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“Mankind is not a circle with a single center but an ellipse with two focal points of

which facts are one and ideas are the other.”


--Victor Hugo, Les Misérables











          Capillary Dynamolysis & Chromotography

          Emotional Crystals, Emoto Masaru

          Planetary Position Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality














Emotions as 4D Character of Music Experience

Spacetime surfaces correlate to quantum states and quantum jumps:

Spacetime surfaces are counterparts states of physical events.

Replacing physical states with events sheds light on standardized temporal patterns of living organisms, such as morphogenesis.


Dissonance represents local reduction of negentropy.

Space-time surfaces are restricted inside a geometric container

"...the geometric shape of cycle could correspond to physical properties of amino-acids."



The Alchemy web site on

Capillary Dynamolysis

By Adam McLean. First published in the Hermetic Journal 1980.

In the early 1920's, Lilly Kolisko working upon a suggestion made by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, devised a method for experimentally investigating the workings of the etheric forces in material substance. She called this technique 'Capillary Dynamolysis' and continued to investigate and refine the method until she died in 1976. She applied it particularly to researching the etheric forces working in the domain of agriculture, testing various composting methods, and using it to investigate the disease processes in plants, animals and man, that are the result of etheric imbalance. Later in an amazing series of experiments, she was able to show directly the influence of the planets on substance, particularly revealed at critical conjunctions, oppositions and eclipses.


I believe her work to be of the greatest importance, as she has provided us with an experimental tool for investigating the etheric forces, and truly laid the foundations of a modern alchemical experimental methodology.


The technique she pioneered is beautifully simple, and is basically a qualitative

repeatable scientific test, which reveals the workings of the etheric forces in

substance. A measured standard quantity (10 cc) of the substance to be tested,

say a plant sap, is placed in a shallow glass vessel in which is stood a vertical cylinder

(about 12 inches high) of filter paper (a rectangular piece rounded and closed upon itself).


The solution is allowed to rise up the filter paper until it is all absorbed, and the filter

paper is then left to dry completely. Then the formative forces working in this substance

are revealed through a development process. This involves repeating the proceedure

above with the dried filter paper, but this time placing in the vessel a dilute solution

of one of the soluable salts of the planetary metals. 1% solutions were found to be

the most successful. The choice of the developing solution depends on which aspect

of the etheric forces one is studying.


·       Gold Chloride for the Sun

·       Mercuric Chloride for Mercury

·       Silver Nitrate for the Moon

·       Stannous Chloride for Jupiter

·       Copper Sulphate for Venus

·       Lead Nitrate for Saturn

·       Iron Sulphate for Mars


This part of the experiment should be done in good natural light, as light is essential in developing the forms. One finds revealed through these experiments, patterns of colour and form on the filter paper, which are a kind of shadow image of the etheric forces working in the substance. This is a qualitative test rather than a quantitative one. That is, unlike laboratory capillary analysis, where one measures the height the substance rises on the filter paper, here we look at the nature of the forms displayed, and consider the strength of these forms, and the ways in which they metamorphose when different test solutions are used.


Thus this test can be used to give an indication of how much life force remains in plant substances preserved using different preservation methods. I show the results obtained using fresh apple juice and fresh tomato juice, and here we see the strong forms that characterise the activity of the etheric forces revealed by the silver nitrate. By comparison the preserved juices show a definite lack of form. This test can also be used to show that homoeopathic dilutions of substances have definite formative forees working within these dilutions, which in the higher potencies have only a few molecules of the potentised substance in the measured quantity of test solution.


Lilly Kolisko extended her work to include a series of experiments relating astronomical events to observable changes in the pattern of the planetary metals when they are allowed to rise through the filter paper. For this she chose an eclipse of the Sun, and the two illustrations shown are from the sequence of experiments she undertook during the total eclipse of the Sun of l9th June 1936. Over the period of the eclipse, she performed a large number of standard capillary dynamolysis tests, starting the day before the eclipse and continuing till the day after. The experiments were performed on the hour at hourly intervals, to provide a full record of the event, but as the time of the eclipse approached on 19th June at 4.56 am, these were performed at ten minute intervals up to the period of totality, when the experiments were repeated each minute.



Thus a complete record of the period of the eclipse was made and also control experiments for the day before and the day after. One of the tests she ran at that time involved the simultaneous use of Gold Chloride and Silver Nitrate as the test solution, Gold reflecting the Sun forces and Silver the Moon. A thorough description of this experiment together with illustrations of the resulting filter paper patterns, was published in 1936. I reprodude here only two of this series, one from during the totality of the eclipse itself and the other from the same time on the day before the eclipse.We see clearly how the silver forms have risen during the eclipse event to dominate the gold colours.


I believe we should come to recognise in these capillary dynamolysis experiments of Lilly Kolisko, a kind of continuation in twentieth century terms of alchemical experimentation. We read in many alchemical texts of how experiments were repeated again and again awaiting the right cosmic moment when some definite change in the experimental substances could be seen. We can also see a parallel between the filter paper and the alchemical retort, within which the test substances interacted and the colours and forms were revealed. The alchemist created in the space of their retorts, delicately balanced equilibria of substances which were sensitive to any change in the etheric environment, or the forces working within the test substance. I think we can recognise in alchemical writings deseriptions of such equilibria, some of which involved not just solid/liquid and liquid/ liquid phases but also liquid/gaseous phases. The alchemist mused over such experiments, gazing into the retort watching for a sign, some subtle change that indicated the presence of the etheric forces. Such an alchemist would. I feel, be quite at home with Lilly Kollsko's work.


I believe that the work of Lilly Kolisko has provided for us a foundation stone upon which future alchemical experimentation can be built. The etheric forces, of course, can never be described in quantitative terms and this has led established Science, ruled by quantity, to deny their existence, as materialistic Science has no method for investigating these forces directly. Lilly Kolisko has provided a bridge between esoteric Science and quantitative science, as using exact scientific methods, she was able to create a qualitative scientific method for observing the influence of the etheric forces in substance, through experiments which are readily repeatable. I hope that her work can be continued and extended as I can see that upon its foundations a qualitative ccience of the etheric forces can be built, a new alchemy and Etheric Science.




Lilly Kolisko


Agriculture of Tomorrow Capillary Dynamolysis Gold and the Sun (eclipse of 19th June 1936)

Gold and the Sun (eclipse of 20th May 1947)

The Moon and the Growth of Plants


Eugen and Lilly Kolisko


Silver and the Human Organism

Lead and the Human Organism


Lilly Kolisko trained as a nurse and then came to dedicate herself to scientific work within the anthroposophical movement pioneered by Rudolf Steiner, at Stuttgart. She did important work on the effect of homeopathic highly-diluted solutions, and also on how lunar cycles were important in agriculture. In 1926, a year after Steiner's death, she first witnessed 'the working of the stars on Earthly substance' as she later called it. She was rising solutions of silver, iron and lead in filterpapers, during a conjunction of Saturn and the Sun. The normal pattern changed:

'An invisible hand had blotted out the working of the lead in my solution. The Sun had stood before the planet Saturn and here below on Earth the lead could not manifest its activity. When the Stars speak man must stand still in silent awe.'

