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Thanks to Mark Mighell for sharing this with me!


A twisted magnetic field structure, previously never seen before at Saturn, has now been

detected for the first time, using instrumentation built at UCL and Imperial College.”



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When the Sun’s magnetic field interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field (the magnetosphere), a complex process occurs called magnetic reconnection which can twist the field into a helical shape.

These twisted helically structured magnetic fields are called flux ropes or “flux transfer events” (FTEs) and are observed at Earth and even more commonly at Mercury. The conditions that allow FTEs to be generated at a planet worsen with distance from the Sun, however they have been observed at all the planets out to Jupiter.

The observation of this phenomenon at Saturn has been elusive. Searches have been undertaken to find an FTE with NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, with reports published of none being found. Up until now….

The Cassini spacecraft has been in orbit around Saturn since 2004, and after many years analyzing the data collected, Cassini has observed the first FTE at Saturn. The observed magnetic signature was successfully compared to that of a model to show that Cassini indeed observed a flux rope at this giant magnetosphere, and that the spacecraft passed close to the structure’s center. It is also estimated that the flux rope could be up to 8300 kilometers wide.

"Contrary to previous ideas about Saturn's magnetosphere being unlike its terrestrial counterpart, these findings reveal that Saturn at times behaves and interacts with the Sun in much the same way as Earth." Jamie Jasinski, UCL Space and Climate Physics PhD graduate now based at the University of Michigan, and lead author of the new paper published in Geophysical Research Letters.

This not only shows that magnetic reconnection occurs at Saturn but also that Saturn’s magnetic field can at times interact with the Sun in much the same way as at Earth.

The analysis was completed using a particle spectrometer built at UCL and a magnetometer built at Imperial College, both of which are onboard NASA’s Cassini spacecraft.

The Cassini mission will end in November 2017, when the spacecraft will be steered into the planet to study it, before disintegrating in Saturn’s thick atmosphere.




·         Research paper in Geophysical Research Letters

·         UCL Space and Climate Physics

·         Imperial College London

·         Cassini - Mission to Saturn


Scientists 'see' flux rope formation for the first time


Scientists 'see' flux rope formation for the first time



This shows a blended 131 and 171 angstrom view of flux ropes forming and erupting. Credit: SECCHI Team /NRL/NASA

( —Naval Research Laboratory scientists have observed, for the very first time, the formation of solar flux ropes, which are a type of solar magnetic field. Models of flux ropes have been drawn by theorists in the past, but scientists had never before observed them at the time they formed. The NRL team made their discovery using high-resolution images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and from the NRL-developed Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) telescopes aboard NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO).

These flux ropes have been seen with coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, before, but scientists had argued for years about whether the flux ropes formed before the CME or were formed on-the-fly as the eruption occurred. The answer will determine whether the dominant mechanism for CMEs is plasma instability or changes in the magnetic field connectivity via magnetic reconnection, respectively. The observations made by visiting scientist Dr. Spiro Patsourakos, and NRL researchers Drs. Angelos Vourlidas and Guillermo Stenborg clearly reveal that the flux rope forms before the CME occurs. Their results are published in the Astrophysical Journal issue of February 20, 2013.

In observations from July 18, 2012, the NRL team observed a small burst of light off the West limb of the sun. These flares of light are usually the evidence of an eruption of solar material, in a CME. But the July 18th burst of light was not a CME. As the scientists continued their observations, they saw magnetic field lines that twisted and kinked to form slinky shapes. These magnetic field lines were filled with a charged gas called plasma, at a temperature of ten million degrees. Aided by the extreme ultraviolet images from the AIA, the NRL scientists saw, for the very first time, the formation of the flux rope. On June 19, they saw another solar flare from the same region. In these observations, the flux rope's connection to the sun was severed and the magnetic fields hurled into space forming a fast CME in excess of 1000 km/sec.

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Scientists 'see' flux rope formation for the first time


The ability to observe these flux ropes will allow scientists to better predict when CMEs might occur. Since CMEs have a major effect on space weather, being able to predict the CMEs is very important because of their potential impact on military and civilian space and communication systems.

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For decades, scientists have explored the idea of flux ropes. In the 1970s, plasma physicists proposed that there were coils of magnetic field lines present when solar flares were birthed. Then in 1995, when NRL's Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) launched aboard the ESA/NASA Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), NRL scientists were able to see the flux ropes inside CMEs in the outer corona. But it was a challenge to determine where the related flux ropes formed because they are expected to be small close to the surface of the sun, where they are difficult to see among all the other structures in the corona.

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Scientists 'see' flux rope formation for the first time


This shows a high frequency enhanced 131 angstrom view of flux rope formation. Credit: SECCHI Team /NRL/NASA

"We have stumbled upon the 'Holy Grail' of solar eruptions.This observation resolves the long-standing uncertainty about the dominant mechanism behind CMEs. It appears that CMEs are caused by the loss of equilibrium of a preformed flux rope structure", says Angelos Vourlidas, one of the co-authors of the paper.

At the time of the July 18 eruption, NASA's SDO cameras had the perfect angle to look directly down the center of the flux rope, giving scientists a view of what looked exactly like the slinky drawn by theorists for decades. In addition, the AIA cameras captured imagery like no other cameras are able to do with light at the 131 Angstrom wavelength. This view shows the solar material heated to temperatures of 10,000,000 degrees. Surprisingly, the flux rope was invisible in images at other wavelengths, used regularly for Space Weather analysis. Those wavelengths correspond to cooler (below 2 million degrees) temperatures, however.

Having multiple telescopes aided the researchers greatly as they looked at the July 18 flux rope. With the STEREO spacecraft looking at the sun from a different vantage point than SDO, the researchers were able to unravel the 3-D structure of the flux rope and verify that it was indeed a kinked slinky.

Armed with the knowledge of the connection between this one flux rope and CME, the NRL scientists are focusing on images of the hottest plasmas for other examples of flux ropes, knowing that they can help them refine their theories and understanding of CMEs. Explore further: Solar Dynamics Observatory provides first sightings of how CME forms

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Saturn's Magnetic Environment
Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS)
Karan Molaverdikhani 20 Sep. 2011
Inceladus’ water ice jets influencing radio and auroral activity, and even causes changes in the rotation of the magnetic field itself.
Beams of electrons link Saturn with its moon Enceladus


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Beams of electrons link Saturn with its moon Enceladus
20 April 2011

UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Dr Geraint Jones
Professor Andrew Coates
Cassini-Huygens mission 
Science and Technology Facilities Council 

Data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft have revealed that Enceladus, one of Saturn’s diminutive moons, is linked to Saturn by powerful electrical currents - beams of electrons that flow back and forth between the planet and moon.



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Knot in the Ribbon at the Edge of the Solar System 'Unties'

ScienceDaily (Sep. 30, 2010) — The unusual "knot" in the bright, narrow ribbon of neutral atoms emanating in from the boundary between our solar system and interstellar space appears to have "untied," according to a paper published online in the Journal of Geophysical Research.

Researchers believe the ribbon, first revealed in maps produced by NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft, forms in response to interactions between interstellar space and the heliosphere, the protective bubble in which the Earth and other planets reside. Sensitive neutral atom detectors aboard IBEX produce global maps of this region every six months.

