Nov. 12, 2015 at 6:18 p.m.

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Bottom of Form







So this whole episode is kind of creepy, right? And he's telling his priest about it, you know, describing how he wrote this book, and then four years later all these things happened to him. And as he's telling it to him, the priest says, "That's the Book of Acts. You're describing the Book of Acts." And he's like, "I've never read the Book of Acts." So he, you know, goes home and reads the Book of Acts, and it's like uncanny. Even the characters' names are the same as in the Bible. And the Book of Acts takes place in 50 A.D., when it was written, supposedly. So Philip K. Dick had this theory that time was an illusion and that we were all actually in 50 A.D., and the reason he had written this book was that he had somehow momentarily punctured through this illusion, this veil of time, and what he had seen there was what was going on in the Book of Acts.


this idea that this …demon, had created this illusion of time to make us forget that Christ was about to return, and the kingdom of God was about to arrive. And that we're all in 50 A.D., and there's someone trying to make us forget that God is imminent. And that's what time is. That's what all of history is. It's just this kind of continuous, you know, daydream, or distraction.








Doc Stars <doc_starz@yahoo.com>

To: sound_of_stars@yahoogroups.com

Cc: bonniejadams@hotmail.com,raelle.mejias@gmail.com




The 9 hell cycles of 52 years each ended precisely on August 16-17, 1987.

From 1987, after the Harmonic Convergence See 1,2,3,4. We were given a choice to continue on the present time line or move to one which contained a deviant future than what non new-age people follow. Basically an alternative to traditional Christian "reality". Some people find that reality abhorrent, in that they'd have to follow rules and be obedient. At the harmonic Convergence, people were given a choice to start believing new things about themselves: that they had the power inside to change the way they lived their lives if only they would wake up to their true potential, which was to manifest a better world. This better world was full of oneness, unity and sharing and caring. "We are the world, we are the children". Or as Master Card would change it from the Christian song "He has the whole world in His hands": to "You have the whole world in your hands". I'd put that more correctly from the alien viewpoint: "We have the whole world in our hands".


Not one single activity happens by chance, it all works to a plan where every minute contains a myriad of connections to every other event on earth as well as every person in some way by tuning fork effect. Like attracts like, but we can choose, and there has been a deliberate cutting of gurus and masters to tell us all what to do, as a world leader would for many thousands of years since the Flood. This has formed a lot of the reality which has occurred in the western world. So we have had a lot of choice here, since we were controlled in Atlantis many times over by aliens. However Marciniak’s reptilians wish to undo all this reality completely, by saying the past still continues to affect the future on the PRESENT timeline. But I believe that the karma of the mass past wrong doings have been wiped completely.


In Galatians 4 (New English Version) it says this:


"...when we were minors we were under guardians and trustees under the date fixed by the Father and during that time we were slaves to the elemental spirits of the universe, but when the term was complete, God sent His own Son to purchase our freedom, so that we may attain the status of sons."


To me that implies our old time line was wiped off the earth and our Atlantean sins forgiven. So why would we even want to go back to the past timeline, when we were controlled by aliens? Even during the time of Jesus, He and the disciples were casting out demons non stop. Now masses of people encourage aliens as in channelling to merge with them indiscriminately and not being too choosy as to who they actually are. They give themselves a cute name, but do they have jagged teeth? Obviously some are worth knowing, but if you really weigh up all the messages some of them give, they want us all to die and be born onto another reality. Do people realize all this involves leaving the physical body behind? While they say all sorts like -- the physical body will go into the 5th dimension, but this is impossible as one must die first, or they that the physical body will enter the etheric world of the 4th dimension, but having been in the etheric world myself once or twice, I know that it is a very dangerous act because it involves manipulation of the ethers to split these into two parts and it must be done by bio-engineers in the etheric world while you still live. So the two higher ethers and separated from the two lower, and this can only be achieved if the two higher can operate independently of the body.


This is done when the consciousness can step back and perceive the entire planet objectively because the consciousness does not completely reside in the physical brain--bio-engineers have manually transferred it into the brain of the etheric double. This comes from understanding the structure of power and freeing onself from desiring power over others and choosing to yield to God. It is hard to yield when one knows one is capable of more, but once one can let go of earth and let others take up this yoke, then they truly are free. Thinking one is intelligent and the world needs their expertise is an excuse to not rise higher spiritually. One must choose who will be their master -- God or mammon.


