't want to use them and
have, but I have had issues with continuing something or even doing something I
want or need to do, but for whatever reason, I can't. Its weird. I needed to do the silent delivery since the
frequencies themselves hurt my ears. I'm
going to ask something that could be silly, but anyway, do you think many of us
are aliens ourselves? what if the
frequencies can't work for those or the sound hurts our ears? Or i'm just sensitive? Because you know, I feel like someone dropped
me on this earth and didn't give me the rule book. It sometimes makes me think the stories of
the gods are true. Remember when we were
kids, although, I'm much older, but you may remember, the old movies, Like
Jason and the Auganots how they would show the gods up in the clouds messing
with everyone below? Times like that they would depict them. I feel like its
true. they sit up there and poke at us. pisses me off. Like stay the fuck out
my frequency. I dunno. So did I say, you were one of the first to
open my eyes to the truth? I was so
naive. So thank you! Although now I feel I see so much and not
many do, as you know too. right now
what I am having to work on are my emotions and controlling them. fb is such a great tool for that. LOL but so
far, it hasn't worked. I am determine to
not get pulled into the stupidity and bs.
its a challenge doc. I think you may have had the same feeling when yo u
first started way back when. You felt it
was partly your job to do that? To help
awaken others. Over time as I have done
the same, I feel its my job to do that.
But no one wants to hear it, so its like, maybe my lesson is to back off
and learn to control myself better and I think now at least, that is what I am
suppose to work on. I did the deed, saw
how it makes me feel, did what I put out to do, now its time to take care of
myself and protect myself from these poor people who are being brainwashed in
so many ways. I know I am too, but at
least I know it and can fight it. LOL OH, you know what....I haven't told this
to anyone because it sounds so strange. I've lived in this house about 3 yrs
now, but only lived two blocks away for 30 yrs . So two different houses. Sometimes at night,
even when the tv is on, if I"m paying attention, i hear jumble
voices. Like a tv is on somewhere in a
big house and I can't make out any words, but I hear it. Not every night but a few times a week for
sure. I've walked around, trying to find
it but can't. wtf...its not my
imagination but i don't know what it is.
Odd.. I think of programming the masses?
I wonder if that could be heard.
ok, its early, I've only had one cup of coffee, need to get started. I
want to answer more of your email, but will write more later. thanks Doc.. I
adore you. you're always had such a heart and straightforward type person and I
love that about you!! Glad to hear you
Dad and Sis are doing better. Are they
sick? You may have told me, forgive me,
I forgot. have a fab day and thanks for
the vids. I love to listen as I paint. I
will need to send you a painting one day soon.
in fact, I'd paint you one special if you gave me an idea of what you
like. mostly abstracts but can do simple things, like flowers etc. 🙂
Radio Show Notes
Sound of Stars Frequencies
- As promised : Radio Show Notes ( Links )
Change your State, Improve
Your Life!
ELF - Extremely Low
Frequency Magnetic Fields. They affect
us all in ways we may never consciously realise!
In 1952, German physicist
named W. O. Schumann, playing around with math as physicists are prone to do,
postulated that the earth - being a good conductor - was surrounded by a good
dielectric called air.. And around this is another layer of a good conductor
know as the ionosphere, the Heaviside Layer, and that this constitutes a
potentially resonant system. That means that any energy trapped in this
earth-ionosphere cavity - like lightning storms, etc., - will cause it to ring
like a bell. But the surprise was that this signal frequency was the identical
spectrum of human brain waves. It had to be of irresistible interest to me to
build an apparatus which would measure the earth's brain wave, and at the same
time measure the Witch Doctor's brain waves, and see if there was a correlation
- which we did.
…A lot of previously
anecdotal, but very well documented data, is going to seem to fit this model of
why is man sensitive to these cosmic events. Here are some photographs of solar
flare activity. The earth, drawn to the same scale as some of these tremendous
bursts of energy, is this little dot right here. Tremendous bursts of energy
from outer space alter the earth's ionospheric cavity, therefore changing the
frequency slightly; therefore it can re-tune our nervous systems,
electromagnetically. (ed Note: We don't have Mr Beck's film strip, but we do
have a copy of the classic in this field, Dewey and Dakin's Cycles, the Science
of Prediction, published in 1947 by Henry Holt & Co., New York. Figure 2 is
a reproduction of chart 9, page 144)….
Now, an interesting thing
developed. A. S. Pressman, Dept of Physics, Moscow University, did this open
literature survey of the work on magnetics and life a number of years ago. Then
suddenly most of these references - or rather the critical ones in Soviet
literature - went underground. Is this trying to tell us something? At the time
I did my own literature search - and I have a copy of the bibliography here, in
which I found 182 references in the open literature - to the effects of
extremely low frequency electro-static and electro-magnetic fields on human
performance, mood, etc. At that time all of these things were in the open
literature. Now one of my students went around to the bio-med library in UCLA
not long ago (University of California in Los Angeles) and found a number of
these had been sliced out of the text with a razor blade! That leads us to two
conclusions: were the kids too broke to put a dime in the Xerox machine? Or had
some of these purposely removed?
people who believe in God tend to have a 'thicker' sections of brain tissue
than other people. The researchers think
that this thickening could also help to stave off depression. Firing magnetic pulses at the brain could
reduce how religious or spiritual a person feels, a study has claimed.
The research found that
'exciting' the right-hand side of the brain, known as the parietal lobe, caused
people's religious beliefs to lessen.
The researchers sought to
stimulate the inferior parietal lobe (IPL), which is apparently 'associated to
religiousness and spirituality'.