Such a phenomenon can only be explained, with traditional alchemical logic. Gold is the Sun-metal. This doesn't mean that the Sun contains gold. It means that the essential being of gold is solar. A wedding-ring has to be gold, because other metals wouldn't have the heart-significance and also the sense of permanence that the sun-metal has. You may know that silver is shiny and used for films and photos. This is because its lunar-nature is sensitive, receptive and impressionable. But, you may object, that's astrology. Yes, it is: the Moon is connected with dreams and fantasy as in the phrase, 'just mooning around' So silver has these qualities. All chemistry using silver has to be done in darkness because of its lunar nature. That is something to reflect upon...


Capillary Dynamolysis

Capillary Dynamolysis Image Discrimination Using Neural Networks Mehmet S. Unluturk1 *, Sevcan Unluturk2 , Fikret Pazir3 and Firoozeh Abdollahi4 1Izmir University of Economics, Department of Software Engineering, Izmir, Turkey 2Izmir Institute of Technology,Food Engineering Department, Izmir, Turkey 3Ege University, Food Engineering Department, Izmir, Turkey 41510 - 1360 York Mills Road- North York ON-Toronto-M3A 2A3-Canada














Pfeiffer's Criteria for Evaluation of Chromatograms
In his book Chromatography Applied to Quality Testing Pfeiffer gives the following pointers for interpreting the chromatography images:

1. Number, width and color of the different zones, as well as their regular or irregular formation and shading. Distinguish between 3 main zones:
       a)outer and middle mainly due to the organic material tested
       b) inner which indicates the presence or lack of mineralization
The width of the zones corresponds to the amounts of characteristic substances

2. Ring formations between the middle and outer zone and at the edge of the outer zone.

3. Color of the zones: 
     a) a light to medium brown, evenly distributed, points to a good colloidal humus formation
     b) dark brown enclosures point to acid humus substances
     c) violet radiations point to increasing mineralization and reduced organic substance
     d) in the case of plant extracts, vitamin preparations and foodstuffs, other colors are observed.

4. Radiation, number, color and shape of pike-like formations
     a) the violet radiations of the inner zone again indicate the breaking-down tendency toward mineralization.
     b) the various phases of fermentation (first, decomposition; second, humus formation; third, mineralization and greatly advanced decomposition) are clearly indicated in the chromatograms of soils and compost.



Visualisation methods for planetary and etheric formative forces



Rudolf Steiner had a head protégée – Ehrenfried Pfieffer

He gave him a mission and that was to go out and show biodynamics works from a scientific perspective. The chromatography technique he developed after many years was able to show the life force in plants, making what was previously invisible visible.

So in a material visible form here was a window into the life force and vitality of substances even soils grains and foods.






Day and night stages of each picture are clearly visible. Kolisko's assertion that the forms obtained at full Moon are sharper than at new Moon seems supported by the published photographs, but not her generalisation that the full Moon patterns are 'without exception' richer in form and lighter than at new Moon. However, it can be conceded that this generalisation applies to a majority of the patterns. The patterns change greatly from month to month, but in general a full Moon pattern can be paired with its corresponding pattern for new Moon. There are many other features observable in these pictures including ones which correlate with a solar eclipse. On the whole, the results are a good preliminary indication of the possibility that capillary dynamolysis patterns with silver nitrate are somehow connected with or dependent upon the phase of the Moon. This in turn is of course dependent on a complex interaction of the positions of Earth, Sun and Moon and means that any influences on the silver patterns have to be seen in a context wider than that of merely Moon influences.





Rising picture method




The rising picture method has been developed by Lili Kolisko (1923) and later on advanced by others (see Engqvist 1977, Naturwiss. Sektion 1987). The method is related to the chromatography (see Strüh 1987). 

The paper - cut into pieces of 14.5 x 17 cm is rolled into a cylinder and hold on top by a stainless clip . The paper cylinder is placed in a special glass bowl, a so-called Kaelin-bowl, with a circular gutter. The paper attracts the different solutions through the gutter. First, the substance to be analysed is allowed to raise in an aqueous solution (total 0.6 ml). After a drying phase the rise of silver nitrate follows (0.7 ml, 0.25%). After a further drying phase with 2 ml of 0.25% ferrous sulfate rise. The conditions are supposed to be about 20° C temperature and 60% relative humidity. The lighting is to be minimized during the rise. After drying, the images are exposed to diffused light for several hours to obtain their full color. A detailed description of methods can be found at Zalecka (2006). Zalecka (2006) was the first to document, standardize and characterize important factors of the rising picture method. The method was in-house validated for the differentiation of 2 wheat samples and 2 carrot juices (Zalecka 2006).



Circular picture method 
The circular picture or shortly chroma method was developed in 1953 by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer as a quality test for soil, compost and organic substrates  (Pfeiffer 1984).


Circular picture: pear
(Source: Uwe Geier, IBDF)


The aim was to examine and to demonstrate the qualitative difference which is not covered by analyses. In the past the focus of the application of the chroma method was on the soil and compost assessment (see Hassold-Piezunka 2003, Bangert 1994, Voitl & Guggenberger 1986). There are only a few references on applying the method to the evaluation of food or cures (see Pfeiffer 1959; Haave & Aalvik without year; Gelin 1987, 1999; Balzer-Graf 1997, 1999; Flückiger 2000, 2001). In contrast to the assessment of soils and composts there are hardly any methodical works on the evaluation of chroma pictures of foods (see Pfeiffer 1984 and Gelin 1987). In the past the enormous practical knowledge of various persons was regrettably published as fragments. Thus in 1959, shortly before his death, Pfeiffer spoke of over 100,000 chromas in the archives, a number of analysed foods and the intention to publish a monograph (see Pfeiffer 1984). 
When using the chroma method for the assessment of foods, a round filter paper (e.g. Schleicher & Schuell 604) by 15 centimeters in diameter is placed on a petri dish. The paper is punched in the middle and a 2 x 2 centimeter paper wick, tightly rolled is put inside. The paper wick hoists two solutions out of a small bowl standing on the floor of the petri dish. First the paper is beeing impregnated with 0.5 ml of silver nitrate (0.5 %) to a radius of 4 centimeters and then it is left to dry for two hours. Then the sample extract (1.25 ml) is pulled up through a new wick from a new dish until a radius of 6 centimeters. Depending upon the sample type the extract is made by a breaking up with sodium hydroxide. When the extract is rising the paper is covered with a small container, such as a glass bowl, in order to increase the humidity. The temperature is supposed to be about 20° C and the relative humidity about 60 %. All steps should be carried out in a mainly darkened room, because the silver nitrate is sensitive to light. After drying, the images are exposed to diffused light for several hours to obtain their full color. Pfeiffer (1984) describes a slightly different method of producing the pictures.



Chladni Plate




Astrology & Chaos Theory




The Moon Phase Calculator was originally developed for parents of autistic children.  For an unknown reason, many children with autism have abnormal reactions during the selective lunar periods.  Following is a report that collaborates this observation.

Data on five aggressive and/or violent human behaviors were examined by computer to determine whether a relationship exists between the lunar synodic cycle and human aggression. Homicides, suicides, fatal traffic accidents, aggravated assaults and psychiatric emergency room visits occurring in Dade County, Florida all show lunar periodicities. Homicides and aggravated assaults demonstrate statistically significant clustering of cases around full moon. Psychiatric emergency room visits cluster around first quarter and shows a significantly decreased frequency around new and full moon. The suicide curve shows correlations with both aggravated assaults and fatal traffic accidents, suggesting a self-destructive component for each of these behaviors. The existence of a biological rhythm of human aggression which resonates with the lunar synodic cycle is postulated.(1)

(1) J Clin Psychiatry. 1978 May;39(5):385-92.





