Alphabetical Order
The Alchemy Key - Stuart Nettleton
A New Inspection of the Antikthera Mechanism - Andrew T. Ramsey
Anthropic Bound on the Cosmological Constant - Steven Weinber
Archeological Anomalies in the Bahamas - Douglas Richards
Archeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication - NASA
- Douoglas A. Vachov
The Andreasson Affair: Part 2 - Raymond Fowler
Antikythera Mechanism Reconsidered - M.T. Wright
The Art of War
The Astral Plane: Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena - Charles
Banned by Cornell
Basic Patterns of UFO Observations - A1AA 13th Aerospace Meeting
(Jacques Vallee)
Behold a Pale Horse - William Cooper
Bhagavad Gita - Translation by Shri Purohit Swami
The Biology of Belief - Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.
Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy - Miriam Delicado
Book of Enoch
Book of Gates - E. A. Wallis Budge
The Cause of the Megafaunal Extinction: Supernova or Galactic
Core Outburst? - Dr. Paul Laviolette
Coil for Electro-Magnetics (US Patent Office) - Nikola Tesla
Cosmology and Neuroscience
Cosmos - Carlos Saga
Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for ET Contact - Jacques
Cosmic Ray Volleys from Galactic Center & Their Recent
Impact on the Earth Environment - Dr. Paul Laviolette
The Cosmic Vision (Commentary on T. Subba Row's Essays on the
Bhagavad Gita) - Mark Scorelle
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg - Joseph Pierce
Cultural Amnesia - Velikosvsky
The Dancing Wu Li Masters; An Overview of the New Physics -
Gary Zukav
The Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Life and the Consequences
for Science and Society - The Royal Society
Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Jacques Vallee
Discovery of the BioField (unpublished)
Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America - Frank Joseph
The Divine Comedy - Dante
DNA and Water Memory - Matti Pitkanen
DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field
The Dwellings of the Philosophers - Fulcanelli
Dynamics of Hyperspace - Terrence McKenna and Ralph Abraham
Einstein & Oppenheimer: Relationship with Inhabitants of
Celestial Bodies - TOP SECRET
The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the
Nucleon: - Dr. Paul Laviollette
Evidence for an Effect of ELF Electromagnetic Fields on Human
Pineal Gland Function - Journal of Pineal Research
Experiments on the Sense of Being Stared At: The Elimination of
Possible Artifacts - Rupert Sheldrake
Extracting and Using Electromagnetic Energy from the Active
Vacuum - T.E. Bearden Ph.D.
Extraordinary Encounters: Encyclopedia of ET and Otherworldly
Beings - Jerome Clark
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla - Nikola Tesla, David
H. Childress
Far Journeys - Robert Monroe
Forbidden Science - Jacques Vallee
Function of Dreams - Carl Jung
Glimpses into the Structure of the Sun - KVK Nehru
The Greek Myth of Pleiades in the Archeology of Natural
Disasters - Amanda Laouli
The Healing Sun Code - William Henry
The Hero with a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell
Implications of the Discovery of Extra-Terrestrial Life for
Religion - The Royal Society
Journeys Out of the Body - Robert Monroe
Magnetic Fields and the Melatonin Hypothesis - Various
The Matrix and the Sanskrit Texts - Susan Ferguson
Memories, Dreams, Reflections - Carl Jung
The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of
Mankind - Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval
Mind, Memory, and Archetype Morphic Resonance and the
Collective Unconscious - Rupert Sheldrake
Multiverse Cosmological Models - P.C.W. Davies
Multiverses and Cosmology: Philosophical Issues - W.R. Stoeger,
G.F.R. Ellis, and U.Kirchner
The Myth of a 12th Planet: A Brief Analysis of Cylinder Seal VA
243 - Michael S. Heiser
Nikola Tesla and the Planetary Radio Signals - Kenneth L. Corum
and James F. Corum Ph.D.
Operation Mind Control - Walter Bowart
Oracle of the Illuminati - William Henry
Passport to Magonia: UFOs, Folklore and Parallel Worlds -
Jacques Vallee
Pineal Melatonin Level Disruptions in Humans Due to EM Fields
and ICNIRP Limits - Malka M. Halgamuge
The Plasma Universe of Hannes Alfven - David Talbott
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (Harnessing the Sun's
Energy) - Nikola Tesla
Prodigal Genius: Biography of Nikola Tesla - John J. O'Neill
Pulsar Project
Quantum Computation in Brain Microtubules? The Penrose-Hameroff
Model of Consciousness - Stuart Hameroff, MD
Quantum Metaphysics: The Role of Human Beings within the
Paradigms of Classical and Quantum Physics - Tarja Kallio-Tamminen
Radian Energy: Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret - Ken Adachi
The Red Book (Illustrations) - Carl Jung
The Red Book - Carl Jung
Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United
States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack
Return to Trans-en-Provence - Jacques Vallee
Roswell: Government Records Search of 1947 UFO Crash
The Secret of Light - Walter Russell
Secrets of the Aether - David Thomson III and Jim Bourassa
Severe Space Weather Events - A Workshop Report
Shape Power - Dan Davidson
The Singularity is Near - Ray Kurzweil
Sirius: Brightest Diamond in the Night Sky - Jay Holberg
The Tao of Physics - Frifjof Capra
The Tao Te Ching - Gia Fu Feng & Jane English
Teleportation Physics Study - Eric W. Davis , a study done for Air Force Research Lab and Air
Force Materiel Command
Theory of Wireless Power - Eric Dollard
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Tracing the Origins of Subquantum Kinetics - Dr. Paul
Unidentified Flying Objects, the CIA, and Congress
UFO Memo
UFOs: the Psychic Connection - Jacques Valle
Untangling the Web - Declassified
Water Memory and the Realization of Genetic Code at Elementary
Particle Level - M. Pitkanen
The White Sands Incident - Daniel W. Fry
Wholeness and the Implicate Order - David Bohm
WMO Documents on Weather Modification - World Meteorological Organization
Worlds in Collision - Velikovsky
The Zelator - A Modern Initiate Explores the Ancient Mysteries
"Ants Circling My Phone -
Mysterious video of ants circling my iPhone
Published on Aug 30, 2015. “This video was filmed August 30th, 2015 on my
porch. I used an iphone like this: ✗
which was
in the center of approximately 300 ants."
Aphids - Radar Excitation - John Ott
This is a short clip from the DVD
"Exploring the Spectrum" by Dr. John Nash Ott.
The video deals with the biological effects
of natural and artificial light frequencies,
and other electromagnetic frequencies. The
aphids appear to dance in a manner
synchronized to the passage of a radar beam
of 14 miles distance, as determined
by Dr. Ott. There are a few other
"Dancing Aphid" videos on YouTube which show
a similar phenomenon, but none appear aware
of this possible explanation.
This aphid movement also should not be
confused with the known "fan dance" of
wooly aphids, as recorded here:
For more details see:
Exploring the Spectrum: John Ott DVD
“Since the various aspects of these phenomena
are due to vibration,
we are confronted
with a spectrum which reveals a patterned, figurative
formation at one
pole and kinetic-dynamic processes at the other, the
whole being
generated and sustained by its essential periodicity.”
What Jenny was
observing was really a simple way of observing matter
come to life. Since
we now understand, through the emerging field of
quantum physics,
that patterns emerge via waves of energy, the plates
were showing the
scientist a similar phenomenon. Since all matter is
just different
frequencies of the collapsed wave, or quantum field, then
we have the ability
to create a different reality with sound."
“Emotional issues
that are unresolved block the healing vibrations or
cause the disease
state to return.” ~ R Gordon
" underlying energy field generates physical,
emotional, and
mental behaviors or symptoms. If we change the energy
field, the
physical, emotional, and mental behaviors will also
Over millennia, those who have studied the
science of sound, have come to understand
that certain frequencies are very healing for
the human body. Overall, however, you are
trying to create resonance – “When two
systems are oscillating at different frequencies,
there is an impelling force called resonance
that causes the two to transfer energy from
one to another. When two similarly tuned
systems vibrate at different frequencies,
there is another aspect of this energy
transfer called entrainment, which causes them to
line up and to vibrate at the same frequency.”
(Richard Gordon)
Observations of Effects
on Wild and Domestic Animals.
"The frequencies
are calling the Wild Birds in my Yard!
you'all! I've been a member for a while but haven't had the chance yet to share
going on with me down in Texas. I've been playing the frequencies while I've
on my dissertation on Sound Healing (Toning-Vibrating Oneself to Optimum
I've been running a loop with Good
Luck Evoker, Health Shield, Attract Good
Ibogaine, DNA
Sweet Spin, Uncanny Timing and
Intuition and Viral Inhibitor.
my opinion, these frequencies definitely helped me to stay healthy, centered
(as well as inspired) while completing my dissertation. (Doc Stars and your
as well as the UL are mentioned in it). So back to the subject matter,
playing the frequencies today in my office, with screen door and windows open
my yard, the wild birds started surrounding my house and were trying as hard as
could to get inside to the sounds, repeatedly "attacking" my screen
door and
entering my garage searching out the source of the sound. DNA
Sweet Spin
Ibogaine seemed to attract
them the most. When I tried to shoosh them away,
completely ignored me, showing no fear and continued to try to come inside.
What an experience! What do you all think? In harmony, Heidi"
4517 It's
like a scene from “The Birds” ( Movie )
Jul 29, 2008
This is eerie. I come home today and I notice there are about 200
birds in the various trees. This is up from a normal 25. Yesterday I
started playing the DNA demo tracks after reading some of the positive
reports on this board.
