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As Bertrand Russell once observed, 'What men really want is not knowledge but certainty.' Reigning paradigms

do indeed offer scientists certainty and a sense of security, financial as much as intellectual, and this helps them

to ignore, trivialize or suppress anomalies that expose the shortcomings of their cherished beliefs. Above all,

official science has largely lost the willingness and ability to question, and sometimes even acknowledge, its

own basic assumptions. science labours under the delusion that it is steadily progressing towards

a 'theory of everything' - a master equation concise enough to 'wear on your T-shirt', as one joker (a leading physicist)

put it. In reality, physicists are plunging ever deeper into a morass of arbitrary and irrational mathematical fantasies.

Infinitesimal particles, one-dimensional strings, multi-dimensional branes, collapsing probability waves,

10- or 11-dimensional spacetime, curved space, expanding space, spatialized time, dilated time, time reversal,

backward causation, ex-nihilo creation - it seems that any garbage is acceptable as long as it avoids the need

for a dynamic, energetic aether. ~ Correas












 “…  The flash of blue light witnessed through the microscope was the transfer of information

from the level of light-coding to the physical plane. This is discussed in metaphysical literature,

but had never before been witnessed and photographed.”


Marcel witnessed and photographed the precipitation of Light into crystal in his IBM laboratory while growing liquid crystals and subsequently wrote:


   “When cool, if a liquid crystal state exists, the melt goes into a birefringent state under polarized light which can be readily seen under a polarizing microscope.  From this state the sample will then crystallize into the solid state.


   “In the course of the study of this state under the microscope I noticed a remarkable event, namely that before the melt went into the liquid crystal state, a blue flash of light took place and then immediately after that, the sample transcended into the liquid crystal state.


   “This state was videotaped and, after one year of effort, a picture was taken at the moment of transition.  What appeared on the film was the prefiguring in space of the crystallographic form the system was to assume.  The blue flash contained information which formed into a geometric form.  This geometric form was the source of the crystallographic form from which the crystal grew and developed2


   The word crystal comes from the Greek word “krystallos”, meaning frozen light.  A crystal is generally considered to be a systematic, orderly and  repetitious patterning of molecules or energies.  ….  It is the forming aspect of Light that patterns the highly ordered array of energies we call a crystal.  Should this light pre-form be altered in any way, the completed crystal will be altered from its original “intended” form.  In fact, while viewing the growth of a liquid crystal, Marcel was able to alter its final form. 







“In the physical world, in anything - even inside a single point - there are always infolded vector things in violent motion. We may say that these interior critters are "hyperspatial" or "infolded" or "virtual" or "hidden". But they're real and they're inside the point, as seen by the external observer.  Excerpt from ; Interview with Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden (ret.)

The following interview with Tom Bearden appeared in a magazine called "Megabrain Report". It is dated 4-Feb-1991. The interviewers were Terry Patten and Michael Hutchison.






Guided by A.G. Gurvitsch's work that showed that cells give off mitogenetic radiation (photons)

that can affect other cells, the Kaznacheyev team sought an answer by looking for photons given

off by the infected culture sample as its cells died.

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"....the Soviet Union proved conclusively that any cellular disease or death pattern can be transmitted electromagnetically, and induced in target cells absorbing the radiation.


In the experiments, two sealed containers were placed side by side, with a thin optical window separating them. The two containers were completely environmentally shielded except for the optical coupling.

A tissue was separated into two identical samples, and one sample placed in each of the two halves of the apparatus.

The cells in one sample (on one side of the glass) were then subjected to a deleterious agent - a selected virus, bacterial infection, chemical poison, nuclear radiation, deadly ultraviolet radiation, etc.  This led to disease and death of the exposed/infected cell culture sample.

If the thin optical window was made of ordinary window glass, the uninfected cells on the other side of the window were undamaged and remained healthy.  This of course was as expected in the orthodox medical view.

However, if the thin optical window was made of quartz, a most unexpected thing happened.  Some time (usually about 12 hours) after the disease appeared in the infected sample, the same features of disease appeared in the uninfected sample.

This startling "infection by optical coupling" occurred in a substantial percentage of the tests (70 to 80 percent).  From an orthodox medical view, these results were unexpected and unheard of.

Further, if the originally uninfected cells were in optical contact with the infected 

cells for 18-20 hours or so, and then were correspondingly exposed (optically coupled) to another uninfected cell sample, symptoms of the infection appeared in this third sample an appreciable portion of the time (20 to 30 percent).

Guided by A.G. Gurvitsch's work that showed that cells give off mitogenetic radiation (photons) that can affect other cells, the Kaznacheyev team sought an answer by looking for photons given off by the infected culture sample as its cells died.







“2) The appearance of two new bands of light in the infra- red and ultra-violet spectrum indicating

a stretching of molecular bonding of the water. This is indicative of more energy and a new

information in the water”



The crystal is a quantum converter that is able to transmit energy in a form that has discreet biological effects. This is most likely a resonant effect. The human body, on an energetic level, is an array of oscillating points that are layered and have a definite symmetry and structure. This crystallinity is apparent on both a subtle energetic or quantum level as well as the macro level. The bones, tissues, cells, and fluids of the body have a definite crystallinity about them. The structure of the fluids, cells, and tissues of the body tends to become unstructured or incoherent when dis-ease or distress is present. The physical body is comprised of liquid crystal systems in the cell membranes, intercellular fluids, as well as larger structures such as the fatty tissues, muscular and nervous systems, lymph, blood, and so on. Through the use of an appropriately tuned crystal to which these structures are responsive, balance and coherence can be restored by delivering the necessary “information” or energetic nutrients needed.


For each pass around the crystal, a 50cc sample was taken for an analysis with the Omega 5, a 50cc sample was taken for pH and conductivity measurements, and a cuvette sample was taken for infra-red and ultra-violet spectro-photometry.


The results of these experiments showed that:


1) Water spinning in a coil generates a weak, but measurable field

2) Crystals of quartz can be charged with “information” and tuned to the fields generated by spinning water

3) A critical charge is required for “information transfer” to occur (i.e. 1 - 4 passes around the crystal)

4) This number of passes can be modified by the programming of the crystals

5) More than one operator is possible

6) The program transfer is a resonance transfer with no loss in the original program after hundreds of experiments have been done with the system

7) Water is made to be a permanent magnet. This field remains constant after the water stops spinning and can be removed by the application of a bulk demagnetizer.


The basic changes noted in water after being spun around an appropriately charged and tuned crystal were as follows:


1) Decreased surface tension

2) The appearance of two new bands of light in the infra- red and ultra-violet spectrum indicating a stretch ing of molecular bonding of the water. This is indicative of more energy and a new information in the water

3) The conductivity of the water increases

4) The pH of the water can be altered up to 3 points, an increase in acidity or alkalinity

5) The freezing point of the water could drop to as low as -30 degrees C

6) A significant number of the molecules would become aligned in micro-clusters or molecular chains; orderly, systematic and repeating patterns. The water has become a liquid crystal system capable of storing information


According to Marcel:


“This structuring is best assayed with a UV spectro-photometer where one finds an increase in UV absorption due to an increase in the water bonding from the water forming chains on itself. The magnetic moment of this structured water is increased by 0.07 gauss and there is also an increase in the pH and dielectric conductivity. Boiling of the water after structuring shows no change in the UV spectrum, so one can conclude that a permanent chemical change has taken place. When a drop of this structured silica water is dried on a slide and compared with untreated silica water, the photomicrographs show the formation of needle-like silica crystals in the structured water drop while the untreated water dried to an amorphous mass of silica gel. This shows that the process of structuring water produces a structuring or ordering effect on the solutes in solution. ”


Although in most cases it was found that water generated a weak magnetic field, on one occasion a different effect was noted. Normally the effects noted above were attained by circulating water through a Pyrex glass tube coiled seven clockwise turns, around a tuned crystal. By reversing the position of the crystal so that the firing tip was pointed upwards, an energy was released that lifted Marcel off the floor and flung him to the wall. He was standing approximately three feet away from the apparatus when this happened. Afterwards his eyes were burned as if from intense radiation.


Water is an unknown because of its familiarity. We have yet to discover the power inherent in this plentiful fluid. When water is circulated and spun around a charged crystal, enormous charge can be released from it. Further research is needed to determine the nature of this energy.


It is quite likely that although there is a measurable magnetic field present, it is, in reality, only an effect of something more fundamental in nature than EM fields. It should be noted, however, that the fields present in both the crystal and liquid when charged, whatever the nature of that field, can be cleared by a bulk de-magnetizer.



Structuring of Water (H2O) with Quartz (SiO2)


It's interesting to note that pioneer Hieronymus observed, in a Paris meat market display, that the freshly placed organs of different animal parts were causing the frost on the display glass above them to crystallize in specific patterns associated with the different parts of the body. Showing that the life force still emanating from the organ had a unique radiating pattern that was affecting the sensitive crystallization process of the water thus capturing these eminations.


Marcel felt that it was extremely profound and significant discovery that all of the crystallographic forms of the 7 major classes can be formed in water as it is going from water to ice crystals. Showing that the geometrical matrix of water, which has similarities of tetrahedral and hexagonal structuring of quartz, can universally conduct the spectrum of geometries manifested in nature. This discovery of water was made from drilling deep core samples of frozen water taken from the Antarctica.


In the early 1980's I was honored to have as a dear friend and work with the late Dr. Marcel Vogel.

Click here for Laboratory Notes in PDF format on the Structuring of Water and it's relationship to Quartz

Although my background is in traditionally taught electronics and communications, I have always felt that the laws that govern these sciences have a profound basis that goes far beyond that which scientists can presently measure.   An experience in my life that triggered my interest in sacred geometry is what lead me into seeking out the one person on the planet that was scientifically linking consciousness with geometrical forms as exemplified in crystals, Dr. Marcel Vogel. In 1983 he asked me to join him as a research associate.

 Few basic fundamentals about the energies of Mind from the Research


Marcel had a genius of an inquisitive mind, that once he discovered for himself that the energies of mind could effect matter, he then went into serious scientific research.    Just a few of the fundamental (re)discoveries regarding the thought energies of mind briefly were ...


·        That it can be responded to by instrumentation connected to a plant or even conductive rubber.

·        That it can be projected regardless of time and space, where the inverse square law does not apply.

·        The inhaling and exhaling of breath is connected to the receiving and transmitting of thought information.

·        Breath when exhaled through the nostrils in a rapid burst has the greatest degree of projecting thought.

·        Quartz crystals can amplify, store and transfer these energies of thought.

·        Quartz when geometrically faceted can cohere thought to a greater harmonic degree than when formed by natural forces in nature. Such as the Cabalistic male/female structure Marcel developed.

·        Quartz SIO2 and Water H2O have similar tetrahedral and hexagonal geometries and resonate with the energies of mind similarly.