What I have discovered is that when “bad things” are happening or have

The potential to, especially when major astrological transits or aspects

Are happening, the actual manifestation of negative events are pushed through

Certain time windows that can be easily forecast in advance, these time

Windows can be explicitly revealed by lunar position.  When you know

WHEN the bad stuf will happen you can prepare in advance and increase your

Probability of REDUCING the danger, injury, or stress!


Find out what the EXACT hours are when the worst of these energies strike! 

When you know in advance what sort of trouble is on the way at least you can

prepare your self emotionally, mentally and physically and you have a far better

chance at taking effective precautions to safe guard those you love, yourself

and your own interests!  Consult the table below to determine what are the

most dangerous times, right down to the specific minute!  Note this table is

rendered in MST time, so adjust times for your local time accordingly.





According to Ouspensky, the moon acts as a giant electromagnet pulling upon all organic life on earth and sucking into itself the soul essence of dying creatures. The moon is an embryonic planet receiving its nutrition from organic life on earth through an etheric umbilical cord, an energy conduit between earth and moon.

In man, the moon drives his mechanical aspects like a pendulum moving the gears of a clock. The degree to which one’s actions are driven by the moon is proportional to one’s level of reactivity and non-being. For people incapable of moving themselves through life by nobler spiritual impulses, the moon provides a propulsive force. Without this force, mechanical individuals would be passive as puppets without a puppeteer…..the moon exerts some subtle influence upon the organs of our etheric body responsible for initiating neurochemical impulses that trigger habitual motions. Such mechanical behavior may therefore be driven by the moon, but not necessarily via crude physical means.

The moon is therefore an important factor in driving our mechanical actions.

Ouspensky warned, however, that if lunar influences trespassed into one’s emotional and mental aspects, then emotional and mental imbalances would occur. How can the moon affect our emotional and intellectual centers? By the very fact that these lower centers have their own mechanical aspects….it is the alignment between earth, sun, and moon that colors the lunar influence, therefore lunar phases do correlate with cycles of mental and emotional stability and instability….to escape the more deleterious lunar influences Ouspensky said we must “create moon within ourselves.” By this he meant we must develop within us a driving mechanism that can take the place of the external lunar influence; in this way we would break free of the puppeteer. Assuming for a moment a more general and practical interpretation, this simply says that in order to become free from mechanical conditioning and reactive behavior we must reinforce our sense of self-awareness so that conscious choice and awareness reigns supreme over any external stimuli that might provoke an unconscious reaction. In this way we stop feeding the moon while living, and still properly pay our dues upon death…….



“If we become conscious of this situation and desire to escape it, we must conceive and create a screen which will protect us against this devouring influence of the Moon. We must meanwhile guard against falling into Illusion again by erecting a false screen; the result would be an aggravated waste of these forces instead of an economy of force. The quantity of force necessary to genuinely oppose the influence of the Moon is already considerable. The first imperative, then, is to stop wasting these forces, to turn off the taps which let the energy escape uselessly: sterile emotions, in particular negative emotions; fantasies from uncontrolled imagination; uncoordinated mental gymnastics, gossiping and chattering. We must thus act like a wise minister of finance and carefully economize our energies, yet without all the time sterilizing either our activity or our intelligence. On the contrary, we must store and as far as possible augment these forces to build up our reserves. These are the two main aspects of the first objective we have to attain. (Mouravieff,” During new and full moons, the moon and sun are respectively in conjunction and opposition. During quarter moons they are square. Opposition, conjunction, and square represent alignments that in this particular case aggravate the mechanical aspects in man. Other times of the month when the moon is trine or sextile sun, a more harmonious astrological aspect establishes itself. These alignments engender calmer temperaments with the mechanical influence not trespassing into emotional or mental territory.”








29.5/27 = 1.09,  you are at this position in the lunar cycle


If you got a neutral or uncomfortable effect, experiment with a ratio constant

that offsets this potentially.  For example, find an aspect thats hard or opposite

to the experience, in time - this may induce a positive or more discernible



29.5 * (1 / sqrt(2) ) = 20.86


Thus add 20.86 days from your current date of Dec 14th, try the frequency

again around January 4th, 2015.


We can also take a similiar approach of applying quarters ;


29.5 * 0.25 = 7.375      

29.5    * 0.5    = 14.75      

29.5    * 0.75 = 22.125    


So try the frequency again 7.4, 15, 22 days after your current date.


If the frequency is likely to shift you should notice it at least after three tries

at different dates into the future.  If this doesnt change notably within the time

frame then chances are good that particular track is not a good fit for you

or is not needed by the body-mind.  You could in this case simply try later in the

year at intervals of 3, 6, 12 months.




Sun/Earth are Active, Standing Wave Planets


A sound nebula. The origin of the Solar System in the

field of a standing sound wave

Planet-Forming Sound:



According to the planet origin concept proposed in this paper the protosun center explodes resulting in a shock wave running through the pre-solar nebula that then returns to the center and generates a new explosion and a new wave. Recurrent explosions in the pre-solar nebula result in a spherical standing sound wave with its antinodes concentrating dust. Dust then forms rotating rings that transform into planets. The extremely small Sun’s angular momentum (0.5%) and the tilt of the equatorial plane (7°) are caused by the asymmetry of the first most powerful explosion. Distinction between internal and external planets is explained by the migration of the solid matter. The Oort cloud is explained by the division of the pre-solar nebula into a spherical internal nebula and a expanding spherical shell of gas during the transit of the first explosion shock wave. The proposed concept can explain the origin and evolution of exoplanetary systems as well as help in searching

for new planets.


Key words:

comets: general -- cosmology: theory -- (ISM:) planetary nebulae: general -- Oort

Cloud -- solar system: formation -- stars: formation

That the moon always shows the same face, has an unusually circular orbit, and is precisely distanced to blot out the sun during total solar eclipses implies an intentional placement by the “Architect” of the matrix

In two and a half days, the Moon completely traverses one sign of the zodiac: the period, cosmically speaking, is a 12th part of the month. Humanity is in thrall to the Moon — mankind is subject to the two-and-a-half-day rhythm, and to all other lunar periodicities.

‘You were quite right, Mark …’ — much to our chagrin, he turned to us, making public private conversations we had had with him — ‘… to link the Moon with demonic assault, and with the dark realm of seances and atavistic clairvoyancy. The demonic beings love the dark. While it is true that the seance rooms are kept dark to enable amateur conjurors to perform without detection, it is also true that those Spiritual beings who work evil through such seances love the dark.

“…during an eclipse, when the Moon is thrown into darkness, the effect of the Moon is, to some extent, weakened. At such times, certain diabolical and evil influences which have been built up in the aura of the Earth can escape. It is as though a safety valve has been opened in the skies, pouring into the cosmos down the dark tunnel of the Black Moon, which hangs in the shadow of the Earth. This Black Moon — the Moon of snake-infested Hecate in the ancient mythology — is quite different from the Lighted Moon. In some of the ancient centres this Black Moon was even given a different name.

