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Radio waves affect human behaviour

Callahan discovered that radio signals

in the far infrared spectrum are a crucial element in insect

behaviour. He also knew that radio signals could affect

human behaviour and well-being.


Paramagnetic Effects on Plant Growth -



Phil Callahan, author of Paramagnetism

- Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force ... much an effort to

show the effects of the paramagnetic force on growing plants



"Prof Philip S. Callahan is the

greatest scientist of the late twentieth century.  " He

got his Ph.D. at Kansas State in entomology (study of




Animals Align Their Bodies Along a North-South Axis


Dogs align their bodies along a North-South axis when they poop


Resting and grazing cattle and deer tend to align their body axes in the geomagnetic North-South direction. The mechanism(s) that underlie this behavior remain unknown. Here, we show that extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELFMFs) generated by high-voltage power lines disrupt alignment of the bodies of these animals with the geomagnetic field. Body orientation of cattle and roe deer was random on pastures under or near power lines. Moreover, cattle exposed to various magnetic fields directly beneath or in the vicinity of power lines trending in various magnetic directions exhibited distinct patterns of alignment. The disturbing effect of the ELFMFs on body alignment diminished with the distance from conductors. These findings constitute evidence for magnetic sensation in large mammals as well as evidence of an overt behavioral reaction to weak ELFMFs in vertebrates. The demonstrated reaction to weak ELFMFs implies effects at the cellular and molecular levels.!


Grazing cattle and deer tend to align their body axes in the geomagnetic North-South direction. The mechanism(s) that underlie this behavior remain unknown. Here, we show that extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELFMFs) generated by high-voltage power lines disrupt alignment of the bodies of these animals with the geomagnetic field. Body orientation of cattle and roe deer was random on pastures under or near power lines. Moreover, cattle exposed to various magnetic fields directly beneath or in the vicinity of power lines trending in various magnetic directions exhibited distinct patterns of alignment. The disturbing effect of the ELFMFs on body alignment diminished with the distance from conductors. These findings constitute evidence for magnetic sensation in large mammals as well as evidence of an overt behavioral reaction to weak ELFMFs in vertebrates. The demonstrated reaction to weak ELFMFs implies effects at the cellular and molecular levels.




Modelling and design of extremely low frequency uniform magnetic field exposure apparatus for in vivo bioelectromagnetic studies. Abstract

Helmholtz coils are regularly utilised for various extremely low frequency (ELF) bioelectromagnetic experiments. The evaluation was conducted for the Helmholtz coil magnetic field frequency and uniformity, characterised by frequency-domain and geometric ELF magnetic exposure characteristics. An established approach which consisted of the mathematical calculations of the geometric parameters, computational modeling, and experimental development measurements of the Helmholtz coil's magnetic field frequency and uniformity, improved the quality of magnetic field uniformity and minimised the magnetic field intensity losses.!


REGENERATING THE BODY'S FIELD with the Lorentz Force Generator





"I put this thing in my pocket, and occasionally I set it at a specific frequency that I'm not going to mention - because I've been asked not to by the people who can ask other people not to do things.

And pretty soon the waitress would start dropping coffee into the laps of patrons. The babies would start screaming. People within a 10 or 12 foot radius (that's a 20 foot room), would begin freaking out. I'd surreptitiously turn this thing to two Hz higher in frequency. Hahhhhh (a simulated sigh of relief), you could hear the room calm down. If you had a pocket Radio Shack decibel meter, the cocktail level effect, the volume of the conversation will drop, noticeably, in decibels. A little box the size of a package of cigarettes, when it uses the neural frequency principle can entrain the brain waves of a subject inside a totally shielded room, without his knowledge, consent etc. That's what this is all about.






by Dr Rainer Viehweger!


The Living Force of Gottfried Leibniz*2_massa_*2_lna_MEMBER_*2.gmr_4862675.gde_4862675_member_265609279.gmr_4862675.gde_4862675_member_265377780#!



The idea that the earth, sun and other planetary bodies influence human health and behavior and, on a larger scale, social unrest and significant global events, has been discussed among scientists for decades. The study of interconnectedness, which is not yet fully embraced in the mainstream scientific community, is still in infancy.

Global coherence research uses a multidisciplinary approach that includes the geosciences and astrophysics as well as extensive data from human and animal studies that are correlated to social and global events. The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) employs the Global Coherence Monitoring System to collect a variety of data, information about Earth’s magnetic field and how it affects and is influenced by human emotions and behaviors.
Global Coherence Monitoring System

The Global Coherence Monitoring System (GCMS), GCI’s scientific component, uses state-of-the-art sensing technology to observe changes in the earth’s magnetic field. Eventually, there will be about a dozen sensor sites in the GCMS worldwide network of magnetometers. As of November 2014, sensor sites were operating around the clock in the following locations:

Boulder Creek, Calif.
Hofuf, Saudi Arabia
Alberta, Canada
Baisogala, Lithuania
Northland Region of New Zealand
Kwazulu Natal, South Africa

The GCMS sensors continuously monitor the resonant frequencies in Earth’s magnetic field. They track changes in geomagnetic activity caused by solar storms, changes in solar wind speed, disruption of the Schumann resonances (SR) and, potentially, the signatures of major global events that have a strong emotional component.

It is well established that the resonant frequencies in the earth’s various magnetic fields directly overlap with those of the human brain, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. Therefore, it should not be surprising that numerous physiological rhythms in humans and global collective behaviors are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, but that disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on human health and behavior. When the earth’s magnetic field environment is disturbed it can cause sleep disturbance, mental confusion, unusual lack of energy or a feeling of being on edge or overwhelmed for no apparent reason.

We use the Global Coherence Monitoring System to conduct research on the mechanisms of how the earth’s various fields affect human physiological, mental and emotional processes, health and collective behavior. In addition, we hope to investigate whether changes in the earth’s magnetic fields occur before natural catastrophes like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and human events such as social unrest and terrorist attacks.
Overarching Global Coherence hypotheses

The following GCI hypotheses guide our ongoing collaborative research:

Human and animal health, cognitive functions, emotions and behavior are affected by solar, geomagnetic and other earth-related magnetic fields.
The earth’s magnetic field is a carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems.
Every person affects the global information field.
Collective human consciousness affects the global information field. Therefore, large numbers of people creating heart-centered states of care, love and compassion will generate a more coherent field environment that can benefit others and help offset the current planetary discord and incoherence.

Related to all of the above hypotheses is that human emotions and consciousness interact with and encode information into the geomagnetic field and this information is distributed globally. We believe there is a feedback loop between human beings and the earth’s energetic/magnetic systems.

We are suggesting in essence that this encoded information is communicated nonlocally between people at a subconscious level, in effect linking all living systems. Magnetic fields act as carrier waves for this information, which can influence all living systems – positively or negatively – within the field environment as well as our collective consciousness.

The scientific community is beginning to appreciate and understand at the deeper level how we are all interconnected with and affected by the magnetic fields generated by the sun and earth. Every cell in our bodies is bathed in an external and internal environment of fluctuating invisible magnetic forces.

Human physiological rhythms and behaviors are synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, so fluctuations in the earth and sun’s magnetic fields can affect virtually every circuit in human as well as any biological systems. Logically, disruptions in these fields could adversely affect human health and behavior. Moreover, changes in the intensity of geomagnetic activity and the Schumann resonances appear to alter brainwave and neurohormonal responses. (The brain is a very sensitive electromagnetic organ.)

Changes in the earth’s magnetic field have been shown to affect human heart rhythms and have been associated with the following: changes in brain and nervous-system activity; athletic performance, memory and other tasks; synthesis of nutrients in plants and algae; the number of reported traffic violations and accidents; mortality from heart attacks and strokes; and incidence of depression and suicide.

The earth and ionosphere generate a symphony of frequencies ranging from 0.01 hertz to 300 hertz, and some of the large resonances occurring in the earth’s field are in the same frequency range as those occurring in the human cardiovascular system, brain and autonomic nervous system. Although researchers have looked at some of the possible interactions between the earth’s field and human, animal and plant activity, new data from GCI research is indicating that we may be more deeply interconnected with the earth’s field than previously imagined.