·        All of the seven major crystallographic geometries found in nature can and have been exhibited in the formation of water showing that it can act as a fundamental matrix for forming all patterns in nature.

·        When water is structured, it's state has changed to a liquid crystal which exhibits both the proprieties of a structured formation, similar to how ice crystals are formed, and that of a liquid. It only requires an extremely minute charge to structure water due to the polarity of the molecular configuration.

·        The valence bands in water around 3000 to 4000 angstroms are permanently altered after thought was pulsed into a test water sample measured on a spectrophotometer.

·        The structuring by thought into a cut crystal can be transferred into water by spinning the water around the crystal in a right hand spiral tube of seven turns leaving the water structured with that thought pattern that was programmed within the crystal.

·        When you seed a crystal it continues to replicate itself in it's own image. Similarly a small amount of liquid that is patterned will replicated itself in a larger volume of liquid to that seeded pattern.

·        We are patterned after that which created us, and therefore we create. Everything hinges around suggestion, as we believe so we create.

·        Love is our primary responsibility and is the power in the universe that keeps matter in form.

·        Marcel Joseph Vogel


·        (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received over 100 patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24 ” hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence, and magnetics.


·        In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal.   Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water.  He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system.


·        You may read more about the life of Marcel from this PDF Document.


Few basic fundamentals from the Research

About Marcel Vogel

The Squiggle that changed his life

The vision of a cut structure that could cohere thought

Obtaining the first Crystals for the Research

The Gift

The Lab - Psychic Research Incorporated

DeLaWarr Psychotronic Camera Project

Structuring of Water (H2O) with Quartz (SiO2)

What I learned working with Marcel

Video Library of Marcel Vogel's presentations


How this research all started with the squiggle that changed his life


In 1969 Marcel Vogel gave a course in creativity for engineers at IBM. It was at this time that he read an article in Argosy magazine entitled “Do Plants Have Emotions?” about the work of polygraph expert Cleve Backster into the responsiveness of plants to human interaction. Despite initial rejection of the concept of human-plant communication, he decided to explore these strange claims.


He was able to duplicate the Backster effect of using plants as transducers for bio-energetic fields that the human mind releases, demonstrating that plants respond to thought. He used split leaf philodendrons connected to a Wheatstone Bridge that would compare a known resistance to an unknown resistance. He learned that when he released his breath slowly there was virtually no response from the plant. When he pulsed his breath through the nostrils, as he held a thought in mind, the plant would respond dramatically. It was also found that these fields, linked to the action of breath and thought, do not have a significant time domain to them. The responsiveness of the plants to thought was also the same whether eight inches away, eight feet, or eight thousand miles, as he proved from Prague, Czechoslovakia to his laboratory in San Jose where he was able to affect the plant hooked up to the recorder! Based on the results of the experiments the inverse square law does not apply to thought. Marcel said that squiggle on the script chart recorder changed his life. This was the beginning of Marcel’s transformation from being a purely rational scientist to becoming a mystical scientist.


Basically it was found that plants respond more to the thought of being cut, burned, or torn than to the actual act. He discovered that if he tore a leaf from one plant a second plant would respond, but only if he was paying attention to it. The plants seemed to be mirroring his own mental responses. He concluded that the plants were acting like batteries, storing the energy of his thoughts and intentions. He said of these experiments: “I learned that there is energy connected with thought. Thought can be pulsed and the energy connected with it becomes coherent and has a laser-like power.”


Marcel discovered that the greatest cohering agent is love. This, of course, set him apart from his fellow scientists. At a time when many still don’t acknowledge that an observer affects what they are observing, the notion of love was a totally unscientific idea. Even when cloaked in the garb of a term like resonance it was unacceptable. To Marcel, love was (and is) a pure force. Certainly we experience it as an emotion, but this is our experience of something that is beyond emotion. He likened it to gravity, an attracting and cohering force present at every level of existence. Without this relationship an important aspect of scientific investigation is missing, preventing us from discovering and exploring the more, perhaps most, subtle aspects of life.


This is one reason why certain scientific investigations in the area of subtle energies cannot be readily replicated. It is not always a matter of scientific protocol, but a matter of relationship. Unfortunately many scientists would consider this to be some kind of inessential and perhaps bothersome epiphenomena. Although such individuals are scientists, to Marcel, they were technicians attempting to prove what they already thought was true. The true scientist is one who attempts to discover with childlike curiosity. Too often we, all of us, only want to confirm what we already believe.


The vision of a dipyramidal quartz structure that could cohere thought


in 1974, he awoke from a dream with a pattern in his mind’s eye: the Tree of Life as shown in the Kabbalistic teachings. This was a teaching and a pattern with which Marcel was unfamiliar. At the time he saw only the pattern of a rectangle with a triangle at each termination.


For an entire year he spent most of his lunch hours at the IBM glass shop attempting to facet raw quartz into this configuration.


"The crystal is a neutral object whose inner structure exhibits a state of perfection and balance. When it is cut to the proper form and when the human mind enters into relationship with its structural perfection, the crystal emits a vibration which extends and amplifies the power of the user's mind. Like a laser, it radiates energy in a coherent, highly concentrated form, and this energy may be transmitted into objects or people at will.” - Marcel


The crystal works much the same way that a laser does: It takes scattered rays of energy and makes the energy field so coherent and unidirectional that a tremendous force is generated - one that is much stronger than if the energies were allowed to be emitted without having come into coherence.


The structural change in cutting quartz into the proper shape is to tune it to be a coherent information transfer device. The form geometry of such a crystal creates a coherent field of energy that can act as a carrier wave of information, whereas raw quartz does not. Why is this important?


According to Marcel:


“This ‘carrier wave’ must have a coherency to it so as not to mingle with the radiations emitted from the target material but act now as the differentiating transport vehicle.”


In the case of offering healing service to another individual, radiations emitted from the target material refers to the difficulty or distress experienced by the client. The coherent light emitted from the Vogel tuned crystal is able to penetrate the often disparate radiant fields within and around a distressed individual. An incoherent energy is often dissipated if not completely absorbed by the chaotic field generated by the distress. Beyond this the most profound effect of the faceted crystal has to do with its relationship and resonance to water. Because more than 70% of the physical body is water, the Vogel tuned crystal, with its resonance with water, is the perfect delivery mechanism for the introduction of subtle energies to an individual. Marcel also felt that the various subtle energy bodies described in metaphysical literature are gradations of a field that is anchored to the physical body via the water molecule.


Structured water can be thought of as water that has a greater degree of bonding between adjacent water molecules than does unstructured water. Structured water also forms a crystalline-like structure consisting of elongated chains of molecules that can be differentiated from the surrounding water molecules by qualities that are consistent with qualities found in liquid crystals such as increased birefringence and a lowering of the freezing point.


A microstate is the angular, geometrical alignments t hat water molecules have when they are in the structured state. Quartz crystal shows a microstate but not a mesophase, as it is a permanent state solid rather than a transitional state or semi solid. When the various angles of the quartz molecule are investigated, a possible basis for its resonance with the water molecule is found.


The fundamental geometrical pattern of quartz and water is the tetrahedron. Water molecules, bound together, form tetrahedrons in tilted or puckered rings. This tilting happens because of the bonding angle that exists between any three water molecules. This angle is 109.5 degrees. The normal flat hexagon has angles of 120 degrees. Water molecules with smaller angles, if they are to be formed into a hexagon, must have an uneven structure that is not in a flat plane but is instead a three dimensional object. This uneven structure is formed by what is called the bending angle or angle of tilt. This angle can be between 20 degrees and 60 degrees, but the most common is 26 degrees. This is where the intermolecular bond is the strongest and it happens to be half of the interlattice angle of quartz. The second most common bending angle for water is 54 degrees which is quite close to the interlattice angle of quartz as well.


The interlattice angle of a crystal is related to the basal angle. The basal angle is ˝ of the angle of the tip of the crystal. The interlattice angle of quartz is 90 degrees minus the basal angle which is 38 degrees. Therefore the interlattice angle is 52 degrees. This is also the angle of the Cheops pyramid.


The intermolecular bonding angle for the water molecule is 104.5 degrees. This is the angle that exists between the hydrogen atoms of each water molecule. It is virtually double that of the interlattice angle for quartz.


It is possible that there is a compatible harmonic between water and quartz because of the similarity of these angles. This would allow a resonant transfer of the energies that are imputed to the crystal to a significant group of water molecules in any given sample.


The structure of quartz can replicate itself in water because of this resonant transfer based upon structure.


The geometric structure produces frequency patterns, harmonics, that can transfer into water. Very small amounts of energy are required for this transfer. The nature of resonant systems is such that a minimal input can achieve a maximal output.


Resonance transfer occurs because the energy waveforms coming out of a vibrating substance have nearly identical waveforms. The phase relationships of a resonating system can be defined in terms of the angular separation that exists between adjacent molecules. The six molecules that form one hexagonal ring, when in resonance, will vibrate or broadcast its energy on a wave that has a particular frequency. The first molecule will vibrate influencing the second molecule; the second will affect the third, and so on. The time intervals between successive broadcasts will result in a phase delay which can be converted into a phase angle. Successive waves coming from an oscillating system have successive phase angles that equal the angular separation that exists between members of the system.


The phase angle within the vibrating ring of water molecules is 60 degrees (360 divided by 6). If there were 7 molecules in the ring the phase angle would be 360/7 or 51.43 degrees. This is the principle phase angle of quartz. Most of the internal angles of water and quartz are either fractions of this angle or multiples of it.


It is the interlattice resonance between the quartz microstate and the lyotropic mesophase that is the determining factor in the formation of the lyotropic mesophase in water. It is the reason that water can be structured by spinning it around a tuned quartz crystal. It does not require large amounts of energy to accomplish this.


As an example of resonant transfer, one can imagine a series of dominoes being placed across the United States. from San Francisco to Washington. Each successive domino would be slightly larger and heavier than the previous piece. By the time we reached Washington, the final domino might be as large as the Washington monument. By applying a slight push to the first domino, less than one pennyweight, each domino would be knocked over until the final piece was toppled. Through the introduction of a very small energy to a system the result is the production of enough energy to knock over the final very large and heavy domino.


The structuring of water around a tuned quartz crystal is dependent upon the program that is imprinted into the crystal. It is the program that brings about the abrupt change in state. A fundamental program that can bring about dramatic changes in water is that of unconditional love.


In the structuring of water and wines the question was whether there was a field created in space when the water was spun around a crystal.


In the physical sciences, the ability of crystals to store information is widely known. "According to the September 4, 1994, issue of Newsweek, Stanford University physicists have demonstrated the first fully digital model of a device that stores information as a hologram within the subatomic structure of a crystal. The scientists were able to store and retrieve a holographic image of the Mona Lisa. The particular crystal held only 163 kilobytes of memory, but it is expected that these holographic units could store up to one million megabytes. The short article says that crystals store information in three dimensions and could be ten times faster than the fastest systems currently available."