‘The Lighted Moon is, to some extent, Spiritually warmed by the Sun. One has to be attuned to cosmic realities to feel the difference between the Dark Moon and the full Moon. When the Sun is eclipsed by the Dark Moon, then it is not unusual for birds to drop from the skies in fear. Great wisdom is shown in such fear. You must all try to experience an eclipse — solar or lunar — to catch a feeling of this cosmic reality. There is a frisson in the air, quite unlike anything which can be felt under normal circumstances. The primaeval terror of the Moon among the ancients was not entirely unrealistic: in those days, there was a different consciousness which allowed men to perceive cosmic realities that are now hidden from us. You will never understand why the ancient stone circles were built if you do not familiarize yourself with the Dark Moon.’

It is difficult for modern man and woman to visualize things in purely Spiritual terms. This is because the picture-making which lies at the basis of our imaginative faculty longs for mythology, since mythology is itself an agency of Spirituality.

‘If you cannot imagine in this way at present, you must perforce cling to materialistic images …’ — he touched the glass of water on the round table in front of him — ‘… then imagine a glass of water clouded with a pigment. If the glass is left to stand, the particles will settle to the bottom in a thick dross, leaving the water above clear.

‘The schema which depicts the planets in extended space pertains only to physical vision. You must understand this, or there will be no way in which you can approach some of the greater Mysteries of the cosmos. What appears to be on the outside is more accurately described as being on the inside: our Earthly vision is extremely limited, for, under normal circumstances, we see outwards from the central Ego to the cosmic periphery. However, this is not the cosmic vision. We are so used to this limited vision that we are not sufficiently tolerant to accept that there can be others — including a vision from the periphery into the centre.

“…the connection between the Moon and clairvoyancy. We must do this because one of our members has — wisely or unwisely — become involved with mediumistic groups.’

‘It is important that we set out very clearly the dangers inherent in opening the soul to such activities. It is not for me to forbid such activity. I have no power to forbid, and would relish no such power. Much as I would wish to protect you, I cannot. The best I can do is make the dangers clear to you. After that, your beliefs and your conduct remain your own.’


“.. We must do this because one of our members has — wisely or unwisely — become involved with mediumistic groups.’

‘It is important that we set out very clearly the dangers inherent in opening the soul to such activities. It is not for me to forbid such activity. I have no power to forbid, and would relish no such power. Much as I would wish to protect you, I cannot. The best I can do is make the dangers clear to you. After that, your beliefs and your conduct remain your own.’

He look around at our faces, as though to indicate that he had arrived at the most important point of the evening.

‘And so now we must look at an esoteric truth which touches on the very edge of what is permissible. What I have to say will be greatly disturbing for many people of modern times. It will disturb, because it is generally taken for granted that clairvoyancy, mediumship and spiritualistic activity are somehow linked with Spiritual development, and consequently of benefit to mankind. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. A vast amount of our modern so-called “Spiritualist” literature pertains to channelling and clairvoyancy which is far from beneficial for the development of mankind. Indeed, not to mince words, I should tell you that it is distinctly harmful.

‘I must now make a statement which will introduce you to a concept which was, until comparatively recently, one of the deepest secrets of the esoteric Schools: In some ways, the Moon is the greatest problem of esoteric lore. The Moon is not at all what it appears to be.

‘At the end of the last century an astounding revelation was made, as a result of dissent among members of secret Schools. Information, hitherto guarded jealously by the most enclosed of the inner Orders, was made public. The secrets disclosed pertained to a far deeper level of knowledge than has hitherto been made exoteric by the Schools — even in this enlightened age.’

His trace of cynicism seemed to go by unnoticed.

‘Our purpose here is not to document how so deep an esoteric idea was made public — or even to assess whether it was wise for this idea to be brought out into the open. All this has been dealt with in the literature — and if any of you wish to follow this up, I will give you a few titles later.

‘In a nutshell, what was made public during this conflict in the Schools was the truth that our Moon is a sort of counterweight to another sphere, 
which remains invisible to ordinary vision. This counterweighted sphere is called in esoteric circles the Eighth Sphere.

‘We must be careful with these words, for, in spite of what I have just said, this region is not itself a sphere, nor is it a moon. Even to locate it behind the physical Moon is not correct, for in the Spiritual realm spaces and distances are different. The truth is that this Eighth Sphere does not pertain to anything we are familiar with on the physical plane, yet we must use words from our own vocabularies whenever we wish to denote its existence. Were we to use a word which fits most appropriately this 
Sphere, then we should really call it a vacuum. Certainly, vacuum is a more appropriate term than sphere, for the Eighth Sphere sucks things into its own shadowy existence.

‘This Sphere is lower in the scale of being than the Seventh Sphere (which is the Earth). It acts as a sort of demonic conduit to suck into its maws certain degenerate Spiritual forms on the Earth. It is a shadow Sphere, controlled by shadow beings. However, the fact that they are shadow beings should not lead us to demote or underestimate their capabilities and intelligence. In many respects they are more intelligent than Man, for they are not limited by the power of love, as is Mankind.

‘The operation of this Eighth Sphere is complex. Its denizens — those shadowy beings for whom it is home — wish to people their Sphere with humanity, or (more accurately) with human souls. Towards this end, it has erected what we might call terminals on the Earth: these terminals are soul-conduits, which will suck into the lower Sphere a certain form of materialized Spiritual energy that is engendered on the Earth plane. The most usual circumstances where this materialization or engendering takes place is in seances, and in other localities wherein human beings attempt to meddle — against the cosmic law — with the lower Etheric planes.’

Philip was having difficulties with this curious account of the lunar powers, and asked: ‘Are you saying that Spiritualist activity is itself victimized by the Eighth Sphere?’

‘Yes, Philip. Certain Spiritualist activity is coloured by the erroneous belief that the realm of the dead is accessible to the living. In truth, mediumistic activity cannot penetrate through into the true realm of the dead: it is therefore dealing only with shadows. In so doing, it is creating fodder for the nourishment of the Eighth Sphere. This sucking of certain forms of human soul-matter into the Eighth Sphere is not, by any means, intended for the benefit of humanity. The aim of the denizens of this 
world is to enhance and populate a world which may truly be described as the realm of the damned. The efforts of these denizens, or demons, is contrary to the evolutionary development which has been planned for the world. In truth, the human being was not designed to become a shadow being, captive in a demonic sphere… ‘It is less than one hundred years since this knowledge of the Eighth Sphere was made public. At first there was an outcry at this breach in initiate knowledge, but now we can see that it has proved something of a blessing that the demonic threat has been brought out into the open. In some ways, it is easier to deal with a visible enemy. Those who dabble in the supposed communications with the dead, and with that spirit-land which they fondly imagine lies beyond the veil, have not gone unwarned.

What is meant by the moon being a counterweight to the Eighth Sphere? Evidently, the moon is but a physical reflection of something tangible but not material, something beyond our realm of perception.

That the moon shares an archetypal basis with spiritless humans is further evidenced by it being a second density planet reflecting light rather than generating its own, just as spiritless humans are not fully third density and merely reflect back the soul image of others.



“Over the months I was forced to deal with various disruptors of varying degrees of cunning, each of which played key roles in setting up and triggering a period of emotional turmoil.


After numerous months of this, it finally dawned on me that these disruptive episodes followed a cyclical pattern, always one or two incidents per month on the same set of days that would gradually shift later in the month with each passing month. So it was nine months of observation that made me realize there was order behind the chaos. Furthermore, trouble wasn’t limited to the forum; often it occurred elsewhere such as in my personal life or with my family, on other message boards, and with friends and their families — anyplace at all, but only during certain predictable days of the month.

