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Trouble is brewing for many industries with severe danger of financial collapse for

individuals, governments and corporate entities.


Opportunities of an unusual nature are also likely to occur during this period however

expect a high degree of volatility and risk associated with many of these.


Critical key concepts and excerpts from relevant articles with links to the complete

articles are provided below for your review. 


PROBLEM : While there are tangible clues from forecasters about the general

nature of the dangerous trends vs those  of profitability there is sufficient dissent

over identifying specifics. 


An example of mixed signals is found within the realm of “cryptocurrencies”, like

Bitcoin wherein some pundits claim they will bottom out disastrously while others

remain convinced that these currencies are one of the few very worth while investments

for this period.  With so much noise, pro and con, its problematic for the average

Person to discern and determine the safest path forward.


SOLUTION : With the money markets, real estate, stocks, bonds and virtual financial

Instruments at high risk how does the average person discover the optimal path forwards?




1.)     Property and assets that have inherit value to the owner and which are truly

separate and apart from market fluctuations comes to the forefront as a safe have. 

An excellent Resource outlining strategies that work in the real world is the book

called theAlpha Strategy” ; The Ultimate Plan of Financial Self-Defense.  If you

do nothing else, it is highly recommended you avail yourself of this little known gold mine

of knowledge written back in 1981. This book is a compilation of essential and critical

knowledge written exactly for the sort of storm the planet is now heading towards ;


A practical investment guide offers advice on beating inflation and protecting

savings by investing in real goods as opposed to paper claims on wealth.”


Following the advice in this Book and adapting, applying its contents to your financial plan

for the next two years will greatly ensure your outcome for success.


2.)  Understanding not just the global influences but also personal trends in your own

finances will give you an edge far greater than the average person who’s left blind and

flailing at what is to come. 




You do this with a personalized viability forecast analysis so you know in advance what the

personal opportunities and challenges are that you are likely to face and so you know what

the precise timelines of these are. This gives you the concrete ability to prepare in advance.




“An event can only occur if the external and internal environments give it the go ahead.

And both the fortunate and unfortunate events you experience should be viewed as character

development opportunities. Your character is your most important possession and its progress

and development is your prime concern and responsibility. It has been with you ever since you

began your grand evolutionary journey, but was naturally inclined to develop faults and

defects. “   “"..astrology explains the birthchart as a character template where thoughts and

feelings (the planets) and attitudes and motivations (the zodiac signs) are spurred into

activity by environmental triggers (the houses). – Events can be appraised from two perspectives:

Their importance as a life experience and their benefit in terms of character development.


Your progressed chart, as a timing mechanism, determines when events mapped in your birthchart

are timed to occur.  C.O.L. QUOTE



EXPECT “SH*T to HIT THE FAN” AROUND ; May 15, 2018















·                    May 15th 2018 to November 6th 2018

·                    March 6th 2019 to July 7th 2025

·                     November 8th 2025 to April 26th 2026


If you take anything away from tour 2018 money horoscope forecasts and yearly financial astrology

predictions, let it be the realization that the most precious currency in life is time. Use yours wisely


Uranus Enters Taurus: May 15, 2018 – Financial Instability


Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio – 2018

The new Uranus in Taurus cycle will obviously dramatically alter the world’s economy, with its fair

share of shocks, outsiders, new technology and stormy weather. It will occur at the same time as

fortunate Jupiter in Scorpio, another finance sign, in 2018 so the world will turn upside down, but

also benefit us in some way. We, the people, are going to gain from this wild time. There are also

some key dates in 2018 itself when we see major aspects involving Uranus in his new sign, which

will coincide with major disruption. Typical examples might include the break-up of the EU

(and end of the Euro), drastic rises and falls in the value of currency, including the dollar, pound

sterling and the Euro – and perhaps another Panama Papers styled world tax scandal.




15th May 2018

New Moon in Taurus. Sun 24 Taurus conjunct Moon 24 Taurus
Uranus enters Taurus at 0 degrees

Allow 24 hours either side to let the world catch up with itself, but 14th, 15th, 16th May will see the

beginning of a financial revolution. It may be the launch of a new cryptocurrency, the start of an

investigation into banks or similar. There will be shocks and perhaps electrical storms in the cities

where the revolution begins. Uranus transits often show themselves quite literally.


