Biology And The Science Of Astrology
photoperiod imprints the circadian clock
and infancy are important formational times in any person’s development, and it
would not be so surprising that these processes could be impacted by the
changes in the environment caused by the seasons. The most direct effect of
time of year, and the one most constant from one year to the next at a given
latitude, is the amount of light in the day. In fact, a study published in
Nature Neuroscience this month by Ciarleglio et al.
demonstrated that the initial photoperiod (length of daylight during a day)
that newborn mice are exposed to ‘imprints’ their circadian rhythm, which is
controlled by a group of neurons in the brain called the suprachiasmatic
nuclei, and that this imprinting affects the later ability of the mice to adapt
to changes in the length of daylight. However, as the authors note, they only
examined the mice after seven weeks, and can’t make the conclusion that it
necessarily lasts for the entire life of the organism. It is hard to say how
altering the circadian rhythm might impact other aspects of behavior. And of course not everything found to be true in mice holds true
for humans, but the circadian rhythm system is fairly well conserved (that is,
it hasn’t changed all that much) over evolution, so it is fairly likely that
the same thing happens for us.
ASTROLOGY SCIENCE - Historical events as manifestations of time
"..degrees of zodiac
(= days of Solar calendar) are not a scale which people have fabricated for
their own convenience. This scale has some attributes which somehow influence
on human history and are evidently causes why events take place at this but not
that day."
“A twisted magnetic field structure, previously never seen before
at Saturn, has now been
for the first time, using instrumentation built at UCL and Imperial College.”
'How Astrology Works & Why People Are Influenced'
Global Cooling & The Sun's Grand Minimum:
Major Geophysical Activity: Climate Change
by Theodore White, astromet.sci
a forecaster, I am often asked 'What is Astrology?'
answer is that Astrology IS the entire natural world.
is a fact.
is also far past the time for many people to grow up and evolve here in the
early 21st Century because 'dumbing things down' for those who do not want to
learn more than they already know means their IQs are heading south - and that's
a very bad thing.
is not the pop-culture Sun-sign silliness many people think it is.
is not a 'symbolic language' either or somewhere 'over there' to be played with
as a hobby or a toy when you want to play with it.
is not a 'pseudoscience,' as claimed by mockers who are clearly ignorant.
very term 'logy' with 'astro' itself means a
scientific discipline.
anyone who claims that Astrology is not a 'science' is contradicting themselves
in a single word.
people are so ignorant that they fail to see that they use Astrology all the
time when they say the names of any day of the week, i.e., Saturday (Saturn);
Sunday (the Sun); Monday (the Moon) etc.
is the mother of all Science. It gave birth to astronomy (stellar cartography.)
invented Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine and Meteorology; along with
a host of natural sciences taken for granted today.
does not require your 'belief' to be real.
Sun, Moon, planets and stars all exist without need of
anyone's opinion or belief - do they not?
heard people say many times: "I don't believe in Astrology."
I always answer:
may be, but Astrology believes in You."
is because, as I've said - the entire natural world is Astrology.
who poo-poo Astrology are very limited in their minds because they have made a
judgment on something they are ignorant of and never studied, nor observed.
is because one cannot understand anything with eyes and minds closed to the
natural world which is the physical universe we inhabit.
you want to know what the 'mechanism' is that makes Astrology very, very real,
then read on...
body's cells, your brain cells, the very physical nature of your eyes are all
formed and influenced by the stellar, planetary electromagnetic and etheric
nature of Astrology.
means you and everyone around you is directly influenced by planetary transits
along with their aspects and configurations.
all live on a planet that is rotating on its own axis along with other planets
around a variable star called the Sun.
planet is a member of what is known as the Solar System.'
And, I remind people that it
is indeed a 'system' which has order and rules that are quite evident on Earth
for those with eyes to see and minds to think.
that the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Earth - each has a surrounding interactive sphere.
these spheres have magnetic poles.
the magnetic poles there can be auroral ovals observed by satellites and
planetary spacecraft.
auroral oval sits above the attracting magnetically negative pole and the other
above the discharging magnetically positive pole.
Jupiter and Saturn show strong auroras near their poles
and this confirms that there are strong electromagnetic connections to the Sun
that is similar to that with Earth.
planets of our solar system that have the strongest magnetic fields measured
are Jupiter and Saturn.
has an incredible magnetic field that is 19,519 times stronger than Earth’s
magnetic field is 578 times stronger than Earth.
electromagnetic discharges travels through space.
follows the path of least resistance and greatest attraction
cover vast distances while creating continuous waves in the dark and cold
medium of interplanetary space.
discharged magnetic energy from a planet is drawn in by Earth’s own magnetic
field and enters the Earth. Some of that energy is seen as visible light.
parts of that discharged energy become quarks, hadrons, neutrons
and protons with hydrogen atoms acting as a universal building block which
interacts with the nitrogen-rich atoms in Earth’s atmosphere and environment.
beams from interplanetary space contact the Earth along a ring-shaped oval
where cathode rays interact with high speed electrons.
creates an electrical discharge powered by the solar wind that interacts with
the magnetosphere.
solar wind and it effects of the Sun's discharges on the solar wind creates a
pressurizing mechanism for the continuous auroral flow at the negative incoming
pole which contains the traveling matter with unique signatures from all of the transiting planets in our solar system.
integrated planetary discharges arrive here on Earth by electromagnetic means
and interact with the Earth's magnetic resonance field and dispersed throughout
the Earth onto geophysical and biophysical processes - also onto human beings.
are the mathematical aspects of the Sun, Moon and planets that influence life
on Earth.
is Astrology.
you continue to read this long tutorial; then you will learn some basics of why
the entire world you inhabit has always been and remains 'Astrology.'
to Geophysical is the Rule'
is a 'priori-based science.'
means it is the supreme methodology used to forecast and predict as many of the
most famous practitioners of Astrology over the centuries have done just that -
forecast by astrological means.
first studied astrology at a
early age in my childhood from a 'geophysical' perspective, that is Natural
Astrology, which are the basics of how the natural world functions under solar,
lunar, planetary and stellar influences.
initial focus was on Astrometeorology, that is the
forecasting of climate and weather.
was my view that if Astrology was indeed true then I had to be able to see the
effects in the physical world.
I did many, many, times repeatedly.
climatologists and meteorologists are in fact using 'astrology' when they
attempt to forecast as Astrology is the mother of climate and weather
I advanced into Judicial Astrology, which includes the forecasting of the
future of individuals born into the world (Natal Astrology) and the astrology
of the world-at-large, known as Mundane Astrology.
provided me with the ability to predict 'outer weather' in the geophysical
this means, I am able to also forecast the 'inner
weather' of individuals by means of Natal Astrology.
laws of planetary motion was discovered by the
astrologer Johannes Kepler, which is how we know where the Sun, Moon, planets
and stars were on any date of the past, present and also the future.
rule to forecast by astronomic, or astrological means is this equational rule:
earthquake is the sudden, rapid shaking of the earth, caused by the breaking
and shifting of underground rock and there are a swarm of them taking place
is due to a number of astrophysical causes taking
place, such as the slow down in the rotation of the
Earth; the Sun's Grand Minimum; along with planetary and lunar transits.
instance, we just had a supermoon perigee that took place on February 19, 2019,
and less than three days later on Friday, February 22,
2019, a powerful earthquake struck eastern Ecuador sending tremors for miles
through a sparsely populated area and into neighboring Peru and Colombia.
quake struck at an intermediate depth of about 82 miles, according to the U.S.
Geological Survey..
earthquake struck at 5:17 a.m. local time. Its epicenter was recorded to be 71
miles east-southeast of Palora, far inland and
distant from Ecuador's main highways that run along its mountain ranges.
an area ranging some 50 to 100 miles from the quake's center, the quake was
felt at a magnitude of at least 5.5, said the USGS.
next supermoon will take place on March 21, 2019.
earthquakes appear to synchronize globally, in the sense that they are
organized in time according to their renewal properties, and
occur in groups in response to very low stress interactions.
forecasting the periods of time where solar and planetary configurations
relative to the Earth pick up resonance to affect Earth, many conventional
scientists often poo-poo astrology because of their ignorance of how mechanisms
'mechanisms' are not those of the limited minds of rationalists who look for
'nuts and bolts' of physical machines but those which are invisible to the
human eye, but which exist nonetheless.
instance, it is a fact that there are electromagnetic connections between the
planets Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, to the Sun's
is how 'Astrology' works.
Sun's gamma ray emissions during its minimums show that electromagnetic flux
transfer events from Jupiter and Saturn link up and in effect - especially at a
high intensity during the Sun's minimum cycles.
Earth has entered a span of time in 2019 where solar, lunar and planetary
transits are becoming exceptionally stronger and will affect you life and the atmosphere,
climate and weather around everyone.
Supermoon takes place when a full moon coincides with the Moon's perigee, that
is, the point in its elliptical orbit closest to Earth. This makes the Moon
appear up to 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than usual.
first supermoon of 2019 was the Super Blood Wolf Moon on Jan. 20-21, which
coincided with a total lunar eclipse, also known as a 'blood moon.'
second supermoon occured Feb. 19, during the Snow
Moon, which will be the closest full moon of the year.
on March 21, 2019 the 'Worm Moon' will attain full
lunar phase about 29 hours after the Moon reaches perigee relative to the
response to the astrophysical causes, there are geophysical effects
and we are and will continue to witness more frequent atmospheric disruptions.
have become used to the idea that long-term global climate shifts are cyclical,
as predicted by Milutin Milanković.
periods of shifts in the Earth’s orbital and rotational parameters are of the
order of tens to hundreds of thousand years.
gravitational reasons why they occur have been known since the 1920s when Milanković came up with his hypothesis, and they were
confirmed fifty years later.
there are plenty of other cycles with shorter periods. The last 115 years of
worldwide records for earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 7 whose changing
annual frequency shows a clear cyclical period of about 32 years.
records show peaks in 1910, 1943, 1970 and 2011 (Bendick,
R. & Bilham, R. 1917.)
Milanković cycles, these oscillations were not
predicted, but something synchronous with them must be forcing this behavior: a
sort of “cross-talk.'
global seismicity has a tendency for events to trigger others elsewhere on the
Earth or some other process is periodically engaging with major brittle
deformation to give it a nudge.