Whatever thought pattern occurs within us, we have a tendency of recreating, unless intervened upon by our creative ability.   The underlying matrix in which forms our physical forms is patterned by our thoughts. As we inhale and exhale our breath, there is a multidimensional information exchange in this breathing process occurring of the sending and receiving of our thoughts. This thought-breath link has characteristics that show that a rapid transition or a rapid short burst of breath can cause a rapid transformation in physical matter focused through thought. This could be analogous with that of striking a bell sharply versus softly or creating a ripple in the ocean versus the sharp earth movement that can trigger the power of a tsunami in movement. In electronics a sharp spike in an electrical signal will generate a lot of power in harmonic multiples of the signal. Such is the effect with the breath and focused thought.


An example of how the mind projects energitic patterns that affect a sensitive crystallization process was demonstrated by Marcel while he was viewing the growth of a liquid crystal, Marcel was able to alter its final form. Instead of maintaining the normal shape that an oleate of cholesterol would take, the outcome was a configuration clearly recognizable as the Madonna. Marcel had been focusing on an image of the Blessed Virgin in his mind’s eye while viewing the growth of the crystal under the microscope, uninterrupted, for one solid hour! 


In the techniques that Marcel shared with me in erasing and repatterning discordant or dis-eased patterns in the body it was noted that injuries that were physically impacted to the skeletal structure of the body, responded most rapidly. It was noted that the bone structure had an ability to store and record these patterns more readily. These patterns are especially recorded in water, in which the body is 70% composed of.


In the process of knowing where locally to work on the body, if not readily apparent like a broken arm as such, oh I better get this out of the way and say "These statements have not been approved by the FDA and before trying any of the procedures here you should see your doctor first". yeah right, Ok back to our discussion in locating the causal source of a problem in the body. Not to get biblical (because I am certainly not into any religion) but the statement "ask and you shall receive", has some fundamental truth to how the information matrix of the mind works. There is truth in the saying that sometimes truth is so simple it evades the mind, which is looking for complex answers. The mind is such that, you put a question pattern out and then without questioning your ability to receive the answer, allow the mind to show you in whatever manner it may want to take in your mind's eye, be it an image, a pattern, a color or emotion. Use this information as a focal point to process that which is at the root cause of the problem in which you asked to be shown the causal pattern of.


As a dramatic example of the capability of these crystals to convert energy,  Marcel once created a circuit with one of his Vogel-cut® instruments as a “power source”.  He told me in conversation that:


“I have made electricity with the crystal…up to 75 volts. Using a crystal like this (a Vogel-cut®).  It’s an induced voltage…a direct current voltage.  I put the crystal in the middle of a box ( a hexagonal mahogany box) and then I made a coil of copper wire and then silver-tin wire wrapped 250 times.  I had another coil on the outside made of nickel wire.  There were primary and secondary wires that came out to a voltmeter.  I drew my breath in and pulsed the breath and out came voltage from the crystal.  I tried this with an uncut crystal as well, but it didn’t work.  I have the equipment in my lab to make greater voltage, but I haven’t gone into this.  There is so much else to do and those who saw me do this became very disturbed.”5


   Marcel went on to tell me that he did this also with a light bulb in the place of the voltmeter and was able to cause the bulb to illuminate.







Masaru Emoto was a Japanese parascientist and alternative physician. According to his own statement, he became acquainted with the physico-chemical phenomenon of the concentration of water molecules in the USA and the technology of magnetic field resonance analysis.


Emoto has been involved with water since the early 1990s. He argued that water can absorb and store the influences of thoughts and feelings. He came to this conclusion through experiments with bottled water, which he labeled either with positive messages such as "thank you" or negative messages such as "war" and then frozen, photographed and judged the resulting ice crystal on the basis of aesthetic and morphological criteria. Thus, he established a certain connection between the appearance of the ice crystal and the quality and condition of the water.


According to his theory, water labeled with positive messages always forms perfect ice crystals, while water with negative messages assumes imperfect crystal shapes.









The Cell Also Lives and Functions in the Virtual State
Obviously, to transmute elements the living system has to be able to directly affect and influence the atomic nucleus.
     It has been shown that this is a cellular capability, for single-celled organisms can do it.
     As we shall see, Rife's work showed that the living cell is connected to at least 16 internested deeper levels of reality than a relative "point" under an ordinary microscope. Further, all levels are structured and organized.
     Think of it!  Each one of those levels is to the preceding level as microscopy today is to the normal world.  Sixteen levels!
     I think it's reasonable to state that the life of the cell is patterned and dynamically structured and functioning all the way into the virtual state; indeed, to very deep internested levels of the virtual state.  That is, it also functions hyperspatially.
We shall also see that the mind and thought involve these more subtle physical (though virtual) levels.
     Thus the living virtual-state levels are a reality, for Rife proved it.
     The living organized structures at each level are a reality, for Rife proved it.
     The living ordering and control of dynamic functions on all those levels is a reality, for Rife proved it.
     Those living virtual-level parts of the living organism - plant or animal - thus affect, function in, and reside in the atomic nuclei of the material that composes its bodily structures.
     Beasties like bacteria and viruses also have living, organized energy structures in multiple levels of virtual state.  Apparently, for these more primitive life forms, the virtual-state "energy part" can be separated and pass through a filter, then re-engender the physical form and/or itself cause the disease in a host!  At least that is what Rife and other scientists showed.
     "Bigger fleas have smaller fleas to bite 'em, And so on, ad infinitum. "
     Of course the living system can "work on" the nucleus and change it a little bit!  If it couldn't do so, it couldn't stay alive and function in there in the first place!

     The Kaznacheyev Experiments
Dr. Vlail Kaznacheyev is Director of the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novosibirsk.
     For 20 years he has been directing highly unusual experiments with twin cell cultures. These experiments are vital to understanding disease and healing on a more fundamental basis than is presently utilized by orthodox medical science.
     The Kaznacheyev experiments (several thousand) in the Soviet Union proved conclusively that any cellular disease or death pattern can be transmitted electromagnetically, and induced in target cells absorbing the radiation.
     In the experiments, two sealed containers were placed side by side, with a thin optical window separating them. The two containers were completely environmentally shielded except for the optical coupling.
     A tissue was separated into two identical samples, and one sample placed in each of the two halves of the apparatus.
     The cells in one sample (on one side of the glass) were then subjected to a deleterious agent - a selected virus, bacterial infection, chemical poison, nuclear radiation, deadly ultraviolet radiation, etc.  This led to disease and death of the exposed/infected cell culture sample.
     If the thin optical window was made of ordinary window glass, the uninfected cells on the other side of the window were undamaged and remained healthy.  This of course was as expected in the orthodox medical view.
     However, if the thin optical window was made of quartz, a most unexpected thing happened.  Some time (usually about 12 hours) after the disease appeared in the infected sample, the same features of disease appeared in the uninfected sample.
    This startling "infection by optical coupling" occurred in a substantial percentage of the tests (70 to 80 percent).  From an orthodox medical view, these results were unexpected and unheard of.
     Further, if the originally uninfected cells were in optical contact with the infected 

cells for 18-20 hours or so, and then were correspondingly exposed (optically coupled) to another uninfected cell sample, symptoms of the infection appeared in this third sample an appreciable portion of the time (20 to 30 percent).
     Guided by A.G. Gurvitsch's work that showed that cells give off mitogenetic radiation (photons) that can affect other cells, the Kaznacheyev team sought an answer by looking for photons given off by the infected culture sample as its cells died.
     They found that the cells in the infected culture gave off photons in the near ultraviolet when they died.  The normal window glass was opaque to these near-UV photons and absorbed them.  In that case, the uninfected culture on the other side of the glass was not exposed to radiation by the UV "death" photons from the dying cells, and they remained serenely healthy.
     However, the quartz window was transparent to the UV "death photons".  When the quartz window was installed, the UV "death photons" passed through it and were absorbed in the uninfected culture on the other side of the window.  Most of the time, the uninfected culture which absorbed "death photons" sickened and died with the same disease symptoms.
     The Kaznacheyev experiments proved conclusively that cellular death and disease patterns can be transmitted and induced electromagnetically.*

*We point out that this effect has been investigated in both the infrared and ultraviolet.  IR to UV may be taken as a single harmonic interval - an octave, musically speaking.  The same effect can be reproduced in any other "octave" (single harmonic interval) of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum.  The reversal of the effect can also be achieved in any harmonic interval.  The mechanism for these effects involves the cellular biopotential, Popp's master cellular control system, and the deterministically-tailored substructure of photons.

         Structuring and Charging a Biopotential
Kaznacheyev thus demonstrated that a photon information/ regulatory system exists in biological systems due to a continual influx of EM energy from outside the system.  That is, the cells of the biosystem are charged with an electromagnetic potential, and additions and changes to the potential are continually received.  The cell is thus in minute disequilibrium.
          Usually the myriad of continual inputs from the external environment into the cell's potential charge pattern (in its atomic nuclei) may be taken to be potential changes whose substructures are disordered.  In that case, no specific environmental effect is observed except slight fluctuations without order - a miniscule form of "heating."
          However, if a continual ordered substructure exists in the input from the external environment into the cell's potential, the cell's potential will gradually "charge up" with that pattern.
          An analogy will prove helpful.  Imagine an accumulator, a large pot, that holds a volume of water.  Several pipes are connected to the pot, some are inputs for water coming in, and some are outputs for water flowing in.
           Imagine the inputs all containing "blue" water, just in slightly varying shades.  The water in the pot is blue, and may slightly rise and fall in level as the input flow rates vary. The water in the pot may also vary slightly in its blueness as the inputs vary.  However, it will still be blue.
           Now suppose that yellow water starts flowing through one of the input pipes, and at a goodly rate.  Slowly the water in the pot will start to turn greenish as a greater percentage of yellow builds up.  In other words, the pot slowly charges up with some of the "yellow" charge, in the process acquiring a "green" charge.
      The biopotential in the cell experiments works the same way.
      A cell has a biopotential built up, which represents the "nominal equilibrium" of the scalar charge on the cell.  This biopotential, being mostly a "sum-zero" of virtual state vectors, is centered in and on the atomic nuclei of the cell, constituting charge patterns in these atomic nuclei.  The biopotential extends out of the atomic nuclei, through the electron shells, into and through the molecules, through the internal cell structures and membrane, and outside the cell.
      From the atomic nucleus on out through the cell, every layered structure or organization of the cell will layer, structure, and.organize the biopotential accordingly.
      This organized, structured cellular biopotential is continually receiving "charge patterns" contained in incoming photons absorbed by the cell.  The biopotential is also continually exhausting some of its biopotential charge pattern in the photons (heat, light, etc.) that the cell emits.

