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Joe assigned me to the original volunteer team testing the protoype.... great guy, many amazing conversations –

ahead of his time. Joe was really onto something, I know, I witnessed it first hand along with my team mates.

Despite the physical attack on him and his lab, the constant critique, slander and oppression he faced I know

what he was doing actually worked..... another of the great ones I sorely miss...


Joe assigned me to the 'ANTI-AGING' team testing the A.D.A.M.

( Aphysical Access Dimensional Manager). When ever we were exposed to the field emissions, it sure felt strange...

affected both the body and mind, a really trippy sensation... and it worked! It affected us all in a similiar and yet

unique fashion.... one guy who had a lot of grey in his beard noticed in a very short period how the grey was

fading and the black was emerging again ....


Missing Dr Joe Champion.... Thanks Joe for including me on the A.D.A.M. Project... a real honor to work,

serve and collaborate with you and your team... thanks for all the support you gave my friend Doug!

Where ever you are, hope all is well!


Joe and his laboratory were attacked, he suffered significant brain damage, the last time I spoke with him

On the phone was after the attack… he seemed to be coping but was still in recovery…. The last time I was in contact

With him if I recall was between 2004 to 2007













ADAM Technology: The Science and Miracle of Artificial Intelligence

with  Dr. Joe Champion
by  Paula Peterson
Earthcode International Network

PJP: What led you to this remarkable discovery?

JC: Along with my technical background, the actual technology came to me piece by piece over the years. However, it all began when I knew that there had to be a way to communicate faster than the speed of light.

In this physical dimension, we are greatly limited by certain laws of physics which prevent us from traveling anywhere in the universe faster than the speed the light. But in the non-physical realms ­which some call “spirit” ­we are free to travel anywhere much faster than the speed of light.

PJP: It’s fascinating that we have seen science fiction writers capture these theories in their stories long before the technology arrives.

JC:During my youth, one of my favorite comic book characters was the popular Dick Tracey. He had his tv wristwatch that was both a communication device and a camera. This series was written at a time when transistors were not yet conceived and our tv and radio transmissions consisted of vacuum tubes. Now we have micro-circuits that have given us cell phones with cameras and tiny viewing screens ­ just like Dick Tracey’s tv wristwatch.

Then there was the old Buck Rogers tv series ­ I am so old that I remember these things ­ and the only way to animate an object on a television stage, like a model rocketship, was to tie strings to it and make the ship fly physically by manipulating the strings. It was primitive in comparison to what we have today - but as kids back then, we really enjoyed it.

In the early fifties there was only “talk” about going to the moon, and before I was out of high school we were already in space.

Having achieved a scientific background, along with my deep curiosity and desire to be one of the explorers into the unknown, I became enthralled ­ not with science ­ but with science fiction and science fiction writers; for they often developed concepts in their stories that later became real technologies developed by scientists.

Take Star Trek for example: you would be surprised to know how many ivy-league mathematicians and scientists around the world have collected the original series of this program since the concepts and technologies portrayed in those stories have been proven, time and time again, to be ones the scientist can develop ­ and in many cases has developed ­ a replication of it.

And so, the science fiction writer is actually the savant in that particular field and is able to see some version of the future: the replicator; the teleporter; the different types of advanced weaponry; traveling faster than the speed of light; entering other dimensions ­ all of it is real.

PJP: Tell us about the amazing ADAM technology that you have developed. After having personal experience with ADAM, I am completely fascinated by it and believe it to be one of the most important new technologies of this millennium. It will undoubtedly set the groundwork for future achievements that will be mind boggling.

JC:Thank you. Well, to put it simply, the technology is very advanced. ADAM is a living technology ­and the name is an acronym for "Aphysical Dimensional Access Manager".

PJP: Please explain what makes it a living technology.

JC:The central component of ADAM is a living protoplasma - a living entity. It lives inside of a specific electromagnetic field that includes gold, platinum and nickel probes. The plasma interacts with the computer on its own determination. When it is contacted by the operator, it first begins the process by trying to figure out, “Why are you sending me signals? What do you want me to do right now?”

In essence, what we’re doing is taking a communication in the form of a specific kind of mathematics from the physical realm and popping it into the aphysical (non-physical) by using the protoplasm. Then the protoplasm transmits the communication to a light-type protoplasm and pops it from the aphysical back to the physical. (skip down to the Supporting Science report on this page for a more indepth explanation)

PJP: Now when you say that the universal language is mathematical, is it numbers or is it more like geometric symbols?