Bendick, of the University of Montana, Missoula, and
Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado at Boulder used a complex
statistical method to check for synchronicity between the seismic cycles and
other repetitive phenomena.
they found that there is indeed a close match with historic data for the length
of the day which varies by several milliseconds.
first sight this may seem odd, until one realizes that day length is governed
by the Earth’s speed of rotation (about 460 m s-1 at the Equator.)
correlation is between increases in both major seismicity and the length of the
day; i.e. quakes increase as rotation slows.
length can vary by a millisecond over a year or so during El Niño, which
includes shifts of vast masses of Pacific Ocean water that affect rotation.
what of larger changes on a 30-year cycle?
events and the forces that they release result from buildup of strain in the
lithosphere, so the episodic earthquake maxima require some
kind of transfer of momentum within the Earth.
does not need to be large, as the Milanković
astronomical forcing of climate demonstrates - simply a regular pulse.
possibility is that, as Earth's rotation decelerates, decoupling between the
liquid outer core and the solid mantle may change the flow of molten
iron-nickel alloy.
may be sufficient to transmit momentum and thus stress through the plastic
mantle to the brittle lithosphere so that areas of high elastic strain are
pushed beyond the rocks’ strength so that they fail.
is scientific data that the geomagnetic field also changes with day length on a
decadal basis (Voosen, P. 2017) with sloshing of the
Earth’s core helping to spike big quakes.
Earth's rotational deceleration began in 2011 during an ENSO phase and a
Jupiter-Saturn opposition.
the two largest planets in our solar system - Jupiter and Saturn - have
powerful magnetic fields and have been
to connect electromagnetically with the Sun through what is known as flux ropes
during flux transfer events (FTEs).
is Astrology. That is because electromagnetic forces influence the Sun's
helio-magnetic polar fields and the Sun's cycles.
who laugh should also know that spacecraft observations confirmed that there
are electromagnetic flux ropes connecting the Sun to planets with strong
instance, the planet's Saturn electrical connection to the Sun has been
observed and recorded by the Cassini spacecraft which also took hundreds of
photographs of the hexagon on Saturn's north pole.
detected and recorded a twisted magnetic field structure (never seen before at
Saturn) using instrumentation built at UCL and Imperial College.
twisted helically structured magnetic fields are called 'flux ropes' or ‘flux
transfer events’ (FTEs) and are observed at
and even more commonly at the planet Mercury.
"This not only shows that magnetic reconnection occurs at Saturn but also
that Saturn’s magnetic field can at times interact with the Sun in much the
same way as at Earth.” (UCL, 2016.)
into early magnetic field observations at Jupiter by the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer
11 spacecrafts as well as Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 discovered evidence of 14
flux transfer events (R. Walker, C. Russell, August 1985.)
ropes from the planets connect back to the source through the Interplanetary
Magnetic Field (IMF) and so what happens is a reconnection event which is a
kind of a short circuit, returns energy back to the Sun.
that that energy involved is enormous.
of amperes have been measured during similar events connecting the Earth to the
Sun and especially between Jupiter and the Sun.
electrical interaction between Jupiter and its moons means that they are
charged bodies and are not electrically neutral.
has a very dynamic electromagnetic relationship to the Sun and the Earth.
those who smirk at Astrology by claiming that there is no 'mechanism' that
exists to prove how Astrology works need to understand clearly that they do not
know what they are talking about..
some astrologers who claim that Astrology is nothing more than a 'symbolic
language' are themselves ignorant of what they say about Astrology.
is because Astrology is indeed the entire natural world
and the evidence is all around them only if they seek to observe how the
natural world functions in the real world.
forecast physically and metaphysically I use methodology called GEM dynamic
field method which I confirmed works as a child in the 1970s when I began to
forecast local climate and weather months and years in advance.
= Gravitation.
= Electrical.
= Magnetic.
in the 1930s electrical engineer and astrologer L. Edward Johndro
(1882-1951) and my childhood tutor, mundane astrologer Charles Jayne
(1911-1985) both contributed to the development of the GEM methodology
(Gravity-Electrical-Magnetism) as the basis of how Astrology works in the real
1929 Johndro presented his Theory of Astrology as
demonstrated years ago that the earth is at a relatively constant electrical
potential or charge of some seven million volts..
may now be accepted that all material bodies are in a state of relative charge,
negative or positive, with respect to each other.
atoms, Earth, planets and stars, and that this
manifests as love, cohesion, magnetism or gravitation, or their wholly
illusionary opposite (repulse), according as the law manifests in a magnitude
series ranging from the Microcosm to the Macrocosm.
cannot escape the fact that the Earth is a charged body at a potential of
millions or volts.
can we easily escape the conclusion that the other planets are in a state of
high charge.
that Man is a charged body, with an accompanying electromagnetic field, is
easily demonstrated by countless experiments.
and stars (not planets) are radioactive. They emit electromagnetic waves which,
because of their exceedingly high frequency, we term 'light.'
Sun and stars, the planets, the Earth, and Man upon the earth are charged
bodies, and that all their accompanying electromagnetic fields intersect and
planets reflect light waves and they each, have a different natural frequency
of oscillatory response to the solar and stellar light waves which constantly
bombard them.
Consequently their reflected
light is variously tinted and that the phase angles of their field couplings,
as their relative movements in space change them.
are changes in the power factor at these frequencies; accept
also the fact that these planetary frequencies, being of a far lower
order than those of the Sun and stars - a mere octave of lower harmonics -
since they emit no light of their own, are within the range of Man's
sensibilities to subconsciously detect and respond to.
solar waves continually directly bombard half the Earth; they are also
reflected to the Earth by the Moon and planets.
waves constantly interact with the earth's electromagnetic field as the
inductive couplings of the Earth, sun and planets change their mutual angular
relations in space."
is how Astrology works and GEM is the mechanism.
who want to know 'how Astrology works,' now have no excuse to poo-poo that
which they did not know and should reject their own bias and ignorance based on
their pop-culture mentality.
confirm this, let's look to a recent January 2019 scientific paper by Gregory
Glenn titled, 'Mysterious High Energy Gamma Rays Might Help Explain What Drives
Solar Cycles,' it is stated that:
measurements by various spacecraft (Cassini, THEMIS, ESA Cluster, MMS, etc.)
have detected flux transfer events of huge amounts of current and voltage
flowing between the Sun and some of the planets in the solar
so-called “Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes” (B. Filippov,
et al., 12 Jan., 2015) emanating from the Sun are
linked back to the Sun by a combination of electric current and magnetic fields
moving along solar magnetic field lines, also known as the Parker Spiral.
magnetic ropes consist of counter-streaming flows of energetic particles.
can flow over long distances, as great as those between the Sun and planets.
flux ropes have certain similarities with planetary
Birkeland currents, which
are generated by solar wind current flowing from a planet’s magnetosphere and
connecting with its ionosphere.
than a million amperes have been measured at Earth and many times that at
Birkeland currents have some
interesting properties allowing them to flow coherently.
“Birkeland currents are also one of a class of plasma
phenomena called a z-pinch, so named because the azimuthal magnetic fields
produced by the current pinches the current into a filamentary cable.
can also twist, producing a helical pinch that spirals like a twisted or
braided ropes.
of parallel Birkeland currents will also interact due
to the Amperes Force Law - with parallel Birkeland
currents moving in the same direction that attract each other with an
electromagnetic force that is inversely proportional to their distance apart.
moving along a Birkeland current may be accelerated
by a plasma double layer.
the resulting electrons approach the speed of light, they may subsequently
produce a Bennett Pinch, which in a magnetic field, causes electrons to spiral
and emit synchrotron radiation that may include radio, visible light, X-rays
and Gamma rays."
happens is that the movement of sunspots from the Sun’s equator to the poles
and back is influenced by the orbits of the planets - primarily the massive
planets Jupiter and Saturn - with additional influence from the lesser massive
outer planets like Uranus and Neptune.
if the last century’s trend holds then there are going to be at least 5-10
major large magnitude earthquakes from 2019 to 2026 in my calculation using the
GEM methodology of forecasting.
climate changes with the weather of global cooling under the Sun's Grand
Minimum will see greater floods from frequent heavy rains.
irregularity of the seasons, radical temperature fluctuations is going to
change how you live in the years and decades ahead.
you are one of those people then you need to change
your ways and get a plan.
you want to know more about how your geographic location will be impacted by
the Sun's Grand Minimum and the powerful planetary transits coming in the 2020s
then contact me at
people ready along the Ring of Fire from the Pacific Northwest down to Southern
say no.
because the majority of people are complacent and
reactionary. Few people make preparations for the possibility
of large magnitude earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and even strong atmospheric
events like storms.
Sun's Grand Minimum is going to cause frequent geophysical effects here on
electromagnetic modulation of the planets - especially the aspects and
configurations of Mars, Jupiter & Saturn - on events here on Earth during
the 2020s, 2030s and 2040s will be major.
Crystals, Guides for Animals, Found in Humans Possible evidence of
human ability to detect
Earth's magnetic field found Magnetite biomineralization
in the human brain.
a vast body of knowledge that
links planetary alignments with
magnetic events on the Sun
and the biological consequences of fluctuations in Earth’s
Biological Effects of
Solar (Celestial) Radiation
- "This long-term study examined relationships between
solar and magnetic factors and the time
course and lags of autonomic nervous system (ANS) responses
to changes in solar and geomagnetic
activity. Heart rate variability (HRV) was recorded for 72
consecutive hours each week over a
five-month period in 16 participants in
order to examine ANS responses during normal background
environmental periods. HRV measures were correlated with solar and geomagnetic
variables using
multivariate linear regression analysis with
Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons after
removing circadian influences from both
datasets. Overall, the study confirms that daily ANS
activity responds to changes in geomagnetic and
solar activity during periods of normal
undisturbed activity and it is initiated at
different times after the changes in the various
environmental factors and persist over varying
time periods."
FROM ABOVE ; “Human physiological rhythms and behaviors are
synchronized with
solar and geomagnetic activity, so fluctuations in the earth and sun’s
magnetic fields can affect
virtually every circuit in human as well as any biological systems.
Logically, disruptions in these
fields could adversely affect human health and behavior. Moreover,
changes in the intensity of
geomagnetic activity and the Schumann resonances appear to alter
brainwave and
neurohormonal responses. (The brain is a very sensitive electromagnetic
in the earth’s magnetic field have been shown to affect human heart rhythms and
have been associated with the following: changes in brain and nervous-system activity;
athletic performance, memory and other tasks; synthesis of nutrients in
plants and algae;
the number of reported traffic violations and accidents; mortality from
heart attacks and strokes;
and incidence of depression and suicide.