      The Cell's Electromagnetic Breathing
Via structured photon exchange, the biopotential of the living cell thus "breathes in" the virtual state charge structure of its environment, and "breathes out" its own internal virtual state charge structure.
      So, in the experiment, the uninfected cells are continually absorbing photons from their surrounding environment, and emitting photons back to it as well.  According to our scalar EM view, each photon it absorbs has a substructure that depends upon the part of the environment from whence it came.
      These "substructures" are actually patterns of the sum-zeroed virtual vectors comprising the potential of the absorbed photon carriers.
      Normally, since a large number of very different substructures are continually being "input" into the cell's potential from the absorbed photons, the substructure of the cell's potential receives an essentially disorganized continual input from the environment.  This equates to the fact that the environment does not normally specifically influence or change the cell's potential with ordered information (organization).*

*There may be sufficient ordered input from the environment, however, to have something to do with territoriality in living things, salmon returning to a fixed place to spawn, turtles returning to the same beach to lay eggs, the migration of birds, etc.

     When a cell dies, it ceases to maintain the bio-dynamics that sustained its artificial potential (that part due to bio-ordering by its organized life processes, above the background level of its "inert matter" potential).  The dead cell's built-up artificial potential then "discharges" by emitting a structured photon.**
     Since this photon (energy) comes from an organized potential drop, the virtual substructure of the emitted photon is organized.  The photon, then - among other things - carries the exact organized virtual charge pattern of the dying cell's disease.
     We strongly insist on the quantum mechanical view here:  All physical changes - chemical, material, mechanical, whatever -at root level are constituted and caused by virtual state interactions, in direct patterns of virtual particle exchanges.
     In the full QM view, what's really going on in primary physical reality is just a complex set of patterns and changes in potentials anyway.

     The Summed Virtual Structures of Kaznacheyev's 
     "Death Photons" Physically Kindle the Disease

At any rate, the Kaznacheyev experiments showed that the dying cells from the infected culture emitted photons in the near UV that contained artificial (structured) potentials.  The virtual-state, patterned-substructures in this photon flux directly represented the cellular disease pattern caused by the original cell's specific infection.
     In other words, as the infected cells died, they emitted "death photons" which contained the template pattern of their death condition.
     When these "death photons" are absorbed into uninfected cells, their deterministic substructures gradually diffuse into the cell's bio-potentials.  Gradually the biopotentials of the new cells are "charged up" with the integrated pattern of the disease.

**Note that this photon is emitted from an atomic nucleus. Hence it is a phase conjugate (time-reversed) photon.  It will interact with the biopotential of targeted cells, and thus reach their own atomic nuclei.  This is the mechanism for Kaznacheyev's cytopathogenic effect.
See particularly C.W. Rietdijk,
 Found. Phy., 7(5-6), Jun. 77, p. 351.









          Popp, "Photon Storage in Biological Systems,"  
          Electromagnetic  Bio-Information,1979

    The master cellular control system of the biosystem is itself a dynamically changing, ordered pattern in the biopotential of the cells, which is centered in the atomic nuclei comprising the cell materials.  As the bio-potentials of the cells gradually acquire the "death photon's" substructure pattern, this pattern is also diffused throughout (modulates) the master cellular control system.  All the cells in the sample (or in a biosystem) are now slowly charging up with the "death photon" pattern.
     As Popp discovered, photons continually "leak out" of the virtual photon master control system of the biosystem.  Some of these
 leakage photons are observable photons, but most are virtual photons.
     Further, they are
 structured photons.
     In other words, as leakage photons spill out of the master control system, observable change is now being slowly initiated in the physical structures, biochemistry, etc. of the biosystem's cells - and these changes are in consonance with the integrated "cellular death pattern" of the originally infected cells.
     Note particularly that it is already well-known in quantum mechanics/electrodynamics that, when a photon is emitted from the surface of a dielectric body, the entire dielectric body participates in that emission.  If a photon is absorbed on the surface of the dielectric body, the entire
 dielectric body participates in that absorption.
    Thus as irradiation by the "death photons" continues, the "death structure" in the irradiated cells increases.  It is spread throughout the cell culture by the master communication system, gradually charging the virtual state structure of that system with the death pattern.
     Spillage photons from the cellular control system occur throughout the culture.  These photons are structured with the death pattern, and gradually affect the cell and its biochemistry physically.  The previously uninfected cells thus physically start to acquire and exhibit the symptoms and characteristics of the disease pattern that killed the infected cells.

     Electromagnetic Infection Results in Physical Disease
The new cells are now electromagnetically infected and physically diseased.
     After all, that is all a cellular disease is in the first place - physical, electrical, and biochemical changes in the normal functioning of the cell.
     For a given pattern of changes in the cells, a specific "disease" exists in them.
     It absolutely does not matter what causes this exact pattern.  If the specific physical pattern is there, the specific disease is there.
     Note that any ghost pattern in the virtual state flux can charge up physical matter - that is, the atomic nuclei of a mass.  All that is necessary is that a continual flux of this virtual pattern continually bathe (irradiate) the mass's atomic nuclei.
     The eventual emergence of this "ghost template pattern" into observable physical reality is called kindling.  Kindling is charging up one or more atomic nuclei with an integrated virtual charge pattern until the integrated pattern breaches the quantum threshold, resulting in emergence of that pattern into observable physical change.

     A Possible Cure for AIDS
One of the things going for the "good guys" and EM defense against AIDS is that cells are a lot tougher than viruses.  Thus even non-structured EM signals can be used to effect cures in many disease cases.
     In fact, ordinary ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of the blood has already been utilized to cure or control severe infections, including severe viral infections.  I am indebted to Dr. William C. Douglass for pointing this out to me, and for permission to reproduce the following information from his important newsletter, The Cutting Edge, Nov. 1987, p. 3.  The following material is quoted verbatim, with no editing.
     "It's amazing what you can find by nosing around in the dusty archives of a good medical library.  I came across another remarkable therapy that the AMA and drug industry (or whoever is in charge of suppressing non-toxic treatments that work) have shoved down the memory hole."
     "Back in 1933, Doctors Hancock and Knott treated a patient dying of septicemia (blood poisoning) with ultraviolet irradiation of the blood.
l  The patient was moribund with a blood stream infection and obviously near death. (Remember that this was before antibiotics and there was nothing to lose.)  The patient made a complete and uneventful recovery ."
     "Searching further, I found that in 1928 a similar terminal infection was treated by ultraviolet light to the blood.  This patient also made a complete recovery.
2 "
     "So in 1928, practically in the middle ages, an incurable disease, blood stream infection, was cured with ultraviolet light.  With such a breakthrough why wasn't it tried again for 5 years?  According to the record, another years passed before it was tried for a third time.
     "Back in those days infection was the number one cause of death.  You can't help but wonder how many lives could have been saved if doctors weren't so resistant to new ideas.  Just imagine a cure for AIDS being set aside for 11 years.  Yet bacterial infections of the blood were uniformly fatal in 1935, just like AIDS is today."

1   Northwest Medicine, 33:200, 1934.
2   Knott, AM. J. Surg., Aug. 1948, pp. 165-171.
3   Am. J. Med. Sci., 197:873, 1939.

     "Finally, in 1940, 110 cases treated with ultraviolet spectral energy were reported.  The results were uniformly good.  Between 1940 and 1948 many other conditions were successfully treated, including vein inflammation (phlebitis), polio and asthma.  Up to the late 40's over 40 thousand treatments were given with ultraviolet blood irradiation."
     "And now for the most interesting part.  In 1947, Dr. G .P. Miley reported on 79 cases of virus infection.
4  Miley stated that ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy could be relied upon consistently to control an infection of a virus in a safe and efficient manner.5"
     "AIDS is a virus.  AIDS-II is a virus (the HTLV-IV leukemia and lymphoma now sweeping the world).  Remember that these killer viruses are within the cell and any chemical agent that enters the cell to kill the virus will often kill the cell as well.  But ultraviolet irradiation kills the virus without harming the cell."
" A fine piece of crystal can be shattered by exposing it to just the right frequency.  You can be standing in the room and the energy from that frequency won't harm you in the least.  Viruses have the same characteristics, and so, in my opinion, frequency irradiation of the blood in the ultraviolet range is our greatest hope for curing AIDS."
     "But the treatment is simple, safe, inexpensive and unpatentable.  That doesn't bode well for its future, at least until a few senators get AIDS."

4  Rev. Gastroenterol. 15 271-277, 1948.
5  Am. J. Surgery, Aug. 1948, pp. 170.

     The Mirror Cytopathogenic Effect and Factors Influencing It
The cellular disease induction effect was called the mirror cytopathogenic effect (CPE for short) by the Kaznacheyev group.  Mirror CPE appeared only when the quartz or mica window was no thicker than 0.8 mm.  A. F. Kirkin also duplicated the experiments using a thin plexiglas window.
     There are conditions which enhance the effect, and others which inhibit or degrade it.   Irradiation of the detector-culture with a low dose of UV prior to its optical contact enhances the effect, increasing
 it to certainty (99-100% ).  Increasing the temperature to 38.5 degrees centigrade also enhances the effect (from 37% to 90% for example).*

*This is very important.  Preconditioning the cells by "dithering" them in the frequency band of interest, or in a subharmonic band, "livens" the cells for developing the irradiated pattern.  This is similar to a dither voltage placed on a missile fin, making it much easier and quicker for the fin to move when an actual order is placed on it.

     A necessary condition for the success of the experiment is the rotation of the holder with its two optically-coupled samples at a rate of about 24-25 revolutions per hour.  Optical contact between the inductor and detector cells for a minimum of 4-6 hours is necessary, after which the cell cultures can be separated.  A longer contact time is necessary for complete development of the irreversible effect.
     Both cultures must be maintained in complete darkness throughout the experiment.  Use of the detector as a new inductor in a successive state reduces the effect by 20-30%.  Three or four such stages is sufficient to eliminate the effect.
     There is a seasonal variation in the results.  In more than 15,000 experiments, monthly variations and daily variations were noted.  (The present author's interpretation of this is that it is due to the monthly variations in the virtual photon substructure input from the moon to the substructure of the cell's bio-potential.  The daily variation is due to the daily variations in the virtual photon substructure input from the sun to the substructure of the cell's bio-potential.)
     Negative results appear more often in winter.  (The present author's interpretation of this is that it is due to the fact that the scalar potentials of the earth and the biopotentials of each living cell on earth are lowered in winter by the weaker flux from the sun.)
     Effects are correlated with the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field.  Negative polarity of the field usually precedes the appearance of mirror CPE.  (This is because of the positive nuclei - which prefer one direction of the magnetic field over another).  Disturbance of the geomagnetic field several days before a culture planting also results in enhancing the mirror CPE effect.  (Disturbing the geomagnetic field provides a "dithering magnetic disturbance" in the atomic nuclei which "livens" them.  Consequently their readiness to charge-up and emit structured virtual state charges is increased).
      Kaznacheyev further discovered that the Sun's activity and the Earth's magnetic field greatly affected the results of his experiments.  Large flashes on the sun seem to inhibit the effect.  (Such flashes cause substantially increased irradiation of the atomic nuclei by sun-emitted substructures, charging them mostly with this disordered substructure pattern and literally "burying" the disease structure several decibels below it.)  In a season of active sunspots, the mirror CPE effect becomes highly unstable.  (The sun emissions are sporadically jamming the effect.)  Under active sun conditions, the effect varies from 90-100% on some days to complete absence on others.