We have had that many birds around before, they usually travel in a
flock that moves from area to area but when I got home I went inside
and turned on the DNA concert. I just went outside and there is
virtual silence. It is creepy and almost ominous. They are definitely
not acting like birds normally do. I'm not sure what they will do but
in the name of science I'll run these tracks a little longer and see
if they want to attack the house or meet these new hyperdimensional
I have to wonder what's going through their minds right now
Emotional State Changes How You See, Hear, and Taste
Basically your brain is a big jumble of
systems — you can't change one without affecting
"..what you’re feeling is definitely
changing what you’re seeing.
When you’re feeling tired or sad, for
example, hills actually look steeper."
People overestimate heights by 30 percent
when viewed from below, but 60 percent when
viewed from above (e.g. on top of the cliff).
This effect is amplified when the height of the
fall is big enough to cause serious injury,
and for people who are afraid of heights. People
who are in a state of fear hear noises
louder, too.
Researchers from the University of Virginia
compiled a bunch of evidence for the ways our
moods affect our perception, and they argue
that all of this serves to order the information
coming into our brain in a way that makes us
pay attention to the most important things and
not waste energy on things that don’t matter.
And so all of this makes a strange sort of
sense. Fear enhances your perception of things
that might be threatening, which could help
keep you alive. If you’re sad, you’ll seek out things
that make you happy, like salted caramel
pretzel ice cream — which isn’t really a problem until
you find yourself drowning in a bucket of it
on a lonely Saturday night. And if you’re feeling
good, you’re like — hey, this citrus sorbet actually
tastes pretty damn good. Which is cool,
because life is pretty alright.
did find that these body emotion maps are the same across cultures. In
other words, we feel fear the same way someone in East Asia or Western Europe
feels fear. Here’s the academic jargon:
“These maps were concordant across West European and East
Asian samples. Statistical classifiers distinguished emotion-specific
activation maps accurately, confirming independence of topographies across
emotions. We propose that emotions are represented in the somatosensory system
as culturally universal categorical somatotopic maps.”
of the basic emotions had elevated activity in the upper chest area. The
researchers guess this corresponds with changes in breathing and heart rate.
of the emotions produced sensations in the head. This reflects that most
emotions produce both facial expressions and mental reflection.
the emotions that typically have active response, there was sensation shown in
the upper limbs—as if the body was getting ready to act.
emotions like sadness and depression had a decrease in limb activity. I believe
there is no coincidence that people who are sad and depressed have a lack of
motivation to do anything—the lowered activity in the limbs reflects this.
was one of the few emotions that was felt throughout the body…one of the
reasons happiness is so exhilarating, it literally lights up our whole body.
implications for this study are enormous.
could help therapists better understand emotions of patients.
could help doctors understand injuries and medication.
could help lie detectors with detecting true and false emotions.
do you think this study could change the way we look at emotions?
maps of emotions.” Lauri Nummenmaaa, Enrico Glereana, Riitta Harib, and Jari K.
Hietanend. Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science and
Brain Research Unit, O. V. Lounasmaa Laboratory, School of Science, Aalto
University, FI-00076, Espoo, Finland; Turku PET Centre, University of Turku,
FI-20521, Turku, Finland; and Human Information Processing Laboratory, School
of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere, FI-33014, Tampere,
vagus nerve (cranial nerve x) innervates the diaphragm but what failed to
register in class is that the vagus nerve also innervates much of our viscera –
in fact all of our internal organs with the notable exception of the adrenal
glands. It supplies parasympathetic fibers to these organs, meaning that the
vagus nerve is a “rest and digest” nerve, not a fight or flight nerve. Van der
Kolk quotes from Darwin’s work, “the heart, guts and brain communicate
intimately via a nerve” – the pneumogastric or vagus nerve – “the critical
nerve in the expression and management of emotions in both humans and animals….
When the mind is strongly excited it instantly affects the state of the
viscera.” This is, of course, why our guts react strongly to our emotional
der Kolk continues with the statement that grabbed me: “what makes life unbearable is
not emotions but physical sensations.”
“When you have a
persistent sense of heartbreak and gutwrench, the physical sensations become
intolerable and we will do anything to make those feelings disappear. And that
is really the origin of what happens in human pathology. People take drugs
to make it disappear, and they cut themselves to make it disappear, and they
starve themselves to make it disappear, and they have sex with anyone who comes
along to make it disappear and once you have these horrible sensations in your
body, you’ll do anything to make it go away.”
“If these sensations last long enough,
your whole brain starts fighting against emotions. And what happens in the long
range is that traumatized people who continuously have a state of heartbreak
and gut wrenching feelings learn to shut off the sensations in their bodies.
And they go through life not feeling their physical presence.”
then touches on a very important point and one that strongly resonates with me
– “it’s a beginning of understanding why traumatized people have such a hard
time with mindfulness and why mindfulness in principle doesn’t work for
traumatized people because they cannot feel.” Van der Kolk had sent many of his
highly traumatized patients to do mindfulness exercises with Jon Kabat-Zinn and
found that many of them were returning in a state of upset and agitation.
van der Kolk has found to be a useful tool for moving through this difficulty
is neurofeedback, which helps individuals learn to self-regulate by utilizing a
feedback tool very similar to a video game that rewards the user for achieving
target states such as relaxation, alertness, or focus (for more information on
neurofeedback, see
While neurofeedback
is a very useful tool and may be a major breakthrough in trauma recovery, it is
not always easy to access. Although I am less familiar with them, there are
other therapies such as Hakomi method and SomatoEmotional Release that help
individuals work with the emotions and physical sensations that often trigger
dissociation. A major focus of my studies at this point is to understand better
how Chinese/Traditional East Asian medicine works with trauma and the emotions.
I suspect that many different modalities can be useful for learning to be
present and integrated with our bodies, but also argue that the role of the
practitioner and power of intention are key ingredients in the process.
also believe that bodywork and somatic re-education (acupuncture, massage, tuina,
qigong, sotai, et) are essential components to releasing and restoring function to tissues and
organs that have lost mobility due to years of fleeing from those physical
sensations that van der Kolk describes. We may learn to stay present with our
physical sensations, but if the diaphragm is hypertonic (or too tight, just
like your shoulders) or the stomach can’t move properly in the abdominal
cavity, we will have to work really hard to achieve calm presence when we could
instead work to unblock stagnation and release tissues. However, the issue is
often truly much more complex than this and healing for many people occurs not
by a magic button but through many interwoven processes that may include
acupuncture, movement work, EMDR, neurofeedback, nutritional counseling, talk
therapy, and meditation or mindfulness practices.
NO! You can also carry them easily with you where
ever you go
And play them
silently, here is how ‘
Often Sound of Stars users want to experience the benefit of
having their own, invisible, silent
frequency 'bubble'. Imagine being able to walk around or sit
anywhere and privately enjoy
experimenting with your purchased frequencies; at work,
play, the gym, shopping.... Where ever....
Easy way to test these to ensure that they are indeed
outputting the audio signal AS a variable
magnetic field ;
Simply, wear a decent pair of stereo head phones over your ears, then
one coil over each of the head phones and run the track –
you can hear the track through the
head phones, so you know that the frequencies ARE being
output silently when placed over
the target area.
A video on YouTube shows ants forming a
circle around a ringing iPhone
It has triggered claims the handset causing
the ants to alter their behaviour
Ants are known to occasionally form
'mills' or 'death spirals' in the wild
They follow the pheromones of the insect in
front in a loop until they die
A video showing ants apparently responding to a ringing iPhone by
forming a spiralling circle around the device has baffled viewers.
The insects seem to form a distinct ring around the smartphone as
it begins to vibrate on the ground, leading to claims it is somehow altering
their behaviour.
While the video may be a hoax, there are examples from nature of
ants responding in this way to threats or in response to food.
video has appeared on YouTube apparently showing ants forming a circle around a
ringing iPhone. Some have suggested they are responding to the vibration of the
phone while others claim the footage is fake
Known as an ant mill, colonies of insects can
get stuck in an endless loop as each ant follows the trail of pheromones laid
down by the one in front of it.
Ants usually use these pheromones as chemical
signals to help other members of the colony find their way to sources of food
or as emergency beacons when defending a colony.
Ants have phenomenal strength, and are known
for lifting many times their own body weight when bringing food home to the
But sometimes they must work together to
transport big chunks of food in an operation that seams to require
Now researchers in Israel have revealed how
the insects use a combination of leadership and teamwork to carry such large
Scientists observed that a team of ants does
the heavy lifting while a small number of scouts step in to guide the group if
they drift off course, the researchers found.
The researchers found that the ants have a
finely tuned system that balances conformity and individuality that allows the
ants to simultaneously act as a unit, but react to changing circumstances.
They made their findings by analysing video
footage of ants transporting chunks of food - including lifting a single
What they found was that around 90 per cent
of the time, the ants act as a team and 'go with the flow' of the group.
However, as each ant lays down a new trail in
response to the one in front, this can reinforce the circular motion, and the
creatures will often keep looping until they die of exhaustion.
Scientists have puzzled over why ant mills
form and which signals seem to trigger them since they were first described by
biologists in 1921.
In the new video, the ants appear to form the
circle only once the iPhone starts to receive a call.
It has led to claims that the vibrating phone
may trigger a pheromone response and there are some theories that the
electromagnetic radiation may be changing their behaviour.
According to biologist Simon Robson, a social
insect expert at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, who was speaking
to the news website BoingBoing: 'The shape of the phone may have
something to do with it and the vibration might get them a bit more excited.'