That these key days shifted a little each month implied that perhaps it has something to do with the moon phases, since full and new moon dates do shift gradually from month to month thanks to our irregular calendar system. So I took the nine months of records and checked them against a moon calendar: sure enough, the disruptive incidents happened consistently within two and a half days from new or full moon.


This much I had figured out by October 2004. By constructing a calendar with days shaded according to their proximity to lunar perigee or apogee and new or full moon, I was able to test the theory over the next several months. It was utterly disturbing to watch disruptions take place on schedule month after month during the predicted days and never outside of those days. And it wasn’t just me seeing what I wanted to see because when learning lessons of an emotionally charged nature arise, there is no mistaking or ignoring them. Additionally, I started with nine months of unbiased records in which a pattern was clearly evident before I ever suspected the moon might be involved; the data spoke for itself.


Putting this knowledge to practical use involved predicting and preparing for disruptive days, understanding that during heavy lunar influences things might not be as they seem, and remembering that emotional buttons are far more sensitive during such days. Moderating the forum became a game of nailing the timing, nature, and plot of the upcoming disruption in order to head it off, sometimes with success and sometimes without depending on how sophisticated the plot was and how well I could decipher the synchronistic omens and symbolic warning dreams preceding these impending obstacles.


The process usually played out as follows: within a week or two leading up to an incident I would be given dreams containing symbolic clues about the themes and characters involved, then I would reference the moon chart to get an idea of the timing, and finally within a day I would receive numerous synchronicities informing me the event was close at hand. Lately I have begun incorporating astrological aspects (planetary alignments) to gain additional insight on the timing and theme.


While this system may seem delusional to the casual reader, it was derived using a process of observation, hypothesis, testing, and refinement. That this system has been applied successfully in all areas of my life to reduce stress and redundant obstacles, improved my skills as moderator and kept the forum impervious to permanent disruption, and continues to correctly predict when mechanical tendencies are amplified — these prove to me its validity and practicality.”



Lunar Influences and the Matrix Control System


Only then did I realize Gurdjieff was being completely literal when he said we are food for the moon. Anyone who becomes aware of the lunar influence will see how people all around sway to the lunar influence like reeds to the breeze. Twice a month, what I term the “Matrix Control System” opens its maws and draws in a torrent of emotional energy from all those susceptible to the lunar influence.


So what exactly is the relation between the Matrix and the moon? The archetypal correspondences were discussed earlier. As for the technical relation, I have concluded that the gravitational interaction between earth, moon, and sun causes cyclical variation in the separation between dimensions and densities. Just before and after a new or full moon, the dimensional veil is thinnest and hostile forces from other realms, including the astral and hyperdimensional realms, have an easier time penetrating into the physical plane.


The thinning of dimensional separation has two main consequences. First, as mentioned it is easier for beings to cross realm boundaries. Hostile entities require less energy to breach the realm of their targets, or stated another way, metaphysical defenses against physical and psychic violence tend to wane around such times. But on a positive side the thinning also supports personal expansion into new realms of being, thus the new moon is said to be a good time for starting new projects and manifesting intent through the principles of reality creation.


Second, because other realms become temporarily more accessible, occult practices become more effective. Invocations, psychic warfare, scrying and remote viewing are assisted during such times. This most greatly assists those darker forces who rely upon remote viewing of probable futures and psychic attacks to stalk and ambush their prey. But once again on a positive side the intuitive faculties are heightened and more technical forms of divination like scrying gain accuracy.


Concerning strictly the negative aspects of new and full moon energies, there is a qualitative difference. New moon energies tend toward implosion while full moon is characterized by energy of explosion. Whereas the new moon tends to induce oversensitivity, dissatisfaction, and depression, the full moon energies amplify overreaction, violence, and outright lunacy. It is esoteric fact that the moon rules over the imagination, and both during full moon and new moon windows the imagination is particularly prone to being misapplied, meaning misunderstandings, false suspicions, and unfounded worries increase. But whereas the new moon exacerbates introspective turmoil, full moon externalizes the trouble.


What accounts for the qualitative difference? None other than the particular alignment between earth, moon, and sun. During a full moon, the earth is between sun and moon, meaning the latter two are astrologically in opposition. Whereas the sun represents spirit, the moon represents one’s shadow self. When in opposition, the light of spirit is misdirected by the mechanical pressures of the shadow self, meaning energy is expressed but in an outwardly harmful way, thus its association with overreaction and violence. When new, the moon is between sun and earth, energetically blocking or filtering the solar energies. The shadow self stifles the light of spirit, thus the implosive quality of this alignment and its association with oversensitivity and depression.


To illustrate, in my experience certain vulnerable forum members tended to get moody during the new moon and overreact to misperceived criticism or get depressed and give their farewell, while during a full moon people are more likely to lash out when the lunatics crawl from the woodwork to provoke at the most sensitive times. This is not a fast rule, just a general observation. How these energies manifest elsewhere depends on the context, and the lunar influence manifests through whatever means are at hand to extract the greatest amount of emotional anguish.


Nevertheless, it would be incorrect to blame the moon exclusively as the cause of troubles, as during more harmonious astrological alignments it actually supports healthy mechanical functioning. When the moon is trine or sextile to the sun, meaning in between new and full and at least a day away from quarter moon, the lunar influence sustains peaceful progress. So one could equally say that four times a month the moon supports tranquility.


The moon is by no means the only cyclical factor pulling our strings. There are numerous other cycles from personal to national to global and cosmic. Most of these have biological or astrological origins. While the astrological ones are important to consider, particularly certain planetary aspects, I consider the lunar influence to be the strongest and most observable.


It is no secret that hyperdimensional attacks, which are acts of spiritual warfare, are directed at a target’s weakest spots at the weakest moments. That is simply a matter of efficiency and logistics. Astrology is an important part of determining this timing because the realm dynamics between attacker and target are greatly influenced by celestial alignments. Different alignments impress upon a given location different spectra of vibrations which in turn resonate corresponding elements within the souls of individuals in the vicinity; the manner in which they vibrate pulls from reality a corresponding set of experiences and learning lessons. Certain vibrations correspond to learning lessons involving confrontation, violence, and attack, and it is when these vibrations are strongest for an individual that astral and hyperdimensional attackers find it easiest to fulfill their role in his experiences. A more thorough explanation can be found on my website in an article titled Realm Dynamics.

While certain lunar alignments exacerbate certain mechanical tendencies which in turn can create emotional turmoil, I have found that the moon’s primary function during such times is merely to open a window between the darker realms and this world. Whether this window of opportunity is actually utilized depends on the individual in question and whether the attackers have the necessary interest and resources. In other words, the turbulent experiences that may arise during critical lunar days are not necessarily deterministically created by the moon, rather the moon opens a window during which intelligent forces can, at their own discretion and choice of timing, initiate an episode of feeding or sabotage.


The reason I say this is because through certain means already described I can detect well in advance of a lunar influence period what plans for sabotage are already in the works. There is an active intelligence behind many of these episodes, presumably non-human as evidenced by the periodic abduction and posthypnotic programming of key individuals who will take part in the next disturbance. Or, in the days preceding a sabotage attempt coinciding with a lunar window, one will experience increased precognitive indicators like ear ringings and deja vu, respectively signifying monitoring attempts and timeline editing by hyperdimensional forces.