     Some Biological Warfare Implications
The Soviets reported detecting near-ultraviolet photons - bio- luminescence - as carriers of the death/disease pattern.
     However, scientists at the University of Marburg in West Germany also duplicated the effect in the infrared.  This shows that bioluminescent photons in the near UV and in the IR can definitely carry "disease and death" information between cells.  Further, integrating a continuing input of such photons coherently integrates the disease or death pattern from the virtual state into the observable state.
     Note also that portions of the infrared spectrum are a subharmonic of the near ultraviolet.  Harmonics are well-known in nonlinear oscillator theory, and biological systems are filled with nonlinear oscillators.  It may be that harmonics and subharmonics are directly involved in the death pattern.
     If so, the induction of such "death patterns" upon normal electromagnetic carriers is directly indicated.  For example, modulations covering several octaves in the region of 10 gigahertz and above might be constructed that are the analogues of some particular cellular disease.  This modulation pattern could then be added to a common microwave carrier - say in the communication band, from 3 to 30 megahertz.  Say, that is, to something like the giant Soviet Woodpecker "over-the-horizon radar" signals as carriers.
     In that case, a large population could be bombarded, even on the other side of the earth, with "death photons" whose virtual state substructures carry the particular disease pattern.  With sufficient
 time, many of the targeted persons would develop the disease.
     Note that, even if the power and/or irradiation time is reduced so that the absorbed "death photons" are insufficient to actually kindle the disease in the targeted population, a heightened change in the substructure of the biopotentials of the cells of the targeted persons is still accomplished.
     In that case, a precursor pattern - a predisposition for that disease - exists in the targeted persons.
     If the actual disease agent is now loosed on that population, the agent will be far more infectious and lethal than it otherwise would.
     In this way, even diseases which normally do not kill or seriously debilitate the infected person can suddenly become very lethal agents indeed.
     Influenza, the common cold, etc. can become devastating killers if the exposed population has been electromagnetically "pre-conditioned" for enhanced susceptibility.

     What Kaznacheyev Hid:  The Role of Phase Conjugation
If cellular disease can be electromagnetically induced, can it not be electromagnetically corrected or healed?
     If one could time-reverse the exact signal structure (the information) that kindled the effect, and bombard the diseased cells with that reversed pattern, would not the cell deviate back to "normal" and be healed?
     The burning question as to whether cellular disease conditions can be corrected by time-reversed disease signals must certainly have occurred to the Soviet experimenters.
     It is highly significant that they did not openly publish those results.*
     As we have explained in the sections on phase conjugation and scalar electromagnetics, there are really two major kinds of photons:

*  Recent information indicates the strong connection of Kaznacheyev with the Institute of Physiology and Biophysics and the Frank Institute in Pushkino, just outside Moscow.   Since these institutes are deeply involved in microwave and coherent microwave "directed energy" weapons, it is highly probable that the Soviets are applying Kaznacheyev's "death photons" to microwave weapons -- such as the Woodpecker transmitters.   If so, obviously they would develop phase conjugate countermeasure signals as well.

(1) the "normal" photon carries positive energy and positive time.  (2) the "time reversed" or phase conjugate photon carries negative energy and negative time.
     Further, the Soviets certainly knew all about phase conjugate signals.  After all, they discovered and developed the effect.  We discovered it only from the open Soviet scientific literature!
     Let us assume that the "death photons" in the mitogenetic radiation emitted by the dying cells are ordinary photons.  Their virtual state structures (in positive observer time) are exact "templates" for the disease pattern.
     Now suppose we detect the "death photons" with a phase conjugator, which by definition will produce a time-reversed counterpart to the input signal detected.  In other words, the death photons are allowed to strike a phase conjugate mirror (PCM). Time-reversed counterpart photons - carrying the exact time-reversed template of the death pattern - will be created and emitted by the PCM.
     These newly emitted photons now carry the exact "healing pattern" for that specific "death/disease pattern that was received and detected."
     Further, if we "pump" the phase conjugate mirror, we can greatly amplify the output pattern, and hence greatly increase the healing pattern!
     If one records the pattern of the "death photons" for a specific disease, one could of course modulate that pattern upon ordinary photons/signals - such as the Woodpecker signals - and accomplish disease induction or precursor conditioning.
     By phase conjugating the pattern of the "death photons," one can produce an exact antidote.  One can modulate this specific healing pattern upon ordinary photons/signals - such as the Woodpecker signals - and accomplish healing induction for that specific disease.
     In other words, one can create the healing pattern - the antidote, if you will, for any biological warfare agent.  Cancer, leukemia, AIDS, viral diseases, bacterial diseases, whatever.  One can create the antidote within minutes after the first symptoms of the disease or death pattern appear.
     One can then simply add the negating (healing) signal to power line signals, television and radio signals, special transmitters, etc. -
 and immediately start to "administer the antidote" to the irradiated population one wishes to protect.  Now one can see why the Soviets are so ready to expose the entire world to something like AIDS.  It doesn't represent a real problem to them, the instant they decide to negate it.
So they can devastate the rest of the world, with the assurance that their population is safe.
     They can allow some of their own people to develop AIDS - and even some to die of it - as a deception plan to delude the West while Western populations are succumbing en masse.
     Then they can snatch their own population right back to health, from "the brink of the grave," so to speak.
     Our government must immediately develop the same capability.  It is straightforward.  As weapons and counterweapons go, it is enormously cheap.  It can be immediately and widely implemented.  And it can protect our population against AIDS or any other biological warfare strike by the Soviet Union.
     We can save our people from the AIDS knockout already un- leashed upon us by the Soviet Union.

     First let us do that. Then let us negotiate.

     Remember this:  You can negotiate with the Russians only from a position of strength. If you are weak, they will bury you.
     If we do not immediately develop this biological warfare counter- measure, we are already as good as dead.

     Popp's Master Cellular Communication System
Dr. Fritz Albert Popp has already discovered and pointed out the "virtual state" master communication system that controls all cells in the body, and all their functions.
     Based on a thesis derived to best fit experimental results by Ruth and others, Popp postulates that biological systems generally have the capacity to store coherent photons that come from the external world.
     In other words, the biosystem is open to environmental communication and exchange.

     He has shown that the cell population is in a quasistationary state that is far away from thermodynamic equilibrium, as pointed out by Ilya Prigogine.
     Popp also concludes from his analysis that ultraweak photon emission within biological systems can influence chemical reactivity.  In fact, his analysis strongly implies that "ultraweak" photon intensity can regulate the whole cell metabolism and related phenomena.
     The cell takes up photons from external radiation.  This includes both "observable" photons and "virtual" photons.  Since it stores virtual photons, it stores charge, or biopotential changes.  Since its stored virtual photons may be coherent virtual photons, it effectively "polarizes" or structures its stored photon charge, hence its biopotential.
     The cell emits "spillage" photons - both coherent and incoherent - from its stored potential.
    Although Popp only uses conventional "unstructured" photons in his analysis, he shows that, at the molecular level, there is a stationary equilibrium, as far as photon storage and emission are concerned, between the molecular photon traps, the cell population, and the external world.
     It follows that coherent photon/charge inception from the external world can directly and precisely influence the cell's biopotential, hence its functioning and control, by information input.
     Incoherent photon inception, on the other hand, can only grossly affect the cell, such as by heating or sporadic effects.
     In his "Photon Storage in Biological Systems," Popp points out the master cellular communication and control system as follows:
     "The photons which we have measured can be seen as a sort of "waste" from a virtual electromagnetic field with a high coherence.  This field has a tendency to become stationary over the whole organism."
After additional analysis, he adds:
     " Consequently, biological systems must exhibit 'holographic' properties to an extremely high degree.  The successful trials in

finding 'pictures' of various organs in each other organ, such as the ear, the hands, the eyes (acupuncture, iris diagnosis) support these conclusions.  Our assumption that the entire genetic information of the DNA is stationarily delocalized over the body in form of genons may be seen as a further striking example. "
     "From this we can easily deduce that pattern recognition, as, for example, repair mechanisms and immunity, depends finally on the coherence of the photon field within the body."

     Finally, Popp states a most important conclusion:
     "...In medicine new aspects have developed, and not only for cancer problems.  Diseases in general can possibly be understood in terms of electromagnetic interactions within the organism."

     Scalar EM Comment on Popp's Communication System
Popp and his colleagues have produced most important work and results indeed.  They only need to add the impact of the zero-summed/multiplied electromagnetics (electrogravitation).
     As we cover in this book, the biopotential of the cell is rooted in the nuclei of the atoms of the cell's constituent materials.  To be sure, every internal physical structure of the cell correspondingly "levels" and structures the biopotential.  The overall cellular communication system is actually the exchange of "leakage" photons - both observable and virtual - throughout the overall biopotential of the organism.
     Further, going beyond Popp's work, both the biopotential and the leakage photons have extensive, complex internal substructures.  Leakage and intercommunication occurs laterally at all levels of the biopotential, and vertically among cells and substructures.
     The master cellular control system's primary electrical conductivity path is not through the electron shells of the atoms, but is through the nuclei-to-nuclei scalar EM "biopotential levels" pathway.
     With scalar EM methods, organized signals (signals with specific internal nonzero vector EM waves, but which externally sum to zero vector resultant E and H fields) can be constructed for essentially any specific purpose.  This includes "killing" a cancer or leukemia cell, destroying a virus, changing the DNA, etc.
     This approach can directly reach and manipulate all immune and repair system functions.
     The entire biochemistry and functioning of the cell - including its genetics - is totally engineerable.  The Soviets have long known this, and have long since done it.
     Further, a specific "charge pattern" of desired specific immunity (antibodies, etc.) can be designed and used to "charge up" the nuclei of the biosystem.  This charge is then maintained by the system to provide permanent immunity.  Thus one can develop, for example, an "electromagnetic inoculation" for AIDS, one for cancers and leukemias, etc.
     Since the cellular control system is holographic, the "charge pattern" of immunity resides in every cell, including the blood cells.
     Injecting a drop of blood from a scalarly immunized animal into another non-immune animal carries the scalar EM immunity pattern into the new animal.  That charge diffuses throughout the overall biopotential of the organism, and the charge pattern activates the animal's immune system, including causing it to produce antibodies - according to the EM-transferred antibody template.
    Antoine Priore demonstrated this effect numerous times.  This was one of the great mysteries that confounded the orthodox members of the French Academy of Sciences.
     The French Academy did not know of scalar electromagnetics, the cellular biopotential rooted in atomic nuclei of the cellular material, the cytopathogenic effect of mitogenetic radiation from diseased and dying cells, phase conjugation, and phase conjugated electromagnetic healing.
     It is little wonder they did not comprehend the operational healing mechanism of the Bordeaux cancer-curing machine of Antoine Priore!

