However, there are some who believe the video
is a complete fake, pointing to what appears to be poorly made CGI footage of
the ants.
Previous research,
however, has claimed that mobile phones can influence the behaviour of ants.
Dr Marie-Claire Cammaerts-Tricot, an
ecologist at the Free University of Brussels, has conducted tests of ants in
the laboratory to see how they respond to electromagnetic radiation from mobile
She claims that the radiation appeared to
influence their ability to be 'trained' and also seemed to effect the way they
B., said ;"I saw a similar thing a few years ago in my home town. I was
walking the dog when I came across an electricity unit the council had
installed in the area, and saw so many ants but they weren't moving apart from
buzzing in their though they couldn't move. They were stuck! I was
so fascinated and intrigued by what I saw and concluded it must have something
to do with the electro magnetic waves coming from the box...since they were
right next to it. Anyway, I kept walking and forgot
about it. A month later I was walking the dog around the same area and I walked
past the same electricity box...and THEY WERE STILL THERE! They hadn't moved at
all and were still just vibrating in their places?"
In one
of the owner’s manual for an IPhone I've seen they advise you to keep the cell
phone 15mm away from the body 5/8 of an inch - Who holds their phone that far
away from their body let alone head?
Laws in
some cities in the USA mandate they warn cellphone customers of radiation
absorption levels from wireless devices already. Berkley CA is currently
enforcing such an ordinance so citizens understand the safe operating distance
from their new smartphones.
Now why
haven’t you been keeping a safe distance from your smartphone? Well, it’s
probably because you haven’t read the instruction manual that goes on for days
about how to use your phone and very little about SAR Levels and radiation
hazards in very small print can be found.
safe, I mean by the FCC guidelines that make it legal for cell phone companies
to sell you this pocket microwave to begin with!
is information to support you in your 'Sound of Stars' frequency
experiences and experimentation
About your New Sound of Stars
Discounts on Frequency Collections are available here;
See the important section titled ;
("Using Your Frequencies" &
below in this email for optimal results )
The files you have ordered are now accessible via download links
sent to your email address from "Tradebit", check your email inbox
or Trash folder to locate this email
If you need further instructions see this video to step you
through the download process ;
You are welcome to join our online community to discuss issues
pertaining to frequency use
FIRST, ensure you have watched this video in entirety
For most frequency kits, usage is simple. Place all of them on your
player and play only the first 30 seconds of each ten minute track,
skip through all nine playing only the first 30 seconds, note out of the
nine which tracks effect you the most, likely there will be between 2 to
4 tracks that really stand out, you will feel this. Next, select only
those tracks and loop these together for your session(s). Keep in mind
that your body-mind will change its preference over time so you will
need to do this through out the quarters of a given lunar month.
David Sereda, Dami Egbeyemi, Doc Starz (
Donald Adams),
discuss new amazing breakthroughs in exotic technologies.
Comprehensive "Silent Delivery
Methods" - Notes
For those members who wish to experience benefits from the frequencies we
have two broad routes ; audible and inaudible.... For the inaudible variations
goals have been to develop and realize the
ability of creating a measurable EM
bubble field around the user with a minimum
radius of approx five feet.
Development and deployment has taken two
paths over the last year roughly;
1.) The solution derived by member Dami who is also providing his excellent
solution at a low
cost to members
2.) DIY experimental solutions being tinkered with by members for the sheer fun
of it and for
interests sake....
Often we see the above two dove tail, which is great since it results in
overall progress..... thanks to Dami and all
members who continue their research
and development in these areas.
As many of you know, we have the various currently known resources of ;
Plants communicate with one another
through ‘nanomechanical vibrations’
Various Links that may be of interest
related to this ;
Michael Persinger on No More Secrets
"The astrophysical parameters of a planet are, in part, that which
create its astrological characteristic (psychophysiological resonance).
The fundamental frequencies of a planet are derived from the planet's
astrophysical parameters such as diameter, circumference, rotational
velocity, orbital period, etc. These frequencies generally have very long
wavelengths, thus they lie in the very low frequency (ELF) and ultra-low
frequency (ULF) range. Planetary harmonics govern natural long-term
biological growth patterns, monthly and yearly biological processes,
and daily brain and psycho-physiological function."
"Brainwaves and audio frequencies are measured in frequency were as
light is measured by its wavelength (the inverse of frequency): the higher a
frequency the shorter its wavelength. "
Starz Presents ;\
Its like Gurdjieff said, 'subjective' music cant achieve these sorts of
things, but 'objective' music can... its virtually impossible to find
examples of the latter on youtube among the poorly educated
marketers of sensationalism packaged as instant DIY enlightenment
CDs - but they sure can sound sciencey and convincing at times,
no doubt about that.
I have lost count as to how many business
professionals, healers, lightworkers, have
gone through severe and crippling experiences
and life circumstances in the last three
Funny thing is that most of the people who write in to tell me their
story, told me
that their dark night of the soul all started
around the same time.
Luckily, a significant number of the
surviving individuals sharing their stories with me,
have recently shaken off their paralysis and
are newly committed to getting back up
and trying again.
I can really relate to all of you who have
shared your stories with me privately,
I know what its like.
These days, perhaps more than ever in our
known human history, getting to a tangible place
of self actualization with any consistency is
a pretty tough goal.
Sure, there are those who are born into life
circumstances where it seems like everything
is given to them, but the reality is that
when the rubber hits the road, even the privileged
can only get so much leverage out of their
circumstance – at some point they simply have to
put in the same quality of self development
as anyone else and that’s where the challenge
lies for everyone.
The real solutions reside elsewhere, but to
get meaningful solutions you first have to
get to “yourself” properly.
A Quarter Million Views on our Youtube
Channel as of Today!
Thanks Everyone! :)
So how can you survive the pressure all
around you both locally and globally, then find
your meaning and purpose in life, and then
once you have that figured out, how can
you experience living your life being
appreciated and supported for doing what you
know you were meant to do on this planet, at
this point in history?
meme post cards spouting platitudes rarely help or fit the bill.
I can tell you from personal experience that
one of the most important and often
hardest things to do, is to get your state
back, the one that empowers you. You
know what I’m talking about, when you are in
the "zone", everything seems easier,
more fluid.
Your emotions are balanced, your thinking is more clear and your
physical energy is higher.
I’d have to say that I have tried and used a
lot of methods, tools, nutritional and
health related supplements to attain that
All of these things are important, however
the one tool that has had the highest
consistent record of getting me there fast, frankly,
is the frequencies I design.
Nothing else beats these so far. In fact, even if I can only afford or only
time to put together the basics for my daily
intake of the minimum of supplements,
exercise, etc.... as long as I get my regular
exposure to the frequencies I’m
using to attain a certain state, my
probability of success goes WAY up.
I can use them audibly or silently, delivering them via a
small quiet magnetic field
emitter that affects my body directly - no one has to know I’m even using them
as I go about my daily business. My whole body-mind is charged, pumped,
primed and resonates to the state programmed
into the frequency design.
Nothing cuts through self defeating monkey
mind chatter like these frequencies
do, and certainly nothing else accomplishes
this as fast!
But, with over 300 different frequencies to
choose from via our catalog views ;
do you begin, how do you know which ones may help you most?
Don't just buy any of our frequencies on
impulse as a quick fix.
Instead, take some time and collect your
thoughts, really think about your situation.
Get a grasp on what you are feeling.
Then, write me a brief email outlining your
concerns and circumstances. Give me
a little bit of time to reflect on your
situation, and I will try to come back with some
suggestions as to which frequencies may be
the best fit for you now.
Give me an idea as to what your budget is
also so I can tailor a collection of best
frequencies at the best price for you. You can send me your message to my email ;
Also, as a token of my esteem for all the
members who have been interested and
actively supporting my work for over seven
years now, I wanted to offer everyone
a 50% discount off ANY items or collections for
this weekend, in fact I will extend
this to Wednesday August 25th,
2015 to give you a few extra days. So
you can choose
ANY item or collection from our catalog(s) if
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If you are conducting your own experiments, please do share your
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A good format to follow when providing feedback and comments
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own daily journal is provided by our member Philran,
examples he has given see the following links ;
frequencies in Earth’s magnetosphere that are close to the tidal frequencies of
the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will remain in step with those
planets. You wíll have one magnetic frequency associated with Mars, another
with Jupiter, and so on..... magneto-biology, a vast body of knowledge that
links planetary alignments with magnetic events on the Sun and the biological
consequences of fluctuations in Earth’s magnetic field. That’s what actually
gave me the idea that there is a mechanism, magneto tidal resonance, which can
not only explain the Sun’s magnetism, but also why specific fluctuations in
Earth’s magnetosphere can get phase-locked with the tidal effects of the
Research in magneto-biology shows that a wide
variety of organisms respond to changes in Earth’s magnetic field.[14] For
instance, Professor Franck Brown of North-western
University, who has done much work in this area, showed how mud-snails and
turtles followed the lunar daily magnetic variation even when these creatures
were removed from the sea and lodged inside laboratory tanks.[15] The
experiments of Dr. Robin Baker of Manchester University suggest that humans are
also sensitive to changes in Earth’s magnetic field.[16] Baker first placed
people inside a darkened room and asked them to locate North. Most of the time
people got it right. But when Baker then fitted these same subjects with a
little magnetic skullcap, they lost their ability to find North. This strongly
suggests the presence of an internal compass or biological clock.