Of course once one has the right desire, then they will be given more power to change the world anyway for the better, that any earthly activities could achieve. But first SELF must die. If you are reading this and you say the world needs me to help--I must concentrate on physical ways of improvement then have you chosen mammon? If you choose God, then you may be given the power to travel etherically and work with problem spots from the next dimension, which brings a more lasting improvement for good.


If you imagine a whole body which includes chemical and life ether, the two lower ethers that keep us alive will be somehow transmuted entirely into ether, it can’t happen unless the physical side dies. While people may be able to go onto a sub-timeline perhaps and worship mother earth, indulge in their senses and eat organic, it would be the ultimate delusion to think it’s real, but these aliens stemming from their underground Forbidden City in Tibet say they will just destroy this reality so it’s gone and the main timeline will be grafted on from the Atlantean one. We need to be careful about giving them the OK for this. How many people accepting this new age of enlightenment will it take in order for them to get the numbers? Against how many refuse to believe it and how many are indifferent? The implications of actually nobody saying no to this worries me. Meanwhile crop circles come with more complicated glyphs awakening subconscious memories and old DNA patterns, mass gatherings are held at sacred sites, and hyper-dimensional physicists stick up aerials to move the gridlines along 10 deg into another time frame. The holes in the ozone at the poles remain and let in more solar energy. Which grid lines will finally dominate




#5. An Apple Promo from 1987 Perfectly Predicts Their 2011 Product Line

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_19891_the-5-most-ridiculous-pop-culture-predictions-that-came-true.html#ixzz2p08ORk4B


"..version of Superboy dies saving Earth of the Pocket Universe in Legion of Super-Heroes #38 (1987), years before he would have become Superman."




During these tests at Montauk from 1947 to 1987, they developed the technology that a transmitter could warp space and time just like gravity. Preston Nichols built this transmitter. They were able to find a time vortex that would tunnel them back and forth between 1983 and 1943. This vortex was about 5 miles in diameter and could teleport you as far as 100 light years away, to and from any time in the past or future. They experimented to see the earth a thousand years in the future but found that anything beyond the year 2021 was unrecognizable and found no tangible future beyond 2021. Preston explains also that if someone were teleported back into time say 3 minutes, they would eventually meet themselves and explode.


With this transmitter, what ever you could think of would appear. Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron describes the many adventures of going through the vortex to not only different times, but also different locals. Cameron would psychically create it, while Bielek would be teleported to it. Objects could be taken to and from these different locals and times instantly. He tells of a Time-Life magazine that was taken from 1987 back to 1947 during a test. You could take a picture or video tape anything while in the tunnel and take it back with you. There may however be repercussions. By having knowledge about the future, this knowledge has now altered the present.



Attractor dimension of solar decimetric radio pulsations ;

"...emission process is not stochastic and far away from being self-affine. The observed time series can be described by a deterministic, chaotic motion in phase space..."





( AND YOU DON'T - HERE'S WHY ) ; Knowing the true seasons, you begin to know the natural cycle on earth. Knowing these, you do the right things at the right time. When everything in your life is done this way, all your days will prosper. That is why it is so important to be in perfect tune with the seasons. And to be in tune, you must know when the seasons begin. This knowledge is the duty of the astrologer to provide. And since the matter is extremely important, that is why --- in the times of old --- any astrologer who did not provide this knowledge, faithfully and accurately, was to be immediately executed. Starting your year-long breath on January 1 is to fall, every year, flat on your face. For while you are breathing from January to January, the natural year is breathing by a different schedule. And thus do you miss every accord with Nature that you might have achieved. Since you are a part of Nature, to be out of accord with Nature is to be out of accord with yourself. And thus do you fight yourself all year long. This is the true solar calendar known by the ancients. This extremely simple knowledge has remained largely hidden, simply because mankind is so crazy with the momentum of his own self-importance that he never even looks around to see what season it really is.

you have been living inside of a social organism that is hopelessly misguided with regard to the natural world, and that you have handicapped yourself considerably by going along with its destructive conventional ideas. But it also means that you --- a unique human being with an original mind --- can utilize your own divine knowledge and free will to separate from that social organism and its socially self-congratulating ways, instead inventing new life where you can, while you obey ancient laws where that is proper.

It means that if you plan your yearly cycle in accord with Nature, you will live in harmony with Nature. You will flow in tune with the seasons, and all that you do will prosper. Whereas, if you imitate the nations, you will live arbitrarily and conventionally, ignoring the Universe to your own peril.




