"... frequencies in Earth’s magnetosphere
that are close to the tidal frequencies of the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter,
and Saturn will remain in step with those planets. You wíll have one magnetic
frequency associated with Mars, another with Jupiter, and so on.....
magneto-biology, a vast body of knowledge that links planetary alignments with
magnetic events on the Sun and the biological consequences
of fluctuations in Earth’s magnetic field. That’s what actually gave me the
idea that there is a mechanism, magneto tidal resonance, which can not only
explain the Sun’s magnetism, but also why specific fluctuations in Earth’s
magnetosphere can get phase-locked with the tidal effects of the planets.
Research in magneto-biology shows that a wide variety
of organisms respond to changes in Earth’s magnetic field.[14] For instance,
Professor Franck Brown of North-western University, who has done much work in
this area, showed how mud-snails and turtles followed the lunar daily magnetic
variation even when these creatures were removed from the sea and lodged inside
laboratory tanks.[15] The experiments of Dr. Robin Baker of Manchester
University suggest that humans are also sensitive to changes in Earth’s
magnetic field.[16] Baker first placed people inside a darkened room and asked
them to locate North. Most of the time people got it right. But when Baker then
fitted these same subjects with a little magnetic skullcap, they lost their
ability to find North. This strongly suggests the presence of an internal
compass or biological clock.
What I think might be happening is that the
foetus’s neural network acts as a sort of antenna that tunes into fluctuations
in Earth’s magnetic field. The imprinting of the neural antennae depends on
genetic heredity, which gives us our basic congenital personality. Thus, the
foetus is genetically predisposed to hear specific planetary signals, much as a
radio is resonantly tuned to receive a particular station. So it’s not that the
planets make the person. Rather, the planets label a person’s genetic
predisposition to respond to specific magnetic signals."
"...Imagine the sun’s magnetic field “ it is
more then A magnetic field ” and each planet following the cycle in the spin of
the sun’s magnetic field and the planet in turn with its field keeps the moon ”
and visa versa” and on a larger scale, the central sun or black-w-hole doing
the same to all the stars, planets and moons. In that way they are all
interconnected so the combinations of stars that make up the 48 signs including
The 12 zodiac signs do have their influence. Related to a personal imprint at
the time of birth “ and some time before” because we too are based on the same
principles and laws of this great field / structure, all interacting, but
remember this is just a simplified example ."
SEE ALSO : Astro
Biology And The Science Of Astrology
From there is a short step to zero energy ontology (ZEO).
Quantum states can be seen as
quantum superpositions of classical deterministic histories
analogous to functions/behaviors in
biological sciences and programs in
computer science. In finite measurement resolution the superposition
of classical time evolutions correspond to
single evolution, program. This solves the basic paradox of
quantum measurement theory. And there is direct evidence for this view. I realised free will few minutes
ago by a click putting deterministic computer program
"Facebook" running. My free will was in the state
function reduction that initiated the program, the program
itself is deterministic. The click initiating
the program affects also the average classical history in
quantum state: a more precise manner to say
"future influences the past".
How Earth is Frequency Phase Modulated by Stars, Planets
Altering and Stressing
the Phases
the only force that alters the phases of Earth's Fundamental Resonant Frequency
and related harmonic frequencies are stressful positions of the Sun, Moon and
planets or an orb ejected from Jupiter or Saturn. Alterations or stresses on
the phases of the Schumann Resonance by lunar and planetary
influences probably are at least a precipitator to, or at the most a cause for,
tectonic plates to slip or shift causing earthquakes.
traditionally trained Indian scientists publicly and accurately predicted the time,
date, longitude/latitude and magnitude of the devastating Indonesian earthquake
and tsunami four days before the deadly event occurred. They constructed their
prediction by observing the position of the Sun and Moon at the precise times
and dates of previous earthquakes greater than a 7.5 magnitude.
author hypothesizes the phases of the Schumann Resonance were stressed or
altered by the Moon (5 degrees Cancer) being in direct opposition to the Sun (5
degrees Capricorn) on December 26, 2004. On March 27, 1964, the Sun was at 7
degrees Aries and the Moon was at 7 degrees Libra and a massive earthquake
shook Alaska. During both the Indonesian and Alaskan earthquakes the Sun was
exactly 180 degrees opposite of the Moon on a circle while both the Sun and
Moon were in what is known as Cardinal signs.
other words, if you draw a straight line through the middle of the Earth, the
Sun was on one side of the globe and the Moon was exactly on the opposite side
of our planet. However this straight line of opposition does not flow directly
through two sides of the equator or both poles of the Earth. By astute
observation and comparison of the angles of the critical Sun/ Moon opposition
line as related to the equator and the poles of the Earth, the Indian scientists
precisely located the area where and the time when the phases of the Schumann
Resonance would be weakened enough to allow tectonic plates to shift. However,
the Indian scientists had no awareness of phases for the Schumann Resonance in
their research but their earthquake prognostications by observing and
calculating the angles of the Sun/Moon opposition through the Earth are
astounding. Many people feel they deserve global accolades for their efforts,
discoveries and sterling accomplishments.
prediction by the Indian scientists was about 28 minutes off in predicting when
the earthquake would occur. They were correct in calculating the exact time of
the opposition of the Sun and Moon but they did not realize the stress caused
by these positions would take about 30 minutes to build on and alter the phases
of the Schumann Resonance that caused or contributed to the tectonic plates to
slip at an exact location on Earth's harmonic grid.
Rhythms of Nature Awareness &
creating a dynamic and evolving harmonic grid model of the Earth's phases of
the Fundamental Resonant Frequency in conjunction with the transiting positions
of the Sun, Moon and planets in the solar system, could predicting earthquakes
transition into an exact and precise science? There is one drawback, however.
Scientists can measure the frequency of the Schumann Resonance but they cannot
accurately determine the phases or amplitudes with any kind of present day
instruments are created that can measure at least the phases, humans will have
to observe mathematical or three-dimensional hypothetical models of the phases
of Earth's Fundamental Resonant Frequency. When those instruments are
operational, this author predicts the scientists will discover 144 phases in
each hemisphere of Earth and Mars, 36 to 72 phases in each hemisphere of
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and nine to 18 phases in each hemisphere
of the Sun. By way of contrast, however, this author predicts the planets
Mercury, Venus, Pluto and all the moons orbiting the planets in the solar
system will have one spherical harmonic grid (not two hemispheres) with 72 or
96 phases.
ancient adage "As above so below" is actively demonstrated in the sensitivity
to surrounding and interpenetrating conditions. Chaotic and Fractal dynamics
show that small influences can have a major effect in the long run, from
personality shifts due to suggestion and as far reaching as asteroid influence
and galactic voids. The conditions of any specific location are determined by
many converging and serendipitous events. The reverse to the small having an
influence on the whole is also true as so succinctly stated by the ancients.
studying the cosmos,
we have deduced three great principles, namely the deterministic or relativistic,
the discreetly discontinuous, or quantum and the chaotic - turbulent. The three
combine to form the complex state of reality. The three are interpenetrating
through the aegis of dynamical complexity. We will find randomness in the deterministic
and some deterministic states in the "purely random." All this has
been investigated in the past and present.
Mention the word "astrology" and skeptics go into an epileptic fit.
The idea that someone's personality could be imprinted at birth according to
the position of the sun, moon and planets has long been derided as
"quackery" by the so-called "scientific" community which
resists any notion based on holistic connections between individuals and the
According to the conventional view, your genes and your parenting determine
your personality, and the position of planet Earth at the time of your birth
has nothing to do with it.
Then again, conventional scientists don't believe the position of the moon has
anything to do with life on Earth, either. They dismiss the wisdom that farmers
have known for ages -- that planting seeds or transplanting living plants in
harmony with the moon cycles results in higher crop yields. Even the seeds
inside humans are strongly influenced by the moon, as menstruation cycles and moon
cycles are closely synchronized (28 days, roughly).
must be further bewildered by the new research published in Nature
Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University which unintentionally
provides scientific support for the fundamental principle of astrology --
namely, that the position of the planets at your time of birth influences
your personality.
In this study, not only did the birth month impact personality; it also
resulted in measurable functional changes in the brain.
This study, conducted on mice, showed that mice born in the winter showed a
"consistent slowing" of their daytime activity. They were also more
susceptible to symptoms that we might call "Seasonal Affective Disorder."
The study was carried out by Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon,
graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two
additional undergraduate students, none of whom believe in astrology, apparently.
They do, of course, believe in science, which is why all their study findings
have been draped in the language of science even though the findings are
essentially supporting principles of astrology.