What I think might be happening is that the
foetus’s neural network acts as a sort of antenna that tunes into fluctuations
in Earth’s magnetic field. The imprinting of the neural antennae depends on
genetic heredity, which gives us our basic congenital personality. Thus, the
foetus is genetically predisposed to hear specific planetary signals, much as a
radio is resonantly tuned to receive a particular station. So it’s not that the
planets make the person. Rather, the planets label a person’s genetic
predisposition to respond to specific magnetic signals."
"...Imagine the sun’s magnetic field “ it is
more then A magnetic field ” and each planet following the cycle in the spin of
the sun’s magnetic field and the planet in turn with its field keeps the moon ”
and visa versa” and on a larger scale, the central sun or black-w-hole doing
the same to all the stars, planets and moons. In that way they are all
interconnected so the combinations of stars that make up the 48 signs including
The 12 zodiac signs do have their influence. Related to a personal imprint at
the time of birth “ and some time before” because we too are based on the same
principles and laws of this great field / structure, all interacting, but
remember this is just a simplified example ."
Earth is Frequency Phase Modulated by Stars, Planets
Altering and Stressing the Phases
the only force that alters the phases of Earth's Fundamental Resonant Frequency
and related harmonic frequencies are stressful positions of the Sun, Moon and
planets or an orb ejected from Jupiter or Saturn. Alterations or stresses on
the phases of the Schumann Resonance by lunar and planetary
influences probably are at least a precipitator to, or at the most a cause for,
tectonic plates to slip or shift causing earthquakes.
traditionally trained Indian scientists publicly and accurately predicted the
time, date, longitude/latitude and magnitude of the devastating Indonesian
earthquake and tsunami four days before the deadly event occurred. They
constructed their prediction by observing the position of the Sun and Moon at
the precise times and dates of previous earthquakes greater than a 7.5
author hypothesizes the phases of the Schumann Resonance were stressed or
altered by the Moon (5 degrees Cancer) being in direct opposition to the Sun (5
degrees Capricorn) on December 26, 2004. On March 27, 1964, the Sun was at 7
degrees Aries and the Moon was at 7 degrees Libra and a massive earthquake
shook Alaska. During both the Indonesian and Alaskan earthquakes the Sun was
exactly 180 degrees opposite of the Moon on a circle while both the Sun and
Moon were in what is known as Cardinal signs.
other words, if you draw a straight line through the middle of the Earth, the
Sun was on one side of the globe and the Moon was exactly on the opposite side
of our planet. However this straight line of opposition does not flow directly
through two sides of the equator or both poles of the Earth. By astute
observation and comparison of the angles of the critical Sun/ Moon opposition
line as related to the equator and the poles of the Earth, the Indian
scientists precisely located the area where and the time when the phases of the
Schumann Resonance would be weakened enough to allow tectonic plates to shift.
However, the Indian scientists had no awareness of phases for the Schumann
Resonance in their research but their earthquake prognostications by observing
and calculating the angles of the Sun/Moon opposition through the Earth are
astounding. Many people feel they deserve global accolades for their efforts,
discoveries and sterling accomplishments.
prediction by the Indian scientists was about 28 minutes off in predicting when
the earthquake would occur. They were correct in calculating the exact time of
the opposition of the Sun and Moon but they did not realize the stress caused
by these positions would take about 30 minutes to build on and alter the phases
of the Schumann Resonance that caused or contributed to the tectonic plates to
slip at an exact location on Earth's harmonic grid.
Rhythms of Nature Awareness &
creating a dynamic and evolving harmonic grid model of the Earth's phases of
the Fundamental Resonant Frequency in conjunction with the transiting positions
of the Sun, Moon and planets in the solar system, could predicting earthquakes
transition into an exact and precise science? There is one drawback, however.
Scientists can measure the frequency of the Schumann Resonance but they cannot
accurately determine the phases or amplitudes with any kind of present day
instruments are created that can measure at least the phases, humans will have
to observe mathematical or three-dimensional hypothetical models of the phases
of Earth's Fundamental Resonant Frequency. When those instruments are
operational, this author predicts the scientists will discover 144 phases in
each hemisphere of Earth and Mars, 36 to 72 phases in each hemisphere of
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and nine to 18 phases in each hemisphere
of the Sun. By way of contrast, however, this author predicts the planets
Mercury, Venus, Pluto and all the moons orbiting the planets in the solar
system will have one spherical harmonic grid (not two hemispheres) with 72 or
96 phases.
The Power of Seven
does nature use a division and multiples of 18? A hemisphere of a planet or a
molecule is not constructed in numerical sequence because to do so would create
a weak structure. Maximum strength of a dome or molecule is attained when the
links are spread out over the hemisphere or molecule. The most efficient manner
of creating strong links in a dome or molecule is to use the number 18 because
the special number of seven provides a means of distributing the links.
4 [left] has a circle with 18 lines with 20 degrees between each line. A line
is drawn from the starting point to a point seven lines or 140 degrees away. As
the multiple seven lines or 140 degree sequence is continued around the circle,
the line drawn from the 18th or last point connects with the starting point.
The alpha (beginning) and omega (end) points of an 18 point circle or a
multiple of an 18 point circle using a multiple seven sequence are the same
(Figure 5).
applied to harmonics, the points on the circle represent the phase of the
frequency and the circle itself represents the amplitude of the frequency.
Obviously, a planet or molecule utilizes more than just one amplitude but for
consistency in construction, again, the number seven provides the most
strength. Seven circles of 144 lines with a space of 2.5 degrees between each
line have the same alpha and omega point when using the multiple seven
sequences. Again the seven circles represent seven redundant amplitudes that a
planet like Earth uses to construct a harmonic grid.
line is drawn for the starting point to the next circle and seven lines or
every 17.5 degrees (7x2.5 degrees). Figure 6 does not include all 144 lines but
only depicts every seventh line where the working line crosses the intersection
point of the circle and the structure line. The line from the 144th point to
the next point is the starting point and the alpha and omega points are the
same and provide strength yet flexibility (Figure 7). On the Earth the distance
between the circles is thousands of miles. When instruments are made that can
detect the phases of the Schumann Resonance, the author predicts the grid
pattern will be similar to a three dimensional version of Figure 7 that is top
view of the grid.
the starting or Alpha point is located and if the lines or amplitudes are to
the left or the right of the Alpha point, are the two determining factors to
the spin orientation of the hemisphere. Therefore planets with two hemispheric
harmonic grids can have numerous kinds of spin orientations that manifest in
countless characteristics and functions. However, the number of spin
orientations for the planets are finite. Is the harmonic spin orientation of
Uranus so unique that Uranus is the only planet that shifts the north and south
poles directly towards the Sun during the full revolution around the Sun?
invite readers to join the author and other researchers to observe nature and
the cosmos. The discussions will be related to how other common occurrences or phenomenon
are results of manipulating or harnessing Earth's Fundamental Resonant
Frequency of 7.5 Hertz with 144 phases and amplitudes and the various resonant
frequencies, phases and amplitudes of the chemical elements, planets and suns
in our galaxy.
The geometric and harmonic adventure
author acknowledges and thanks Susan Kelly, Bruce Rawles, Iona Miller, Peter
Vogel and James Golik for their valuable input and contributions to this
article. Special thanks to Sue Golik.
The Energy Clock
& Quality of the Moment
In the
1940’s, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired a young
electrical engineer -- John Nelson -- in an effort to improve the
reliability of HF ("short-wave") radio communications around Earth.
Such radio transmissions had been observed to be, for some reason, more
reliable in the "lulls" in between, than during solar activity
associated with "peak" sunspot years.
To his surprise, Nelson soon specifically correlated this rising and
falling radio interference with not only sunspot cycle, but with the motions of the major planets of the solar system;
he found, to his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable -- in essence,
astrological correlation ... between the inexorable orbits of all the planets
(but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
-- which, remember, hold essentially all the solar’s system’s known angular
momentum) ... and major radio-disturbing eruptions on the Sun!
as part of his solar research, Nelson also "rediscovered" something
else ...
is worthy of note that in 1948 when Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120 degrees,
and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher
quality for the year than in 1951 with Jupiter and Saturn at 180 degrees and a
considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality
curve of radio signals followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn
rather than the sunspot curve ... [emphasis added]."
J.H. Nelson, "Planetary Position Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality" (Electrical Engineering, May 1952)
The shortwave radio
signals interference registered by the planets on the Sun, Saturn and Jupiters
affect on sunspot activity. "When Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120
degrees, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far
higher quality for the year than... with Jupiter and Saturn at 180 degrees and
a considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality
curve of radio signals followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn
rather than the sunspot curve ..." - J.H. Nelson, "Planetary Position
Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality" (Electrical Engineering, May 1952)
The Hyperdimensional
Model finally provides a comprehensive
theoretical explanation
-- a "linking
mechanism" -- for these, to a lot of astronomers, still embarrassing
RCA observations. For,
in essence what John Nelson had rediscovered was nothing short
of a "Hyperdimensional
-- the ultimate, very ancient, now highly demonstrable
momentum foundations behind the real
influences of the Sun and planets on our
records 'music' from stars
By Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, BBC News
Stanford University
SATURN Issues Signals that Sound
Like Speech, Music
Note the
similiarity to our frequencies.... this is no mistake......
"..a milestone on the road to multiple worlds."