22nd May 2018
Panacea enters Taurus at 0 degrees
Mercury 14 Taurus conjunct Ops 14 Taurus

The asteroids are making their presence felt here. This is a remedy. A cure. A solution. It’s about

hope for the future. It’s global. Is this a bail-out? A poverty strategy?


23rd May 2018
Mercury 16 Taurus opposite Jupiter 16 Scorpio
Uranus 0 Taurus conjunct Panacea 0 Taurus

This Jupiter pattern (above) in the bank sign, Scorpio, can only happen every 12 years so

May 2018 is looking epic. Remember, Uranus can only be in Taurus once in your lifetime,

too – so what goes down with currency, bankers and the world economy across 22nd, 23rd, 24th 

May is going to alter your life. For the best? Yes.


18th June 2018
Uranus 1 Taurus conjunct Vulcano 1 Taurus

Explosive, exciting, liberating and unforgettable. Astrologers who don’t use Vulcano should note

that this asteroid is the husband of Venus. So if you use her, why not try using him? Cue volcanic

emotion. There may also be a real eruption at this time. The natural world may reflect the financial



6th July 2018

Uranus 2 Taurus conjunct Juno 2 Tauru

Another asteroid – Juno, wife of Jupiter. She’s all about what you wed yourself to. This is a

commitment to a financial revolution. From Tuesday 7th August, Uranus goes retrograde at

2 Taurus, beginning with a standstill. If cryptocurrency has taken off by this stage, this may be the

point at which it also stands still.


Saturn is the planet of fear. He’s in Capricorn the sign of big business and the top of government.

He is locked down with Uranus the planet of revolution here. It’s pretty clear what the end of August

is about: corporate and world leadership crisis which triggers a financial rebellion, or vice versa –

the financial rebellion triggers the crisis.


27th August 2018
Saturn 2 Capricorn trine Uranus 2 Taurus


12th September 2018
Venus 2 Scorpio opposite Uranus 2 Taurus – Major Wall Street action, here, probably stretching

across September 11th, 12th, 13th as the world has to catch up with its varying share markets.


10th October 2018
Mercury 1 Scorpio opposite Uranus 1 Taurus  The news opposite the truth. The media versus

people power. The revolution against stuck financial, banking or economic systems is now starting

to warm up. We are still only into the first year of Uranus in Taurus but this is a sign of things to

come, and 2019 is just around the corner.


24th October 2018
Sun 0 Scorpio opposite Uranus 0 Taurus – Spotlight on the revolution. Remember, we are in

a cycle which owes a lot to the austerity and rationing of the 1930’s and also the New, New Deal of the 1940’s.


31st October, 2018
Venus 0 Scorpio opposite Uranus 0 Taurus – Halloween will see the old banking systems

spooked. On Tuesday 6th November, Uranus does a strange thing. He goes retrograde

or moves backwards into Aries, vanishing from Taurus. The revolution is on hold. But he’ll be back.

What begins in 2018 isn’t going anywhere!





Uranus in Taurus May 15th 2018 to November 6th 2018

Uranus in Taurus March 6th 2019 to July 7th 2025

Uranus in Taurus November 8th 2025 to April 26th 2026



Good Stocks for 2018 (List given on Nov. 25, 2017)


Tuesday, May 15th, 2018, Uranus will enter Taurus. This is bound to be an eventful day for several reasons.


First, it’s an outer planer changing signs. Next there is a new moon in Taurus on the same day. These two events happening within a couple of hours of each other, right before the stock market opens.


I mention the stock market because Taurus rules finance. Uranus destabilizes whatever it comes in contact with. Reversals are common. It’s no stretch to imagine a person witnessing or suffering a reversal of fortune at this time.


Further, Mars will square Uranus as it changes signs. Tightly! Mars will be at 29 Capricorn in the morning, square Uranus at 29 Aries. Around midnight, Mars will ingress into Uranus-ruled Aquarius, squaring Uranus in Taurus with both planets at 0 degrees. The shift here is undeniable. “Jolt” may be a better word.


Uranus is in it’s Fall in Taurus, a sign known for being stable and predicable. It’s also worth mentioning, Uranus will conjunct Mercury in Taurus which suggests the strong possibility of shocking news.


Uranus will be in Taurus, May 15th – November 6, 2018.

The planet will retrograde back into Aries, November 7th 2018 – March 5, 2019.