Nonlinear Systems and
Pattern Formation - Magnetism - Material Science - Applied Physics
Reaction Diffusion Systems
nature shows that many temporal and spatial structures are not formed by the
outside, but rather by the respective system itself. To study these
self-organizing processes is the subject of the research group "Pattern
Formation in dissipative Systems". Having
a closer look on these self-organizing phenomenons it turns out that a lot of
them can be well described by a class of reaction-diffusion equations of the
following types: These
equations are describing the temporal developments of the two distributions u(x,t) und v(x,t). Their dynamics are
determined by a local acting reaction term and by a spatial coupling via a
diffusion term. In this way the complex behaviour of many bilogical,
chemical, physical and other self-organizing systems can be described. The pulse
spreading on a chickens' retina, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky-reaction or dc
gas discharge systems may serve as an example for this. Important
aspects of these systems are potential bistabilities already in a state of
stationary homogenous structures, spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal
inhomogeneous structures including chaotic behaviour. In
the case of stationary structures, the second component v, the so-called inhibitor, gets a
stabilizing effect. This stabilizing effect shows to its best advantage if he
is fast and if he won't be spread by diffusion. A slowing down of the
component v will typically lead to a temporal structure
formation (e.g. pulses, running waves), an increased diffusion forming
spatial patterns (e.g. periodic Turing-structures, localized filaments). A
simultaneous lesion of both conditions facilitates even more complex
structures (such as breathing filaments, oscillating areas embedded in an
environment of stationary periodical patterns, spatio-temporal chaos).
Furthermore exist structure elements containing the properties of well
localized particles of well-defined size which interact with each other and
also with the boundary. They also can either be destroyed or created. The
following image gives examples for some structures of such a
two-component-system (binary system).
numerical an analytic treatment of these
activator-inhibitor-reaction-diffusion-sytsems is done in order to examine
the basic mechanisms of natural pattern formation with the aim to be able to
predict the principle phenomenons theoretically. Over and above that they are
used to interpret experiments done on plasma systems and semiconductors
(please also have a look at the following fields of work: "DC
Gas Discharge" and "AC
Gas Discharge". Quasi-Particles Current
research deals with the appearance of localized moving structures, so-called
quasi-particles, in different gas discharge systems. Examinations have shown,
that a binary model as described above, either does not create those
structures at all, or only in very special parameter areas. That is why the
following three-component-reaction-diffusion-model is being examined at the
moment. Due
to this model it is possible to explain quasi-particle-solutions. The
underlying mechanism is also valid for one-, two- and three-dimensional
systems. The following images show quasi-particles in two- and
three-dimensional systems. The "applet
cellular" (optimized for Netscape Navigator) is
the implementation of a cellular automata, which realises the three-component
system named above, using easy rules. It can also show moving localized
Quasi-particles in a three-component-reaction-diffusion
system. The direction of motion results by a shift of the component v against the component u.
These structures exist on two- and three dimensional domains. Scattering Quasi-Particles
Reduced Dynamics Theoretical
investigation in the parameter range Dw® 0 and q® 0 admit an analytical prediction concerning
the transition from stationary to moving structures . This mechanism is based
on a slowdown of the inhibitor v. This component does not react fast enough
on the shifting of the component u any more, so that the displacement leads to
a propagation or to a rotation, if the structure is rotational invariant like
quasi-particle-molecules. It is moreover possible to calculate the
interaction, namely the impacts between different quasi-particles and to
compare them with simulations. Even inhomogeneities can be integrated into
the model in order to predict their influence on the direction of the
movement and the velocity of the movement. Here the potential annihilation or
generation of particles has not been taken into consideration. One gets
simple equations of movement, which can be simulated with little numeric
effort. The "applet
interact" (optimized for Netscape navigator)
is based on these equations of movement and admits an interactive examination
of the different possibilities ] Literature
The heat-shock-like genes surrounding argine
ornithine citrulline and resveratrol appear to be the ones related to ESP/time
travel ...
Background: Previous studies have shown an
antiasthenic effect of citrulline/malate (CM) but the mechanism of action at
the muscular level remains unknown.
Objective: To investigate the effects of CM
supplementation on muscle energetics.
Methods: Eighteen men complaining of fatigue
but with no documented disease were included in the study. A rest-exercise
(finger flexions)-recovery protocol was performed twice before (D−7 and
D0), three times during (D3, D8, D15), and once after (D22) 15 days of oral
supplementation with 6 g/day CM. Metabolism of the flexor digitorum superficialis
was analysed by 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 4.7 T.
Results: Metabolic variables measured twice
before CM ingestion showed no differences, indicating good reproducibility of
measurements and no learning effect from repeating the exercise protocol. CM
ingestion resulted in a significant reduction in the sensation of fatigue, a
34% increase in the rate of oxidative ATP production during exercise, and a 20%
increase in the rate of phosphocreatine recovery after exercise, indicating a
larger contribution of oxidative ATP synthesis to energy production.
Considering subjects individually and variables characterising aerobic
function, extrema were measured after either eight or 15 days of treatment,
indicating chronological heterogeneity of treatment induced changes. One way
analysis of variance confirmed improved aerobic function, which may be the
result of an enhanced malate supply activating ATP production from the
tricarboxylic acid cycle through anaplerotic reactions.