Historically, many cultures believed their collective behavior could be affected by the sun and other external cycles and influences. This belief has proven to be true. On a larger societal scale, increased violence, crime rate, social unrest, revolutions and frequency of terrorist attacks have been linked to the solar cycle and the resulting disturbances in the geomagnetic field. The first scientific evidence of this was provided by Alexander Tchijevsky, a Russian scientist who noticed that more severe battles in World War I occurred during peak sunspot periods. Tchijevsky then conducted a thorough study of global human history dating back to 1749 and compared the occurrence of key events with the occurrence of solar cycles over the same time period until 1926. The figure below, reconstructed from Tchijevsky’s original data, plots numbers of significant human events corresponding with the occurrence of solar cycles from 1749 to 1926.
Global Coherence Research graph Tchijevsky’s original data

Tchijevsky’s original data: The blue line plots the annual number of important political and social events such as the start of wars, social revolutions, etc., while the red line plots solar activity as indicated by the number of sunspots from 1749 to 1922. The histories of 72 countries were compiled, and it was found that 80% of the most significant events occurred during solar maximums, which correlate with the highest periods of geomagnetic activity.

Solar activity has not only been associated with social unrest. It also has been related to the periods of greatest human flourishing, with definitive spurts in architecture, arts and science and positive social change.

We can learn from past mistakes and consciously choose new ways of navigating these great energy influxes to create periods of human flourishing and humanitarian advances. When outdated structures that do not serve humanity collapse, an opportunity opens for them to be replaced with more suitable and sustainable models. Such positive change can affect political, economic, medical and educational systems as well as people’s relationships in their workplaces, homes and communities.
Earth Rhythms

Earth has a strong internal magnetic field that appears to be generated by electrical currents in the liquid outer iron core that are driven by internal heat sources. The magnetic field resembles that of a bar magnet or “dipole field” with an axis tilted about 11.5 degrees from the spin axis, so, the magnetic poles are not the same as the geographic poles. Earth’s magnetic field strength was first measured by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1835 and has been measured repeatedly since then. The field has shown a relative decay of about 10% over the last 150 years. The locations of the magnetic poles are not static; they wander as much as 55 kilometers every year.

The geomagnetic field is influenced by the sun and moon’s rotations, solar flares and probably interplanetary influences. Animals, including birds, can detect Earth’s magnetic field and use it to navigate during migration. It has been shown, for example, that cows and deer, when grazing, tend to align their bodies north-south in response to the earth’s magnetic field.
Global Coherence Research earth’s magnetic field

The forces of the solar wind include charged particles that push against Earth’s magnetic field. Because of the solar wind, the portion of the geomagnetic field facing the sun is pushed in toward the earth’s surface and flattened when the portion of the field facing away from the sun, known as the magnetotail, is pulled away from Earth. (See figure below.) A visible phenomenon of the collision of charged solar particles with Earth’s magnetic field is auroras, or the northern and southern polar lights, which are commonly known as the aurora borealis and aurora australis.
Global Coherence Research Magnetotail

When the solar wind meets the earth’s magnetic field it causes various types of complex oscillations in the field that often are referred to as micropulsations and field line resonances. Based on their waveforms, magnetic pulsations and field line resonances have been classified as pulsations that are continuous (Pc) and pulsations that irregular (Pi). Because their frequencies are so low, they are usually characterized by their period of oscillation rather than frequency.

There are a variety of mechanisms that produce these oscillations, such as interactions of solar wind and the earth’s main magnetic field lines; sudden solar wind pressure changes that move/push the field in or allow it to expand out; and sudden changes in solar wind direction that cause the magnetotail to stretch and snap back. The figure below shows an example of these field line resonances, recorded at the GCI magnetometer site in Boulder Creek, Calif. Important note: The frequencies of these field line resonances are in the same range as many of the rhythms found in human and animal cardiovascular and autonomic nervous-system functions.

In the Boulder Creek site example, there is a clear frequency at 0.1 hertz, which is the same frequency as the heart rhythm of someone who is in a heart-coherent state. Research has shown that changes in these ultralow frequencies (ULF’s, also called Pc and Pi), caused by solar activity and changes in geomagnetic activity can affect human health and behavior.
Geomagnetic field line resonance data recorded from the GCI sensor site in Boulder Creek, Calif.

Geomagnetic field line resonance data recorded from the GCI sensor site in Boulder Creek, Calif. Note that all the resonant frequencies overlap human autonomic and cardiovascular system frequencies. In this example, there is a clear standing wave frequency at 0.1 hertz, which is the same frequency of our heart rhythms when we are in a coherent state.
Schumann Resonances:

Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances in the cavity formed between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Schumann resonances were named after German physicist Winfried Schumann, who first predicted them in 1952. Electromagnetic impulses like those from global lightning flashes (Earth’s thunderstorm activity) fill this cavity and excite the Schumann resonances. The first accurate measurements of the Schumann resonances were made from 1960 to 1963 and since then there has been an increasing interest in them across a wide variety of fields.

Radiation from the sun ionizes part of the earth’s upper atmosphere and forms a conductive plasma layer, the ionosphere. The ionosphere surrounding our planet is negatively charged relative to the earth’s surface, which creates a strong electrical field between the earth and ionosphere. Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. This waveguide acts as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves. Schumann resonances appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies starting around 7.8 hertz, which is considered the fundamental frequency.
Global Coherence Research Schumann resonances in earth ionosphere cavity
Schumann resonances in Earth-ionosphere cavity. Courtesy NASA.

Resonances can be observed at around 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 hertz, with a daily variation of about ± 0.5 hertz, which is caused by the daily increase and decrease in the ionization of the ionosphere due to UV radiation from the sun (also see the live data).
Global Coherence Research GCMS Boulder Creek magnetometers

The signals recorded from the GCMS Boulder Creek magnetometers are converted to the frequency domain with the Fourier transform. The Schumann resonances occurring over an eight-hour period can be clearly seen at approximately 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, and 45 hertz.

Interest in the Schumann resonances has gone beyond the boundaries of geophysics, into medicine, where it has posed questions about the interactions between planetary rhythms and human health and behavior (for more detail see the July 7, 2009 Commentary)

The similarity of the 7.8-hertz Earth resonance and human brainwave rhythms was quickly identified after the Schumann resonances were first measured, and early studies were able to demonstrate a correlation between these resonances and brain rhythms. Numerous studies conducted by the Halberg Chronobiology Center at the University of Minnesota along with other studies have since shown that there are important links between solar, Schumann and geomagnetic field line resonances and a wide range of human and animal health and wellness indicators.

Although the existence of the Schumann resonances is an established scientific fact, how these important planetary electromagnetic standing waves act as a background frequency that can influence biological systems such as the heart and brain is not completely understood.
Global Coherence Research continuous pulsations GCMS B.C. CA

The green arrow in this spectrogram indicates continuous pulsations as well as the Schumann resonances. The data was collected by the magnetometer at GCI’s Boulder Creek Calif., headquarters.

Want to listen to the earth’s resonances? This three-minute audio file is data collected from GCI’s magnetic sensor in Boulder Creek. The resonances have been shifted up in frequency to an audible range. They were recorded at nighttime during a period of relatively quiet ionospheric activity.

GCI hypothesizes that changes in the earth and ionosphere’s resonant frequencies can influence the function of the human autonomic nervous system and brain and cardiovascular systems. Until recently, it has not been feasible to test this hypothesis scientifically. This is because there is a lack of reliable, continuous measures of ionospheric and field line resonances data and an inability to do long-term monitoring of people’s physiological systems such as heart rate variability monitoring, which reflects autonomic nervous-system activity.
Interconnectivity of all Living Systems Through Earth’s Magnetic Field

As noted elsewhere in this article, researchers at the HeartMath Institute and GCI strongly suspect human health and behavior are influenced by solar and geomagnetic activity. In addition, GCI researchers hypothesize that the earth’s magnetic field is a carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems.

Related to this, we have shown in laboratory research that the electromagnetic field generated by the heart of a person can be detected by nearby animals or the nervous systems of other people.

For example, research conducted in HMI’s laboratory has confirmed the hypothesis that when an individual is in a state of heart coherence, the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic signal into the environment. This research further has shown that when we are in this coherent state, we are more sensitive to detecting the information in the fields radiated by others. The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People Scientific Monograph by Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. . Of all the organs, the heart generates the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field, one that is approximately 100 times stronger than the brain’s field. The heart’s field can be detected several feet from the body with sensitive magnetometers.