The earth
and ionosphere generate a symphony of frequencies ranging from 0.01 hertz to
300 hertz, and some of the large resonances occurring in the earth’s field
are in the same
frequency range as those occurring in the human cardiovascular system,
brain and
autonomic nervous system.”
Perinatal photoperiod imprints the
circadian clock
Gestation and infancy are important formational times in any
person’s development, and it
would not be so surprising that these processes could be
impacted by the changes in the
environment caused by the seasons. The most direct effect of time of year, and
the one
most constant from one year to the next at a given latitude,
is the amount of light in the day.
In fact, a study published in Nature Neuroscience this month
by Ciarleglio et al. demonstrated
that the initial photoperiod (length of daylight during a
day) that newborn mice are exposed
to ‘imprints’ their circadian rhythm, which is controlled by a
group of neurons in the brain
called the suprachiasmatic nuclei, and that this imprinting
affects the later ability of the mice
to adapt to changes in the length of daylight. However, as
the authors note, they only
examined the mice after seven weeks, and can’t make the
conclusion that it necessarily
lasts for the entire life of the organism. It is hard to say
how altering the circadian rhythm
might impact other aspects of behavior. And of course not everything found to be true
in mice holds true for humans, but the circadian rhythm
system is fairly well conserved
(that is, it hasn’t changed all that
much) over evolution, so it is fairly likely that the same
thing happens for us.
"...the form of each species of bud ‘acknowledges’ the
geocentric alignments of the Moon
with a specific body in the Solar System, by changing form
slightly during or near these alignments
(see L. Edwards, “The Vortex of
Life”, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, page 223). Oak has been found
to associate with Mars, for instance, and Beech with Saturn, both with what a statistician would term,
‘statistical significance’."
". Its unique metaphor is that the spiralling
solar system through time resonates with the DNA genetic spiral, transmitting
information instantly from cosmos to individual. It is unique and brilliant in
its integration of time and space through meaning."
“When animals orient and navigate, they rely on a
variety of sensory information.
This can be the position of the sun or stars, strength and inclination of the Earth’s
magnetic field, olfactory cues or the pattern of
polarized light in the sky1.”
Can Astrology Be a
Science? A.P. Velayudhan
Dr Maki Takata, a
Japanese scientist, discovered that “the composition of human blood changes during
eclipses. This is based on the result of his experiment showing that during the
total solar eclipse, as the moon began to cover the sun the flocculation index
started to decline reaching its lowest point when the eclipse completed.”
Nicolas Schulz, a Soviet scientist,
was able to show that “human blood undergoes significant changes in propor- tion to the intensity of
cosmic radiation.”
Samples taken from 1200 people showed that “the sun’s behaviour was responsible for the increase or decrease of
the whit corpuscles.”
Dr Garcia Mata and Shaffner
advances the theories:
1. “Mass psychology is influenced by waves of optimism or
pessimism caused by the variation in the amount of ultra- violet rays emitted
by the sun.”
2. “Changes in solar activity cause changes in electro-
magnetic field of humans.”
Prof Dosseur of the University of
Frankfurt discovered that “our emotions were materially affected by the nature
of electrical charge of the air particles surrounding us creating fluctuating
Another "proof" for Astrology? Data scientists find
connections between birth month and health
FORCE" The LDF is a weak intermolecular force arising
from quantum-induced instantaneous polarization multipoles in molecules. They
can therefore act between molecules without permanent multipole moments.
London Dispersion Force Definition
What London Dispersion
Forces Are and How They Work
spectrum of the frequencies at which the gravitation of the planets acting upon
us is
modulated, will be a very clean spectrum, that changes
very very slowly. All frequency components
of the modulation will be almost constant. Things
that have constant frequency over a long time are
the things that may cause resonance. Resonance
requires an extremely low amplitude of the driving
force as long as the
frequency remains unchanging. The frequency of modulation is perhaps low
(days up to years), and
would therefore not mechanically cause resonance to systems on earth.
Especially as a fine tuning of resonance
frequency would be required. However, very sensitive
systems with internal feedback, such as
biological systes, have internal clocks (day night rythm and
many other rythms as
well). These clocks WILL adjust to constant frequencies from outside, just
as an electronics circuit lie a phase locked loop
would (PLL, see wiki). And not so much the exact
frequency but more its constancy would matter for
such biological systems. It would impact them
greatly, though on a very subtle level: at the
level of rythm within the expression of the organism
And if we define thought to be every internal
cause within the body that causes expression, then
it can be said that this gravitational pull
influences our thoughts.“
Dr Albert Krueger of the University of California says that “five
molecules of hydrogen –oxy- tryptomia level in hu-
man brain give response to atmospheric air ions. The effect of positive ions
markedly increases aggressive character while the negative ions facilitate
learning and reduce anxiety.”
M.J.H.Nelson an
eminent scientist showed that “there is a close connection between the
ionosphere disturbances over the north Atlantic and the planetary configuration
which in our language is called aspects.”
Dr Chijevsky has found the
“correlation between the cycles of Sunspot activities and epidemics on earth
including the invasion of locusts and rodents and perhaps even in migration of
Dr.Leonard J Ravitz, an eminent neurologist,
says that “the inmates of his mental hospital had to be kept under close
surveillance during some of the phases the moon.”
He further says that “phases of the moon, sun’s position,
cosmic and gamma rays, sunspot radiation and other distur-
bances on the earth’s magnetic field have an impact
on the force field or the astral bodies around our body.”
Dr Robert Becker in concurrence says that “such force field
of the human body also affects the nervous system.”
: “The Morrés
found that cells increase in size at a periodic rate – they enlarge themselves
for 12 minutes, then rest for 12 before growing again. The complex interaction
of proteins is the basis for many activities within cells, and James Morré theorized that some undiscovered proteins were
responsible for the 24-minute growth cycle.
The discovery came when
the team found that a single cylinder-shaped protein molecule with a unique
characteristic regulated the cell enlargement cycle. This particular
protein had two activities: one served as a catalyst for growth
activities for 12 minutes and then rested while its other activity took over
for the next 12 minutes.
"Our model is that
of a Janus-head protein with two opposing faces," he said. "One
'face' handles cell enlargement. Then the protein 'flips over,' allowing the
second face to carry out other activities while cell enlargement rests. While
two functions from a single protein had been seen before, what is totally
unique here is that these activities alternate, and with very precise timing.
The activities don't both run all the time, but instead alternate to generate
the 24-minute period length."
To confirm that the
protein was responsible not just for regulating growth but for all activities
set by the biological clock, Pin-Ju Chueh, then a
microbiology graduate student in Dorothy Morré's lab,
isolated the gene which produced the protein within cells. The team then cloned
the protein and altered it in ways that produced different period lengths.
"We found that we
could produce clocks with cycles of between 22 and 42 minutes," James Morré said. "The 'day' which the cell experienced was
precisely 60 times the period length of the protein's cycle. We even found that
feeding cells heavy water gave them a 27-minute cycle of growth and rest, so
that old piece of information served to confirm our theory."
Morré said
the discovery could be applied to a great number of biological issues.
Voice of the Invisible
When we look at the microscopic and atomic realms, we
likewise use modern electronic devices which also help us penetrate to the very
physics of the dawn of the Universe. White noise is the Voice of the Invisible.
The Cosmic Microwave Background, the ambient background of the Big Bang, is
responsible for 1/4 - 1/3 of the static on your TV set.
In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson published a scientific
study which proved that a radio signal with a wavelength of 7.3 cm was being
emitted uniformly throughout all parts of the sky. This signal became known as
cosmic microwave background radiation. Every cosmology predicts a CMB.
Penzias and Wilson won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1978 for
their findings. It is believed that this cosmic static is comprised of photons
of energy that are still cooling 15 billion years after the Big Bang. If you
turn a television to a channel with no station, you will see this static.
"Surges of energy come through and cook the special
transistors. Fortunately, I have a lot of them left. "
In the last week i have learned
more than i ever wanted to know about the year 2157
everybody uses non-em waves. some present
day components are modifiable. design rules are completely different;
high gain low noise junction transistors usable to 8 ghz
are the key thing. very hard to use them with out
burn up though.
…its a group of nonscientist
nerdish types in the year 2157 in northern new mexico,
near where santa fe used to
be (!?) they are into an unbelievably haunting kind of avant
garde high-brow music that uses struck string
keyboard instruments and rotary organs (Whiter Shade of Pale, Procul Harum) they call
themselves "Mighty Wurlitzer"
I recorded some of the dysrhythmic, 23 note scale music as
best I could. its scary, haunting, plaintive. vocals
come in on gradual build up and speed up , the music
is unlike anything iever heard. There are dozens of
realms and dozens of fakers too. Most people ecounter
idle troublemakers with plenty of spare time, because
they are most inclined to be talkative.
Demonstrating Interplanetary Communication with Gravity Wave
"...gravity wave resonances emerged at the exact times
when there were planetary alignments aspecting the
spherical geometry of our specific location. One example in
particular showed, what I have come to call, "gravity wave
entrainment" occuring as Jupiter was passing
over Denver's meridian."
Inter-planetary Wave Coupling
Wave Coupling refers to the standing gravitational waves
between two planets. The frequencies of these waves are determined, in part, by
the distance between the planets. Extra significant Wave Coupling Resonances
occur when the "planetary distance harmonics" resonate with any of
the other harmonics created by the astrophysical parameters of the planets
Mr Arnold Meyer of the British Association
of Advanced Science observes that “the sun and the moon in conjunction are both
concentrating their focus on the same part of the world at the same time; this
accounts for the abnormal conditions - This conjunction does definitely affect
a child born during the conditions of this nature.”
Edison Y Andrews an American Surgeon in ‘The journal of
Florida Medical Association’, writing on post-operative hemorrhage observes
that “his patients are in greater dan- ger during full moon. This forced him to
perform surgeries, as far as possible, when the moon is in the first or the
last quar- ter.”
Dr Jonas in order to satiate his hunger for new discov-eries went on to prove that “retarded children were invari- ably produced when a women
conceives during certain oppo- sition of the sun and
the moon or major planets in her chart.”
Sheila Ostrander and Lyn Schroeder, in their book Psy- chic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain revealing the
ongo- ing research on
astrology in Soviet Russia, says: The parapsychologists in Russia believe that
“a human being is a pulsating field dynamically interacting with all other
fields like a note reasoning with all the other notes swirling in symphony”.