Conclusion: The changes in muscle metabolism
produced by CM treatment indicate that CM may promote aerobic energy
herd instinct is the devil." Some past events can remain partly undecided
long after the event. The moment a future event become detectable in a blurry way
is the best time to take action. The most serious infirmities of old age are
are caused by a large DNA virus which has escaped notice because it looks like
many other viral fossils in our junk DNA. It becomes activated by irritation in
the lacy fine arterioles that feed critical tissues like the substantia nigra,
pituitary, retina, - arteries in general - and causes endothelium to multiply
haphazardly resulting in arterial plaque - possibly ALL arterial plaque. The
cells in the plaque have identical DNA, but it's NOT the host DNA. It's the
host plus the virus. This can be verified or disproven RIGHT NOW by any
university level bio-lab and immunization could come in a couple years - not
There is a very-low-amplitude fine tremor (between 6 Hz and 12 Hz) that is
barely visible to the naked eye. It is present in every normal individual while
maintaining a posture or movement. Significantly, low-frequency biological
rhythms display correlations with the geophysical environment. Rohracher
(1950s) of Vienna described the phenomenon of microvibrations, oscillations in
the frequency range of 7 to 13 Hz that can be observed on the surface of the
body during complete muscle relaxation. Electrons inside microtubules may
function as nano-level switches. The sub-neuronal level looks like a computing
human microvibrations are transduced from, analogous to and/or resonantly
entrained to micropulsations in the common plasma medium. Bioelectronic
processes may be treated as a plasma state within the solid state of organic
compounds. Biophysicist Popp showed that cellular condition is related to
electromagnetic emissions. About 2245 AD, a previously unsuspected level of
internal organization will be found in the Milky Way and an image of our galaxy
will be found folded into the center of earth. That will lead to fruitful
speculation about the overall mechanics of the galaxy. Earth will go from Type
I straight to Type III but this won't happen until after the great die-off.http://emergenthealing.iwarp.com/whats_new_14.html
Were the vacuum "seething", the universe would have a sharp positive
curve and the night sky would be white and bright. That's all the proof you
need. nevertheless, there could be more vacuum energy than zero-point energy-
but not much more. The vacuum energy is packaged as MATTER and it is deposited
in the real, un-virtual world. There can be a way to directly realize energy
from the vacuum but it cant exceed the energy that's THERE which cannot be a
huge amount but could be a usable amount. It is not the Casimir effect.
"...the one and only interaction with matter that supposed ghosts can do
very well is manipulating tiny, tiny air currents at their source and
predicting exactly how that tiny change will develop by interaction with other
factors. a lamp flame is not random but its movements involve such complexities
that it cannot be predicted; ghosts seem to be able to predict the flame, and
divert tiny currents from across the room or across the street so they will be
multiplied just before they hit the flame flames can also be modulated by the
bare wires from hi-fi output as the flame is conductive; inner flame minus
outerflame plus "
by Iona
Miller, © 2012
Nonlinear Systems and Pattern Formation -
Magnetism - Material Science - Applied Physics
Workgroup Purwins - Reaction Diffusion Systems
Homepage of the work group Purwins
LikeShow more reactions
1. The Universe functions in at least five
dimensions x, y, z, time and interchanges with the active vacuum.
Cymatics added a
new video: Newtonian fluid in a speaker cone.
fluid in the vibrational field of sound coming from a speaker cone:Cymatics in action...
Theory of Pixelated Spacetime and of Reality as a Quasicrystalline Point Space
Projected From the E8 Crystal.
Emergence theory is a new physics model currently
being developed by a Los Angeles based team of scientists. Emergence theory
intricately - yet simply - weaves together quantum mechanics, general and
special relativity, the standard model and other mainstream physics theories
into a complete, fundamental picture of a discretized, self-actualizing
At the root of Emergence theory’s formalism is a concept
quickly taking hold in the theoretical physics community––that all of reality
is made of information. What is information? Information is meaning conveyed by symbols. Languages and codes are groups of such symbols that convey
meaning. The various possible arrangements of these symbols are governed by
rules. The language user makes free-will choices regarding how to arrange the symbols, in
order to produce meaning, according to these rules. Fundamentally, then, the
existence of information must therefore imply a “chooser,” or some form of consciousness, in
order for it to be actualized.
We identify two classes of symbols. One class contains
those symbols that subjectively represent something other than the symbols
themselves. For example, the shape of two intersecting diagonal lines (“X”) can
represent the mathematical concept of multiplication, it can represent an
English letter, or it can represent a kiss. The shapes known as the letters
“D-O-G” can represent a certain animal that we all know and love, but they can
also represent anything else if we decide that they do. The second and arguably
more fundamental class of symbols isthose symbols that
represent themselves with ultra-low subjectivity. An example is the shape of a
square representing the shape of a square. Such a geometric language using
geometric symbols could express geometric meaning.
Reality is experimentally observed to be geometric at all
scales, from the Planck level to the largest structures. Our group hypothesizes
that an entirely geometric language or code, using geometric symbolism, is the
fundamental way in which meaning, in the form of our physical reality, is
expressed by…
Well, we’ll get to that.
A central feature of reality behaving geometrically
is that all fundamental particles and forces in nature, including gravity, can
transform into one another, through a process called gauge symmetry
transformation, in a manner that corresponds precisely to the vertices of the
8-dimensional polytope of a crystal called the E8
lattice. But... we do not appear to live in an 8-dimensional
universe. Experimental evidence indicates that we live in a universe comprised
of only three spatial dimensions.
What kind of geometric language or code, then, would
express a geometric, 3-dimensional reality that is deeply linked to the
8-dimensional, E8 lattice?