The heart’s magnetic field would be a plausible explanation for why we can “feel” or sense another person’s presence and emotional state independent of body language or other factors. HeartMath also has found that there is a direct relationship between the heart-rhythm patterns and the spectral information encoded in the frequency spectra of the magnetic field radiated by the heart. Thus, we believe, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field, which is communicated throughout the body and into the external environment.

A growing body of evidence suggests that an energetic field is formed among individuals in groups through which communication among all the group members occurs simultaneously. In other words, there is an actual “group field” that connects all the members. Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social and Global Health paper.

One study demonstrated the effect of heart coherence in a group setting where people trained in maintaining states of heart coherence for several minutes could promote coherent states in untrained participants.

Also supporting the hypothesis that magnetic fields are carriers of biologically relevant information is a recent study that demonstrated epigenetic information related to DNA could be detected as electromagnetic signals in a highly diluted solution and this information can be transferred to and imprinted in pure water that has never been exposed to DNA, but only in the presence of a 7.8-hertz weak magnetic field. Furthermore, this information can lead to the re-creation of DNA when the appropriate basic constituents of DNA are present – but again, only if extremely low electromagnetic frequency fields of 7.8 hertz are present to carry the information.

The study’s authors also state that such a very low electromagnetic frequency field that stimulates DNA information transfer could come from natural sources such as Schuman resonances, which start at a frequency of 7.83 hertz.

Dr. Michael Persinger, a well-known neuroscientist, has conducted numerous studies examining the effects of magnetic fields with the same magnitude as the geomagnetic field on brain functions and information transfer. Not only has he shown that applying external fields similar to the Schuman resonances can induce altered states of consciousness, he also has suggested in a detailed theory that the space occupied by the geomagnetic field can store information related to brain activity and that this information can be accessed by all human brains.

Furthermore, Persinger also suggests that the earth’s magnetic field can act as a carrier of information between individuals and that information, rather than the intensity of the signal carrying it, is important for interaction with neural networks. The above findings help support part of GCI’s hypothesis that the earth’s magnetic field is a carrier of biologically relevant information.

HeartMath and GCI further submit that because humans have brain and heart frequencies overlapping the earth’s magnetic field resonances, they not only are receivers of biologically relevant information, but they also essentially create a feedback look with the earth’s magnetic field and thus feed information into the global field environment.

While it is not difficult to conceive that life forms existing within the earth’s magnetic field could be affected by modulations in this field, it is a more far-reaching proposition to suggest that the earth’s field connects all living systems and carries and distributes biologically relevant information. Nevertheless, GCI researchers hypothesize that when large numbers of humans respond to a global event with common emotional feeling, the collective response can affect the information distributed in the earth’s field. In cases where the event evokes negative responses, this can be thought of as a planetary stress wave (of information), and in cases where a positive wave is created, it could create a global coherence wave.





An article from Nexus Magazine Jan/Feb 1992

ELF - Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic

Fields.  They affect us all in ways we may never

consciously realise!

In 1952, German physicist named W. O.

Schumann, playing around with math as physicists are prone

to do, postulated that the earth - being a good conductor -

was surrounded by a good dielectric called air.. And around

this is another layer of a good conductor know as the

ionosphere, the Heaviside Layer, and that this constitutes a

potentially resonant system. That means that any energy

trapped in this earth-ionosphere cavity - like lightning

storms, etc., - will cause it to ring like a bell. But the

surprise was that this signal frequency was the identical

spectrum of human brain waves. It had to be of irresistible

interest to me to build an apparatus which would measure the

earth's brain wave, and at the same time measure the Witch

Doctor's brain waves, and see if there was a correlation -

which we did.


…A lot of previously anecdotal, but

very well documented data, is going to seem to fit this

model of why is man sensitive to these cosmic events. Here

are some photographs of solar flare activity. The earth,

drawn to the same scale as some of these tremendous bursts

of energy, is this little dot right here. Tremendous bursts

of energy from outer space alter the earth's ionospheric

cavity, therefore changing the frequency slightly; therefore

it can re-tune our nervous systems, electromagnetically. (ed

Note: We don't have Mr Beck's film strip, but we do have a

copy of the classic in this field, Dewey and Dakin's Cycles,

the Science of Prediction, published in 1947 by Henry Holt

& Co., New York. Figure 2 is a reproduction of chart 9,

page 144)….


Now, an interesting thing developed. A.

S. Pressman, Dept of Physics, Moscow University, did this

open literature survey of the work on magnetics and life a

number of years ago. Then suddenly most of these references

- or rather the critical ones in Soviet literature - went

underground. Is this trying to tell us something? At the

time I did my own literature search - and I have a copy of

the bibliography here, in which I found 182 references in

the open literature - to the effects of extremely low

frequency electro-static and electro-magnetic fields on

human performance, mood, etc. At that time all of these

things were in the open literature. Now one of my students

went around to the bio-med library in UCLA not long ago

(University of California in Los Angeles) and found a number

of these had been sliced out of the text with a razor blade!

That leads us to two conclusions: were the kids too broke to

put a dime in the Xerox machine? Or had some of these

purposely removed?


- How Interference Patterns Govern Behaviour


- Magic of Global Scaling Theory - Update on Hartmut Muellers Status

- Nature of Time ; Exotics from Kozyrev & Muellers Group

- Oscillons in Nature and their Relation to the Psyche

- How Astrology demonstrates Gravitic Effects on Consciousness

- How Forecasting Events as Evoked Potentials Can be Mapped and Charted

- Markers of Sociopathy in the Astro Natal Chart



EXCERPTS : "... people who believe in God tend to have a 'thicker' sections of brain tissue than other people.  The researchers think that this thickening could also help to stave off depression.  Firing magnetic pulses at the brain could reduce how religious or spiritual a person feels, a study has claimed.



- How Interference Patterns Govern Behaviour



Magnetic Fields Can Control Heat and Sound


Spacetime is frequency conscious.  See Links below ;

There was a full page in the New York Times devoted exclusively about Fitzpatrick's First Book on June 18th 1967.

Out of phase resonances are constantly producing space or a repelling force between themselves while in phase resonances produce no space between themselves or an attractive force between themselves.


Gravity, for instance, then becomes a bi-polar force similar to magnetism with the spinning stars all repelling each other similar to the spinning electrons that repel themselves ONLY when free as the stars.


A geodesic, in general relativity, then becomes a force-balanced path where an AVERAGE BALANCE of in phase to out of phase resonances is strictly maintained.  You, for instance, are then attracted to this earth because while traveling on this geodesic, with this earth, there are more in phase resonances, than average, between you and the earth while there are more out of phase resonances, than average, between you and the surrounding universe. This, by the way, brings Mach's principle into gravitational as well as inertial situations.


This shows, btw, that attractive forces are NEVER possible when spinning entities are totally FREE. . Attractive forces are only possible between entities when things are "locked" like you are to the earth or in magnetism or sigma and pi bonding when electrons are "locked" on certain orbitals where an above average of in phase resonances can be generated between those entities.  The spinning stars (and totally free electrons too) then repel themselves because of all the out of phase resonances being generated between them .


Total in phase resonances MUST equal total out of phase resonances. -or- The total of ALL the individual GRAVITATIONAL attractive forces holding each star together MUST equal ALL the opposite repelling forces keeping all the stars apart (Einstein's cosmological constant - that Saul Perlmutter has proven exists).


Oldfield Spots "Dark Entities"

In the course of his research, he may have discovered a new form of complex energy on Earth. While PIP-scanning various crystals, Harry discovered that about 10 per cent of them have undulating within, on or about them a previously unreported entity with its own aura. It looks like a slug! The first one he discovered "disappeared" back into the crystal, seemingly when it realized it was being observed, and the PIP computer crashed with the message "unidentified instruction". Oldfield states that other researchers have independently confirmed the same phenomenon.



Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:54 PM Mark as Unread



"Doc Stars" <>


Full Headers Printable View

"...patterns of our experience are expressed in the brain in the form of standing waves. In other words, the operational principle of the brain is more like a musical instrument than a computer, and the "input" to that instrument is the same as the input to a musical instrument, i.e. it is like the damping of fingers on strings or over holes that control the pattern of resonance in the instrument, and the "output" is both a musical tone, and a spatial standing wave pattern in the body of the instrument.""



Emotions as 4D Character of Music Experience

Spacetime surfaces correlate to quantum states and quantum jumps:

Spacetime surfaces are counterparts states of physical events.

Replacing physical states with events sheds light on standardized temporal patterns of living organisms, such as morphogenesis.