Edward Naumov also of Soviet Russia
observes that “the solar activity at the time of birth also affects an indi- vidual. A good receiver
(listener) is born when the Sun is qui- et and a good sender (Adviser) is born
when the Sun is ac- tive”.
Sir William Hershel the discoverer the planet Uranus, in his
paper presented to Royal Society of London brought to the attention of the elites,
“the apparent rela- tionship
that he found between the sunspot activity and the price of wheat during the
period 1650 t0 1800. Based on his discovery he correctly predicted the period
of abundant crops.”
R C Carrington (1863) published a paper disputing this claim.
However, the later figures proved him wrong.
William Stanley Jerons, a noted
English economist claimed to have found “a correlation between 11.11 year sunspot cycle and the fluctuation in the price of
grains during the period 1259 and 1713”.
Dr Carl G Jung an eminent psychologist of Switzerland has
this to say: “Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological
knowledge of antiquity.”
Carl Jung and Dr Freud jointly discovered that “the
dispositions of the moon and mercury indicate the predis-
position to mental illness”.
Dr Francois Gaquelin, initially a
non-believer found “correlation between the position of Jupiter, mars and
Sat-urn in certain professional types like doctors, lawyers, painters, etc.”
More importantly, he also found that “the hour a baby is born
will also indicate its future health because of the secretion of the hormones.”
Dr. Abbott of USA after studying sunspots for over 11 years,
“successfully predicted the oncoming drought in 1975.”
Mr Tyrell writing in the Nature of Human
Personality says that “….astrology … generally, is an
obscure pointer to an aspect of the Universe above and be- yond the spatio-temporal casual framework and the world of
sense-perception on which science has hitherto relied in its attempts to
describe the objective universe.”
Prof. Techijesvsky of Moscow found
the following which are not only scientifically exact but also astrolog- ically as well:
1. “The epidemic of influenza has an average period of 11
years and 3 months and it begins roughly 3 years after
sunspot maximum.”
2. “Sunspots cycle is close to 12
months which is also the duration of Jupiter’s travel around the sun. The
sunspots are perhaps related to Jupiter’s revolution.”
3. “There is a correlation between the sunspots phenomenon
and wars and revolutions.”
4. “The time is fast approaching when a jury assessing the
guilt of an accused will have to take into account the astro-
nomical and meteorological conditions which prevailed
when the crime was committed.” (In a lighter vein).
Dr Jonas agreeing with the old belief that
1. “The fertility period of women is something to do with the
waxing and waning of the moon and that it is possible to find out the days a
woman can conceive during her entire life time.”
2. “This can be effectively controlled via astrology which
will be without any side effects like nausea, headache or weight gain. This
will be a boon to Roman Catholics, who are op- posed to other methods.”
Dr P. P. Bhagwat in an article in Astrological Magazine gives
elaborate details on the effect of sunspots.
1. There are changes in terrestrial magnetic activity. 2.
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun varies with the
3. Magnetic storms disturb shortwave radio communication.
4. Long distance telegrams, electric lines, gas and oil
pipes, submarine cables are all disturbed.
5. The years when the sunspots are more frequent shows drier
weather and less rain fall.
6. The years when the sunspots are less the weather is more watery and stormy.
7. Temperatures are lower in sunspots maximum years.
8. Temperatures are higher in sunspots minimum years.
9. There are fluctuation, in share markets and world trade in
these years.
10. The Sunspots have observable effect on the mind of the general public.
Dr B Ramamurthy, a noted neurosurgeon, has this to say:
“There is truth in the opinion held in this country that there is correlation
between epilepsy and the waxing and waning of the moon.
Experiments by meteorologists and neuroscientists acting in
concert in India and Australia have shown that there is a definite link between
geomagnetic disturbances and epilep- sy.”
Mr V.S. Kalyanaraman,
another prominent author in astrological Magazine “lists over 13 historical
events occur- ring from 1951 to 1978 coinciding with the intensity of
Prof. P S Sastry a noted researcher and a commentator in his
lectures at the Rajasthan University says that.
“Varaha Mehira
enumerates 33 sunspots called by him as ’Tāmasa kilakas’ which have different colours,
forms and positions. He not only mentions the details of sunspots but also of
their terrestrial affairs way back in 1 BC.”
Dr M Venkatacharya, who has done
some research on hyper tension and heart diseases says
in Astrological Magazine says: “I once again forcibly state that a doctor can
be a better astrologer than a layman who studied some principles of astrology.”
K K Shah, an eminent scholar,
citing the fact that “when the moon can affect the waters of the seas, it is
bound to affect the human body also to the extent there is water. The
calculation of protons and electrons, the reaction of min- erals
carried by energy and radiated by human body is noth-
ing else but the science of astrology.”
The foregoing clearly demonstrates, in most unequiv- ocal terms, the scope
and the ambit of astrology to be- come not only a science but also a pioneer in
research field of medicine and market analysis as well.
This also poses an embarrassing if not intriguing question
for astrologers - Why didn’t they take advantage of this huge treasure of
scientific wealth?
Mr M S Sitharamiah,
writing in Astrological Magazine, as far back as June 1974 asks:
“Should we not, therefore, launch our own research pro-
gramme in astrology?
Who is better fitted to undertake this than those in India
where the ancient and the modern rub shoulders?”
Mr V. Shekhawat,
in the same magazine, reasons that “the weakness of astrology drives not from
the fact that its assumptions are false or that it is logically fallacious but
simply from the fact that not enough attention has been paid to it
Solar activity and frequency of lymphocytoses during 1957 in Sochi, USSR.
(After Pressman, p. 199)
Epidemics of diptheria,
typhus, cholera, and smallpox have also been correlated with solar activity.
Much of this work was done between the two world wars by the Russian Scientist
A. L. Tchijewski. In a huge study he drew up lists of
wars, epidemics, revolutions, and population movements from 500 BC to 1900 and
plotted them against curves of solar activity. He found that 78 percent of
these outbreaks correlated with peaks of solar activity. He also found an
amazing assortment of correlating phenomena ranging from locust hordes in
Russia to succession of liberal and conservative governments in England from
1830 to 1930. Sturgeon in the Caspian Sea reproduce and then die in masses
following cycles of 11 and 33 years which occur during periods of many sunspots
(solar storms). The great financial crisis of 1929 coincided with a peak in
solar activity. Other research has shown correlations between solar activity
and the number of road accidents and mining disasters reported. This may be due
to delayed or inaccruate human reactions in
conjunction with very violent solar activity.
An Italian chemist, Giorgi Piccardi,
was asked to figure out why "activated" water dissolves the calcium
deposits from a water boiler at certain times and not at others. (Activated
water is a vestige of alchemy. A sealed phial containing neon and mercury is
moved around in the water until the neon lights up; there is no chemical change
in the water; however the structure of the molecular
bonds are altered somewhat.) After years of patient research measuring the rate
at which bismuth sulfide becomes a colloid in activated and normal water, Piccardi showed that this colloid-forming rate varies with
sunspot activity. A colloid solution is one in which the dissolved particles
have large enough molecular weight so that the surface tension of each molecule
is of importance in determining the behavior of the solution. Common colloids
are glue, gelatin, milk, egg white and blood. (The word colloid is derived from
the Greek word kolla, meaning glue.) In general colloidal particles are too big to pass through
membranes which will pass smaller dissolved molecules. The influence solar
activity exerts upon the molecular structure of water is likely to be even more
acute in human organisms as the human body temperature is fixed near the limit
where changes in the structure of water normally occur.
Not only are inorganic colloidal suspensions
affected by solar activity, but so is at least one other organic colloid as
well-blood. Research by Dr. M. Takata in Japan, since verified in Germany and
the Soviet Union, indicates that blood samples showing flocculation (a
cloud-like formation) as well as the leucocyte (white blood cell) content of
the blood varies in accordance with solar storm activity. This widespread solar
influence upon all colloidal substances manifests itself in a wide variety of
ways. Individual reaction times, pain felt by amputees, and the number of
suicides all reveal a similar variation in response to sunspots. Michael Guaquilin lists numerous ways in which the sunspot cycle
effects weather conditions:
During violent solar eruptions, or at the time
when important groups of sunspots move to the sun's central zone, a certain
number of disturbances occur in our atmosphere, particularly the aurorae boreales, as a result of the greater ionization in the
upper atmosphere, and magnetic storms, revealed by violent agitation of compass
The level of Lake Victoria-Nyanza changes in
accordance with the rhythm of the sunspots, also the number of icebergs, and
famines in India due to lack of rain. The Bulletin Astronomique
de France brought out a very interesting article on the relation between the
activity of sunspots and the quality of Burgundy wines: excellent vintages
correspond with periods of maximum solar activity, and bad vintages with
periods of minimum activity. Douglas, an American, and Schvedov,
a Russian, have observed that the concentric rings formed in the growth of
trees have a period of recurrence of eleven years as well. Finally, there is Lury's well-known statistical observation that the number
of rabbit skins taken by the Hudson Bay Company follows a curve parallel to
that of solar activity.
On this subject, perhaps the most interesting
study is that carried out on varves. These say Piccardi, are many-layered deposits of sand or clay which
are formed in calm waters, lakes, ponds, swamps, etc., in glacial zones. A
varve's thickness depends on the rainfall in a given year.
Examination of these fossilize deposits in sedementary
rock formed through the geological ages reveals the same inevitable eleven year cycle in the most distant past.
F. A. Brown is an eminant
biologist who has advanced the theory that the "biological clock"
mechanisms observed in organisms can be explained by animals being sensitive to
various subtle environmental factors. In addition to demonstrating the
influence magnetic fields exert on a wide variety of living organisms, Brown
has also demonstrated that several organisms including the potato, oyster,
fiddler crab, and rat modify their behavior according to lunar rhythms. The
experimental subjects were enclosed for long periods in hermetically-sealed
rooms where the light, pressure temperature, and humidity were carefully kept
He also notes that "fluctuations in intensity
of primary cosmic rays entering the earth's atmosphere were dependent upon the
strength of geomagnetism. The magnetic field steadily undergoes fluctuations in
intensity. When the field is stronger, fewer primary cosmic rays come into the
outer atmosphere; when it weakens, more get in." Other researchers have
shown influences on the circadian rhythm of electrostatic fields, gamma
radiation, x-rays, and weak radio waves.,
Recent years have shown an upsurge of interest in
the ways in which human activity is effected by the
remote environment. Scientists around the world who are doing research in this
area have been meeting under the auspices of the International Society for
Biometeorology. In 1969, the society created a special study group on the
"biological effects of low and high energy particles and of
extra-terrestrial factors." On this committee sit such scientists as F. A.