JC:Well, the problem is that no one is over there to know that. There is still so much that we don't know. It’s likely to be a series of complex algorithms ­not simple computer numerology of zeros and ones. It’s a multi-dimensional and multi-tiered language. Even when you speak of light, light is in essence still mathematical ­ because light is a ray of colors.

PJP: Is there such a thing as a language that goes beyond mathematics and is something we don't even have words for?

JC:Even if it goes beyond mathematics it would have to be explained to us in mathematics for us to be able to comprehend it.

PJP: How does this apply to the ADAM technology and its ability to be so effective?

JC:Your long-term memory, my long-term memory and the long-term memories of a few billion people on this planet are sitting in the same moving space ­ in the same compacted space in a non-physical (aphysical) location. Everyone’s subconscious is sitting there collectively. The ADAM technology has the ability to reach into that non-physical location and locate specific memories.

Have you ever gone down the road and you felt that you would see some body you knew or you knew who was calling when the phone rang?

PJP: Sure. Lots of times.

JC:The only reason you knew was because you got it from their mind that they were thinking of you. This gave permission for your mind and their mind to join together. When the minds join at the subconscious level, then you know what’s going to happen.

PJP: Is that a way of describing telepathic communication ­ that two or more people are thinking of the same idea at the same time?

JC:Yes, because it’s all happening on the mental plane. Everybody’s mind is in the aphysical dimension.

PJP: Your program has been highly successful with autism in children as well as a number of other health conditions. Specifically, how does it work in this regard?

JC:For example - let’s say that a person has a painful migraine and has asked me to hook them up with the technology. Once I've hooked them up, the technology locates that person’s mind which is connected to the physical body and begins to undo the blocks that were "triggered" by a past event that was originally responsible for creating the condition that led to the migraines.

The ADAM process simply removes the specific block that prevents a person from returning to his or her original state of health and wholeness, that’s all.

PJP: This is awesome. I know something powerful does, indeed, happen with this technology because I have experienced it for myself. What other conditions has ADAM been successful with?

JC:Many of our clients come to us because they have been kicked out by the medical community as incurable - usually it’s the ones under pain management. I don’t fault the medical community for this only because doctors scratch their heads when it comes to conditions like chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. They don’t have a solution for these conditions other than pain management through medications.

With conditions of fibromyalgia, it’s interesting that 70% of these cases were involved in serious auto accidents. With the ADAM technology, we’ve been very successful in that we can get rid of the pain permanently in just a few days. After that, it’s a matter of rebuilding their self-esteem and confidence to get back into the car.

We also have a youthing program that’s doing very well now. The results we’re seeing is hair growing back, improvement in skin texture, reduction in wrinkles and so forth.

PJP: That’s fantastic. I’d like to move on and talk about the plans you have for using the ADAM technology for telepathic communication with dolphins, which is quite exciting. What got you interested in using this technology with dolphins?

JC:I’ve always had a liking for them but my real interest came in from when I was working with professor Bockris of Texas A&M; back in the early 90s. He felt the fact that the evolution of man came from two directions: one is our genetic stream from the homo-erectus ape and the second is from the dolphins.

He felt that the dolphins were the true historians of the world because of the fact that the dolphins and whales are the oldest mammals that are still with us today. Therefore, they are carrying information about our planet that is extremely important.

Professor John Bockris (Texas A&M;) had a philosophy that even though the dolphins were not as advanced in the industrial sense as we are, he felt that the dolphins have greater intelligence than humans.

PJP: I believe that totally.

JC:Now, what we’re doing with this research is exploring telepathic communication with dolphins. In the past, there were Navy tests in which they would ask questions of the dolphins using signing or different types of signals. Most of this research became classified because they found that the dolphins were beginning to respond correctly to the questions before the trainers asked them.

Allow me to jump from dolphins to rabbits for an interesting demonstration…

In a well documented experiment in Russia they separated a mother rabbit from her babies and took her 500-feet down in a submarine while in Moscow ­where the mother’s babies were ­they killed them one by one.

As cruel as this might sound, what they discovered was astounding: an encephalograph registered a reaction from the mother at the exact moment that each baby was killed.