Earths Atmosphere - identical to spectrum of human brain waves
Astrological Harmonic Patterns as
Possible Indicators of Extraversion/Introversion
Cochrane - Doctoral Student, University
of Florida, Department of Educational Psychology
David Fink,
Ed.D.- Professor, Johnson State College, Department
of Behavioral Sciences
Astrology –– Extraversion/Introversion –– Harmonic Astrology
How often have you heard people say they are ‘out of sorts’ ? How
revealing it is to then learn that they were born on a day of peak solar
activity and that we are going through a time of negligible activity? Just
knowing that the Sun, the great giver of life is at a quite different stage in
its cycle to the one they experienced at entry may be illuminating in the
finest sense.
It is unfortunate that as yet we know so
little about our special star, the Sun – a seemingly never-ending gigantic
atomic explosion whose place in our universe we understand through the concept
of the year but whose rhythms remain something of a mystery. What we do know is that the Sun generates
enough power in 1 second to meet the energy needs of the US for four million
years. It has a pulse that ‘pounds’
every 160 minutes, a cycle of sunspots and even periods when it is retrograde.
We know too that the Sun is made up of seven
layers: a photosphere and chromosphere, convection and radiation zones
and an interface between the two. It is likely that there are pulses within
Our Sun at first appears to be a chaotic
structure. However, the more we probe, the more we discover it to have set
rhythms. It has long been conjectured that the planets held by its
gravitational pull might also have effect on its behaviour. The truth may be
far more complex – and exciting. (Read Gregory Sams’ fascinating book ‘Sun of
gOd’ for thoughts on our sun’s consciousness.)
Astro-economists look at all manner of cosmic
cycles from the seasons through to sunspots, solar flares, solar magnetic
storms and solar retrograde periods through which to make their forecasts.
Helioseismology, the science of the Sun, is still in its infancy but there is
no doubt that greater knowledge will bring mankind greater understanding of
economic life-cycles.
Through understanding of the seasons, the
planting and harvesting of crops, we accept that our financial worlds are very
much affected by solar activity. The Sun even affects our high-tech age. At
07.04 EST on May 13th, 1921 a solar magnetic storm was the cause of signal and
switching system failure on the New York Central Railroad below 125th street.
The same storm affected telephone, telegraph and cable traffic across Europe.
Can you imagine the economic effect of the widespread disruption of
Similarly, a Coronal Mass Ejection on March
9, 1989 brought about a severe geomagnetic storm bringing short wave radio
interference (prompting some military experts to think that the Soviets were
attacking). This solar eruption affected Earth a few days later, at 2:44 am on
March 13, 1989 when Hydro-Quebec’s power grid was adversely affected. This led
to a nine hour shut down – once again with major economic consequences. In
August of that same year, another storm produced a halt to trading on the
Toronto stock market when their microchips were similarly affected.
The source of earthy communication
malfunction can be traced directly auroras – which are themselves after-effects
of intense solar activity. Though as yet we have no way of predicting these
events, we must acknowledge their power to bring economic chaos.
Solar scientists are able to alert us to
increase activity and to give some warning of the potential for electrical
fault within the few days following a sudden outburst of activity, but they
cannot, as yet, tell us where the effects will be most greatly felt. Their
astro-economic counterparts continue to make notes and to build up a picture of
the links between solar activity and our financial – and creative – worlds.
Thoedor Landscheit in his remarkable work
‘Sun, Earth, Man’ suggested that solar flares increased creativity. It may be
that these play an important role in flashes of inspiration or even mystical
activity. A client who suggests they had a ‘bright idea’ and for which no
planetary activity gives plausible explanation, may have been affected by a
recent solar flare burst. You can check this out through
This is understanding through hindsight.
Forecasting is another matter altogether. The simple fact is that we do not yet
know enough.
We do know a little which can be put to
practical use. Heading this list of cycle understanding is an approximately 190
year cycle.
You probably know that the Sun is actually
not the centre of our solar system. The Sun and its system rotate in
counter-clockwise motion around a central point known as the Barycentre. On
seven occasions in the last four thousand years the combined position of the great
planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have created a pull that has
resulted in the Sun rotating clockwise (retrograde) relative to the solar
system Barycentre.
When Jupiter is at right angles to the
Barycentre, as in 1632, between 1810 and 1812 and again through 1989 and 1990,
we experienced a Sun retrograde period.
Meteorological studies show that the period
post-solar-retrograde (lasting up to 30 years) brings disturbed weather
patterns. These then result in shorter growing seasons and, inevitably, higher
food costs.
As of 2010, we are still in one of these
post-solar retrograde periods and evidence of disturbed weather patterns is all
around. In the next decade it is probable that food prices will rise as a
direct consequence of shortage of crops.
Understanding of this approximately 190 year
cycle enabled astro-economists to suggest that from 1990 onward there might be
mass migration of peoples across planet Earth as people sought better
conditions under which they could sustain themselves. It was always likely that
the period 1990-2020 would be a time of extraordinary social and subsequent
political and economic upheaval.
A much shorter period is termed the ‘sunspot
cycle’. Scientists track solar cycles by counting sunspots — cool planet-sized
areas on the Sun where intense magnetic loops poke through the star’s visible
Sunspots offer a fascinating field for
economic study. In the 19th Century Professor Jevons studied tables for wheat,
barley, oats, beans, peas and rye from 1259-1763 to show an 11.11 year sun spot
cycle. (As interesting are the studies of Arthur Schuster who found that good
wine years in Germany corresponded with years of minimum sun spots!).
Another study (Tchijevsky 1926) suggested
that wars, revolutions and mass movements with their resulting political,
social and economic consequences coincided with high levels of sun spot
activity. Sunspots give off solar flares which in turn increase negative
ionization on earth – which might explain increased excitability and activity
during solar maxima. (Tchijevsky noted that particularly severe battles
regularly followed a solar flare during the sunspot peak period of 1916-17.)
By contrast, David Williams’ studies in the
1950s showed that the US had been engaged in either war or experienced
depression during alternate periods of low sunspot activity. These findings
appear to contradict Tchijevsky. However, it might simply be that when sunspots
are at either minima or maxima there is extreme behaviour on Earth.
The double cycle – approximately 22.2 years –
covers the time when spots move downwards across the northern hemisphere of the
sun, across its equator and then down toward the sun’s equivalent of the Tropic
of Capricorn before starting off again in the Sun’s northern hemisphere.
Had the sunspot cycle been behaving
‘normally’, then a period of low sunspots would have been experienced in late
2007. During this particular cycle however there has been an exceptionally long
solar minimum period. The ‘typical’ number of spotless (minima) days is 486
days. The minima period held for much longer than expected however and, since
2004, (and as of the time of writing) there have been 813 spotless days. 260 of
these were in 2009 when we might have expected sunspot activity to be
increasing. Spots are now occurring more frequently though it is hard to know
exactly when maxima might now be reached.
Astro-economists have looked for correlation
between the number of sunspots and stock market indices. The results are
compelling. The next graph was prepared during the recent extended minima
period and still shows an extended peak for 2014.
It is possible that this might not occur
The graph above was produced by Jan Alvestad
who used data from the sunspot data index centre in Brussels. From this we see
that the sun was still in a minima period in May 2009 and that the number is
only now increasing (65 as of yesterday). The clear disturbance to the pattern
makes forecast of the next maxima difficult to make. It is unlikely to be in
2011 as might have been expected but rather some years later. Indeed, it is
possible that we are now witnessing disturbance not seen since earlier times of
‘solar discontent’ which have now been named the Dalton and Maunder minimums.
At the simplest of levels this suggests that
there will continue to be serious disruption to weather patterns and, most
likely, that growing periods will be substantially affected –leading to poor
crops and food shortages: with considerable economic effect.
Put this together with the retrograde sun
forecasts and it seems very likely indeed that the coming decade will be
difficult and that food prices will soar.
As explained, it is not possible to forecast
all solar activity. My clients do appreciate being reminded of its rhythms and
of possible consequences in trading however. At a personal level, and of
practical use is awareness of where we are in the sunspot cycle and whether
sunspot numbers are close to those experienced at birth or are at a different
stage in the cycle.
Recently I have been working with two elderly
investors both of whom were born when sunspot activity was extremely low. In
tracing their investment history we discovered that they had made their best
decisions when the numbers were similarly low and their worst when the numbers
were very high. Sunspot tables can be found in Neil Michelson’s excellent book,
‘Planetary Phenomena’ or through the nasa website.
Neil Michelson’s book also lists major magnetic
storms. Allow a short orb for their influence. Another two investors were both
born within 24hours of major storms – which seems to hint at their propensity
to suddenly ‘seize on the moment’ and to take risks that others might consider
foolhardy. Both are exceptionally good investors.
In preparing this article I discovered just
how little I knew about our special star but that what I did understand
compelled me to learn more about its activities. To me it is not enough to know
where it was in zodiacal terms about its status: I have a thirst to know what
kind of ‘mood’ it was and is in and how this correlates with economic activity.
I suspect that this will be a never-ending quest.
Counting sunspots is not straightforward.
Looking at the Sun through a pair of (properly filtered) low power binoculars –
you might be able to see two or three large spots. Someone using a high-powered
telescope might see 10 or 20. A powerful space-based observatory would see even
more — say, 50 to 100. Which is the correct sunspot number?
There are two official sunspot numbers in
common use. The first, the daily “Boulder Sunspot Number,” is computed by the
NOAA Space Environment Center using a formula devised by Rudolph Wolf in 1848:
R=k (10g+s),
where R is the sunspot number; g is the
number of sunspot groups on the solar disk; s is the total number of individual
spots in all the groups; and k is a variable scaling factor (usually <1)
that accounts for observing conditions and the type of telescope (binoculars,
space telescopes, etc.). Scientists combine data from lots of observatories —
each with its own k factor — to arrive at a daily value.