We believe the answer is in the language
and mathematics of quasicrystals. A quasicrystal is anaperiodic, but not random, pattern. A quasicrystal in
any given dimension is created by projecting a crystal - a periodic pattern - from a higher dimension to a lower
one. For example, imagine projecting a 3-dimensional checkerboard - or cubic
lattice made of equally spaced and sized cubes - onto a 2-dimensional plane at
a certain angle. This 3D cubic lattice is a periodicpattern that may stretch out infinitely in
all directions. The 2D, projected object is not a periodic pattern. Rather, it is distorted
due to the angle of projection, and instead of containing only one shape that
repeats infinitely like the 3D crystal does, it contains a finite number of
different shapes (called proto-tiles) that are oriented relative to one
another in specific ways, governed by a set of mathematical/geometrical rules,
to fill the 2D plane in all directions. By analyzing the 2D projection it is
possible, with the correct mathematical and trigonometric toolkit, to actuallyrecover the "mother" object in 3D (the
cubic lattice crystal in this example.) A famous example of a 2D quasicrystal
is the Penrose
tiling conceived by Roger Penrose in the 1970’s, in
which a 2D quasicrystal is created by projecting a 5-dimensional cubic lattice
to a 2D plane.
Emergence theory focuses on projecting
the 8-dimensional E8 crystal to 4D and 3D. When thefundamental 8D cell of the E8 lattice (a shape with 240 vertices
known as the “Gosset polytope”) is projected to 4D, two identical, 4D shapes of
different sizes are created. The ratio of their sizes is the golden ratio. Each of these shapes are constructed of 600 3-dimensional tetrahedrarotated from one another by a golden-ratio
based angle. We refer to this 4D shape as the “600-Cell.” The 600-Cells
interact in specific ways (they intersect in 7 golden-ratio related ways and
“kiss” in one particular way) to form a 4D quasicrystal. By taking 3D subspaces
of this 4D quasicrystal and rotating them from one another at a certain angle,
we form a 3D quasicrystalthat has one type of proto-tile: a 3D tetrahedron.
On a TV or computer screen the smallest, indivisible unit
is a 2D pixel. In our 3D quasicrystalline reality, the tetrahedron is the
smallest, indivisible unit. A 3D pixel of reality, if you will. Each tetrahedron is the
smallest possible 3D shape that can exist in this reality: the length of each
of its edges is the Planck length (the shortest possible length known in
physics - over 10^35 times smaller than a meter) These 3D pixels
combine with one another according to specific, geometric rules, to populate
all of space.
On a 2D screen, the pixels never move. They simply have
different brightness and color values, and an illusion of meaning (in the form of a picture) is created by
their combined values. Similarly, the tetrahedra in the 3D quasicrystal never
move either. Instead, they act as a binary language: in any given moment, each tetrahedron can
be chosen by the code operator to be either “on” or “off.” If it is “on,” it
can be in one of two states: “rotated left” or “rotated right.”
Imagine a single, frozen moment in time throughout the
entire universe. Let’s call this moment “moment 1” for the purposes of
illustration. In moment 1, the 3D quasicrystal filling the entire universe is
in “state 1” and in this state, some tetrahedra are on, some are off, some are
rotated left and some are rotated right. Now imagine the next frozen moment in
time, “moment 2.” In moment 2, the quasicrystal is in “state 2.” In this new
state, many of the tetrahedra are in different states from their states in
moment 1. Now imagine a hundred of these moments. Now imagine an animation of all of these frozen moments.
If you think of a movie, the moving-image is composed of
single, frozen frames that are filmed and projected at a certain speed (24
frames per second in most modern movies.) In our model, one second contains
10^44 frozen frames. Over many of these frames patterns emerge on the 3D quasicrystal. These patterns become
more and more meaningful and sophisticated with time. Gradually
patterns resembling and acting as Particles form on the quasicrystal. In fact, one of the most
groundbreaking predictions Emergence theory will make is about a specific,
pixelated substructure of electrons––particles currently thought of, without
proof, as dimensionless. With time, these particles take on more and more
complex forms, and eventually the reality we all know, love and can drink
coffee in emerges.
Emergence theory views spacetime in a way that builds on
Einstein’s spacetime model, in which the future and past exist simultaneously
in one geometric object. We view this object as a system in which all frames of
spacetime interact with all other frames all the time. In other words, there is
a constant, dynamic, causality loop relationship between all moments in time,
where the past influences the future and the future influences the past.
We view consciousness as both emergent and fundamental. In its fundamental
form, consciousness exists inside every tetrahedron/pixel in the 3D
quasicrystal in the form of something we call viewing
vectors. We can think of viewing vectors as micro-scale observers in something like the traditional quantum
mechanical sense. These observers actualize reality by making ultra-fast,
Planck scale choices about the binary states of the pixels (on, off, left,
right) at every moment in time. This fundamental, “primitive” (yet
highly sophisticated) form of consciousness steers the patterns on the
quasicrystalline point-space toward more and more meaning, and eventually
consciousness expands into higher degrees of order such as nature and life as
we know it. From there life and consciousness keep expanding, growing
exponentially, into all corners of the universe. Imagine humankind one day
populating trillions of galaxies, its instantaneous communicative channels and
high levels of consciousness growing over time into a massive, universal-scale
neural network––a collective consciousness of sorts. This collective
consciousness then conceives of the fundamental, “primitive” consciousness
that powers the quasicrystal from which it emerges.
A creates B. B creates C. And C creates A.