Analyses of the first map, released last fall, suggest the ribbon is somehow ordered by the direction of the local interstellar magnetic field outside the heliosphere, influencing the structure of the heliosphere more than researchers had previously believed. The knot feature seen in the northern portion of the ribbon in the first map stood apart from the rest of the ribbon as the brightest feature at higher energies.


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Visualizing Processes That Lead to “Cracks” in the Earth’s Cocoon
Code from Berkeley Lab Computer Scientist Paints Clearest Picture Yet
These images from a 3D global hybrid simulation of the Earth's magnetosphere show the formation of large-scale magnetic flux ropes, which are a direct consequence of magnetic reconnection. Interactions of these flux ropes lead to turbulent mixing of magnetic field and plasma. (Homa Karimabadi, University of California, San Diego; Burlen Loring, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
Visualizing Processes That Lead to “Cracks” in the Earth’s Cocoon
Code from Berkeley Lab Computer Scientist Paints Clearest Picture Yet
The Sun makes all life on Earth possible. Among its many life-sustaining functions, this star regulates our climate and provides an unlimited source of energy. The Earth is also electromagnetically connected to the Sun, and this relationship exposes our planet to violent solar storms. Unlike Earth, Sun’s atmosphere is not contained but blows across our solar system, a phenomenon called solar wind, which consists of charged particles and an embedded magnetic field.

Fortunately, our planet is mostly protected from these events by a cocoon of magnetic field called the magnetosphere. Scientists refer to this interaction between solar wind and Earth’s magnetosphere as “space weather.” The magnetic shielding is not perfect, and there are processes that lead to “cracks” in the Earth’s magnetosphere. As a result, during strong storms on the Sun, energetic particles can travel through the solar wind and seep into the magnetosphere, wreaking havoc on electronics, power grids and space satellites.

“Observations and simulations show that magnetic reconnection is the predominant mechanism that fractures Earth’s protective magnetic shield … if it weren’t for the reconnection process, Earth’s magnetic field would be able to deflect nearly everything coming from the Sun,” says Homa Karimabadi, who leads the space physics group at the University of California, San Diego. “Given the central role of magnetic reconnection in exposing us to the effects of space weather, we are working on understanding this process in great detail.”
APRIL 30, 2012 | Tags: Visualization and Analytics

Linda Vu,, +1 510 495 2402


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Figure 2. A view of the dayside magnetosphere from the Sun. 
A magnetic flux rope, or flux transfer event (FTE), stretches across the dayside magnetosphere from dawn to dusk. The rope contains magnetospheric magnetic field lines (red), interplanetary magnetic field lines (yellow), and lines that pass from the magnetosphere into interplanetary space (grey). Results are from the University of Michigan's BATS-R-US model with enhanced resolution in the vicinity of the dayside magnetopause.

by David G. Sibeck

The Earth
s magnetic field carves out a cavity known as the magnetosphere in the oncoming supersonic solar wind flow (see figure below). Variations in the solar wind pressure constantly batter the magnetosphere, driving antisunward-propagating waves on the outer boundary of the Earths magnetic field (the magnetopause). Other antisunward-propagating waves are generated by the motion of the solar wind flow past the magnetopause, just as waves on a lake are generated by gail force winds.




Laniakea: Our home supercluster
Published on Sep 3, 2014
Superclusters – regions of space that are densely packed with galaxies – are the biggest structures in the Universe. But scientists have struggled to define exactly where one supercluster ends an
d another begins. Now, a team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique that maps the Universe according to the flow of galaxies across space. Redrawing the boundaries of the cosmic map, they redefine our home supercluster and name it Laniakea, which means ‘immeasurable heaven’ in Hawaiian.






On the relationship between interplanetary magnetic field and cosmic ray flux over Antarctica

R. Selvamurugan 
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel (West), Navi Mumbai- 410218, India
D. N. Rao 
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, P.Box. No.123, Tirupati- 517502, AP, India
The total Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) probed by the ACE Satellite during the years 1997-2004 has been used to investigate the corresponding changes observed in the cosmic Ray Flux (CRF) during the same period at Mac Murdo (77.9° S, 166.6° E) in Antarctica. The analysis unambiguously shows that the CRF is predominantly influenced by the total IMF and occasional fluctuations of the CRF perhaps are associated with the Galactic cosmic ray flux changes. However, data on the absolute changes occurring with the Galactic CRF are not known to exist from any independent measurements outside the heliosphere. The data from ULYSSES satellite on high energy alpha particles (Z>=3 and 26-173+ MeV/n) of solar cosmic ray is found to be positively correlated to the CRF flux measured at ground to a large extent. Further, it is to be mentioned that the earthbound phenomena at lower atmosphere like cloud formation, thus, related Climatological effects although seem to have a causal relationship with the CRF need to be more closely examined since the penetration of CRF is found to be significantly depend on the total IMF conditions prevailing just outside our earth at Magnetopause distances.


Reconnecting Magnetic Fields
The huge amounts of energy released from the relinking of magnetic fields in outer space are both mysterious and potentially destructive
James L. Burch and James F. Drake


Gravimagnetism Horace Heffner July, 2007

Under the straw man hypothesis virtual photons could carry no gravitational mass charge. There is powerful evidence virtual photons can carry no mass charge even without the straw man hypothesis. Virtual photons having no mass charge solves the "infinite mass density of the zero point field" 7 problem, because virtual photons, having no gravitational mass, can thus not create any mass density for the field carried. Also convenient, and in fact required, is that gravitons, under the isomorphism, are then not required by symmetry to carry Coulomb charge. Since ordinary charged particles have mass, and thus carry mass charge as well, the isomorphism therefore requires gravitationally charged particles to carry a corresponding though small amount of Coulomb charge, to at least weakly couple the gravitational mass charge to the EM force. Gravitons carrying Coulomb charge would lead yet again to their inability to escape black holes, because that Coulomb charge must have an associated gravitational mass. The only logical conclusion, if the desired isomorphism exists, is that virtual photons have no mass charge, i.e. exhibit no gravitational mass. Virtual photons have no gravitational mass because they carry no energy, they are created and abasorbed without energetic considerations. Similarly then, it is deduced virtual particles carry no mass charge.


presentee par MURAT CUBUKCU
pour l'obtention du titre de

Sujet :

Soutenue le 25 juin 2010 devant le jury compose de
Mr. JEAN MARIE GEORGE { Rapporteur
Mr. ALBERT FERT { President
Mr. NITIN SAMARTH { Examinateur
Mr. JURGEN von BARDELEBEN { Directeur de these
Institut des NanoSciences de Paris { UMR 7588
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie { Paris VI
The subject of my thesis manipulation of magnetic anisotropies in ferromagnetic thin epitaxial semiconducting layers is situated in the
eld of spintronics. In spintronics it is the spin dependent electronic transport properties which are used to create new structures and functionalities. It was
rst exploited in purely metallic materials and was highlighted by the 2007 Nobel prize in Physics awarded to Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg. The interesting challenge is to combine these functions with semiconductor materials of technological importance such as Si and the III-V compounds. Materials naturally magnetic and semiconductor in nature, like (EuO, GdN) do exist but their Curie temperature remains low essentially due to the weak magnetic coupling of the localized electrons of the magnetic atoms and the delocalized electrons. They are usually also di
cult to grow and their quality remains far from the semiconductor technology grade. Their low Curie temperature, large defect concentrations, di
culties of doping, and weak compatibility with existing semiconductor technology render these materials not well suited for applications up to now.