The Boulder number (reported daily on is usually about 25% higher than the second official index,
the “International Sunspot Number,” published daily by the Solar Influences
Data Center in Belgium. Both the Boulder and the International numbers are
calculated from the same basic formula, but they incorporate data from
different observatories.
As a rule of thumb, if you divide either of
the official sunspot numbers by 15, you’ll get the approximate number of
individual sunspots visible on the solar disk if you look at the Sun by
projecting its image on a paper plate with a small telescope.
This list of websites is not comprehensive
but offers a useful starting point
Charles Nenner is “a natural pattern recognizer.”
Another "proof" for
Astrology? Data scientists find connections between birth month and health
Edward Naumov also of Soviet Russia
observes that “the solar activity at the time of birth also affects an indi-
vidual. A good receiver (listener) is born when the Sun is qui- et and a good
sender (Adviser) is born when the Sun is ac- tive”.
Dr Chijevsky has found the
“correlation between the cy- cles of Sunspot activities and epidemics on earth
including the invasion of locusts and rodents and perhaps even in migration of
Sir William Hershel the discoverer
the planet Uranus, in his paper presented to Royal Society of London brought to
the attention of the elites, “the apparent rela- tionship that he found between
the sunspot activity and the price of wheat during the period 1650 t0 1800.
Based on his discovery he correctly predicted the period of abundant crops.”
R C Carrington (1863) published a
paper disputing this claim. However, the later figures proved him wrong.
William Stanley Jerons, a noted
English economist claimed to have found “a correlation between 11.11 year
sunspot cycle and the fluctuation in the price of grains during the period 1259
and 1713”.
Dr Carl G Jung an eminent
psychologist of Switzerland has this to say: “Astrology represents the
summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”
Carl Jung and Dr Freud jointly
discovered that “the dispositions of the moon and mercury indicate the predis-
position to mental illness”.
Dr Francois Gaquelin, initially a
non-believer found “correlation between the position of Jupiter, mars and
Sat-urn in certain professional types like doctors, lawyers, painters, etc.”
More importantly, he also found that
“the hour a baby is born will also indicate its future health because of the
secretion of the hormones.”
Dr. Abbott of USA after studying
sunspots for over 11 years, “successfully predicted the oncoming drought in
Nicolas Schulz, a Soviet scientist,
was able to show that “human blood undergoes significant changes in propor-
tion to the intensity of cosmic radiation.”
Samples taken from 1200 people showed
that “the sun’s behaviour was responsible for the increase or decrease of the
whit corpuscles.”
Dr Garcia Mata and Shaffner advances
the theories:
1. “Mass psychology is influenced by
waves of optimism or pessimism caused by the variation in the amount of ultra-
violet rays emitted by the sun.”
2. “Changes in solar activity cause
changes in electro- magnetic field of humans.”
Prof Dosseur of the University of
Frankfurt discovered that “our emotions were materially affected by the nature
of electrical charge of the air particles surrounding us creating fluctuating
Dr Albert Krueger of the University
of California says that “five molecules of hydrogen –oxy- tryptomia level in
hu- man brain give response to atmospheric air ions. The effect of positive
ions markedly increases aggressive character while the negative ions facilitate
learning and reduce anxiety.”
M.J.H.Nelson an eminent scientist
showed that “there is a close connection between the ionosphere disturbances
over the north Atlantic and the planetary configuration which in our language
is called aspects.”
Mr Tyrell writing in the Nature of
Human Personality says that “not only astrology but the occult generally, is an
obscure pointer to an aspect of the Universe above and be- yond the
spatio-temporal casual framework and the world of sense-perception on which
science has hitherto relied in its attempts to describe the objective
Dr.Leonard J Ravitz, an eminent
neurologist, says that “the inmates of his mental hospital had to be kept under
close surveillance during some of the phases the moon.”
He further says that “phases of the
moon, sun’s position, cosmic and gamma rays, sunspot radiation and other distur-
bances on the earth’s magnetic field have an impact on the force field or the
astral bodies around our body.”
Dr Robert Becker in concurrence says
that “such force field of the human body also affects the nervous system.”
Mr Arnold Meyer of the British
Association of Advanced Science observes that “the sun and the moon in
conjunction are both concentrating their focus on the same part of the world at
the same time; this accounts for the abnormal conditions - This conjunction
does definitely affect a child born during the conditions of this nature.”
Edison Y Andrews an American Surgeon
in ‘The journal of Florida Medical Association’, writing on post-operative
hemorrhage observes that “his patients are in greater dan- ger during full
moon. This forced him to perform surgeries, as far as possible, when the moon
is in the first or the last quar- ter.”
Prof. Techijesvsky of Moscow found
the following which are not only scientifically exact but also astrolog- ically
as well:
1. “The epidemic of influenza has an
average period of 11 years and 3 months and it begins roughly 3 years after
sunspot maximum.”
2. “Sunspots cycle is close to 12
months which is also the duration of Jupiter’s travel around the sun. The
sunspots are perhaps related to Jupiter’s revolution.”
3. “There is a correlation between
the sunspots phenomenon and wars and revolutions.”
4. “The time is fast approaching when
a jury assessing the guilt of an accused will have to take into account the
astro- nomical and meteorological conditions which prevailed when the crime was
committed.” (In a lighter vein).
Dr Jonas agreeing with the old belief
1. “The fertility period of women is
something to do with the waxing and waning of the moon and that it is possible
to find out the days a woman can conceive during her entire life time.”
2. “This can be effectively
controlled via astrology which will be without any side effects like nausea,
headache or weight gain. This will be a boon to Roman Catholics, who are op-
posed to other methods.”
Dr Jonas in order to satiate his
hunger for new discov-eries went on to prove that “retarded children were
invari- ably produced when a women conceives during certain oppo- sition of the
sun and the moon or major planets in her chart.”
Dr Maki Takata, a Japanese scientist,
discovered that “the composition of human blood changes during eclipses. This
is based on the result of his experiment showing that during the total solar
eclipse, as the moon began to cover the sun the flocculation index started to decline
reaching its low- est point when the eclipse completed.”
Dr P. P. Bhagwat in an article in
Astrological Magazine gives elaborate details on the effect of sunspots.
1. There are changes in terrestrial
magnetic activity. 2. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun varies with the
3. Magnetic storms disturb shortwave
radio communication.
4. Long distance telegrams, electric
lines, gas and oil pipes, submarine cables are all disturbed.
5. The years when the sunspots are
more frequent shows drier weather and less rain fall.
6. The years when the sunspots are
less the weather is more watery and stormy.
7. Temperatures are lower in sunspots
maximum years.
8. Temperatures are higher in
sunspots minimum years.
9. There are fluctuation, in share
markets and world trade in these years.
10. The Sunspots have observable
effect on the mind of the general public.
Dr B Ramamurthy, a noted
neurosurgeon, has this to say: “There is truth in the opinion held in this
country that there is correlation between epilepsy and the waxing and waning of
the moon.
Experiments by meteorologists and
neuroscientists acting in concert in India and Australia have shown that there
is a definite link between geomagnetic disturbances and epilep- sy.”
Mr V.S. Kalyanaraman, another
prominent author in astrological Magazine “lists over 13 historical events
occur- ring from 1951 to 1978 coinciding with the intensity of sunspots.”
Prof. P S Sastry a noted researcher
and a commentator in his lectures at the Rajasthan University says that.
“Varaha Mehira enumerates 33 sunspots
called by him as ’Tāmasa kilakas’ which have different colours, forms and
positions. He not only mentions the details of sunspots but also of their
terrestrial affairs way back in 1 BC.”
Dr M Venkatacharya, who has done some
research on hyper tension and heart diseases says in Astrological Magazine
says: “I once again forcibly state that a doctor can be a better astrologer
than a layman who studied some principles of astrology.”
K K Shah, an eminent scholar, citing
the fact that “when the moon can affect the waters of the seas, it is bound to
affect the human body also to the extent there is water. The calculation of
protons and electrons, the reaction of min- erals carried by energy and radiated
by human body is noth- ing else but the science of astrology.”
The foregoing clearly demonstrates,
in most unequiv- ocal terms, the scope and the ambit of astrology to be- come
not only a science but also a pioneer in research field of medicine and market
analysis as well.
This also poses an embarrassing if
not intriguing question for astrologers - Why didn’t they take advantage of
this huge treasure of scientific wealth?
Mr M S Sitharamiah, writing in
Astrological Magazine, as far back as June 1974 asks:
“Should we not, therefore, launch our
own research pro- gramme in astrology?
Who is better fitted to undertake
this than those in India where the ancient and the modern rub shoulders?”
Mr V. Shekhawat, in the same
magazine, reasons that “the weakness of astrology drives not from the fact that
its assumptions are false or that it is logically fallacious but simply from
the fact that not enough attention has been paid to it academically.”
Source :
What do you see
in this pattern. For the sake of the text, this is the tiger blot.
Source: Astronomy Picture of the Day
Funny, that - eh ? It almost smacks
of the C.S. Lewis science fiction novels such as ;
Social Climbing May Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health
GANN TRADERS & Astrology
Bizarre things going on with the Sun
and the properties of light in space ( And Our Double Sun? ).
Following is a selection of past notes and links related to our approach to
emulating substances with frequencies posted to our various online groups in
the past ;
The tracks I create are a form of audio hologram, they are designed to work
well via any broadcast medium and can be easily encoded onto RF carriers, even
laser modulation.