"What is particularly striking about our results is the fact that the
imprinting affects both the animal's behavior and the cycling of the neurons in
the master biological clock in their brains," said Ciarleglio. This is one
of the core principles of astrology: That the position of the planets at the
time of your birth (which might be called the "season" of your birth)
can actually result in changes in your brain physiology which impact lifelong
Once again, such an idea sounds preposterous to the scientifically trained,
unless of course they discover it for themselves, at which point it's all
suddenly very "scientific." Instead of calling it
"astrology," they're now referring to it as "seasonal
all reminds me of the discovery of cold fusion in 1989 by Fleishmann and
Pons, who were widely ridiculed by the arrogant hot fusion researchers who
tried to destroy the credibility (and careers) of cold fusion researchers ( After the
very idea of "cold fusion" was attacked and demolished by these
arrogant scientists, it soon returned under a new name: Low-Energy Nuclear
Reactions (LENR).
LENR has now been verified as true by none other than the U.S. Navy -- along
with hundreds of other researchers around the world (see link above). And yet,
even today, the conventional scientific community still insists cold fusion
doesn't exist and cold fusion researchers are frauds.
Just as there is a solid scientific basis
for LENR, there is a scientific basis for astrology, too. The relationship
between the Earth, Moon and Sun naturally alter light exposure, temperature,
gravitational pull and other conditions that may be sensed by living organisms.
To believe in astrology, all that's really required is to grasp the basic
concepts of the interrelationships between all living things. Does the position
of the sun or moon influence
life on Earth? Of course it does: Life as we know it wouldn't even exist
without the moon tugging on Earth and preventing its rotational axis from shifting
around to the point where radical changes in seasonal temperatures would make
life far more challenging. (The moon, in other words, is one of the key
"stabilizers" of life on planet Earth because it tends to stabilize
the seasons and keep the Earth on a steady rotational plane.)
None of this, of course, means that the position of Saturn today is going to
make you win the lottery or find a new love. That's the tabloid version of
astrology, not real astrology.
astronomy has its tabloid versions, too, which are entirely
non-scientific. For example, every model of our solar system that I've ever
seen is a wildly inaccurate tabloid version of reality, with planet sizes
ridiculously exaggerated and planet distances not depicted to scale. These
silly, non-scientific solar system models imprint a kind of solar system
mythology into the minds of schoolchildren and even school teachers.
Virtually no one outside the communities of astrophysics and astronomy has any
real grasp of the enormity of not merely our solar system, but of our galaxy
and the space between neighboring galaxies.
To show a giant sun the size of a basketball, with a depiction of the Earth as
a marble-sized planet three inches away is the astronomical equivalent of a
gimmicky horoscope claiming you're going to win the lottery today because you
were born under the sign of Pisces. Both are fictions. And both are an insult
to real science.
In fact, even the whole idea that an "electron" is a piece of
physical matter, made up of other "particles" is an insult to real
science. The sobering truth of the matter is that "particle physics"
doesn't have much to do with actual particles at all. It's all about energies
that might, on occasion, vibrate in just the right way so that they momentarily
appear to take on the illusion of a particle as measured by our observers --
observers who inevitably alter the outcome of the entire experiment, by the
way, once again proving the interrelated nature of things in our universe,
including observer and experiment.
The horoscope predictions in the Sunday paper -- as well as much of the
hilarious mythology found in the modern description of an atom -- are both
simplified, comic-book versions of a larger truth -- the truth that we live
in a holistic universe where every bit of physical matter, every bit of
energy and every conscious mind impacts the rest of the universe in subtle
ways. There is no such thing as an individual who is isolated from the cosmos,
because we are of the cosmos and we exist as the physical manifestations
of energies that, for our lifetimes, are momentarily organized as beings.
We are made of star stuff, says Carl Sagan. He he's right: We are not only made
of star stuff, we are influenced by that stuff, too. And finally, modern
science is beginning to catch up to this greater truth that astrologers have
known since the dawn of human existence on our tiny planet.
activity may affect our life in profound ways
scientific basis for astrology: your birth month DOES affect your health!
Learn more:
bias at Wikipedia on homeopathic medicine
Learn more:
(NaturalNews) It's easy to get caught
up in the material things of our modern day society, rushing through, not
paying any attention to the skies hovering around our head. We walk the globe,
not realizing that we're hanging off a sphere, grounded by a powerful force of
gravity that keeps us from falling through the sky and out into the black. As
we are spun around a sphere, the very sphere that we rely on is circling around
a giant, fiery heat source. When we stop and look up, we realize that we are at
the mercy of much greater powers in the universe. We feel small in this moment,
humbled, but we also feel so powerful, a part of the stardust, the minerals,
the miracles and the energy.
In this moment, we realize that we are a speck inside this universe, but we are
also the entire universe for all that lives within us, all our cells and our
entire microbiome! We are a mirror, projecting and reflecting.
So what effect do the stars, the sun
and the moon have on our existence on Earth? Does the astrological activity of
the sun shape our lifespan, our path in life? According to research from
Norway, the solar activity of the sun during one's birth can influence that
person's lifespan. The Norwegian scientists found that, when people are born
during periods of solar calm, they live much longer. When people are born
during periods of solar storms and heightened sun activity, lifespans are
typically five years shorter. The study was based on demographic data from
8,600 Norwegians born between 1676 and 1878 which was compared with data on solar activity during
their birth dates. The data was obtained from church records and included
lifespans of both the poor and the wealthy.
About every 11 years, the sun
completes a cycle of its own and begins a period of heightened solar activity.
Sunspots occur during this time, solar flares emit and coronal mass ejections
shoot into space. Today, this activity can affect radio communication and the
electrical grid on Earth. Navigational equipment and satellites can be damaged
during these solar storms.
Interestingly, the Norwegian scientists found a constant thread of their own:
When solar activity was marked by powerful flares and geomagnetic storms, those
born in that season live an average of 5.2 years less than those born during
solar calm. Somehow, the activity of the sun may be influencing human
navigation through life,
messing with human energy fields, DNA and cellular processes.
The paper, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B,
reported, "Solar activity at birth decreased the probability of survival
to adulthood," thus reducing average lifespan. The paper also
reported that females' lifespans were more sensitive to the solar storms at
birth and were more impacted than males' lifespans.
conclusions were made in the study. The study's authors linked the heightened
solar activity to increased ultraviolet radiation, causing cell damage, DNA
damage and reproductive issues.
"We show for the first time that not only infant survival and thus
lifespan but also fertility is statistically associated with solar activity at
birth," they wrote.
They also reported that solar activity "significantly reduced"
fertility for women born into the poor category. The researchers reasoned,
"The effect of socio-economic status on the relationship between solar
activity and fertility suggests that high-status pregnant women were better
able to avoid the adverse effects of high solar activity."
The researchers stated that, when ultraviolet light is increased before birth,
it can degrade levels of the B vitamin folate. Folate shortages are already
linked to higher rates of illness and death in infants, and these vitamin
deficiencies could be due to the solar flares.
Learn more:
Learn more:
(NaturalNews) While many people
believe astrology is responsible for everything from your choice of spouse to
career decisions, others maintain that one's birth month is nothing more than a
date on a calendar. The latter group suggests that astrology is essentially
hogwash, reserved for those who are so desperate for guidance that they resort
to such "entertainment." They don't feel that whether one is a Leo or
Capricorn should dictate a person's actions, much less help someone gain
insight about their health.
However, according to a new Columbia University study, these hesitant folks
might want to consider changing their mind. Using computer algorithms to asses
a database of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/CUMC health records of more than
1.7 million patients from 1985 through 2013, it was found that a person's birth
month is actually related to the development of certain health conditions.
Furthermore, this large-scale study was considered to more effectively
reinforce what smaller studies before it had found in previous years: that
there are correlations between birth season and certain health problems.
The researchers in this latest study
compared birth dates with medical histories, ultimately developing
comprehensive data visual maps that outlined statistical information on the
topic. "Faster computers and electronic health records are accelerating
the pace of discovery," said the study's lead author, Mary Regina Boland,
a graduate student at Columbia. "We are working to help doctors solve
important clinical problems using this new wealth of data."
Nicholas Tatonetti, author of the study, which was published in the Journal
of the American Medical Informatics Association, supports her statement.
"This data could help scientists uncover new disease risk factors," he says.
The article, titled "Birth Month Affects Lifetime Disease Risk: A
Phenome-Wide Method," notes that "Prior methods...suffer from disease
selection bias whereby diseases of popular interest are studied more frequently
potentially overlooking other important disease-birth month associations."
They explained that their method is vastly improved over those that were used
in the past because it used a "hypothesis-free method." The article
[This study] confirms many known connections between birth month and disease
including: reproductive performance, ADHD, asthma, colitis, eye conditions,
otitis media (ear infection), and respiratory syncytial virus. We discovered 16
associations with birth month that have never been explicitly studied
previously. Nine of these associations were related to cardiovascular
conditions strengthening the link between cardiac conditions, early
development, and Vitamin D.
it was found that people born in May had the lowest overall disease risk, while
those born in October had the highest. However, this doesn't mean that everyone
born in October should live in fear. "It's important not to get overly
nervous about these results because even though we found significant
associations, the overall disease risk is not that great," says Tatonetti.