Milky Way's Magnetic Fields Mapped with Highest Precision

December 12, 2011 at 12:22am

With a unique new all-sky map, scientists at MPA have made significant progress toward measuring the magnetic field structure of the Milky Way in unprecedented detail. Specifically, the map is of a quantity known as Faraday depth, which among other things, depends strongly on the magnetic fields along a particular line of sight. To produce the map, data were combined from more than 41,000 individual measurements using a novel image reconstruction technique.

The work was a collaboration between scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), who are specialists in the new discipline of information field theory, and a large international team of radio astronomers. The new map not only reveals the structure of the galactic magnetic field on large scales, but also small-scale features that provide information about turbulence in the galactic gas.

All galaxies are permeated by magnetic fields, including our own Milky Way galaxy. Despite intensive research, the origin of galactic magnetic fields is still unknown. One assumes, however, that they are built up by dynamo processes in which mechanical energy is converted into magnetic energy.

Similar processes occur in the interior of the earth, the Sun, and - in the broadest sense - in the gadgets that power bicycle lights through peddling. By revealing the magnetic field structure throughout the Milky Way, the new map provides important insights into the machinery of galactic dynamos.

One way to measure cosmic magnetic fields, which has been known for over 150 years, makes use of an effect known as Faraday rotation. When polarized light passes through a magnetized medium, the plane of polarization rotates. The amount of rotation depends, among other things, on the strength and direction of the magnetic field. Therefore, observing such rotation allows one to investigate the properties of the intervening magnetic fields.

To measure the magnetic field of our own galaxy, radio astronomers observe the polarized light from distant radio sources, which passes through the Milky Way on its way to the Earth. The amount of rotation due to the Faraday effect can be deduced by measuring the polarization of the source at several frequencies.

Each such measurement can only provide information about a single path through the Galaxy. To get a complete picture of the magnetic fields in the Milky Way from Faraday rotation measurements, one must observe many sources distributed across the entire sky.

A large international collaboration of radio astronomers have provided data from 26 different projects to give a total of 41,330 individual measurements. On average, the complete catalogue contains approximately one radio source per square degree of sky.

Even with so much data, coverage of the sky is still rather sparse. There remain large regions, especially in the southern sky, where so far only relatively few measurements have been made. Therefore, to obtain a realistic map of the entire sky, one must interpolate between the existing data points. Here, two difficulties arise.

First, the respective measurement accuracies vary greatly, and more precise measurements should have a greater influence. Also, the extent to which a single measurement point can provide reliable information about its surrounding environment is not known. This information must therefore be directly inferred from the data itself.

In addition, there is another problem. The measurement uncertainties are themselves uncertain owing to the highly complex measurement process. It so happens that the actual measurement error for a small but significant portion of the data can be more than ten times as large as those indicated by the astronomers. The perceived accuracy of these outliers can strongly distort the resulting map if one does not correct for this effect.

To account for such problems, scientists at MPA have developed a new algorithm for image reconstruction called the "extended critical filter". To derive this algorithm, the team makes use of the tools provided by the new discipline known as information field theory.

Information field theory incorporates logical and statistical methods applied to fields, and is a very powerful tool for dealing with inaccurate information. The approach is quite general and can be of benefit in a variety of image and signal-processing applications, not only in astronomy, but also in other fields such as medicine or geography.

In addition to the detailed Faraday depth map (Fig. 1), the algorithm provides a map of the uncertainties (Fig. 2). Especially in the galactic disk and in the less well-observed region around the south celestial pole (bottom right quadrant), the uncertainties are significantly larger.

To better emphasize the structures in the galactic magnetic field, in Figure 3 the effect of the galactic disk has been removed so that weaker features above and below the galactic disk are more visible.

This reveals not only the conspicuous horizontal band of the gas disk of our Milky Way in the middle of the picture, but also that the magnetic field directions seem to be opposite above and below the disk.

An analogous change of direction also takes place between the left and right sides of the image, from one side of the center of the Milky Way to the other.

A particular scenario in galactic dynamo theory predicts such symmetrical structures, which is supported by the newly created map. In this scenario, the magnetic fields are predominantly aligned parallel to the plane of the galactic disk in a circular or spiral configuration. The direction of the spiral is opposite above and below the galactic disk (Fig. 3). The observed symmetries in the Faraday map stem from our position within the galactic disk.

In addition to these large-scale structures, several smaller structures are apparent as well. These are associated with turbulent eddies and lumps in the highly dynamic gas of the Milky Way. The new map making algorithm provides, as a by-product, a characterization of the size distribution of these turbulent structures, the so-called power spectrum.

Larger structures are more pronounced than smaller, as is typical for turbulent systems. This spectrum can be directly compared with computer simulations of the turbulent gas and magnetic field dynamics in our galaxy, thus allowing for detailed tests of galactic dynamo models.

The new map is not only interesting for the study of our galaxy. Future studies of extragalactic magnetic fields will draw on this map to account for contamination from the Galactic contribution.

The next generation of radio telescopes, such as LOFAR, eVLA, ASKAP, Meerkat and the SKA, are expected in the coming years and decades, and with them will come a wealth of new measurements of the Faraday effect. New data will prompt updates to the image of the Faraday sky. Perhaps this map will show the way to the hidden origin of galactic magnetic fields.

Niels Oppermann, Henrik Junklewitz, Georg Robbers, Mike R. Bell, Torsten A. Enbin, Annalisa Bonafede, Robert Braun, Jo-Anne C. Brown, Tracy E. Clarke, Ilana J. Feain, Bryan M. Gaensler, Alison Hammond, Lisa Harvey-Smith, George Heald, Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Uli Klein, Phil P. Kronberg, S. Ann Mao, Naomi M. McClure-Griffiths, Shane P. O'Sullivan, Luke Pratley, Tim Robishaw, Subhashis Roy, Dominic H.F.M. Schnitzeler, Carlos Sotomayor-Beltran, Jamie Stevens, Jeroen M. Stil, Caleb Sunstrum, Anant Tanna, A. Russell Taylor, and Cameron L. Van Eck, "An improved map of the galactic Faraday sky", 2011, submitted. Niels Oppermann, Georg Robbers, Torsten A. Enblin, "Reconstructing signals from noisy data with unknown signal and noise covariances", 2011, Physical Review E 84, 041118. Torsten A. Enblin, Mona Frommert, Francisco S. Kitaura, "Information field theory for cosmological perturbation reconstruction and non-linear signal analysis", 2009, Phys. Rev. D 80, 105005.

The sky map of the Faraday effect caused by the magnetic fields of the Milky Way. Red and blue colors indicate regions of the sky where the magnetic field points toward and away from the observer, respectively. The band of the Milky Way (the plane of the galactic disk) extends horizontally in this panoramic view. The center of the Milky Way lies in the middle of the image. The North celestial pole is at the top left and the South Pole is at the bottom rightThe sky map of the Faraday effect caused by the magnetic fields of the Milky Way. Red and blue colors indicate regions of the sky where the magnetic field points toward and away from the observer, respectively. The band of the Milky Way (the plane of the galactic disk) extends horizontally in this panoramic view. The center of the Milky Way lies in the middle of the image. The North celestial pole is at the top left and the South Pole is at the bottom right




We live in an expanding rupture in a Crystal universe of collapsing quantum fields



Crystal Universe of Galactic Systems 

Frozen Bose-Einstein Condensate


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Study of the Magnetosphere

Jan 22 · Privacy: Public · Get Notifications

Electromagnetic Pressure shell.............................................................. .Bow Pressure wave.........................................................