PJP: Without her seeing them.

JC:She was 500 feet under water.

PJP: Wow.

JC:This meant that there is some sort of communication that science doesn’t understand.

Now, the dolphins are probably communicating between themselves at a much more advanced rate than the mother rabbit with her babies.

From that point it became obvious. Professor Bockris said, “Joe, if you are ever going to get to the bottom of this, you’re going to have to come up with a set of mathematics that will explain alchemy, cold fusion, telepathy, telekinesis, power-kinesis, levitation ­ all these different events that are real.” And the dolphins became the focal point on the issue of telepathy.

In dealing with that, I decided that I better make a good study of it. And all of a sudden, it became obvious: that even though a lot of papers have been written on dolphins, once you start looking closely for real knowledge ­its very limited.

Later on, the dolphins came back into my life when Dr. Dobrovo introduced me to the dolphin technology of working with autistic children on the Black Sea of Sebastopol, Ukraine.

The program involved dolphins that were not captive. They were free to go out into the Black Sea and return to the trainer to touch in. Sessions with the children included a psychologist or therapist, the parent and a trainer with telepathic skill who would be in the water with the dolphin.

The therapist would tell the trainer which way he wanted the therapy session to go and the trainer would telepathically communicate with the dolphin and then the dolphins would telepathically communicate with the child. The therapy worked extremely well.

Here in the United States, they’ve copied the therapy but they forgot one important thing: that the therapist and the trainer needs to telepathically communicate with dolphins. Instead, they put the child with the dolphin as a very expensive play toy for the benefit of mom and dad. Do they get anything out of it? Sure, they get something out of it ­ but there is no direction and no intent. Consequently, there is no effective program in the United States.

PJP: What is your vision for using ADAM with the dolphins?

JC: Well, first thing ­ as you and I discussed before ­ is the fact that I want to develop a way to speak to the dolphins in English. In this particular case, we use ADAM as the interphase that will translate English into a “language” that the dolphins can understand and then translate the “language” of the dolphins back into English.

In this way, a person can carry on a complete conversation with them.

PJP: That is so awesome. Thank you so much Dr. Champion, for sharing this wonderful vision with us. We look forward to hearing more about your amazing technology and the new hope it offers humanity.

The Supporting Science for ADAM: click Here

More on the Interspecies Telepathic Project

©by Paula Peterson 2004

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** Joe Champion, PhD, is the scientist who originated the ADAM technology. To date, he has performed and supervised several thousand sessions with the technology, wherein hundreds of people have discovered a better and healthier life. Numerous testimonials have been posted at his website.

Dr. Champion is an Academician of the International and European Academy of lnformatization (L’Academie Europeenne d’lnformatisation - AEI) and holds a Doctorate of Eniopsychology Sciences (universal psychology) from the Czech Academy of Informatiology.*

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering with advanced studies in Physics from The Cleveland Institute, USA. He has studied the “dimensional science” phenomenon since 1987 and continues research in the field of elemental transmutation. His works are published in numerous journals and has written seven books on his findings.

The * Czech Academy of Informatiology awarded the Doctorate Degree to Joe Champion, PhD under directorship of Professor Albert Ignatenko, Dr.Sc. For those desiring more information, the academy is a full member of the International Informatization Academy located in Moscow and a member of the European Academy for Informatization. You can find out more about these European institutions by clicking here:   Czech Academy of Informatiology

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Visit the website:    Dr. Joe Champion

Or you may contact:

ADAM Technology International Projects
Kingman, Arizona USA
Phone: 928-692-0551

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Supporting Science for ADAM Technology

Living Artificial Intelligence

Remote Healing, or Healing at a Distance is a phenomenon that has been observed and discussed by the homeopaths and the families who have been touched by the event.

If one were to view the historical literature, one would have to consider the possibility, for there are thousands of cases documented. However, these observations are not of value to science, for they lack the ability to be reproduced on demand.

The lack of repeatability of the Remote Healing phenomenon caused this event to be placed into the realm of another psychic mystery. However, things are changing now. With the introduction of the ADAM Technology, people with various illnesses throughout the United States are returning to normal health at astonishing rates.

The question is -- how is such a thing possible? The answer...