"The risk related to birth month is relatively minor when compared to more
influential variables like diet and exercise."
Nevertheless, the study shows correlations between certain health problems and when a
person is born. For example, they discovered that asthma risk is greatest for
July and October babies. Data pertaining to ADHD found that approximately one
in 675 occurrences could be linked to November births. As for atrial
fibrillation, mitral valve disorder and congestive heart failure, the
researchers noted that March births appeared to have the highest risks.
As Tatonetti noted, diet and exercise certainly play a role in overall health.
Be sure to eat organic, fresh foods as often as possible and exercise on a
daily basis. Doing so will help you stay healthy and keep your body in a better
position to tackle any health issues that do arise.
Learn more:
THE FEELING OF NUMBERS : light is encoded info as
geometrical forms
Power of Seven
does nature use a division and multiples of 18? A hemisphere of a planet or a
molecule is not constructed in numerical sequence because to do so would create
a weak structure. Maximum strength of a dome or molecule is attained when the
links are spread out over the hemisphere or molecule. The most efficient manner
of creating strong links in a dome or molecule is to use the number 18 because
the special number of seven provides a means of distributing the links.
4 [left] has a circle with 18 lines with 20 degrees between each line. A line
is drawn from the starting point to a point seven lines or 140 degrees away. As
the multiple seven lines or 140 degree sequence is continued around the circle,
the line drawn from the 18th or last point connects with the starting point.
The alpha (beginning) and omega (end) points of an 18 point circle or a
multiple of an 18 point circle using a multiple seven sequence are the same
(Figure 5).
applied to harmonics, the points on the circle represent the phase of the
frequency and the circle itself represents the amplitude of the frequency.
Obviously, a planet or molecule utilizes more than just one amplitude but for
consistency in construction, again, the number seven provides the most
strength. Seven circles of 144 lines with a space of 2.5 degrees between each
line have the same alpha and omega point when using the multiple seven
sequences. Again the seven circles represent seven redundant amplitudes that a
planet like Earth uses to construct a harmonic grid.
line is drawn for the starting point to the next circle and seven lines or
every 17.5 degrees (7x2.5 degrees). Figure 6 does not include all 144 lines but
only depicts every seventh line where the working line crosses the intersection
point of the circle and the structure line. The line from the 144th point to
the next point is the starting point and the alpha and omega points are the
same and provide strength yet flexibility (Figure 7). On the Earth the distance
between the circles is thousands of miles. When instruments are made that can
detect the phases of the Schumann Resonance, the author predicts the grid
pattern will be similar to a three dimensional version of Figure 7 that is top
view of the grid.
the starting or Alpha point is located and if the lines or amplitudes are to
the left or the right of the Alpha point, are the two determining factors to
the spin orientation of the hemisphere. Therefore planets with two hemispheric
harmonic grids can have numerous kinds of spin orientations that manifest in
countless characteristics and functions. However, the number of spin
orientations for the planets are finite. Is the harmonic spin orientation of
Uranus so unique that Uranus is the only planet that shifts the north and south
poles directly towards the Sun during the full revolution around the Sun?
invite readers to join the author and other researchers to observe nature and
the cosmos. The discussions will be related to how other common occurrences or
phenomenon are results of manipulating or harnessing Earth's Fundamental
Resonant Frequency of 7.5 Hertz with 144 phases and amplitudes and the various
resonant frequencies, phases and amplitudes of the chemical elements, planets
and suns in our galaxy.
The geometric and harmonic adventure
author acknowledges and thanks Susan Kelly, Bruce Rawles, Iona Miller, Peter
Vogel and James Golik for their valuable input and contributions to this
article. Special thanks to Sue Golik.
The Energy Clock
& Quality of the Moment
In the
1940’s, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired a young
electrical engineer -- John Nelson -- in an effort to improve the
reliability of HF ("short-wave") radio communications around Earth.
Such radio transmissions had been observed to be, for some reason, more
reliable in the "lulls" in between, than during solar activity
associated with "peak" sunspot years.
To his surprise, Nelson soon specifically correlated this rising and
falling radio interference with not only sunspot cycle, but with the motions of the major planets of the solar system;
he found, to his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable -- in essence,
astrological correlation ... between the inexorable orbits of all the planets
(but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
-- which, remember, hold essentially all the solar’s system’s known angular
momentum) ... and major radio-disturbing eruptions on the Sun!
For, as part of his solar research, Nelson
also "rediscovered" something else ...
"It is worthy of note that in 1948 when
Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120 degrees, and solar activity was at a
maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year than in 1951
with Jupiter and Saturn at 180 degrees and a considerable decline in solar
activity. In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals followed
the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the sunspot curve ...
[emphasis added]."
The Hyperdimensional
Model finally provides a comprehensive
theoretical explanation
-- a
"linking mechanism" -- for these, to a lot of astronomers, still
embarrassing decades-old
RCA observations.
For, in essence what John Nelson had rediscovered was nothing short
of a
"Hyperdimensional Astrology
-- the ultimate, very ancient, now highly demonstrable
momentum foundations behind the real
influences of the Sun and planets on our
These sounds are produced by internal
and externalized processes of the celestial body, such as its internal
field, its magnetosphere, its unique gravitational signature and other sources
of pulsing vibrations.
Stars and celestial bodies makes
sounds. Literally. Or at least they create very powerful vibrations which can
easily converted into sound waves.
Compare these actual, real sounds
generated by the planets and celestial bodies in our solar system to the sounds
I have captured and created for you.
Can you notice the peculiar similarity of sound between the sounds of these
planetary bodies and the sounds of my
Strange, isn't it? You may however,
despite noticing the similarities, find something that sounds very very
in my frequencies. That difference is
quite significant and of critical importance, I'll explain that later.
First, listen to the sounds created
in actual space by the celestial bodies themselves. Here are some links for you
check out these sounds:
Stanford University
SATURN Issues Signals that Sound
Like Speech, Music
Note the
similiarity to our frequencies.... this is no mistake......
Mindentudas Egyeteme
National Astrophysics and Space
Science Programme
It has been demonstrated among other things, that a single non linear equation can produce all the above effects of determinacy/periodicity, quasiperiodicity/indeterminacy and chaotic/randomness with all the self-affine shades between each category in complex space/time. It has also been shown the seasonal magnetic variations of the sun on the geomagnetic envelope of Earth and ultimately the effects on all things earthbound. There are also the longer seasons averaging 11 to 22 years in length and the periodic to chaos and back cycle. We have shown the limits of predestination and freedom in the cosmos and ultimately on humanity. Yet, owing to the very complexity of the subject, there is far more awaiting to be discovered.
intriguing fact is the ratio between the Earth’s outer orbit and Venus’s
inner orbit
is given by a square.
In the following
dance patterns, the planet pairing is given and the number of orbits of
the outer planet. Enjoy these beautiful patterns.
Let me share
with you other facts about cosmic harmony. The radius of the Moon
compared to the Earth is three to eleven, ie. 3:11.
Radius of Moon = 1,080 miles =
3 x 360
Radius of Earth = 3,960 miles =
11 x 360 = 33 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5
Radius of Earth plus Radius of Moon =
5,040 miles = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 7 x 8 x 9 x 10
The ratio 3:11 is 27.3 percent, and
the orbit of the Moon takes 27.3 days. 27.3 days is also
the average rotation period of a
sunspot. The closest : farthest distance ratio that Venus and Mars
each experiences in the Mars-Venus
dance is incredibly 3:11. The Earth orbits between them.
to scale. The perimeters of the dotted square and the dotted circle are the same length.
The perimeter of the dotted red
square is
4 x Earth’s diameter = 4 x 7,920
miles = 31,680 miles.
The circumference of the dotted blue
circle is
2 pi x radius = 2 x 3.142 x 5040
miles = 31,667 miles. (ie. 99.9%)
using the E-scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory
and a measure
of expected tendencies towards extraversion or introversion based
on 7-based
harmonic patterns between Sun and Saturn. The relationship is
strong when planetary measurements are in right ascension rather
than zodiac
longitude. This particular harmonic pattern was hypothesized to be
based on earlier anecdotal evidence. The value of exploratory research
using visual
tools in this area of research is discussed. The potential social
benefits of
astrological research are also discussed, regardless of the outcome
David Cochrane
Student, University of Florida, Department of Educational Psychology
Gainesville, Florida
David Fink, Ed.D.
Professor, Johnson State College, Department of Behavioral Sciences
Johnson, Vermont
The book, ‘A Little Book of Coincidence’
by John Martineau, illustrates the orbital patterns and several of their
geometrical relationships.