Resonant spectrum transfer of information............................................. Internal Structure.

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Magnetism – Album Collected by Mark Mighell


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Mark Mighell, Antoine Cottebrune Solam and 113 others


Mark Mighell Two properties of the electromagnetic knots
Antonio F. Ra˜nada¤and Jos´e L. Truebay
Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica
Universidad Complutense
28040 Madrid, Spain
Physics Letters A 232, 25-32, 1997
We prove two properties of the electromagnetic knots in empty
space. First, that any standard radiation fields (i. e. verifying
E ¢ B = 0) coincide locally with an electromagnetic knot. Second, that
the electric and magnetic helicities of any knot are equal. These results
can be used as a basis for a topological model of electromagnetism.
PACS. 11.10, 03.50, 02.40, 41.10
Keywords: electromagnetic field, topological field, knot, helicity,

November 26, 2011 at 6:47amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell On asymptotic higher analogs of the magnetic
helicity invariant in MHD
Peter M. Akhmet’ev
We investigate a problem by V.I.Arnol’d about higher analog of the
asymptotic Hopf invariant of divergence-free vector fields. A definition
of an asymptotic finite-order invariant for classical links is presented.
Various problems, which are investigated by means of the magnetic
helicity invariant are considered.

November 26, 2011 at 6:52amLike

Mark Mighell

Abstract. We give an ergodic interpretation of Hopf-Novikov helicities as conjectured by
V.I Arnold in [1]. We then extend to higher dimension the topological lower bounds obtained by
M.Freedman and Z.X. He in [8] for energies of invariant forms of linked foliations.

November 26, 2011 at 6:55amLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Research Statement
Clayton Shonkwiler
1. Introduction
My research is largely focused on the interplay between geometry, topology, differential
forms, and vector fields. Different approaches to these ideas have led me into the areas of
differential geometry, inverse problems, knot theory, and contact geometry, but in each case
my underlying motivation is to understand some manifestation of the connection between
geometry and topology.
Some of the questions that have guided my work are:
• It is well-known that the cohomology of a manifold is represented by differential
forms, but how much of the geometry of the manifold do these representatives of
cohomology encode? Can they tell us how “close” the manifold is to being complete?
• How much of the geometry and topology of a manifold can be recovered from physically
meaningful boundary data? Can the manifold be completely reconstructed
from this data?
• Very few useful topological invariants of vector fields are known: can we construct
new ones that provide lower bounds for the field energy?
• How can we detect geometric properties of Legendrian knots?

November 26, 2011 at 6:59amLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 33 no 1-2, 2008 183
Electromagnetic knots and the magnetic flux in
Jos´e L. Trueba
Area de Electromagnetismo
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
C. del Molino s/n, 28943 Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain

November 26, 2011 at 7:04amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell The third order helicity of magnetic
elds via link maps.

R. Komendarczyk

y June 8, 2009
We introduce an alternative approach to the third order helicity of a volume preserving vector
eld B, which leads us to a lower bound for the L2-energy of B. The proposed approach exploits correspondence between the Milnor 123-invariant for 3-component links and the homotopy invariants of maps to con
guration spaces, and we provide a simple geometric proof of this fact in the case of Borromean links. Based on these connections we develop a formulation for the third order helicity of B on invariant unlinked domains of B, and provide Arnold's style ergodic interpretation of this invariant as an average asymptotic 123-invariant of orbits of B.

November 26, 2011 at 7:28amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell
Space Plasma Physics - Planetary Magnetospheres


Erika Harnett's Web Page

November 27, 2011 at 12:01amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Espisodic detachment of Martian crustal
magnetic fields leading to bulk
atmospheric plasma escape

November 27, 2011 at 12:05amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulation of expanding
magnetic flux ropes
L. Arnold,1 J. Dreher,1 R. Grauer,1 H. Soltwisch,2 and H. Stein2
1Theoretische Physik I, Ruhr-Universität, 44780 Bochum, Germany
2Experimentalphysik V, Ruhr-Universität, 44780 Bochum, Germany
Received 16 August 2007; accepted 11 March 2008; published online 24 April 2008[1]
Three-dimensional, time-dependent numerical simulations of the dynamics of magnetic flux ropes are presented. The simulations are targeted towards an experiment previously conducted at California Institute of Technology

P. M. Bellan and J. F. Hansen, Phys. Plasmas 5, 1991 1998[1]
 which aimed at simulating solar prominence eruptions in the laboratory. The plasma dynamics is described by ideal magnetohydrodynamics using different models for the evolution of the mass density. The initial current distribution represents the situation at the plasma creation phase, while it is not increased during the simulation. Key features of the reported experimental observations like pinching of the current loop, its expansion and distortion into helical shape are reproduced in the numerical simulations. Details of the final structure depend on the choice of a specific model for the mass density. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.2903904

November 27, 2011 at 12:09amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Chapter 6
Source and loss processes
in the magnetotail
...See More

November 27, 2011 at 12:18amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


NASA's Cosmicopia -- Sun -- Sun's Magnetic Field

Cosmicopia at NASA/GSFC -- Sun -- Sun's Magnetic Field

November 27, 2011 at 12:52amLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Coronal mass ejections and magnetic flux buildup in the heliosphere
M. J. Owens1 and N. U. Crooker1
Received 31 January 2006; revised 26 April 2006; accepted 25 May 2006; published 11 October 2006.
[1] To test for magnetic flux buildup in the heliosphere from coronal mass
ejections (CMEs), we simulate heliospheric flux as a constant background open flux with a time-varying interplanetary CME (ICME) contribution. As flux carried by ejecta
can only contribute to the heliospheric flux budget while it remains closed, the ICME flux opening rate is an important factor. Two separate forms for the ICME flux opening rate are considered: (1) constant and (2) exponentially decaying with time. Coronagraph observations are used to determine the CME occurrence rates, while in situ observations are used to estimate the magnetic flux content of a typical ICME. Both static equilibrium and dynamic simulations, using the constant and exponential ICME flux opening models, require flux opening timescales of 50 days in order to match the observed doubling in the magnetic field intensity at 1 AU over the solar cycle. Such timescales are equivalent to a change in the ICME closed flux of only 7–12% between 1 and 5 AU, consistent with CSE signatures; no flux buildup results. The dynamic simulation yields a solar cycle flux variation with high variability that matches the overall variability of the observed magnetic field intensity remarkably well, including the double peak forming the Gnevyshev gap.

December 3, 2011 at 9:23amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell CLUSTER observations of electrostatic acceleration structures above the polar cap and implications for their origin in the magnetopause boundary layer
Dominique Fontaine and Alexandra Teste LPP, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France, tel: +33 1 69 33 59 09, fax: +33 1 69 33 59 06, e-mail :
During quiet periods of Northward IMF, CLUSTER observed electron acceleration structures at high altitudes along magnetic field lines connected to the polar and extended along the magnetopause boundary layers. The electrons are observed to be successively earthward and outward accelerated, forming current sheets of opposite polarities. The precipitating electrons are accelerated to keV-energies in relatively stable and broad structures. The outflowing electron beams, accelerated to weaker energies (tens of eV), form structures at much smaller scales. These acceleration structures are suggested to result from electrostatic structures generated at the
interface between the magnetopause boundary layers and the lobes.