First, active targeting plays a large part in the worst of the trouble, those who are not targeted will not experience much trouble other than some crankiness between themselves and others.

Second, where the moon is placed in one’s natal chart (what the lunar configuration was at moment of birth) may play a role in how strongly its mechanizing influence trespasses into one’s emotional and psychological states. Different people have different natal charts and will thus be influenced to different degrees.

Third, although this is speculative, I suspect geographic latitude factors into how strongly one falls within the earth-moon energy conduit; because the moon orbits around the earth’s equator with a maximum eight degree deviation north or south, those nearer to the equator will be more deeply caught up in the gravitational line of tension between earth and moon while those in the higher latitudes might experience the lunar influence more weakly.

And fourth, the lower one’s soul frequency, the greater one’s mechanical tendencies, and the less esoterically developed one is, the greater the lunar effect. It would take fission from the base matters of the soul and fusion of the nobler qualities to gain victory over the lunar influence within oneself, and great wisdom and compassion to handle whatever disruptions may arise among others. ...If you find the moon chart has some validity, then you can use it to better prepare for and perhaps head off potential obstacles. It should merely assist in giving you a heads up, to be used in conjunction with your own intuitive system of “reading the weather”.

Without being aware of the lunar influence one falls too easily under its influence. One is likely to perceive the wrong dynamics behind a situation, take things too personally and succumb to depression or misplaced outrage, and fail to place one’s energies at the right place at the right time. The types of lessons attracted during lunar windows can be learned in easier ways through foresight; by becoming aware of a problem before it happens, one learns the same lessons that would otherwise come about through painful experience… therefore awareness protects against involuntary suffering. The ultimate goal of this knowledge is to increase awareness and help one gain an upper hand over otherwise invisible and subliminal influences. Applied awareness always has an inverse effect upon negative influences; for instance, while lunar windows tend to induce suffering by default, through awareness one can make use of temporary dimensional fluidity to more effectively intend for and manifest positive futures. With awareness one can learn more efficiently, have a smoother and more exciting path of progress through life, avoid unproductive obstacles, and gain a measure of liberation from the enslaving effect of ignorance.



"..when trouble does arise it does so exclusively in the shaded regions. There have been some weaker disturbances on quarter moon days (moon square sun) and during certain very strongly discordant astrological aspects, but these are infrequent and no where near as severe as what tends to arise around new or full moons.


If you want to test this theory for yourself, consult the Moon Chart on for the current month to see whether the shaded regions on the chart correlate with any patterns in your own experience. Generally, the shaded regions (gray = new, red=full, purple = quarter moon) are merely windows for turmoil — there is no guarantee each window will bring trouble, but in my case I have found that when trouble does arise it does so exclusively in the shaded regions. There have been some weaker disturbances on quarter moon days (moon square sun) and during certain very strongly discordant astrological aspects, but these are infrequent and no where near as severe as what tends to arise around new or full moons so I consider them insignificant. If you find the moon chart has some validity, then you can use it to better prepare for and perhaps head off potential obstacles. It should merely assist in giving you a heads up, to be used in conjunction with your own intuitive system of “reading the weather”.


You can also download this chart to your computer, to run within a browser.





J.H. Nelson, "Planetary Position Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality" (Electrical Engineering, May 1952)

More info :

The shortwave radio signals interference registered by the planets on the SunSaturn and Jupiters affect on sunspot activity. "When Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120 degrees, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year than... with Jupiter and Saturn at 180 degrees and a considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the sunspot curve ..." - J.H. Nelson, "Planetary Position Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality" (Electrical Engineering, May 1952)













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THE NEW GEOMETRY*c5*9awi*c4*99ta+geometria/Letters+Upon+The+Mast+-+A+Book+That+Navigates+the+*27New+Geometry*27+by+Michael+Donovan,5415446410.pdf



Evidence Group Consciousness May Have a Physical Effect on the World


We May All Be Psychic: Data From 14 Year Global Consciousness Study Released

14 years ago the creators of the Global Consciousness Project began placing random number generators all across the world. They call these generators “eggs”. As of now, there are around 60 of these eggs located in Europe, the US, Canada, India, Fiji, New Zealand, Japan, China, Russia, Brazil, Africa, Thailand, South America, and Australia. The purpose of these eggs is to constantly spit out random numbers. Meanwhile, devices are also spitting out “guesses” to what those random numbers could be. They call this the “expected randomness” and they’re figured using some crazy math I couldn’t possibly understand. The researchers then measure how often the random numbers and the guesses match.


So, to simplify things even further, imagine that each egg is flipping a coin and trying to guess the outcome. Each time they guess correctly, they consider it a “hit”. The eggs do this 100 times every second. You would expect that, with enough attempts, you’d break even at about 50/50, right? Well here’s where things get interesting..


The GCP has found that they start getting tons of hits, far more than pure chance should allow, coinciding with “global events”. For example, just hours before the first plane hit the towers on 9/11, researchers began noticing huge spikes in the number of hits received, an anomaly they first saw when Princess Diana died. These spikes continued to appear around airplane crashes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and even events like the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Once this pattern began emerging they did what anyone would do: they started taking a closer look at the numbers surrounding global events, holidays, and tragedies.


Despite skeptics insisting that analyzing randomness is pointless, retired Princeton scientist and head of the GCP Dr. Roger Nelson has kept the project running for a decade and a half, and surprising data just keeps coming. In fact, the results they just released are so far above chance it’s actually kind of shocking. Over the 426 pre-determined events measured in the entirety of the project, the recorded probability of a hit was greater than 1 in 2. Way more. Their hits were measuring in at an overall probability of 1 in a million.


Their official word is that these numbers are “highly significant”, but what they’re really saying is “holy shit, you guys..”


The GCP has found that they start getting


" array of REG devices in Europe and the US showed non-random activity during widely shared experiences of deeply engaging events. For example, the funeral ceremonies for Princess Diana, and the international Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, created shared emotions and a coherence of consciousness that appeared to be correlated with structure in the otherwise random data. In the fully developed project, a world-spanning array of labile REG detectors is connected to computers running software to collect data and send it to a central server via the internet. This network is designed to document and display any subtle, but direct effects of our collective consciousness reacting to global events. The research hypothesis predicts the appearance of coherence and structure in the globally distributed data collected during major events that engage the world population.


Studies at Princeton University have suggested that two or more minds that hold the same thought or emotion simultaneously may have a tangible effect on physical surroundings. The power of thought is not just ideological. It manifests physically. Cohesion between individuals ramps up this power.


Roger Nelson coordinated research in the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory for more than 20 years. He is now the director of the Global Consciousness Project, a collaboration between researchers world-wide to test the power of human consciousness.


PEAR investigations began to show in the 1990s that the human mind could influence the actions of a machine known as a random event generator (REG). REGs produce either 1s or 0s. They’re like electronic coin flippers, producing two possible outcomes generated at random. Operators were asked to direct their intention at the machine to cause it to produce either more 1s or more 0s. The REG displayed a corresponding tendency toward the choice of the subject at a rate well above chance.


Pairs of subjects, especially with an emotional bond between them, seemed to have more impact on the REG.


Data was then collected during group events. REGs deviated from chance predictions further “during deeply engaging rituals, concerts, and creative activities,” than they did during “mundane or chaotic situations,” according to a synopsis of Nelson’s talk at the annual Society for Scientific Exploration conference at the end of May.