"...Functions satisfying Laplace equation are called harmonic functions. Therefore, one can say

that the gravitational potential of an extended body is harmonic function outside of the


"..the main r−1 term of the gravitational potential of an arbitrary extended body is the same

as if the body would be a mass point with mass M equal to the total mass of the extended

body. This term cannot be affected by any change of the reference system.

Orbit in Space

Summary: Three Euler angles defining the orientation of the orbit in space: longitude of the

ascending node, inclination and the argument of pericenter. The rotational matrix between inertial

coordinates in space and the coordinates in the orbital plane.


Lecture Notes on Basic Celestial Mechanics

See PDF via link



Inter-Locking Waveforms & the Five Sense World

“The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess the means of manipulating or altering the very structure of space itself — altering the space-time geometric matrix, which to us provides the illusion of form and distance. The method of achieving this lies in the alteration of the frequencies controlling the matter-antimatter cycles that govern our awareness or perception of position in the space-time structure.” — Bruce Cathie, The Harmonic Conquest of Space






Exponential sweeps are widely used to measure impulse re

sponses of electro-acoustic systems. Measurements are often

contaminated by environmental noise and nonlinear distor

tions. We propose a method to increase the signal-to-noise

ratio (SNR) by denoising the recorded signal in the time-fre

quency plane. In contrast to state-of-the art denoising meth

ods, no assumption about the spectral characteristics of the

noise is required. Numerical simulations demonstrate im

provements in the SNR under low-SNR conditions even for

measurements contaminated by colored noise.


Piotr Majdak, Peter Balazs, Wolfgang Kreuzer, Monika Dörfler

Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria






It is possible to describe a closed curve in terms of Fourier coefficients.

Geometric significance has been ascribed to the fundamental and

the first harmonic terms. It is possible to suppress the “timing” information

implied by the datum points. We have seen that by using just the

fundamental and a few of the low-order harmonics, a good approximation

to the original curve shape can be obtained.




Scientists Discover Second, Secret DNA Code

Scientists have long believed that DNA tells the cells how to make proteins. But the discovery of a new, second DNA code Thursday suggests the body speaks two different languages.

The findings in the journal Science may have big implications for how medical experts use the genomes of patients to interpret and diagnose diseases, researchers said.

The newfound genetic code within deoxyribonucleic acid, the hereditary material that exists in nearly every cell of the body, was written right on top of the DNA code scientists had already cracked.

Rather than concerning itself with proteins, this one instructs the cells on how genes are controlled.










The debunker, the hardcore skeptic—how they love to compulsively ridicule and mock all they deem 'pseudoscience' and 'conspiracy theory'—while also declaring anyone who thinks outside the box or questions the prevailing orthodoxy, a "moron" and a "tard". Matters not how solid the evidence you present them with is, nor how flimsy their own state-sanctioned 'hard science' which they smugly offer up as their rebuttal; they are driven by a messianic compulsion to root out unscientific 'idiots' with all the zeal and fanaticism similar to that of a Dominican or Jesuit charging through southern France in the twelfth century seeking out 'heretics' for the burning. Irony does not even come into their myopic worldview—unless of course a government, corporate or university press office states this. Then it becomes an undisputed fact. Thanks to the likes of Richard Dawkins and Christoper Hitchens, these Internet-bound warriors of rationality see 'Creationists' and 'hidden Christians' around every corner and seek to root them out and expose them as part and parcel of their own peculiar secular witch hunt mentality.

The reality is that apart from their own kind—other self-proclaimed non-'idiots'—most people find such arrogant and obnoxious debunkers and hardcore skeptics to be strangely angry and boorish, and often confrontational to the point of hysterical. So many of them seem to lack basic social and behavioural skills when 'debating' with their 'kook' of choice. Their absolutism can be staggering at times. Yet, despite all this, they have somehow come to consider themselves 'cool' and even 'sexy' within the last decade. This is simply a lack of critical thinking on their behalf; a distorted worldview where only they are right and everyone else is an idiot.

However, when you strip down their whole mandate into its constituent parts, one soon finds that most of these 'scientifically' minded crusaders have no actual accredited scientific background, and the entire thrust of their endeavours remains nothing less than unconditional servitude and unquestioned devotion to authority figures and the status quo. They seek entrenched orthodoxy, not exploration and wonder. They see an open-minded individual as being akin to a brain being infected with a disease, or the mark of a witch. They act as if Creationists are a real danger to human survival, as if the US Bible Belt has extended beyond its absurd boundaries. Creationists are about as much danger to the advances made by scientists in the last two hundred years as Graneda was to Ronald Reagan back in the early 1980s.