December 3, 2011 at 3:39pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell ILWS WORKSHOP 2006, GOA, FEBRUARY 19-24, 2006
On the relationship between interplanetary magnetic field and cosmic ray flux over Antarctica
R. Selvamurugan
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel (West), Navi Mumbai- 410218, India
D. N. Rao
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, P.Box. No.123, Tirupati- 517502, AP, India
The total Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) probed by the ACE Satellite during the years 1997-2004 has been used to investigate the corresponding changes observed in the cosmic Ray Flux (CRF) during the same period at Mac Murdo (77.9° S, 166.6° E) in Antarctica. The analysis unambiguously shows that the CRF is predominantly influenced by the total IMF and occasional fluctuations of the CRF perhaps are associated with the Galactic cosmic ray flux changes. However, data on the absolute changes occurring with the Galactic CRF are not known to exist from any independent measurements outside the heliosphere. The data from ULYSSES satellite on high energy alpha particles (Z>=3 and 26-173+ MeV/n) of solar cosmic ray is found to be positively correlated to the CRF flux measured at ground to a large extent. Further, it is to be mentioned that the earthbound phenomena at lower atmosphere like cloud formation, thus, related Climatological effects although seem to have a causal relationship with the CRF need to be more closely examined since the penetration of CRF is found to be significantly depend on the total IMF conditions prevailing just outside our earth at Magnetopause distances.

December 3, 2011 at 6:33pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Reconnecting Magnetic Fields
The huge amounts of energy released from the relinking of magnetic fields in outer space are both mysterious and potentially destructive
James L. Burch and James F. Drake

December 3, 2011 at 6:41pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Gravimagnetism Horace Heffner July, 2007
Under the straw man hypothesis virtual photons could carry no gravitational mass charge. There is powerful evidence virtual photons can carry no mass charge even without the straw man hypothesis. Virtual photons having no mass charge solves the "infinite mass density of the zero point field" 7 problem, because virtual photons, having no gravitational mass, can thus not create any mass density for the field carried. Also convenient, and in fact required, is that gravitons, under the isomorphism, are then not required by symmetry to carry Coulomb charge. Since ordinary charged particles have mass, and thus carry mass charge as well, the isomorphism therefore requires gravitationally charged particles to carry a corresponding though small amount of Coulomb charge, to at least weakly couple the gravitational mass charge to the EM force. Gravitons carrying Coulomb charge would lead yet again to their inability to escape black holes, because that Coulomb charge must have an associated gravitational mass. The only logical conclusion, if the desired isomorphism exists, is that virtual photons have no mass charge, i.e. exhibit no gravitational mass. Virtual photons have no gravitational mass because they carry no energy, they are created and abasorbed without energetic considerations. Similarly then, it is deduced virtual particles carry no mass charge.

December 9, 2011 at 4:46amLike

Mark Mighell

presentee par MURAT CUBUKCU
pour l'obtention du titre de
Sujet :
Soutenue le 25 juin 2010 devant le jury compose de
Mr. JEAN MARIE GEORGE { Rapporteur
Mr. ALBERT FERT { President
Mr. NITIN SAMARTH { Examinateur
Mr. JURGEN von BARDELEBEN { Directeur de these
Institut des NanoSciences de Paris { UMR 7588
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie { Paris VI
The subject of my thesis manipulation of magnetic anisotropies in ferromagnetic thin epitaxial semiconducting layers is situated in the
eld of spintronics. In spintronics it is the spin dependent electronic transport properties which are used to create new structures and functionalities. It was
rst exploited in purely metallic materials and was highlighted by the 2007 Nobel prize in Physics awarded to Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg. The interesting challenge is to combine these functions with semiconductor materials of technological importance such as Si and the III-V compounds. Materials naturally magnetic and semiconductor in nature, like (EuO, GdN) do exist but their Curie temperature remains low essentially due to the weak magnetic coupling of the localized electrons of the magnetic atoms and the delocalized electrons. They are usually also di
cult to grow and their quality remains far from the semiconductor technology grade. Their low Curie temperature, large defect concentrations, di
culties of doping, and weak compatibility with existing semiconductor technology render these materials not well suited for applications up to now.

December 10, 2011 at 11:18pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell

SPACE (Space science, Physics And Cosmology Enthusiasts)

December 12, 2011

Milky Way's Magnetic Fields Mapped with Highest Precision

With a unique new all-sky map, scientists at MPA have made significant progress toward measuring the magnetic field structure of the Milky Way in unprecedented detail. Specifically, the map is of a quantity known as Faraday depth, which among other things, depends strongly on the magnetic fields along a particular ...

Continue Reading

December 12, 2011 at 12:33amLike

Mayank Shubham

Mayank Shubham is there any gama ray brust???????

December 12, 2011 at 6:43amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Particle acceleration at relativistic shock waves
Martin Lemoine1, Guy Pelletier2
1 Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS, UPMC, 98 bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France
2 Institut de Planetologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble, CNRS, Universite Joseph Fourier-II, 34 rue de la Piscine, 38041 Grenoble, France
arXiv:1111.7110v1 [astro-ph.HE] 30 Nov 2011
Relativistic sources, e.g. gamma-ray bursts, pulsar wind nebulae and powerful active galactic nuclei produce relativistic out ows that lead to the formation of collisionless shock waves, where particle acceleration is thought to take place. Our understanding of relativistic shock acceleration has improved in the past decade, thanks to the combination of analytical studies and high level numerical simulations. In ultra-relativistic shocks, particle acceleration is made di
cult by the generically transverse magnetic
eld and large advection speed of the shocked plasma. Fast growing microturbulence is thus needed to make the Fermi process operative. It is thought, and numerical simulations support that view, that the penetration of supra-thermal particles in the shock precursor generates a magnetic turbulence which in turn produces the scattering process needed for particle acceleration through the Fermi mechanism. Through the comparison of the growth timescale of the microinstabilities in the shock precursor and the precursor crossing timescale, it is possible to delimit in terms of magnetization and shock Lorentz factor the region in which micro-turbulence may be excited, hence whether and how Fermi acceleration is triggered. These
ndings are summarized here and astrophysical consequences are drawn

December 12, 2011 at 6:57amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Hot Quark Soup Produced at RHIC

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC, ) is a 2.4-mile-circumference particle accelerator/collider that has been operating at Bro...

December 14, 2011 at 8:48amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell The Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm
M. A. Clark
(Submitted on 6 Oct 2006)
The past few years have seen considerable progress in algorithmic development for the generation of gauge fields including the effects of dynamical fermions. The Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo (RHMC) algorithm, where Hybrid Monte Carlo is performed using a rational approximation in place the usual inverse quark matrix kernel is one of these developments. This algorithm has been found to be extremely beneficial in many areas of lattice QCD (chiral fermions, finite temperature, Wilson fermions etc.). We review the algorithm and some of these benefits, and we compare against other recent algorithm developements. We conclude with an update of the Berlin wall plot comparing costs of all popular fermion formulations.