" tracks are quite powerful, so anticipate the strong likelihood of
rapid effects that are physically observable, .....dont get spooked by this,
its a normal side effect, artifact of the geometry and encoding, the degree of
observable reactivity will be proportional to the following factors ;
- How clean your output signal is ( how fine the resolution )
- Amplitude Level
- And signal duration, a track is 10 minutes in length, but loop this for
continuous playback for minimum of 45 minutes
Do NOT square the signal or alter, convert, truncate it, this will severely
compromise the integrity of the geometry and you will cripple its effectiveness
Output should be sinusoidal only"
My frequency tones are unlike any others, they are mathematically mapped to
over six positional place holders to the right of the decimal point, that is
how sophisticated they are, the more accurately you can broadcast the signal
the greater its effectiveness
Tracks are mp3 encoded but you should be able to play them direct, if you are
mixing waves in a plasma tube they will heterodyne just fine with many other
wave form types, however I would recommend not playing them simultaneously with
other frequncies, tones for now, play them on their own
In each case, similiar informational directives are embedded into the different
tracks, but from different PERSPECTIVES (via geometric rotation) this allows
for maximum absorption and digestion by the psyche and body-mind AND allows for
time drift variances, i.e. when moods change in accord to background natural
cyclic gradients such as lunar phase, the user will instinctually 'know' which
of the tracks of a given class is desired and needed most, thus allowing for
maximum delivery and effectiveness most of the time!
its not always the actual literal substances but rather that average mean
response and reaction of test subjects when exposed to them that gets modelled,
so often the substance frqs are maps of the reaction response of the person
when exposed - the essence of it mapped to geometric form
Get 9 powerful tracks at a huge discount!
LSD 5.mp3
Space Warp Yeah Really It Warps Baby.mp3
Normal retail cost = $369.70
Special Offer For only $89.97 when you use this link ;
From: Doc Stars
Subject: MIKE - Re: [undergroundlab] Strong Results Today
Received: Saturday, August 9, 2008, 9:05 AM
Really good work here Mike, very well documented, thanks for doing such a great
Whats important about this is that you were paying comprehensive attention to
all effects occurring, very helpful.
One think I should mention about Space Warp is that it also has an uncanny
ability to support health and wellness, the reason for this is that it has a
very unique and exotic TCM emulation blend (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
encoded into it as part of its overall informational design.
From: andereggcfa
Subject: [undergroundlab] Strong Results Today
To: undergroundlab@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Saturday, August 9, 2008, 3:37 AM
I have been looping the kit that was emphasized recently - probably played for
60-90 min yesterday over speakers and then today for about 2.5 hrs.
andereggcfa <andereg@
I recently relayed the following comments to Doc and thought some
others might be interested or have similar experience. Also I am aware that
certain of the esoteric schools use plants that grow in
south america to facilitate spiritual work. I for one would buy this immediately
if Doc can do it:
Banisteriopsis Caapi (Caapi Vine, Ayahuasca)
Banisteriopsis Caapi Vine, the legendary "Vine of Souls", is native
to the Amazonian rainforest.
If anyone knows Stuart Wilde, I went to his last event in Vegas a few months back
where I became more educated on this. I am somewhat hesitant to do the actual
drug however. DOC TO THE RESCUE?
I tried some of those mushroom frequencies at bed time last nite - that body
buzz one really had a very noticeable effect. You are probably familiar with
the various spiritual applications of those and maybe you have seen a film
called the Pharmacratic Inquisition.
Unique emulation of Rose Essence. An experimental first prototype that
attempts to capture the healing energy of the Rose in to a frequency.
This mini-kit contains three separate frequency audio tracks which may be used
individually or together in a looped sequence. Each frequency contains
the same essential encoding but is delivered in a different energetic geometry
to allow optimal absorbtion for different states, calming, energizing, etc.
have discovered a novel means of stimulating and entraining specific states of
consciousness via geometric topologies corresponding to the desired state and
embedding these into acoustic tracks.
In the past I seem to ahve been successful in emulating a number of substances
such as Lithium, Ibogaine, various herbals, etc...
When I do this I try to capture the beneficial effects and filter out any
potential toxicities of the substance.
Its not an easy process, and I fail at it far more than I succeed. Additionally
Im never able, as far as I can tell, to emulate a given substance in entirety -
but I do seem able to capture enough to allow the user to experience
significant benefits. Some substances are much easier to model than others.
I tried a number of times to see if I could generate the geometry of Oleander
and embed this into an acoustic track, but it has proven to be really
difficult. I tired about three or four times but wasnt happy with the
results... sometimes this process can take days, weeks, months... so far the
Oleander protoype is looking like it will take longer than normal.
One of the problems Im having is that it seems that Oleander can do what it
does, when knocking out cancer cells, BECAUSE it is a form of poison.... which
is why when making the recipe with the actual herb one has to really know what
they are doing, its the toxicity that is the helpful agent but it has to be
delivered just right and at the correct dilution level.
I cant simply filter the toxic vector out of my Oleander model because then it
wont work properly at all.. anyhow this is one of those ones that are likely to
be in long term development.
However, based on the nature of the Oleander forum and the interests and
character of the members I did see and hoped for, a mutually supportive and
collaborative atmosphere, we are working towards the same golas of wellness and
we have the open minds and intelligence to review and apply reasonable
alternative healing methods. The outcome Im looking forward to is like minds
sharing, growing, learning together and achieving a better overall state of
inner balance and harmony.
Im a relatively new member and I havent posted much and I completely understand
how dynamics should play out in a positive way.
I assure you I am not simply, solely spamming your group to make bucks off you,
this is not something that serves the greater purpose. I am looking to get word
out on what Im doing and I am looking at working together with like minded
people who care enough about informing themselves of meaningful uknown options,
empowering themselves and achieving better states in their lives.
I welcome any one to check out the veracity of my comments, you are very
welcome to check out our research forum, feel free to observe directly the
tempo, content and context of what we discuss, review what sort of things I
post - this should give you a clear window on me and what Im really about.
Very Respectfully, Warm Wishes to you Oleander Crew!
Doc Starz
And thank you to the Oleander members who are making such wonderful
contributions to our ongoing research and experimental efforts!
Often, in order to properly map an organic substance, it can take a long long
time, and I cant always do it properly or sufficiently enough to make it worth
offering, further, I have to also determine as closely as possible what the
microcosmic organic compounds proper reciprocal cosmic radiative patternings
would be. It would be a whole lot easier, if I could, to do the
macrocosmic component by simply using old astrological recipe, formula
handbooks to determine what these energetic blends might be, but I cant very
often, at least 60 percent of the time its not terribly helpful. Example,
say you pick up some old book on astrological medicine or correspondences, you
know... say you look up what plants Saturn is supposed to rule, and you have
that as your operative list, and for me to generate my frequency I just determine
which planet governs the plant.... thats where it breaks down. The people who
made these observations over time did so often from
the place of part science and part lore, not to mention cultural bias
etc.... So what one group might associate a plant with cosmically might
be very different from what another might. I could go on and on about
this, but in order for me to properly construct the 'right' pattern means a
whole lot of observations and testing, I also have to be cautious about
the sort of things I make available to the public Im not interested in having
some misguided authority figure wrapping me on the knuckles erroneously because
they dont understand what Im doing, if any one saw the most recent Harry Potter
movie, where the whacko head mistress from the 'Ministry of Magic' goes
on a myopic rampage through Hogwarts School trying to repress everything but
breathing.... however, after having said all this I'd like to say that I think
its important in the name of science to at least wonder these things outloud,
is it indeed possible to model Ayahuasca?
I'll think about this and get back to everyone..... What I would really love to
know explicitly,
is what are the true names the indians, like the Yaqi give the variants of
these plants, we know they get much of their info through the icaro songs.....
what secret names and characteristics are floating about...... I wonder?
from donnaN2son@xxxx
Have also been adding the frequencies to my drinking water and bath water.
Usually play classical music to my plants, but I’ll start playing the frequencies
to my plants and see if they like them also.
Which frequency would be best to use on my plants. Age regression ? Don’t want
to regress them back into seeds, lol….My cat goes crazy (giving me kisses) when
I play the frequencies, but I forgot which ones I played, that made him act
like that. He wouldn’t leave me alone, it was really funny.
from sagamoreplus@xxxx
Donna you made me laugh for the first time today! To imagine your plants become
seeds again! It doesn’t work like this, does it? My budgies seem full of energy
too, like your cat. Whenever they hear the frequencies, they fly around crazily
then perch on the monitor and chirp happily!!
Ive had a few people report that they have on occasion played the frequencies
in nature, in the woods, two friends I know drove their car out and were in the
middle of a field with lots of trees surrounding them, wildlife, they played
the frequencies loud on the speakers and sat on the outside of the car on the
hood of the engine....
Just sort of day dreaming and staring out into the sky, I think it was a blue
summer day
They said that in a short period of time they began to notice something
happening.... and they said it was very tangible, the feeling was, that the
forest has some how woken up and was watching them, not in a bad way, but they
said it felt mildly spooky, yet positive.... and that something was shifiting
in nature around them.....
From: "Gloria" Add Mobile Alert
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:16:02 -0600
I tried a few.. I tried the 'sore foot' one as my cat has an injured foot and
has been laying about for over a week now. We believe he got into a tangle with
other cats.
Anyway, when I started the downloaded freq, he got up and came over by me and
the computer laptop. Then he began to investigate (smell) the computer as if to
find where the sound was coming from.. Then, he laid down on the floor next to
me throughout the duration.. Hmmmm??
That was the most he's perked up in more than a week....