A most unusual guide to the solar system, A Little Book of Coincidence suggests that there may be fundamental relationships between space, time, and life that have not yet been fully understood. From the observations of Ptolemy and Kepler to the Harmony of the Spheres and the hidden structure of the solar system, John Martineau reveals the exquisite orbital patterns of the planets and the mathematical relationships that govern them. A table shows the relative measurements of each planet in eighteen categories, and three pages show the beautiful dance patterns of thirty six pairs of planets and moons.
[Note: This chapter, and all others in this book, are
excerpted from The End of Our Century by Francois Masson, written in 1979-80.
It was transcribed from French into English by David Michael Steinberg in 1981
and a publisher was never found. It was finally edited, updated and published
on the Internet by David Wilcock in 2001.]
"...proportions of the orbit of the Earth and Venus (if the diameter
the Earth's orbit is equal to diagonal of a square, the orbit of Venus would
fit inside such square as shown on the drawing."
The NanoWorld
of Buckminster Fuller
IV. Instrumental Architecture -- Energy,
Frequency, Music
Venus x Mars
x Jupiter x Uranus = Mercury x Earth x Saturn x Neptune
Each of the
planetary and stellar bodies acts as a spherical receiver, transmitter and
reflector of the electromagnetic long wavelength light energies in similar
manner to a satellite communications dish antenna. The sphere is an ideal shape
for a resonant cavity. The Earth sphere resonates naturally over vast spectrums
of EM and sound frequencies.
For any position on the surface of the Earth at any particular time, there are
always signal vibrations arriving, being refracted, reflected and focused by
the Earth spherical structure from many outside, distant vibrational frequency
sources, such as other planets and stars.
Ceres Master Of The Mirror Key Ceres, the
biggest asteroid in the ...
Ceres acts a sort of multiplication mirror
between the four inner planets and the ...
important link :
more info
"..a milestone on the road to multiple worlds."
blood - Dr. Harvey Bigelsen
The crystallized holograms tracked by Dr.
Bigelsen are definitely in the blood. He and his colleagues have seen them
hundreds of times, and the messages they seem to convey have been proven by
confirmed diagnoses. But how can they be explained?
Earths Atmosphere - identical to
spectrum of human brain waves
Astrological Harmonic Patterns as
Possible Indicators of Extraversion/Introversion
David Cochrane - Doctoral Student, University of Florida, Department of Educational
David Fink, Ed.D.- Professor, Johnson State College, Department
of Behavioral Sciences
Astrology –– Extraversion/Introversion –– Harmonic Astrology
Our Sun at first
appears to be a chaotic structure. However, the more we probe, the more we
discover it to have set rhythms. It has long been conjectured that the planets
held by its gravitational pull might also have effect on its behaviour. The
truth may be far more complex – and exciting. (Read Gregory Sams’ fascinating
book ‘Sun of gOd’ for thoughts on our sun’s consciousness.)
Astro-economists look at all manner of cosmic cycles from the seasons through
to sunspots, solar flares, solar magnetic storms and solar retrograde periods
through which to make their forecasts. Helioseismology, the science of the Sun,
is still in its infancy but there is no doubt that greater knowledge will bring
mankind greater understanding of economic life-cycles.
Through understanding of the seasons, the planting and harvesting of crops, we
accept that our financial worlds are very much affected by solar activity. The
Sun even affects our high-tech age. At 07.04 EST on May 13th, 1921 a solar
magnetic storm was the cause of signal and switching system failure on the New
York Central Railroad below 125th street. The same storm affected telephone,
telegraph and cable traffic across Europe. Can you imagine the economic effect
of the widespread disruption of communications?
Similarly, a Coronal Mass Ejection on March 9, 1989 brought about a severe
geomagnetic storm bringing short wave radio interference (prompting some
military experts to think that the Soviets were attacking). This solar eruption
affected Earth a few days later, at 2:44 am on March 13, 1989 when
Hydro-Quebec’s power grid was adversely affected. This led to a nine hour shut
down – once again with major economic consequences. In August of that same
year, another storm produced a halt to trading on the Toronto stock market when
their microchips were similarly affected.
The source of earthy communication malfunction can be traced directly auroras –
which are themselves after-effects of intense solar activity. Though as yet we
have no way of predicting these events, we must acknowledge their power to
bring economic chaos.
Solar scientists are able to alert us to increase activity and to give some
warning of the potential for electrical fault within the few days following a
sudden outburst of activity, but they cannot, as yet, tell us where the effects
will be most greatly felt. Their astro-economic counterparts continue to make
notes and to build up a picture of the links between solar activity and our
financial – and creative – worlds.
Thoedor Landscheit in his remarkable work ‘Sun, Earth, Man’ suggested that
solar flares increased creativity. It may be that these play an important role
in flashes of inspiration or even mystical activity. A client who suggests they
had a ‘bright idea’ and for which no planetary activity gives plausible
explanation, may have been affected by a recent solar flare burst. You can
check this out through
This is understanding through hindsight. Forecasting is another matter
altogether. The simple fact is that we do not yet know enough.
We do know a little which can be put to practical use. Heading this list of
cycle understanding is an approximately 190 year cycle.
You probably know that the Sun is actually not the centre of our solar system.
The Sun and its system rotate in counter-clockwise motion around a central
point known as the Barycentre. On seven occasions in the last four thousand
years the combined position of the great planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune have created a pull that has resulted in the Sun rotating clockwise
(retrograde) relative to the solar system Barycentre.
When Jupiter is at right angles to the Barycentre, as in 1632, between 1810 and
1812 and again through 1989 and 1990, we experienced a Sun retrograde period.
studies show that the period post-solar-retrograde (lasting up to 30 years)
brings disturbed weather patterns. These then result in shorter growing seasons
and, inevitably, higher food costs.
As of 2010, we are still in one of these post-solar retrograde periods and
evidence of disturbed weather patterns is all around. In the next decade it is
probable that food prices will rise as a direct consequence of shortage of
Understanding of this approximately 190 year cycle enabled astro-economists to
suggest that from 1990 onward there might be mass migration of peoples across
planet Earth as people sought better conditions under which they could sustain
themselves. It was always likely that the period 1990-2020 would be a time of
extraordinary social and subsequent political and economic upheaval.
A much shorter period is termed the ‘sunspot cycle’. Scientists track solar
cycles by counting sunspots — cool planet-sized areas on the Sun where intense
magnetic loops poke through the star’s visible surface.
Sunspots offer a fascinating field for economic study. In the 19th Century
Professor Jevons studied tables for wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas and rye
from 1259-1763 to show an 11.11 year sun spot cycle. (As interesting are the
studies of Arthur Schuster who found that good wine years in Germany
corresponded with years of minimum sun spots!).
Another study (Tchijevsky 1926) suggested that wars, revolutions and mass
movements with their resulting political, social and economic consequences
coincided with high levels of sun spot activity. Sunspots give off solar flares
which in turn increase negative ionization on earth – which might explain
increased excitability and activity during solar maxima. (Tchijevsky noted that
particularly severe battles regularly followed a solar flare during the sunspot
peak period of 1916-17.)
By contrast, David Williams’ studies in the 1950s showed that the US had been
engaged in either war or experienced depression during alternate periods of low
sunspot activity. These findings appear to contradict Tchijevsky. However, it
might simply be that when sunspots are at either minima or maxima there is
extreme behaviour on Earth.
The double cycle – approximately 22.2 years – covers the time when spots move
downwards across the northern hemisphere of the sun, across its equator and
then down toward the sun’s equivalent of the Tropic of Capricorn before
starting off again in the Sun’s northern hemisphere.
Had the sunspot cycle been behaving ‘normally’, then a period of low sunspots
would have been experienced in late 2007. During this particular cycle however
there has been an exceptionally long solar minimum period. The ‘typical’ number
of spotless (minima) days is 486 days. The minima period held for much longer
than expected however and, since 2004, (and as of the time of writing) there
have been 813 spotless days. 260 of these were in 2009 when we might have
expected sunspot activity to be increasing. Spots are now occurring more
frequently though it is hard to know exactly when maxima might now be reached.
Astro-economists have looked for correlation between the number of sunspots and
stock market indices. The results are compelling. The next graph was prepared
during the recent extended minima period and still shows an extended peak for
It is possible that this might not occur however.
The graph above was produced by Jan Alvestad who used data from the sunspot
data index centre in Brussels. From this we see that the sun was still in a
minima period in May 2009 and that the number is only now increasing (65 as of
yesterday). The clear disturbance to the pattern makes forecast of the next
maxima difficult to make. It is unlikely to be in 2011 as might have been
expected but rather some years later. Indeed, it is possible that we are now
witnessing disturbance not seen since earlier times of ‘solar discontent’ which
have now been named the Dalton and Maunder minimums.
At the simplest of levels this suggests that there will continue to be serious
disruption to weather patterns and, most likely, that growing periods will be
substantially affected –leading to poor crops and food shortages: with
considerable economic effect.