Controlling Your Emotions Can Be Harmful

"Reframing the situation to make it seem less negative may make that person less inclined to attempt to change the situation," lead researcher Allison Troy of Franklin & Marshall College said in a press release.

So if we don't allow ourselves to have a normal emotional response to something like a bad review at work, then we won't start putting in more effort at work and in the long run we end up feeling even worse about the situation.

...When it's something we do have control over, like trouble at work because of poor performance, it's a bad idea to make the situation seem less negative. Ignoring or reigning in your emotions in those cases can actually leave you feeling more sad and stressed out.

"Context is important," ....

Controlling our emotions might not always be a good idea.

Trying to think positively about a bad review from work, for example, is actually harmful to your emotional health, according to new research published Oct. 21 in Psychological Science.




The Forming of Images in Space by the Brain - Dr. G.C.Khokolov

The Forming of Images in Space by the Brain, the soviet scientist, Dr. G.C.Khokolov, discussed his belief in a multi-dimensional space. Once you get into hyper-space the element of time disappears. You can then construct an image and move that image elsewhere.



How Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness

The case for solar flares directly affecting human consciousness is of the utmost important right now, since we can see all around us and within our own lives the intense changes and transformations occurring. These changes are exasperated by the electromagnetic forces at play around us. The Russian scientist Tchijevsky put together the histories of 72 countries beginning at 500 BCE and culminating in 1922 within the present era. He constructed an Index of Mass Human Excitability, in which he found that 80% of the most significant human events occurred during a 5 year period surrounding the peak of solar activity. What this discovery shows us is that when solar-geomagnetic activity is changing the fastest, it has the greatest potential to affect our moods, behavior patterns, creativity and trends. We are in for quite an interesting next few years.



Creating a less harmful cigarette is theoretically possible.  One problem is that this type of product could be used as an alternative to tobacco cessation.  Another problem is that it might encourage others to smoke more.


The tobacco industry understands this, for it has been fudging or hiding data for years.  Low-tar and light cigarettes indeed encouraged smokers to switch to these so-called safer products, which offered not even a marginal health benefit.


Nevertheless, Philip Morris USA and other cigarette makers are investing millions in the creation of the safer cigarette.  One advance is a curing process that reduces the presence of nitrosamine, one of the more potent tobacco carcinogens.


Most public health experts have zero trust in the tobacco industry.  In 2001, the Institute of Medicine issued a report faintly welcoming the creation of a safer cigarette as a feasible component of a harm-reduction strategy.  The National Cancer Institute, however, remains adamantly against this.


Given the tobacco industry’s history of duplicity, Alan Bluma of University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society might have summed it up the best in his 2008 review in the Lancet, stating, “The search for a safer cigarette is akin to alchemists seeking to turn lead into gold.” 



The intimate relationship between the Egyptian calendar, music, and festivities. How Plato adopted the Egyptian musical system in his Ideal Republic. The incredible types, varieties, ranges, and playing techniques of Ancient Egyptian instruments. The role of music and dance in daily activities such as agriculture, fishing, etc. 




















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Report to answer questions of any nature. Provides likely outcomes based on the planetary positions

of the time and place of the question and combines this with natal chart aspects of the individual.

Descriptions are given of the general situation, the questioner, the quesited object or person and

much more. The horary program is a very helpful tool for the student of astrology and also a

beneficial guide for anyone who wishes to be aided in their inquiries.  The report is written in a

very detailed but comprehensive language and would benefit a wide range of readers.
















Some reports come with full detailed text cover the time period requested, day, week,

month year and or graphs.  Graphs of specific influences can also be ordered without text.








Comes with full detailed text descriptions and map indicating zones. 






most important KEY points ranked with a precise numeric scoring system – highly accurate.

By developing and utilizing your strengths in your career and the activities that make up the greater

part of your life, and also by improving your weak points to a point of being reasonable and functional,

you can improve your chances of living a fulfilling, meaningful, and rewarding life.


·       NATAL – Chart with full text description


·       TRANSITS – Collection of specific influences, event types, experiences for a time period ;

month, 3 months, one year.


·       COMPATIBILITY – Romance, Friend, Business Partner



·       BUSINESS FORECAST - Text Only


·       BUSINESS FORECAST – Text with Single Chart shows trends for one year


·       FINANCE FORECAST – Graph Only shows trends for one year


·       BUSINESS & FINANCE, PEAK PERFORMANCE Metrics – Multiple text reports,

many subjects graphed



·       FORECAST FOR SINGLE QUESTION (HORARY) – Personal and or Romance related subjects,

gives detailed text descriptors of likely outcomes, trends, situations.