Dissonance represents local reduction of negentropy.

Space-time surfaces are restricted inside a geometric container


"...the geometric shape of cycle  could correspond to physical properties of amino-acids."


Pythagoras, Music, Sacred Geometry and Genetic Code

Matti Pitkanen



Your Emotional State Changes How You See, Hear, and Taste

Basically your brain is a big jumble of systems — you can't change one without affecting another.

"..what you’re feeling is definitely changing what you’re seeing.

When you’re feeling tired or sad, for example, hills actually look steeper."


Why Physicists Are Saying Consciousness Is A State Of Matter, Like a Solid, A Liquid Or A Gas


The Doctrine of Signatures is profound ancient wisdom that is purposely being suppressed. It states that certain fruits and vegetables have a perfect pattern that mirror a body organ, and that this pattern acts as a signal or sign as to that fruit or vegetable's benefit to us. Modern science confirms that the ancient "Doctrine of Signatures" is astoundingly accurate. Why does this vital knowledge remain hidden?

The healing and nourishing properties of any fruit or vegetable reflected in, and ultimately revealed by, that fruit or vegetables' outer physical shape, form, or "signature" in relation to the human body.

make sure to watch my video on REGENERATING TISSUE AND CELLS WITH FRUIT!



Essentially, materialism is a ‘belief’ that reality and everything in it, including ‘consciousness’, can be reduced to matter, yet this is an unproven and dogmatic philosophy. Furthermore, it’s actually a metaphysical argument as it ‘attempts’ to explain the core truth of existence. Ironically, much of the dogma that makes up this charade has been reinforced by many so-called skeptics who don’t actually investigate the evidence objectively, something that sites like Skeptical about Skeptics have made embarrassingly clear.

“Studies have shown that conscious mental activity can causally influence behavior and that the explanatory and predictive value of agentic factors (e.g., beliefs, goals, desires, and expectations) is very high. Moreover, research in psychoneuroimmunology indicates that our thoughts and emotions can markedly affect the activity of the physiological systems (e.g., immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular) connected to the brain. In other respects, neuroimaging studies of emotional self-regulation, psychotherapy, and the placebo effect demonstrate that mental events significantly influence the activity of the brain”

Scientific studies show the paramaters of heart related precognition in group experiments - finding the time dimension to average out at around 6 seconds prior to the event. As you know, we can derive the spatial dimensions from these metrics. See ;

Like • Reply • 1 • January 1 at 12:08pm


Donald Adams Frequency = 1 / time


Precognition Explained: Science Shows How Our Body Reacts To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen 

Heartmath Institute conducted an experiment where images were randomly shown on a screen at 10 second intervals, which created an emotional and physiological response that could be measured in the heart beat of the observing participants. The physiological response was observed to be triggered up to 6 seconds before the image was shown on the screen. These experiments indicate that the human body can actually detect randomly delivered stimuli that occur 1-10 seconds in advance. In other words, the human body seems to know of an event, and reacts to an event that has yet to occur. What occurs in the human body before these events are physiological changes that are measured regarding the cardiopulmonary, the skin, and the nervous system. (1)


Nonlocal Intuition

There is compelling evidence to suggest the physical heart is coupled to a field of information not bound by the classical limits of time and space.[243, 244] This evidence comes from a rigorous experimental study that demonstrated the heart receives and processes information about a future event before the event actually happens.[243, 244]

.... found that not only did both the brain and heart receive the pre-stimulus information some 4 to 5 seconds before a future emotional picture was randomly selected by the computer, the heart actually received this information about 1.5 seconds before the brain received it (Figure 7.3).[244]...the heart received the intuitive information about 1.3 seconds before the brain. Heartbeat-evoked potential analysis confirmed that a different afferent signal was sent by the heart to the brain during this period.[244]


Full-Moon Effect on Amplifying Intuition

On average, we detected a significant pre-stimulus response starting around 18 seconds before participants knew the future outcome. Interestingly, there was not a strong overall relationship between the pre-stimulus responses and the amount of money the participants won or lost. We also found a significant difference in both pre-stimulus periods during the fullmoon phase, when they also won more money, but not in the new-moon phase (Figure 7.6). Overall, the findings also suggest that if participants had been able to become more attuned to their internal cardiac related pre-stimulus responses, they would have performed much better on the betting choices they made.




Stillness in the Storm

Over the past few decades a significant and noteworthy amount of scientific research has emerged contributing to…|By Justin Deschamps

Like • Reply • Remove Preview • 2 • January 1 at 12:09pm


Donald Adams The Heart Has Its Own ‘Brain’ & Consciousness

The heart generates the body’s most powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field. Compared to the electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electrical component of the heart’s field is about 60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers.

Experiments conducted at the Institute of HeartMath have found remarkable evidence that the heart’s electromagnetic field can transmit information between people. We have been able to measure an exchange of heart energy between individuals up to 5 feet apart. We have also found that one person’s brain waves can actually synchronize to another person’s heart. Furthermore, when an individual is generating a coherent heart rhythm, synchronization between that person’s brain waves and another person’s heartbeat is more likely to occur. These findings have intriguing implications, suggesting that individuals in a psychophysiologically coherent state become more aware of the information encoded in the heart fields of those around them.

....both the heart and brain receive and respond to information about a future event before the event actually happens. Even more surprising was our finding that the heart appears to receive this “intuitive” information before the brain. This suggests that the heart’s field may be linked to a more subtle energetic field that contains information on objects and events remote in space or ahead in time. Called by Karl Pribram and others the “spectral domain,” this is a fundamental order of potential energy that enfolds space and time, and is thought to be the basis for our consciousness of “the whole.”

Social Fields


In the same way that the heart generates energy in the body, we propose that the social collective is the activator and regulator of the energy in social systems.


A body of groundbreaking work shows how the field of socioemotional interaction between a mother and her infant is essential to brain development, the emergence of consciousness, and the formation of a healthy self-concept. These interactions are organized along two relational dimensions—stimulation of the baby’s emotions, and regulation of shared emotional energy. Together they form a socioemotional field through which enormous quantities of psychobiological and psychosocial information are exchanged. Coherent organization of the mother-child relations that make up this field is critical. This occurs when interactions are charged, most importantly, with positive emotions (love, joy, happiness, excitement, appreciation, etc.), and are patterned as highly synchronized, reciprocal exchanges between these two individuals. These patterns are imprinted in the child’s brain and thus influence psychosocial function throughout life. (See Allan Schore, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self.)


The African Bushmen communicate in a similar way. As anthropologist Bradford Keeney discovered, the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert believe that all living creatures are connected by a silver stream of energy that extends from one belly button to another. The Bushmen use these horizontal “lines” like telephone wires to send and receive telepathic messages.[2]


The Australian aboriginals believe it is their miwi that makes it possible for them to see or hear at a distance. Miwi, a Ngarrindjeri word that translates as “soul” or “instinct,” is located in the pit of the stomach. Passed from parent to child, the miwi is present in everyone; but it is particularly strong in their medicine men, who use it to cast out illness and visit the spirits of the dead. A strong miwi also makes it possible to see visions and predict future events.[3]


The Japanese also rely on the solar plexus area for instinctive, nonverbal information. A Japanese businessman will often use haragei, or “belly talk,” to size up a potential partner or business proposal. The word haragei derives from hara, translated as “belly” or “guts,” andgei, which translates as “the art of.” Many older Japanese take pride in depending on “the art of the belly” when making important business decisions. A business deal will often be called off if the haragei is not harmonious. In Japan, young businessmen are told that “in their twenties, they must improve their minds, but in their thirties they must develop their hara.”[4]


In our culture, the term gut feeling is the most common way to explain our instinctive feelings about a person or situation. We say, “I trusted my gut in making that decision” or, “My gut told me not to trust this or that person.” This term has long been used in the business and law-enforcement communities. Businessmen use the term gut hunch to describe their instinctive reactions to an idea or proposal, while police detectives refer to their “blue sense” as a way to describe their gut feelings about a crime.