Some of the big questions Nelson is now asking, according to this synopsis, include: “Would shared emotional responses to a devastating earthquake produce effects? Or the world shaking 9/11 terrorist attacks? What about the passions of a billion World Cup fans? Could the shared joy of great celebrations evoke changes in the random behavior of our instruments?”

“Would shared emotional responses to a devastating earthquake produce effects?”

— Roger Nelson


He has started to find answers through the Global Consciousness Project. Through the project, researchers have simultaneously observed deviations in REGs throughout the world while global news reports broadcast about major events. “We have accumulated a seven-sigma deviation in answer to our basic question: Is there structure in random data during periods of shared attention to global events? The odds against chance are trillions to one, but beyond that, secondary analysis shows further structure. The findings suggest deep unconscious connections among humans that may be the source of correlations we find in otherwise random data,” Nelson said.


Biologist Rupert Sheldrake has described group resonance from a different perspective. For example, a group of animals is trained to exhibit a particular behavior in response to a particular stimulus. When one group of animals is thus trained, the next group of animals to be similarly trained adopts the behavior more quickly. It’s as though this second group is picking up on the behavioral pattern resonating from the first group even if the two groups have not been in physical contact with each other.


Follow @TaraMacIsaac on Twitter, visit the Epoch Times Beyond Science page on Facebook, and subscribe to the Beyond Science newsletter to continue exploring ancient mysteries and the new frontiers of science!


The GCP's methodology is based on the hypothesis that events which elicit widespread emotion or draw the simultaneous attention of large numbers of people may affect the output of hardware random number generators in a statistically significant way. The GCP maintains a network of hardware random number generators which are interfaced to computers at 70 locations around the world. Custom software reads the output of the random number generators and records a trial (sum of 200 bits) once every second. The data are sent to a server in Princeton, creating a database of synchronized parallel sequences of random numbers. The GCP is run as a replication experiment, essentially combining the results of many distinct tests of the hypothesis. The hypothesis is tested by calculating the extent of data fluctuations at the time of events. The procedure is specified by a three-step experimental protocol. In the first step, the event duration and the calculation algorithm are pre-specified and entered into a formal registry.[10][non-primary source needed] In the second step, the event data are extracted from the database and a Z score, which indicates the degree of deviation from the null hypothesis, is calculated from the pre-specified algorithm. In the third step, the event Z-score is combined with the Z-scores from previous events to yield an overall result for the experiment.

The remote devices have been dubbed Princeton Eggs, a reference to the coinage electrogaiagram, a portmanteau of electroencephalogram and Gaia.[11][non-primary source needed] Supporters and skeptics have referred to the aim of the GCP as being analogous to detecting "a great disturbance in The Force."[2][12][13]



Evidence for a Primary Field -


has been an ongoing interest of our "Sound of Stars" groups, the last

number of years - there is no question in our minds that this phenomenon is real and also that there are significant connections

between this and other anomalous behaviours in natural systems.

Some links which may be of interest in relation to this ;



Frequencies & Arabic Parts






Donald Adams About the heart related perception of time and space, the following may be of interest. Scientific studies show the paramaters of heart related precognition in group experiments - finding the time dimension to average out at around 6 seconds prior to the event. As you know, we can derive the spatial dimensions from these metrics. See ;

Like • Reply • 1 • January 1 at 12:08pm


Donald Adams Frequency = 1 / time


Precognition Explained: Science Shows How Our Body Reacts To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen

Heartmath Institute conducted an experiment where images were randomly shown on a screen at 10 second intervals, which created an emotional and physiological response that could be measured in the heart beat of the observing participants. The physiological response was observed to be triggered up to 6 seconds before the image was shown on the screen. These experiments indicate that the human body can actually detect randomly delivered stimuli that occur 1-10 seconds in advance. In other words, the human body seems to know of an event, and reacts to an event that has yet to occur. What occurs in the human body before these events are physiological changes that are measured regarding the cardiopulmonary, the skin, and the nervous system. (1)


Nonlocal Intuition

There is compelling evidence to suggest the physical heart is coupled to a field of information not bound by the classical limits of time and space.[243, 244] This evidence comes from a rigorous experimental study that demonstrated the heart receives and processes information about a future event before the event actually happens.[243, 244]

.... found that not only did both the brain and heart receive the pre-stimulus information some 4 to 5 seconds before a future emotional picture was randomly selected by the computer, the heart actually received this information about 1.5 seconds before the brain received it (Figure 7.3).[244]...the heart received the intuitive information about 1.3 seconds before the brain. Heartbeat-evoked potential analysis confirmed that a different afferent signal was sent by the heart to the brain during this period.[244]


Full-Moon Effect on Amplifying Intuition

On average, we detected a significant pre-stimulus response starting around 18 seconds before participants knew the future outcome. Interestingly, there was not a strong overall relationship between the pre-stimulus responses and the amount of money the participants won or lost. We also found a significant difference in both pre-stimulus periods during the fullmoon phase, when they also won more money, but not in the new-moon phase (Figure 7.6). Overall, the findings also suggest that if participants had been able to become more attuned to their internal cardiac related pre-stimulus responses, they would have performed much better on the betting choices they made.




Stillness in the Storm

Over the past few decades a significant and noteworthy amount of scientific research has emerged contributing to…|By Justin Deschamps

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Donald Adams The Heart Has Its Own ‘Brain’ & Consciousness

The heart generates the body’s most powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field. Compared to the electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electrical component of the heart’s field is about 60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers.

Experiments conducted at the Institute of HeartMath have found remarkable evidence that the heart’s electromagnetic field can transmit information between people. We have been able to measure an exchange of heart energy between individuals up to 5 feet apart. We have also found that one person’s brain waves can actually synchronize to another person’s heart. Furthermore, when an individual is generating a coherent heart rhythm, synchronization between that person’s brain waves and another person’s heartbeat is more likely to occur. These findings have intriguing implications, suggesting that individuals in a psychophysiologically coherent state become more aware of the information encoded in the heart fields of those around them.

....both the heart and brain receive and respond to information about a future event before the event actually happens. Even more surprising was our finding that the heart appears to receive this “intuitive” information before the brain. This suggests that the heart’s field may be linked to a more subtle energetic field that contains information on objects and events remote in space or ahead in time. Called by Karl Pribram and others the “spectral domain,” this is a fundamental order of potential energy that enfolds space and time, and is thought to be the basis for our consciousness of “the whole.”

Social Fields


In the same way that the heart generates energy in the body, we propose that the social collective is the activator and regulator of the energy in social systems.


A body of groundbreaking work shows how the field of socioemotional interaction between a mother and her infant is essential to brain development, the emergence of consciousness, and the formation of a healthy self-concept. These interactions are organized along two relational dimensions—stimulation of the baby’s emotions, and regulation of shared emotional energy. Together they form a socioemotional field through which enormous quantities of psychobiological and psychosocial information are exchanged. Coherent organization of the mother-child relations that make up this field is critical. This occurs when interactions are charged, most importantly, with positive emotions (love, joy, happiness, excitement, appreciation, etc.), and are patterned as highly synchronized, reciprocal exchanges between these two individuals. These patterns are imprinted in the child’s brain and thus influence psychosocial function throughout life. (See Allan Schore, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self.)