Brown, Giorgi Piccardi and Michel Gauquilin.
Many poorly understood phenomena are now coming under the scrutiny of
respectable members of the scientific community. Gradually the frontiers of
science are being extended into territory that once belonged to mystics and
Perhaps one could think of objects as complicated concatinations of interpenetrating electromagnetic fields.
As far as we know, all objects in our universe, with a temperature above
absolute zero, are emitting electro-magnetic radiation. In this sense, the
alchemical theories of Alkindi are true.
The idea that the earth, sun
and other planetary bodies influence human health and behavior and, on a larger
scale, social unrest and significant global events, has been discussed among
scientists for decades. The study of interconnectedness, which is not yet fully
embraced in the mainstream scientific community, is still in infancy.
Global coherence research uses a multidisciplinary
approach that includes the geosciences and astrophysics as well as extensive
data from human and animal studies that are correlated to social and global
events. The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) employs the Global Coherence
Monitoring System to collect a variety of data, information about Earth’s
magnetic field and how it affects and is influenced by human emotions and
Global Coherence Monitoring System
The Global Coherence Monitoring System (GCMS),
GCI’s scientific component, uses state-of-the-art sensing technology to observe
changes in the earth’s magnetic field. Eventually, there will be about a dozen
sensor sites in the GCMS worldwide network of magnetometers. As of November
2014, sensor sites were operating around the clock in the following locations:
Boulder Creek, Calif.
Hofuf, Saudi
Alberta, Canada
Northland Region of New Zealand
Natal, South Africa
The GCMS sensors continuously monitor the resonant
frequencies in Earth’s magnetic field. They track changes in geomagnetic
activity caused by solar storms, changes in solar wind speed, disruption of the
Schumann resonances (SR) and, potentially, the signatures of major global
events that have a strong emotional component.
It is well established that the resonant frequencies
in the earth’s various magnetic fields directly overlap with those of the human
brain, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. Therefore, it should not
be surprising that numerous physiological rhythms in humans and global
collective behaviors are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic
activity, but that disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on
human health and behavior. When the earth’s magnetic field environment is disturbed it can cause sleep disturbance, mental confusion,
unusual lack of energy or a feeling of being on edge or overwhelmed for no
apparent reason.
We use the Global Coherence Monitoring System to
conduct research on the mechanisms of how the earth’s various fields affect
human physiological, mental and emotional processes, health and collective
behavior. In addition, we hope to investigate whether changes in the earth’s
magnetic fields occur before natural catastrophes like earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions and human events such as social unrest and terrorist attacks.
Overarching Global Coherence hypotheses
The following GCI hypotheses guide our ongoing
collaborative research:
Human and animal health, cognitive functions,
emotions and behavior are affected by solar, geomagnetic and other
earth-related magnetic fields.
The earth’s magnetic field is a carrier of
biologically relevant information that connects all living systems.
Every person affects the global information field.
Collective human consciousness affects the global
information field. Therefore, large numbers of people creating heart-centered
states of care, love and compassion will generate a more coherent field
environment that can benefit others and help offset the current planetary
discord and incoherence.
Related to all of the
above hypotheses is that human emotions and consciousness interact with and
encode information into the geomagnetic field and this information is
distributed globally. We believe there is a feedback loop between human beings
and the earth’s energetic/magnetic systems.
We are suggesting in essence that this encoded
information is communicated nonlocally between people at a subconscious level,
in effect linking all living systems. Magnetic fields act as carrier waves for
this information, which can influence all living systems – positively or
negatively – within the field environment as well as our collective
The scientific community is beginning to
appreciate and understand at the deeper level how we are all interconnected
with and affected by the magnetic fields generated by the sun and earth. Every
cell in our bodies is bathed in an external and internal environment of
fluctuating invisible magnetic forces.
Human physiological rhythms and behaviors are
synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, so fluctuations in the earth
and sun’s magnetic fields can affect virtually every circuit in human as well
as any biological systems. Logically, disruptions in these fields could
adversely affect human health and behavior. Moreover, changes in the intensity
of geomagnetic activity and the Schumann resonances appear to alter brainwave
and neurohormonal responses. (The brain is a very sensitive electromagnetic
Changes in the earth’s magnetic field have been
shown to affect human heart rhythms and have been associated with the
following: changes in brain and nervous-system activity; athletic performance,
memory and other tasks; synthesis of nutrients in plants and algae; the number
of reported traffic violations and accidents; mortality from heart attacks and
strokes; and incidence of depression and suicide.
The earth and ionosphere generate a symphony of
frequencies ranging from 0.01 hertz to 300 hertz, and some of the large
resonances occurring in the earth’s field are in the same frequency range as
those occurring in the human cardiovascular system, brain and autonomic nervous
system. Although researchers have looked at some of the possible interactions
between the earth’s field and human, animal and plant activity, new data from
GCI research is indicating that we may be more deeply interconnected with the
earth’s field than previously imagined.
Historically, many cultures believed their
collective behavior could be affected by the sun and other external cycles and
influences. This belief has proven to be true. On a larger societal scale,
increased violence, crime rate, social unrest, revolutions
and frequency of terrorist attacks have been linked to the solar cycle and the
resulting disturbances in the geomagnetic field. The first scientific evidence
of this was provided by Alexander Tchijevsky, a
Russian scientist who noticed that more severe battles in World War I occurred
during peak sunspot periods. Tchijevsky then
conducted a thorough study of global human history dating back to 1749 and
compared the occurrence of key events with the occurrence of solar cycles over
the same time period until 1926. The figure below,
reconstructed from Tchijevsky’s original data, plots
numbers of significant human events corresponding with the occurrence of solar cycles
from 1749 to 1926.
Global Coherence Research graph Tchijevsky’s original data
original data: The blue line plots the annual number of important political and
social events such as the start of wars, social revolutions, etc., while the red
line plots solar activity as indicated by the number of sunspots from 1749 to
1922. The histories of 72 countries were compiled, and it was found that 80% of
the most significant events occurred during solar maximums, which correlate
with the highest periods of geomagnetic activity.
Solar activity has not only been associated with
social unrest. It also has been related to the periods of greatest human
flourishing, with definitive spurts in architecture, arts and science and
positive social change.
We can learn from past mistakes and consciously
choose new ways of navigating these great energy influxes to create periods of
human flourishing and humanitarian advances. When outdated structures that do
not serve humanity collapse, an opportunity opens for them to be replaced with
more suitable and sustainable models. Such positive change can affect
political, economic, medical and educational systems
as well as people’s relationships in their workplaces, homes and communities.
Earth Rhythms
Earth has a strong internal magnetic field that
appears to be generated by electrical currents in the liquid outer iron core
that are driven by internal heat sources. The magnetic field resembles that of
a bar magnet or “dipole field” with an axis tilted about 11.5 degrees from the
spin axis, so, the magnetic poles are not the same as the geographic poles.
Earth’s magnetic field strength was first measured by Carl Friedrich Gauss in
1835 and has been measured repeatedly since then. The field has shown a
relative decay of about 10% over the last 150 years. The locations of the
magnetic poles are not static; they wander as much as 55 kilometers every year.
The geomagnetic field is influenced by the sun and
moon’s rotations, solar flares and probably
interplanetary influences. Animals, including birds, can detect Earth’s
magnetic field and use it to navigate during migration. It has been shown, for
example, that cows and deer, when grazing, tend to align their bodies
north-south in response to the earth’s magnetic field.
Global Coherence Research earth’s magnetic field
The forces of the solar wind include charged
particles that push against Earth’s magnetic field. Because of the solar wind,
the portion of the geomagnetic field facing the sun is pushed in toward the
earth’s surface and flattened when the portion of the field facing away from
the sun, known as the magnetotail, is pulled away from Earth. (See figure
below.) A visible phenomenon of the collision of charged solar particles with
Earth’s magnetic field is auroras, or the northern and southern polar lights,
which are commonly known as the aurora borealis and aurora australis.
Global Coherence Research Magnetotail
When the solar wind meets the earth’s magnetic
field it causes various types of complex oscillations in the field that often
are referred to as micropulsations and field line
resonances. Based on their waveforms, magnetic pulsations and field line
resonances have been classified as pulsations that are continuous (Pc) and
pulsations that irregular (Pi). Because their frequencies are so low, they are
usually characterized by their period of oscillation rather than frequency.
There are a variety of mechanisms that produce
these oscillations, such as interactions of solar wind and the earth’s main
magnetic field lines; sudden solar wind pressure changes that move/push the
field in or allow it to expand out; and sudden changes in solar wind direction
that cause the magnetotail to stretch and snap back. The figure below shows an
example of these field line resonances, recorded at the GCI magnetometer site
in Boulder Creek, Calif. Important note: The frequencies of these field line
resonances are in the same range as many of the rhythms found in human and
animal cardiovascular and autonomic nervous-system functions.
In the Boulder Creek site example, there is a
clear frequency at 0.1 hertz, which is the same frequency as the heart rhythm
of someone who is in a heart-coherent state. Research has shown that changes in
these ultralow frequencies (ULF’s, also called Pc and Pi), caused by solar
activity and changes in geomagnetic activity can affect human health and
Geomagnetic field line resonance data recorded
from the GCI sensor site in Boulder Creek, Calif.
Geomagnetic field line resonance data recorded
from the GCI sensor site in Boulder Creek, Calif. Note that all the resonant
frequencies overlap human autonomic and cardiovascular system frequencies. In
this example, there is a clear standing wave frequency at 0.1 hertz, which is
the same frequency of our heart rhythms when we are in a coherent state.
Schumann Resonances:
Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic
resonances in the cavity formed between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere.
Schumann resonances were named after German physicist Winfried Schumann, who
first predicted them in 1952. Electromagnetic impulses like those from global
lightning flashes (Earth’s thunderstorm activity) fill this cavity and excite
the Schumann resonances. The first accurate measurements of the Schumann
resonances were made from 1960 to 1963 and since then there has been an
increasing interest in them across a wide variety of fields.