George MERKL

Chondriana & Life Crystals


Life Crystals are made of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and guanosine tri-phosphate (GTP) and their precursors, are optically active and are capable of polarizing, absorbing and storing light. One result of being able to provide concentrated specially charged and readily available ATP and GTP, is that it is possible to ensure the optimum energy levels necessary for cellular and genetic repair, growth and function. It is for this reason that the term “reverse-aging” or “anti-aging” has been used to describe their effects. Additionally, the intravenous injectable, developed by Dr. Merkl have been highly successful in treating numerous major diseases, particularly cancers and HIV.

Life Crystals products are produced using pure, organic fruit juice concentrates, honey and a variety of teas in a proprietary and sophisticated, solar extraction, distillation process.


    A microscopic look at a Life Crystal in vitro.

In 1990, Renaissance Export Inc. was incorporated in El Paso, Texas, to commercialize the dynamic technology developed over the preceding decade by renowned nuclear physicist and molecular biologist, Dr. George Merkl.

Renaissance Export Inc. developed its first products through the commercialization of Dr. Merkl’s key discovery of “Life Crystals”. Life Crystals are produced by extracting adenosine phosphates, guanosine phosphates and five carbon sugars from fruit and plant genetic material through a process of photosynthesis. The resulting initial two products are a high-tech, nutritional supplement named “Renaissance Drink” and a potent intravenous, injectable form of pure Life Crystals.

Over the next few years, several other products were developed to enhance the capacity of Life Crystals, positively affecting the many different factors contributing to optimal health. All products, though providing individual and different benefits both internally and externally, contain the proprietary ingredient Life Crystals.

Far from being just another health supplement, these products ensure the optimum energy levels necessary for cellular and genetic repair, growth and function. It is for this reason that the term “reverse-aging” or “anti-aging” has been used to describe their effects. Additionally, the intravenous injectables developed by Dr. Merkl have been successful in treating numerous major diseases, particularly cancer.

Life Crystals products are already backed by years of research combined with extraordinary results both in the field and in clinical trials. Thus, Life Crystals products have already built an outstanding reputation in the few years it was available, and once they are brought back to the public these products will sell over all other ‘similar’ brands, there is simply nothing even similar to Life Crystals! 

Life Crystals products have already received a highly regarded reputation, just from the few short years they were available before Dr. Merkl’s passing. Countries like Hungary were already importing $1,000,000 worth of Life Crystals products a year. There are already many people worldwide who are anticipating the return of these products to the market. The field is ripe for the sowing, and people should not wait in illness when the cure is right under them waiting to help. In this dimming world of ineffective industrial medications, Dr. Merkl’s monumental discovery will be a refreshing beacon of hope.

After the unfortunate death of Dr. Merkl Renaissance Export, Inc. was dissolved, and his legacy now awaits our team, as we attempt to acquire the funds needed to be able to start up a corporation and set up distribution again. We are ready to move forward with the legacy he left behind, and ensure that Life Crystals products can reach a worldwide audience, and continue being a leading example in affordable, accessible and effective health products.


Dr. Merkl was able to change so many lives while making Life Crystals products available, but since his death and the dissolution of the Life Crystals company the world has been without this ground-breaking treatment. It is our duty now to see that the Life Crystals legacy carries on, and is able to re-emerge to a worldwide audience.

Life Crystals products are not only light years ahead of the medical industry, they have gone in a whole different direction completely. That’s what allows these products to contain such potent healing capabilities, while being made up of all organic ingredients, and utilizing the science of the Sun and the Universe, instead of the science of synthesized ingredients and ultra-mechanical laboratories.

Life Crystals products have always been aimed to help the sick and the poor, being a very affordable and super-effective medical treatment, and we strive to eventually distribute these treatments to children and the needy free of charge. People are sick because they can’t afford the proper medical treatment, and even if afforded the medical “treatment” is usually more like medical “abuse”.

Society cannot get better under these conditions, and when there is poor physical health on a mass scale it also reflects itself in the attitudes and ideas of the communities at large – everything becomes of poor health. So by bringing all the sick people back to pristine health, we will in effect raise the consciousness and well-being of the world.  

The medical industry can’t be expected to change their practices any time soon, so it’s up to us to take our health back into our own hands, and to help each other in this quest. The Life Crystals team is seeking your support, so that we can start up manufacturing and distribution of Dr. Merkl’s legacy once again.



1. Biographical Info 1 
2. Biographical Info 2 
3. Life Crystals Canada, Inc. 
4. Warren York: The Genesis Factor 
5. George Merkl: Syntrophic Transducer 
6. Perry Chapdelaine, Sr .: Life Crystals & Chondrianas 
7. Dan York Email 
8. Warren York Email 
9. Steve Mills : George Merkl’s Life Crystal Discoveries 
10. Dennis L. Myers : Pleomorphism
11. G. Merkl : Sacred Geometry
12. YouTube Videos
13. Dr. George Merkl : Sumer-Tech -- Cosmic Bio Machine [ Text & PDF ]
14. Patents

15. Life Crystals
16. Cubic Carbon ( EP0142176 )












Amazing things happen when you send frequency modulation@ 180% out of phase, back to the source. Oscilloscope with image capture microscopy. The image portrays not only what a sound looks like, but patterns themselves contain information, like a 'Thumprint' pertaining to specific frequency range variances. Sound can generate photons, as photons generate sound.


Acoustic microscopy - Wikipedia

Acoustic microscopy is microscopy that employs very high or ultra high frequency ultrasound. Acoustic microscopes operate non-destructively and penetrate most solid materials to make visible images of internal features, including defects such as cracks, delaminations and voids.



"Nobody has ever noticed a place except at a time, or a time except at a place. " A Physical Representation of Reality.


Dr. George Merkl (1920-2004), Ph.D, PhD, was a Nuclear Physicist and Molecular Biologist. Dr. Merkl is listed in "Who's…


George Merkl: Sumerian Lectures pt.3


Micro-biologist and quantum physicist Dr. George Merkl and his Life Crystal, Chondriana and Sumerian Formula discoveries


Doctor George Merkl - Power of the Cross

Micro-biologist and quantum physicist Dr. George Merkl and his Life Crystal, Chondriana and Sumerian Formula discoveries


Dr. George Merkl - Life Crystals and Chondriana

Micro-biologist and quantum physicist Dr. George Merkl and his Life Crystal, Chondriana and Sumerian Formula discoveries













BioCosmic Machine  ... Life Crystals


George MERKL

Chondriana & Life Crystals




The Chondriana are human in origin. They are our precursors. They are micro-organisms which have been synthesized from human DNA. The Chondriana existed three and a half billion years ago. We had life forms back then that were capable of reproducing or mass producing all our organs. There is a micro-organism which has been found fossilized in western Australia dated three and a half billion years. It is identical to the Chondriana. Every organelle in our cells was at one time produced by similar Chondriana. In other words, we had life forms, back three and a half billion years ago that were capable of reproducing all our organs. We had factories in our cells, which we do not have today, which produced the organelles inside our cells.


With a reverse procedure, we can recreate those factories in our cells and that is what I have done. I took the organelles inside our cells and recreated all the factories from which those organelles had originated. I was able to produce Chondriana, mass producing centrioles, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and all the different organs, including the cell nucleus and cell nucleolus.


This means we can bring back our defence system, the defence cells we once used to have but which we lost because the sun is cooling and we are losing energy. We are not going through evolution; we are going through devolution. Our cells are becoming punier and punier as time goes on. The massive carbon dioxide blankets we are putting up in the sky is accelerating the process. But now, re-introducing Life


Crystal into the system, we can re-awaken our old immune system. We can bring back the old giant lymphocytes which are able to protect us.




by: Merkl, George, Ph.D.


George Merkl is a nuclear physicist and president of Life Crystal Incorporated in El Paso, Texas. He has conducted research for the past 30 years in his own research laboratories, and holds more than 40 U.S., and hundreds of international patents on his discoveries and inventions. Dr. Merkl is listed in "Who's Who Among the Pioneers in Science Today". His latest discovery is the present discovery particle biochemistry and the secret of life. He is the author of "Inner Space (Unified Theory)", and he has discovered a new treatment which can cure AIDS, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases.




Before I start, I would like to explain the difference between Life Crystal and Chondriana. Life Crystal does not contain Chondriana and Life Crystal cannot induce Chondriana into your body although some counterfeit products indicate the contrary. Life Crystal is produced by extracting adenosine phosphates, guanosine phosphates and five carbon sugars from off the shelf food items. It is a material with very high purity. The F.D.A. in the United States approved adenosine in 1989 and adenosine monophosphate 20 years ago, and they know exactly what they do. When a patient is taken to the hospital with a coronary attack, this is the first thing they give them to save their lives. The injection contains three milligrams and it costs $3,000 per injection. That makes it a million dollars a gram. We have ten grams of adenosine in every bottle of Life Crystal drink.


When the adenosine and adenosine phosphate, guanosine and guanosine phosphate are crystallized and dissolved in double distilled water, they depolarize the water. The Life Crystal has the same tetrahedral structure as the water, with matching frequencies, and therefore it can charge the water with enough energy to change the polarity of the water. Once it changes the polarity of the water, it will lose the affinity to hydrophilic molecules and pick up affinity towards hydrophobic molecules. In layman's terms, this means it can dissolve double carbon bonds, hydrocarbons, waxes, cholesterols, plaques and sugar deposits, and this enables it to clean out the blood vessels. Most of the time when an organ fails, it fails because of lack of respiration and lack of circulation. Once you clean out the blood vessels and re-establish circulation, the organs will recover.


Life Crystal has a tetrahedral structure like a pyramid. Because of the shape of the tetrahedral crystal, it develops a vortex field around the pyramid and then the crystal will deposit around the pyramid in a vortex coil. This is the reason why Life Crystal can tap into the energy of creation. Light is made up of free energy, 918 pairs of scrolls which make up one photon, and this is the breath of creation, or the breath of God, whatever you want to call it. Without that, life cannot exist. We can break down light for the first time. The 918 pairs of photons then mould into one electron and 918 pairs of electrons mould into one neutron. That is the way free energy is moulded into light and light is moulded into matter. We are all made of the same substance. This is the reason the Life Crystal is capable of tapping into the life energy which is a prerequisite for life.



At this point you might be wondering, "What are Life Crystals? Sumerian Formula and the Cosmic BioMachines?" On this site you will find a wealth of information on these subjects, below is a brief overview. You can also watch the NEW short educational film, Life Crystals - The Rebirth on our YouTube channel.