Uranus will return to Taurus, March 6, 2019 and remain in the sign until July 7, 2025.

What do you expect from this transit?






When Uranus moves into Taurus, in 2018, the revolution of currency, the financial system, food and agriculture will begin. As the old markets break down, new ones will be cultivated. But Uranus is not happy in the slow, steady sign of the Bull. And this will be evidenced in stubborn resistance from the powers that be, who are fixed and comfortable in their gravy-filled pasture.


Guerilla currencies, like Bitcoin etc. will become commonplace as people create their own marketplaces and forms of exchange, rather than keep playing the same (rigged and untrustworthy) monetary game. Like the way it happens during political revolutions, people will withdraw support from the status quo, and pull off a coup in the financial sector.


There is a good case astrologically for betting that Bitcoin and pseudo-currencies are in a trough with nowhere to go but up – relatively soon.  Bitcoin peaked mid-December 2017 – just while the world was passing through the Scorpio nano-age decan and overflow (Jun 17 – Nov 17 – Apr 18) with the most potent stage covering the period November 2017 to February 2018.  Another month or so should see the end of the bear market in pseudo-currencies as Scorpio comes off the boil.


"the eclipses on July 12 and 28 involve hard aspects to Pluto and Uranus, which could add greatly to the intensity and sudden changeable quality of those events."


The value and meaning of money could alter during this 7 year transit dramatically: whatever has been the “norm” of central banks over the past 84 years is vulnerable to revolutionary change. This could also have a huge impact on all currencies and the banking system in general. “The banking rules/laws will change as Uranus will be in Taurus, and especially after Saturn enters Aquarius after March 22, 2020, square to one another. Money could take on a new form, and be used for purposes we cannot conceive of today.”


The Merriman Market Analyst.

Besides changes to the banking system we can expect changes to the way food is produced and distributed; Farmers markets will be flourishing even more. The trend towards a sharing economy has already started while Uranus was in Aries and will gain further popularity until it manifests as part of our common culture over the next few years. These kind of changes will affect the way how we trade services, how we do things on a day-to-day basis and thus reforms our lives from the inside out.


On another level, strange weather patterns will increase including volcanic activities, tsunamis and earthquakes. Uranus was last in Taurus 1934 -42, the time of the Great depression, the collapse of economies & inflation of currencies,  WW2, and the rise of fascism. Australia experienced immigration waves from a divided Europe.


During the end of March and beginning of April, Saturn will journey through this zap zone in conjunction with Mars, the planet symbolising energy and drive but also competition and war. This could be the most difficult and dangerous period of the year, as the Sun will be in fiery Aries, which is the sign of the warrior and ruled by Mars, while Mercury retrogrades through Aries activating the zap zone three times during the weeks from early March to the beginning of May. During the entire Saturn in Capricorn transit, we have to face reality as it is, without wearing any rose-colored glasses and wiping over fundamental failures in the structures that form our shared reality. Governments have to increasingly face their weaknesses but might compensate with more control and violence, while systems that are out of control need to be brought in line. Areas that are especially affected will be finance and banking, corporate power & big business, age care etc. Events over the next 2 years will culminate when Saturn conjoins Pluto in January 2020 at 23 degree Capricorn. We definitely have to get to the essence of things until then and start the process of re-structuring and re-building. Saturn and Pluto together demand that we re-organise our  priorities, set realistic goals, prepare carefully, have endurance & curb past excesses. And we will need a lot of patience and discipline to do Saturn’s work. Then, on 22 December, 2020, Saturn will enter 0 degree Aquarius and conjoin with Jupiter, planet of vision. This moment in time will mark the final shift into a new epoch. However, until then we have to do a lot of purging, releasing and healing!


Money Meltdown? Uranus into Taurus 2018 - 2026

Money Meltdown? Global Financial Crisis?


Uranus brings seismic changes, Taurus rules Money, Land, Food, Agriculture, Mother Earth, our Economy, Pensions, Taxes, etc....


Already huge changes are starting to appear:


Sweden is almost a cashless country


The UK is proposing to eradicate High Street Banks


Most of the major banks are BANKRUPT and creating money out of thin air

The balance of wealth in our world is completely skewed

Uranus into Taurus brings a wealth of opportunity to recreate our use of finances, exchange of goods and services, our food, housing, shelter............

I look forward to your feedback!