Radiation from the sun ionizes part of the earth’s
upper atmosphere and forms a conductive plasma layer, the ionosphere. The
ionosphere surrounding our planet is negatively charged relative to the earth’s
surface, which creates a strong electrical field between the earth and
ionosphere. Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of
the earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. This
waveguide acts as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves. Schumann
resonances appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies starting
around 7.8 hertz, which is considered the fundamental frequency.
Global Coherence Research Schumann resonances in
earth ionosphere cavity
Schumann resonances in Earth-ionosphere cavity.
Courtesy NASA.
Resonances can be observed at around 7.8, 14, 20,
26, 33, 39 and 45 hertz, with a daily variation of about ± 0.5 hertz, which is
caused by the daily increase and decrease in the ionization of the ionosphere
due to UV radiation from the sun (also see the live data).
Global Coherence Research GCMS Boulder Creek
The signals recorded from the GCMS Boulder Creek
magnetometers are converted to the frequency domain with the Fourier transform.
The Schumann resonances occurring over an eight-hour period can be clearly seen
at approximately 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, and 45 hertz.
Interest in the Schumann resonances has gone beyond
the boundaries of geophysics, into medicine, where it has posed questions about
the interactions between planetary rhythms and human health and behavior (for
more detail see the July 7, 2009 Commentary)
The similarity of the 7.8-hertz Earth resonance
and human brainwave rhythms was quickly identified after the Schumann
resonances were first measured, and early studies were able to demonstrate a
correlation between these resonances and brain rhythms. Numerous studies
conducted by the Halberg Chronobiology Center at the
University of Minnesota along with other studies have since shown that there
are important links between solar, Schumann and geomagnetic field line
resonances and a wide range of human and animal health and wellness indicators.
Although the existence of the Schumann resonances
is an established scientific fact, how these important planetary
electromagnetic standing waves act as a background frequency that can influence
biological systems such as the heart and brain is not completely understood.
Global Coherence Research continuous pulsations
The green arrow in this spectrogram indicates
continuous pulsations as well as the Schumann resonances. The data was
collected by the magnetometer at GCI’s Boulder Creek Calif., headquarters.
Want to listen to the earth’s resonances? This
three-minute audio file is data collected from GCI’s magnetic sensor in Boulder
Creek. The resonances have been shifted up in frequency to an audible range.
They were recorded at nighttime during a period of relatively quiet ionospheric
GCI hypothesizes that changes in the earth and
ionosphere’s resonant frequencies can influence the function of the human
autonomic nervous system and brain and cardiovascular systems. Until recently,
it has not been feasible to test this hypothesis scientifically. This is
because there is a lack of reliable, continuous measures of ionospheric and
field line resonances data and an inability to do long-term monitoring of
people’s physiological systems such as heart rate variability monitoring, which
reflects autonomic nervous-system activity.
Interconnectivity of all Living Systems Through
Earth’s Magnetic Field
As noted elsewhere in this article, researchers at
the HeartMath Institute and GCI strongly suspect human
health and behavior are influenced by solar and geomagnetic activity. In
addition, GCI researchers hypothesize that the earth’s magnetic field is a
carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems.
Related to this, we have shown in laboratory
research that the electromagnetic field generated by the heart of a person can
be detected by nearby animals or the nervous systems of other people.
For example, research conducted in HMI’s
laboratory has confirmed the hypothesis that when an individual is in a state
of heart coherence, the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic signal
into the environment. This research further has shown that when we are in this
coherent state, we are more sensitive to detecting the information in the
fields radiated by others. The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions
Within and Between People Scientific Monograph by Rollin McCraty,
Ph.D. . Of all the organs, the heart generates the
largest rhythmic electromagnetic field, one that is approximately 100 times
stronger than the brain’s field. The heart’s field can be detected several feet
from the body with sensitive magnetometers.
The heart’s magnetic field would be a plausible
explanation for why we can “feel” or sense another person’s presence and
emotional state independent of body language or other factors. HeartMath also has found that there is a direct
relationship between the heart-rhythm patterns and the spectral information
encoded in the frequency spectra of the magnetic field radiated by the heart.
Thus, we believe, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in
the heart’s magnetic field, which is communicated throughout the body and into
the external environment.
A growing body of evidence suggests that an energetic
field is formed among individuals in groups through which communication among
all the group members occurs simultaneously. In other words, there is an actual
“group field” that connects all the members. Coherence: Bridging Personal,
Social and Global Health paper.
One study demonstrated the effect of heart
coherence in a group setting where people trained in maintaining states of
heart coherence for several minutes could promote coherent states in untrained
Also supporting the hypothesis that magnetic
fields are carriers of biologically relevant information is a recent study that
demonstrated epigenetic information related to DNA could be detected as
electromagnetic signals in a highly diluted solution and this information can
be transferred to and imprinted in pure water that has never been exposed to
DNA, but only in the presence of a 7.8-hertz weak magnetic field. Furthermore,
this information can lead to the re-creation of DNA when the appropriate basic
constituents of DNA are present – but again, only if extremely low
electromagnetic frequency fields of 7.8 hertz are present to carry the
The study’s authors also state that such a very
low electromagnetic frequency field that stimulates DNA information transfer
could come from natural sources such as Schuman resonances, which start at a
frequency of 7.83 hertz.
Dr. Michael Persinger, a
well-known neuroscientist, has conducted numerous studies examining the effects
of magnetic fields with the same magnitude as the geomagnetic field on brain
functions and information transfer. Not only has he shown that applying
external fields similar to the Schuman resonances can induce altered states of
consciousness, he also has suggested in a detailed theory that the space
occupied by the geomagnetic field can store information related to brain
activity and that this information can be accessed by all human brains.
Furthermore, Persinger
also suggests that the earth’s magnetic field can act as a carrier of
information between individuals and that information, rather than the intensity
of the signal carrying it, is important for interaction with neural networks.
The above findings help support part of GCI’s hypothesis that the earth’s
magnetic field is a carrier of biologically relevant information.
and GCI further submit that because humans have brain and heart frequencies
overlapping the earth’s magnetic field resonances, they not only are receivers
of biologically relevant information, but they also essentially create a feedback
look with the earth’s magnetic field and thus feed information into the global
field environment.
While it is not difficult to conceive that life
forms existing within the earth’s magnetic field could be affected by
modulations in this field, it is a more far-reaching proposition to suggest
that the earth’s field connects all living systems and carries and distributes
biologically relevant information. Nevertheless, GCI researchers hypothesize
that when large numbers of humans respond to a global event with common
emotional feeling, the collective response can affect the information
distributed in the earth’s field. In cases where the event evokes negative
responses, this can be thought of as a planetary stress wave (of information),
and in cases where a positive wave is created, it could create a global
coherence wave.
Excerpt ;
"..All planetary orbits can be mapped onto a cylinder of a fixed length.
The orbit, though longer in some cases, shorter in others, simply spirals
around the cylinder MORE times dependent on its length. Thus, a reference frame
is established known as the 'Z' axis. This 'Z' axis is thus a measure of the
rotation VELOCITY of a planetary mass aggregate, otherwise known as its orbit.
The orbit of each planet is an indication of the energy level associated with
that REGION OF SPACE and clues us into how we can transcend time and gravity by
EXCEEDING the 'Z' axis, i.e. accelerating the energy level of a mass to exceed
the energy level for our particular location in space."
· Four markings corresponding to
cardinal points of ASC, MC, IC, DESC, one marking at top, others at 3, 6, 9
· Inside part moves at rate of 29
days, one magnetic month to complete cycle
· Magnetic day
; 23 hours, 58 minutes
· 1,257 magnetic lines of force
per square centimeter
· Crossing two or more lines of
force permits movement in a way unknown previously to aerodynamics
The Actual Plan for the Matrix:
Incommensurability, Harmonic Resonance, and the Religion of Technology
by Drew Hempel, M.A.
He discovered that buds change form rhythmically,
and that the rhythms are those of the alignments of the Moon
with Bodies of the Solar System. He found that a specific tree or flower
changes the
form of its buds in the rhythm of the Lunar alignment with a specific body.
The Oak,
for example, appears to change with Mars, the Beech with Saturn
and the Birch
Illustrating Alignment of Earth, Moon and Mars, and the
corresponding change of bud form
(none of it in the least to scale!)
* λ
is the " Shape
Parameter", controlling the "sharpness"
of the bud's apex relative to the "bluntness" of
the bud's base.
Romanian Walnut
Romanian Walnut
A Bud is a
Composite Thing
The Phase Shift
The Phase Shift (2) (In Work)
Models of the Phase
Do Buds Change their Lengths
at 14 Day Intervals?
Do Buds Change Planets?
Two Beech Buds Revisited.
A Fourier-based
Review of Beech and Knapweed.
The filter
was "sharply tuned" to Saturn's frequency, and its ‘hi-Q’ selectivity
meant that it powerfully rejected λ-variation with
that were not very close indeed to Saturn's frequency.
Resonant Filters & Planetary Band
Pass by Fourier Methods ;
Tuning, when it came, was done by a digitally-simulated Resonant Filter,
identical in principle to those used in radio receivers to select stations.
For Beech bud b1, the filter was, in the jargon of the radio engineer, “made
hi-Q” (= 500) , to give
it a very narrow bandwidth and render
it strongly
It was tuned precisely to the Fourier order
corresponding to Saturn's Lunar Alignment Dominant, obtained from Saturn's
Lunar Alignment
pertaining to the time-span, or “Grand Period”, of the b1 observations.
Tuning in to
the Walnut
there is a significant peak of λ
"energy" co-inciding almost exactly with
the Moon/Saturn dominant.
Here we have used a tuned filter to accomplish
this. It is a computer analogue of the electrical circuit shown above right, and makes use of resonance. Its response can be
tailored to make it more or less selective over a
definable range of frequencies. The actual transfer function used on the Walnut
spectrum is shown above the circuit. This filter was tuned precisely to the
dominant of Moon/Saturn, made moderately selective, and applied to the Walnut's
λ spectrum.
It is at once obvious from it that there is a
λ rhythm in the Walnut corresponding well to the Moon/Saturn rhythm. Indeed the peaks of it broadly co-incide
in time with the actual Saturn alignments - though the troughs do not. They
tend to come about 8 to 9 days in advance of the Saturn alignments (that is,
they have a phase shift of perhaps -9 days). Whichever of these - peak or
trough - turns out to be the properly significant event for this bud, the
general rhythm seems to be settling on Saturn, which we therefore provisionally
take to be this bud's acknowledged planet. Time and more data will say whether
or not this is justified.