Dr. George Merkl's Life Crystals


Before I start, I would like to explain the difference between Life Crystal and Chondriana. Life Crystal does not contain Chondriana and Life Crystal cannot induce Chondriana into your body although some counterfeit products indicate the contrary. Life Crystal is produced by extracting adenosine phosphates, guanosine phosphates and five carbon sugars from off the shelf food items. It is a material with very high purity. The F.D.A. in the United States approved adenosine in 1989 and adenosine monophosphate 20 years ago, and they know exactly what they do. When a patient is taken to the hospital with a coronary attack, this is the first thing they give them to save their lives. The injection contains three milligrams and it costs $3,000 per injection. That makes it a million dollars a gram. We have ten grams of adenosine in every bottle of Life Crystal drink.


When the adenosine and adenosine phosphate, guanosine and guanosine phosphate are crystallized and dissolved in double distilled water, they depolarize the water. The Life Crystal has the same tetrahedral structure as the water, with matching frequencies, and therefore it can charge the water with enough energy to change the polarity of the water. Once it changes the polarity of the water, it will lose the affinity to hydrophilic molecules and pick up affinity towards hydrophobic molecules. In layman's terms, this means it can dissolve double carbon bonds, hydrocarbons, waxes, cholesterols, plaques and sugar deposits, and this enables it to clean out the blood vessels. Most of the time when an organ fails, it fails because of lack of respiration and lack of circulation. Once you clean out the blood vessels and re-establish circulation, the organs will recover.


Life Crystal has a tetrahedral structure like a pyramid. Because of the shape of the tetrahedral crystal, it develops a vortex field around the pyramid and then the crystal will deposit around the pyramid in a vortex coil. This is the reason why Life Crystal can tap into the energy of creation. Light is made up of free energy, 918 pairs of scrolls which make up one photon, and this is the breath of creation, or the breath of God, whatever you want to call it. Without that, life cannot exist. We can break down light for the first time. The 918 pairs of photons then mould into one electron and 918 pairs of electrons mould into one neutron. That is the way free energy is moulded into light and light is moulded into matter. We are all made of the same substance. This is the reason the Life Crystal is capable of tapping into the life energy which is a prerequisite for life.


Life Crystals can synthesize both chloroplast or cytoplasmic factories. This is the way that life began, by synthesizing nucleotides via photosynthesis. Previous sceptics have since recanted their debate, since scientists cored the earth and found Life Crystals which dated to be 3.7 billion years old, and originated life on earth. However, Dr. Merkl had already discovered this fact back in 1989, and when he tried to publish this discovery to the public, he was banned in the United States.

Dr. George Merkl Cosmic Bio-Machines


Cosmic BioMachines were discovered by Dr. Merkl on Christmas morning of 1995, and are the key 'ingredient' of Sumerian Formula. They are high-energy, cosmic life forms that act as highly intelligent, organic nanotechnology programmed by the divine intelligence of the cosmos. They are extra-dimensional and their compositional makeup is in superlattice - completely attuned to the vibration of oneness and perfection, and will attune low-vibrational genetic material back into superlattice as well.


Another key function of the Cosmic BioMachines  is that they activate and reawaken the dormant Chondriana within the mitochondria of our DNA. The Chondriana are genetic micro-organisms inherited from our first ancient female ancestor, 3.5 billion years ago. They are our precursors. They are micro-organisms which have been synthesized from human DNA. The Chondriana existed three and a half billion years ago. We had life forms back then that were capable of reproducing or mass producing all our organs. Every organelle in our cells was at one time produced by similar Chondriana. In other words, we had life forms, back three and a half billion years ago that were capable of reproducing all our organs. We had factories in our cells, which we do not have today, which produced the organelles inside our cells.


With a reverse procedure, we can recreate those factories in our cells and that is what I have done. I took the organelles inside our cells and recreated all the factories from which those organelles had originated. I was able to produce Chondriana, mass producing centrioles, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and all the different organs, including the cell nucleus and cell nucleolus.


This means we can bring back our defence system, the defence cells we once used to have but which we lost because the sun is cooling and we are losing energy. We are not going through evolution; we are going through devolution. Our cells are becoming punier and punier as time goes on. The massive carbon dioxide blankets we are putting up in the sky is accelerating the process. But now, re-introducing Life Crystal into the system, we can re-awaken our old immune system. We can bring back the old giant lymphocytes which are able to protect us.

Dr. George Merkl Cosmic Bio-Machines

The horizontal bells of the Cosmic BioMachine are the in-breath and out-breath of the Creator.  The dark bell implodes, depolarizes and pulls in cosmic matter or debris, and the white bell explodes out re-capitulated, re-polarized matter as creation hardware.                         


The Center of the Cosmic BioMachine is a step-down transformer.  The vertical Pillar of Light comes down through the top bell of the Cosmic BioMachine to the center of the cross, where it is compressed through the lens of the Black Sun.  The stepped-down and transformed Pillar of Light then moves out the bottom bell of the Cosmic BioMachine.


Through this process, the Life Crystals and Cosmic BioMachines annihilate all disease and correct corruptions in our genes.  As cells age, oxidative damage to mitochondrial membranes, “death genes” and aging RNA degenerations in the DNA and RNA result in the production of metazymes, the faulty enzymes that produce interference with the normal energy and maintenance physiology within cells. This is the normal sequence of events leading to old age and death.



Many clinics were using Life Crystal for chelation. They were replacing E.D.T.A. with Life Crystal to clean the blood vessels and they are getting much better results. When someone is on Life Crystal, even just as a nutritional supplement taken orally, if they take it every day, even if their arteries are 98% plugged, there is no need for heart surgery, and within one year the arteries will be cleaned. The body water will dissolve the cholesterol and they will urinate off the fat. Chelation may be done in two ways using Life Crystal. We recommend a teaspoon three times a day for the oral dose. The intravenous treatment is given at half a c.c. per week.


Life Crystal cleans out the blood vessels and restores circulation. When Life Crystal is administered intravenously to a diabetic who needs a kidney transplant, in five weeks, the kidneys function normally. If diabetics are scheduled for a leg amputation, in five weeks, Life Crystal will dissolve the sugar deposits, restore respiration and nutrient flow, eliminate claudication, and they can go jogging. We have diabetics now whose eyesight has also been restored.



We have ample clinical evidence from all over the world that Life Crystal helps restore health. We have had a few cases of Parkinson's Disease and our treatment was successful. We are very effective against cancer, environmental illness and all diseases. We get a 100% response with HIV, AIDS. We have some people now who have been cured from AIDS. All the lupus diseases, rheumatic arthritis, circulatory problems, diabetes and so on. When people have coronary heart attacks, they may administer it every day. Someone who has a serious problem such as kidney failure, claudications or blindness, should use the intravenous method because it is quicker. In five weeks it restores the circulation and respiration, and cleans out the blood vessels. Because the Chondriana are precursors of our origin, they are part of us. Therefore, you are not taking drugs or chemicals.



Q: How do the Chondriana interact with pathogens and viruses? A: The Chondriana themselves are militant. They attack the disease directly. They attack it physically, consuming it. Their membranes are invasive, so they attack the disease, take it apart and recycle it. They break down the genetic material all the way to ribosomes and recycle them into their own sequence. They grow up on it. They can also produce interferon and interleuken II. They can stimulate the T-4 and T-8 cell production, or they can pick up the frequency of your immune cells and reproduce them. They can reproduce dozens of different types of macrophages, each of which has a different type of function. They produce oscillators of many different types, immune cells which break up the disease and then come and clean up like a vacuum cleaner. The Chondriana's mouth is like a sack. It is like a shutter of a camera. The neck can narrow and open and they use it like a vacuum cleaner. They just mop up the disease. Because they are super intelligent, they know the sequence of life. They can sequence the DNA molecule to make all kinds of life forms. They can make life like you make breakfast. They are far more intelligent than we are and they are our ancestors.


Q: Are the Chondriana not rejected in the same way an organ implant from another person is rejected? A: The Chondriana do not come from another person. The Chondriana belong to everyone. It doesn't type to my person or any person. When the Sumerian Formula is injected into your blood stream, the Cosmic BioMachine's genetic material goes into your blood cells, blows itself up four times the size, and you start mass producing your own Chondriana.


Q: Does the human system have Chondriana already? A: In dormancy. We used to have it, but we don't have it any more. Only the information on the DNA.


Q: Is Life Crystal dependent upon Sumerian Formula? A: No because Life Crystal by itself is basically rebuilding, restoring, rejuvenating and cleaning out the blood vessels, restoring the circulation, respiration and providing nutrients. Ninety-five percent of your energy comes from ATP, and Life Crystal is loaded with ATP. But you can't make Sumerian Formula without Life Crystal.



Q: What is Life Crystal and how do you make it? A: Life Crystal is made up of adenosine phosphate, guanosine phosphate and five carbon sugars. Our DNA molecules are made from it. They are the basic building blocks of life. We take this from plants. The adenosine and guanosine phosphates come from genetic material of plants, like lettuce, tea etc. The five carbon sugars come from fruit juices, organically produced, very high purity fruit juices. You reap off the carbon and you have five carbon sugars. You add a phosphate to it and you have sugar phosphate (fructose and glucose phosphates). These are intermediates in the process of a new cell making ATP.



Q: Is Life Crystal safe to take whether you are sick or not? A: Absolutely. It is very safe. The youngest person to take it is four months old. My wife just gave birth to a baby girl and she was taking it all through her pregnancy. She was also on Chondriana (Sumerian Formula) treatment. It is safe to take the nutritional supplement, one teaspoon three times a day, not the injectable. It is absolutely safe. It will be very interesting to see what effects it had on the child. She is too young to draw blood and test it, but I will test her later. We have three Chondriana babies from different families. Two of them couldn't conceive previously. Once they went on Life Crystal, they conceived within two or three months because Life Crystal will speed up the proliferation of primordial cells, the sex cells, and make them very strong. The children are very strong and very healthy and all three of them are pretty close to nine pounds and were born at eight months, not nine months, and they turned around at three months. My wife and I had three other children before and this pregnancy was entirely different from the others.



Q: We have a boy who has chronic asthma. Can he be helped with Life Crystal? A: We have a lot of little boys who are just on Life Crystal drink alone whose asthma is disappearing. We have a lot of children in countries where their mothers were exposed to harmful chemicals or insecticides when they were pregnant. All these children were born with epilepsy and seizures. They had 200 to 400 seizures a month, and some had 10 seizures a day. They went on Life Crystal drink alone, nothing else, and within two months they were normal.