The market will do exceptionally well in 2018, another record breaking year.  The Mars/Jupiter aspect in January presents a risk to growth early in the year but is not expected to impede overall market performance. Astral impact on people’s financial fortunes. The year 2018 will be an eventful year in matters of finance. There will be various interesting developments happening in the lives of people.

2018 and 2019 could, therefore, mark brief but significant corrections leading to a severe depression in 2019 or 2020.


The forecast ahead involves an analysis of seven key factors.


{} Sunspots indicate the highest bull markets and the lowest bear ones.  2008 was a year of sunspot minimum, so a lowest bear market was indicated – hence, the Great Recession.  December 2014 marks the last sunspot super high.  The NOAA projects the next sunspot low in 2019.  This will be the approximate time of the next sunspot super market low.


{-/+} The planetary aspects:  the cycles are split with two up and two pointing down.  The tie breaker is the Saturn/Uranus giving a slight edge toward a bull market in 2018.


{+/-} The Saturn-Uranus zodiacal aspect indicated a higher market in 2017.  This cycle is just starting to decline so positive market conditions should continue into 2018.  {} The Jupiter-Neptune cycle is primarily an inflation indicator but 4 out of the last 5 conjunctions led to a financial crisis.  The last conjunction took place in 2009 and correctly indicated the severe recession.  The next conjunction takes place in 2022.  {-} Jupiter-Uranus points down in 2018.  {+} Jupiter-Pluto points to a higher market.  {+} Jupiter-Saturn pushes the market moderately higher.  {-} The Saturn-Pluto cycle signals the beginning of a sudden drop in prices from record highs.


{} Saturn-Neptune is primarily a deflation cycle reflecting modest deflation starting in 2009.  Deflation will continue until a major deflationary period is reached in 2015-2016!  Note the lower oil prices in 2015-16.


{+} When there are an above average number of eclipses in one year (six or seven) the market tends to be disrupted.  Five eclipses grace 2018.


{+/-} This is the most important market indicator.  Major financial down turns have correlated remarkably well with Mars-Jupiter-Saturn aspects.  A brief history illustrates:  The three-planet cycle correctly indicated a correction near August and December 2007.  The next Mars-Jupiter-Saturn aspect was in January 2009, correctly predicting the Great Recession.  Mars-Jupiter-Saturn again formed an aspect with one another in August 2010.  The market did reach a yearly low (9686 DJIA) the week ending July 2.  March 2011 was the next alignment, which correlated with a severe market reversal in August dropping to 10,818, and briefly breaking this low the week ending September 23, before climbing right above 12,000 by the end of the year.  There was another Mars-Jupiter-Saturn aspect peaking in July 2013 but this produced null effects.  The next market downturn was expected near February 2017 triggered by Mars opposition Jupiter.  This was realized the week ending November 4, 2016 with a short but sharp downturn.


No Jupiter/Saturn aspects take place in 2018 so a major market downturn is not indicated.  Mars conjunction Jupiter occurs in January 2018 but without the support of a Jupiter/Saturn may only produce a mild correction, if at all.


{} Short-term:  Sun conjunction Mercury in Capricorn, especially if correlating with a conjunction or opposition involving the Sun, Mars, or Jupiter, indicates a sharp turn up in the market beginning 25 days before the Sun/Mercury conjunction.   There was a Sun/Mercury Capricorn conjunction 12/29/13 and a Sun opposition Jupiter 1/5/14.  This prediction was realized with the 2013 market close.


1/14/2016 was a Sun/Mercury conjunction but the market fell in November instead.


12/28/2016 Sun/Mercury conjunction correctly pegged the rapid rise in the market from a low the week ending November 2016 to end the year 13% higher at 19,763.


The next Sun/Mercury Capricorn conjunction is not until January 2020 and this correlates with a Sun/Jupiter conjunction!  Expect a super rise at this time.


{+} Dry weather is an indication of a bear market, wet weather points to a bull market


2007 was the third year of drier weather and the onset of the Great Recession.  2008 and 2009 were wetter than 2007 but, then, 2010 turned drier by an inch and 2011 still drier by two additional inches.  2012 continued the short dry trend and was the driest year since 1988!  The economy indeed struggled throughout 2012 although stocks regained much of their Great Recession loss.  2013 finally reversed the drop in precipitation (don’t try to tell that to Californians) with an average gain throughout the U.S. of 1.12 inches.  Drier conditions in 2014 stalled but did not stop the gradual market rally.