In 2004, parapsychologists Dean Radin and Marilyn Schlitz conducted an experiment at the Institute of Noetic Sciences with twenty-six couples to determine if the gut response of one person could be felt by another. One person, designated as the sender, was shown a series of images designed to evoke “positive, negative, calming, or neutral emotions.” In another room, the reaction of the receiver was monitored by electrodes placed on the heart, skin, and stomach muscles. The experimenters found that the stronger emotions—both positive and negative—did produce measurable responses in the receiver and concluded that the gut has a “belly brain” with a “perception intelligence” of its own.[5]


The existence of a belly brain has also been backed up by medical research. It was first documented by the nineteenth-century German neurologist Leopold Auerbach and later rediscovered by Dr. Michael Gershon, a professor at Columbia University who wrote a book in the 1990s called The Second Brain. This second brain is made up of billions of nerve cells in the digestive tract. Some medical researchers now believe that the belly brain may be the source of the unconscious gut reactions that are later communicated to the main brain.[6]


The Heart Has Its Own ‘Brain’ & Consciousness|By Guest Contributor

Like • Reply • Remove Preview • 1 • January 1 at 12:09pm


A NATURAL mechanism for astrology

To:, "Doc Stars" <>


Received: Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 4:03 PM


A mechanism for astrology : "When we

want to predict the next high tide we don't set up a chart

and interpret the symbolism. We simply note that the tide

will come in when the Moon is overhead and go out when it

passes on. What the Moon means is irrelevant. Likewise for

the seasons. We don't have to ask what the Sun means. We

need only know that we get more solar radiation in summer

than in winter.




With organic correspondences, in contrast, material effects

don't determine the specific nature of the regularity. As

the Moon passes overhead the tide comes in and the oyster's

shell opens, but gravity doesn't physically open the

oyster's shell the way it raises the waters. Instead, the

oyster uses the Moon's pull as a signal to tell it when to

open itself. That's the implication of an experiment

performed by biologist Frank A. Brown, Jr., in which he

brought oysters from the east coast to Evanston, Illinois,

where they soon began opening their shells at what would

have been high tide if there had been a seashore there. Life

has been able to use the planets as templates for the

evolution of functional systems whose timing corresponds to

planetary periods but whose content, the recurrent function

or behavior, is determined by evolution, not by the planets'

symbolic meanings or material effects.


The oyster's program directly causes it to do appropriate

things at appropriate times, whereas ours accomplishes more

subtle ends with motivations rather than automatic

processes. Motivation is the psychological equivalent of

force in physics. It's what gets things done. Both

motivation and automatic processes get things done that need

to get done for the organism to exist and move through life,

but the former allows for a vastly more complex repertoire

of behaviors and the necessity of choice. It doesn't

determine a specific outcome but requires that the organism

create a response to satisfy a felt need, with the need, not

the response, being predetermined (although we can of course

note which responses are common and/or apparently positive

or negative).


Thus we can explain astrology if we consider it to be

motivational rhythms. If the question is, what causes them

to come into being in the first place, the mechanism is

biological evolution. If the question is, why do the events

or motives comprising a given correspondence pattern keep

occurring on schedule, the mechanism is the inherited

genetic program and associated neurobiological processes

that trigger activities or needs. If the question is, by

what means does the organismic clock use a planet to reset

itself or otherwise stay "on time", the mechanism is the

material interaction between the two, including the

biochemical means by which the organism is able to use that

interaction for its own "purposes".


Size and emotion or depth and emotion? Evidence, using Matryoshka (Russian) dolls, of children using physical depth as a proxy for emotional charge

Abstract : Background

The size and emotion effect is the tendency for children to draw people and other objects with a positive emotional charge larger than those with a negative or neutral charge. Here we explored the novel idea that drawing size might be acting as a proxy for depth (proximity).



Fractals in the Nervous System: Conceptual Implications for Theoretical Neuroscience

Power-law scaling and other manifestations of fractal and self-similar patterns in space and/or time can be identified at all levels of neural organization. With few exceptions, these observations remained largely islands in the otherwise rapidly advancing theoretical Neuroscience with different priorities. However, recent advances in methodology of measurement of fractal connectivity at higher levels of brain organization have led to a proliferation of new data. This now calls for integrating fractality with other insights into brain organization and complexity, notably in the light of the substantial evidence for the brain being a complex system in a regime of criticality, as understood in statistical physics (Chialvo, 2004; Chialvo et al., 2008; Kitzbichler et al., 2009; Fraiman et al., 2009; Werner, 2007b, 2009a,b). Like in other physiological systems manifesting fractal patterns (see for instance: Bassingthwaighte et al., 1994; West and Deering, 1995; Iannacone and Khokha, 1995; West, 2006) the question of ubiquity of power-law scaling needs to be addressed in relation to other features of brain organization. Similarly, is there a relation between fractal organization and the propensity for phase transitions of critical systems? Is there a bridge between coarse graining (including renormalization group transformation) and fractality? And, most importantly, can fractal properties be viewed as playing a role for the functional integration among different levels of neuronal organization as Andersen (2000) suggests in an article entitled “From Molecules to Mindfulness”. Generalizing from a comprehensive theory of organization and interactions at the molecular level, Agnati et al. (2004, 2009) view the Central Nervous System as a nested network at all levels of organization, in the image of the Russian Matryoshka dolls: self-similar structures being embedded within one another. The authors elaborated this theory in great detail, with a “Fractal (self-similarity) Logic” operating on a set of identical rules which would govern the relation between successive levels of the nested system.


Although primarily concerned with chaotic dynamics in the Nervous System, King (1991) foresaw in an extensive review that “….fractal dynamics may be of functional utility in central nervous system cognitive processes”. Gisiger's (2001) comprehensive overview of scale invariance in Biology provides the background of this review, as do the insights gained in Physics through the work of Wilson (1979) and Kadanoff (1990), among many others. In addition, Turcotte (1999) discussed at great length the relation between aspects of self-organized criticality and fractal scaling from the points of view of “avalanche” behavior and systematic properties of correlation length, specifically directing attention to inverse cascade and site-percolation models of the well-known forest fire paradigm. While none of the issues discussed in the following will receive a definitive answer, I will aim at an explicit formulation of the network of interrelated factors that constitute the territory in which new perspectives and potential solutions may lie.



W.C. Gough and R.L. Shacklett

Symbols are defined as "meaningful" patterns for an individual experiencing them. Since they are patterns that are experienced and expressed in our physical world, they occur in space-time. In agreement with Drs. Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli, we have defined the orderings beyond space-time as archetypes or archetypal patterns, i.e., formless forms. The linkage in our physical world via which we access and express archetypal information are symbols. This process creates the dynamism of the whole. The patterns of our bodies including our DNA and the patterns in our brains are part of the feedback access/receive process. If an individual's symbol systems can not express or communicate an experience of the realms of mind and spirit, i.e., the spaceless and timeless realms of archetypal patterns, then the experience is considered ineffable (and sometimes referred to as "religious").


We contend that our scientific symbol system known as mathematics, when it is applied to the higher dimensional symmetry spaces, is in fact mapping characteristics of the archetypal order beyond space-time. Thus, the abstract spaces of mathematical physics are not really "abstract" but correspond to a reality that we can experience via mind and spirit. A key goal of our model is to demonstrate that a mathematical, and hence symbolic, basis already exists in mainstream physics for unfolding the physical world of space-time from this "reality" beyond space-time.




W.C. Gough & R.L. Shacklett




William C. Gough and Robert L. Shacklett


what characteristic of a living system appears most closely related to magnetism? The answer is its informational aspect, i.e., a living system's ability to make choices. This answer forces the next obvious question: what does choice have to do with magnetism? The question of choice (or free will) is one of the fundamental issues in the nature of consciousness that many scientists and philosophers have struggled with. Our model may be able to shed some light on this age-old problem. Consider the following sequence of arguments:


1. Choice can be reduced to a binary, left-right or yes-no type of process. A binary process is familiar to us; it is the basis for the information in our computers and music on our CD's. In the physical world, the smallest possible increment of binary change is Planck's quantum of action, and this amount of change (or larger) can be brought about through an alteration of the constraints that determine the energy flow for a particular process. That is, a choice modifies a least action path in an organism.


2. Therefore, a physical or chemical process is altered when a choice is made. The more immediate consequences of choice are changes in the quantum states of atoms and molecules which then influence their chemistry. Tiny currents arising from the dynamics of electron spin and orbital motion exert magnetic forces on each other and are also influenced by external magnetic fields. Because of their quantum structure, some molecular systems can be flipped into different spin states by extremely small magnetic disturbances (Fano & Fano, 1959). A change in the spin "direction" represents a means for encoding information into the physical system.