Put this together
with the retrograde sun forecasts and it seems very likely indeed that the
coming decade will be difficult and that food prices will soar.
As explained, it is not possible to forecast all solar activity. My clients do
appreciate being reminded of its rhythms and of possible consequences in
trading however. At a personal level, and of practical use is awareness of
where we are in the sunspot cycle and whether sunspot numbers are close to
those experienced at birth or are at a different stage in the cycle.
Recently I have been working with two elderly investors both of whom were born
when sunspot activity was extremely low. In tracing their investment history we
discovered that they had made their best decisions when the numbers were
similarly low and their worst when the numbers were very high. Sunspot tables
can be found in Neil Michelson’s excellent book, ‘Planetary Phenomena’ or
through the nasa website.
Neil Michelson’s book also lists major magnetic storms. Allow a short orb for
their influence. Another two investors were both born within 24hours of major
storms – which seems to hint at their propensity to suddenly ‘seize on the
moment’ and to take risks that others might consider foolhardy. Both are
exceptionally good investors.
In preparing this article I discovered just how little I knew about our special
star but that what I did understand compelled me to learn more about its
activities. To me it is not enough to know where it was in zodiacal terms about
its status: I have a thirst to know what kind of ‘mood’ it was and is in and
how this correlates with economic activity. I suspect that this will be a
never-ending quest.
Counting sunspots is not straightforward. Looking at the Sun through a pair of
(properly filtered) low power binoculars – you might be able to see two or
three large spots. Someone using a high-powered telescope might see 10 or 20. A
powerful space-based observatory would see even more — say, 50 to 100. Which is
the correct sunspot number?
There are two official sunspot numbers in common use. The first, the daily
“Boulder Sunspot Number,” is computed by the NOAA Space Environment Center
using a formula devised by Rudolph Wolf in 1848:
R=k (10g+s),
where R is the sunspot number; g is the number of sunspot groups on the solar
disk; s is the total number of individual spots in all the groups; and k is a
variable scaling factor (usually <1) that accounts for observing conditions
and the type of telescope (binoculars, space telescopes, etc.). Scientists
combine data from lots of observatories — each with its own k factor — to
arrive at a daily value.
The Boulder number (reported daily on is usually about 25%
higher than the second official index, the “International Sunspot Number,”
published daily by the Solar Influences Data Center in Belgium. Both the
Boulder and the International numbers are calculated from the same basic
formula, but they incorporate data from different observatories.
As a rule of thumb, if you divide either of the official sunspot numbers by 15,
you’ll get the approximate number of individual sunspots visible on the solar
disk if you look at the Sun by projecting its image on a paper plate with a
small telescope.
This list of websites is not comprehensive but offers a useful starting point
Charles Nenner is “a natural pattern recognizer.”
Another "proof" for
Data scientists find connections
between birth month and health
Can Astrology Be a Science? A.P.
Sheila Ostrander and Lyn Schroeder, in their book Psychic discoveries behind
the Iron Curtain revealing the ongo- ing research on astrology in Soviet
Russia, says: The parapsychologists in Russia believe that “a human being is a
pulsating field dynamically interacting with all other fields like a note reasoning
with all the other notes swirling in symphony”.
Edward Naumov also of Soviet Russia observes that “the solar activity at the
time of birth also affects an indi- vidual. A good receiver (listener) is born
when the Sun is qui- et and a good sender (Adviser) is born when the Sun is ac-
Dr Chijevsky has found the “correlation between the cy- cles of Sunspot
activities and epidemics on earth including the invasion of locusts and rodents
and perhaps even in migration of people.”
Sir William Hershel the discoverer the planet Uranus, in his paper presented to
Royal Society of London brought to the attention of the elites, “the apparent
rela- tionship that he found between the sunspot activity and the price of
wheat during the period 1650 t0 1800. Based on his discovery he correctly
predicted the period of abundant crops.”
R C Carrington (1863) published a paper disputing this claim. However, the
later figures proved him wrong.
William Stanley Jerons, a noted English economist claimed to have found “a
correlation between 11.11 year sunspot cycle and the fluctuation in the price
of grains during the period 1259 and 1713”.
Dr Carl G Jung an
eminent psychologist of Switzerland has this to say: “Astrology represents the
summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”
Carl Jung and Dr Freud jointly discovered that “the dispositions of the moon
and mercury indicate the predis- position to mental illness”.
Dr Francois Gaquelin, initially a non-believer found “correlation between the
position of Jupiter, mars and Sat-urn in certain professional types like
doctors, lawyers, painters, etc.”
More importantly, he also found that “the hour a baby is born will also
indicate its future health because of the secretion of the hormones.”
Dr. Abbott of USA after studying sunspots for over 11 years, “successfully
predicted the oncoming drought in 1975.”
Nicolas Schulz, a Soviet scientist, was able to show that “human blood
undergoes significant changes in propor- tion to the intensity of cosmic
Samples taken from 1200 people showed that “the sun’s behaviour was responsible
for the increase or decrease of the whit corpuscles.”
Dr Garcia Mata and Shaffner advances the theories:
1. “Mass psychology is influenced by waves of optimism or pessimism caused by
the variation in the amount of ultra- violet rays emitted by the sun.”
2. “Changes in solar activity cause changes in electro- magnetic field of
Prof Dosseur of the University of Frankfurt discovered that “our emotions were
materially affected by the nature of electrical charge of the air particles
surrounding us creating fluctuating moods.”
Dr Albert Krueger of the University of California says that “five molecules of
hydrogen –oxy- tryptomia level in hu- man brain give response to atmospheric
air ions. The effect of positive ions markedly increases aggressive character
while the negative ions facilitate learning and reduce anxiety.”
M.J.H.Nelson an eminent scientist showed that “there is a close connection
between the ionosphere disturbances over the north Atlantic and the planetary
configuration which in our language is called aspects.”
Mr Tyrell writing in the Nature of Human Personality says that “not only
astrology but the occult generally, is an obscure pointer to an aspect of the
Universe above and be- yond the spatio-temporal casual framework and the world
of sense-perception on which science has hitherto relied in its attempts to
describe the objective universe.”
Dr.Leonard J Ravitz, an eminent neurologist, says that “the inmates of his
mental hospital had to be kept under close surveillance during some of the
phases the moon.”
He further says that “phases of the moon, sun’s position, cosmic and gamma
rays, sunspot radiation and other distur- bances on the earth’s magnetic field
have an impact on the force field or the astral bodies around our body.”
Dr Robert Becker in concurrence says that “such force field of the human body
also affects the nervous system.”
Mr Arnold Meyer of
the British Association of Advanced Science observes that “the sun and the moon
in conjunction are both concentrating their focus on the same part of the world
at the same time; this accounts for the abnormal conditions - This conjunction
does definitely affect a child born during the conditions of this nature.”
Edison Y Andrews an American Surgeon in ‘The journal of Florida Medical
Association’, writing on post-operative hemorrhage observes that “his patients
are in greater dan- ger during full moon. This forced him to perform surgeries,
as far as possible, when the moon is in the first or the last quar- ter.”
Prof. Techijesvsky of Moscow found the following which are not only
scientifically exact but also astrolog- ically as well:
1. “The epidemic of influenza has an average period of 11 years and 3 months
and it begins roughly 3 years after sunspot maximum.”
2. “Sunspots cycle is close to 12 months which is also the duration of
Jupiter’s travel around the sun. The sunspots are perhaps related to Jupiter’s revolution.”
3. “There is a correlation between the sunspots phenomenon and wars and
4. “The time is fast approaching when a jury assessing the guilt of an accused
will have to take into account the astro- nomical and meteorological conditions
which prevailed when the crime was committed.” (In a lighter vein).
Dr Jonas agreeing with the old belief that
1. “The fertility period of women is something to do with the waxing and waning
of the moon and that it is possible to find out the days a woman can conceive
during her entire life time.”
2. “This can be effectively controlled via astrology which will be without any
side effects like nausea, headache or weight gain. This will be a boon to Roman
Catholics, who are op- posed to other methods.”
Dr Jonas in order to satiate his hunger for new discov-eries went on to prove
that “retarded children were invari- ably produced when a women conceives
during certain oppo- sition of the sun and the moon or major planets in her
Dr Maki Takata, a Japanese scientist, discovered that “the composition of human
blood changes during eclipses. This is based on the result of his experiment
showing that during the total solar eclipse, as the moon began to cover the sun
the flocculation index started to decline reaching its low- est point when the
eclipse completed.”
Dr P. P. Bhagwat in an article in Astrological Magazine gives elaborate details
on the effect of sunspots.
1. There are changes in terrestrial magnetic activity. 2. Ultraviolet radiation
from the sun varies with the
3. Magnetic storms disturb shortwave radio communication.
4. Long distance telegrams, electric lines, gas and oil pipes, submarine cables
are all disturbed.