·       ADVANCED FORECAST FOR SINGLE QUESTION (HORARY) – Gives same as above but

includes graphs and additional details of people, event types, environments, directions, qualities,






·       RELOCATIONAL CHART WITH REPORT - An astrological analysis of what you are likely to

experience in the cities and towns that you selected is given.


·       VEDIC NATAL CHART – Comes with text and chart graphics


·       RECTIFICATION – If your birth time is unknown, this service discovers and pinpoints the

correct time of birth















Astrological forecasting involves a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all who wish to

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The risk grows as planetary interplay is lower. Financial objectives, risk appetite, and the

player's level of experience must be carefully weighed before entering into any risk activity.

There is always a possibility of losing. In financial matters some or all of your funds/deposit

could be lost. Do not risk money which you cannot afford to lose. Consult an appropriate

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Mercury Retrograde In Aries Decan 1 ~ April 4 to 15.


Mercury here seems to work great schemes, indeed, some would say these schemes are

Machiavellian. Mercury here can be exceptionally cunning and be quite controversial with its

communications. This position ensures the sovereignty of one’s own mind and supports

free-thinkers. Mercury Retrograde in Aries Decan 2 is a great teacher, helping humanity

break the chain of enslaving thought-patterns.


Paradoxically anyone touched by this Mercury retrograde could spend the period being

ridiculed as the scapegoat since they are so often ahead of time with their thinking. Eventually

these folk sway public opinion in their favour since their sales pitch is so very convincing.

This decan is one of the most persuasive for Mercury to reside in. Like the great dragon in

Draco which falls under this decan, here we find the guardians of occult knowledge who are

on this planet to help disseminate information.


Mercury here argues, a lot. This is due to having such independent thought that it finds it hard to find anyone to agree with them. Mercury Aries decan 1 adores a juicy debate but can get rather carried away with its opinions and become quite hostile toward anyone that opposes them. Mercury retrograde here loves to play devil’s advocate, but can negatively use words as weapons.



Mercury Retrograde 2018 ~ Fierce Debates

The traditional advice is “Don’t travel, Don’t sign contracts. Don’t marry. Don’t touch electrics!” However, the whole Mercury retrograde cycle actually lasts eight weeks and happens three times, sometimes even four times in a year! That’s a long time to hide under the duvet and a real waste of a truly magical time. Mercury generally zips between two worlds, or rather, the two hemispheres of our brain. First I will look at the general meaning of Mercury retrograde or you can skip forward to the interpretation of this current Mercury Retrograde.

During the Mercury retrograde period, it feels like Mercury has gone down into the underworld. In this realm, closer to spirit, we become more right-brain orientated. It is dark, so other senses are heightened. We will feel extra sensitive here, psychic even. Everything will seem hyper-real… you will notice things you had overlooked before.

This will prompt you to re-evaluate, renovate, re-form, and re-invent. It’s true you might have to redo things because Mercury will hit the same degree three times, but this transit won’t let you go into autopilot. There are danger spots though.

Mercury Retrograde Meaning

When Mercury retrograde is stationing (Changing directions) we are at a wobbly stage where we are likely to slip-up, make mistakes, and misread another’s communications. Once we are over the threshold and into the Underworld, we can safely go about our business, knowing that we are in another realm. The same goes for when Mercury is stationing direct, just make sure you give your brain a few days to adjust back to solar thinking.

The house in your natal chart that the Mercury retrograde falls in will be your Underworld zone. There you will question everything. It will make you jittery about signing contracts because you will be constantly thinking, “Is this what I really want?”. Before the retrograde is a good time to finish off those Solar left-brain projects and gather information to bring down with you into your retrograde cave. Then you can slow things down, let yourself be taken into other dimensions, try on different filters, experiment, shine a light on your demons, then recharge and reboot.




Mercury Retrograde & The 2018 Tax Season (For 2017 Returns) | ElsaElsa - The Astrology Blog



Mercury Direct: April 15, 2018 – Mind The Brick Wall In Your Path



New Moon in Aries: April 16, 2018 – Effects By House



How To Deal With Saturn Retrograde In Capricorn: April 17, 2018



How To Decide What To Keep And What To Leave Behind



Applying Sun Square Pluto 

This transit brings strategy sessions, power-brokering, quarrels, and other turbulent conditions. Change may be demanded now and leaders may be forced to share power. It’s a time for secrecy, purification, healing, and rehabilitation. 