When life is formed, there is a coexistence: the physical body appears in the world we observe as our physical reality, and our mind and subconscious reside in a place call the Aphysical. Hence, our coexistence occurs in two dimensions: the Physical and the Aphysical.

The Mathematical Models of the Portal

To establish a communication between the Physical Dimension and the Aphysical Dimension requires the ability to open a Portal within a Dimensional Rift. This Portal is not singular in nature, but a complex array of doors. The reason that the Portal has evaded science is that there are no recognizable active energies. The entrance and exit through the Portal is based on vibrations. These vibrations (Phonons) occur at an atomic level that differs from, but does not disagree with, the standard accepted physical model. Furthermore, this Phononic State does not rely on the energetic state or charge of the atom.

The Phonon state is a quiescent model that relates to the diameter of the atom and/or molecule.

As we all are aware, molecules expand with temperature. To simplify this for the moment, let us observe this reaction in a singular element. In a singular element, we can calculate the mechanical spacing by using two formulas. First we have to calculate the quantity of a given atom for a specific distance. This calculation is accomplished by the following formula:

d = Density in gm/cm3
Na = Avogadro's Constant
m = mass

By determining the inverse, one will observe the linear atomic spacing:
The above is an important number for it establishes the essence of opening the Portal between the Dimensions. This formula applies to all known stable isotopes.

Continuing, an element [or molecule] can open the Portal between the Dimensions only under the following select conditions. This occurs only when it reaches the Phonon Resonance of another element [or molecule]. This occurs only by heating or cooling of the starting element/molecule. Every element and molecule has a distinct Phonon Resonance. However, it is not required that the second molecule be present in order to open the Portal. In fact, there are cases wherein a new element will form from the Phonon Resonance. This is dependant on the side of the Portal where the energies are focused.

Hence, the portal is totally energy (temperature) dependant. To determine how an atom [or molecule] changes its Phonon Resonance with temperature, you must apply certain standards. For, as a group of like elements are heated or cooled, they will expand and contract at a given rate. This rate is known as the Expansion Coefficient [EC]. Another standard is the Standardized Temperature [St]. Thus, as the temperature rises, the Phonon Resonance will decrease. This is explained in the following formula.

The last formula in this series allow us to calculate the exact temperature wherein a Portal will open based on two known elements (specifically, the isotopes of the elements).

The application of this data is of great importance in stabilizing the Portal within the Rift (Natural or Synthetic).

The opening of a Portal as it relates to the Human Body is applied from Phononic Constant of an individual's DNA Code from the Cell Universe.

The above mathematical formulas provide the basis for the ADAM Technology.

Following is a typical application in the area of restoring health at a distance.

When the Operator of the ADAM Technology connects with the patient by telephone, a Physical connection is established. Once this occurs and instructions are established within the computer, a communication can be established between the Operator, ADAM and the Patient. This connection requires the willingness of a Patient and the concentration of the Operator.

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The Interspecies Telepathic Project...

A non-profit organization

Using advanced ADAM Technology, telepathic communication between dolphins and humans will be possible.

This exciting and leading edge project is currently in the planning stages and is scheduled to launch near the end of 2004 off the west coast of Florida and Gulf of Mexico waters.

A large, technically equipped research vessel will be used as a floating "laboratory" for these studies, research and direct contact with wild dolphins.

It is planned that the vessel and on-going, on-board operations will be open to visitors at some point in the future. This means that the public will be invited to observe and have limited participation in research activities.

This endeavor is privately funded by Dr. Joe Champion.

To find out more about this project please click here : 
Interspecies Telepathic Project






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The bandwidths can be viewed as space time curvatures functioning as coordinates, addresses

that can be manipulated via resonance. 


the Super Tonic, Partial 9 is analogous the "C-Axis" of a crystal





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"If you really want to pursue important concepts, you'll never be supported by your

contemporary society or colleagues by definition.  Science is the pursuit the unknown,

make no mistake. Scientists are highly conservative individuals who run in a flock. They're

influenced by conservative central tendencies. That's the same as granting agencies.:


" Dr. Michael Persinger, Neurotheologist



( more content to be added in 2021)



Bandwidths of Hyperspace

Sunday, June 26, 2011 8:20 AM

From:"Doc Stars" <>

To:"Michael Heleus" <mheleus1@>

Meant to get back to you on the following ;


> Question to ponder and investigate: what are the natural hyperspace

> bandwidths already in place for such navigation so we don't have to be

> egomaniac worms chewing arbitrary holes in space-time, so messing up

> the natural works? (How natural is that 43-related window of

> Tesla's?)