5. The years when the sunspots are more frequent shows drier weather and less
rain fall.
6. The years when the sunspots are less the weather is more watery and stormy.
7. Temperatures are lower in sunspots maximum years.
8. Temperatures are higher in sunspots minimum years.
9. There are fluctuation, in share markets and world trade in these years.
10. The Sunspots have observable effect on the mind of the general public.
Dr B Ramamurthy, a
noted neurosurgeon, has this to say: “There is truth in the opinion held in
this country that there is correlation between epilepsy and the waxing and
waning of the moon.
Experiments by meteorologists and neuroscientists acting in concert in India
and Australia have shown that there is a definite link between geomagnetic
disturbances and epilep- sy.”
Mr V.S. Kalyanaraman, another prominent author in astrological Magazine “lists
over 13 historical events occur- ring from 1951 to 1978 coinciding with the
intensity of sunspots.”
Prof. P S Sastry a noted researcher and a commentator in his lectures at the
Rajasthan University says that.
“Varaha Mehira enumerates 33 sunspots called by him as ’Tāmasa kilakas’
which have different colours, forms and positions. He not only mentions the
details of sunspots but also of their terrestrial affairs way back in 1 BC.”
Dr M Venkatacharya, who has done some research on hyper tension and heart
diseases says in Astrological Magazine says: “I once again forcibly state that
a doctor can be a better astrologer than a layman who studied some principles
of astrology.”
K K Shah, an eminent scholar, citing the fact that “when the moon can affect
the waters of the seas, it is bound to affect the human body also to the extent
there is water. The calculation of protons and electrons, the reaction of min-
erals carried by energy and radiated by human body is noth- ing else but the
science of astrology.”
The foregoing clearly demonstrates, in most unequiv- ocal terms, the scope and
the ambit of astrology to be- come not only a science but also a pioneer in
research field of medicine and market analysis as well.
This also poses an embarrassing if not intriguing question for astrologers -
Why didn’t they take advantage of this huge treasure of scientific wealth?
Mr M S Sitharamiah, writing in Astrological Magazine, as far back as June 1974
“Should we not, therefore, launch our own research pro- gramme in astrology?
Who is better fitted to undertake this than those in India where the ancient
and the modern rub shoulders?”
Mr V. Shekhawat, in the same magazine, reasons that “the weakness of astrology
drives not from the fact that its assumptions are false or that it is logically
fallacious but simply from the fact that not enough attention has been paid to
it academically.”
"Platonic synthetic geometry is a medium
of metaphor — a medium akin
to, and inseparable from the well-tempered system of musical composition"
Source :
What do you
see in this pattern. For the sake of the text, this is the tiger blot.
Source: Astronomy Picture of the Day
Funny, that - eh ? It almost smacks
of the C.S. Lewis science fiction novels such as ;
ANTI-DUMMIES - by Bruce Director
Social Climbing May Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health
GANN TRADERS & Astrology
The Octoscope ;
"... if we want to strip astrology from esotericism
(which I admit all astrologers don’t see as necessary), and to find some kind
of “scientific” explanation to why astrology works, then we might think
astrology as a science of time, studying quality of time. We might think of
earth as some kind of a giant clock, where we are living inside. We all can see
and experience the diurnaland seasonal changes in nature (we are experiencing one today at the
solstice point), but what if those diurnal and seasonal patterns affect us in a
more deep and complicated way than the majority of humans currently realize?
What if those diurnal and seasonal patterns put their “stamp” on everything
that comes into existence, including newborn babies?"
In that case the horoscopic reference points would be the same that define our
diurnal and seasonal patterns, our clocks and calendars; that is, the diurnal
ascending, culminating, descending and anti-culminating points of the sun, and
the seasonal solstices. That would make the tropical zodiac and dynamical
houses as the most self-evident starting point.
On the Oktotopos/Oktotropos, I think there is still a reasonable argument that
there was a full 8 sector division of local space, or perhaps an important
temporal 8-fold division of the day+night (4 daytime watches, 4 nightime - this
is eveident in the New Testament). Fagan deals with this in a chapter of his book
Astrological Origins, summarised in the article mentioned by James:
There is also an article by Bill Johnston:
and two longer articles by Guinard on the same question, which get a bit
convoluting, but have some interesting stuff and are well annotated, all
references given:
I wonder if this Oktotopos arrangement could possibly be the forerunner of
quadrant house systems? Spatial if thought of in relation to the angles,
temporal, like Placidus, if in terms of 8 "watches", four at night
and four in the day.
Just thought that the sequence of elements you propose, although coherent
(earth at the bottom, air rising towards fire at the top, water falling from
fire towards earth) doesn't corrrespond with the arrangement of the elemental
signs in the zodiac: fire angle opposite air, earth opposite water, and the
sequence fire-earth-air-water (clockwise) (or VV anti-clockwise). Perhaps this
doesn't matter, as we're not initially talking about the signs but the houses,
but we do link them to triplcity rulers of the signs. But I wonder if it
wouldn't be better to think in terms of the North/East/South/West angles (and
triplicities) instead, or simply e.g. the Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius/
(Though I should say that I find your proposal of house, or at least angle,
assignments for the elements more convincing than the zodiac sign assignments).
Bill Johnson has written an article on this subject. However, he challanges
Fagan's assumption that any eight sector system should be assumed to be
clockwise in direction. He suggests the sources dont support Fagan's position.
Patrice Guinard has written a more philosophical piece which makes a case for
working with an eightfold division of the chart. It occurs to me that those
familiar with eastern thought will more readily relate to such an eight fold
division. Hence The Chinese 8 trigrams which permeate all of Chinese philosophy
including The I Ching, Feng Shui, and numerology. In Buddhism we have the eight
fold path while in Hinduism there are the Eight Limbs of Yoga presented by
Patanjali. However, Guinard also examines Gauquelin sectors. Guinard states:
Despite the exuberance of authors who refer to the work of French astro-statisticians,
rare is the one among them who has shown awareness of what in my opinion is the
only really valid discovery, made unawares, namely: the presence in the global
curves of the eight astrological houses.
I also found this piece on Natasa Koprivica's site. I was especially intrigued
to see what she said about the use of an eight sector system in a renaissance
decumbiture chart by Nicholas Culpeper.
Natasa states:
Especially interesting examples of octatopos vestiges can be found in
Culpeper’s “Judgement of Diseases" from the Decumbiture of the Sick where
he writes about the decumbitures comprising eight houses, as opposed to the,
then far more widespread, decumbiture of the 16 houses (hexakaidekahedron). He
states that the octatopos system was used by Hippocrates and Galen. A
decumbiture chart is drawn for the moment of disease’s inception, the
occurrence of the first symptoms or the first visit to the doctor’s, that is,
the first examination.
Papretis wrote:
But if Gauquelin was right, then the first house should not be located on the
both sides of the Ascendant, but it should start on the Ascendant, clockwise.
I dont think so. I have seen him present his material into 36 sectors for more
fine tuning. Equally, I am not sure Guinard is really right in his conclusion
that Gauquelin proposed a simple eightfold division. Gauquelin often organised
the chart into 36 sectors but the high effect/intensity sectors were grouped
into 4 groups of 4 sectors: (a) sectors 36 and 1 to 3 and (b) sectors 9 to 12,
as well as the opposite sectors, which are (c) sectors 18 to 21 and (d) sectors
27 to 30.
Gauquelin therefore counted the area just below the rising degree
(zone 36) as part of the more dynamic/powerful sector. He didn't find the
strong zone started/finished exactly at the ASC degree as you seem to be
In simple terms this equates to 9 sectors or zones of 40 degrees each.
I dont really use dynamical divisions as house meanings myself so I am
interested in any software that breaks the chart up into different divisions
such as the 36 divisions used by Gauquelin . Intriguingly this may take us back
to the original conception of astrological houses set out in the Salmeschoiniaka
Recent research by Dorian Greenbaum and Micah Ross points to an Egyptian origin
to the idea of sign division influenced by the 36 star based decans.
The question I have is are these different divisions really highlighting topics
(ie. house meaning) for us or instead pinpointing planetary strength/busyness?
I prefer to think of them more as activity or strength zones/sectors indicators
rather than think of them as 'houses'.
( One of my all
time favourite articles! ) :
Psychokinetic Action of Young Chicks on the Path
of An Illuminated Source
"in over 80 different experimental trials, a
group of 15 baby chicks were ‘imprinted’ on a robot… and were able to control
it… by nothing more than their conscious intent!"
"In the presence of the chicks'
intention, the robot's movements were no longer random; it approached the cage
of chicks two and a half times more often than it would approach an empty cage
(B).12 cage Robot's path with empty cage (A) cage Robot's path with with chicks
(B) Another possible explanation for distant healing comes from string theory.