There are no known laws in physics that place an upper
limit on what percentage of the universe can exponentially self-organize into
freewill systems such as us humans. Indeed, physics allows the possibility that
all the energy of the universe can be converted into a single, conscious system
that itself is a network of conscious systems. Given enough time, what canhappen will eventually happen. By this axiom, universal
emergent consciousness has emerged via self-organization somewhere ahead of us
in 4D spacetime. And because it is possible, it is inevitable. In fact,
according to the evidence of retro-causality time loops, that inevitable future
is co-creating us right now just as we are co-creating it.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have about
our work. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, and we will
attempt to answer all questions, if time permits. Even though time is kind of
like totally an illusion, man
alt="😉" draggable=false class=emoji v:shapes="_x0000_i1057">
The Quasicrystalline Spin Network (QSN) is a 3D quasicrystalline point space on which
we model physics. The QSN is deeply related to the E8 crystal. The following is
a brief explanation of the relationship between the various related
We begin with an 8-dimensional crystal called the E8 lattice. The E8 lattice is
an 8D point set representing the densest packing of spheres in 8D. The
basic cell of the E8 lattice, the Gosset polytope, has 240 vertices and accurately
corresponds to all particles and forces in our (3D) reality and their
interactions, specifically the way they can all transform from one to another
through a process called gauge symmetry transformation (you can view a Ted Talk by Garret Lisi on this subject here).
The first operation we
perform is take the E8 lattice and project a slice of it to 4D, through one of
two processes: cut-and-project, or Hopf mapping. Either process gives us the
same result: a 4-dimensional quasicrystal called the Elser-Sloane quasicrystal.
When the E8's basic cell, the Gosset polytope is projected to 4D, it
creates two identical, 4D shapes of different sizes. The ratio of their
sizes is the golden ratio. Each
of these shapes is constructed of 600 3-dimensional tetrahedra rotated
from one another by a golden ratio based angle. We refer to this 4D shape as
the “600-Cell.” The 600-cells interact in specific ways (they intersect in 7
golden ratio related ways and “kiss” in one particular way) to form the 4D
quasicrystal. This is a representation of the two 600-Cells that make up
the 4D quasicrystal.
Next we
take five, 3D subspaces, or tetragrid, of this 4D quasicrystal (one subspace being
all tetrahedra that are oriented in the same direction) and then rotate them
from one another by 15.522 degrees, we come up with a 3D quasicrystal that can
be seen as a representation of the 4D, Elser-Sloane quasicrystal. We call this
the “Compound Quasicrystal” (CQC). Here is a representation of five
subspaces - the image on the left is one subspace, the second one has a second
subspace layered onto it and so on. The fifth image is the CQC.
is the Compound Quasicrystal important? It is important because of its
relationship to the QSN, which we discuss further in this article. The QSN (Quasicrystalline Spin Network) is the densest possible (under certain constraints) 3D network of
point-sharing Fibonacci chains and is the most computationally efficient point
space in 3D. When we talk about the densest 3D Fibonacci chain, we are talking
about two letter chains instead of the infinitely inflated chains, which is a
property of QSN as a quasicrystal. The QSN is created by taking the FCC lattice (a point space that provides the densest packing of 3D spheres)
and then spreading its points until they are spaced according to the Fibonacci
sequence. We populate this new, extended point space with tetrahedra that point
up and that point down. Here is a close up of what that looks like:
call the tetrahedra pointing up "subspace 1" and the tetrahedra
pointing down "subspace 2". We take new lattice of Fibonacci spaced
points, clone it five times and as we did with the subspaces that formed the
Compound Quasicrystal, rotate the five clones from one another by 15.522*
degrees to create a new quasicrystal. We then repeat the process with subspace
2. Subspaces 1 and 2 are combined to create the QSN. In this sequence of images
we see 5 clones of 4 tetrahedra in one subspace - each clone in a
different color - being rotated from one another. The 4 tetrahedra share a
vertex, and the object that is created from the 5 rotations of them is called a
QSN is composed of tetrahedra that form many different vertex type. The above
mentioned 20-Group is one of them. Here are examples of other vertex types:
is the QSN:
now to the connection between the QSN, which started its life as the point
space representing the most efficient sphere packing in 3D, and the
4D-quasicrystal-derived Compound Quasicrystal, which started its life as E8,
the most efficient sphere packing in 8D: as it turns out, the Compound Quasicrystal is an exact subspace of the QSN. The QSN contains all legal
configurations of the Elser-Sloane, 8D-to-4D quasicrystal.
QSN is therefore deeply related to the E8 lattice and its 4D projection.
In simplistic terms, you can think of the QSN
as a 3D version of a 2D TV screen. A 2D TV screen is made up of 2D pixels that
change brightness and color levels from one video frame to the next at a
certain speed (for example 24 frames per second in most modern movies).
Now we can
use our QSN geometry as a toy model for physics!
Similarly, the QSN is a 3D grid of Planck
scale, tetrahedron-shaped “pixels” that, via the rules of a binary, geometric
language/code, exist at each “frame” of reality as either on or off, and
if on, then rotated left or right. These pixels populate the QSN, and their
states change from one frame to the next, at a "universal frame rate"
of 10^44 frames per second (the "Planck time") Over many of these frames patterns emerge on this 3D quasicrystal.
These patterns become more and more meaningful and sophisticated with time.
After a while, particles begin to form on the quasicrystal. With time, these
particles take on more and more complex forms, and eventually the reality we
all know, love and play video games in, emerges.
A few facts, and an idea.
First, the most sophisticated theories of
consciousness also backed by some experimental data are that the chemical and
electrical interactions are only part of the story. Consciousness seems to
relate to the non-local wave domain of the EM spectrum within the cranium. The
sophisticated stuff correlates to secondary waveforms that are the interaction
of two waveforms of frequency X. Then those secondary ones form tertiary
waveforms and so on in long cascade. Consciousness is not something that just
pops out of a computational system.