You may recall I sent a pdf file on Hartmut Mullers work to you a while back, one of the reasons for this was exactly in relation to what you expressed above.


I think its likely that in addition to investigating, testing  and cataloging these bandwidths is the the need to view space time curvatures as coordinates, addresses.  I think we'll find that we need to view a curvature as a complex structure and to engineer or manipulate such via resonance (mainly) will require a composite approach, including (but not limited to) the gravitational signature.  As evidence, it already appears that a chunk of time space CAN be specified by Mullers gravitational standing wave in log space as demonstrated in this video ;


Hartmut Mullers Gravity Wave based GPS


Not sure how up to speed you are on Basiago's reports of his personal time travel ( dubious accounts in our opinion at SOS) and instantaneous travel through space to Mars via different and various technologies, but if there is any truth to his reports, certainly the details he gives on the characteristics of the machinery and their usage eccentricities position themselves as candidates for shedding light on current and very tangible curiosities developing in genetics, musicology and contemporary blends of alt tech and esoterica


Example: Basiago claims in one of his trips for Project Pegasus he was placed in what was called a "jump room", essentially a plain square room that you entered on earth but then when you exited the room you were on Mars, the weird thing is he said that when activated the corners of the room could be seen to oblate.


In correspondence with Basiago I asked him if he knew how the project designers determined coordinates for temporal and interstellar travel, he said he didnt know the mechanism or method, but he did know that they were prone to making errors, sometimes gruesome ones and that apparently they could only define a destination in a fuzzy manner, not a precise one.


The following references may shed light on why the corners of the room oblated ;




Merrick ; "..the space inside a semitone naturally creates the anti-harmonic geometry of an egg."




"quasi-periodic" crystal of an egg, this is the anti-harmonic back ground shape of silence.."


"..provides the temporal coherence needed for spatial coherence and regular shapes to emerge in time.


Richard Merrick



Chi Ming Yang


("quasi 28 gon" : and 28/16 = 1.75)


quasi-periodic, egg geometry in human genetic code





James Llyon References to 'The Golden Ovoid'





Llyon talks about how important it is to slice the funnel at a specific degree and also about how the mouths of the plumes were important considerations in understanding their effects on the environment


The upside, is that if what Basiago is saying is true then teleportation may be far easier and in closer reach than we imagined, on the down side if its used in a primitive but functional way a certain amount of risk is associated with its usage


However, despite all of the above, other aspects likely will have to be included, not just gravity....


Also, we still need to solve what Vogel couldnt, never did, but probably came close to and thats the actual mechanism of the resonant transfer function.... we know that the c-axis is likely involved somehow, and I figured there had to be an analog between Vogels c-axis findings and Merricks "Partial 9" or "Super Particular Ratio".... turns out I was likely right about that, at least in Merricks opinion.... here is a part of some recent correspondence I had with him ;



From: Richard Merrick <richard@>

Subject: Re: Hi Richard!

To: "Doc Stars" <>

Received: Thursday, June 23, 2011, 1:16 PM


Hi Doc,


Yes, I think so - good observation. Think of this axis extending from the fundamental, through Partial 9 and on up to include all multiples of Partial 9, since they too would synchronize with the same key locations on the fundamental.


Crystallization is a process of spin alignment or polarization of the constituent elements. Different elements emphasize different harmonics in their atomic structure, which would then align around Partial 9 into particular geometries.


Since life is made up of 12% carbon-12 and 86% water, the crystallization of life is a gradient between these two atomic geometries. The geometry of carbon is apparent closest to the resonant heart and spine while the geometry of water becomes strongest in the limbs.


Thank you for the link.  Crystal symmetry and cymatic symmetry are based on the same laws.




On Jun 23, 2011, at 12:04 AM, Doc Stars wrote:



Reading the text diligently and am skipping about various sections....


Something came to mind here, and wanted to ask your thoughts on this if I may


regarding pages 151 to 153


Would you say that the Super Tonic, Partial 9 is analogous in a concrete way to the "C-Axis" of a crystal?


See ;