String theory explains phenomena like electron
tunneling. "Tunneling" is a misleading term, since it implies that
electrons travel through a tunnel. But in fact, they don't." - Dawson
of the Galilean Moons
These are the 4 moons that were visible to Galileo.
The spin-flip is used as the base unit of measurement for
both distance and time, the logic being that hydrogen is the most common
element in the universe, and a higher intelligence could probably decipher the
diagram with a little work. Hydrogen spin-flip transition as diagrammed on the
Pioneer plaque and Voyager Golden Record.
;"A real scientific investigation into the dynamics of Cymatics was done
by Rupert Sheldrake and his son Merlin. Determinants of Faraday Wave-Patterns
in Water Samples Oscillated Vertically at a Range of Frequencies from 50-200 Hz
The standing wave patterns formed on the surface of a vertically
oscillated fluid enclosed by a container have long been a subject of
fascination, and are known as Faraday waves. In circular containers, stable,
radially symmetrical Faraday wave-patterns are resonant phenomena, and occur at
the vibrational modes where whole numbers of waves fit exactly onto the surface
of the fluid sample. These phenomena make excellent systems for the study of
pattern formation and complex nonlinear dynamics. We provide a systematic
exploration of variables that affect Faraday wave pattern formation on water in
vertical-walled circular containers including amplitude, frequency, volume (or
depth), temperature, and atmospheric pressure. In addition, we developed a
novel method for the quantification of the time taken for patterns to reach
full expression following the onset of excitation. The excitation frequency and
diameter of the container were the variables that most strongly affected
pattern morphology. Amplitude affected the degree to which Faraday wave
patterns were expressed but did not affect pattern morphology. Volume (depth)
and temperature did not affect overall pattern morphology but in some cases
altered the time taken for patterns to form. We discuss our findings in light
of René Thom’s catastrophe theory, and the framework of attractors and basins
of attraction. We suggest that Faraday wave phenomena represent a convenient
and tractable analogue model system for the study of morphogenesis and
vibrational modal phenomena in dynamical systems in general, examples of which
abound in physical and biological systems. "
File (40.5MB) located here:
How is light
affected by gravity?
Detection of gravity waves is
done by syncing the interference pattern of two laser beams received at a
detector -- the laser beams are reflected off two mirrors set at 90 degrees
angle. Gravity waves shorten the path of one laser beam resulting in an out-of
sync interference.
The wave does nothing to the
relative position of a wave crest just reaching a mirror. They stay at the same
place as each other. It's later crests that weren't near the mirrors that then
have to travel farther in one arm than the other arm and thus don't arrive
quite in phase with each other.
.... the gravitational wave
affects (to lowest order) only the spatial coordinates, not the time
coordinates. So one arm of the interferometer becomes shorter and the other
becomes longer- and so do the light waves initially within those arms. What do
we mean by changing "length" in a case where meter sticks change
along with everything else? What we mean here is essentially the length of time
that it would take a light wave to travel back and forth through that arm.
That's what changes. The gravity wave makes it take longer for the light waves
to travel along one arm than the other. So if the two light waves are initially
exactly out of phase at the detector, the different travel times cause them to
get a little bit in phase there. That's why the gravity wave causes some light to
be detected.
Kammerers ; "Das
Gesetz der Serie" - The Law of the Series
Jung insisted that meaningful coincidences could be explained through
the "constellation" (activation) of archetypes, his contemporary Paul
Kammerer thought they could be explained by current scientific principles.
"He proposed that coincidences are actually just visible
peaks of larger moving entities of organized information, which he called
“constellations of bodies and forces” that displayed affinity and attraction
under natural law. He developed some basic principles of how it might work,
drawing on the physics of his time, including an “imitation hypothesis”, an
“attraction hypothesis” and the principle of “persistence”, an extension of
inertia that applied to systems and information as well as physical bodies.
Again ahead of his time, much of what he describes as “seriality” is similar to
what has more recently developed in chaos, complexity, and catastrophe
"Albert Einstein himself called Kammerer’s theories
"interesting, and by no means absurd", while Carl Jung later drew
upon Kammerer's work in his essay Synchronicity. But Kammer’s approach to
coincidence is almost the opposite of Jung’s, who attributed most of
“synchronicity” to the inner world of the subconscious and psychological
“archetypes”. Kammerer believed coincidences happen externally, as a part of
less-obvious ongoing real-world systems, and we just notice them, more or less
selectively, as they rise to the level of our attention.
"By removing coincidence from the murky world of individual
psychological projection, he opens up possibilities of research that views the
specific incidents as part of a larger, shared structure. His
refreshingly-physical approach may be a helpful key in studying all sorts of
anomalistic events and uncovering hidden patterns in fields as far apart as
parapsychology, homeopathy, astrology, ritual, epidemiology, criminology,
historical anthropology, creativity and the arts, and statistics."
1.1.1 The Music of the spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 1
1.1.2 Seeing with sound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 2
1.1.3 Can we “hear” the stars? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 6
1.1.4 Pressure modes and gravity modes . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Algorithms for
determining the key of an audio sample
& the Birth of Science
"Up above the rim of each circle sat a Siren, singing one
pure note. And the music of the different spheres gave one harmony." –
Plato, Timaeus
The harmony of the Sirens could be found in a Pythagorean
akousma, a koan-like riddle that only those from the inner circle could
“Seven is the key to the universe,” wrote Cicero in the Dream of
Scipio, and he dedicated his translation of Plato’s Timaeus to his Pythagorean
mentor, Nigidius Figulus. Divide the number 1 by the numerals from 2 to 9, if
you wish to divine Cicero’s secret — even Isaac Newton wouldn’t let go of this
esoteric viewpoint.
In music, Pythagoras noted that a cycle of seven octaves matches
a cycle of twelve fifths almost exactly. Almost, but not exactly… The small
difference is called the Comma of Pythagoras, a seal that proves the presence
of the Pythagoreans at the birth of modern science.
As mankind continues to explore interplanetary space, we keep
stumbling upon harmonic intervals and geometric patterns. Neptune and Pluto
exhibit a 2:3 orbital resonance, while the Lagrange points between celestial
bodies adhere to precise geometric alignments.
Engineers used the flow of water over a crystal
plate to generate a stable ring of plasma without a vacuum chamber or
electromagnetic fields to contain it.
force is always a force in vector opposition to the electromagnetic force, and
that these two subtract to give us a resultant force."
this page is an
introduction to a working Unified Field Theory derived from Newton's
gravitational equation by miles mathis
The Lagrangian is
perhaps the most important bit of math in current physics,
since it props up both celestial mechanics and quantum
A celestial body has kinetic energy that can't be explained by
the gravity equations or the potential. In other words, there is more to the
field than just mass and distance. Once we have exhausted the potential, we
still have kinetic energy left over. Given the definitions of Newton, that can't
be. What this should have told Lagrange is that there is another mechanism at
work in the field, to give us that residual kinetic energy. Something else is
driving celestial bodies besides gravity. The very fact that the Lagrangian is
not zero is proof of a second field of some sort. But Lagrange never bothered
to notice that, or if he did, it was ignored. He buried the field mechanics
under a successful math, and no one has taken the time to dig the physics out
of the math since then.
What this all means is that Lagrange had a hidden unified field,
just like Newton. Newton's unified field was hidden in G, and Lagrange's
unified field is hidden in the Lagrangian. It is hidden in the fact that the
Lagrangian is not zero. There is a residual force not accounted for in the
field mechanics. The math is hiding a large part of the field.
A Lagrange point is a location in space where the combined
gravitational forces of two large bodies, such as Earth and the sun or Earth
and the moon, equal the centrifugal force felt by a much smaller third body.
The interaction of the forces creates a point of equilibrium where a spacecraft
may be "parked" to make observations.
Lagrange points are wonderful features of orbital mechanics.
They're five points around the orbit between the Earth and the Sun where a
satellite can park itself and remain the same relative spot. No thrusters
needed, no orbital corrections, a spaceship can just relax and let gravity do
all the work. These spots (labeled L1-L5) move along with Earth around its
orbit, so though they don't say fixed in space, they stay fixed along Earth’s
The first point, L1, is easy enough to understand. It's the
point exactly between the Earth and sun where the pull of gravity is exactly
equal. The pull of Earth's gravity and the Sun exactly cancel each other out,
and a satellite can hang out in that space indefinitely. L2 is on the far side
of the Earth (as seen from the Sun) where the masses of the two massive bodies
are exactly in line with each other and form a single gravitational pull. For
the L2 point, it would be like orbiting around a single object with the masses
of the Earth and Sun combined. The more mass an object has, the stronger the
pull of gravity, so the farther from the center of gravity the satellite would
have to orbit to stay in sync with the rest of the system. The L3 point
combines the two masses the same way, only it's on the line on the far side of
the Sun.