3. So now the question becomes, how do such magnetic changes couple in from the mental realm? Dirac's quantum theory of the electron shows that magnetism (specifically, the "vector potential") affects the phase of the electron's quantum wave function. Under certain conditions this phase alteration can affect the electron's location and thus the atomic and molecular structures of which it is a part. The twistor formulation provides for a "fiber connection" between the particle and higher dimensional abstract spaces (Gough & Shacklett, 1993d). Our model views these mathematical abstract spaces as symbolic representations of the knowledge realm beyond space-time. Since the knowledge realm includes the mind or mental realm, we can connect these abstract spaces ultimately to conscious thought processes. 


To summarize: human choice (a conscious act in the mental realm) alters the constraints on chemical processes in the physical realm. The informational content of the system is changed. The diagram below, based upon our model, shows the intermediate steps.



Fiber bundles

Twister space

Penrose transform

EM field



PHYSICAL REALM (behavior change)

We propose that intention is focussed choice, i.e., intention uses the same mechanisms involved in choice except they are amplified quantitatively. Figure 4 illustrates how the process of altering constraints works.


Quantum theory imposes a lower limit on "choice" by "quantizing" action (Young, 1976). Therefore, if choice cannot be broken down into smaller units, the quantum of action may represent some kind of fundamental act of consciousness comparable to a basic "left-right" or "yes-no" decision. Support for such a position comes from the work and experiments of Dr. L. Mandel at the University of Rochester. Mandel describes experiments in which the result (a light beam interference effect) is influenced by the possibility that the experimentalist could take actions, even if he doesn't take these actions (Mandel, 1991). Thus, these data indicate that mental acts can influence future events. This research challenges the prevalent view of physics in which events are based on what is rather that what could be.


The feedback signals can be observed as symptom of stress in an individual, society, and nature. Such stress manifests as dis-ease in individuals and as "evil" for the overall society. The principle cause behind such stress resides in our belief systems -- the constraints that operate upon our thoughts and hence upon our free will choices. Choices that are contributing to the creation of physical reality. The cure is to restore balance with the larger whole -- a whole that encompasses more than the physical realm. The medicine required, as many of the ancient wisdoms have taught, is sincere love and compassion.



The Higher You Are, the Faster You Age

Posted by keelynet on October 9, 2010

Physicists used extremely accurate atomic clocks to calculate how time flows more slowly the closer someone is to Earth. The researchers found that even a height difference of around 1 foot (33 centimeters) causes a measurable change in the passing of time.

For example, if one twin spent 79 years living at an altitude 1 foot higher than her sister, the first twin would end up approximately 90 billionths of a second older, the researchers found.

For example, if one twin spent 79 years living at an altitude 1 foot higher than her sister, the first twin would end up approximately 90 billionths of a second older, the researchers found.


The scientists measured this by using super-sensitive clocks, each made of a single charged aluminum atom that vibrates between two energy levels over a million billion times per second. They placed one clock at a higher elevation in the lab than the other, and found, just as Einstein predicted, that the higher clock ran slightly faster than the lower clock.


“You need to have really high accuracy to be able to tell the difference that a small height change is going to make on the tick rate of your clocks,” said study leader James Chin-Wen Chou of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.


“So I would say that although our clocks can clearly see it, people won’t feel any difference.” This so-called “time-dilation” effect is a consequence of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which posits that the gravity of a massive body – such as the Earth – warps the space-time around it, causing the flow of time to speed up or slow down depending on its distance from the mass.


(Time is theorized to slow down the closer one gets to the massive body.)




Although we have discussed gyroscopes, pendulums and torsion beam balances so far, Kozyrev also discovered non-mechanical detectors that could pick up the energy of the “time flow.” What we mean by “non-mechanical” is that torsion waves could be detected without the moving parts normally required, which involved two different forms of mechanical vibration or motion, such as in the gyroscope, torsion balance and pendulum. Some of these non-mechanical detectors can demonstrate quite substantial changes in the presence of torsion fields, and in the case of tungsten and quartz, the effects of torsion fields on the material can be irreversible. All of the following will show changes in the presence of torsion-wave energy:

- the conductiveness of electronic resistors, especially those made from tungsten metal

- the mercury level in thermometers

- the vibrational frequencies of quartz crystal oscillators

- the electric potentials of thermocouples

- the viscosity of water

- the amount of electronic work that can be performed in a photoelectric cell

- the reaction rates of chemical compounds (such as the Belousov-Zhabotinsky effect)

- the growth parameters of bacteria and plants

A highly-detailed summary of Kozyrev’s work, including the exact graphs, detailed statistics, analyses and descriptions of all the above detectors, can be found in “A Substantial Interpretation of N.A. Kozyrev’s Conception of Time,” by A.P. Levich, 1996.


Sheila Ostrander and Lyn Schroeder, in their book Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain revealing the ongo- ing research on astrology in Soviet Russia, says: The parapsychologists in Russia believe that “a human being is a pulsating field dynamically interacting with all other fields like a note reasoning with all the other notes swirling in symphony”.


Edward Naumov also of Soviet Russia observes that “the solar activity at the time of birth also affects an indi- vidual. A good receiver (listener) is born when the Sun is qui- et and a good sender (Adviser) is born when the Sun is ac- tive”.


Dr Chijevsky has found the “correlation between the cy- cles of Sunspot activities and epidemics on earth including the invasion of locusts and rodents and perhaps even in migration of people.”





Dear Doc Stars, 


Thought this might interest you.  

What Gravitational Waves Sound Like: New Audio of Black Holes Colliding Confirms Predictions Einstein Made 100 Years Ago


For several years now, a finding from basic physical research with the name " Global Scaling " has found its way into the fields of application of science and technology. This finding is based on the highly stable self- oscillations of the PROTONs , which make up 99% of the mass of our universe. An insight, supported by a large number of documents from nature and technology, creates a new fundamental linkage of the natural sciences and offers a highly efficient optimization process for technology developments and processes. 

It is shown that dewaxing processes - in nature - are subject to the vibrational rhythms of the protons. Further research shows that this also applies to all technical processes. 

The harmonic pattern of the protons can be found in all scales and all physical quantities. It acts as a kind of melody, which determines the rhythm of developmental processes and the formation of matter. This creates a new fundamental link between the natural sciences. 


What is Global Scaling: 

All physical measurements that have ever been detected indicate that all processes and conditions in the universe such as time, length, mass, frequency, temperature are determined by a standing global background wave. Only what it allows has a long-term existence; Which is enduring, is clearly defined by them. 

The wave is reflected at the smallest and largest mass absorptions in the universe. Their structure is fractal, being logarithmic, hyperbolic, periodic, harmonic, and scale invariant. 


The results of Russian researchers, who were brought together in cooperation with several thousand employees over a period of 20 years, are summarized in a new theory, global scaling. 

After the Western physicists failed to create the "world formula" after Einstein's Weltbild, the string theory, the superstring theory and the membrane theory were not able to make the reality dubious free mathematically in To describe the basic physical areas, global scaling opens up new horizons. 

Global scaling has the greatest scientific potential to replace all existing models from the co-operation of the largest and even the smallest things as a basis for modern new physics and to force the long-term paradigm shift in all natural sciences.


• Prof. Dr. Hartmut Müller - The Consciousness Revolution in Physics 

• Prof. Dr. Vladimir. A. Zagriadski - Cosmic Energy & Information in Diagnostics 

• Alexandr I. Kutmin - On the Cosmogenetics of Man 

• Prof. Dr. Alexander. V. Trofimov - The Cosmology of Life and Intellect 

• Prof. Dr. Fritz Albert Popp - Coherence as the basic principle of biopysical information processes 

• Ph. D. James L. Oschman - Quantum Resonance, Global Scaling & Frequency Based Medicine 

• Dr. Viktor Zyganow - Nonlinear system analysis in medicine 

• Prof. Markus Schmieke - Global Scaling 5000 years ago in the Vedic cosmology 

• Dr. Olga I. Koekina - Virtual brain as a result of the mutual bias 

• Dr. Dimitriy Pavlov - The Secret of Giza and the Genesis of Human Civilization 

• Prof. Dr. Hartmut Müller - Global Scaling Communication - The first contact 

• Ph.D. Peter Bancel - The Global Consciousness Project 

• Prof. Dr. Hartmut Müller & Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang Granig - Quantum Resonance - The Information Spool of the Universe 

• Ph.D. James J. Hurtak - Consciousness & Quantum Coherence 

Bonus video 

• Andreas Beutel - The Natural Order in the Universe - Exopolitk Activation Meeting Sept. 2008 (XviD / 1:04:36) 

Bonus Documents 

• 33 PDFs from various Global Scaling areas 

• Global Scaling in Random Processes (4 PDFs) 

• The fractal of the prime factor distribution (PDF + EXE) 

Bonus software 

• Global Scaling Calculator GSC 3000 Enterprise v2.0.1.6 + Keygen 

• Global Scaling Communication GSCOM (source code) 

• Global Scaling Pocket Calculator v1.1 (EXE) 

• Global-Scaling Excel Calculator (XLS) 

• The signature of the spheres v1.1 Demo (EXE)


'Bio-Informative Technology' 

The eternal fountain - Russians make organs and teeth grow 

Was the fountain actually discovered here? 