2015 was dramatically wetter than 2014.  2015 was the wettest year since 1983!  The stock market hit an all time high ending May 29, 2015 (19,019) in testimony to wet 2015.  2016 turned drier but precipitation was still above average.  The market surge above 20,000 for the first time in January 2017 is a sign of even higher prices ahead.


Higher prices did indeed unfold in 2017 – another above average wet year.  2018 is likely to be the last wet year in this cycle.  Based on the Jupiter/Neptune aspects, it should turn dry again in 2019.


{+}  Lastly, there are transiting planet cycles to the U.S. chart that have repeatedly correlated with recessions and panics.  The greatest economic downturns tend to be when sunspots are low, during dry weather trends, and when certain slow transits (21-year Uranus, 41-year Neptune, or 62-year Pluto) are formed to the U.S. natal chart.  Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto transiting one of the U.S. chart angles also indicates panic.


All of these conditions were met in 2008.  This was also a Saturn year (Diurnal Planet for a Year Direction) for the U.S.  There have been three previous crashes during Saturn years: the 1837 Cotton Crash, the 1873 Bank Collapse, and the 1990 Gulf War.  The next Saturn year, July 2017 – July 2018, has not correlated with a recession.


Prospects for 2018 look good.  Only transiting Uranus square Pluto in the U.S. Declaration of Independence chart indicates a possible recession.  This aspect, however, is the third phase.  The previous two in 2017 did not manifest in a down market so the last contact peaking April 1 is not likely to be financially relevant.


Weekly financial astrology predictions


The Economy:

We recently had a long overdue “correction” in the stock market.  The position of Jupiter in Scorpio through November of this year suggests there will also be new “highs”.  I am of the opinion that we are sitting on a minefield that will likely blow up sometime the middle to the end of 2019. Until then, expect wild fluctuations in this generally “bubble” market scenario.   


The sextiles to Uranus are actually quite positive and point to tech breakthroughs, stocks surging in aerospace industries, and announcements in medical science of new and effective lines of research.  Interestingly, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and J.P. Morgan -Chase announced they are “getting into the healthcare business,” whatever that will ultimately mean.  Most of us are aware that our health care system is broken into pieces and they think some kind of consolidation (monopoly) is needed.  I agree.  I just don’t think this should be done by the corporate sector in that their philosophy is not to save lives, but to make profits often at the expense of lives.


The airlines will be changing their policies and strategies.  Privately funded electric trains and driverless cars, will be profitable and a lot of information on innovations in bio-medical engineering may emerge.  Mercury, Venus and the Sun in Aquarius, all passing over the Solar Eclipse at 27 degrees Aquarius will highlight these sectors. More discourse about Bitcoin and blockchain technology may emerge this month.


General Electric, an American corporate icon, even though they have been in a decline for many years, shocked us last month by announcing that they will likely break up, selling off their pieces.  They have been in a long- term decline and been involved in many nuclear fission plant installations, including the disastrous Fukushima plant in Japan.


On Jan. 16th, according to Reuters, Beijing: “China’s Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., one of the country’s most prominent ratings firms on Tuesday cut the local and foreign currency sovereign ratings of the United States, citing an increasing reliance on debt as the world’s largest economy.  Dagong said in a statement that it cut the sovereign ratings to BBB+ from A- and also placed them on a negative outlook.  The growing reliance on the debt-driven mode of economic development will continue to erode the solvency of the U.S. federal government, the Beijing-based ratings agency said.”  China is now trading with Saudi Arabia in yuan, bypassing the dollar.


We are watching the dollar descend in value and the inevitability of the effects on the bond market as interest rates will eventually have to rise.  The Feds are indicating this is long overdue.


As I said above, there will be likely be swings and small corrections in the markets this year, but it is my opinion that the bubble stock market will continue.  With continued relatively low interest rates, savings has lost its desirability. Cash is less desirable as the dollar is diminishing in value, gold prices have been rising but still comprises a small sector of the market.  It stands to reason everyone wants to get on the stock bandwagon.  Speculators are rushing into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that are flailing around.  What is important about this is the blockchain technology that will, at some point in the not-too-distant future be behind the creation of a global digital currency.  Back in the 1920s when legendary patriarch Joseph Kennedy noticed that the guy shining his shoes had put his savings in the stock market, he quickly got out.  Give it another year.  Around the middle of 2019, this will all end very badly.