L4 and L5 only work if one body is at least 24.96 times more
massive than the other. Our sun is thousands of times greater than the Earth,
so no problems there. In order to stay balanced between the Earth and the Sun,
L4 and L5 are the same distances away from both bodies. To find these points,
all one has to do is draw an equilateral triangle out from the Sun and Earth
and L4 and L5 are where the triangle's third point intersects Earth's orbit.
There, the pull of gravity is equal between the two bodies so the satellite
won't fall towards either the Sun or Earth. Also, because it's on the same
orbit as Earth, its speed around the sun will be the same, locking it in place
around the Earth.
Of course satellites aren't the only things that can take
advantage of the Lagrange points. Scientists discovered two big clusters of gas
following Earth at its L4 and L5 spots. The Earth and Sun isnt the only system
with these points either. Any pair of massive bodies orbiting each other have
them. At the L4 and L5 spots between Jupiter and the Sun are entire asteroid
We've already started using the first two Lagrange points for
observatories. The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), which studies
the cosmic microwave background radiation, has been parked at L2 since 2001.
The Hubble's replacement, the James Webb Space Telescope, will be moving in
next door once it's launched in 2013. Wilder proposals have been suggested for
the other points as well. The points have long been a popular spot for science
fiction writers to put space colonies and the like. My favorites are all the
stories about parallel Earths located at L3 that we might never know were there
because they're always eclipsed by the Sun. Spooky right?
Structure of Lagrange points
There are five Lagrange points around major bodies such as a
planet or a star. Three of them lie along the line connecting the two large
bodies. In the Earth-sun system, for example, the first point, L1, lies between
Earth and the sun at about 1 million miles from Earth. L1 gets an uninterrupted
view of the sun, and is currently occupied by the Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory (SOHO) and the Deep Space Climate Observatory.
L2 also lies a million miles from Earth, but in the opposite
direction of the sun. At this point, with the Earth, moon and sun behind it, a
spacecraft can get a clear view of deep space. NASA's Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is currently at this spot measuring the cosmic
background radiation left over from the Big Bang. The James Webb Space
Telescope will move into this region in 2018.
The third Lagrange point, L3, lies behind the sun, opposite
Earth's orbit. For now, science has not found a use for this spot, although
science fiction has.
“NASA is unlikely to find any use for the L3 point since it
remains hidden behind the sun at all times,” NASA wrote on a web page about
Lagrange points. “The idea of a hidden 'Planet-X' at the L3 point has been a
popular topic in science fiction writing. The instability of Planet X's orbit
(on a time scale of 150 years) didn't stop Hollywood from turning out classics
like 'The Man from Planet X.'”
L1, L2 and L3 are all unstable points with precarious
equilibrium. If a spacecraft at L3 drifted toward or away from Earth, it would
fall irreversibly toward the sun or Earth, "like a barely balanced cart
atop a steep hill," according to astronomer Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Spacecraft must make slight adjustments to maintain their orbits.
Points L4 and L5, however, are stable, "like a ball in a
large bowl," according to the European Space Agency. These points lie
along Earth's orbit at 60 degrees ahead of and behind Earth, forming the apex
of two equilateral triangles that have the large masses (Earth and the sun, for
example) as their vertices.
Because of the stability of these points, dust and asteroids
tend to accumulate in these regions. Asteroids that surround the L4 and L5
points are called Trojans in honor of the asteroids Agamemnon, Achilles and
Hector (all characters in the story of the siege of Troy) that are between
Jupiter and the Sun. NASA states that there have been thousands of these types
of asteroids found in our solar system, including Earth’s only known Trojan
asteroid, 2010 TK7.
L4 and L5 are also possible points for a space colony due to
their relative proximity to Earth, at least according to the writings of Gerard
O'Neill and related thinkers. In the 1970s and 1980s, a group called the L5
Society promoted this idea among its members. In the late 1980s, it merged into
a group that is now known as the National Space Society, an advocacy
organization that promotes the idea of forming civilizations beyond Earth.
Benefits of Lagrange points
If a spacecraft uses a Lagrange point close to Earth, there are
many benefits to the location, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Amy Mainzer told
L1 and L2 also “allow you to have enormous bandwidth” because
over conventional Ka-band radio, the communication speeds are very high,
Mainzer said. “Otherwise, the data rates just become very slow,” she said,
since a spacecraft in orbit around the sun (known as heliocentric orbit) would
eventually drift far from Earth.
In celestial mechanics, the Lagrangian points (/ləˈɡrɑːndʒiən/; also Lagrange points, L-points, or
libration points) are positions in an orbital configuration of two large bodies
where a small object affected only by gravity can maintain a stable position relative
to the two large bodies. The Lagrange points mark positions where the combined
gravitational pull of the two large masses provides precisely the centripetal
force required to orbit with them. There are five such points, labeled L1 to
L5, all in the orbital plane of the two large bodies. The first three are on
the line connecting the two large bodies; the last two, L4 and L5, each form an
equilateral triangle with the two large bodies. The two latter points are
stable, which implies that objects can orbit around them in a rotating
coordinate system tied to the two large bodies.
Several planets have satellites near their L4 and L5 points
(trojans) with respect to the Sun, with Jupiter in particular having more than
a million of these. Artificial satellites have been placed at L1 and L2 with
respect to the Sun and Earth, and Earth and the Moon, for various purposes,[1]
and the Lagrangian points have been proposed for a variety of future uses in
space exploration.
Earth's Lagrange points are linked to those of Mars, or Saturn,
by these minimal energy trajectories. Jupiter has Lagrange points associated
with each of its many moons, all joined up into an interlinked web, which
itself connects to the Earth system via the Jupiter-Sun Lagrange points.
Spacecraft travelling along routes within this tube would be able to
efficiently reach their destination. Any spacecraft that fly beyond the
manifold, however, would enter the "unstable region" and their
trajectory would inexorably stray further and further away from the low-energy
tube. This collection of low-energy trajectory families spreads across the
entire solar system, regularly interconnecting at Lagrange points into a vast
system of tunnels. And the system is not stationary: the tubes forming the
stable and unstable manifolds move with the planets, an ultracomplex heap of
writhing interplanetary spaghetti.
This network is as ancient as the solar system, but is completely
invisible and would have lain undiscovered were it not for the power of modern
mathematics and numerical integration on fast computers. The mathematicians
that discovered this system of low-energy trajectories have named it the
Interplanetary Superhighway, or IPS
Space Travel Innovations
This image is a mapping technique
called a "polar Unfold. It is useful for mapping wavefunctions over a
simulated number of periods of cycle. The wave function simulated here
represents the optical-magnetic (photon) spectrum for quark fields in the
This we are finding demonstrates the operations that
produce "Rest Mass".
The number of quark paired axis in this simulation is 3,
and plotted over the complex Landscape of 2Pi/3 . This may be of special
interest to Paul Adamson as he is
attempting to describe the same wave function in another mathematical platform.
IMAGE generation credit : Gregory Dotson, Mark Aaron Simpson — in Tampa, Florida.
“It’s the first-ever sample of metallic
hydrogen on Earth, so when you’re looking at it, you’re looking at something
that’s never existed before.”
For metallic hydrogen could theoretically
revolutionise technology, enabling the creation of super-fast computers,
high-speed levitating trains and ultra-efficient vehicles and dramatically
improving almost anything involving electricity.
... its properties as a super-conductor could
dramatically improve anything that uses electricity.
“As much as 15 per cent of energy is lost to
dissipation during transmission, so if you could make wires from this material
and use them in the electrical grid, it could change that story,” the scientist
And metallic hydrogen could also transform
humanity’s efforts to explore our solar system by providing a form of rocket
fuel nearly four times more powerful than the best available today.
And it could also allow humanity to explore
outer space as never before.
“And if you convert it back to molecular
hydrogen, all that energy is released, so it would make it the most powerful
rocket propellant known to man, and could revolutionize rocketry.
“That would easily allow you to explore the
outer planets.
“We would be able to put rockets into orbit
with only one stage, versus two, and could send up larger payloads, so it could
be very important.”
7: "Starlight, Starbright"
Stellar Brightness
"Bright" is a Star?
Magnitudes are
computationally very convenient to use, but the are somewhat obtusely defined
(it is backwards: larger magnitudes = fainter stars).
invented by Mamikon Mnatsakanian (known as Mamikon), is an
approach to solving a variety of integral calculus problems. Many problems that
would otherwise seem quite difficult yield to the method with hardly a line of
calculation, often reminiscent of what Martin Gardner calls "aha...
What is the connection
between roller coasters, accurate pendula, ski-jumps, skate-parks, cog wheels,
Moby Dick, and 17th Century mathematicians?
Linear Feedback
Shift Registers
article is about Linear Feedback Shift Registers,
referred to as LFSRs.
Incredibly useful, and
efficient, ways to cycle through a range of values.
Bizarre things
going on with the Sun and the properties of light in space ( And Our Double
Sun? ).