Thanks to the research work of the Russian scientists Arcady Petrov and Igor Arepjev, who worked in the beginnings of the research center in "Noosfera / Russia", subsequently in the research project "SIGOR", and based on the work and findings of the Academy member Grigorij Petrowitsch Grabovoj, Methodology that allows to restore health even when the diagnosis is completely hopeless and to regenerate the organs and cells of humans. 

The training on this knowledge takes place in the Research Academy Arcady Petrov and offers the first step on the infinite ladder of the 'New Knowledge' to the harmonious, happy, flowering and eternal existence of mankind - the eternal fountain. This is what is written in the documents. 

The three-stage training offers in the first stage the possibility to adapt the transition from bioenergetic technologies to bioinformative technologies. 

The second stage of the educational world view of the teachings of Arkady Pertov "On the creation of the harmonious and creative world". 

The author of the book "The Creation of the World", as well as his scientific and methodical work "Tree of Life", as well as others of his works on man's path, which give us the possibility to see the physical and spiritual life Mental being of man. 

The third stage of the training practical exercises on the basis of bioinformative methodology "tree of life" and influence on health.



Extracts from the website of 


The human being is surrounded by an information field in which the construction plan of the body is contained in its "original state".


Mental blockages interfere with this field and the consequences are also disturbances at the organic level. The blockage causes a separation between the plan and the organ. If this blockage is lifted, the organ is arranged again according to the blueprint.


Unblocking is achieved by special visualization techniques with the knowledge of the structure of the information field.


Hans-Joachim König, Agatha Pikulski and Dmitri Rogov have translated and taught the practical parts from the books of Arcadij Petrov.


For a more detailed description click here >>





GENESIS II - International Global Scaling Symposium on 21./22. June 2008 in Munich 


Top-class scientists provide insights into the ongoing research of Global Scaling. 


If the quantum revolution at the beginning of the twentieth century forced physics to respect the observer, the physics of the 21st century already comes to the conclusion that intelligence is a fundamental property of all matter. In this way modern science makes consciousness the center of the universe. In the course of its development, objective science has banished the center of the universe into increasingly unattainable regions - from the earth to the sun, from the solar system into the core of the galaxy, from the Milky Way to the Great Attractor, 


According to the same procedure, consciousness was also banished from cosmology. Intelligent forms of life are not sought on the earth, nor in the solar system. Optimists are looking for them at the other end of our galaxy. The universe is not a relativistic balloon or a quantum-physical soap bubble. The center of the universe is not located either in the core of any galaxy or in the area of ​​the Great Attractor. It is not out there, but inside, in matter, in the atom. And in every atom. It is not about the place, it is about standards. Man produces not only technology, but also nature. We build not only aircraft and ships, but also create new particles and universes. We have not really understood this yet. Nor are we aware of the responsibility arising from this. We are about to develop into one of the most influential spiritual components of the universe. 


Where is consciousness localized? In the head, in the brain, in the neuron or already in the DNA? Consciousness is not localizable, similar to the position and time coordinates of a particle whose energetic status is known. Consciousness is not a local, but a global, cosmic phenomenon. 


Physical processes can be mentally manipulated, even over long distances. There is nothing "purely physical", physics has negated itself. The once materialist science discovers the mind as a genotype of matter. "How does consciousness interact with matter?" Is the basic question of being for the scientist of modernity.


Can communication be transmitted over distance without the need for electromagnetic radiation "travelling" to carry the message? Hartmut Mueller of the Institute for Space-Energy-Research in Wolfratsthausen [sic], Germany, says it can.


Mueller has developed a theory of global scaling, which states that matter and energy organize in accordance with principles of scale. The "nodes" or preferred points of concentration, may be distant in linear space, but adjacent in "logarithimic [sic] space", allowing for instant connectivity over distances that are difficult to bridge with today's radio technologies.


First experiments have been successful. This is a future technology worth watching out for - it could well revolutionize communications (and more) in the coming decades.


With the aid of the so called Mueller fractal it is possible to find comprehensive views and conclusions about


* Mass distribution of the universe

* cause of forces like gravitation, electromagnetism, etc.

* the essence of time, 

* preferred and avoided dimension ranges of nature for example for lengths, frequencies, temperatures, etc., 

* distribution of prime numbers

* interaction with DNA


The basic assumption of the theory appears very simple. In opposite to the - usually in science used - linear scales for many different physical properties, the theory of Global-Scaling assumes, that the natural scale is not linear but in first approximation logarithmic and in second approximations fractal and hyperbolic.


The existence of a standing density wave in logarithmic space - for the first time in the history of physics - explains the origin of gravitation. The global flow of matter in direction of the node points of the standing density wave is the reason for the physical phenomenon of gravitational attraction. Thus, particles, atoms,molecules, celestial bodies, etc. - the scales/measures of which stabilise in the node points of the standing pressure wave - become gravitational attractors. In physical reality, therefore, the standing density wave in logarithmic space of scales also manifests as a global standing gravitational wave. In consequence, the exact identity of value for inert and gravitational masses of physical bodies (as it is claimed by physics today), independent of the body's density or material, can occur only in the exact node points of the global standing density wave. So far, systematic measurements to verify this postulate of Global-Scaling-Theory have not been carried out.


Leonard Euler (1748) had already shown that irrational and transcendental numbers can be uniquely represented as continued fractions in which all elements (numerators and denominators) will be natural numbers. In 1928 Khintchine succeeded to provide the general proof. In the theory of numbers this means that all numbers can be constructed from natural numbers; the universal principle of construction being the continued fraction. All natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... in turn are constructed from prime numbers, these being natural numbers which cannot be further divided without remainder, such as 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 23, 29, 31, ... (traditionally 1 isn't classed as a prime number although it fulfils all criteria). The distribution of prime numbers on the number line is so irregular that so far no formula was found which would perfectly describe their distribution. Only the Theory of Global Scaling was able to solve this mystery:


The distribution of numbers is indeed very irregular - but only on the linear number line. On the logarithmic number line, large gaps of prime numbers recur in regular intervals. Gauss (1795) had already noticed this. Thus, the set pi(n) of prime numbers up to the number n can be approximated by the simple formula pi(n) = n / ln n. The reason for this phenomenon is the existence of a standing density wave on the logarithmic number line, the node points of this density wave acting as number attractors. This is where prime numbers will accumulate‚ and form composite numbers, i.e. non-primes, such as the 7 non-primes from 401 to 409.


Hence a "prime number gap" will occur in this place. Precisely where non-primes (i.e. prime clusters) arise on the logarithmic number line, there it is that matter concentrates on the logarithmic line of measures. This isn't magic, it is simply a consequence of the fact that scales are logarithms, i.e. "just" numbers.




The central point of the Global Scaling Theory is the Fundamental Fractal, which is derived from the mathematical description of a proton resonance eigenfrequency system. The representation of the natural oscillation spectrum of the vacuum compression wave and the interaction with the phase-shifted reflection wave requires a corresponding graphic aid for a quicker understanding and for the daily work. This unique compact tool, which we have called FractalDesigner, we would like to provide free of charge to those interested in Global Scaling theory.



Stim Psy Activity via Resonance : Audio/Video Signals Skin Transmitter, based on HMC

Monday, February 29, 2016 6:25 PM Mark as Unread



"Doc Stars" <>


Full Headers Printable View

"... stimulation of psi-activity by resonant external radiation, should influence on colors and character of Kirlian picture even from distant untreated by skin-transmitter points of skin."