I'll try it again later...Glo
From: "Gloria"
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:18:34 -0600
Hi again ,
I ran the 'sore feet' again on the cat and the same thing happened. Only this
time he came and sat on my lap through out the freq.
He IS limping less now and putting more weight on that foot..
Then later, I ran the 'Heal via many levels' and the 'Psyhic shield 1'. He was
in the other room at that time but came in this room when I played the Psyhic
shield one. He again came right over to the computer and sat on the arm of the
chair...just stairing at the computer.
When the session stopped, he walked away.
I'm definately seeing some benefit. And as I said before, he's been down for a
I'll run it again later when I get back in from work and keep you posted on his
I wonder what the reaction would be to the BIRDS outside..? Perhaps I'll try
Report Week #2
Einiyah B
Mar 9, 2008
Hi to Doc and all!
Below are my notes relative to experiences with the SSFs this week:
Continue playing the test frequences at highest volume, doing best to
stay with 10 ft. of speakers. Seem to be noticing more responses from
Nature to the frequencies - birds, butterflies.
Day #1: No SSFs, body needing a break. Sounds around the body and
in ears persist since last week.
Day #2: Not ready for SSFs. Feeling very soft, moving slow, content
to go about my day with ease. A feeling of being more connected
to "everything" continues.
Day #3:
1:20PM - Began Hyperspace Evolver after a short nap, feeling rested.
2 PM: Sitting on back porch watching a yellow butterfly sitting on
the matching yellow bristles of a brush i'd placed in the Sun to
dry. Am liking this one, a happy, bubbling feeling inside of me.
2:25 PM: Tones taking on a multi-dimensional quality. Neding more
water, body getting warm again (cool breezes today, so not the
2:45 PM: Some discomfort in temple/forehaad area, spreads to crown.
Last almost half hour. Perspiring now.
2:55 PM: Noticing an energy dip, ate snack, better.
3:40 PM: Crown stim strong...spreads to center of head.
4:10 PM: More energy and happier again. Stopped at 4:15.
Evening: Glanced up from reading in bed to notice water level in
bottle of water always kept on top of bookcase headboard is
shimmering...just slightly but noticeable. I get out of bed, and
movement stops. Get back in bed and shimmering starts? Laid verrryyy
still, breathing more shallow, thinking i could stop the shimmering,
but i couldn't? Maybe this has happened before but i never noticed
Day #4:
12:50 PM: Began Hyperspace Evolver. Feeling balanced, alert, rested,
pain in colon (chronic off/on).
1:30 PM: Six birds are sitting on my front wall looking towards the
house. Have never seen these kinds of birds around here (one is a
cockatoo). Since i have a dog and a cat, very seldom does even one
bird come near the property. In a few mins. dog chases them away.
They don't return, but am sure as can be that it was the sounds that
drew them.
2 PM: Activation in eyes, back of head.
3 PM: Laid down to relieve colon pressure. Otherwise fine. No
specific effects noticed.
4 PM: Light crown activation. Feeling clear, calm but not very
strong. Stopped playing frequency.
Day #5: Body aches - mostly upper body. Very strong last night.
Feeling weak all day. No frequencies today.
Evening: Fever 3 degrees higher than normal.
Day #6: Headache, body aches pretty strong. Less fever during day,
4 degrees above by early evening. No frequencies.
Day #7: Somewhat better, pains much less, still pretty weak. Don't
plan to listen to any frequencies today.
NOTE re above: I don't personally believe that the
frequency "caused" the pain or fever, as it was for me a classic
toxin release likely brought on by a lot of energy release work i've
been doing in the last week. I DO BELIEVE it is possible they
assisted me in letting go of lots of yuck.
Hope you all had a more pleasant week:-)
2454U-Lab Report Week #3 March 10-16:
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Einiyah ben-Elyon
Mar 16, 2008
Greetings from the netherworld:-)
U-Lab Report Week #3 March 10-16:This week i consciously experimented
with using the Project Escape frequencies to facilitate release of
old traumas, and in order for my report to make sense to the reader,
i provide this brief explanation:
As i'm sure most of you know and likely experience, when the body or
beingness is ready to deal with isue, it's best to deal with what is
presented. Perhaps this experience is just another manifestation of
the synchronicities Doc oft refers to. Anyway the very week this
project took off turned out to be the week that
(1) i began seriously working to clear early childhood traumas that
had resurfaced big time, using TAT and NLP practices, and
(2) an earth-energies "expert" showed up and balanced a strong energy
field that encompasses my house (strongest in bed and living rooms).
These are mentioned as i don't believe it's possible to report
SSFexperiences in isolation, as everything affects everything. AND
there are no "coincidences" - right?
Moving on, what was NOT reported earlier:
* Our target frequencies always seemed to produce experience of "too
much noise" in my head, body and field, causing me to back off until
this cleared.
* The first night i slept in my bed after earth energy work, i laid
awake a couple of hours just feeling the difference. What i got was
that the field is now coherent, and how i found myself describing
this is "there is more space around thoughts and sounds." NOTE:
Just yesterday i read something Doc had written about possible
effects of one of these test babies and it addressed "the space
around...." !) I continue to experience this by the way.
* Experiencing noticeable difference in the spaces where frequencies
are played, and kitchen. We "know" everything is sound
(loosely translated, that is) and that sound affects "everything".
Well, what i get is that the molecules in these particular spaces
began to resonante with the frequencies and hold them until something
else interposes a new effect.
* Have been experimenting with other sounds off and on more
purposely.Often i love playing "music" while i work, Tibetan
mantras, Gregorian chants, Native music (via flute, drums, voice...)
Am finding when i pay attention to intuition, the results are
soothing, perhaps helping me integrate?
Choosing to refrain from charing any additional input re the healing
part here. If any members wishes to explore this further, please send
me a private email.
Okay, now on to this week's experience:
Day#1 and 2: Heavy processing, can't stand even the thought of
playing SSFs. The sounds remain in my ears, head, in and around the
body. Been sleeping longer than usual at night.
Day #3: 3 hours of Neuro-Teleportal 1 & 2, Bio-Sparkorama. (1:10 to
4:10 PM)
1:10-2:30PM - listened while using computer. Don't like to do this,
but behind in work). So far Bio-Sparkorama that i haven't liked is
going okay, but not noticing affects of SSFs - too distracted.
2:30-3:30 PM - out on back veranda playing ball with Sheba. (Usually
listen to test SSFs from back veranda, tossing ball to Sheba,
remaining within the 10 ft. of speakers.). Energy sustained, more
clear in head,
3:30PM - Notice 6 pigeons sitting on west wall...again 6 birds? They
soon flew away. Go to back of yard, mayb e 25 ft. from speakers but
sounds still clear, to dig some weeds, noticing that when i'm
listening to SSFs i do this almost every time. Perhaps i'm needing a
4:10PM - some body sweats. Tones starting to grate on nerves. Turn
Day #4: Troubled dreams last night, too much going on inside to even
read a book. Dog also restless.
3 hrs. + Neuro-Teleportal 1 & 2, Hyperspace Evolver (12:50PM to 4PM).
2:45PM - A bit drowsy, energy in general lower today.
3PM - Noticing dull ache left side in back (kidney?).
3:30PM - Went further into the yard, dug some weeds, feel bette.
4PM - Turned off. Feeling agitated. Need a rest. Listened to 45 min.
healing tones CD. Body seemed to slurp it up. Felt better afterwards.
Evening: Not previously mentioned, but am seeing muddy-colored, odd-
shaped images-no particularly definition-
when eyes are closed
Day #5: No frequencies. Still difficult inside of me. Generally
unsettled all day, though Tibetan chant CDs seemed to help.
Day #6: A bit better today, but the sounds in and around me are
still unsettling, less than earlier in week. Body sensations closer
to the surface...something ismoving out. No frequencies.
looking forward as always to reading others' reports:-)
4302DAVID - Re: [the_sound_of_stars] Re:How to Tell if they'll work for you
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Jul 22, 2008
If this works as well as I'm guessing then you should be headed for a
nobel prize. No kidding.
I noticed last night taking my daily regimen of vitamins they seemed
to go down easier and some of the stuff I consume, like chocolate, my
taste buds are beginning to say, "Wait a minute, why are we eating
that?" and not taking too kindly to it so that is very cool.
Also, you talk about the 20% that don't get much effect from the
products. Could they be folks that are 'already there' and just don't
know it because it is second nature for them?
Another piece of news. I ran the frequencies with the door open and
loud enough for the wild birds to hear outside. Many of them were
quiet and listening to the human 'concert'. I've done this before with
classical and later their songs have reflected some of the song
patterns. I'm pretty sure that birds do pick up our voice patterns and
music patterns(sometimes they even sound like cell phones) and
incorporate them into their music. Just incline your ear to it once in
a while and you'll be surprised at what you'll hear.
So you never know the bird world may pick up on your frequencies and
transmit it all over the world
--- In,
> That is interesting. But were they attacking or were they attracted to it?
I appreciate your clarity on this subject.
One of the frequency demos I played 'lingered' and later that
night I noticed a whitetail doe 'very curious' about the way to the
door that played the sound out.
She was not agitated at all but very confident in her looking for the
goods, so to speak. Her nose was busy smelling for it. I knew this
was an after effect of the frequency Peace Harmony Feel Good demo
that had lingered in my house and yard.
One thing I find reveling about these sounds? You 'Know' the
resultive experience. Everyone seems clear about what they experience
ot do not experience. Whether feeling, image, intercommunications,
intracommunications...whatever the result. This is not a wishy washie
gray area group. I find that refreshing.