Second, there is a notion called “non-computability” and “virtual
non-computability”. These are weird things because they are physically what
most of reality is made of and yet they cannot becomputed. I’ll explain…Think of a system of atomic oscillators in your brain/body system
as having complex co-creative interactions via (1) electric forces, (2)
magnetic forces, (3) gravitational forces and (4) quantum wave function
connections. The later connections are non-local. Now, let’s just take the
brain even though it is true that it interacts with the rest of your body to
form the emergent stuff of consciousness. So you have 100 billion neurons. Each
neuron has 100 trillion atoms. Each is oscillating in a complex manner as
connected to each of the other 100B x 100 trillion atoms via the four above
classes of connection. It’s a big co-creative bowl of interactive Jell-O.
Now, let’s understand this via the notion of computation. To
compute the interactions of two oscillators, it is difficult but possible. It’s
called a quantum mechanical two body problem and can be done for two electrons.
That’s it. Beyond that, it’s too complicated. To understand why, this example
is more than just an analogy:
How many ways can you order A and B? Two, right? AB and BA.
How many ways can you order A to M? Over 6.3 billion ways.
How many ways can you order 60 things? A number greater than every
atom in every solar system and dust cloud in and between every galaxy in the
How many ways can you order 100 things? Don’t even ask. It gets to
levels of virtual non-computability.
For example, let us say that a computer could be built form all
the energy and mass in the universe and be given a hundred trillion times
longer than the age of the universe to compute the interaction of some number
of atomic oscillators in your brain? Could it simulate the full physical
behavior of one of your 100 billion neurons? Of course not. How about a
billionth of a neuron, just 100,000 atoms? Not even remotely close.
Every single cell in nature is completely non-computable and yet
ontologically real. And it’s behavior is fully interactive with EVERY
oscillator in the universe. The behavior of any system isnot at all the sum of
its quantum mechanical or most foundational actions and parts. It’s an
exponential supernova of unfathomable non-computability. And yet it is the
foundational “stuff” of reality – this non-computable emergent stuff. There’s a
sacred sort of word for this type of notion – ineffable.
We believe the universe operates according to language – a sacred
geometric type code. It’s musical in the technical sense of the term. And it’s
visual or geometric. It’s non arbitrary and exists via first principles. So we
think the universe is “code-theoretic”, where it is concerned with maximal
expression of meaning for minimal actions of collective consciousness (simple
choices in the geometric code syntactical freedom). We call this the principle
of efficient language, and it subsumes the principle of least action as a
special case.
Visualization: one discrete
loop in the Quasicrystalline Spin Network (QSN). The blue 20-group is hopping
between 30 positions along a Hamiltonian cycle, drawing an icosidodecahedron
(an Archimedean polyhedron between the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, with
the quasi-crystalline symmetry of the H3 Coxeter group).
ore reading
material on the subject of quasicrystals, or quasi periodic crystals, here is a
list of various papers written on the subject, followed by a list of articles
in the media written on the subject. These lists will be updated regularly when
we read new material we wish to share. None of these papers or articles are
connected with Quantum Gravity Research.
Dan Shechtman,
Ilan Blech (1984). "Metallic Phase with Long-Range Orientational Order and No
Translational Symmetry."
Mackay (1982). "Crystallography and the Penrose Pattern."
Steinhardt. Here is a list of papers he authored and co-authored on the subject of
Elser, N.J.A Sloane. "A Highly Symmetric Four Dimensional Quasicrystal".
Baake, Franz Gähler. "Symmetry Structure of the Elser-Sloane
Sadoc, R. Mosseri. "The E8 Lattice and Quasicrystals."
Justus A. Kromer, et al. “What Phasons Look Like:
Particle Trajectories in a Quasicrystalline Potential.”
N. van der Linden, Jonathan P.K. Doye, Ard A. Louis (2012) “Formation of dodecahedral quasicrystals
in two-dimensional systems of patchy particles"
Pablo F. Damasceno, et al. (2012) “Predictive Self-Assembly of Polyhedra into Complex Structures."
Gardiner (2012) “Fibonacci, quasicrystals
and the beauty of flowers."
Maurice (2011). Cosmic Forms.
Amir Haji-Akbari, et al. (2009) “Disordered, quasicrystalline and crystalline
phases of densely packed tetrahedra.”
Maurice (2002). Phasons and the Plastic
Deformation of Quasicrystals.
V E.; Kléman, M. (2001). Tetrahedral structures
with icosahedral order and their relation to quasicrystals.
Dmitrienko, V E.; Kléman, M. (1999). Icosahedral order and
disorder in semiconductors.
Henley, C.L. (1986). Sphere Packings and local
environments in Penrose tilings.
Dan Shechtman won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of quasicrystals, the Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences published this paper on the discovery and its background.
Gizmodo: "These Mysterious Ultra Rare Crystals Probably Formed In
Outer Space"
Fang Fang, Klee Irwin
Carlos Castro Perelman
Raymond Aschheim,
Laurenţiu Bubuianu, Fang Fang, Klee Irwin, Vyacheslav Ruchin, Sergiu I.