Q: Is Life Crystal effective for Candida? A: Candida occurs most of the time in association with Epstein Barr syndrome. It is a major epidemic in English speaking countries. United States have 60 million Epstein Barr cases and only five percent of the population know that they have it. It spreads from passing around the bottle. You are spreading it by saliva, drinking or eating after someone else. It stays dormant for 15 years, but once it breaks out and gets into the active state, you start developing the Candidas. Candida eats away your glucose and deprives you of ATP, because ATP is made from glucose. Your organ cells degenerate, and as a result the disease moves in, and the immune cells degenerate, so more disease moves in. Your immune cells are not capable of defending you. If you supplement ATP, you can freeze the disease, sort of put it on the shelf, because you keep your organ cells and your immune cells happy. Then you can lead a normal life and you eliminate your chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue occurs because your cells are starved. They don't have ATP. Ninety-five percent of energy comes from ATP. If you want to get rid of the disease, you have to go through Sumerian Formula treatment, 30 injections, which give very strong reactions, but you can get rid of the virus. Epstein Barr is called the cousin of AIDS. AIDS destroys the immune cells directly. In Epstein Barr and Candida, the immune cells are starved by deprivation of ATP.


Q: How do you know how many injections to use for the Epstein Barr virus? A: In order to determine the number of injections to use, we do blood tests. We look for the immunoglobulins. The level should be below 20. The more advanced your Epstein Barr is, the higher the level is. If someone had 600, they have probably had Epstein Barr for about 25 years. If they had 1400, they may have had Epstein Barr for 35 years. Those are the final stages. In the final stages, Epstein Barr attacks the brain and the organs and destroys the organs; people cannot function any more.



Q: Is Life Crystal effective against heavy metal toxicity including mercury? A: Yes. It is being used as a chelation agent. The Life Crystal is a very effective chelating agent but not necessarily for the removal of mercury.



Q: Have you had any success with lupus? A: We have very exciting results with lupus. We have lupus A, B, C and D. The lupus A attacks basically joints. Lupus B and C attack organs and lupus D attacks the brain. It usually takes about five or six injections to be on the safe side, 10 injections for sure gets rid of lupus of any kind, either A, B, C or D. Lupus also occurs together with hepatitis, because if you have B and C, they also attack your organs including the spleen, liver, kidney and bring in hepatitis. So in one sweep we can get rid of all the problems.



Q: Can Life Crystal be used for rejuvenation? A: We can reproduce primordial cells which can be turned into new young cells in order to reverse your ageing. You can restore your body, your organs and your tissues, and not only slow down, but actually reverse ageing.



Q: Can Life Crystal be used for thinning hair and baldness? A: Well, look at my hair. Sixty percent of my hair is new and whatever I had before was completely white. It grew in about a year and a half. You can use it topically.

With Life Crystals and Sumerian Formula we can regenerate ourselves at the deepest cellular level, as well as the deepest spiritual level, for it provides a synthesis of all our subtle bodies to the more denser physical and emotional bodies. This is the synchronization of the Light Body, for the grounding of the higher light frequencies and the higher self into the works of planetary redemption and ascension. "Heaven on Earth".


"This BIO-ELECTRIC INDUSTRY could tap into the ATOM without a nuclear reaction!  The new institutions shall free the minds from captivity of an old, worn out, mind-set paradigm, encouraging us to dare to dream, explore and use our more awakened minds and intuition.  This is the reality and its here today, as the new age shall sweep out the old one once and for all!"   

- Dr. George Merkl


For more information and articles written by Dr. George Merkl, be sure to check out the Education section of this site.







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"..phenomenon through which memory retrieval is most efficient when an individual is in the same state of consciousness as they were when the memory was formed.[1][2] The term is often used to describe memory retrieval while in states of consciousness produced by psychoactive drugs – most commonly, alcohol, but has implications for mood or non-substance induced states of consciousness as well."

State-dependent memory - Wikipedia

State-dependent memory or state-dependent learning is the phenomenon through which memory retrieval is most efficient when an individual is in the same state of consciousness as they were when the memory was formed.[1][2] The term is often used to describe memory retrieval while in states of conscio...



















Image result for cbc











“There’s a scene at the beginning of The Bourne Identity where the film’s protagonist

is sitting in a diner, trying to figure out who he is and why he has a bunch of passports

and a gun stashed in a safety deposit box. Bourne also notices that he, well, notices

things that other people don’t.”



When you don't know your correct time of birth, you literally lose these key grips on your

current frame of reality;

·                    What to do, when, where and under what pressures ; short and long term.


·                    Who you really are consciously, subconsciously - how you will tend to

react and respond under positive and challenging pressures at varying

points of time.

Sound like a train wreck, waiting to happen? 


It is...


but it doesn't have to be.



“That superhuman ability to observe his surroundings and make detailed

assessments about his environment? It’s not just a trait of top secret operatives;

it’s a skill known as situational awareness, and you can possess it too.


As the names implies, situational awareness is simply knowing what’s going

on around you. It sounds easy in principle, but in reality requires much practice.

And while it is taught to soldiers, law enforcement officers, and yes, government-trained

assassins, it’s an important skill for civilians to learn as well. In a dangerous situation,

being aware of a threat even seconds before everyone else can keep you and

your loved ones safe.




“But it’s also a skill that can and should be developed for reasons outside of personal

defense and safety. Situational awareness is really just another word for mindfulness,

and developing mine has made me more cognizant of what’s going on around me

and more present in my daily activities, which in turn has helped me make better

decisions in all aspects of my life.




Once you understand how important the following knowledge is in relation to your birth

information you can start to benefit from ;

Spatial * Environmental Awareness:                               Astrocartography
Self ( Identity ) Awareness:                                               Natal
Partner ( Your Other - Significant or otherwise )           Synastry

Pleasure-Pain : Reward-Hazard Pressures you are under currently and coming up soon

in the future tending to affect you in specific ways you are unconsciously biased towards.

In other words you may crack under certain blends of pressures applied to your unique
psyches constitution and life circumstance - that you might not otherwise had you

understood yourself better, your inherent strengths, challenges, blind spots and related.



When you "know" your time of birth you have a better chance of knowing which way is up

for you, you have an external and internal reference for how to adjust  to changing dynamics

and states in your life.  This means a better chance to land on your feet after turbulence hits.

You can know in advance how you may most likely impulsively react to specific pressures

both in positive, constructive ways and in challenging ones. Knowing in advance the nature

of incoming experiential influences and your probably unconscious reactions - you can plan

and take action before hand.  Efforts can be taken in the "now" to ensure your greatest

success and you can mitigate negative impulses prior to their development.

You can literally "lock" into a very real continuum of  inner orientation interfacing
your external reality.

You don’t know often enough where the best place to go is and when, for what you really

need or want.



Geographical location may affect you and where you live can affect every aspect of your

life: emotionally, mentally, physically. Critical areas of your life such as relationships, career,

even financial success can likewise be affected.


You can find out the best physical locations to find fulfillment in your love life, career,

friendships, educational opportunities, actualization and even expressing your personal



You cannot find these locations accurately, however, without your correct time of birth!

You lack critical insights into unseen forces affect you consciously, unconsciously and on
all levels of your experience including mental, emotional, physical, etc ....

Adaptation and adjustment to your current environment and circumstance is impaired

- What "should be" and "shouldn't be" occurring for you in your life is unclear
- dis-orientation & uncertainty in lifes moment by various duration
- Your point (frame) of reference is distorted, missing vital parts, or even missing

- Objective comparative analysis of relationships is unavailable and the optimal

improvement of relating between your self and another is disabled.

You lose and then lack your point of perspective in time and space, in short you lack

temporal-spatial awareness of yourself in relation to your surroundings and circumstance. 

This means living life in a certain experiential distortion, comparable to the story of

"Platos Cave".

This means having an excruciatingly harder time of finding in life the right "place" - space to fit in

happily.  To feel the positive qualities of being loved, safe, content, satisfied, appreciated,

stimulated, fulfilled, even actualized.  Even limited reasonable partial varieties of these is often

preferred over what many often find.  The majority of people often do not end up in places or

circumstances they desired and if you asked them, they'd tell you this was a common thread

through  out their lives.







Image result for situational awareness









NOTE: Worst times are indicated for November 15th to 19th, this is a RED ZONE ALERT


Next High Alert Windows are ;


October 28th to November 3rd

November 27th to December 3rd


All other dates shown in orange are mid range alert times.  For pinpointed times

Of incidents reference the date and hour, minute block listed.














PINK          =       HIGH ALERT

                                      PERCENTILE RANGE = 75 to 80 % CHANCE OF INCIDENT


RED           =       EXTREME ALERT

                                      PERCENTILE RANGE = 80 to 100 % CHANCE OF INCIDENT









·                    Increase of violent domestic events

·                    Increase of injury and accidents


·                    Increase of criminal activity such as ;


o        Theft

o        Assault

o        Rape

o        Break & entry

o        Homicide


·                    Increase of intoxication via alcohol, drugs, general substance abuse

·                    Increase of public disturbances, rowdy crowds, fights, protests

·                    Increase in agitated behavior, mood swings, verbal & physical aggression, abuse


·                    Marked Increase in chaotic group events causing distress to general public




·                    Cognitive Abilities

·                    Mental Alertness

·                    Physical Agility, Health, Wellness

·                    Coherent, appropriate decision making





NOTE: Worst times are indicated for November 15th to 19th, this is a RED ZONE ALERT


Next High Alert Windows are ;


October 28th to November 3rd

November 27th to December 3rd


All other dates shown in orange are mid range alert times.  For pinpointed times

Of incidents reference the date and hour, minute block listed.






The times listed correlate to fluctuations in gravity which affects group and individual

Biological functions, especially those functions that are governed by periodic, systemic

Changes, such as the cycling of cerebro-spinal fluid – pressure density and flow rate

Of the fluid up and down the spine and brain can cause dramatic change in behavior,

Warping impulse control and biasing actions from an unconscious “reptile brain” state.












Screen Shot 2014-01-13 at 11.16.57 AM

Screen Shot 2014-01-13 at 11.17.09 AM



Remote Biodynamic Sensing and the "Biogram"

Detecting Biodynamic Signals: Interstellar Communication





Observations of Effects on Wild Animals and ACCOUNTS FROM

Plants communicate with one another through ‘nanomechanical vibrations’

Various Links that may be of interest related to this ;

Michael Persinger on No More Secrets



"The astrophysical parameters of a planet are, in part, that which
create its astrological characteristic (psychophysiological resonance).
The fundamental frequencies of a planet are derived from the planet's
astrophysical parameters such as diameter, circumference, rotational
velocity, orbital period, etc. These frequencies generally have very long
wavelengths, thus they lie in the very low frequency (ELF) and ultra-low
frequency (ULF) range. Planetary harmonics govern natural long-term
biological growth patterns, monthly and yearly biological processes,
and daily brain and psycho-physiological function."
"Brainwaves and audio frequencies are measured in frequency were as
light is measured by its wavelength (the inverse of frequency): the higher a
frequency the shorter its wavelength. "


Its like Gurdjieff said, 'subjective' music cant achieve these sorts of
things, but 'objective' music can...




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