The African Bushmen communicate in a similar way. As anthropologist Bradford Keeney discovered, the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert believe that all living creatures are connected by a silver stream of energy that extends from one belly button to another. The Bushmen use these horizontal “lines” like telephone wires to send and receive telepathic messages.[2]


The Australian aboriginals believe it is their miwi that makes it possible for them to see or hear at a distance. Miwi, a Ngarrindjeri word that translates as “soul” or “instinct,” is located in the pit of the stomach. Passed from parent to child, the miwi is present in everyone; but it is particularly strong in their medicine men, who use it to cast out illness and visit the spirits of the dead. A strong miwi also makes it possible to see visions and predict future events.[3]


The Japanese also rely on the solar plexus area for instinctive, nonverbal information. A Japanese businessman will often use haragei, or “belly talk,” to size up a potential partner or business proposal. The word haragei derives from hara, translated as “belly” or “guts,” andgei, which translates as “the art of.” Many older Japanese take pride in depending on “the art of the belly” when making important business decisions. A business deal will often be called off if the haragei is not harmonious. In Japan, young businessmen are told that “in their twenties, they must improve their minds, but in their thirties they must develop their hara.”[4]


In our culture, the term gut feeling is the most common way to explain our instinctive feelings about a person or situation. We say, “I trusted my gut in making that decision” or, “My gut told me not to trust this or that person.” This term has long been used in the business and law-enforcement communities. Businessmen use the term gut hunch to describe their instinctive reactions to an idea or proposal, while police detectives refer to their “blue sense” as a way to describe their gut feelings about a crime.


In 2004, parapsychologists Dean Radin and Marilyn Schlitz conducted an experiment at the Institute of Noetic Sciences with twenty-six couples to determine if the gut response of one person could be felt by another. One person, designated as the sender, was shown a series of images designed to evoke “positive, negative, calming, or neutral emotions.” In another room, the reaction of the receiver was monitored by electrodes placed on the heart, skin, and stomach muscles. The experimenters found that the stronger emotions—both positive and negative—did produce measurable responses in the receiver and concluded that the gut has a “belly brain” with a “perception intelligence” of its own.[5]


The existence of a belly brain has also been backed up by medical research. It was first documented by the nineteenth-century German neurologist Leopold Auerbach and later rediscovered by Dr. Michael Gershon, a professor at Columbia University who wrote a book in the 1990s called The Second Brain. This second brain is made up of billions of nerve cells in the digestive tract. Some medical researchers now believe that the belly brain may be the source of the unconscious gut reactions that are later communicated to the main brain.[6]




The Heart Has Its Own ‘Brain’ & Consciousness|By Guest Contributor

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On Wed, 1/25/17, Doc Stars <> wrote:


Subject: A NATURAL mechanism for astrology

To:, "Doc Stars" <>


Received: Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 4:03 PM


A mechanism for astrology : "When we

want to predict the next high tide we don't set up a chart

and interpret the symbolism. We simply note that the tide

will come in when the Moon is overhead and go out when it

passes on. What the Moon means is irrelevant. Likewise for

the seasons. We don't have to ask what the Sun means. We

need only know that we get more solar radiation in summer

than in winter.




With organic correspondences, in contrast, material effects

don't determine the specific nature of the regularity. As

the Moon passes overhead the tide comes in and the oyster's

shell opens, but gravity doesn't physically open the

oyster's shell the way it raises the waters. Instead, the

oyster uses the Moon's pull as a signal to tell it when to

open itself. That's the implication of an experiment

performed by biologist Frank A. Brown, Jr., in which he

brought oysters from the east coast to Evanston, Illinois,

where they soon began opening their shells at what would

have been high tide if there had been a seashore there. Life

has been able to use the planets as templates for the

evolution of functional systems whose timing corresponds to

planetary periods but whose content, the recurrent function

or behavior, is determined by evolution, not by the planets'

symbolic meanings or material effects.


The oyster's program directly causes it to do appropriate

things at appropriate times, whereas ours accomplishes more

subtle ends with motivations rather than automatic

processes. Motivation is the psychological equivalent of

force in physics. It's what gets things done. Both

motivation and automatic processes get things done that need

to get done for the organism to exist and move through life,

but the former allows for a vastly more complex repertoire

of behaviors and the necessity of choice. It doesn't

determine a specific outcome but requires that the organism

create a response to satisfy a felt need, with the need, not

the response, being predetermined (although we can of course

note which responses are common and/or apparently positive

or negative).


Thus we can explain astrology if we consider it to be

motivational rhythms. If the question is, what causes them

to come into being in the first place, the mechanism is

biological evolution. If the question is, why do the events

or motives comprising a given correspondence pattern keep

occurring on schedule, the mechanism is the inherited

genetic program and associated neurobiological processes

that trigger activities or needs. If the question is, by

what means does the organismic clock use a planet to reset

itself or otherwise stay "on time", the mechanism is the

material interaction between the two, including the

biochemical means by which the organism is able to use that

interaction for its own "purposes".









Silver/Atomic mass 107.8682 u (


Moon/Radius 1,737 km



We May All Be Psychic: Data From 14 Year Global Consciousness Study Released






Related image










Chart. Free Printable Zodiac Sign Chart With Dates






Hyper-dimensional entities


Dark Cupid relationships"The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational

order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God and which He revealed to us in

the language of mathematics."


— Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)



Hyperdimensional Sensations?



The process might be described with terms such as "attuning" to geometry of higher dimensionality. The capacity to "feel" such geometry has been usefully described by mathematician Ron Atkin (Multidimensional Man; can man live in 3-dimensional space?, 1981), previously summarized (Social organization determined by incommunicability of insights, 1995).






A Typical Consult Session with Doc Starz


In these cases the session is performed online via Skype, audio-video

or over the phone.  Time is billed either per minute or by the hour.


Normally I would only travel for group events or for small executive class sessions (round table style normally).


In some case clients will travel to come see me, but the skype session usually offers the best overall benefits.


If you are uncertain how and where to begin in your first consultation I recommend a 'discovery' session first as our intro session, where we spend our first hour deriving and formulating your concerns and priorities.  This often helps clients in forging a framework and foundation, from which we can plan from and build on.  The rate for this is the standard one.


After I receive your payment, I will review time slots and determine the best energetic day for you.  I will then send you a suggested 'best day(s)' for our discussion and together we can work out the optimum schedule for our discussions.


Following below are different options you can choose from ;


You can book sessions in hour blocks of 1 or 2 hours at different rates.

Note, consult sessions must be prepaid and booked a minimum of five days in advance. Bookings are non-refundable, but if needed time slots can be changed with 24 hour notice given.


    2 hour consult session @ standard Rate ;


    1 hour consult session @ standard Rate ;




    Most clients who book private consult sessions are executives and or professionals like these ;





If you would like I could compile a special collection of

existing tracks and give you a bulk discount on them.


More info on consult sessions ;



"What is more startling is that the sound, which gains in energy
the longer it is sustained, can actually become visible—as if the
vibrational wave patterns were shifting into the visible spectrum
or inducing a vibrational excitation of the air in such a way as to
affect light diffraction.




Silent Delivery Tools


See link here ;


Regarding brain states, we have a number of different solutions and methods, for example exotic substance emulations like cannabis (marijuana),Salvia Divinorum ;










You can choose any individual frequency tracks and have them

bundled into a custom collection, with a 30% discount off

the final price this often works out cheaper than buyint from our

Tradebit catalog listings.


How to find Frequencies in Our Catalog



A list of Links that allow you to view our inventory from

different orders of priority, see ;