Vacaru (2016)
Fang Fang, Klee Irwin
Fang Fang, Raymond
Aschheim, Klee Irwin (2016)
Raymond Aschheim, Carlos
Castro Perelman, Klee Irwin (2016)
Volodymyr Dubinko, Denis
Laptev, Klee Irwin (2016)
Sergiu I. Vacaru, Klee
Irwin (2016)
M.M Amaral, Ray Aschheim,
Klee Irwin (2016)
Marcelo Amaral, Ray
Aschheim, Klee Irwin (2016)
Carlos Castro (2015)
Fang Fang, Klee Irwin
Klee Irwin (2014)
Fang Fang, Julio Kovacs,
Garrett Sadler, Klee Irwin (2014)
Carlos Castro (2013)
Garrett Sadler, Fang
Fang, Julio Kovacs, Klee Irwin (2013)
Carlos Castro Perelman,
Fang Fang, Klee Irwin (2013)
Fang Fang, Klee Irwin,
Julio Kovacs, Garrett Sadler (2013)
Julio Kovacs, Fang Fang,
Garrett Sadler, Klee Irwin (2012)
Klee Irwin (2014)
Quasicrystals are fractal due to their self similar
property. In this paper, a new cycloidal fractal signature possessing the
cardioid shape in the Mandelbrot set is presented in the Fourier space of a
Fibonacci chain with two lengths, L and S, where L/S = \{phi}. The
corresponding pointwise dimension is 0.7. Various modifications, such as
truncation from the head or tail, scrambling the orders of the sequence, and
changing the ratio of the L and S, are done on the Fibonacci chain. The
resulting patterns in the Fourier space show that that the fractal signature is
very sensitive to changes in the Fibonacci order but not to the L/S ratio.
s) are a novel form of matter, which are neither crystalline nor
amorphous. Among many surprising properties of QCs is their high catalytic
activity. We propose a mechanism explaining this peculiarity based on unusual
dynamics of atoms at special sites in QCs, namely, localized anharmonic
vibrations (LAVs) and phasons. In the former case, one deals with a large
amplitude (~ fractions of an angstrom) time-periodic oscillations of a small
group of atoms around their stable positions in the lattice, known also as
discrete breathers, which can be excited in regular crystals as well as in QCs.
On the other hand, phasons are a specific property of QCs, which are
represented by very large amplitude (~angstrom) oscillations of atoms be-tween
two quasi-stable positions determined by the geometry of a QC. Large amplitude
atomic motion in LAVs and phasons results in time-periodic driving of adjacent
potential wells occupied by hydrogen ions (protons or deuterons) in case of
hydrogenated QCs. This driving may result in the increase of amplitude and
energy of zero-point vibrations (ZPV). Based on that, we demonstrate a drastic
increase of the D-D or D-H fusion rate with increasing number of modulation
periods evaluated in the framework of Schwinger model, which takes into account
suppression of the Coulomb barrier due to lattice vibrations. In this context,
we present numerical solution of Schrodinger equation for a particle in a
non-stationary double well potential, which is driven time-periodically imitating
the action of a LAV or phason. We show that the rate of tunneling of the
particle through the potential barrier separating the wells is enhanced
drastically by the driving, and it increases strongly with increasing amplitude
of the driving. These results support the concept of nuclear catalysis in QCs
that can take place at special sites provided by their inherent topology.
Geometric methods for constructing exact solutions of motion
equations with first order α′ corrections to the heterotic
supergravity action implying a non-trivial Yang-Mills sector and six
dimensional, 6-d, almost-Kähler internal spaces are studied. In 10-d
spacetimes, general parameterizations for generic off-diagonal metrics,
nonlinear and linear connections and matter sources, when the equations of
motion decouple in very general forms are considered. This allows us to
construct a variety of exact solutions when the coefficients of fundamental
geometric/physical objects depend on all higher dimensional spacetime
coordinates via corresponding classes of generating and integration functions,
generalized effective sources and integration constants. Such generalized
solutions are determined by generic off-diagonal metrics and nonlinear and/or
linear connections. In particular, as configurations which are
warped/compactified to lower dimensions and for Levi-Civita connections. The
corresponding metrics can have (non) Killing and/or Lie algebra symmetries
and/or describe (1+2)-d and/or (1+3)-d domain wall configurations, with
possible warping nearly almost-Kähler manifolds, with gravitational and gauge
instantons for nonlinear vacuum configurations and effective polarizations of
cosmological and interaction constants encoding string gravity effects. A
series of examples of exact solutions describing generic off-diagonal
supergravity modifications to black hole/ ellipsoid and solitonic
configurations are provided and analyzed. We prove that it is possible to
reproduce the Kerr and other type black solutions in general relativity (with
certain types of string corrections) in 4D and to generalize the solutions to
non-vacuum configurations in (super) gravity/string theories.
Boerdijk-Coxeter helix is a helical structure
of tetrahedra which possesses no non-trivial translational or rotational
symmetries. In this document, we develop a procedure by which this structure is
modified to obtain both translational and rota-tional (upon projection)
symmetries along/about its central axis. We report the finding of
several, distinct periodic structures, and focus on two particular forms
related to the pentagonal and icosahedral aggregates of tetrahedra as well as
Buckminster Fuller’s “jitterbug transformation”.
paper we present the construction of several
aggregates of tetrahedra. Each construction is obtained by performing rotations
on an initial set of tetrahedra that either (1) contains gaps between adjacent
tetrahedra, or (2) exhibits an aperiodic na- ture. Following this rotation,
gaps of the former case are “closed” (in the sense that faces of adjacent
tetrahedra are brought into contact to form a “face junction”) while
translational and rotational symmetries are obtained in the latter case. In all
cases, an angular displacement of β = arccos (3φ − 1) /4 (or a
closely related angle), where φ = 1 + √5 /2 is the golden ratio, is
observed between faces of a junction. Additionally, the overall number of plane
classes, defined as the number of distinct facial orientations in the
collection of tetrahedra, is reduced following the transformation. Finally, we
present several “curiosities” involving the structures discussed here with the
goal of inspiring the reader’s interest in constructions of this nature and
their attending, interesting properties.