December 14, 2011 at 8:54pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Proton-Air inelastic cross section measurement with ARGO-YBJ
Ivan De Mitri University of Salento and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Lecce, Italy
...See More

December 14, 2011 at 10:24pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Electromagnetic Processes at the LHC:
Nuclear Parton Distributions from Deep Inelastic Pair Production and Exclusive Photoproduction of Single W Bosons
Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der W¨urde eines Doktors der Philosophie vorgelegt der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult¨at
der Universit¨at Basel von Ute Dreyer aus Deutschland
Ultra-peripheral collisions at ion colliders, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, offer the possibility to study electromagnetic processes at hitherto unexplored energies. In the framework of the equivalent photon approximation (EPA), where relativistic charged particles are treated as beams of equivalent photons, the collisions of ions can be used to study two-photon (collisions) or photonuclear processes (p and A collisions). This thesis contains two studies of processes which might be observed at the LHC. The main purpose in these studies is the estimation of the total rates of these processes at LHC energies and the investigation of their event signature, in order to find out whether an observation of these processes is feasible and what can be learnt from them.
See Translation

December 14, 2011 at 10:28pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Measuring the Inelastic and Total Cross-Sections for p-Air and p-p Collisions at s1/2 ~ 44 TeV Using HiRes Stereo Data
Tyler Poniatowski
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
We make a measurement of p-Air and p-p cross-sections using MC data to provide necessary parameters and then applying parameters to real HiRes data. Findings are given in context of results from previous research and our values are found to be consistent with both theory and previous measurements. Includes a brief introduction to astro-particle physics and the HiRes project.

December 15, 2011 at 5:29amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Magnetic helicity fluxes in αΩ dynamos
Simon Candelaresi and Axel Brandenburg
NORDITA, AlbaNova University Center, Roslagstullsbacken 23, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, SE 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract. In turbulent dynamos the production of large-scale magnetic fields is accompanied by a separation of magnetic helicity in scale. The large- and small-scale parts increase in magnitude. The small-scale part can eventually work against the dynamo and quench it, especially at high magnetic Reynolds numbers. A one-dimensional mean-field model of a dynamo is presented where diffusive magnetic helicity fluxes within the domain are important. It turns out that this effect helps to alleviate the quenching. Here we show that internal magnetic helicity fluxes, even within one hemisphere, can be important for alleviating catastrophic quenching.

December 16, 2011 at 6:12amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics

Open access journal for theoretical physics


Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics

A brief survey of the author's works on the fundamental conceptual ideas of quantum statistical physics developed by N. N. Bogoliubov and his school was given. The development and applications of the method  of quasiaverages  to…

December 17, 2011 at 12:57amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Physics Documents
John Denker

Physics Documents

December 17, 2011 at 2:36amLike2

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell

What causes gravity - dark energy, the new aether

The cause of gravity remains illusive despite exhaustive mental effort applied to the subject. This is an intuitive contribution to the theory of gravity

December 29, 2011 at 10:25amLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell A review of geomagnetic cutoff rigidities for earth-orbiting spacecraft
D.F. Smart *, M.A. Shea
Air Force Research Laboratory VSBX, Space Vehicles Directorate, 29 Randolph Road, Bedford, MA 01731, USA
Received 2 December 2002; received in revised form 15 August 2004; accepted 1 September 2004
Geomagnetic cutoff rigidities are a quantitative measure of the shielding provided by the earths magnetic field. More precisely, geomagnetic cutoff rigidities predict the energetic charged particle transmission through the magnetosphere to a specific location as a function of direction. The generally accepted manner for determining cutoff rigidities is by the method of tracing particle trajectories in model magnetospheres. However, the trajectory-tracing process is so computer intensive that in the interest of economy, many approximations are still utilized. The use of modifications of the Sto¨rmer equation (with an appropriate magnetic coordinate system) is sufficient for many applications. However, for precise experimental measurements, cutoff rigidities determined by the trajectorytracing method must be utilized.
Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR.

January 4, 2012 at 10:23amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Bose-Einstein Condensates

Information on Bose-Einstein Condensates

January 6, 2012 at 4:25amLike2

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Earth's magnetic field - 12/2010

Computeur simulation of the earth's magnetic field for the 15, 16 and 17 november 2010. The visualization shows many magnetic field surfaces, each of them ar...

January 7, 2012 at 7:38amLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell Gravitational radiation. sep 2009, 35.6MB pdf

January 31, 2012 at 5:51pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Science off the Sphere: Knitting Needle Experiment

Expedition 30 astronaut Don Pettit uses knitting needles and water droplets to demonstrate physics in space through 'Science off the Sphere.' This is part of...

February 6, 2012 at 9:21pmLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


The fossil magnetism

The Astrophysical Division is a department of the Research Institue of the Universe Fundamental Laws (IRFU).

February 8, 2012 at 2:47amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


C2H2 - Propogation of CMEs

Once a CME is initiated and ejected into space, it is crucial to understand how the CME evolves as it travels towards Earth. A key factor affecting CME evolution is the way in which it interacts with the solar wind and interplanetary…

February 10, 2012 at 2:41amLike2

Animesh Chandrakar

Animesh Chandrakar Wow

February 11, 2012 at 1:48amLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell
MOTA.(c) (22 photos)
Visual 2
Click to Drive
MOTA (c) Dynamics

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Mark Mighell added 93 new photos from February 20, 2012 to the album: MOTA.(c) — with Andres Nicolas Akeva Davila and 7 others.

February 20, 2012

Magnetic Oscillation Transfer of Atmosphere. Asteroid Harvesting(mining)

March 13, 2012 at 6:02amLike

Elias Fazel

Elias Fazel shared to

March 21, 2012 at 12:51pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell

Magnetic Field of the Strongest Magnet

A magnet is a metallic object capable of attracting iron and certain other metals and alloys. Around every magnet there is a region in which the force of the magnet exists. The region is called the magnetic field. The international unit of the magnetic field is the tesla (T). The strongest lab...

March 27, 2012 at 4:25amLike2

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves

Maxwell’s four equations describe the electric and magnetic fields arising from varying distributions of electric charges and currents, and how those fields change in time.  The equations were the mathematical distillation of decades of…

April 5, 2012 at 2:41pmLike1

Isabel Mendiola

Isabel Mendiola AWESOME!

April 29, 2012 at 7:23pmLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell



You are viewing the html version of Simple Nature, by Benjamin Crowell. This version is only designed for casual browsing, and may have some formatting problems. For serious reading, you want the Adobe Acrobat version.

June 27, 2012 at 11:37amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to the Sun - NASA Science

Researchers have discovered 'magnetic portals' forming high above Earth that can briefly connect our planet to the Sun. Not only are the portals common, one space physicist contends they form twice as often as anyone had previously…

July 12, 2012 at 1:07amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Science with the LSST | LSST

Space-time Warp The detailed mass distribution in the cluster CL0024 is shown, with gravitationally distorted graph paper overlaid. This detailed dark matter distribution can be used to constrain theories of dark matter. Observed strong lensing…

July 12, 2012 at 1:19amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell here is the detail, that explains, why LAIC and Solar CMEs can even affect the decay rate in nuclear power plants up to the point, that you can't even shut them down, as happened in Fukushima ...