This is a Moon-driven
clock, accurate to at least 13 decimal places.
The timings of the lunar alignments of Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn, and of the Sun, are marked on the raster lines
The gold trace at the bottom of the chart is a
graph of the "cosine-squared alignment" of Saturn and the Moon. This
is the planetary signal" from which are obtained both the order of the
spectral alignment dominant and the actual alignment epochs for the Grand
Period of this series on the Walnut bud. (It will be noticed that the body-alignments
occur precisely at the peaks of the gold curve.) I thought it might be of help
for us to actually see what planetary rhythm it is we are working with, and
with which we are comparing a bud's behaviour.
With a phase-shift of about -3.0 days, this bud's
form is pacing the Moon/Mars alignment rather exactly.
The Phase
"...the hypothesis says that the buds move
to a Time that runs ahead of ordinary Time - that is to say, ahead of the Time
shown on our clocks and by which we miss trains."
Specifically, "Now" generally comes
sooner (by our watches) for the buds.
How much sooner it does so appears to be a function
of the
Direction of the state of motion of the aggregate
of the bodies of the Solar System, and the
Direction of their aggregate position,
both relative to the Sun. Suppose there is an
alignment of the Moon with, say, Saturn, on, say, the 1st of June by what I
shall call the Ordinary Calendar, and that the 1st of June is today's date.
By the "Bud Calendar", the 1st of June,
and its corresponding alignment, may have come and gone, let us say 3 days
before today - this interval being reckoned as the time that has elapsed
between the bud event and the alignment, as observed and timed by users of the
ordinary calendar. The graph above right shows both the match to observations
from 1983 and the predictions until 2008. The prediction for December 2006, and
January, February and March of 2007, is that Bud
Events should be running, on the average, just over 9 days ahead of their
alignments. Observation tends to support this.
Regarding Real Buds and Planets
Final Romanian Walnut 1a λ-Chart Original Data
Final Romanian Walnut 1a λ-Chart Tuned
The Phase Shift
Models of the Phase Shift
A Bud is a Composite Thing
Do Buds Change their Lengths at 14 Day Intervals?
Do Buds Change Planet? Two Beech Buds Revisited.
The Algebra
of Measure
Fitting a
Path Curve
Bud Observation, Measurement and Analysis
By far and away the most essential thing to
keep constant from photo to photo of a bud is its aspect. In one sense, it does
not much matter which aspect is selected at the outset, but it is vital that
that aspect, once chosen, is rigorously preserved. As far as is practically
possible, the bud must always have the same orientation around its long axis
with respect to the camera. Experience suggests that for usefully consistent
and valid results the aspect should be held to within at most plus or minus two
Bud Observation, Measurement and Analysis
Manual Measurement
In pre-computer days, when Lawrence Edwards (and
the author) did all measurement by hand, the number of measurement heights
finally settled on was seven, and this has remained the “default” even in these
computerised times, though occasions do arise on
which other numbers are used.
In any case, choose an odd number of heights (not
including the heights of the poles). This ensures that a measurement height
falls exactly mid-way between the poles. There are two methods of analysis in
use; the so-called Projective method, developed by Lawrence Edwards, and the
so-called Regression method, developed by the author. The former requires the
middle measurement height. The latter does not, but can use it if it is there,
so if we make sure that the centre height is present,
both methods will be available for the same bud.
The combos are styled, “Morphic”, because they can
sculpt coherent forms
rather as a flat hand moulds
Articles :
On the Heart
There is controversy about whether or not the
heart is a pump, and there is evidence that the heart is an organ formed
according to the Path transformations revealed by Projective Geometry, so the
controversy is of direct interest on this site. It is suggested that the heart
may act like a Hydraulic Ram. There is confusion concerning what a Hydraulic
Ram actually is in the literature on the controversy .
This article attempts to describe the Ram and its action accurately.
"Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear;
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air."
From, "Elegy Written in a Country
Churchyard", by Thomas Gray
Counter space is the space in which subtle
forces work, such as those of life, which are not amenable to ordinary
measurement. It is the polar opposite of Euclidean
space. It was discovered by the observations of Rudolf Steiner and described
geometrically by George Adams and, independently, by Louis Locher-Ernst.
“There’s a scene at the beginning of The Bourne
Identity where the film’s protagonist
is sitting in a diner, trying to figure out who he is and why he has a
bunch of passports
and a gun stashed in a safety deposit box. Bourne
also notices that he, well, notices
things that other people don’t.”
When you don't know your correct time of birth, you literally lose these
key grips on your
current frame of reality;
What to do, when, where and under what pressures ;
short and long term.
Who you really are consciously, subconsciously - how you will tend to
react and respond under
positive and challenging pressures at varying
points of time.
Sound like a train wreck, waiting to happen?
It is...
but it doesn't have to be.
“That superhuman ability to observe his surroundings and make detailed
assessments about
his environment? It’s not just a trait of top secret operatives;
it’s a skill known as situational awareness, and you can
possess it too.
As the names implies, situational
awareness is simply knowing what’s going
on around you. It
sounds easy in principle, but in reality requires much practice.
And while it is taught to soldiers, law enforcement officers, and yes,
assassins, it’s an important skill for civilians to learn as well. In a dangerous situation,
being aware of a threat even
seconds before everyone else can keep you and
your loved ones safe.”
“But it’s also a skill that can and should be developed for
reasons outside of personal
defense and safety. Situational
awareness is really just another word for mindfulness,
and developing
mine has made me more cognizant of what’s going on around me
and more present
in my daily activities, which in turn has helped me make better
decisions in all
aspects of my life.”
Once you understand how important the following knowledge is in relation to
your birth
information you can start to benefit from ;
Spatial * Environmental
Self ( Identity ) Awareness:
Partner ( Your Other - Significant or otherwise )
Pleasure-Pain : Reward-Hazard Pressures
you are under currently and coming up soon
in the future tending to affect you in specific ways you are
unconsciously biased towards.
In other words you may crack under certain
blends of pressures applied to your unique
psyches constitution and life circumstance - that you might not otherwise had
understood yourself better, your inherent strengths, challenges, blind
spots and related.
When you "know" your time of birth you have a better chance of
knowing which way is up
for you, you have an external and internal reference for how to adjust to changing dynamics
and states in your life. This means a better chance to land on
your feet after turbulence hits.
You can know in advance how you may most likely impulsively react to
specific pressures
both in positive, constructive ways and in challenging ones. Knowing in
advance the nature
of incoming experiential influences and your probably unconscious
reactions - you can plan
and take action before hand.
Efforts can be taken in the "now" to ensure your greatest
success and you can mitigate negative impulses prior to their
You can literally "lock" into a very real continuum of inner orientation interfacing
your external reality.
You don’t know often enough where the best place to go is and when, for what
you really
need or want.
Geographical location may affect you and where you live can affect every
aspect of your
life: emotionally, mentally, physically. Critical areas of your life
such as relationships, career,
even financial success can likewise be affected.
You can find out the best physical locations to find fulfillment in your
love life, career,
friendships, educational opportunities, actualization and even
expressing your personal
You cannot find these
locations accurately, however, without your correct time of birth!
You lack critical insights into unseen forces affect you consciously,
unconsciously and on
all levels of your experience including mental, emotional, physical, etc ....
Adaptation and adjustment to your current environment and circumstance is
- What "should be" and "shouldn't be" occurring for you in
your life is unclear
- dis-orientation & uncertainty in lifes moment
by various duration
- Your point (frame) of reference is distorted, missing vital parts, or even
- Objective comparative analysis of relationships is unavailable and the
improvement of relating between your self and
another is disabled.
You lose and then lack your point of perspective in time and space, in short
you lack
temporal-spatial awareness of yourself in relation to your surroundings
and circumstance.
This means living life in a certain experiential distortion, comparable
to the story of
"Platos Cave".
This means having an excruciatingly harder time of finding in life the right
"place" - space to fit in
happily. To feel the positive qualities of being loved, safe,
content, satisfied, appreciated,
stimulated, fulfilled, even actualized. Even limited reasonable
partial varieties of these is often
preferred over what many often find. The
majority of people often do not end up in places or
circumstances they desired and if you asked them, they'd tell you this
was a common thread
out their lives.
NOTE: Worst times are indicated
for November 15th to 19th, this is a RED ZONE ALERT
Next High Alert Windows are ;
October 28th to
November 3rd
November 27th to
December 3rd
All other dates shown in
orange are mid range alert times. For pinpointed times
Of incidents reference the
date and hour, minute block listed.
PERCENTILE RANGE = 80 to 100 %
Increase of violent domestic events
Increase of injury and accidents
Increase of criminal activity such as ;
Break & entry
Increase of intoxication via alcohol, drugs, general substance abuse
Increase of public disturbances, rowdy crowds, fights, protests
Increase in agitated behavior, mood swings, verbal & physical
aggression, abuse
Marked Increase in chaotic group events causing distress to general public
Cognitive Abilities
Mental Alertness
Physical Agility, Health, Wellness
Coherent, appropriate decision making
NOTE: Worst times are indicated
for November 15th to 19th, this is a RED ZONE ALERT
Next High Alert Windows are ;
October 28th to
November 3rd
November 27th to
December 3rd
All other dates shown in
orange are mid range alert times. For pinpointed times
Of incidents reference the
date and hour, minute block listed.
The times listed correlate to fluctuations in gravity which affects
group and individual
Biological functions, especially those functions that are governed by
periodic, systemic
Changes, such as the cycling of cerebro-spinal
fluid – pressure density and flow rate
Of the fluid up and down the spine and brain can cause dramatic change
in behavior,
Warping impulse control and biasing actions from an unconscious “reptile brain”
Smiling grass. This is a cross
section of a single blade of grass, stained for the microscope.
The smiley faces are the
channels that the water is drawn up through. Taken at the EM lab.
blood - Dr. Harvey Bigelsen
The crystallized holograms
tracked by Dr. Bigelsen are definitely
in the blood.
He and his colleagues have
seen them hundreds of times, and the messages they
seem to convey have been
proven by confirmed diagnoses. But how can they be explained?
German mystic Rudolf Steiner
called them 'etheric crystallizations.' Crystals will grow in
a certain pattern, like a
snowflake. The more esoteric aspects of this phenomenon, along
with the practical knowledge
required to diagnose and treat from live blood, are the subject
of a Dr. Bigelsen's
latest book, Holographic Blood.