projecting an edge-transitive N-dimensional polytope onto an
M-dimensional subspace of RN, the sums of the squares of the original and
projected edges are in the ratio N/M.
projecting an edge-transitive N-dimensional polytope onto an
M-dimensional subspace of RN, the sums of the squares of the original and
projected edges are in the ratio N/M.
of the most mysterious aspects of quantum mechanics has to do with reality only
existing when it is observed.
who or what is it observed by?
physicist John Wheeler said, “no phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an
observed phenomenon.” He also said, “we are participants in bringing into being
not only the near and here, but the far away and long ago.” Wheeler suspected
that consciousness is fundamental to actualizing reality by observing it. Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek
wrote that the literature on the interpretation of quantum mechanics is
“famously contentious and obscure.” He then said, “I believe it will remain so
until someone constructs, within the formalism of quantum mechanics, an
‘observer,’ that is, a model entity whose states correspond to a recognizable
caricature of conscious awareness.”
what is this conscious awareness that observes reality
into existence?
Emergence theory defines this observer not as a human being or
animal who is seeing or being aware of something––but as a "unit of consciousness,"
or viewing vector that exists at all scales of reality, starting
at the Planck scale (the smallest scale that exists in physics.) In Emergence
theory's still-evolving framework, emergent universal consciousness
self-references itself into existence via a massively efficient geometric,
binary code/language of measurements. For the 3D quasicrystalline point space that we theorize is the
substructure of reality to behave as this language or code, an observer is required at every point of the quasicrystal
in order to make the freewill choices regarding the states of the tetrahedral
building blocks of reality in every given moment. This means that at the center of every
single tetrahedron/pixel in the quasicrystal there is a unit of consciousness that observes its immediate surrounding and
makes binary choices regarding changes in the states of reality at every single
moment in time. Each such unit of consciousness is a component of a massive,
intricate neural network – a universal scale, collective consciousness that
observes the universe at all scales and all times, actualizing reality –
including itself - by observing it.
this system, each unit of consciousness inhabits a point on the quasicrystal,
and as if it is looking through a pinhole, observes other points of the
structure to form information. That information is the view itself. For
example, imagine you are observing three lights in the sky that are at an equal
distance from one another and forming a perfect equilateral triangle. You, the
observer, are on the ground and much closer to one of the lights than to the
other two. So you will not actually see an equilateral triangle. Instead, you will see
a transformed triangle that is a new piece of geometric
information––essentially a measurement that tells you the relationship of the
three lights to one another and your relationship to all three.
this way, the points of consciousness observe the fundamental geometry of
tetrahedral building blocks, or pixels, at the smallest scale of reality (the
Planck scale) to form geometric symbols equal to the meaning of a rotation of one the tetrahedra. For example, imagine
you are sitting on a chair in front of a cube. You look at this cube and, in
your mind, you transform it to a flat picture in 2D. Call this picture a
“symbol”. What does that symbol mean to you? Well, to most people it means (1)
a 3D cube, not a flattened, 2D object and (2) it has the meaning of your
relationship to the cube – the location or angle of your viewing of it. Next,
imagine that you move your chair one foot to the side and look at the cube
again. What do you see? Again, you see a 2D symbol that, to you, has the
meaning of the full 3D cube. But this time, your
viewpoint contains different information, expressing the meaning of
your second location. Compare the meaning of the two locations. The meaning of
this comparison is a rotation of the cube. The meaning of the two successive
2D images of the cube is equal to sitting in the first position and watching
the cube itself change positions or rotate instead of yourself. Either interpretation
is acceptable.
Click here to read our detailed paper about “The Hard
Problem of Consciousness” as it relates to Emergence theory.
hard problem of consciousness must be approached through the ontological lens
of 20th century physics, which tells us that reality is information theoretic
and quantized at the level of Planck scale spacetime. Through careful
deduction, it becomes clear that information cannot exist without consciousness
– the awareness of things. And to be aware is to hold the meaning of
relationships of objects within consciousness – perceiving abstract objects,
while enjoying degrees of freedom within the structuring of those
relationships. This defines consciousness as language – (1) a set of objects
and (2) an ordering scheme with (3) degrees of freedom used for (4) expressing
meaning. And since even information at the Planck scale cannot exist without
consciousness, we propose an entity called a “primitive unit of consciousness”,
which acts as a mathematical operator in a quantized spacetime language.
Quasicrystal mathematics based on E8 geometry seems to be a candidate for the
language of reality, possessing several qualities corresponding to recent
physical discoveries and various physically realistic unification models.
Klee Irwin, director of Quantum Gravity Research, wrote
this paper about a new approach to the "Hard Problem of
Consciousness," a term coined by David Chalmers who wrote, "It
is undeniable that some organisms are subjects of experience. But the question
of how it is that these systems are subjects of experience is perplexing.
Why is it that when our
cognitive systems engage in visual and auditory information-processing, we have
visual or auditory experience: the quality of deep blue, the sensation of
middle C? How can we explain why there is something it is like to entertain a
mental image, or to experience an emotion? It is widely agreed that experience
arises from a physical basis, but we have no good explanation of why and how it
so arises. Why should physical processing give rise to a rich inner life at
all? It seems objectively unreasonable that it should, and yet it does."
This is a presentation Klee
Irwin, director of Quantum Gravity Research, gave at the University of
Arizona's Center for Consciousness Studies. We adjusted this video a little to
remove a few items that are specific to the conference this talk was given in,
in order to make it more accessible to most viewers.