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

When the nuclear magnetic moment associated with a nuclear spin is placed in an external magnetic field, the different spin states are given different magnetic potential energies. In the presence of the static magnetic field which produces…

July 30, 2012 at 11:13amLike2

Sheila Whitaker

Sheila Whitaker All pics should be of this caliber.......the lines are thinner, hence, a more accurate display of energy! Awesome pic

July 30, 2012 at 11:19amLike1

Joan Mclatchey

Joan Mclatchey What an album!<3

July 30, 2012 at 11:45amLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell

Lecture Demonstration Laboratory

September 9, 2012 at 7:36amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


These observations argue for a mechanism within the Earth's interior that continually generates the geomagnetic field. It has long been speculated that this mechanism is a convective dynamo operating in the Earth's fluid outer core, which surrounds its solid inner core, both being mainly composed of...

September 17, 2012 at 5:36amLike2

Elizabeth Maas

Elizabeth Maas During a pole reversal, would the changing, misaligned magnetic and electric fluxes within the earth change the rate of heat radiation of the earth? For instance, the earth's surface warms when the magnet poles become disoriented sing the non-coherence of the poles mixes the earth's core in a more random fashion.

October 10, 2012 at 12:49pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell That is a little hard to answer that question. I would think there be an increase in heat dissipation due to core activity, but how long for the energy to reach the surface ?

October 10, 2012 at 6:54pmLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Measuring earth's vital magnetic field Earth's magnetosphere is an invisible shield, protecting our planet from harmful solar radiation. Many living organisms - from bacte...

October 25, 2012 at 3:10amLike4

Torsten P. Kersten

Torsten P. Kersten at the moment we have delays of 6 hours up to 48 hours in phases of induction on the earth magnetic field until a significant tectonic reaction. since the fastest reversal was the one 41.000 years ago and it took 'only' 250 years, one can follow up the historic scenario. But I am afraid that still the ice sheets were rather different than today .... which makes a difference, even for surface tectonics. Further we can observe the pole-offdrift accelerating and we witness quite unusual volcanism. It's not the single event yet, it's the number of awakening volcanoes which have been dormant. See last 10 years. So, I don't know yet wheter a basalt flood eruption has been recorded for the period, that GFZ reported recently about, but event his should be easy to check out.

If so, it would tell about a heat rise, possibly in context of a bolide impact (see antipode focussing, Mark Boslough). I have found enough credible evidence to state, that an impact in these phases of 'limited' electromagnetic shielding is more than 'likely' ...

At the moment the field strength is degressing by 10 % per year ....

October 25, 2012 at 3:53amLike2

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell

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Oliver Thewalt

August 17, 2013

Nobel Lecture, 8 December, 1977
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

... See More

August 17, 2013 at 7:53pmLike1

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell

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November 5, 2013 at 12:15pmEditedLike5

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


WATCH: Magnetism only exists because of quantum mechanics (Science Alert)

Think you understand magnets? Scientists have realised over the past century that, despite what we thought we knew, magnetism is nothing but quantu

September 17, 2014 at 2:50amLike3

François Bouquin

François Bouquin


Richard Feynman Magnets

Richard Phillips Feynman was an American physicist known for the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics and th...

September 17, 2014 at 3:09amLike4

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Large scale structure and magnetic fields

Large scale structure and magnetic fields

November 23, 2014 at 2:01amLike2

Vince Harden

Vince Harden Love it

November 23, 2014 at 9:22amLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Electrons' magnetic interactions measured

Using characteristics of quantum mechanics, the minuscule magnetic interaction between two electrons has been measured.

February 25, 2015 at 10:41pmLike

Mark Mighell

Mark Mighell


Magnetic field discovery gives clues to galaxy-formation processes

Astronomers making a detailed, multi-telescope study of a nearby galaxy have discovered a magnetic field coiled around the galaxy's main spiral arm. The discovery, they said, helps explain how galactic spiral arms are formed. The same…

June 18, 2015 at 9:42amLike1

Ulla Mattfolk

Ulla Mattfolk A magnetic field without an electric dito has occupied my mind in some years....

June 18, 2015 at 3:56pmLike1



Image result for cbc






“There’s a scene at the beginning of The Bourne Identity where the film’s protagonist

is sitting in a diner, trying to figure out who he is and why he has a bunch of passports

and a gun stashed in a safety deposit box. Bourne also notices that he, well, notices

things that other people don’t.”



·        What to do, when, where and under what pressures ; short and long term.


·        Who you really are consciously, subconsciously - how you will tend to

react and respond under positive and challenging pressures at varying

points of time.


“That superhuman ability to observe his surroundings and make detailed

assessments about his environment? It’s not just a trait of top secret operatives;

it’s a skill known as situational awareness, and you can possess it too.


As the names implies, situational awareness is simply knowing what’s going on

around you. It sounds easy in principle, but in reality requires much practice. And while

it is taught to soldiers, law enforcement officers, and yes, government-trained assassins,

it’s an important skill for civilians to learn as well. In a dangerous situation, being aware

of a threat even seconds before everyone else can keep you and your loved ones



“But it’s also a skill that can and should be developed for reasons outside of personal

defense and safety. Situational awareness is really just another word for mindfulness,

and developing mine has made me more cognizant of what’s going on around me

and more present in my daily activities, which in turn has helped me make better

decisions in all aspects of my life.


Once you understand how important the following knowledge is in relation to your birth

information you can start to benefit from ;

Spatial * Environmental Awareness:                               Geo-Locational Influences
Self ( Identity ) Awareness:                                               Personal Constitution
Partner ( Your Other - Significant or otherwise )           Energetic Dynamics with Others

Pleasure-Pain : Reward-Hazard Pressures you are under currently and coming up soon

in the future tending to affect you in specific ways you are unconsciously biased towards.

In other words you may crack under certain blends of pressures applied to your unique
psyches constitution and life circumstance - that you might not otherwise had you

understood yourself better, your inherent strengths, challenges, blind spots and related.


Timing – Temporal Influences
You can know in advance how you may most likely impulsively react to specific pressures

both in positive, constructive ways and in challenging ones. Knowing in advance the nature

of incoming experiential influences and your probably unconscious reactions - you can plan

and take action before hand.  Efforts can be taken in the "now" to ensure your greatest

success and you can mitigate negative impulses prior to their development.

You can literally "lock" into a very real continuum of inner orientation interfacing
your external reality.

You don’t know often enough where the best place to go is and when, for what you really

need or want.


Geo-Locational Influences

Geographical location may affect you and where you live can affect every aspect of your

life: emotionally, mentally, physically. Critical areas of your life such as relationships,

career, even financial success can likewise be affected.


You can find out the best physical locations to find fulfillment in your love life, career,

friendships, educational opportunities, actualization and even expressing your personal





You lack critical insights into unseen forces affect you consciously, unconsciously and on
all levels of your experience including mental, emotional, physical, etc ....

Adaptation and adjustment to your current environment and circumstance is impaired

- What "should be" and "shouldn't be" occurring for you in your life is unclear
- dis-orientation & uncertainty in lifes moment by various duration
- Your point (frame) of reference is distorted, missing vital parts, or even missing

- Objective comparative analysis of relationships is unavailable and the optimal improvement
of relating between your self and another is disabled.

You lose and then lack your point of perspective in time and space, in short you lack

temporal-spatial awareness of yourself in relation to your surroundings and circumstance. 

This means living life in a certain experiential distortion, comparable to the story of "Platos Cave".