I have mentioned a bullet-proof sector in which to invest before, and that is cyber security.  As global hacking increases, and we are all more and more vulnerable to “invasion of the data snatchers”, science fiction will become science fact.


An article worth reading in its entirety was published on by Jordan Weissman entitled “Why Is It So Hard for Americans to Get a Decent Raise?”  It cites studies that mergers and acquisitions have created a monopoly economy, less competition for labor, and the ability to keep wages down since competition among smaller entrepreneurial companies that have been “swallowed up” is disappearing.  They state: “You don’t have to look hard to tell that we live in a world where many employers have extraordinary leverage over their workers—just read about the grueling, erratic, computer-generated schedules low-wage workers are forced to navigate, or the widespread proliferation of noncompete agreements.  And it’s clear that American industry has consolidated enormously over the decades.  Years of mergers and the rise of exceedingly profitable superstars like Google and Facebook have concentrated economic power in fewer corporate boardrooms, and research suggests that America’s transformation into a life-size Monopoly board may be cutting into labor’s share of the economy. “


Interestingly, even in the highly recommended health care industry (to look for employment), a study by Harvard economist David M. Cutler reported that between 2003 and 2013, the share of hospitals controlled by large holding companies increased from 7% to a whopping 60%.


Business activity and financial trends are mixed


Trump is a businessman and his administration has introduced polices and reforms that favor big business with the expectation that some of the benefits (job creation and higher wages) will trickle down to benefit the middle class and workers.


Mars is the planet of manufacturing and the manufacturing sector is experiencing radical – Aquarian Age – technological change with the introduction of robots possessing artificial intelligence.


In 2018 two trine (luck) aspects involving Mars favor manufacturing; progressed Saturn in house 6 trine (luck) birthchart Venus in house 2 favors employment, work and the farming and mining sectors; but progressed Jupiter in house 2 square (obstacle) birthchart Saturn in house 5 forecasts financial difficulties and cost cutting measures.


Jupiter is afflicted


Progressed Mercury in house 10 is sesquisquare (agitation) birthchart Jupiter; progressed Jupiter in house 2 is square (obstacle) birthchart Saturn; and in June 2018 progressed Midheaven moves to form an obstacle (square) aspect with progressed Jupiter.


These afflictions to Jupiter favor extravagance, financial setbacks, misplaced optimism, misguided policy making and financial waste.


The people are discontent and angry


Progressed Uranus conjunction and parallel birthchart ascendant (the people) and progressed ascendant parallel birthchart Mars (in house 1) forecast social discontentment, radical extremism, racism, protests and demonstrations and high levels of anger, hate, strife and violence.


Uranus is not a harmonious planet. He does see the need for reform and technological innovation but, socially, his extremism and intolerance towards those who are different are highly destructive.


And Mars is definitely not a harmonious planet.


Trine (luck) aspects involving Mars do incline towards constructive action but achievement always involves strife, conflict and strenuous effort. And there are two harmonious trine aspects involving Mars in America’s chart.


That said…high levels of discontentment and anger will be evident throughout 2018.


Global events calendar and forecast: February 2018






A Typical Consult Session with Doc Starz


In these cases the session is performed online via Skype, audio-video

or over the phone.  Time is billed either per minute or by the hour.


Normally I would only travel for group events or for small executive class sessions (round table style normally).


In some case clients will travel to come see me, but the skype session usually offers the best overall benefits.


If you are uncertain how and where to begin in your first consultation I recommend a 'discovery' session first as our intro session, where we spend our first hour deriving and formulating your concerns and priorities.  This often helps clients in forging a framework and foundation, from which we can plan from and build on.  The rate for this is the standard one.


After I receive your payment, I will review time slots and determine the best energetic day for you.  I will then send you a suggested 'best day(s)' for our discussion and together we can work out the optimum schedule for our discussions.


Following below are different options you can choose from ;


You can book sessions in hour blocks of 1 or 2 hours at different rates.

Note, consult sessions must be prepaid and booked a minimum of five days in advance. Bookings are non-refundable, but if needed time slots can be changed with 24 hour notice given.


    2 hour consult session @ standard Rate ;


    1 hour consult session @ standard Rate ;




    Most clients who book private consult sessions are executives and or professionals like these ;





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