In 1986, the Hans Nieper Foundation awarded Harvey Bigelsen
the Person of the Year,
recognizing his work as the
most influential for the advancement of natural medicine in the
U.S. Harvey Bigelsen has
appeared as a guest on numerous health-focused radio programs
and is the author of four
books. He continues to lead the forefront of a much needed medical
revolution, focusing his work
on terrain-based philosophy and European biological medicine
as he works primarily with
people suffering from chronic disease, and those interested in
anti-aging and regeneration.
At the core of his medical philosophy is the conviction that germs
do not cause disease. Counter
to conventional medicine and Big Pharma, which promote
treatments that merely attack
and kill germs, Harvey Bigelsen believes that germs
are not harmful,
and actually
live in a symbiotic relationship with the entire body. He treats the patient’s
physical body in order to get it working at its highest performance, and
has achieved
high success rates through a
combination of structural therapies, cranial-sacral adjustments,
neural therapy, isopathic remedies, and European cell therapy.
therapy, isopathic remedies, and European
cell therapy.
Bigelsons Biograms ; The blood is as unique as a fingerprint. In conventional
medical laboratories, using standard bright field
microscopy, the blood is viewed after staining. Staining permanently fixes the
blood but kills the cells. With darkfield microscopy, blood removed from the
body can be clearly seen while it is still alive. The patterns seen in living
blood are remarkable, varying not only from patient to patient but from moment
to moment in a single patient in ways that reflect changing physical and emotional
When Harvey Bigelsen, M.D., first saw crystallized
images of diseased organs in the blood, he thought he was just imagining them,
the way children see animal forms in clouds. But he kept observing correlations
between the images and the patient's disease. He decided to take pictures and
keep notes. The result was a substantial body of hard evidence demonstrating
what alternative healers using muscle testing, electrodermal screening, and
"psychic" diagnosis have been claiming for years but could not prove
because their techniques were operator-dependent -- that disease patterns can
be diagnosed from the energy fields of the body.
The "holograms" of diseased organs, along with the red cells, white
cells, plasma, etc., make up a unique blood pattern characteristic of the
patient and his condition. This composite blood print Dr. Bigelsen
calls a "biogram." Besides the holographic
crystal patterns, features relevant to diagnosing the condition of the patient
include the thickness and activity of the plasma, whether and to what extent
the white cells are moving, and whether the blood appears "dirty,"
"clean," "alive," "tired," etc. In clean blood,
the cells are round, clear, and neatly separated, and the plasma is not
cluttered with debris. Other factors are the shape of the cells and whether
they are hollow or clumped together. Blood cells that are "sticky"
and deformed are a dangerous sign. Heart attacks and strokes can result from
clots or blockages of clumped and deformed blood that restrict blood flow.
The crystallized holograms tracked by Dr. Bigelsen
are definitely in the blood. He and his colleagues
have seen them hundreds of times, and the messages they seem to convey have
been proven by confirmed diagnoses. But how can they be explained? German mystic
Rudolf Steiner called them "etheric crystallizations." Crystals will
grow in a certain pattern, like a snowflake. The more esoteric aspects of this
phenomenon, along with the practical knowledge required to diagnose and treat
from live blood, are the subject of a forthcoming book by Dr. Bigelsen and Ellen Brown tentatively titled The Living
Blood: Biograms of Disease.
About the Author
Ellen Brown is an attorney and has authored six books and numerous articles in
the field of alternative health care.
Remote Biodynamic Sensing and
the "Biogram"
Detecting Biodynamic Signals:
Interstellar Communication
Plants communicate with one another
through ‘nanomechanical vibrations’
Various Links that may be of interest
related to this ;
Michael Persinger
on No More Secrets
"The astrophysical parameters of a planet are, in part, that which
create its astrological characteristic (psychophysiological resonance).
The fundamental frequencies of a planet are derived from the planet's
astrophysical parameters such as diameter, circumference, rotational
velocity, orbital period, etc. These frequencies generally have very long
wavelengths, thus they lie in the very low frequency (ELF) and ultra-low
frequency (ULF) range. Planetary harmonics govern natural long-term
biological growth patterns, monthly and yearly biological processes,
and daily brain and psycho-physiological function."
"Brainwaves and audio frequencies are measured in frequency were as
light is measured by its wavelength (the inverse of frequency): the higher a
frequency the shorter its wavelength. "
Its like Gurdjieff said,
'subjective' music cant
achieve these sorts of
things, but 'objective' music can...
How Astrology Maps to the Left-Right Hemispheres
of the Brain
by Ron Alan Pierce ; " In the late 1970s, Dr. Robert Ornstein
visited the IBM Research Lab in San Jose, where I was working, and presented
the essential findings of his book "The Nature of Human
Consciousness", which discussed research in left-right brain processes.
Dr. Ornstein's work helped to clarify a simple picture, which can be likened to
TIME and SPACE , and to Matter and Spirit:"
The atmosphere is literally changing the food we
eat, for the worse. And almost nobody is paying attention.
11/25/10 - Old Age
Rejuvenator Centrifuge (Aug, 1935)
It is necessary only to overcome gravity and you overcome all that
brings you down to earth. In describing trips to other planets, writers of
science fiction have pictured the space travelers first crushed under
intolerable weight during a few moments of ascent from the earth; then
overwhelmed by a feeling of lightness, when all weight disappears. Indeed,
there has been fear that too little gravity might have injurious effects on our
bodies, unaccustomed to such a weightless condition; and that it would be as
necessary to supply artificial gravity in a space ship
as it would be to supply artificial air. However, no one seems to doubt that on
the moon, or on Mars, freedom from the weariness of earthly weight would be
pleasant. No fears of weightlessness are expressed in a recent proposal to the
medical profession of a treatment to remedy the ravages of advancing years, by
the whirling-disc system which our artist has illustrated:
“It would seem,” says the Medical Times, “as though we have not taken
sufficient-if any-account in our study of mechanical factors having influence
upon senile (old-age) phenomena, of the force of gravity. The weight of the
blood thrown by the heart into the first reaches of the vascular (blood-vessel)
tubulature must be taken into
account, along with friction and the ramification of the vascular tree,
in the estimation of wear and tear. So, too, there is the pull-back or weight
of the blood, in the vessels of the extremities, which course away from the
center of the earth which draws all things to it.
“Do not the aging carry
around an ‘increasing’ weight? Is not the resistance to gravity of their moving
bodies discernible in every step taken? Think of the internal pullings on our weakening machinery as we age. The
supporting beams grow weaker; the weight of what they have to support gets
‘greater’; the arches of the feet do not ‘fall,’ they are pulled to the ground;
the jaw sags; the mouth droops; the old man bows and bends; he is pulled toward
the earth; his very eyelids, like window shades toward evening, are drawn down,
and at long last he is literally pulled into his grave.
“Old age, then, is in part a gradual succumbing
to the force of gravity. Should we not take this great fact into mathematical
account in our study of the mechanics of the circulation, of body strains, and
of cardiovascular disease? “What shall the prophylaxis (prevention) and therapy
(treatment) be? How can the effects of this force be mitigated? Lying down
relieves the daytime direction of fatiguing pull in the case of the well or
slightly ill; but something more than this is needed by the badly-damaged.
We suggest periods of centrifugalization.
An individual in special need of treatment might rest at night upon a large
revolving disc with his head toward the outer rim; the disc should be so
beveled as to carry the head at a lower level than the feet; optimum (best)
speed to be determined by laboratory experimentation. Such a disc might be
large enough to carry ten or twenty patients. This mechanism would facilitate
the functions which during the day are inhibited by gravity. Incidentally,
certain cardiac (heart) and vascular disabilities might be especially helped.
The decompensated heart, with edematous (swollen) and varicose extremities, might
respond well.”
It is the principle of the centrifuge, as illustrated, that
it forces objects outward with a pressure which may be made (in certain small,
high-speed scientific instruments) thousands of times that of gravity. However,
no such pressure could be endured by human beings; but a gentle speed, a little
faster perhaps than that of the merry-go-round familiar at amusement parks,
would quite reverse the pressure of gravity on the body. It might be added
that, to avoid undue pressure on the blood vessels of the brain, it might be
well to raise this organ slightly above the level of the body (thus forming a
component with gravity to neutralize both) rather than lower it, as suggested
by the physician. - Full Article Source
James BARE
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Can't Empathize And Analyze At Same Time, New Study
Scientists have discovered that
the brain circuits we engage when we think about social matters, such as
considering other people's views, or moral issues, inhibit the circuits that we
Empathy – A Vital Component of Love
The medium he is referring to is the atmosphere of this
The technical capability to influence
directly the major portion of the
approximately six billion brains of the human species without
mediation through classical sensory modalities by generating
neural information within a physical medium within which all
members of the species are immersed. The historical emergence
of such possibilities, which have ranged from gunpowder to
atomic fission, have resulted in major changes in the social
evolution that occurred inordinately quickly after the
implementation. Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic
Induction of Fundamental Algorithms”.[18]
“Contemporary neuroscience suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by
which all sensory transduction is translated into an intrinsic, brain-specific
code. Direct stimulation of these codes within the human temporal or limbic
cortices by applied electromagnetic patterns may require energy levels which
are within the range of both geomagnetic activity and contemporary
communication networks.
A process which is coupled to the narrow band of brain temperature could allow
all normal human brains to be affected by a sub-harmonic whose frequency range
at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1 Hz.”
He concludes the article with this:
“Within the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable, but
which is now marginally feasible. This potential is the technical capability to
influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of
the human species, without mediation through classical sensory modalities, by
generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members
of the species are immersed.
“The historical emergence of such possibilities, which have ranged from
gunpowder to atomic fission, have resulted in major changes in the social
evolution that occurred inordinately quickly after the implementation.
Reduction of the risk of the inappropriate application of these technologies
requires the continued and open discussion of their realistic feasibility and
implications within the scientific and public domain.”
"You’re returning home from work on what has so far been
a completely typical evening, the street lamps
illuminating your way as you stroll down the footpath. No one else is around.
Oddly, the street lamp nearest you suddenly blinks
out, turning on again as soon as you’ve passed it. A level-headed person, you
attribute the event to coincidence and think no more of it. Three evenings
later, however, while passing the same row of lamps, the phenomenon occurs
again. On this occasion, three successive lamps are affected, each one blinking
out as you approach, only to suddenly blink on again the moment you step