This means having an excruciatingly harder time of finding in life the right "place" - space to fit in

happily.  To feel the positive qualities of being loved, safe, content, satisfied, appreciated,

stimulated, fulfilled, even actualized.  Even limited reasonable partial varieties of these is often

preferred over what many often find.  The majority of people often do not end up in places or

circumstances they desired and if you asked them, they'd tell you this was a common thread

through out their lives.






When will you be in your peak state for


§  The time of day

§  The days of the month

§  Which days over many months?


You will also be able to tell in advance, when your luck is off, when

You should rest, withdraw, take it easy.


Check out the below examples of the kinds of data we can render for you…..




Note there are three components to the first graph


The top horizontal line shows your personal energy state.


The middle horizontal line shows the energy trend for the state of

the ‘collective’, or humanity in general.


The bottom thick horizontal line shows the combined energy band

of you and the collective. 





In the chart above ;


Red reflects ‘challenges’, restrictions, essentially gravitational resistance

to peak state.


Green indicates peak state potential, the higher and wider the green

vertical bands are the stronger and longer lasting the peak state is

and the more probable the state is to occur.


Note on the right hand side, specific times – to the minute and hour –

for the duration of the influence is given.


This is an incredibly powerful tool as you can literally scan any day

In the future in advance and know when to make important decisions,

take critical actions and when not to.




Example of the calendar based chart ;































DECEMBER ; 17, 19, 21, 23, 31


For pinpointed times Of incidents reference the date and hour, minute block listed.












PINK          =       HIGH ALERT

                             PERCENTILE RANGE = 75 to 80 % CHANCE OF INCIDENT


RED           =       EXTREME ALERT

                             PERCENTILE RANGE = 80 to 100 % CHANCE OF INCIDENT









·                    Increase of violent domestic events

·                    Increase of injury and accidents


·                    Increase of criminal activity such as ;


o        Theft

o        Assault

o        Rape

o        Break & entry

o        Homicide


·                    Increase of intoxication via alcohol, drugs, general substance abuse

·                    Increase of public disturbances, rowdy crowds, fights, protests

·                    Increase in agitated behavior, mood swings, verbal & physical aggression, abuse


·                    Marked Increase in chaotic group events causing distress to general public




·                    Cognitive Abilities

·                    Mental Alertness

·                    Physical Agility, Health, Wellness

·                    Coherent, appropriate decision making












The times listed correlate to fluctuations in gravity which affects group and individual

Biological functions, especially those functions that are governed by periodic, systemic

Changes, such as the cycling of cerebro-spinal fluid – pressure density and flow rate

Of the fluid up and down the spine and brain can cause dramatic change in behavior,

Warping impulse control and biasing actions from an unconscious “reptile brain” state.




















Screen Shot 2014-01-13 at 11.16.57 AM

Screen Shot 2014-01-13 at 11.17.09 AM


Smiling grass. This is a cross section of a single blade of grass, stained for the microscope.

The smiley faces are the channels that the water is drawn up through. Taken at the EM lab. 




Holographic blood - Dr. Harvey Bigelsen


The crystallized holograms tracked by Dr. Bigelsen are definitely in the blood.

He and his colleagues have seen them hundreds of times, and the messages they

seem to convey have been proven by confirmed diagnoses. But how can they be explained?


German mystic Rudolf Steiner called them 'etheric crystallizations.' Crystals will grow in

a certain pattern, like a snowflake. The more esoteric aspects of this phenomenon, along

with the practical knowledge required to diagnose and treat from live blood, are the subject

of a Dr. Bigelsen's latest book, Holographic Blood.


In 1986, the Hans Nieper Foundation awarded Harvey Bigelsen the Person of the Year,

recognizing his work as the most influential for the advancement of natural medicine in the

U.S.  Harvey Bigelsen has appeared as a guest on numerous health-focused radio programs

and is the author of four books. He continues to lead the forefront of a much needed medical

revolution, focusing his work on terrain-based philosophy and European biological medicine

as he works primarily with people suffering from chronic disease, and those interested in

anti-aging and regeneration. At the core of his medical philosophy is the conviction that germs

do not cause disease. Counter to conventional medicine and Big Pharma, which promote

treatments that merely attack and kill germs, Harvey Bigelsen believes that germs are not harmful,

and actually live in a symbiotic relationship with the entire body. He treats the patient’s

physical body in order to get it working at its highest performance, and has achieved

high success rates through a combination of structural therapies, cranial-sacral adjustments,

neural therapy, isopathic remedies, and European cell therapy.


therapy, isopathic remedies, and European cell therapy.


Bigelsons Biograms ; The blood is as unique as a fingerprint. In conventional medical laboratories, using standard bright field microscopy, the blood is viewed after staining. Staining permanently fixes the blood but kills the cells. With darkfield microscopy, blood removed from the body can be clearly seen while it is still alive. The patterns seen in living blood are remarkable, varying not only from patient to patient but from moment to moment in a single patient in ways that reflect changing physical and emotional states.

When Harvey Bigelsen, M.D., first saw crystallized images of diseased organs in the blood, he thought he was just imagining them, the way children see animal forms in clouds. But he kept observing correlations between the images and the patient's disease. He decided to take pictures and keep notes. The result was a substantial body of hard evidence demonstrating what alternative healers using muscle testing, electrodermal screening, and "psychic" diagnosis have been claiming for years but could not prove because their techniques were operator-dependent -- that disease patterns can be diagnosed from the energy fields of the body.

The "holograms" of diseased organs, along with the red cells, white cells, plasma, etc., make up a unique blood pattern characteristic of the patient and his condition. This composite blood print Dr. Bigelsen calls a "biogram." Besides the holographic crystal patterns, features relevant to diagnosing the condition of the patient include the thickness and activity of the plasma, whether and to what extent the white cells are moving, and whether the blood appears "dirty," "clean," "alive," "tired," etc. In clean blood, the cells are round, clear, and neatly separated, and the plasma is not cluttered with debris. Other factors are the shape of the cells and whether they are hollow or clumped together. Blood cells that are "sticky" and deformed are a dangerous sign. Heart attacks and strokes can result from clots or blockages of clumped and deformed blood that restrict blood flow.

The crystallized holograms tracked by Dr. Bigelsen are definitely in the blood. He and his colleagues have seen them hundreds of times, and the messages they seem to convey have been proven by confirmed diagnoses. But how can they be explained? German mystic Rudolf Steiner called them "etheric crystallizations." Crystals will grow in a certain pattern, like a snowflake. The more esoteric aspects of this phenomenon, along with the practical knowledge required to diagnose and treat from live blood, are the subject of a forthcoming book by Dr. Bigelsen and Ellen Brown tentatively titled The Living Blood: Biograms of Disease.

About the Author

Ellen Brown is an attorney and has authored six books and numerous articles in the field of alternative health care.


Remote Biodynamic Sensing and the "Biogram"

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Various Links that may be of interest related to this ;

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create its astrological characteristic (psychophysiological resonance).
The fundamental frequencies of a planet are derived from the planet's
astrophysical parameters such as diameter, circumference, rotational
velocity, orbital period, etc. These frequencies generally have very long
wavelengths, thus they lie in the very low frequency (ELF) and ultra-low
frequency (ULF) range. Planetary harmonics govern natural long-term
biological growth patterns, monthly and yearly biological processes,
and daily brain and psycho-physiological function."
"Brainwaves and audio frequencies are measured in frequency were as
light is measured by its wavelength (the inverse of frequency): the higher a
frequency the shorter its wavelength. "


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