Audio/Video Signals Skin Transmitter, based on HMC


We propose the idea of new device, where the laser beam with cavitational fluctuations

frequency and ultraweak intensity will be modulated by acoustic and/or video signals. The

modulated output optic signals will be transmitted from laser to the nerve nodes of skin, using

wave-guides. It is supposed that the nerve impulses, stimulated by modulated laser beam, can

propagate via complex axon-synapse system to brain centers, responsible for perception and

processing of audio and video information. The long-term memorizing process also can be

stimulated effectively by Skin Transmitter.


The direct and feedback reaction between brain centers, responsible for audio and video

information processing and certain nerve nodes on skin is predictable. The coherent

electromagnetic radiation of these nodes, including the acupuncture one can be responsible for

so-called aura.


Study Proves Extrasensory Mind-to-Mind Interaction at a Distance

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 1:54 PM Mark as Unread



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"...human brains can indeed ‘talk’ directly to one another, even from thousands of miles away....extrasensory mind-to mind interaction can happen over great distances by leveraging different pathways in the mind....information can be successfully transmitted between two intact human brains from distances over 5000 miles apart.


....Although EEG patterns had to be translated from binary code, the greetings ‘hola’ and ‘ciao’ were translated successfully and emailed as confirmation back to the sender in India from France. When the messages were sent, the subjects experienced brain stimulation as phosphenes, which are flashes of light, which occur in peripheral vision as a sort of morse code – as a sequence.


This corroborates findings that people know when a loved one has died even when they are thousands of miles away, and other strange phenomenon that seem to exist out of the time/space barriers we have accepted as limitations for person-to-person communication.


.....successfully transmitted the words “hola” and “ciao” in a computer-mediated brain-to-brain transmission from a location in India to a location in France using internet-linked electroencephalogram (EEG) and robot-assisted and image-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) technologies.”



Scientists Create a Mind-Reading System That Projects Your Thoughts on a Screen

"...The researchers showed these reconstructed images to a different group of participants and asked them some general questions aimed to describe the faces, such as “Is this male or female?” “Is this person happy or sad?” etc. To the large extent, the responses were correct, which means thatthe AI did manage to capture the basic facial features."


ICHING and Fields of Rectangular Wave Guides

Wednesday, July 20, 2016 12:27 PM Mark as Unread



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Fields of Rectangular Wave Guides


"...divinational consultation of the IChing about a thing can be likened to searching a thing’s DNA to discover the segment of genetics currently running. The most accurate reading could include divining and acounting for the change state of the macrocosm around the thing too. "


Because the lines of a hexagram have direction and because the steps of Creation are known, the TaoTeChing ch. 14 provides the means to “trace back” into the past by trailing the thread of Tao. (Lau, D.C., Tao Te Ching, London: Penguin Books, c. 1963, p. 18.) Encoded in the a hexagram are the future and the past. In the IChing’s cosmology, the harmony of step 3 results in the creation of proto-forces symbolized by the trigrams and composed of intermixes of yin and yang. Each trigram is drawn as a stack of three lines of either yin or yang. The trigram qian (creative) and kun (receptive) are the most basic complementary forces, qian containing lines of pure yang and kun with lines of pure yin. The other trigram pairs are: gen (mountain) and dui (lake), zhen (thunder) and sun (wind), kan (water) and li (fire). Stacking the trigrams in pairs in all combinations can produce the 64 hexagrams. By reading a randomly-cast hexagram as its constituent trigrams, it is possible to reckon the past and know the future.


    [T]he eight trigrams combine with each other in such a way that, to reckon the past, one follows the order of their progress, and, to know the future, one works backward through them. {With the combination of the eight trigrams, all the principles involved with change and transformation are complete. In regard to the past, one gets to know it by going with the flow [up to the present], and, in regard to the future, one reckons it by working backward [to the present].} Therefore, the Changes allow us to work backward [from the future] and reckon forward [from the past].


    Quoting “Explaining The Trigrams” and Wang Bi’s commentary in Lynn, Classic Of The Way And Virtue, p. 121.


In classical Taoism, the cosmic DNA in the universe and in things within do not absolutely determine the future, because the patterns from the cosmic mother can change the current order and introduce overwhelming forces that usurp destinies. In the TaoTeChing ch. 25, the elements of Creation arrange themselves into expanding macrocosms (man -> earth -> heaven -> Tao), the correlative universe. Impulses and patterns from the cosmic mother propagate down the hierarchy through the phenomenon of resonance. Each thing in the universe in a state of “inaction” (無爲 wu wei) moves in harmony with the patterns. The IChing does have a hexagram that evokes wu-wei: 31 – or Xian, which translates as Reciprocity or Sensitivity. 


Xian is at the heart of the principle of gan-ying (感應, stimulus-response or resonance). Wu-wei is mystical guided action without the intrusion of intention or consciousness, and gan-ying is related to the practice of wu-wei. The character (ying, respond) appears in the ChuangTzu ch. 7 and and LiehTzu ch. 4, in stories about the empathic mirror with which a person “responds” to the outside world. Like wu-wei, it is apontaneous action without conscious intention, but gan-ying responds to the outside world by reflecting the outside world or microcosm follows macrocosm. 


" unfold as patterns. Even physical laws manifest as repeating patterns.  A repeating pattern is like a physical law.... the sage scrutinises, not the fact of survival or ruin, but its reasons."


an echo represents a sonic energy field and shadow a darkness field. Words have continue their emotive force in the echo. Conduct is social interaction.


"If your words are beautiful or ugly, so is their echo; if your person is tall or short, so is its shadow. Reputation is the echo, conduct is the shadow. "

    LiehTzu ch. 8; Graham, The Book Of Lieh Tzu, p. 159.


"Chi has mimetic qualities. The essence of past events persist in chi waves and recreates the past as repeating patterns when interacting with chi fields along the path of propagation. The future is the past in the guise of oncoming future. Therefore, chi energy can preserve the past and generate the future. Chi with emotive essences is like a pheromone, going from person to person, exciting the same emotion in each person. People respond to chi empathically. The TaoTeChing and the ChuangTzu call the empathic response a mirroring of externalities. "


emotive chi, “experience” is the empathic absorption of the chemical and pheromonal messages in emotive chi, capable of triggering the identical emotion in the person receiving it. The term “verification” means the community’s response to emotive chi, intensifying the hidden message in the chi into visibility. (See Metaphysical Third Eye: A Beginning Class.)


"...the more the foreseen details of coincidence pile up, the more definite is the existence of foreknowledge.” Intensive synchronicity repeatedly asserts itself over time. Jung refers to intensive synchronicity as a “piling up” of coincidences, impressive because of the high order of repetition, so “the greater number of terms in such a series, or the more unusual its character, the more improbable it becomes”.  the TTC warns that time synchronicities interpreted as prognistication may mislead and present a false reality. The “flowery” motif suggests high repetition of coincidences as the petals around a flower. Their beauty links past, present and future in a strange pattern extending like a thread through time. "


Geometrical Psychology, or, The Science of Representation

Wednesday, July 27, 2016 12:25 AM Mark as Unread



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New Zealander Benjamin Betts set out to do in the 19th century with his unusual diagrams of consciousness, collected in the 1887 tome Geometrical Psychology, or, The Science of Representation


why math of my frequencies work

Friday, July 29, 2016 8:18 PM Mark as Unread



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- Magic of Global Scaling Theory - Update on Hartmut Muellers Status


regards from Hartmut

Thursday, February 2, 2017 3:09 AM Mark as Unread



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Dear Donald (Doc Stars),


Thank you so much for your warm supporting letter Frank forwared to me!

On your Website I found a lot of interesting things, thank you.

Right now I'm not ready to give an interview, but may be in future.

In a few weeks goes online our new Global Scaling Website.


I wish you all the best under the sky of stars!


Warmest regards,

Hartmut Muller


May the Light always be with you!


Scaling of body masses and orbital periods in the moon systems of Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus


Scaling of body masses and orbital periods in the Solar system


New scaling model of particle mass generating


Paper: On the Dependence of a Local Time Effect on Spatial Direction, V. A. Panchelyuga and S. E. Shnoll, Progress in Physics 3 (2007) 51 – 54:


Body mass distribution in the Solar system continues scaling law of mass distribution of fundamental particles


Fractals on the number set and resonance


The cosmophysical origin of random processes




- Nature of Time ; Exotics from Kozyrev & Muellers Group

- Oscillons in Nature and their Relation to the Psyche


"oscillons, clumps of waves that are localized in space but oscillate in time and do not disperse. "